Catalog Listing - Knightlite Software

Knightlite Software
Study Software For Fire Fighters, EMTs, And Paramedics
Pumping And Aerial
Apparatus Driver/Operator
Study Helper Version 3.0
e Most Comprehensive Study Guide
For Pumping & Aerial Apparatus Available
Winter Catalog 2016
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Welcome To Knightlite Software
Serving the Fire and EMS Community For 20 Years
Why We Do What We Do
At Knightlite, we believe that every Firefighter, EMT, and Paramedic
deserves the best possible opportunity not only to succeed, but to
excel and reach a level of excellence. Those who work in the Fire Service
and EMS are the very best who walk among us. Their dedication and
commitment are a tribute to their noble, time-honored calling.
If you are preparing for a certification exam, you are faced with a massive
amount of information that needs to be processed immediately and rapidly
applied. Promotional exams can be even worse. You are provided a
lengthly reading list, each book several hundred pages long, and you are
expected to be able to answer any question that may be derived from any
of these volumes. This daunting task increases stress, does little to build
confidence, and deters learning.
The traditional learning model of reading a textbook and attending a class,
lacks efficient practicality, especially with all the other activities you have
going on in your life. You need an edge, something that can support
you, as well as challenge you, help you relax, and build up your
For the latest news, new products
information and special offers
Like Us on Facebook.
Here at Knightlite, we are Firefighters, EMTs, and Paramedics, and we
know what you are going through. Since 1995 we have invested a great
deal of time, money, and effort designing software for real-world use.
Our software is easy-to-use, is fun to use, and as thousands and
thousands of customers have discovered, the most essential tool they
have. It helps you pinpoint your weak points so you can focus on what
you don't know, rather than wasting time on information you have already
mastered. The software is not one dimensional, and does not employ the
one-size-fits-all type of approach. Everyone is different, and we designed
our software around that premise. You use the software in the way that is
comfortable for you. To help you understand what the software can do, we
have created video tutorials to help our customers get the most out of our
Our dedication to EMS and to the fire service, and our passion for
excellence is our catalyst for designing the best study software on the
market today. We have set extremely high standards for ourselves, and
our customers become the beneficiaries of these efforts. Our success is a
direct result of our customers success. Download one of our free demo
versions, and start preparing today.
James D Redway
Founder And CEO
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Coming Soon
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Fire Fighting Software
Essentials Of Fire Fighting Study
Version 6.0
Building Construction Related To The
Fire Service Study Helper
Version 3.0
2121 questions spanning 21 chapters
based on IFSTA’s Essentials Of Fire
Fighting 6th Edition. There is also a
Terminology Section with 781 pertinent
942 questions spanning 14 chapters
based on IFSTA’s Building Construction
Related To The Fire Service 2nd
Edition. There is also a Terminology
Section with 385 pertinent definitions.
Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator
Study Helper
Version 2.0
Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator
Study Helper
Version 2.0
1150 questions spanning 17 chapter
based on IFSTA’s Pumping Apparatus
Driver/Operator 2nd Edition. There is
also a Terminology Section with 181
pertinent definitions.
1150 questions spanning 17 chapters
based on IFSTA’s Pumping Apparatus
Driver/Operator 2nd Edition. There is
also a Terminology Section with 181
pertinent definitions.
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New Releases
Pumping And Aerial Apparatus
Study Helper
Version 3.0
1620 questions spanning 20
chapters based on IFSTA’s
Pumping And Aerial Apparatus
Driver/Operator 3rd Edition.
There is also a Terminology
Section with 479 pertinent
Pumping Apparatus
Study Helper
Version 3.0
1200 questions spanning 14
chapters based on IFSTA’s
Pumping Apparatus Driver/
Operator 3rd Edition. There is
also a Terminology Section with
298 pertinent definitions.
Structural Firefighting
Strategy And Tactics
Study Helper
Version 3.0
1025 questions spanning 12
chapters based on NFPA’s
Structural Firefighting
Strategy And Tactics 3rd
Edition. There is also a
Terminology Section with 127
pertinent definitions.
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New Releases
Evidence-Based Practices for
Strategic and Tactical
Version 1.0
50 questions spanning 1chapter
based on Jones and Bartlett’s
Evidence-Based Practices for
Strategic and Tactical
Firefighting There is also a
Terminology Section with 728
firefighting definitions.
Houston Captain’s Test Bundle
Version 2016
The Houston Junior Captain's Test was held January 5, 2016
and is based on 5 books. Knightlite is creating a special study
bundle in one comprehensive software app base on 4 of the 5
books. They include:
1) Brannigan's Building Construction 5th Edition - 1425
Questions 2) Engine Company Fireground Operations 3rd Edition - 450
3) Evidence-Based Practices For Strategic And Tactical
Firefighting - 50 Questions
4) Structural Firefighting Strategy And Tactics 3rd Edition Being
Built Right Now - 1024 Questions
5) 728 Definitions.
6) TestMaker Upgrade Module - FREE - A $19.95 Value
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Fire Fighting Software
Fire And Emergency Services
Company Officer
Study Helper
Version 5.0
1306 questions spanning 18 chapters
based on Fire Engineering’s Collapse Of Burning Buildings 2nd
Edition. Plus 412 pertinent definitions.
Collapse Of Burning Buildings
Study Helper
Version 2.0
800 questions spanning 23 chapters
based on Fire Engineering’s Collapse Of Burning Buildings 2nd
Edition. Plus 142 pertinent definitions.
Fire Officer Principles And Practice
Study Helper
Version 3.0
1128 questions spanning 19 chapters
based on Jones and Bartlett’s Fire
Officer Principles And Practice 3rd
Edition. Plus 257 pertinent definitions.
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Fire Fighting Software
Fire and Emergency Services Company
Officer Study Helper
Version 4.0 Level I
Fire and Emergency Services Company
Officer Study Helper
Version 4.0 Level II
1245 questions spanning 22 chapters
based on IFSTA’s Fire And Emergency
Services Company Officer 4th Edition.
Plus 254 pertinent definitions. Covers the
first 516 pages of the IFSTA text.
686 questions spanning 22 chapters
based on IFSTA’s Fire And Emergency
Services Company Officer 4th Edition.
Plus 254 pertinent definitions. Covers the
second half of the IFSTA text.
Fire and Emergency Services Company
Officer Complete Study Helper
Version 4.0 Fire Officer Principles And Practice
Study Helper
Version 2.0
1931 questions spanning 32 chapters
based on IFSTA’s Fire And Emergency
Services Company Officer 4th Edition.
There is also a Terminology Section with
327 pertinent definitions. NOTE: This is
the Fire Officer Level I and Level II
versions. It covers the entire book. 862 questions spanning 18 chapters
based on Jones And Bartlett’s Fire
Officer Principles And Practice 2nd
Edition. There is also a Terminology
Section with 205 pertinent definitions.
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Fire Fighting Software
Engine Company Fireground Operations
Study Helper
Version 3.0
450 questions spanning 11 chapters based
on Engine Company Fireground
Operations 3rd Edition There is also a
Terminology Section.
Ladder Company Fireground
Operations Study Helper
Version 3.0
475 questions spanning 13 chapters
based on NFPA’s Ladder Company
Fireground Operations 3rd Edition. Plus
67 definitions.
Fire And Emergency Services
Instructor Study Helper
Version 7.0
Fire Officer Handbook Of Tactics Study
Version 4.0
1128 questions spanning 22 chapters
based on IFSTA’s Fire And Emergency
Services Instructor 7th Edition. There is
also a Terminology Section with 163
pertinent definitions.
1382 questions spanning 22 chapters
based on Fire Engineering's Fire
Officer's Handbook Of Tactics 4th
Edition There is also a Terminology
Section with 178 pertinent definitions.
Version 3.0 Is Still Available $26.95
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Fire Fighting Software
Essentials Of Fire Fighting Study
Version 5.0
Building Construction Related To The
Fire Service Study Helper
Version 2.0
1760 questions spanning 21 chapters
based on IFSTA’s Essentials Of Fire
Fighting 5th Edition. There is also a
Terminology Section with 580 pertinent
784 questions spanning 16 chapters
based on IFSTA’s Building Construction
Related To The Fire Service 2nd
Edition. There is also a Terminology
Section with 760 pertinent definitions.
Houston Engineer Operator Test Study Helper
Houston Captain’s Test Study Helper
Version 1.0 - Comprehensive Study Software In One Single App.
Version 1.0 - Comprehensive Study Software In One Single App.
Software is based on the following titles:
Software is based on the following titles:
Pump Operator Driver Operator 2nd Edition*
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics 4th Edition
Aerial Apparatus Driver Operator 2nd Edition*
Fire Officer Principles and Practice 2nd Edition
Emergency Medical Responder 9th Edition*
Building Construction Related To The Fire Service 3rd Edition
25 To Survive 1st Edition*
Fire Service Personnel Management 3rd Edition (The selected 5 chapters.)
*=Selected Chapters as required by the Houston Fire Department
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Older Fire Fighting Software
Truck Company Operations
Study Helper
Version 1.0
Hazardous Materials For First
Responders Study Helper
Version 3.0
1422 questions in the program spanning
17 chapters based on Fire Engineering’s
Truck Company Operations 1st Edition. There is also a Terminology section
containing 200 definitions.
1525 questions spanning 9 chapters based
on IFSTA's Hazardous Materials For First
Responders 3rd Edition. 833 definitions. In
addition there are 81 original illustrations
embedded into some of the questions.
Management In The Fire Service Study
Version 1.0
512 questions spanning 12 chapters
based on NFPA's Management In The
Fire Service 3rd Edition There is also a
Terminology Section with 102 pertinent
Signal 102 Fire Fighter Study Helper
Version 4.0
1337 questions spanning 20 chapters
based on IFSTA’s Essentials Of Fire
Fighting 4th Edition. There is also a
Terminology Section with 442 pertinent
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EMS Software
Emergency Responder Study Helper
Version 9.0
1368 questions spanning 30 chapters
and based on Brady’s Emergency
Medical Responder 9th Edition. 869
definitions, 241 new questions, and 71
updated questions to the new curriculum.
Signal 18 - EMT Study Helper
Version 6.0
EMT Refresher Study Helper
Version 1.0
2106 questions spanning 43 chapters
based on Brady’s Emergency Care 12th
Edition. Bonus - 5 National Registry Style
Scenario Chapters and a 100 Question
Comprehensive test. Over 400 new
questions from the last version, over 60
updated questions, and 145 scenario
questions. There is also a Terminology
Section with 1200 pertinent definitions.
678 questions spanning 15 topics based
on Brady’s Emergency Care 12th
Edition. There is also a Terminology
Section with 1200 pertinent definitions.
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EMS Software
EMT-Intermediate Study Helper
Version 1.0
700 questions spanning 13 chapters
based on Brady’s Intermediate
Emergency Care 2nd Edition. There is
also a Terminology Section with 228
pertinent definitions. PLEASE NOTE: This
software is based on the EMT-I the 1985
National Standard curriculum.
Essentials Of Paramedic Care Study
Version 2.0 Updated
1795 questions spanning 49 chapters
based on Brady’s Essentials Of
Paramedic Care 2nd Edition Updated .
There is also a Terminology Section with
760 pertinent definitions.
ALS Paramedic Study Helper
Version 4.0
1722 questions spanning 26 chapters
based on Brady's Paramedic Care:
Principles And Practices 5 Vol. Set 3rd
Edition. There is also a Terminology
Section with 550 pertinent definitions.
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TestMaker Upgrade
Optional TestMaker Upgrade Module $19.95
A Great Tool For Instructors And Training Officers
The optional TestMaker Upgrade Module gives the user the ability to add an UNLIMITED NUMBER of additional chapters to
the software. These are empty chapters and do not contain any questions. Instructors can pick and choose from the existing
database of questions to make a very customized test, or they can write their own questions. You can also add pictures and
even video to any question as well. Create an unlimited number of chapters using the Chapter Panel.
You can create new chapters, merge existing chapters, change the names of chapters, and add the questions of one chapter to
the questions of another. The TestMaker is a great tool for instructors and training officers, and it will save you hours and hours
of time.
1) Unlimited Number Of Tests Can Be Created.
2) Unlimited Number Of Chapters That Can Be Created Using The Chapter Panel.
3) The Ability To Add Images And Video To Questions.
4) The Ability To Print Out Images With The Questions.
5) Pick And Choose Questions From The Existing Database To Create A Very Customized Test.
The Chapter Panel on the main Table of
Contents window lets you create new chapters
and add them to the list of already existing
chapters. You can rename chapters, merge
them, copy questions to another chapter or
delete chapters.
The TestMaker Upgrade Module allows you to create custom tests
with incredible speeds. This handy tool just got a whole lot faster in
the new Code III versions of our software.
Navigate to the question you would like to export, select your target
chapter, and click add. Your done! Navigate to the next question and
click add again. You can quickly create a customized test in which
you choose the questions in the order you want them in. It takes
literally a about 1 second to create a question.
The TestMaker Upgrade Module also allows you to add images to
any question as well as video. Windows uses AVI files, while Mac
version use MOV files.
If you need to create a custom multiple choice test in a hurry, there is
nothing easier than Knightliteʼs TestMaker Upgrade Module. Your
time is valuable, and Knightlite makes it easier for you by making the
test creation process painless and incredibly fast. There is just
nothing better available for the Mac and Windows PC.
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Knightlite DVDs
Ace Your EMT Psychomotor Exam
Fire Fighter I Knots
The DVD is divided into two sections. In the first section
we cover the parts of the rope and knot. We then show
you how to tie each of the eight NFPA-required knots,
complete with close-up shots of each knot being tied, not
from the instructor’s perspective, but rather from your
perspective. It is much easier to learn when you are
presented instruction in the same perspective that you will
be tying the knots.
Ace Your EMT Psychomotor DVD is
made up of 17 stations crammed into a 2
DVD set. We offer nearly 3 hours of
instruction. Based on the National
Registry Skill Sheets for EMT. Ave your
practical exam with this great DVD set.
Ace Your EMT Intermediate 85 or 99 Exam
Ace Your EMT Intermediate 85 Practical is
made up of 6 stations, and offers 1 hour of
instruction. Below is a list of the included
Ace Your EMT Intermediate 99 Practical is
made up of 12 stations, and offers 110 minutes
of instruction.
$39.95 1985 Curriculum
$59.95 1999 Curriculum
Ace Your Paramedic Practical Exam
Ace Your Paramedic Practical is made
up of 11 stations, and offers over 90
minutes of instruction.
Visit Our Website To View Demo Videos
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Knightlite TestMaker 5.0
Only $49.95
Creating a multiple choice test that can be printed out has never been
easier with Knightlite TestMaker 5.0. Originally created for Whiteman Air
Force Base, TestMaker is a reasonably priced, powerful tool for teachers,
instructors and students. It can be used as a teaching tool and as a study
tool. Tons of features in an easy to navigate interface, that has helped train
thousands of Firefighters, EMTs, and Paramedics since 1996.
Create an unlimited number of topics, with an unlimited number of
Create a terminology library and create terminology tests.
New Review Mode - Review the questions and correct answers without
seeing the incorrect answers.
Full Chapter Review Mode can read questions, correct answers, and any
notes in a narrative manner.
Print out the chapter review and use it as a study tool or a review
package for students.
Built-in spell checker, with check-as-you-type spell checking.
Add images, photos, and QuickTime (TM) video to any question.
New Teach Mode - Lets you add information and rational behind the
Notes Palette allows you to create hints, page references and other
Software can read questions out loud to you.
Automatically saves your last session. Save multiple sessions.
Keeps track of the questions you incorrectly answer, and displays them in
a window.
Allows you to clone sessions, so you can return to where you left off later.
Copy, merge, and rename any of your chapters. One-click delete of
Easily copy specific questions from one test to another, to create a
specific exam. Print tests out in a variety of ways, including answer sheets and
correction keys.
Print flash cards.
Print custom terminology tests.
Print terminology glossaries.
Keeps track of your high score.
Create random tests from a single chapter, multiple chapters or all
New Full Screen Mode - Fits any resolution screen, view test in full
screen. 18 graphical skins - Change screen and printer fonts.
Database is easily edited.
The fastest way to create multiple choice tests.
Lots of other great features!
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About The Code III GUI
The Software works in full screen in both Windows and
Mac Versions. Screen resolution independent.
The Testing Window has made it easier than ever to move
through the questions with the least bit of effort. Use the
navigation buttons at the bottom left of the screen to navigate
the database of questions. Select an answer and the software
will automatically score your test and display whether you
answered the question correctly or incorrectly.
The software also lets you create multiple choice tests from
random chapters. Double click on a chapter in the left list box
and it will be added to your custom test. Type in the number of
questions, and click Create Test. The software will
automatically create a random test made up of the chapters you
select and the number of questions you entered. box and the
session will load.
The Table of Contents Window gives you easy access to all
chapters. On the right it displays all the questions you
incorrectly answered so you can concentrate on what you are
weak in, without wasting time on material you have already
mastered. The center panel displays your scores and progress.
The ability to Clone a session. Cloning a session allows you to
take a snap shot of your session and come back to it later. This
new version allows you to save multiple sessions to your hard
drive. You can also sort these sessions by ID number, date,
chapter or score. Click on a chapter in the list box and the
session will load.
Many titles have extensive terminology sections where you can
print out glossaries. terminology tests, custom vocabulary tests,
and much more.
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About The Code III GUI
Knightlite allows you to print out your questions in a variety of ways. Print tests with answers, without answers, with answers
and notes, and with notes but no answers. You can print out just the answers, answer sheets, and answer sheet correction
keys. You can also change the type face and type color. You can print out your terminology test, create a custom Jeopardy-style
test from your vocabulary test. Print a terminology glossary or random terminology tests. You can even print out flashcards so
you can study when you are away from your computer.
New Chapter Review feature allows you to study just the
question and the correct answer. You can have the computer
read the question out loud to you, or you can print out the
chapter so you can review the material while you are away from
your computer. You have the choice of numbering the
questions, or omitting the question numbers. This is a great
new feature to help you quickly review the important
Knightlite has also added a Teach Mode to our new software. If
a question requires an explanation or more information a “T”
button will appear on screen just above the navigation area of
the window. Click on the T button and your computer’s native
voice will read the information to you. You can edit the
contents of the Teach Mode by unlocking the questions and
clicking on the “Teach” button.
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Did you know that Knightlite ships all of
our software on a single DVD? If you ever
want to purchase another title, all you need
to do is unlock it from your disk.
Installation interface allows
you to easily add additional
titles to your computer with a
few clicks of your mouse.
Have your software shipped on a high-quality 8 GB
Flash Drive.
Comes with all current Knightlite Study Helper Titles.
Only $12.95 Extra.
8 GB flash drive
High-Quality Aluminum
FireHouse Pack
Unlock up to 10 study helper titles from
your disk for only $250.00
Save more than 50% on some titles
Unlock what you need and
when you need it. Never Expires.
It covers any new titles
added by Knightlite
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