Directory of American Bridge-Building Companies 1840

Back cover i l l u s t r a t i o n :
the h e r o i c name plaque o f A u s t r a l i a ' s Hawksbury River
Bridge (1886-1946), i t s only s u r v i v i n g f a b r i c . Photograph by D . F r a s e r , New South
The Society for Industrial Archeology is pleased to publish this valuable
d artifacts of the
icant examples of
search on the
American brid
great builder
Darnell's wo
important par
business, and
f the Society a
While active in business he also took part in civic organizations and
still is a Trustee of the New Britain Museum of American Art where he had
been Chairman for nine years. Since retiring, Darnel1 has intensified his
study of the development of bridges in which he combines an interest in
history with the training and experience of a professional engineer and
steel fabricator.
article Lenticular Bridges from East Berlin.
Connnecticut appeared in IA, the journal of the SIA, and he contributed to
Connecticut-An Inventory of Historic Engineering and Industrial Sites.
Abbott, Job
See Wrought Iron Bridge Company
Abbott-Gamble Contracting Company
Adams, (J.D.) and Company
Agawam Foundry
Alabama Bridge and Boiler Company
Alabama Bridge Company
Alabama Bridge and Iron Company
Albany Bridge and Iron Works
Albany Iron and Machine Works
Albany Iron Works
Albree, Chester B.
Albuquerque Bridge Company
Alden, John
See Alden and Lassig Bridge Works
and Lassig and Alden Bridge and Iron Works
Alden and Lassig Bridge Works
Alexander Iron Works
Allen and Nelson Mill Company
Allentown Rolling Mill Company
American Bridge Company (1870)
Also see Appendix B
American Bridge Company (1900)
Also see Appendix C
American Bridge and Contract Company
American Bridge and Iron Company
American Bridge Works
Anderson Bridge Company
Andrews, D.H.
Andrews Bridge Company
Architectural Iron Works
Armstrong and Printzenhoff
Ashbury, (E.P.) and Son
Atkinson Brothers and Company
Atlanta Bridge and Axle Company
A1 tanta Bridge Works
Atlantic Bridge Works
Atlas Iron Construction Company
Attica Bridge Company
Austin, (George L.) and Brother
Austin Bridge Company
Badger, Daniel
See Architectural Iron Works
Bagley, C.H.
Baird, (C.R.) and Company
See Philadelphia Bridge Works
Baker Iron Works
Canton, Ohio
St. Louis, Missouri
Indianapolis, Indiana
Springfield, Massachusetts
Birmingham, Alabama
Jasper, Alabama
Appendix C
Albany, New York
Albany, New York
Albany, New York
Allegheny, Pennsylvania
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Rochester. New York
Chicago, Illinois
Rochester, New York
Syracuse, New York
Seattle, Washington
Allentown, Pennsylv
Chicago, Illinois
New York, New York
Portland, Oregon
Roanoke, Virginia
Chicago, Illinois
Salt Lake City, Utah
Boston, Massachusetts
Omaha, Neb4 and Ogde
New York, New York
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Houston, Texas
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia
New York, New York
New York, New York
Attica, India
Dallas, Texas
Chicago, Illinois
New York, New York
Rutland, Vermont
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Los Angeles, California
Ball, Charles H.
Baltimore Bridge Company
Barnes Culvert Bridge
Bay City Iron work
Beardsley, Miles B
Bellefontaine Brid
Bemis and Krum
East Windsor, Massachusetts
Baltimore, Maryland
iladelphia, Pennsylvania
rt Jervis, New York
altimore, Maryland
an Francisco, California
ridgeport, Connecticut
ellefontaine, Ohio
Blagen, N.J.
Blair, (B.L.) and Company
Blaise, E.
Blake and Duffy
Blodge tt and Curry
See National Bridge and Iron Works
Bogert and Carlough Company
Boiler, Alfred P.
Bollman, Wendel
and Iron Works
Boody, Azariah
See chronological list of companies
Boody, Stone and Company
Boody, Stone and Harris
Boomer, L.B. (and Company)
Boomer, Boy ington and Company
See Boomer, L.B.
Boomer Bridge Works
See Boomer, L.B.
Bornemann, (August) and Sons
Boston Bridge Works
Boston Steel and Iron Company
Boyington and Rust
Brackett Bridge Company
Bradbury and Spencer
Braun, Joseph
Brenneman, J .E.
Briggs, Albert D.
See Harris, Briggs, and Company
Briggs, (A.D.) and Company
Brown, E.G.
Brown and Lucius
Buchan, George R.
Bnchanan Bridge Company
Chicago, Illinois
Lancaster, Ohio
Boston, Massachusetts
Boston, Massachus
Chicago, Illinois
Cincinnati, Ohio
Oregonia, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Philadelphia, Penns
Springfield, Massachusetts
Springfield, Massachusetts
Elizabeth, New Jersey
New York, New York
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Beliefontaine , Ohio
Burrall, W.H
Burrows, O.R.
Burton and MacDonald
Butler, John
Butler, Ryan Company
uffalo, New York
it. Louis, Missou.
Vilmington, Ohio
lamilton, Ohio am
filmington, Ohio
Bridge and Manufacturing C
Chicago Forge and Bolt Company
Chicago Timber and Bridge Company
Cincinnati Architectural Iron Works
Cincinnati Bridge Company (1873)
Cincinnati Bridge Company (1896)
Clark, Henry
Clark, John
See Bollman, (W.) and Company
Clarke, ( J . G . ) and Company
Clarke, Thomas C.
Clarke Bridge Company
i l a d e l p h i a , Pennsylvania
r i n g f i e l d , Ohio
Clarke, Reeves and Company
Clayton, Jno. V.
Cleveland Bridge and Car Works
Cleveland Bridge Company
Cleveland Bridge and I r o n Company
Cleveland Erecting Company
Cleveland, Ohio
l i n t o n , Iowa
leveland, Ohio
eoria, I l l i n o i s
il ade l p h i a , Pennsy
i l a d e l p h i a , Pennsy
Cofrode and
Colburn, (A.W
C o l l i n s , (H.E
Conley, Willia
See R i t e r an
Consolidated S t e e l Cor
Converse Bridge Company
Coolidge, (W.G.) and Company
Cooper, Hewitt and Company
Cooper and Nash
Cooper and Wigand
Cornell, J.B. and J.M.
Corning, (Edward) and Company
See B e r l i n I r o n Bridge C
Coshoc ton I r o n Works
Crept, George
C r i s l e and Co
Cunningham and
See Milwauke
Curran and Huss
Cushman I r o n Co
Dailey, John A.
Daniels, Joseph
Daniels, Stephen
Danielson, G.
Dauphin Bridge and Construction Company
Dayton A r c h i t e c t u r a l I r o n Works
Dayton Bridge Company
Dean and Westbrook
Marietta , Ohio
Neenah, Wisconsin
Dauphin, Pennsylvani
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
New York, New York
Eastern Bridge and Structural Company
Edge Moor Iron Company
Eli Bridge Company
Elmira Bridge Company, Limited
Empire Bridge Company
Empire Construction Company
Enterprise Iron Works
Etna Construction Company
Eureka Bridge and Iron Company
Evans, Louis P.
Eyre, (John P.) and Company
s Bridge and Manufacturing Co.
Farnsworth and Blodgett
Ferris, Kaufman and Company
Finley, David
Flynt Building and Construction Company
Fort Pitt Bridge Company
Frakman Brothers
Franklin Brothers
Frasier, William J.
Frees, Peter
See King, Zenas
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
San Francisco, Cali
Palmer, Massachuset
Pittsburgh, Pennsyl
Minneapolis, Minne
Minne apo1is, Mime
Detroit, Michigan
Cleveland, Ohio
Freygang and Trocon
St. Louis, Missour
Boston, Massachuse t
Garrett-Ford C
Gates, James
Geisel Const
Gibson, R.W.
St. Louis, Missou
Philadelphia, Pen
nneapolis, Minnesot
ffalo, New York
Haley Foundry and Machine Works
Hamilton, T.H.
Hamilton Bridge Company
Hammond , Davi
Harrington Ro
Harris, Danie
list of companies
Harris, J.
Harris, (D.L.) and Company
Harris and Birnie
See Agawam Foundry
Harris, Briggs and Company
Harris and Hawkins
Harris and Leversedge
Harris and Wright
Hasie, (M.S.) Jr.
Haskell, Henry C.
See Albany Iron and Machine Works
Haskell and Orchard
See Albany Iron and Machine Works
Haskins, W.J.
Hathaway, (J.H.) and Company
Springfield, Massachusetts
Springfield, Massachusetts
Springfield, M
Dallas, Texas
Springfield, M
Fort Worth, Texas
Albany, New York
Albany, New York
Fargo, North Dakota
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Havana Bridge Works
Hawkins, R.F.
See Vermont Construction Company
and chronological list of companies
Hawkins, (R.F.) Iron Works
Hawkins and Burrall
Hawkins, Herthal and Burrall
Hay Foundry and Iron Works
Healy, Tibbitts and Company
Heman Construction Company
Herthal, George P., Jr.
See Hawkins, Herthal and Burrall
Herzog Manufacturing Company
See Gillette-Herzog Manufacturing Co.
Hewett, (S.M.) and Company
Hewett, (William S.) Bridge Company
Hey1 and Patterson
Hill, Lee
Hilton, Charles
Montour Falls, New York
St. Albans, Vermont
St. Louis, Missouri
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
St. Joseph, Missouri
New York
Hilton Bridge Construction C
H.M.R. Construction Compan
Hocking Valley Bridge Comp
Hodges, H.C.
Hoffman and Bat
Hudson River
Hughes and Stewar
Humboldt Brick Ma
Hunt, (C.F. Company
Hutchinson, John D.
Illinois Bridge Company
Illinois Bridge and Iron Company
Indiana Bridge Company
Indianapolis Bridge Company
Indianapolis Bridge and Iron Works
Indianapolis Switch and Frog Company
Insley, Shire and Tullock
See Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron Works
Hudson, New Yor
Indianapolis, Indiana
Indianapolis, Indiana
Indianapolis, Indiana
Leavenworth, Kansas
I r o n City Bridge Company
I r o n Substructure Company
Jackson A r c h i t e c t
Jackson Bridge and
J a r d i n e , Jno.
Johnson, L.
Johnson and
J o l i e t Bridge and I
Jones, C.P.
Jones and Ben
Jones , Haske 1
Fargo, North Dak
Minneapolis , Minne
Oakland, C a l i f o r n i
Jones and He
Minneapolis, Minnesota
San Francisco, C a l i f o r n i a
Upper Sandusky , Ohio
Kansas City Bridge and I r o n Company
Kaufman, Gus tave
Kearns, (T.A.) Compan
Keepers and Riddel
See Milwaukee B
Kellogg, Charles
Kansas City, Missouri
P i t t s b u r g h , Pennsylvania
Chicago, I l l i n o i s
Milwaukee, Wisco
Kellogg, Charle
Kellogg Bridge C
Kellogg, Clarke
f f a l o , New Yor
Kellogg S t e e l and
Keystone Bridge Company
Keystone Bridge Works
See Keystone Bridge Company
Keystone S t r u c t u r a l Company
King, George
See King Wrought I r o n Bridge Manufactory
and I r o n Works
King, (George E. Bridge Company
King, Zenas
Also see companies a t I o l a , Kansas and
Topeka, Kansas
Rushville, I n d i a
Fargo, North Dak
Rushville, I n d i a
Chicago, I l l i n o i
P i t t s b u r g h , Pennsylvania
P i t t s b u r g h , Pennsylvania
P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pennsylvania
I o l a , Kansas
Des Moines, Iowa
Cleveland, Ohio
La C h i c o t t e , Henry A.
L a f a y e t t e Bridge Company
L a i r d , (John) and Company
Lamar I r o n Works
Lappan, (James) and Co
L a s s i g , Moritz
Also s e e Alden and L a s s i g Bridge Works
L a s s i g and Alden Bridge and I r o n Works
L a s s i g Bridge and I r o n Works
Latrobe, Charles H.
See Baltimore Bridge Company
and Smith, Latrobe and Company
Laydon, Darby and Company
Legge t and Berry
Lehrner, J.R.
Leighton, Thomas
See Leighton Bridge and I r o n Works
Leighton Bridge and I r o n Works
Leighton and Fowler
Leonard, (S.S.) Company
Leonard, Foley and Company
Levering and G a r r i g u e s
Lewinson and J u s t
Licking I r o n Works
Lima Bridge Company
Lincoln, M.W.
L i t t l e , D.P.N.
Livengood, W .C.
Llwellyn I r o n Works
Lomas Forge and Bridge Works
Rochester, New Y
Chicago, I l l i n o i
Chicago, I l l i n o i
Los Angeles, C a l i f o r n i a
C i n c i n n a t i , Ohio
Long* Frank R.
L o u i s v i l l e Bridge
Love* E. and E.
Lowthorp F C.
uring Company
Melber* Fred K
Michigan Bridge
ruction Company
Mickle* B.
Miller* A.C.
M i l l e r * R.L.
M i l l e r * Jamieson and Company
See Buckeye Bridge Company
Milliken Brothers
Milwaukee Bridge and Iron Works
Marion* Alabam
Genoa Minne s o
C l ev e 1and Ohi
New York* New
son Building Works
I r o n Works
r i d g e Company
East Everet
New York Bridge Company
New York I r o n Bridge Company
Niagara Bridge Works
North Western Construction Company
Northwestern I r o n Works
Norton I r o n Company
Novelty I r o n Works
Novelty I r o n Works
See a l s o C l i n t o n Bridge Company
Novelty I r o n Works
Nunning and Lubbering
N.W. Bridge Company
O'Brien, She
Ohio Bridge
Ohio Bridge Compan
Ohio Falls Iron Wor
Ohio Machine Compan
Ontario Iron Bridge Company
Oregonia Bridge Company
Osman, (A.G.) and Company
Oswego Bridge Company
Overhoff, Frederick
Owego Bridge Company
Pacific Bridge Company
Patapsco Bridge an
Patterson, M.J
Pencoyd Iron W
Penn Bridge Comp
Pennsylvania Erecting Company
Pennsylvania Steel Company
Penobscot River Steam Boiler Works
Peppard, O.E.
Perham Brothers
Perkins, (J.P.) and Son
Perry, M.M.
Phelps Manufacturing Company
Philadelphia Bridge Works
Phillips, R.H.
Phillipsburg Manufacturing Company
Phoenix Bridge Company
Phoenix Iron Company
Phoenixville Bridge Works
Piper and Shiffler
Pittsburgh Architectural Iron Works
Pittsburgh Bridge Company
Pittsburgh Construction Company
Pittsburgh Iron and Steel Engineering Company
Pittsburgh Locomotive and Car Works
Plattsville Bridge Company
eaver Falls, Pennsylvania
ew Brighton, Pennsylvania
ittsburgh, Pennsylvania
iladelphia , Pennsy
eelton, Pennsylvan
Bangor, Maine
Missoula, Monta
Butte, Montana
Boston, Massach
Williamsport, Pennsy
San Francisco, California
Philadelphia, Pennsylv '
St. Louis, Missouri
Phillipsburg, New Jerse
Philadelphia, Pennsylva
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Chicago, Illinois
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Plattsville, Pennsylvania
Post, Andrew
Post., McCallum and
See Atlantic Br
Post and McCord
Potomac Bridge
ing Co.
Forging Company
New ~aven. ~oniectic
Rezner, Stone and Company
Milwaukee, W
ork, New Yor
Riesner, B.A
Rinkler and
Riter, James
Riter, Thomas
See Riter an
Riter and Conley
Riter-Conley Manufacturing Company
Riverside Bridge and Iron Works
Roach, John
Roberts, (A. and P.) Company
Roberts, (Warren) Company
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh, Pen
Pittsburgh. Pen
Pittsburgh, Penns
Paterson, New Jer
New York, New Yor
Philadelphia, Pe
Chicago, Illinoi
Robson, J .A.
Rochester Bridge Company
See Havana Bridge Work
Rogers Iron Company
Roller, (W.H.) and C
Ross, Jno.
Ross, P.S.
Scherzer Rollin
Schreiber, (L.)
Schultz, C.J.
See Schultz Bri
Schultz Bridge Iron
Seattle Bridge Company
Sebastian, (H.W.) and Company
Seesero Manufacturing Company
Seevers Manufacturing Company
Shailer and Schniglau
Shanahan and Company
Shanley, B.M. and J.F.
Sheely, (J.R.) and Company
Shepard's, (W.H.) Sons Bridge Company
Sherwood, George W.
Sherwood, Sutherland and Company
Shiffler Bridge Company
Shipman, James W.
Shipman, (J.) and Company
Shoemaker, (Lewis F.) and Company
S h o r t h i l l , A.E.
See Marshalltown Bridge and I r o n
Skelsey, Edward
Smith, B.P.
Smith, C. S h a l e r
Also s e e Smith, Latrobe an
Baltimore, Maryland
assachuse t ts
Smith, John R.
Smith, (R.L.) Machi
Smith, Robert
Also l o c a t e d
Tippicanoe C i t y
Smith, L a t r o
S t a c e y manuiac
Stacy, Opdyke
S t a l k . (N.M.)
Standard B o i l e
Bridge Company
Standard Contr
Standard Roof and
S t a r I r o n Works
S t e e l e and Wike
S t e i n , L. Vanden
Stephens and O'R
Stevens, (W.A.) and
Stone, Amasa Jr.
See chronolog
and Appendix
Stone, Andros B.
Stone, Chas.
Stone and Boomer
Stone and H a r r i s
Storm and P a r k e r
S t o u f f e r , S.
S t r a t t o n , (E.L.) and Company
S t r a t t o n , Lewis
S t r o b e l , C.L.
S t r u c t u r a l I r o n Company
Stupp B r o t h e r s Bridge and I r o n Company
Sykes, (L.) and Son
Cinc inna t i , Ohi
Chicago, I l l i n
S-p r i n -g f i e l d , M
Sigourney, low
York, Pennsylv
P i t t s b u r g h , Pe
P i t t s b u r g h , Penns
Chicago, I l l i n o
Baltimore, Mary
S t . Louis, Missou
P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pen
Tacoma Bridge and C o n s t r u c t i o n Company
Tapp, H.W.
Tacoma, Washington
F o r t Wayne, I n d i a n a
Tegmeyer, John H.
Templeton, Jno. A.
Terse Haute Bridge Company
Terry, Joseph C.
Thatcher, Bart and
Thomas Bridge Comp
Thompson and B a i l e
Thompson and Compa
Thompson, ( Edg a s )
Thorp and Bond
Tippet t and Woo
Toledo Bridge C
Vreeland, F.W
Vulcan I r o n W
Vulcan Road Mach
Vulcan Works
See Murray and Hazelhurst
Wabash Bridge and I r o n Company
Waco Bridge Company
Wagner, (J.G.) Company
See Milwaukee Bridge and I r o n Works
Baltimore, Maryland
Omaha, Nebraska
Terre Haute, Indiana
F a l l River, Massachusetts
Boz eman, Montana
Chicago, I l l i n o i s
Denver, Colorado
Baltimore, Mary1and
Wabash, Indiana
Waco, Texas
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wakefield, Robert
Wakefield and Jackson
Walker, F.R.
Walker, J.W.
Walker, Thomas
Walker Brothers
o r t l a n d , Ore
o r t l a n d , Ore
Wallis I r o n Works
Ward, John
Warden, Hy,
Wardie and Yeage
Washington I r o n
i a Bridge Works
Wilkins, Post
See Atlanta B r i
Willame t I r o n Works
Wisconsin Bridge an
Wisconsin Bridge Co
Wise, (George C.) and Company
Wolf, Albert H.
Wolff and Zwicker I r o n Works
Wood and Bancroft
Works and Briggs
Wrought Iron Bridge Company
Milwaukee, Wisco
P r a i r i e du Sac,
Council B l u f f s ,
Chicago, I l l i n o
P o r t 1and, Ore go
Omaha, Nebrask
Fitchburg, Mas
Canton, Ohio
Yale Manufacturing Company
Yale Safe and I r o n Company
Young, D.H.
Youngstown Bridge Company
New Haven, Conne c t i c u t
New Haven, Come c t i c u t
Manchester, Iowa
Youngstown, Ohi
Zwilling Brothers and Company
See Novelty I r o n Works
Cleveland, Ohio