THE SLINGERLANDS BULLETIN. Puttst-a Morgan Abes to Bock tepravtd at DavM WOCBMTtooa taa sick Hat tkia writiaj. WUUaa» HaUaabeck aaa pareaaaBi a M a t Saturday will witaeae tae of BewBona, Kdlt»<J hj B. L. HBVKKOB. Sllac*Tlu«a. » . » . . r . O . Btax IIS. A d Tonpkias' eaJes. Tbe editor of talaoeparttaaa* aaa b—a authorized to ~—*-•r naTTlirrtn-T (or ta* Eats* Mtoa Kate Lawto Baa retmraed BOSS* Htm. i M. Boaardaa had a stroks of prlw. collect old «tbacriptlon»cc««»U aad foroiah w l v t r t U t f n t o . He will alse after Sfeadiag a wetk la Bcaawetedy. "•-—" to n c d•r — - — of - • local — • • tmttrin. but ail " uomaiaaWti ->---• • apoplexy, Friday awnlag. be pleased * Umm» coaanaaWtionxmtut mtut b» b»iig-aaA, iigaaA, as an evidesceof i d f good d ffaith. i t h Th The name of f tb tbe sender d will sot be ased d except pt oa WUiiaaa Laabart. who aaorad toseaareqnnt. K«epcat>ie»of arttctes. Rejected auBoaeripta wm aet tw returned. r . T. Brunk • a a*w horse. Now aectady last tall, aaa moved back OB Ma tow boys won't »ve to walk aoaaa. farm. Last Q u a r t e r l y Conference. LOCAL B R E V I T I E S . time la close at aaad. Bow Fraak Marvia, cf Bckaasctany. ipaat we will be what we are all aettled SBaday wita hie stotat. Mrs. Caa*. I Harry Patteraoa is 111 with tbe measles. Tbe fourth quarterly ooarfsreacs of tbe ; WklU. Mr. Gsorgs Cooghtry, 8r., ia confined SHassrlaada M. E. ebmreb was hald at! Tba old fasaloaad sapper waa a ano tbehomeof lira L. E OaawsII on Tbura- ; to tbe bouae by sickness. ta spiai of tbe bad roada. The proday evening of last weak Ooraall, oa Taaraaey of laat weak, that A eon was born to Sir. and Mn. PatTbe meeting waa opened with prayer., watghed 16 oeaces. Dr. C E . W«drick McKenaa laat Friday. Jsaaie Boaek. of Scotia, bears by Dr. Stephens, who oocapied tbe chair. ! • " . « • * • the aawstaeHa 8b*todbicg taraed Boas after «psadiaf a fsw days ' Bk*lj at tkia wntiag. Mr. and Sir*. Theodore QaUdorff have Thoaa ta attendance Hn L. & with Mtoa tUttto Hoack. a young son, bom Monday. aaawell. Brothers Andrew C Cooes, W ! Oar sew sjatws of talepboaiastoa Ito BOW Greater Cast derne Mr. Charles Coouley U doing an exten H. a Mlaar. Bobert Bctaling, WtUlaoi Dwtaaar. *ad wa are annexed, aad feel hkm Brooksive boslneas at bia saw milL Fraslsr. Charlea Prazier. E. W. Many. lyn sow aa a part of Qraatar Maw York, Mr. aad Mn. Caartos Allaa spaat Son Mia* Bralyn Tibbita graduated on Oat- E L Hier. S W. Conning aad Jamas D. wa are Ut tones aad at* g0USmg Rood day with Bar brotsar ia Altaswat, nrday from tbe Albany Business College. ttoak. Mr. Moak w « appoiated sacra •ernes under Uee BanafatBsat of J L. Mtoa Wagoaar, of Albaay.tospaadlag Herat who to a wideawake bastaea* a faw days with Mtoa floraaoe Coada. On Monday. M C A . Dockstader. of tary. lt ee fl r e P r t C this place, purchased the late Usher Oil- ^ ^ ' ° J ^ T * '!i" ; I «a««J Crary. of Eaat Bsraa 1. to M n W. K. MarrlBan, of Albaay. has man property in the village of Dalmar. cepted. The tuiariotendent's report of rag tee stsge from V?eet BSR*. Berne been tha gnau of Mrs. Grmto McCorKnox to Aitamont ia tbt fnture. We mack. Mr Ray F. Arthur ia moving this the Sanday school for tbe quarter ending aad will be glad to «ea yoa at It Ed. Since Mtoa Kate Boose, of Btnyvewnt,totbe week from tbe Ciak place into Mi»e! dcere and teachers to be 32: nntnber uar railroad has been abandoned we are goest of bsr brothar at tna M. E. par lost wltboat tfce stage We get totsonaga. SHnperland's boma on tbe Font Grove I of scholars, all gradts. 190 Ur. C D. dally papers two days old and bear tbe road. i Mrs. base Wynkoopand gnnddaogbHammond is superintendent. news by the Enterprise. Tbe ttKtnber? of tbe Slingerlands File* | Tbe Epwortb League report ebows that ter. Rnett Mocnrle, tr« visiting in Sche> Mrs. EJiaa Sbafer gave a birtnda* base bill nine are getting i o practice for I there are forty members, an increase of party on tne 14.1s. The following gure's nectady. the season's cinteats. They are talking four fir tbe list quarter. Ur. Robert J were present: j*ra, Chtrlea VVilsey, Urs 0 A. Dockstade; pnrchased the Usher Fraatc Brouk. Mrs Ira Mattic«, lit». Ottman rwidecce on Hodaon Ave., at of porrt>**mg oniform* ButalluK t» tne so Kr«-d ribnltw aad daUgbter, Mis. AuoUn tne tale Monday. The (1 .otv given bv th» •^o.^nl Fiv«-" Tbe Jao».>r E[ tfattice. 31 rs. Les le Cook. Tbia waa a James HoUllng and daughter Msggte, at V >>rrs«wsviile list Frt<iay ni,jat w»» •dowj a tn» niberfbip of forty tnree be,op real np to date party Mrs. Sbafer koi><^ of olaiksvjlle, spent Tbucsday wito bis atteini*M by unit* a m. »her ot jrnniik «i) Itirr-MSe of trQ foi tbi- i'i_«I i[ larfer now to give tueui a guod time Her tatter. Urs. (.*. w. LstU. tatiiB waa laden veith tne De*t nnd n peapl- 'Tutu tuti vu-mu.. I' was a pleas- sirs C. 11 axarueva is th»*sop»'ni>tcu<l<-n1 plenty ot eveiything. Mis confer IDUtD»r Frink was confine** to the bonso Trf-MMirrr Hiprjs rfpott showed tbt* ing »tl t-r Artnn «. flisrc'« of tbe cbartri to W i n s Ttv- K-tr. Frr-d-ru-k •»,ir.»»'act«jry condition. to this viiina«.. bi» well b The app.) I tnjpoti" of tn* .1 rT to r»*u M. E. canri-a DI Si-hfDfx.-ta.lj- lor tbt--tfWBri* a t i ) c<'iuujititr»-j» IM-Saad iaO». were received from the p.ietnr. Mr. coatiot: year. -'autord i}>ifsft WK» elected a iiifiDtier of A f.'i«ri«iDt onrprlKc rc«« tej "Ifr^l Mr. t i e bonrv of eienenrda. Mr Jnaea D. vit^.i [or I b<* ntt«ruuua and cv»-i int ot by i.lurm a ! e « days taitt ueek. bm is irj«- l")it>. Ana atmri nnd wife, N'ctioisr u»« abte to be out again. tick t« a tin *!!«•. Prter Sbnitra at d wilp. Ur aad Mrs. Joseph O.iver und Mr. •Ld Adtx>a Wri^bt wife a i d dea.'bter ol-o was r-^r»t«d a txiuulKul ie»past *nd Mis. Alb-7tns Briber spent TnorEtj nun Ur. Jauiat sbauiui and VD- guuc tbiu.s .kept comtng I.lie fil^n •r ici oprtatttiuie, wttb no end. V% «• «i Sujdtff H111. s.l c u i o n g , i u Tba event bs on- Rutert H Wi^dicomb. of Albany, bas to be rniirui t«>? ed | n > c b s r d tile r»s:<tirt>c« ot Ur. K R. "illertun, oo Delavrare A v e , and will Barry H. McConnack OD W«*dn«-J*y Modi wis elected recording steward and move there tbt* week. Gurcd Metuurrhagea of Ch g evening, wbena large company of trtend- Cuckoo Clocks Did you ever hear one? We have them from 16.00 to $20.00. Also Fine Parlor Clocks, $5.00 up. 3 Kitchen Clocks, 8 day § hour strike, $2 up. Alarm Clock, $2.50, $2.00, $1 JO, $1.00, 75c. E. P. MILLER, Optician and Jeweler, 78 Wil.rt- St. llfcuy, I . f. Just Received 611 L0M tf We have over 100 jobs to select from. Bike, Road and Top Wagons with cushion or hard robber tires; Siirries, twoand three seatera; Spring Wagons, with two and three seats and with or without tops and brakes also a full line of lumber wagons. \\\> also sell Harvesting Machinery and Spring-tootSi Harrows. Give us a call and get our prices. ALTAM0NT CARRIAGE WORKS, flltannont, IN. Y. S2.50--W08TH SENT l Dr. FraniliB Miles, tbe Great Specialist ia Diseases of tfce Heart, lerres, Stomach and Uditejs, will seed $2.60 Woitb of His lew Harry Blanchard and family and Mr. Special Treatment Free. and Mrs Fred Waidron. ol Albany, vlr. C D. Hammond district steward. years since my inngB were go ^ t r t Ihd Brothers Muzzy. Miner, Bager and Sier wewre^ct^asfiaancacommU I q d . , Unk t,^^^ mnb w v e R l j spent Sunday with their parena, Mr. and Hundreds of "Incurable" Cases Cured After 5 to 3O Physicians Failed. toe for enotber year They were highly poysicians without any Dent fit I tben Mrs. M L. Blanchard. compllmeo'^d for their excellent woik started to take Foley'a Hooey and Tar, Daniel Tnmer's entertainad at tea re centy, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Maher, of ; There never was a better opportunity i Dr. Mites' New Treatments are the during tbe past year. Tbe Valley View Farm, 811ng«lands, ana ! for persons Buffering from diseases of result of 25 years experience, and a n on church music, Mra. C W. prepared to suit each case. suges of long trouble." Fotey's Honey Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Merrifield. ! tba heart, nerves, liver, stomach anfl specially I'bey relieve the worst cnaca i s a day JoaepU Oliver's entertairjedjst dinner, Mr. S. w . Conning and Mr. George nod Tar ship* tne cougb and baala the j kidneys to test, free, a remarkably sue anc qnickly cure. One thousand taattiferribew, wt-re beartily commended tor t o o SN and prevents eeriom reaulta from Wednesday, Mr. and Mn. John M.har. cesmfQl Traatment for tbote disorcera mooials sent upon nqnest. of SHagerlawfe; Mn. Ada Becker, ot New their excellent work performed along S S A . Scotland, Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Osaratyns That FrankUo Miles, H. D., LL B^ ia As all may bavr toe Doctors Book, one ot the world's mast succecilul phy valntbla advice and $2 60 worth of B 8ehooymak». Weet Berne. this line and Mrs. Anna ftanosa. of Newark. . stelans ta proven by hundreds of won treatment, especially prepared for their I Tbe members of the official board exPublic School R e p o r t . derlal c a n t of well known people. One csse, free, as a trial we woold advise I tended a unanimous call to have the p*a 'patient cored after failure of eleven every «ct on<» to rend for them at once, | ttrand Rsptds pbytlclsn^ one «f ter beina; to-morrow may be too Uia Describe The following is Use report of the Feb- tor. the Rev. C H. Sturgea. remainI i gives np by thirty physicians, oaa after your •ymptoms. Addresa Dr. Franklin with ua for another year. ruary tests btld in the SUngerlatda pub ' nice of toe Hading doctors in Mew York Kites. Dept Q., 250 to 280 Main Street, Tbe meeting tben adj jnrned, to meet Uc school: Elkhait, Indiana. City. Philadelphia and Chicago failed. at the Coll of the pastor. Highest average, fourth grade, Evelyn Wtnahip, 81J per cent Whan You Have a Gold. Peraonais. Higbestaverage, fiftb grade, Katharine The first action when yoa have a cold Goldring, 95$ per cent. Mrs. a J. Mallary, of Bethlehem O n should betorelletre tbe l o a n This it Highest average, sixth grade, Ftan- tre. ts visiting friends in this pltce. j bfst accomplished by tba free ocelot eitca Saosr, 90* per cent. Cbamberlain'a Cough Beaedy. Thfe Miss Bell, of Albaay. waa tbe goect of remedy IlqtwfiVa tbe tough mucus and Highest av»rage, seventh grade. Ions *r. and Mrs. Archibald Most last week. cause its expulsion from tbe air cells ot Pier. 87 per cent Mrs. James Hallenbeck. o; New Salem, , tbe tangs, produces « freeezpectoratioo, Highest average, eigbtb grade, Fannie U visiting tbia week with Mn. aerab j and opsoa tba secretions A ccaiplst* We are making special inR'amer Moak. 844 P*r cent. ' cure soon follows. Tbia remedy win ducements toreduceour I cure a severe cold in lew time than any Pupils bavinc a standing of 100 pel Mr. and Mrs H. J. Garey. of Albany, '< other treatment and it leaves the syaten. cent in an* one fubj'ct are Edith Moat, were cn-sta of Mr. and Mra E W. present stock. < in a natural and healthy condition It in spelling: Kitfaarine Qoldring. in Eng- Mozzy on Sunday. ; counteracts any tendency toward pneuOCARSTYNE BROS. NUKCNB, AiaMR. H. V Gold Filled Elgin or Waltbam Hr. Fraok Sbafer. of 8rb>necta<!y, : tnonia. lish. Watch, warranted 30 yean, $9,00, <*nQd<ay in town, being tbe guest < For sale by J. F. Mynderse, Altatsoot. Pup'.ls having a perfect attendance spent Solid Silver Ladies' Chatelaine of his daughter. Jii-* A B. Sbafer. 81am Williams. Knox during tae month of February are Harold Watcbes, §3 05 Mrs. Mary R»id, who bao be<>n speed Bilyieu, Bnrr Dsitz, G«orRe Fowler. Newton* i lie. Elgin Watcb, $5 50. inc several w*eka at Mr and Jlrs. George A GUARANTEED CUKE FOR PILES. Death rate In Sew York !*ad Chtemgo, Jobn tlsl»ioiff. Ellsworth Pier, Wtllie Van Buren'e. has returned to Atbaty. Over SOO Ntcfeel American A. I Oimstead and family have moved Itching. Blltd. Bleedinxor Protradlns Piles Stem Wind Watc&ca, reduced to 8*u«»r, Richard Whitman. May Huisto Wattrvliet. Dnring November and December. 1903. Oraestlats refund money (I PAID O>STXK>T Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dsarstyne and (alls to core an; case, no matter of bow long one fiftb of tbf deaths In New York and | 1 00 each doifi", (ieorgte May Hamiael, Cecil* httie d»nghter left Monday for St . Mr. C Giff ird and family have rez> standing, in 8 to It days. First application Come, Margaret Congbtry. Mildred Amrnstise, Fla., for afcojjurn of several < fives case and rest. He. If your drapctat - -bijago were from pneumonia. Foley's ted tbe Gooid place for the comtng year Clocks b u s ' t It wed fOe tn staiopa ard It will be tlooey and Tar not only stops tbe cougb Conning, Dorothy De&ratyue, Grace weeks. forwarded post-paid bj Paris Medicine Co., but heels and strengthens the lungs and 8 djy ImttuMoa Ma? ble Parlor Mra J G. Hilla entertained a number GoldriLg, Edna Uoat. Ethel Moat, Anns Clock, biotz* trimmed, | 3 93. prevents pneumonia, go do not take of friends at dianer oao evsatng last Hr anl Mra Cbarles Maraelles, of iU LonlsMo cttancee on a cold wearing away when week. Oliver. Ions Pier, Elsie Sager, Gertrudr New York, former residents of tbl< place, 8 day Oik Mantel Clock, strikes D n t o a CBurcn. ap^nt Saturday with dr. and lira. MorFoley's Honey and. Tar will cure yon hours and half bourn, f L90. Sebwariz, Lottie Smith. Mr and Mra. C Elliott. Mr and Mrs gan Davis quickly and prevent serious remits. Mr J. V. D. H. Bradt !o3t a very valt»< Alarm Clocks. 60c Parents desiring to start pupils in tbe For sale by E. Mynderse, Aitamont, G Miller, of Albany, andfev.9 . U. Mr. Ernest B LaGrauge and Mr. ble horse last week wnich tor its many utd I. B. Schoonmaker. West Bsraa. j Boyce and wife were entertaiaed Friday spring term am requested to send them Willis Qoackenbusb. of New York c i n , , good qnallttea will be bard to replace. ; by Henry Miller and wife. Monday. April l?tb, as a new class will were gaeet of Ur. and Mra. Charles H. and Eve Qinsee*, gold plate rimBeta* vine. Hi. J . V. D. a Bradt, Mr. and Urs j Oa Friday, March 31st, there will be be started at that time. less. 69c. Bender on Sunday. • j Corneltons Van Derzae and family, spent y, p The recent thsw baa made tbe roads > given a clipping social by tbe Epwortb G'oldlno frames with good lences j Leapne at the borne of Mrs. Brewater. j day last week as the gaeet of Ur almost impsHitUe. 50c; look like solid gold. Death of S a m u e l P a t t o u . i Everybody come and take a 'clip." Vicinity N e w s . , sod Mra. H. Van Dsrzee at Fenrabnsb. Delintoo Brat? waa in Albany, Friday. One lot 50a. 76o, 98c PocketLouise Adams, in company with ! Fullers. books go far £Sc each. Following an Illness of five days • The missionary call,"tothe topic for ' £»» J^ ito May Stager and on baslneas Simnel Pattern, a well known resident the Epworth League meeting in the Del* Bertha Conger," enjoyed a drive to Font Opera Glasses Fred Conger purchased eight very fine ' Miss ! toga of tne town ot New Scotland passed mar M E. cburcb next Sunday evening. Grove Saturday end called on fneue'e ebeep resentlf. ft S5 to f 15 00; all marked down, there. away Friday in tbe seventieth year of Leader: Bell Wrigbt. ! Peter Sharp baa sold a horse to Dr. F. special reduced prices on all goods Miss Bertha Widsman ia risitlng reMr and Mis. Elmer Van Derbtlt moved bis age. Be was born in 1836 and wss • a Burst, of Gailuerland Centre. from the Mo&ber place to Callanan'e Car latives in Scbenectady. The Christian Ecdpsvor meeting in a man ct great neefnlneae to the town. ! Tbe creeksoveifibwed their banks Sonner'a last week. Jacob Slingerland will For the p<ist 80 years he served as secre- the Reformed cbnrcb at Delmar to nigbt move on the place vacated by Mr. Van- A little son arrived at tbe borne of Mr. day, bat tbe toe ts not yet ail out. t»tll be con lucted by Miss Emma B. aad Mrs. Elmer Bradt on tbe fth inat Derbilt tary and treasnrer of the New Scotland March SO, will be your last chance for Charles Town Insurance Company, and wss a DdelL Topic: Christian Endeavor com At present writing. William A. Con former supervisor. Strict Integrity radeahip: with other chorche i, at home, ger and Mrs Libbie Hamilton are quite in. «• and with dirtant lands. ill and under tae doctor's care. Mra sttsnding pbytician marked his career as a baatneas man Hamilton'a daughter from Albany ia Wintertolingering is tbetapof spring a>a>a>a>Tbe funeral was held Monday after Bert Vaneraee bia ranted the Minor witbber. C h n r c n a n d S o c i e t y Note*. reatdeaoa at RenaeiUervUla and will with eleven tacbw of heavy toow oa taa noon at one o'clock from tba residence Mies Lacy Stott, of Oaawjusthaw, baa move there tba 1st of May. grood Wedsaeday moralog, March tt of his cousin, William J. Pattern, 230 bsea apsBdiog a faw daya at the boas of Tba M. E Sunday school commenced bar atmt Mra. Chartoa Moak. Mr*. Joseph Notthaptomoving bia boasa- Mies Grace Ryan, of geacaectady, to Hudson avanne, Albany. The swftoes hold pooda to Oaetqiiethaw when be I * sptadlBf the week with bar jrandware cendoctan by tba Ba*. B. Bpracticing Sunday for aa taster enter- Moak baa beaa aaJbrtag from aa tsada to live thto oomiBg year.v oaharhBBd. paraBta, Mr. aad Mn. 8. a Deantyne, Btewart of tba Park Unitad Presby- tsiniBsnt. terian church, aasiatad by tba Ear. Mr. H n B J. Van Blyks will coadact tea D r F . E Horrt spends oearly half his W o U H 0 1 . •a baft*. Tyndel of tbt New Salem Satan Bator Kpworth Lsacue meetta* ia the M. E. The robias have appeared at Wolf Ume hate attattdlng tha atok. AJBOBS Bad roMaa ba*a awda their appaax* msd chares. Tba intsrmaot was la tba cborcb next Sanday avaniag. Topic thaaaaraLtieiBa Wright Mrs. H. 8. Car HOL Bora harotBgan of apciag. Tbe miHtooary calL Rural camotary. hart, Mra, D. W. Daalop aad Wataoa Blaac&a VaaDsfiiSBtoBuktag a two- David naaabarg hat pnrohaasd a sew QBackeabusb. uuiaa weaksvtoitwithfriecdastDBUaaon. Waaaaa'a tU&maja. Is it right ? Bermard Goldiag. of HerkiBwr. baa Lake Long aad family ware goaata of Women are more often afflicted with Ia it right tast a proptrty-owoer should Jobs Soyder, of Kaoz. kidney disorders than mea. b s t attribute loss §4 tO to let a dealer nuke 50 ceate? engagedtowork for the oomiBg eeaeoat. Calvin Tompklne, who baa had poeuthe ej sn ptoraa to diseases peculiar to their For Ladies and Cants. 60 cents more oa foursex. while in reality toe kidneys are de- • dealer moaia,toslowly improviaa;. Lake Loag, wife mod daughter Bertha * 104 St»tw 8tre«tt ranged. Nervousness, headache, puffy teen gallons of rsady-foT-uae paint, at A litts helper has come to tbe borne of or dark circles under the eyes, pain to • 1 60 per gallon, than oar agent does OD of Wolf Hill, were guests of Mn. EU Albaay, H, T . the back, are signs of kidney trouble eijht gallons of L. 4c M. paint and six H. Sacor laat Friday, Mr. and Mra. A very Warner. Ittoa girl. DINNER I 1 a. m. to 3 p. m. that must not be Ignored, orassrknu Jacob A. Waraer son'erad a stacks of We are sorry to bear that Ssnf ord MeFloor, Meal, Corn, malady will reanlt. Foley's Kidney Cure gallooa of Unseed oil, which makes fourhas restored tbe health of thousands of teen sallost of tbe beat paint in the world, paralf aya Toesdayi moraiag. Dr. Fred- Molten aad wife are to move to OsasCracked Corn, Oats, EXOXLLllTT HEALS, Xo. week, nervous, broken down women. It at t l 20 per gallon; the property owner rlo Cronnae attends him. quethaw. Bran, Middlings, Tables Reserved for Ladles. stops irregolaritits and strengthens tbe lcseajnst§416. Is it right? Ell H. Bacor asd wife exprct to soon Tbe big tbaw made tba Wolf Hill minary organs It purifies tbe blood and B. S. KLLI8 Prop. Hominy, Milt Sprouts, It only requires 4 gallons of L. & M. move below New Salem on Mr. GiUea-creek not safe to cross. Tba water also benefits the whole system. Meat Scraps, Grit, For sale by E. Myufierse. Aitamont, and S gallons Unseed oil to paint a mode plea place and work for him tfce coming covered Proipect Valley farm. I. B. Schoonmaker. West Berne. rate sized bouse. year. Cotton Seed Meal, Mrs. David Snllivan ia making an exTen Thousand Cbnrchee painted with George Palmateer and wife returned tended visit with her danghters, Mrs. For Ptialen ExtncUnr when teeta are Oyster Shells, Oil Meal, Longman <fc Martin* z L * H. Point from Aloany Monday where they have Alldia Durfee and Mra Maggie Wright ordered. Foil *et of teeth $C> 50, warranted. All kinds Slock & GoW Crowns, (4 00toIS.00. Goldfllllnps,t l . Beginning Fob 23th and continuing Liberal quantity given to churches been to attend the funeral of their The commniaity waa shocked to bear Silverflniasr*,50c. Porcelain crowns, t3 to dai y until Hay 14tb inclusive, one way. when bought from J. F. Mynderee, AtPoultry Foods, nephew, William Palmsteer. second-class cr loniats' tickets to western of the sadden death of tbe wife of David tS. Teeth without pUtea, H t o t o . All work Bale Ties, etc, etc. points will be on sale at stations an the tamont; A. W. Hocbestrnsaer, Berne; A flock of SI wild geese were seen B. Sullivan wto departed this Ufe Fri- warranted. line of the Delaware and Hudsonft.B, Joslin Bros., Voorheeaville; Cbas. Os- flying north Monday. They will prob- day nigbt. Tbe funeral waa at tbe bouse at p ready reduced rates If yon erewald Benselarville. See or address ably be glad to go sontb again aa at tbia Mar. 20th, Rev. G. Bughes officiating. thinking cf going west, inquire of the THE DENTIST, Watches and Clocks repaired by J. R. writing we are baving a genuine snow She leaves oce son and four daughters Open Cveninc*. cearest D. & H. tlckat agent for parttcu SAND'S SONa 2O t Union St. Urs. 3oyntoa, Altmiaost, are guaranteed. storm, 3 Inches having fallen. to mourn her lew. 8CHENECTADY. N. V. >>»••••»•»»••• assemtiled at his home and assisted bun in celebrating his birthday. Games were enjoyed and refreshments served. "Fritz." who baa acted as hostler at the Borne Lawn botel stables for several months past, left town very suddenly on Monday morning. He did not even take the time to eay goodby to bia employers. Albert Bnlrsce bsa resumed bia former job at tbe botel stables. gS BEFORE OPENING NEW STORE S • Cigar Spectacles EDMUND J. PETERS 45 Brtwi St., II-«y We areagents for the famous Ellis' Restaurant NO CHARGE Dr. Carmichael,