JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 97, NO. Bll, PAGES 15,255-15,271, OCTOBER 10, 1992 UpwellingAsthenosphere BeneathWesternArabia and Its RegionalImplications VICTOR E. CAMP Department of Geological Sciences, SanDiegoStateUniversity, SanDiego,California M. JOHN ROOBOL Directorate Generalof MineralResources, Jiddah,SaudiArabia Two distinctphases of continental magmatism areevidentin westernArabia. The first,fromabout 30 to 20 Ma,produced tholeiitic-to-transitional lavasemplaced alongNW trends.Thesecond, fromabout 12 Ma to Recent,producedtransitional-to-strongly-alkalic lavasemplaced alongN-S trends.The older phaseis attributedto passive-mantle upwelling duringextension of the Red SeaBasin,whereasthe younger phaseisattributed to active-mantle upwelling butwasfacilitated byminorcontinental extension perpendicular to platecollision.Theyounger magmatic phaseislargelycontemporaneous witha major periodof crustalupliftto producethe WestArabianSwellafterabout14 Ma. A varietyof evidence suggests thattheWestArabianSwellis thermally supported byhot,upwelling asthenosphere. In contrast to thedistinctasymmetry of upliftandmagmatism onopposing sidesof theRedSeaBasin,theseprocesses weresymmetric across a N-Slinemarking thecentralaxisof theWestArabianSwell.Thisaxiscoincides with two fundamental features: the Ha'il-Rutbah Arch in the north, and the Makkah-Madinah-Nafud (MMN) volcanicline in the south. The symmetry of magmatism is demonstrated by petrochemical evidence that the MMN harratswerederivedby greaterdegrees of partialmelting,at shallower depths, thanthoseharratslyingto thewestandeastof theMMN line. Thepotentialtemperature of theasthenosphereis estimated to be about1436øC beneath theMMN lineandabout1354øC beneaththeflanking, moreundersaturated harrats.The sourceof upwelling is eithera mantleplumecentrallylocatedbeneath the West ArabianSwellor an elongatedandextendedlobeof hot asthenosphere emanating from the Ethiopian mantleplume.Convective flowmayhavebeenchannelled alonga preexisting, regional flexure in thecontinental lithosphere whichconcentrated hotasthenosphere beneaththecentralaxisof theAfroArabianDome. Thiscrestof mantleupwelling underlies the MMN line in the northandthe Danakil Depression and Ethiopianrift systemin the south. It alsopasses throughthe Red SeaBasinat the midpointof anunusual, doublypropagating rift system whereaxialseafloor spreading began4-5 m.y.ago. The NW trendof theRed SeaBasinwaswellestablished by crustalattenuationduringtheoldermagmatic phase.The Pliocene invasion of thisbasinby a N-S zoneof mantleupwelling hasresultedin seafloor spreading parallelto the preexisting structurealonga rift system thathascontinued to propagate away from its eccentricmantlesourcein two opposingdirections. INTRODUCTION about30 to 20 Ma), they reveala varietyof evidencein The geographic association of uplift,riftingandmagmatism supportof a majorperiodof postriftuplift that beganin the at the Afar triplejunctionprovidesa visualimpression consis- mid-Miocene and has continued to the Present. Fissiontrackdata on crustalapatitesfrom the southeastern tent with continentalrifting at the crestof a plumegenerated dome[Cloos,1939;Gass,1970;Burkeand Dewey,1973;Sengor Red Seacoastshowthat the rate of uplift wasacceleratedafter and Burke,1978]. An activerole for the mantlein the genesis about 14 Ma, althoughit may havebeen initiatedasearly as20 et al., 1989]. An accelerated periodof uplift in of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden rifts, however, has received Ma [Bohannon little supportfrom the field data. Kinematicmodelssuggest the mid-Mioceneis consistentwith the widespreaddeposition that theseoceanicrifts were initiatedby tectonicallyinduced of mid-Miocene boulder conglomeratesalong the flanks of [Schmidtand extensioninvolving a passivemantle [Cochran,1981, 1983; both the Red Sea and Gulf of Suez depressions Courtillot et al., 1980; Courtillot, 1982; Bohannon and Eittreirn, Hadley, 1984; Jarrigeet al., 1990] and with the depositionof 1991]. Sucha modelis supported by a varietyof studiesthat massiveevaporitedepositsin the deeperpartsof the Red Sea test the relative timing of uplift, rifting, and magmatism graben,indicatinga regressionof the mid-MioceneRed Sea throughoutthe Red SeaandAfar regions[Schmidtet al., 1983; after about 14 Ma [Gillman, 1968;Bayeret al., 1988]. Here we presentevidencethat this period of uplift has Schmidtand Hadley, 1984; Almond, 1986a, b; Behre, 1986; with continenBohannonet al., 1989; Omar et al., 1989; McGuire and Bohan- continuedinto the Holocene,contemporaneous non, 1989; Bohannonand McGuire, 1990; Jarrigeet al., 1990; tal magmatismrelated to the upwellingof hot asthenosphere Plaziat et al., 1990; Camp and Roobol, 1991a]. Whereasthese beneathwesternArabia. In examiningthe geologicrecordof investigations reveal a lack of evidencefor plume generated westernArabia,we attemptto resolvethevariablecharacterof asymmetry eastof uplift and erosionprecedingthe main period of rifting and continentalmagmatismand its conspicuous magmatismin the late Oligoceneand early Miocene (from the Red Sea Basin (Figure 1). We attributethe current physiographyof Arabia and adjacentAfrica to a two-stage modelinvolvingboth the passive-and active-mantlehypotheses Copyright1992 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. of Sengorand Burke [1978]. Althoughwe supportthe contention of othersfor passive-mantle riftingof the Red Sea Basin Paper number 92JB00943. 0148-0227/92/92JB-00943505.00 betweenabout 30 and 20 Ma [e.g.,McGuire and Bohannon, 15,255 15,256 CAMPAND ROOBOL:UPWELLINGASTHENOSPHERE, WESTERNARABIA IAL-RUTBAH RCH THE MMN LINE 40 ø 50 ø HADAN 100 0 200 km OLDER HARRATS DIKES [-20-25 Mal Fig. 1. Distributionof Cenozoicvolcanicrocksin westernArabiaand adjacentAfrica. Only the barratlavafieldsof theoldergroup,related to Red Sea extensionin the Oligo-Miocene,are labeled. Harrats of the youngergroup,relatedto active-mantle upwellingin concertwith plate collision,are labeledin Figure4. In SaudiArabia, the older rocksare tholeiiticto transition1989],our intentis to demonstrate that the subsequent period of contemporaneous uplift and magmatism wascontrolled by al, and mostwere emplacedalongnorthwesttrendingstrucactive-mantle upwellingconcentrated alongan axisthat lies turesparallelto the Red SeaBasin;in contrast, the younger eccentric to the Red Sea Basin but coincident with the central rocksare transitionalto stronglyalkalicand were emplaced crest of the Afro-Arabian Dome. alongnortherly trending structures whichdiverge fromtheRed Seatrendby about25ø(Figures1 and3). (Thereareonlytwo TWO STAGES OF CONTINENTAL MAGMATISM exceptions to the olderandyoungertrendsin SaudiArabia. Harrat Hadan wasextrudedduringtheolderperiodof magmaThe continentalmagmaticrocksin SaudiArabia can be dividedinto older and youngergroupswhichdiffer in their tism abovea northtrendingfissurewhichappearsto overlie overallcomposition andstructuralsetting(Figure1) [Almond, north trending structuresin the Precambrianbasement, was the only harratextruded 1986a, b; Coleman and McGuire, 1988; Camp and Roobol, whereasHarrat Nawasif/Boqum 1991a]. As described below,thesegroupsappearto reflect from a northeasttrendingvent system.) Althoughthe two they separatemagmaticphases,contemporaneous with the two groupshave fundamentallydifferentchemicalsignatures, tectonicphasesdescribedabove. Radiometricagedeterminations from 182localities in Saudi Arabiarevealan agerangeof 30-20Ma for the majorityof the oldergroup(with a peakbetween24 and 21 Ma) andan age rangefrom 12 Ma to Recentfor theyoungergroup(Figure2). Sporadicagesbetween20 and12 Ma appearto recorda period of volumetrically insignificant volcanism.The older magmatic seriesin SaudiArabia is generallycontemporaneous with the voluminousTrap Series basaltsin Yemen (41 analysesin Figure2) andEthiopia[Civettaet al., 1978;Zanettinetal., 1980; Mohr, 1983; Chiesaet al., 1988;Mohr and Zanettin,1988]. do not form distinctassemblages, asshownby theiroverlapping compositions on the total alkali versussilicadiagram(Figure 3). The older period of Red Sea extensionis recordedin numerousnorthwesttrendingnormal faults, dikes, intrusive complexes, and basalticvent systemsalongthe entireeastern marginof the Red SeaBasin(Figure1) [Blank,1977;Stenitzet al., 1978; Colernanet al., 1983; Pallister,1987; Colemanand McGuire, 1988;BaMridgeet al., 1991;Sebaiet al., 1991;du Bray et al., 1991]. Severalrift flanklavafields(harrats)andharrat remnantsrelatedto thisperiodof extension are stillpreserved CAMP AND ROOBOL: UPWELLINGASTHENOSPHERE,WESTERNARABIA 15,257 H UTAY MAH l / • I ISHARA I HADAN I NAWASIF -BOQUM TUFFIL BIRK I SITA, BALD, AND SHUMAYSI VOLCANICS SARAT SAUDI INTRUSIONS I YEMEN GRANITES • / I l KISHB KHAYBAR I RAHAT l I I a. I RAHAH I UWAYRID LUNAYYIR // I KURA } I I 5 10 15 • AGE IN 20 25 30 YEMEN VOLCANICS 35 M.Y. b. YOUNGER 0 5 MAGMATIC PHASE 10 OLDER 15 20 AGE IN MAGMATIC 25 PHASE 30 35 M.Y. Fig. 2. Compilationof radiometricagesfor lava fields,intrusions,and volcanicinterbedseastof the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia (182 determinations) and Yemen(41 determinations).For K-Ar agedeterminations greaterthan5 Ma, only those with radiogenic argongreaterthan10% are compiledasa testof reliability.(a) Rangeof determinations reportedfor individuallavafields,volcanicformations, andintrusive groups.(b) Composite histogram of reportedageseastof theRedSea. Data compiledfrom Civettaet at. [1978],Arnoet al. [1980a,b], Colemanet al. [1983],Capaldiet al. [1987],Pallister[1984, 1987],Chiesaet al. [1988],CampandRooOol[1989],du Brayet al. [1991],SeOaiet al. [1991],and Campet al. [1991, 1992]. The compilation doesnot includeagedatafrom th• northernpartof the Arabiancontinental basaltprovince,beyondthe northernlatitudeof the Red Seaat 28øN;nor doesit includethoseagedeterminations older than 35 Ma notedby Pallister [1987] andBrownet al. [1989]. immediatelyeastof the Red Seaescarpment.ThesevolumetricallysmallharratsincludeAs Sarat(31-22 Ma [duBrayet al., 1991]),Hadan(about27.5 Ma [Sebaiet al., 1987,1991]),and probablythe upliftedHarratsIsharaand Harairahwhichare not well limitedby K-Ar agedeterminations (Figures1 and2). These harrats are the most "alkalic"of the older magmatic series,althoughnonepossesses the stronglyalkalinecharacter of the majorityof the youngerharrats. The youngermagmaticseriesis composed entirelyof harrat lava fields(about85% of the total harratvolume)distributed 1$,258 CAMP AND ROOBOL:UPWELLINGASTHENOSPHERE, WESTERNARABIA OLDER MAGMATIC YOUNGER PHASE I ALKALINE ß • ß _ / •e .• /e ß ee e ... PHASE I I ee / • •ee eem• e ß ße e• •ek__• ß . . ß ... ß ß .. MAGMATIC ALKALINE ß ß 10 . le ß . ß . SUBALKALINE o 40 ...•I ß 50 I I 60 70 wt.% s•o 2 I I I 50 60 70 80 Wt.% SiO2 Fig. 3. Total alkali versussilicadiagramfor 742 analyses of the older and youngermagmaticphasesfrom Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. Field boundaryis fromIrvineand Baragar[1971]. The oldergroupof 198 analysesincludes14 from the YemenTraps[Chiesaet al., 1988],122fromdikes,gabbroic-to-granitic plutons,andgranophyres (Capaldiet al. [1987], 30 analyses; Pallister[1987], 11 analyses); Colemanand McGuire[1988],81 analyses), 41 from Hatrat As Sarat[du Brayet al., 1991],six from the Sita volcanics[Pallister,1987],six from Hatrat Hadan [Arnoet al., 1980a],and nine from Harrat Ishara (V.E. Camp and M.J. Roobol,unpublished data, 1992). The youngergroupof 544 analysesincludes27 from the RecentYemenvolcanics[Civettaet al., 1980], 19 from Hatrat AI Birk [Arnoet al., 1980b],sixfrom Harrat Nawasif/Boqum [Arno et al., 1980a], sevenfrom Harrat Kurama (V.E. Camp and M.J. Roobol, unpublisheddata, 1992), 12 from Harrat Shamah[Barberiet al., 1980],22 from Harrat Kura [Campet al., 1991],108 from Harrat Kishb[Campet al., 1992],and 343 from Harrats Rahat, Khaybar,and Ithnayn (the MMN volcanicline) [Campand Roobol,1989; Camp et al., 1991]. The youngergroupof harratscan be furtherdividedinto mildlyalkalineandstronglyalkalinelava fieldsas demonstrated in Figure 5a. far beyondthe confinesof the Red Sea,up to 600 km to the east and as far north as Turkey (Figure 1). Whereasthe restricted distribution and northwest tism have been contemporaneous and symmetricacrossa linear, north-southaxisof mantleupwellingover the past12-14 trends of the older magmaticrocksare consistentwith a genesisrelated to Red Searifting,the very wide distributionand northerlytrendsof The West Arabian Swell the post-12 Ma harrats are incompatiblewith magmatism An asymmetricdepositionalfaciespattern in the northern related to Red Sea extension. Gregoryet al. [1982],Almond Red Sealed Bayeret al. [1988] to concludethat the northeast[1986a,b], and Campand Roobol[1991a]notedthat the N-S ern Red Sea marginwasupliftedabovesealevel after 14 Ma, reorientationof the harrat linear vent systemsmusthavebeen andthat thiswasshortlyfollowedby renewedsubsidence of the in responseto a major changein the overall regionalstress Egyptianoffshorearea at about 12 Ma. This age of uplift regime. Such a changewas recognizedby Sengorand Kidd appearsto be consistent with the post-14Ma agerecognized by [1976],SengorandBurke[1978],andAshwalandBurke[1989], Bohannonet al. [1989]alongthe southeastern Red Seamargin. who suggestedthat N-S fissuresbegan to developon the The continuationof Arabianuplift into the Plio-Pleistocene has Arabianplate after about12-15Ma in response to the collision resultedin a topographicasymmetryacrossthe presentRed of the Arabian and Eurasianplatesalongthe Bitlissuturezone Sea Basin,which is generallycoincidentwith the post-12Ma of southernTurkey [Hempton,1987]. The orientationof most magmaticasymmetrydiscussed above. We hereinrefer to this of the post-12 Ma vent systemsis consistent with an E-W broad region of uplift and magmatismas the West Arabian componentof maximumhorizontalextension, perpendicular to Swell. N-S collision. Although there is a steady south to north decreasein elevationon both sidesof the Red Sea, mountainpeaksalong SYMMETRY OF UPLIFT AND MAGMATISM the Red Seaescarpment are consistently higheron the Arabian Dixon et al. [1989, 1991] attributed the asymmetryof sidethan on the African side [Voggenreiter et al., 1988;Bohanmagmatismacrossthe Red Sea Basin (Figure 1) to a north nonetal., 1989;Martinezand Cochran,1989;Dixonetal., 1989]. trendingzone of mantleupwellingwhichwaspresentbeneath More significant,however,are the inlandregionswhichare less westernArabia about 30 million yearsago,but is nowcentered affected by rift shoulderuplift. West of the Red Sea, the beneath the Red Sea spreadingcenter due to the lateral African inland region is relativelyflat, with an averageelevamigrationof the overlyinglithosphere.Whereaswe agreewith tion of about 500 m. In contrast,the Arabian inland region the existenceof sucha zone,we think that it is a muchyounger (the WestArabianSwell)is a broad,undulatingtablelandwith featurewhichwas not involvedin the Oligo-Mioceneperiodof averageelevationsof 1000-1500m [Bohannonet al., 1989], Red Sea rifting, as they propose[Camp amt Roobol,1991a]. similarto the crestsof the other magmatically active,nonrifted Here we examineevidencethat continentaluplift and magma- swellsin North Africa [Crough,1983]. The averagewidth of CAMPAND ROOBOL:UPWELLINGASTHENOSPHERE, WESTERNARABIA the West Arabian Swell is about 1200 km, which is identical to 15,259 that of the HawaiianSwell[yonh•rzon et ai., 1982],andin the middle range of oceanicswell widths listed by White and McKenzie[1989]. The West Arabian Swell formsthe northernpart of the muchlargerAfro-ArabianDome, the dimensions of whichare mostrecentlydefinedbyAlmond[1986a](modifiedin Figure 4). Almond [1986a] notes that this broad regionof late Tertiaryuplift liesfar beyondthe Red Seamarginsandhasan ArabianSwell. This axiscontainstwo significant features:the Makkah-Madinan-•atua(MMN) volcanicline in the south [Camp et al., 1989] and the Ha'il-Rutbah Arch in the north [Brown, 1972; Greenwood,1973] (Figure 4). The MMN volcanicline is definedby north trending,slightlyen echelon linear vent systemswhich mark the central axesof Harrats Rahat, Khaybar, and Ithnayn; it extendsover a north-south distance of morethan600 km, andit hasbeenthe majorsite of volcanism in SaudiArabiaoverthepast10 m.y. The Ha'il- overall north-south axis which deviates from the Red Sea trend Rutbah Arch, alignedon strikenorth of the MMN volcanicline by about25ø, parallelto mostof the post-12Ma harratlinear vent systems. The southerncrestof this domal anticlinorium lies along the SW trendingEthiopianRift System,and the northern crest lies along the central N-S axis of the West ArabianSwell(Figure4). In contrastto the asymmetryof late Tertiary uplift and magmatism acrossthe Red Sea Basin,there appearsto be a symmetryof theseprocesses acrossthe centralaxisof the West (Figure4), hasapparentlybeenthe siteof severalperiodsof uplift that precededthe mostrecentperiodof upliftdescribed above. Late Cretaceous uplift appearsto havecontinuedinto the the Early Tertiary, as indicatedby the lack of Eocene depositionacrossits crest,and by the thickening of Eocene strataon both sidesaway from its crest[Powerset al., 1966; Greenwot•, 1973;RMdleret al., 1986]. At leastsomeuplift acrossthe arch appearsto have been contemporaneous with o,,•Karacalida I-Rutbah ,, •.-,. Arch rid Kura .•Hutaymah thnayn • MMN LINE ahat shb I 500 krn ß awasif/ Boqum AFRO-ARABIAN DOME \\ SWELL Silicic rift-flank Afar volcanics St ratoid I l • "••\ RiftSeries o l/ / // ! \ Series ETHIOPIAN -'"•'1 DOME Fig. 4. Area of the Afro-Arabiandome(hatchedline) and distributionof the post-12Ma volcanicrocksin Arabia and adjacentAfrica. The Afro-Arabiandomeis modifiedafterAlmond[1986a]to includethe Ha'il-RutbahArch in the north, whichwasan importantsiteof Tertiaryuplift[Brown,1972;Colemanetal., 1983].Almond[1986a]usesthe sealevelcontour of the baseof the Mesozoic[Brown,1972] to partlydelineatethe dimensions of the domein Arabia. The approximate distributionof the post-12Ma volcanicrocksis fromEyal et al. [1981],Colemanet al. [1983],Mohr[1983],Almond[1986a], Campand Roobo/[1989],and Campet al. [1991, 1992]. 15,260 CAMP AND ROOBOL:UPWELLINGASTHENOSPHERE, WESTERNARABIA Miocene basalt extrusionof Harrat Shamah (Figure 4). Zr/Nb values for the more alkalic lavas from Harrat Kura to Althoughbasaltflowsin Wadi Sirhan,immediatelywestof the the west and Harrat Kishb to the east. Experimentalstudieson the derivationof basalticmagmas main body of Harrat Shamah,are interbeddedwith Miocene shallowmarinesediments, farthereasttheyrestunconformably at high pressures[O'Hara and Yoder, 1967; Kushiro,1969; that upon eroded lower Tertiary marine sedimentsat 700-800 m Walkeret al., 1979;Stolper,1980;Sacketal., 1987]suggest abovesealevel [Colemanet al., 1983]. thereis a positivecorrelation betweendepthandalkalicontent. Thus the flankingmore alkalic harratsmay also have been StronglyAlkaline Magmatismon OpposingSides derivedfrom a slightlydeeperasthenospheric sourcethan the of the MiMly Alkaline MMN VolcanicLine lessalkalicMMN harrats. A somewhat deepersourcefor the with the rare earth Of the post-12Ma lava fieldson the West ArabianSwell, flankingharratsappearsto be consistent light rare earthelement(LREE)/heavyrare mappablepetrochemicalstratigraphies have been established data. Increasing primarybasaltic for HarratsRahat (circa10 Ma to Recent),Kura (circa10 to earthelement(HREE) ratiosfor cogenetic, increasein 5 Ma), Khaybar(circa5 Ma to Recent),Ithnayn(circa3 Ma to magmasare generallyattributedto the progressive Recent),andKishb(circa2 Ma to Recent)[CampandRoobol, the garnet/cpxratio of the sourcewith increasingdepthof 1989, 1991b;Camp et al., 1991, 1992;Roobolatut Camp, 1991a, partialmelting[Kayand Gast,1973;Zielinski,1975]. Greater 1991b]. Althoughthe remainingpost-12Ma harratshavebeen depthsof partial meltingfor the basaniteand AOB lavasthat studied in less detail, reconnaissance samplingprovidesan dominateHarratsKura and Kishbmay be indicatedby their adequatedata base to assesstheir overall compositionand the LREE/HREE ratioswhichare greaterthanthoseof the OTB trendof fractionation[,,lmoet al., 1980a,b; Barberiet al., 1980; lavasthatdominatetheMMN harrats[CampandRoobol,1989; Campet al., 1991,1992]. Thesedifferentratiosareunlikelyto Civettaet al., 1980; Coleman et al., 1983; Coleman and McGuire, simplyreflectvariationsin crystalfractionation because(1) 1988]. REE patternscrossin the The publishedanalyticaldata reveal two distinctmagma manyof the chondrite-normalized lavatypeshavesimilarMg series for the post-12 Ma volcanicrocks. One is dearly MREE range,and(2) the analyzed undersaturatedwith abundant normative nepheline,whereas the other is transitionalwith both nepheline-normative and hypersthene-normative rock types. The undersaturated series is primarily composedof alkali olivine basalt (AOB) and basanitewhichfractionateto phonolite.The transitional series is primarilycomposed of olivinetransitional basalt(OTB) and subordinateAOB whichfractionateto trachyteandcomendite. The undersaturatedseries containsa significantvolume of ultramaficxenoliths(generallyentrainedin basanite),whereas numbers (Mg # = Mg[Mg+Fe2+]). Colemanetal. [1983]showthatbasaltanalyses fromHarrat Khaybarand Harrat A1 Birk (Figure4) lie alongparalleland separabletrend linesreflectinglow-pressure (< 40 km) and high-pressure (> 40 km) fractionation paths,respectively, on the diopside-olivine-silica plot of Walkeret al. [1979]. This suggests that the inferredshallowerdepthsof meltingbeneath the MMN line may correspondwith shallowerdepthsof fractionation, as well. We concludethat the MMN harratswere derivedby greaterdegreesof partialmelting,at shallowerdepths.From MMN harrats and for Harrat Kura to the west and Harrat evidencebelowwe attributethe greaterdegreesof partial Kishbto the eastprovidescross-sectional petrogenetic dataon meltingto a hotter mantlesourcebeneaththe MMN line and depthof meltingto a coinciding crestof mantle the asthenospheric sourcebeneath the West Arabian Swell. the shallosver The overall alkalic (undersaturated) chemicalcomposition of upwelling,the generalizedsymmetryof which is shownscheHarrats Kura and Kishb are typical of most of the other maticallyin Figure7. Arabian harrats. In contrast,Harrats Rahat, Khaybar,and MEET GENERATION the transitional series has a distinct lack of xenoliths. The well-establishedpetrochemicalstratigraphyfor the Ithnayn are the only post-12Ma harratsin SaudiArabia and Jordan of the transitionalseries. It is significantthat these three transitionalharrats,primarilycomposed of OTB (>60% of total volume)with subordinateAOB and hawaiite(Figure 5), are restrictedto the centralportion of the West Arabian Swell alongthe MMN volcanicline. The overall differencein the chemicalcomposition of the MMN harrats is attributed to greater degreesof partial melting.The degreeof partialmeltingfroma peridotitcsource should be reflected in the Zr/Nb ratios of the derivative lavas. Since the distributioncoefficientfor Zr in clinopyroxene is about 10 times larger than that for Nb [Dunn and McCallurn, 1982;Watsonand Ryerson,1986],higherZr/Nb ratiosindicate greater degreesof partial melting from mantle peridotitc [,'litherret al., 1988]. From 68 representative harratsamples from Saudi Arabia, ,'litherret al. [1990] demonstratethat the largestZr/Nb ratiosare from the MMN line (Harrat Rahat) and that the smallest ratios are from harrats McKenzieand Bickle [1988] definethe heat contentof the mantle by its potential temperatureTp, the temperatureit wouldhaveif broughtto the surfaceadiabatically withoutmelting. The normalTp of asthenosphere to producemid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB), as calculatedby McKenzieand Bickle [1988],is 1280øCwith a rangeof _30øC. Usingthistemperature asa referencepoint,we considerthreepossiblemodelsfor melt generationbeneaththe West ArabianSwell:(1) decompressionalpartial melting of normal temperatureasthenosphere,with Te = 1280øC[e.g., Foucheret al., 1982], (2) decompressional partialmeltingof metasomatized subcontinental lithosphere,with Te < 1280øC[e.g.,Bailey,1987;Bonatti, 1990; Pearceet al., 1990], and (3) partial meltingof hot asthenosphere, with Te > 1280øC[e.g.,Whiteand McKenzie, 1989]. Melt generationin all three modelsmusttake place under adiabatic conditions. located the Partial Melting of Asthenosphere farthestto the west (Uwayrid) and east (Hutaymah)of the Decompressional with Te = 1280øC MMN line. Althoughthere is little evidencefor a systematic variation in this reconnaissancedata, it is clear from our data McKenzie and Bickle [1988] show that the amount of (Figure6) that the MMN lavashavesignificantly higherZr/Nb magmaproducedduringcrustalextensiondependslargelyon and the stretchingfactor of the ratiosreflectingoverallgreaterdegreesof partialmeltingthan the Tp of the asthenosphere CAMPAND ROOBOL:UPWELLINGASTHENOSPHERE, WESTERNARABIA CREST OF UPWELLEDASTHENOSPHERE' HARRATSRAHAT,KHAYBAR AND ITHNAYN }THEMMN LINE} 15 15,261 FLANKSOF UPWELLEDASTHENOSPHERE: HARRATS K!SHB AND KURA 15 F xx ßß ß / ee ß TRACH • • I/BAS_.;.• ..... •BEN• 5 RHY 5 0 40 50 • SiO260 I 70 X 0 40 50 SiO260 70 75- b. 62.79% 52.49 % 38.21% 22.59% 10.67% 3.95% OTB AOB HAW+ BAS DIFF 6.52 % 2.77% OTB AOB HAW+ BAS DIFF Fig.5. Compositional comparison of theMMNharrats lyingabove thecrestof theupwelling asthenosphere andHarrats KuraandKishblyingabove theflanks of upwelling asthenosphere. (a) Totalalkaliversus silica(TAS)diagram ofLe Bas etal.[1986].(b)Volume percent diagram forrepresentative rocktypes, calculated fromthepercent of eachrocktypein eachunitandtheestimated volume of eachunit. Abbreviations areOTB,olivinetransitional basalt; AOB,alkaliolivine basalt; HAW,hawaiite; MUG,mugearite; BEN,benmoreite, TRACH,trachyte; RHY,rhyolite (comendite); BAS,basanite; PHT,phonotephrite; TPH,tephriphonolite; PH,phonolite. Dashed lineisthefieldboundary ofb'vine andBaragar [1971] separatingalkalinefrom subalkalinebasalt. lithosphere ([5,ratioof theinitialto finallithosphere thick- a basin-and-range topography beneathHarratRahathaving ness). IV/rite andMcKenzie [1989] demonstrate thatdecompresmaximumgrabendepthsof about 300 m below the harrat sionalpartialmeltingof asthenosphere with Tp = 1280øCsurface[BlankandSadek,1983].Fromthesedata,wecalculate requiresa stretching factorbetween2 and5; the formervalue a localized maximum stretching factorof only1.018across the istypical of intracontinental sedimentary basins whichhavenot MMN line.Extension of evenverythincontinental lithosphere subsequently developed intooceanbasins,andthe lattervalue cannotgeneratemeltingof normalTpasthenosphere unlessthe is roughlythe pointat whichstretched continental crustbreaks stretching factorisgreater than2 [McKenzie andBickle,1988]. fully to oceaniccrust. A stretching factorof thismagnitude abovenormalTeasthenoAlthoughstretching of this magnitude appears to be sphereshouldresultin subsidence of about1.75kin, andeven consistent withdecompressional partialmelting during the30- smalldegreesof extensionwouldresultin at leastsomesubsi20 Ma periodof magmatism andRedSeaextension [e.g., denceaslongas normalTpasthenosphere is present [White Cochran, 1983;Coleman andMcGuire, 1988],it is clearly andMcKenzie,1989].Thecombination of veryminorstretchinconsistent withthepost-12 Maperiod of intraplate volcanisming and significantuplift in westernArabia sincethe midbasedonthelackof evidence forsignificant extension. Buried Miocene appears to ruleouta simple model of decompressionfissures beneath theN-Slinearventsystems provide evidenceal partialmeltingof normalTe asthenosphere by crustal for negligible stretching across thewidthof theWestArabian extension. Swellsincethemid-Miocene. On a morelocalscale, however, Uplift and partialmeltingof normalTe asthenosphere extension and subsidence alongthe MMN line are demon- couldconceivably occurif therewassomeothermechanism, strated byhigher mountain peaks to thewestandeastandby besides extension, for the adiabatic riseof asthenosphere to 1$,262 CAMP AND ROOBOL: UPWELLING ASTHENOSPHERE,WESTERNARABIA metasomatizedperidotite, however,would be required to generatethe volume of basalt seen at the surfaceand the supposed volumeof basalttrappedat the crust/mantle boundary. Partial meltingof sucha sourcewould alsorequire an improbablelinear zone of more fusiblematerialbeneaththe MMN volcanicline to accountfor the observedsymmetryand linearityof partial melting. Perhapsthe bestargumentagainst such a source comes from the two-pyroxeneequilibration temperaturesfor the mantle xenoliths,between 900ø and 1100øC[Thornberand Pallister,1985;McGuire, 1988a;HenjesKunstet al., 1990;Nasir, 1992],whichare too cool for significant fusionof enrichedperidotite. The evidencesuggests that partialmeltingof metasomatized lithosphere with Tv < 1280øC is alsoan unlikelymodelfor melt generationbeneathwestern 200 / Kura Phonolite / / Nb Arabia. 100 Partial Melting of Hot UpwellingAsthenosphere with Tv > 1280 øC ß o o I o The progressively higherelevationsof the West Arabian Swellto the south,towardthe Afar triplejunction,suggest that uplift in Arabia may be largelya thermalresponserelatedto mantleupwellingcenteredin the Afar region. The adiabatic rise of asthenosphere with Tp = 1280øCwould require a greater amountof upwellingto producethe observeduplift than would the rise of asthenosphere with T• > 1280øC. As KISHB LAVAS MMN LAVAS I 500 lOOO o Z r ippml D Fig.6. Variationin Zr/Nb for theMMN harrats(Rahat,Khaybar, and Ithnayn)and the flankingHarratsKura and Kishb. The onlyMMN ::: .;:•:: DESERT .::.'• ,.:,-):: .:':.• : ;.. - :::.:. harrat sampleswith low Zr/Nb ratios, similar to thosefrom Harrats Kura and Kishb,are a few high-MgOhawaiiteslocatedat the northern end of the MMN volcanicline on Harrat Ithnayn(shadedregion). shallowlevelsnear the crust-mantleboundary. Given a dry peridotite solidus,McKenzie and Bickle [1988] show that significantmelting of asthenosphere with a Tp of 1280øC probablycannotoccurbelow about50 km. Thiswouldrequire an unusuallylarge magnitudeof adiabaticupwelling,which clearly cannot be attributedto crustalextension. Without a reliablemechanismfor considerable upwelling,partial melting of asthenosphere with Tp = 1280øCappearsto be an unlikely modelfor magmagenerationbeneathwesternArabia. Melting Partial Melting of Metasornatized Lithosphere with T• < 1280øC In contrast to the large degreesof crustal stretching requiredto melt normal T• asthenosphere, only smalldegrees of stretchingmay be requiredto melt metasomatized mantle containinglow-temperature mineralphases.Pearceet al. [1990] proposesucha modelfor partial meltingbeneaththe Karacalidag lava field on the northernArabian plate. Large domainsof metasomatized mantlemustbe restricted to the subcontinentallithosphericmantle, well above the vigorouslyconvectingasthenosphere [Fitton,1987]. Pressure estimates on mantle xenoliths show that the subcontinental lithospherebeneathwesternArabia occursbetween60 and 40 km; many of thesexenolithsalso providepetrologicevidence of metasomatism [McGuire,1988a,b; Thornber,1990;HenjesKunst et al., 1990; Nasir, 1992]. A very large volume of at generally lower temperatures and greater depths ß -ISOLATED VOLCANIC \ CENTERS AND BASALTIC) OUTCROPS • VENT I DENSITY 50-15vents / 100km2 '•..........15-5 vents/100 km2 • < 5 vents/100 km2 • Region ofextrusion dominated. by OTB, reflecting greatest '• degrees ofpartialmelting at • SAHL RAKBAH BASIN theshallowest depths Fig. 7. Map showingthe distributionanddensityof harratventson the WestArabianSwell,and their proposedspacialrelationship to mantle upwelling. The generalizedsymmetryand morphology of mantle upwellingare basedon variationsin the relativedepthanddegreeof partialmeltingacrossthe MMN volcanicline (seetext). CAMPAND ROOBOL:UPWELLINGASTHENOSPHERE, WESTERNARABIA describedabove,it is difficultto envisagea reliablemechanism ' signitiCant rise of nu•ma•temperatureastn•nospx•et• into the lithosphere.Alternatively,we examinehere evidencefor heatingand thinningof the lithosphericmantleby the rise of asthenosphere havingelevatedTv. Heatingand thinningof lithospheric mantle. Geophysical data providesomeevidencefor elevatedmantle temperatures beneathwesternArabia. Voggenreiter et al. [1988] note that them is an asymmetryin the Bougergravityfield acrossthe Red Sea Basin, with the Arabian side havingvaluesof-110 mGal and the Egyptian side having values of-80 mGal [IzzeMine,1982, 1987]. They interpretthesedata as evidence that the lithosphereon the Arabian side is on averageless dense and hotter. They concludethat the somewhatasymmetric heat flow profilesof Martinezand Cochran[1989] for the northern Red Sea may also imply a hotter lithosphere beneath Arabia, and this appearsto be consistentwith the evidenceof Bayer et al. [1988] for asymmetricuplift of the for Arabian side of the northern Red Sea after about 14 Ma. 15,263 would producea partial melt fractionof about3.7%, which is cmcmauons c•oseto Rayleighmw ............. of partial meltingfor the basaniteaveragecompositionfrom Harrat Kishb. In contrast, the OTB lavas of the MMN volcanic line were derived by partial meltingof at least 10%, as determinedfrom Rayleigh law calculations[Camp arm Roobol, 1989; Camp et al., 1991] and experimentalinvestigations on similarrock types[Mysen and Kushiro,1977;Jaquesand Green,1980]. If we assumea crestof mantleupwellingbeneaththe MMN line at a depthof about 60 km, then a temperatureof about 1475øCis required to produce a melt fraction of 10% [McKenzie,1984]. The derivationof larger melt fractionswould requireeven greater mantle temperatures. The asthenospheretemperaturescalculatedabove equate to potential temperaturesof about 1354øCbeneath Harrat Kishb and 1436øCbeneath the MMN volcanicline. Although these values are meant to be grossapproximations,they lie significantlyabovethe 1280øCpotentialtemperatureof normal convectingasthenosphere, and within the range of elevated potentialtemperaturesassociated with mantlehot spots[White and McKenzie,1989]. Not all geophysicaldata supportthe idea a hotter lithosphere. Surfaceheat flow over westernArabia is coolerthan The mid-Miocene to Recent harrats above the West the world average[Gettings,1981; Gettingset al., 1986] and (>80,000 km2) but thin and of projectsto a temperatureof about 400ø-500øCat 40-50 km ArabianSwellare extensive depth[McGuireand Bohannon,1989]. Thisprojectedtempera- smalltotal volume(probably<10,000km3). Their small ture range,however,is at variancewith the 900ø-1100øC range volume is consistent with field evidence for minor crustal calculatedfrom the mantle xenolith data, at the same depth stretchingsincethe mid-Miocene,even if one considerstheir temperatures [Thornberand Pallister,1985;McGuire, 1988a;Henjes-Kunst et generationto have involvedhigh asthenosphere al., 1990; Nasir, 1992]. This discrepancysuggeststhat the and a thin lithosphere. For example,giventhe constraintsof continentallithosphere(the mechanthermalgradientof the uppermantleis not in equilibriumwith a 70-km-thickundisturbed that at the surface,andMcGuireandBohannon[1989]interpret ical boundarylayerof Parsonsand McKenzie[1978]) abovean with a potentialtemperatureof 1480øC,McKenthisdisequilibrium relationshipasevidencethat asthenospheric asthenosphere upwellingbeneathwesternArabia isyoungerthan20 Ma. This zie atut Bickle [1988] showthat a stretchingfactorof 1.1 will appearsto be consistent with apatitefissiontrackdatasuggest- generatea melt thicknessof only 1.5 km; given the same ing a mid-Mioceneage of uplift [Omaret al., 1989;Bohannon constraints,a stretchingfactorbetween2 and 5 will generate between 10 and 20 km of melt. The smaller melt thickness is et al., 1989]. McGuire arm Bohannon [1989] note that the calculated probablystill greater than that generatedbeneaththe MMN mantle-xenolithtemperaturesare high for their depthbeneath volcanic line. The larger melt thicknessis similar to that shieldrocksand must thereforerepresenta regionalelevation producedat the highlyextendedintersectionof the Red Sea, of the mantle temperature• A regionalperturbationof the Gulf of Aden, and Ethiopian rifts near the site of the Afar et al., 1975]. thermal gradient should result from thinning of the lower mantleplume [Berckhemer McKenzieand Bickle [1988] demonstrate that melt generalithosphere,as its mantle portion is convertingto asthenosphere by thermal erosion. A thinned lithosphericmantle tion beneathcontinentsis an importantcontributorto crustal seemsreasonablefrom thexenolithdata. Pressure-temperatureaccretion, consistentwith evidence that the base of the crust estimateson xenolithsfrom Harrat Uwayrid led Henjes-Kunst actsas a densitytrap for upwellingbasalticmagmas[Coz,1980; [1989] to suggestthat the asthenosphere-lithosphere boundary Stolperand Walker, 1980]. Given the very small stretching in that regionis at a shallowdepthof about60 lan. McGuire factor, it seemslikely that harrat extrusionis only a small fractionof the total melt generatedbeneaththe West Arabian and Bohannon[1989] estimatethe asthenosphere-lithosphere with petrologicdata indicatingthat boundarybeneathHarrat Kishb to be at a depthof about75 Swell. This is consistent km. Both estimatesimply a significantamount of thermal few, if any, of the harrat basalticlavasare primarymeltsbut erosionof the lower lithosphereby hot upwellingastheno- rather are fractionatedmagmasderived from primary melts sphere.Altherret al. [1990] cometo a similarconclusion based which accumulated in reservoirs near the base of the crust onlow•43Nd/•44Nd ratiosforArabianharratlavaswhichsuggest [Campand Roobol, 1989; Campet al., 1991]. The crystallithe incorporationof a lithosphericmantle componentinto zation of basalticmagmaat this depth is now reflectedin igneous-textured xenoliths entrained in the harrat lavas asthenosphere-derived magmas. Variationsin thedepthand temperature of upwelling astheno- [McGuire,1988b]. sphere.The projectionof a bestfit geothermpassingthrough the Harrat Kishb xenolith data, led McGuire and Bohannon [1989]to estimatethe temperature of the asthenosphere at the baseof the lithospherebeneathHarrat Kishbto be 1400øCat depthof about75 km. AlthoughthisPoTestimateis not well A MODEL FOR THE CONCENTRATION OF HOT MANTLE ALONG A LINEAR, MIGRATING AXIS The contemporaneity of uplift and magmatismsinceabout 12 Ma (Figure2) togetherwiththe aboveevidence for elevated constrained, it is consistentwith model calculationson the mantle temperaturesbeneathwesternArabia are consistent of Sengorand Burke [1978], degreeof partialmeltingfor the harratlavas.McKenzie[1984] with the active-mantlehypothesis showsthat isentropicmeltingat thistemperatureandpressure which attributesthermal uplift and magmatismto the active 15,264 CAMP AND ROOBOL:UPWELLINGASTHENOSPHERE, WESTERNARABIA rise of anomalously hot asthenosphere. This hypothesis is only the East African rift zone. We concurwith Bayeret al. [1989] partly applicable,however,sincemelt generationin Arabiawas and suggestthat the linear morphologyof mantle upwelling also clearly facilitatedby the developmentof north trending may be at leastpartlycontrolledby directedflow of asthenospherebeneatha preexistingflexurein the continentallithofractureson the upliftedlithospheredueto platecollision. The West Arabian Swellhasa width andelevation(1200 sphere. The top of the Precambrianbasementwest of the Afrokm and 1000 m) consistent with the hotspotmodelof White and McKenzie[1989]. They showthat swellsof similarsizeare Arabian Dome is essentiallyflat lying or dipsslightlyto the thermally supportedby narrow plumeswhich are deflected west,but to the eastit dipsby an averageof about10øto form laterally by the overlyinglithosphereto producemushroom- the basement of the Zagros orogen in the north and the shapedheadsof anomalously hot mantlesome1500km across. basementof the Somaliabasinin the south[Bayeret al., 1989]. In its simplestform, however,this modeldoesnot resolve(1) Emplacementof the Zagros and Oman nappesin the Late with a the distinctlinearityof volcanismalongthe MMN line or (2) Cretaceousappears to have been contemporaneous the northwardmigrationof MMN volcanismwhichbeganon majorperiodof upliftalongtheHa'il-Rutbaharch[Greenwo•, southernHarrat Rahat at about 10 Ma, on Harrat Khaybarat 1973; Hancock et al., 1984; Riddler et al., 1986], so that the about 5 Ma, and on Harrat Ithnayn at about 3 Ma. Since northernhingeline and easternflank of Afro-ArabianDome prior to mantleupwellingin the major rift-related structuresare absent,the linearityof the wasat leastpartiallydeveloped of the MMN line cannot be simply attributed to decompressionalTertiary. To the south,the east dippinglithosphere partial meltingabovea linear rift zone, nor can the linearity Somalibasinappearsto be the resultof Jurassic downwarping and volcanicmigrationalongthisvolcanicline be attributedto [Hutchinson and Engles,1970;Beydoun,1982],so that it was plate migrationabove a stationaryplume becausethe north- alsopresentbeforeTertiaryupwelling.The deflection of hot, ward movementof the Arabian plate is clearlyincompatible risingasthenosphere againstthis regionallithospheric flexure with such a model. wouldhavemodifiedthe morphology of mantleupwelling,and Bayeret al. [1989] suggested that the asymmetric distribu- we suggestthat the N-S crest of upwellingnow preserved tion of volcanic rocks east of the Red Sea could be attributed beneath the MMN volcanicline in the south,and probably to the position of a regional hinge zone that occurson the beneaththe Ha'il-RutbahArch in the north,maybe the result easternside of the Red Sea and continuesto the southalong of such modification. 7' 40 ø I 25 ø MMN Other Harrats Harrats MMN Vent System 0 I 300 km I i Fig. 8. Possiblemodelfor the development of en echelonvent segments alongthe MMN line resultingfrom left-lateral shearimposedby counterclockwise rotation(torque)of theArabianplate. Modifiedafterthemodelof Ryan[1988]for rift developmentat Kilauea. CAMPAND ROOBOL:UPWELLINGASTHENOSPHERE, WESTERNARABIA 38 ø 36 ø 40 ø 15,265 42 ø Rotation of Danakil Block .?.y from original N-S orientation (Le Pichon and Franch- 22 ø" eteau, 1978) I \x?\\ \ \\? \ I Proposed axisof mantle I upwelling 20 ø Harrat volcanic Known crest rocks \ ß. A of mantle .. upwelling associated with 18ø 18ø t???!iiiii?ii!iiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiii? ili?!?ii] tholeiitic-to-transitional volcanism in oceanic areas and transitional-to-mildlyalkalic volcanism nental areas Unknown 16 ø 16øI in conti- basement over- I lain byCenozoic basalt or sediments Pre-Cenozoic continental basement 14 ø •:• Arabian plate + +ETHIOPIAN+ + PLATEAU + + • ++ ++ ++ •African plate 12 ø AGE OF OCEANIC CRUST A -- <lMa ' B-•::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1- 2 Ma C 2-3 Ma D -•======================================================::========= 3- 4 M a 10 ø + + E - ' 4-5Ma Fig.9. Relationship of proposed axisof mantleupwelling to riftingandvolcanism in theDanakilDepression andto seafloor spreadingin the southernRed Sea. Separationof the Arabianand Africanplateshasnot beendemonstrated in the southern RedSeasouthof 15øN,sothattheplateboundary in thenorthernAfar regionis unclear[e.g.,Barberiand l/aret, 1977;Le PichonandFrancheteau, 1978].In describing therotatedDanakilblockaspartof theattenuated Arabianplate, Cochran[1983]considers theDanakilDepression to be a moreappropriate plateboundary.Ageof knownoceaniccrust derivedby axialseafloorspreading is fromthepaleomagnetic dataof Roeset[1975]andCochran[1981,1983]. We proposetwo possiblemodelsfor the hot asthenosphereexample,the interpretationof similaren echelonventsegments source:(1) upwellingof a mantle plume centrallylocated from Kilauea[Ryan,1988]). beneath the West Arabian Swell or (2) convectiveflow The principal problem with the secondmodel for the emanatingfrom the Ethiopianmantleplumeto producean asthenosphere sourceis that it requiresa northwardasymmetry elongatedandextendedlobeof hot asthenosphere beneaththe of convectiveflow away from the Ethiopianplume over a West Arabian Swell. The similaruplift agesin Africa and distanceof about2000 km to accountfor uplift andvolcanism Arabia would seemto supportthe secondmodel,and convec- on the West Arabian Swell. This distance is about twice the tive flow away from the Afar regionwould be a convenient radii of typicalplumeheadsbeneathoceanicswells[Whiteand mechanismto explainthe northwardmigrationof volcanism McKenzie,1989]. The White and McKenzie model, however, alongthe MMN line asit is funnelledbeneaththe preexisting is basedon oceanicexampleswhich form by the circular lithospheric flexuredescribed above. An alternativeexplana- deflectionof mantleplumesbeneathhorizontal,homogeneous tion for this migration,consistentwith both models,is to oceaniclithosphere.It is unlikelythat the suchcircularshapes attributeit to thenorthward progression of fissuredevelopmentwould be maintained beneath heterogeneous,regionally and Gibson, resultingfrom torque imposedon the lithosphereby the deformedcontinentallithosphere[e.g.,Thompson counterclockwise rotationof the Arabianplatedueto seafloor 1991], and for this reason,we do not entirelyrule out the spreadingin the Gulf of Aden. Suchrotationis evidentfrom lateral migrationof asthenosphere over suchgreat distances. the paleomagnetic data of Tarling[1970] and from the left- On the other hand,it is more difficultto explainhow such lateralsenseof shearalongthe MMN line as indicatedby its migrationcouldoccurwell beyondthe confinesof the Red Sea right-stepping en echelonvent segments (Figure8) (seefor Basinwhichshouldhavebeena naturalchannelfor upwelling 15,266 CAMPAND ROOBOL:UPWELLINGASTHENOSPHERE, WESTERNARABIA asthenosphere.We are thereforeinclinedto favor a separate however,have been controversial[cf., Cochran,1983; Girdler the West Arabian Swell. In context of and Southren,1987;Le Pichonand Gaulier,1988]. Le Pichon the East African Rift system,sucha sourcecouldbe considered and Gaulier [1988] arguethat oceanfloor accretionbeganin the northernmostin a seriesof mantle plumes,analogousto the Red Sea at about 12-13 Ma, contemporaneous with that in thosebeneaththe Kenyanand EthiopianDomes. the Gulf of Aden [Cochran,1981]. This age appearsto be consistent with the initiationof uplift and harratvolcanismin A COMPARISON WITH ETHIOPIA westernArabia, as describedabove,and may reflectthe arrival Both the West Arabian Swell and the EthiopianDome of a thermal anomalybeneaththe entire Afro-ArabianDome. asit appears appear to be underlain by hot, upwellingmantle; these two If thisthermalanomalyhasa linearmorphology, mantle source beneath regionsdiffer, however,in some importantrespects. The to have beneath the West Arabian Swell, then its intersection >3000-m-high crestof the Ethiopian Dome has been the site with the Red Sea Basin should be evident in the seafloor- of dramaticrifting and prolificeruptionsof silicicignimbrite spreadinghistory. We can ignore the debate on the initiation of seafloor [Mohrand Zanettin,1988]. In markedcontrast,the MMN line by examiningonly the last4-5 m.y.of knownocean occurs at lower elevations,in a region of minor normal spreading, faulting, and sporadicsilicic volcanismrelated to crystal floor accretion. Althoughrecentintrusionof basalticmagma fractionationprocesses [Campand Roobol,1989;Campet al., is evident at severalsites along the entire length of the Red 1991]. It seemsclear that the thermal structureof the litho- Sea axial depression[e.g., Cochran, 1983; Bonatti, 1985; sphere differs beneath these two regions. This does not Cochranet al., 1991], the continuousgenerationof oceanic necessarilymean that Ethiopia is underlain by a hotter crustalongthe axisover the last 5 m.y. can only be positively asthenosphere,however, since variations in lithospheric demonstratedin the southernpart of the Red Sea [Roeser, thicknesses, at constantasthenosphere Tp, canalsoaccountfor 1975;Cochran,1983](Figure9). Le Pichonand Gaulier[1988] the observeddifferences.We suggestthat Ethiopiais under- argue for continuousseafloor spreadingin the central and lain by a thinner subcontinentalmantle and that the volumi- northern Red Sea, but this cannot be confirmed by the noussiliciceruptionsnear the rift reflectcrustalanatexiswhere paleomagneticdata. Both the natureof the crustandthe styleof extension prior the mantlelithosphere hasbeentotally,or nearly,consumed by thermalerosion. The smallerdegreesof uplift associated with to 5 Ma are irrelevant to the model we describe below; the the West Arabian Swell,togetherwith the lackof evidencefor model rests, however,on the assumptionthat the magnetic byRoeser[1975]andCochran[1983] majorrifting and crustalmeltingalongthe MMN line,suggest anomalypatterndescribed a thickerlithosphere,possiblyabovean equallyhot astheno- approximatesthe distributionof basalt generatedby axial spherethat has not yet penetratedthe crust-mantle boundary. seafloorspreadingin the southernRed Sea sinceabout5 Ma. Counillot [1982] demonstratedthat this period of seafloor spreadingis unusualin that it has involvedrift propagationin REGIONAL IMPLICATIONS two opposingdirections(to the northsvest and southeast).He The hingeline recognized by Bayeret al. [1989]is equiva- pointsout that the southeastdirectionof rift propagationis lent to the Cenozoicaxisthe Afro-ArabianDome (Figure4). inconsistent with a simple asthenospheric sourceemanating In Arabia this axis coincides with the Ha'il-Rutbah arch and from a largemantleplumecenteredat the Afar triplejunction. the MMN volcanic line; in Africa it coincideswith the high At first glance,there appearsto be no compellingreasonwhy central region of the Ethiopian Dome and the southwest axial seafloor spreadingshouldbe restrictedlargely to the trendingaxisof the EthiopianRift System.Boththe Arabian southernportionof the Red Seasinceabout5 Ma, nor is there and African regionsappearto have similaruplift agesrelated an adequateexplanationfor the peculiarstyleof rift propagato the upsveiling of hot asthenosphere concentrated alongthis tion in two opposingdirections. centralaxis. Althoughit is not clearwhetheror not the West The sourcefor a doublypropagatingrift systemhas to lie Arabian Swell and the Ethiopian Dome are underlainby beneaththe axialplane,betweenthe two propagating rift ends. separate mantle plumes, a genetic link between these two When the crestof asthenospheric upwellingbeneaththe MMN regionsmaybe apparentalongthe connecting, middleportion line is projectedacrossthe Red Sea into the Danakil Depresof the axis. Here, the N-S strike line is the focus of two sion, its intersection with the Red Sea axis occurs at the additionalregionsof well-knownmantleupwelling(Figure9): initiationsite of axialseafloorspreading4-5 m.y. ago (Figure (1) it is coincident with the N-S axisof the magmatically active 9). We suggestthat seafloorspreadingmay havebegunwith Danakil Depressionand (2) it cuts acrossthe southernRed the invasionof thishot line into the previouslyattenuatedRed Sea Basinat the site of axial seafloorspreading4-5 m.y. ago. The Red Sea Sea crust,which resultedin rift propagationin two opposing directions,away from the mantle sourcebut parallel to the preexistingbasin structure. In a departurefrom conventional models,we proposethat the main asthenospheric sourcefor Red Sea volcanismmay lie eccentricto its axisand coincident The Danakil Depressionis separatedfrom the MMN volcanicline by the Red SeaBasin. After a 10-m.y.periodof passiveextensionrelatedto the oldermagmatic phase,the Red with a north-south thermal line beneath the crest of the AfroSea Basin was well establishedalong a northwesttrend by ArabianDome (Figure9). about 20 Ma. Below,we examinethe proposedeffect of the Unlike the middle section of the Red Sea, which is characyoungermagmaticphase,whena zoneof N-S mantleupwelling terizedby normalMORB (NMORB), the southernsectionis wassuperimposed discordantly acrossthe Red Seatrendafter characterizedby transitionalMORB (TMORB) and AOB about 14 Ma. similarin composition to oceanicislandbasalt[Altherret al., There is a consensus of opinionthat the Red Sea magnetic 1988; Barrat et al., 1990]. Barrat et al. [1990] attributethis lineamentsrecognizedby Roeser[1975] reflect oceaniccrust differenceto the mixingof depletedMORB mantlewith an producedby axial seafloorspreadingover the past 4-5 m.y. enrichedhotspotcomponent in the southernRed Sea region. Opinionson the generationof oceaniccrustbeforethis time, A comparison of incompatible elementabundances for near- CAMPAND ROOBOL:UPWELLINGASTHENOSPHERE, WESTERNARABIA lOO 15,267 APPROXIMATE POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE IøCI 1500 ø•• •,•. ø [........... 1450 ø LU OTB 4949 0 North 10 I 500 km Rb Ba K Nb Sr P Zr Ti I Y Fig. 10. A comparison of trace-element abundances for near-primary AOB sampleZI0 (Mg # = 65.6) from the southernRed Seaand two of the mostprimitivebasaltsfrom the MMN line (Mg # = 66.1 and 67.6 for samplesOTB 4949 and AOB 4947, respectively).Traceelementabundances are normalizedto the primordialmantleof Wood et al. [1979]. Data for sampleZ10 are fromAltherret al. [1988]. primm3talkalic basaltsfrom the southernRed Sea and the MMN line (Figure 10) appearsto indicatesimilar mantle sourceregionsalongthisproposedzoneof N-S upwelling. Melting of hot asthenosphere at the site of rifting should normally result in a thickenedcrust from magmaticunderplating due to the increasein melt production[White and McKenzie,1989]. Seismicrefractionstudies,however,show LATE TERTIARY SEAFLOOR SPREADING IN PREVIOUSLY ATTENUATED OLIGO-MIOCENE CRUST Fig. 11. Modelshowing theproposed relationship of theAfro-Arabian dometo potentialasthenosphere temperatures at thebaseof thelithoBanks in the southernRed Sea is not greater (and perhaps sphere.The modelisbasedontherelativetemperature gradientacross muchless)thanabout10 km [Bohannon andEittreim,1991],as the MMN line in the north and acrossthe Ethiopianplumein the comparedto the 7-km thicknessof averageoceaniccrust south. The approximateabsoluteT•, of the mantleis taken from the [McKenzieand Bickle, 1988]. The lack of a substantially overallhotspotmodelof Whiteand McKenzie[1989]and from the temperature estimates discussed in text (seesectionon melt generathickenedcrustin the southernRed Searegionmayindicatea tion). It is not knownwhetherthe sourceof upwelling beneaththe somewhatcoolerasthenosphere (perhapsTp _<1380øC)than WestArabianSwellis froma separate mantleplume,asdepicted, or flowawayfromthe Ethiopianmantleplumealonga that presentbeneath the Ethiopian Dome in the south and fromconvective that the crustal beneath the MMN thickness beneath the Dahlak volcanic line in the north. and Farsan This would tend preexistinglithosphericflexure. to supportthe idea of a separatemantle plume beneaththe West Arabian Swell. Discussion The Red Sea and Gulf of Aden basinsare clearlythe two mostprominentregionsof shallowasthenospheric upwellingin northeast Africa and Arabia. These two rift arms were well developedby 20 Ma as the result of tectonicallyinduced passiverifting [Cochran,1981, 1983] associated with the older periodof tholeiiticto transitionalmagmatism (Figures2 and 3). We suggest that a third,lessprominentregionof asthenosphericupwellingdevelopedlater, beneaththe centralcrestof but then it turns to the southwestalongthe rifted crestof the EthiopianDome (Figure4). At its intersection acrosseachof theseprovincesthere is petrologicaland structuralevidence that this axis is coincidentwith a zone of upwellingasthenosphere. The symmetnyof mantleupwellingon opposingsides of this thermal line is evident from (1) lavas derived by decreasingdegreesof partial melting,at increasingdepths,west andeastof the MMN volcanicline, (2) the top of the Precambrian basementwhichdecreases in elevationon opposingsides of both the Ha'il-Rutbah Arch and the generalcrestof the the Afro-Arabian Dome, where the active rise of hot astheno- Afro-ArabianDome,and(3) thedoublypropagating rift system spherehasresultedin uplift associated with the youngerperiod on opposingsidesof the N-S line at its intersectionwith the of transitionalto stronglyalkalicmagmatism. Red Sea axis. The morphologyand temperaturegradientof The central axis of the Afro-Arabian Dome extends across mantleupwellingalongthiscentralaxismaybe similarto that severaldistinctprovinces. It maintainsa north-southorienta- portrayed in Figure 11, althoughthe N-S extensionof hot into westernArabia may or may not involvea tion from the Ha'il-RutbahArch throughthe MMN volcanic asthenosphere line andacrossthe Red SeaBasininto the DanakilDepression, separatemantle plume. 15,268 CAMPAND ROOBOL:UPWELLINGASTHENOSPHERE, WESTERNARABIA REFERENCES The youngerperiodof magmatismin northeastAfrica and adjacentArabia has been dominatedby two separatecompo- Almond, D.C., The relation of Mesozoic-Cainozoicvolcanismto tectonnentsof mantleupwelling:(1) deepupwellingof elevatedTv ics in the Afro-Arabian dome, J. Volcanol. Geotherrn.Res.,28, 225- asthenospherebeneath the central crest of the Afro-Arabian 246, 1986a. Dome, and (2) shallowupwellingof normalTv asthenosphere Almond, D.C., Geological evolution of the Afro-Arabian dome, Tectonophysics, 131, 301-332, 1986b. beneath the Gulf of Aden, and much less conspicuously, Altherr, R., F. Henjes-Kunst,H. Puchelt,and A. 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