Principles of Marketing SYLLABUS

660.250.21 Principles of Marketing
Summer 2012; Hodson 216
MTTh 3:45 – 6:15 pm
Instructor: Donna L. Crane
Whitehead Hall 102
(410) 516-5869
Office Hours: M/W Noon – 2pm and
by appointment
Teaching Assistant: Paras Bhatt
Course Objectives
This course will prepare you to think strategically about marketing in today’s global
environment. After successful completion of this course, you will have a basic
understanding of the marketing concept, the marketing mix (product, place, promotion
and price), segmentation, targeting, positioning, customer value, branding, services
marketing, global marketing, marketing
metrics, consumer and business behavior,
ethics and social responsibility in
marketing, market planning, market
research and competitive analysis. In
addition, you will have the opportunity to
Course Organization
Key concepts will be introduced using
lecture, refined through group discussion
and applied through exercises, case
studies, writing assignments and projects.
Learning will be assessed using essay
exams, student papers, homework and a
group project.
All lectures will be available on
Blackboard prior to class. Reading assignments are to be completed before class.
Please come prepared to discuss the reading material and with any questions you had
about the material.
Marketing, 11th ed., (ISBN 978-0-07-802889-2) by Roger A. Kerin, Steven W. Hartley
and William Rudelius, McGraw Hill/Irwin, 2013.
You may use the 10th edition (ISBN 978-0-07-352993-6) or the International Edition of
either the 10th or 11th edition. A used version of the 10th edition can be had for about
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Donna L. Crane
There will be a mid-term and a final
exam in this course. The Mid-Term
is a timed take-home exam; the final
will be held during the last class
period. Study guides will be
provided for both exams.
There will be no make-up exams.
Homework Assignments
You will have 4 Homework
Assignments due during the course
of this summer semester. They are
to be turned in electronically and are
due by midnight on the due date.
Kindly put your name and some
indication of the assignment in the
filename. Here’s an example:
Detailed assignment instructions will
be available on Blackboard. The
Course Schedule has due dates
for all Homework Assignments.
University Ethics
The strength of the university depends on
academic and personal integrity. In this
course, you must be honest and truthful.
Ethical violations include cheating on
exams, plagiarism, reuse of assignments,
improper use of the Internet and electronic
devices, unauthorized collaboration,
alteration of graded assignments, forgery
and falsification, lying, facilitating academic
dishonesty, and unfair competition.
In addition, the specific ethics guidelines for
this course are:
(1) Your written work must be properly cited
(2) There are no “second chances” for
ethics violations
Report any violations you witness to the
instructor. You may consult the associate
dean of student affairs and/or the chairman
of the Ethics Board beforehand. See the
guide on “Academic Ethics for
Undergraduates” and the Ethics Board Web
site ( for more
You will have 2 Mini-Papers
assignments due during the course
of this summer semester. They are
to be turned in electronically and are
due by midnight on the due date.
Kindly put your name and some
indication of the assignment in the
filename. Here’s an example: JohnSmithMini#1.doc.
Detailed assignment instructions will be available on Blackboard. The Course
Schedule has due dates for both Mini-Papers.
Team Project Assignment
You will work in a team to produce segmentation, targeting and positioning for kids
cereals using a local grocery store’s cereal aisle. Detailed instructions for The Cereal
Project will be available on Blackboard. The Course Schedule has the due date for The
Cereal Project. The Cereal Project is to be turned in electronically by midnight on the
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Donna L. Crane
due date. Kindly put your name and some indication of the assignment in the filename.
Here’s an example: Team3CerealProject.doc or Team3CerealProject.ppt
Participation in both your team and in class is essential for your success. Class
attendance is required but is not counted as participation. Think about ways in which
you can meaningfully participate. Here are just a few ideas. You can ask questions; offer
an idea, experience or perspective. You can challenge what your text says, what I say,
what your classmates say, or what “conventional wisdom” says. You can find an
interesting article; or advertisement, or new product, summarize a relevant news report,
or tell us about a new commercial you saw.
Please bring your laptop or tablet to class or make sure a classmate does. We will
occasionally do some research on the web during classroom discussion or during the
course of an exercise. Please be sure your cell phone is turned OFF during class.
% Total
Four (4) homework assignments
Two (2) Mini-Papers
One team project (The Cereal Project)
Two (2) exams
• Mid-Term Exam
• Final Exam (not cumulative)
Classroom participation (assumed; counted as a
deduction if not achieved)
Up to (15%)
No extra credit assignments will be available. Late work is not accepted.
Assignments turned in late will receive a zero. If you miss a class, it is
your responsibility to get notes, assignments, exercises or other materials
from another student. Missing class does not excuse you from or change
assignment due dates.
Syllabus Changes:
Dates and assignments documented in this syllabus are subject to change at the
discretion of the instructor. Every effort will be made to provide any changes to the class
in writing (via email). Verbal notification at a class meeting, however, will constitute
sufficient notice.
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Donna L. Crane
Course Schedule
Monday July 2
Tuesday, July 3
Thursday, July 5
√ What is Marketing?
√ Strategic Marketing
√ Ethics and Social
Chapter 1
Chapters 2,3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Tuesday, July 24
Thursday, July 26
√ Consumer Behavior
√ Organizational
√ Global Markets
√ Marketing Research
√ Segmentation,
Targeting and
√ The Concept of Value
√ Marketing Metrics
Midterm EXAM (Take
Product Management
√ Services
Monday, July 30
Tuesday, July 31
Thursday, August 2
√ PLACE and Retail
FINAL EXAM (in class)
Monday July 9
Tuesday, July 10
Thursday, July 12
Monday, July 16
Tuesday, July 17
Thursday, July 19
Monday July 23
Grading Scale:
97% and above
93 – 96.9%
90 – 92.9%
87 – 89.9%
82 – 86.9%
80 – 81.9%
77 – 79.9%
72 – 76.9%
70 – 71.9%
67 – 69.9%
60 – 66.9%
00 – 59.9%
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Donna L. Crane
Chapter 4 HW#1 due
Chapter 7 HW#2 due
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Mini Paper #1 due
No reading assignment
No reading assignment
Due 8am Friday, July 20
Chapters 10, 11
Chapter 12 HW#3 due
Chapters 13, 14
Mini Paper #2 due
Chapters 15, 16 HW#4 due
Chapter 17, 18
Team Projects Due