Intro 2015 - Leeds Trinity University

L ee ds T r i n i t y U n iv ers ity
Intro 2 0 1 5
Yo ur Gu id e to star ti
o ut at Le ed s Tr in it y
Un iv er si ty
I’d like to wish you all a very warm welcome to Leeds Trinity University.
You’re joining a university renowned for its friendly and supportive
community, which produces graduates who make a rich and varied
contribution to society.
Giving students an exceptional university experience is at the heart of
everything we do at Leeds Trinity, and we hope you have a successful and
enjoyable time with us.
Take advantage of every opportunity during your time here, and we’ve no
doubt that you’ll graduate as a highly employable individual bound for a
successful career.
We look forward to seeing you on campus soon.
Best wishes
Professor Margaret A House
Vice-Chancellor, Leeds Trinity University
Whether you have just left school/college or you are returning to learn, INTRO at Leeds
Trinity is designed to help you settle in, make friends and give you the best start to your
Before you start university we know that you’ll have lots of questions that need answering,
so this INTRO guide is here to help. Within it you’ll find important information about
student finance, support available to you during your studies, and how to register onto
your programme of study.
It has plenty of general information about the facilities on offer at Leeds Trinity University
and what Leeds Trinity Students’ Union can do for you. Your pack also contains your
student ID username and password, which allows you to register on your programme
and gives you access to the Leeds Trinity University intranet and your email.
During INTRO week you will spend time with your academic department, and be able to
attend support sessions that will prepare you for the coming semester. There will also be a
range of social activities on offer. To access your INTRO timetable you will need to log on
to your e:Vision account.
Please take some time to read through all the information to ensure your transition to
studying at Leeds Trinity University is as smooth as possible. If you have any questions
prior to your arrival, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us - just refer to the list of
contact details towards the end of this guide.
The INTRO Team
# LTUintro
P ro gr amme Reg ist r ati o n
Yo u r e:V i si o n acco u nt
e:Vision is a web facility which allows you to
keep track of your personal student details. Your
e:Vision account allows you to view the personal
details we hold about you and information about
your programme, module registration and results.
You can access your e:Vision account at
Your e:Vision username
and password
Your username and password are
included in your INTRO welcome
letter. This will give you access to
your e:Vision account and the rest
of our network.
Pro g ra mm e r e g i st r at i o n f o r n ew stu den ts
Before you start your studies you need to formally register as a student with Leeds Trinity University.
It’s not difficult to do and we’re here to help if needed.
All new students must register on their programme from home (remotely) before they arrive
at Leeds Trinity using our online e:Vision registration facility. International and Study Abroad/
Exchange students must also visit Student Administration (room AM36) on arrival for an original
documentation check.
In order for Leeds Trinity University to operate effectively and meet our legal obligations to all
our students, it is essential that we have your correct and most up to date personal details. The
information we hold is covered by the Data Protection Act 1998.
In ternat i o n al st u d e n t s
Please see pages 6-7 for details of how and when to register for your programme prior
to arriving at the University. When you have registered for your programme online, you
will be given a provisional registration status. To gain full registration, you must visit
Student Administration (room AM36) as soon as possible after arrival to complete your
registration. We will need to see your original documentation as outlined in your offer letter.
You will also need to pay the remainder of your first year academic fees before your status
can be changed to full registration.
Payment of any outstanding tuition fees can be made online:
You will have 4 weeks to make this payment after which the University reserves the right
to withdraw your sponsorship and report you as a withdrawal to UKVI. This would affect
your right to stay in the UK.
Study Abroad/Exchange students - You will be given access to the online registration facility
to complete the necessary programme registration but will have provisional registration
status until you have shown staff in Student Administration your relevant documents.
W he n to R eg i ster o n you r
Pro gra mm e o f Stu dy
All new students may register on their programme before the start of teaching. Registration
opens for ALL new students on 3 September, although PGCE students will be able to register
from Monday 17 August. Simply log on to your e:Vision account using the username and
password enclosed in your INTRO pack and follow the prompts to Programme Registration.
Arr ival Date s
Undergraduate Degree Students living on campus - Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 September
(please await details from the Accommodation office on date/timeslot and entrance gate)
Undergraduate Degree Students living off campus - Monday 21 September
2 year Undergraduate Degree students - Monday 7 September
(Sunday 6 September if living on campus)
Foundation Degree students - Monday 14 September
Postgraduate Degrees (not PGCE) - Induction event Thursday 17 September (except for
MSc Health & Wellbeing, which is Friday 25 September). Please see page 7 for further details
and teaching start dates.
PGCE trainees - Please see page 7 for start dates.
Postgraduate (not PGCE) teaching start dates and times.
Postgraduate induction session 17 September at 5.30pm in the main reception except for
MSc Health and Wellbeing (see below).
PG Journalism and PG Broadcast
MA Creative Writing
Teaching start date
To be confirmed. Please email Lisa Bradley for details
Wednesday 23 September (Full-time)
Thursday 24 September (Part-time)
MA Education
Monday 21 September
5.00pm – 8.00pm
Msc Finance & Accounting
MA Business Management
Thursday 1 October
Thursday 1 October
9.00am – 6.00pm
9.00am – 6.00pm
MBA Business Administration
Thursday 1 October
MBA Business Administration (Finance) Thursday 1 October
12.30pm – 6.00pm
12.30pm – 6.00pm
MSc Health & Wellbeing
Friday 25 September
N.B. Your induction will also be on 25 September, so please do not
attend the induction session on 17 September
MA Victorian Studies
Tuesday 22 September (Full-time)
N.B. Full-time students should attend teaching on Tuesday 22 and
Thursday 24 September
Thursday 24 September (Part-time)
6.45pm – 8.45pm
MA Sport Management
Thursday 1 October
3.30pm – 8.00pm
MA Family Support
To be confirmed. Please email Sue Elmer for details
6.45pm – 8.45pm
PGCE Pr i m a ry
1. PGCE Primary Provider-led should arrive
at Leeds Trinity University main Reception by
10.00am on Wednesday 2 September. There
will be a short welcome meeting followed by
refreshments with key staff.
2. PGCE local School Direct should arrive at Leeds
Trinity University main Reception by 08.45am on
Friday 4 September. There will be a short welcome
meeting followed by refreshments with key staff.
This includes:
Catholic Schools Partnership
St Marys (Bishop Wheeler)
Oakwood and Nightingale (CPAL)
South Bradford Partnership
Westerton Partnership
St Anthony’s Partnership
Windmill Partnership
Yorkshire Special Provision
Northern Lights
3. Primary Distance School Direct
• St John Bosco (Deanery Partnership)
Tuesday 1 September
All students should arrive at their school
at 08.00am
St Mary’s (Hull Partnership)
Monday 7 September
All students should arrive at their school
at 08.30am
PGC E S e co n dary
Students on all PGCE Secondary cohorts should
attend an induction at Leeds Trinity University
on Wednesday 2 September, starting at 10am.
Please report to main reception on arrival.
The cohorts are:
School Direct Catholic Schools Partnership
(St Joseph’s Bingley)
School Direct St Anthony’s Beeston
School Direct Beckfoot
School Direct South Craven (Pinnacle)
School Direct St Aidan’s Harrogate (ARC)
School Direct Crossley Heath (MOSAIC)
School Direct Dixons CA
School Direct St Wilfrid’s Featherstone
(Diocese of Leeds BKCAT)
School Direct St Mary’s College Hull
Northern Lights SCITT
How to r eg i st e r o n yo ur pro gr a mme o f
st u dy a nd s e l e c t yo ur m o d u les
Firstly you should check the date(s) of your registration. New students will be offered a week
or more to complete online registration at home but some will be directed to attend a
face-to-face session on campus in addition to online registration (International and Study
Abroad/Exchange students only).
When registration opens for your programme, please log on to your e:Vision account by
entering your Leeds Trinity username and password (detailed on your address sheet in
your INTRO welcome letter). Once you have successfully logged in, click on ‘Programme
Please ensure you have a passport style photograph of your image available before you start
online registration. You will need to upload your photograph to complete your registration, as
we need this to produce your Student ID Card.
The registration process will take
approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete.
Please answer all the questions in each
section which are as follows:
Clearance checks (documents you are
required to produce in order to get full
Home contact details
Term time contact details
Emergency contact Information
(next of kin)
Personal information
Student ID photo upload
Student support information
Data protection information
Please note that most questions are mandatory and you will not be able to progress to the next
section until all questions are answered and your photo is uploaded. Once you have answered all
questions and agreed to the declarations you will be returned to your e: Vision homepage.
To access the ‘step-by-step’ guide to online registration please select the link under the programme
registration button or the ‘HELP’ tab on the e:Vision homepage (top right of the screen).
You will be able to log in to your account more than once should you need to. If you need any
assistance with registration, please contact Student Administration at or on 0113 283 7120.
Full or P rov i s i o nal R e g i st rat i o n Statu s
When you have completed programme registration, your personal details confirmation on
e:Vision will state whether you have FULL or PROVISIONAL registration status.
Full R eg i str ati o n
If you have met all the required admission
clearance criteria to join the programme (e.g.
proof of your entry qualifications, satisfactory
DBS Enhanced Disclosure certificate etc.),
you will be given full registration status. This
means that you have full access to all Leeds
Trinity facilities and will be eligible to receive
your student loan/bursary.
Provi s i o nal R eg i st r at ion
If any of the required admission clearance
criteria have not been met by the time you
register on your programme, you will be
given provisional registration status only. This
is a temporary status which allows you to
undertake study and use the computing and
library facilities, but it will not allow you to
receive any funding that may be due to you
(e.g. student loan or bursary).
International students will have a provisional
registration status until tuition fees are paid
in full. All students must be fully registered
by the end of the fourth week of teaching,
those who remain provisionally registered
after this time may be required to withdraw,
either temporarily or permanently from their
programme and the University.
If you have provisional registration status, you
should contact the Admissions team at Leeds
Trinity to discuss what further documentation
is required at
or on 0113 2837123.
C ho o se yo u r M o du l es
( Un de r g r a d uate pro gram m es on ly)
You must ensure that you make your initial
module selections via e:Vision (if applicable).
Your programme is made up of modules. A
full-time undergraduate student is required
to register for a total of 120 module credits
(usually six modules). For some programmes all
the modules you need to study are compulsory
(core modules) so there are no module
selections to make. For other programmes there
is an element of choice and you will be required
to select your module preferences.
Please click on the link ‘Select my modules
2015/16’ and follow the instructions. For
detailed module information to help you with
your choices, you should refer to the programme
of study catalogue, available via e:Vision. Please
note this is an indication of your initial module
selections only and you will be required to
confirm your full selections via e:Vision by
Monday 5 October, following discussion with
your tutors.
There are two types of modules:
1. Core - compulsory modules which you must
take as part of your programme of study.
2. Option - modules which you must take but
you may select from a prescribed list.
Modules are coded so that the subject area and
the level of study are identifiable. The format of
our 20 credit modules are as follows: ENG4512
The first three letters of the module denote the
academic subject area to which the module
belongs. The first number following the three
letter code denotes the level of study. The last
number denotes the credit value (a module code
ending in 1 = 10 credits; a module code ending
in 2 = 20 credits). For example, ENG4512 is
a 20 credit module at level 4 from the subject
area of English.
If you require any help with module selection
please contact Student Administration at or on
0113 2837120.
What is e:V i s i o n?
e:Vision is Leeds Trinity University’s web portal that allows you to access and update
information we hold about you and your programme of study.
The options available through e:Vision will vary depending on the time of year. For example,
programme registration is only available at the start of the academic year; however the ability
to update your personal details will always be available to you.
Once you’ve logged in, you can use your
e:Vision account to:
• View/edit your personal and contact
• Update your student support number
• Request a confirmation of attendance
• Register onto your programme of
View your registration details
Make and view module selections
View component and end of year
Register for placements &
View your teacher reference number
(Education students only)
View your personalised teaching
If you need help using e:Vision or any of its features, please use the help pages within e:Vision
itself or contact
Stude n t ID C ar ds
The Student ID/Access card is an integral
part of your student experience. Utilising
smartcard technology, it is your key to
learning resources, printing, food and, if
you’re resident on campus, it will serve as
the key to your accommodation. The card
will remain valid for the whole of your
programme, so please look after it.
As part of the on-line programme
registration process you will be required to
upload an image of yourself. You will not
be able to complete registration without
uploading your photograph so please ensure
you have one available before you start
your online registration. The photograph
will be used to produce your student ID
card in advance of your arrival.
The photograph should follow the standard
passport photograph guidelines. Please
view the Directgov website for further
Coll e ct in g yo u r stu d e n t ID c a r d
Provided you have completed the online registration and successfully uploaded an image as part of
that process, your ID card will be ready for collection as follows:
Un de rg r ad uate l i vin g on c a mp u s
If you are living on campus, you will be invited
to arrive on either Saturday 19 September or
Sunday 20 September. You will be directed to
collect your ID card on your specified arrivals
day. Please note that you will require an original
ID document, from the list below, to collect your
Un de rg r aduate and F ou n dat ion
stude nts not l i vi ng on c a mp u s
If you are not living on campus, please collect
your ID card from the Information Point based
in the main Reception area. Please note that you
will require an original ID document, from the
list below, to collect your card.
In t ern ati o nal stu d e n t s
Please complete your programme registration
and collect your ID card from Student
Administration (Room AM36). Please
ensure you bring your valid passport, visa/
BRP and qualifications with you to Student
St u dy Abroad /e xchange st ud e nt s
Please complete your programme registration
and collect your ID card from Student
Administration (Room AM36). Please ensure you
bring your valid passport.
P G C E st ud e nt s
ID cards will be issued by your tutor or school.
No additional evidence of identity is required.
P ostg r a d uat e taugh t st ud e nt s
ID cards will be available for collection at your
Induction session on 17 September, except for
MSc Health & Wellbeing students who can
collect theirs from their tutor on 25 September
(please see page 7 for further details). Please
note that you will require an original ID
document, from the list below, to collect your
P ostg r a d uat e re se arch st ud e nt s
ID cards will be available from the Information
Point based in the main Reception area. Please note
that you will require an original ID document, from
the list below, to collect your card.
Co n f ir m i n g yo u r i d e nt i t y
All UK education institutions are required
to take reasonable steps to ensure that
every student at the institution has
permission to study in the UK. In order to
collect your ID card you will need to show
one of the documents listed below.
Please note that this should be the
original document and not a photocopy:
Home/E U/Is l a n d s st u d e n t s
• Valid passport
• Birth certificate
• Photocard driving licence
In t e r n at ional st ud e nt s
All new non-UK/EU students will be
required to have their passport and visa/
biometric residence permit scanned by the
University (visit Student Administration in
room AM36 as soon as possible following
your arrival). ID cards can be collected
alongside visa scanning. If you have
applied to extend your visa within the UK
and have not yet received a decision, please
bring a copy of the Home Office letter
confirming receipt of your visa application.
St ude n t Fi nanc e
Stu de nt F i na n c e
Please note this information is for full-time UK home students and EU students.
Fo undat i o n De gree Stud e n ts
For 2015/16 Leeds Trinity will be charging
tuition fees of £5,000 for foundation degrees.
Full-time foundation degree students are
eligible to apply for a tuition fee loan from the
government. For more information visit
U nd er gra d uate De g ree Stu d e n ts
UK home and EU students are entitled to apply
for a tuition fee loan from the government
to cover the cost of their tuition fees. More
information on tuition fee loans can be found
If you have taken out the tuition fee loan for
the full £9,000 you do not need to supply any
further information as Leeds Trinity will be
notified of this by the Student Loans Company.
If you are not taking out a tuition fee loan or
only a partial loan towards tuition fees, you will
be sent a tuition fee invoice by Leeds Trinity in
October 2015.
Remember, if you are eligible for the
maintenance loan and grant, the first
instalment of these may not be paid until
the end of your first week at Leeds Trinity, so
make sure you bring enough money with you.
If you haven’t yet applied for a tuition fee
loan then you need to do so straight away by
applying to Student Finance England at if you are from
England. If you are from Scotland, Northern
Ireland or Wales visit now for links
to how to apply.
P o stg raduate Deg ree Stu dents
There is no statutory funding for postgraduate
degrees. For advice on funding your fees and
living costs, please visit
I n ter nat ional Stu dents
For all students studying on a programme which is less than one full academic year,
the tuition fee must be paid in full at programme registration
For all students on a programme which is
one academic year or more, 50% of the tuition fee should be paid when you accept the place and the remaining amount during registration.
Payme nt of Fe es
Invoices for tuition fees will be issued in October 2015 (September for PGCE Students). If you
have taken out the tuition fee loan for the full tuition fee amount you do not need to supply any
further information.
Tuition fees will be due in full on 1 November 2015 and payment may be made as follows:
Payment by tuition fee loan (if eligible). This will be paid directly to the University by the
Student Loan Company. Please check your SLC information to ensure you have applied for
the correct tuition fee.
Payment can be made online at: or follow the Online
Payments link on the University website. You will need to know your Student ID number and
have a debit/credit card.
Payment in full on or before1 November 2015 (October 2015 for PGCE students) by cheque
(payable to Leeds Trinity University)
Payme nt of Fe es (Con tinued)
Students living on campus will be given their accommodation invoice on arrival. The fees should
be paid in line with the accommodation agreement. Payment may be made as follows:
Online at: or follow the Online Payments link on
the University website. You will need to know your Student ID number and have a debit/
credit card. There is an option to set up a recurring card payment that will automatically
take the correct instalment payment on the due date to avoid you having to remember
future payments. You only need to enter the full annual charge for accommodation and the
instalments will be automatically calculated. Instalments can be amended by contacting
the Finance Office.
In person at the Finance Office (AM3) by Debit/Credit Card
By cheque payable to Leeds Trinity University
Imp o rta nt STUDENT FUNDIN G In fo r matio n
Make sure you have applied for your student
funding and that you have provided your
funding body with all the information they need,
including proof of your identity, your parents’/
partner’s financial details (and evidence). If you
are unsure you should check with your relevant
funding body. Student Finance England can be
contacted on 0300 100 0607.
Check that your tuition fee is correct. For fulltime undergraduate honours programmes, the
fee in 2015/16 is £9,000. If you applied online
then along with your notification letter, you
should receive a declaration form if you have
not already printed and returned this. You must
sign and return this form to Student Finance
If you have to send anything to Student Finance
England, always send it via recorded delivery
to Student Finance England, PO Box 210,
Darlington, DL1 9HJ.
If your notification letter shows that you have
only been provided with basic student funding,
don’t panic. This might be because Student
Finance England have not yet been able to
financially assess your parents’/partner’s details
as the information is still in the processing
Make sure you keep a record (somewhere safe)
of your Customer Reference Number (CRN),
password and secret answer. Student Finance
England can only talk to you about your funding
if you can provide them with those details.
When you receive your notification letter
from Student Finance England, check that
you are getting all the loans and grants you
requested and that ‘Leeds Trinity University’ is
the institution recorded on the letter and that
your programme name is the same as on your
Leeds Trinity applicant portal. A copy of your
notification letter should also be posted to the
correspondence section of your online student
finance account at
If you are unsure if you have sent Student
Finance England all the required information,
you should check with them on 0300 100 0607.
Make sure (if relevant to your programme) you
have completed your Disclosure and Barring
Service (DBS) check, Health Declaration and/or
provided all certificates (e.g. GCSE) that Leeds
Trinity has requested.
If these things are not completed by the start
of term, your student funding cannot be paid to
you until they are completed.
Stude n t S u pp o rt
There are many ways in which you’ll receive support throughout your time here. You should be
aware that help is available from lots of different places.
The Student Advisers are a great starting point if you are having any problems. If they can’t help,
they can find someone who can. Specialist services include counselling, finance advice, careers,
dyslexia, disability and health. Our Student Advisers can provide you with information on tuition
fees, student loans and other sources of funding, and can offer advice on budgeting and
managing debt.The team also offers support for students with a diagnosed mental health issue.
Alternatively, you can speak to someone within the Leeds Trinity Students’ Union (LTSU) or your
Development Tutor.
Developme nt T uto rs
T h e C h apla incy
You will be guided through your studies by an
academic Development Tutor. You will meet your
Development Tutor during INTRO and catch up
with them regularly throughout the year. Your
Development Tutor is a member of the lecturing
staff who will normally teach one of the subjects
that forms part of your programme. They will
be able to help and advise you on a number of
areas, including module selection, study skills and
progression through your studies. In addition,
your individual subject tutors will provide advice
and support in their particular subject area.
The Chaplaincy offers a varied social programme
which includes numerous social events, day
trips and walks each term. It also organises an
annual trip to Rome and in July 2016 a group
will be joining Pope Francis at the World Youth
Day in Krakow. Everybody is most welcome to
use the Chapel or Multi-Faith Prayer Space, both
of which are open every day for quiet prayer
and reflection. The staff and students in the
Chaplaincy Team are friendly and welcoming
so please pop in to say hello.
Ad d itio nal suppo rt req u i reme n ts
R etur n to L earn
The Dyslexia and Disability Support Services
team supports students with a range of
disabilities, including dyslexia, Asperger’s
syndrome, visual and hearing impairments,
physical or mobility difficulties and medical and
mental health conditions. Support can include
applying for Disabled Students’ Allowances and
arranging support and assistance for eligible
students. For more information visit:
If you are returning to learn after some time out
of full-time education, then why not join our
Return to Learn programme? The programme
aims to help enhance your skills, prepare you for
your studies, introduce you to other students
(including current students) and help you
become familiar with the Leeds Trinity University
Support may involve:
• Requesting alternative assessment
• Screening for dyslexia
• Liaising with tutors
• Making minor building adaptations
Please contact the Dyslexia and Disability
Co-ordinator Jane Perekrest on 0113 283 7486
or email if you
would like to discuss your individual needs.
This free programme runs from 14 to 18
September between 10am and 12pm on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Refreshments
and lunch are included.
Whether you are on a foundation, undergraduate
or postgraduate course, you are welcome to
attend. To book your place on the programme,
please contact Lucy Rice on 0113 283 7150
or email
He a lth a n d Wellb ei ng
Opening Times
Student Health is open 8.30am - 4.00pm. To make a GP appointment you
must come to drop-in with the Health Adviser between 10am and 12pm
or email
Health S erv i ces
Safet y and security
Medical services on campus include regular
surgeries held by Leeds Trinity University’s
Health Adviser for general advice and to
make an appointment with the local GP, if
you are registered with them. If you are an
undergraduate student, your health registration
information is included in this pack. Please
complete all relevant forms and return them to
The New Croft Surgery just before you arrive in
We work hard to ensure that our campus is a
safe place to work and socialise. Leeds Trinity
University security staff are on duty 24 hours
a day, all year round.
Counsell i ng serv i ce
Qualified counsellors work within our
Counselling Service and provide an
understanding, caring atmosphere in which you
can talk confidentially about anything that is
worrying you. For more information visit:
Leeds is a fairly safe place to live as a student,
however as with any city a small number of
students do experience a crime. You can find a
wealth of information about staying safe from
crime and what to do if you do experience any
problems on the Students’ Union website at
F o o d a n d drink
A wide selection of food and drink, cooked
meals, snacks, salads and sandwiches are
available from our Dining Room, the Atrium
Café or the Lounge Bar.
There is a small shop facility located in the
Dining Room which sells newspapers, toiletries,
and confectionery, as well as a free-to-use cash
machine located in the Student Support area.
Please note Smoking is only permitted in the shelters provided on campus
Hello and welcome to Leeds Trinity University!
Now that you’re a student here you are automatically a member of Leeds Trinity Students’ Union.
That means you get access to loads of opportunities to make new friends, learn new skills and make
a positive impact on your community. Our role is to make sure that every student has the best
possible time and makes the most of their university experience. We’re also here if you need a
helping hand while you’re at Leeds Trinity, with an experienced and professional welfare service
available to all students.
We are led by you, our members, with two elected students making the big decisions and
representing you to the University. This year your President is Steph Little and your Vice-President
is Josh Clough who work full-time to stand up for students and make positive changes for students
across campus.
You are now part of the community here at Leeds Trinity and the best piece of advice we can give
you is to get involved. No matter what your interests are there is the opportunity to get involved.
Speak up for your classmates as a course rep, represent the University on one of our competitive
sports teams, make new friends and share your interests through a society. If you can’t find a group
that represents your interests then we will support you to start up something new.
It is also important for you to know that we are here for you in the event that something goes wrong
or you need some support. Our Welfare Service is here to make sure that, no matter what problem
you may have, there is a friendly face to speak to and get you back on track with life at Leeds Trinity.
Look out for information to make life easier, safer and cheaper throughout the year.
If you have any questions, please get in touch on, tweet us
@leedstrinitySU or email If you’re on campus, come and find us
and we’ll be happy to talk! We’re usually in our offices near the Atrium Café, we can’t wait to meet you!
The LTSU Team
Fr eshers’ Fa i r
Wednesday 23 September may mark the mid-way point of Freshers’ Week, but that means only one
thing - FRESHERS’ FAIR! There will be over 50 stalls located all around campus offering a variety of
different things, ranging from University services to the Leeds Rhinos!
• All of the Leeds Trinity University Sports teams will be there for you to meet and sign up to
• A wide range of societies for you to join
• The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme
• Local bars and clubs
• University welfare services, the Chaplaincy and Student Support
• Volunteering opportunities
• Local businesses
• Food stalls
• Live music
G e t I n volv e d
Sports teams, clubs and societies you might want to join:
LGBT Society
Music Society
Philosophy Society
ISOC (Islamic Society
on Campus)
Film Society
Role Playing Society
Photography Society
Trinity Singers
Psychology Society
Come and meet them at the Freshers’ Fair, and remember if you have an interest that isn’t
listed above we will help you to create it!
The Learning Hub at Leeds Trinity is here to
help you develop the skills you need to succeed
in your studies. Having effective academic
skills from the beginning of your university
experience will make it more enjoyable. You’ll
find the work easier, you’ll save time and you’ll
get more out of your course.
We can give you a variety of support including:
The essay writing process
Time management
Revision strategies
Critical thinking and reading
The Learning Hub is open all day long and you can either drop in or make an appointment. We can work with
you on a one-to-one basis, or you can come along with your friends. We’ve also got lots of online resources
to guide you. Be sure to drop by once you’ve settled in to find out how we can help you.
For more information: T: 0113 2837168 E:
In The Learning Hub we also coordinate the Peer Learning Mentor scheme. Peer Learning Mentors (PLMs) are
Level 5 and 6 students from your academic department. Throughout the term your PLMs hold weekly hour
long drop in sessions where they will provide you with academic support, as well as hosting a designated hour
where they will answer your queries via the PLM email inbox. To find out when your department’s sessions
are, come have a chat with us in The Learning Hub or look out for the Peer Learning Mentoring leaflets
around campus!
For more information: T: 0778 5622972 E:
WIN a free copy of The Study Skills Handbook by Stella Cottrell - come to the Learning
Hub during Freshers’ Week (21 - 25 September) to enter our draw!
Opp ort un i ti es at
L e e ds Trini ty U ni ver s i t y
C areers A ND E mployab ility
Each of our degrees offers a blend of employability skills, professional work placements, extra-curricular
activities and one-to-one support. We have a professional and dedicated Careers and Employability team
to guide you through career planning and job search, and they work closely with employers and business
mentors. We operate a campus Jobshop which provides information on part-time jobs that you can fit
around your studies and graduate jobs for when you leave university. To further develop your skills, we
also offer volunteering opportunities. For more information visit:
L ee d s T r i n i t y En terprise C en tre
Leeds Trinity Enterprise Centre can support you in starting your own business or working on a freelance basis.
We can support you by providing office and meeting space to work on your business, as well as specialist
help from business mentors and workshops on topics such as marketing, social media, finance and legal
issues. For more information visit:
S tudy A b roa d
Did you know that you can study abroad as part of most Leeds Trinity University degrees?
Leeds Trinity University has developed partnerships with institutions around the world, including Spain,
France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Turkey, USA and Australia.
Studying abroad is a great opportunity to widen your cultural horizons, make new friends and contacts
as well as broaden your future career opportunities.
If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, just contact our Study Abroad Team at or visit the website for more information
E ssenti al I T
Leeds Trinity University offers the latest IT facilities to help support your studies during
your time here.
L o gging on
You’ll find your username and password
in your welcome letter. It will give you
access to:
Your Leeds Trinity email
Your documents
Information about all aspects of
Leeds Trinity on the intranet
In order to access these you need to log
into our network
How to log on
Enter your username (found on your
welcome letter). If you forget your
username just email the IT helpdesk at or call 0113
283 7223.
Enter your password (found on your
welcome letter).
Accept any plugins that may need to be
You’ll now be in our Remote Access
desktop system. Just click Internet Explorer
and you’ll be taken straight to the intranet.
The Intranet
E ma i l
The intranet provides a one stop shop with
everything you need to know about life at Leeds
You can access your email and calendar in a
number of ways:
Intran et to p features
Find out what’s happening at Leeds Trinity
with all our community news and events
Check out our infozone
Use it as a gateway to login to our IT
Moodle, our Virtual Learning Environment
includes learning and teaching information
e:Vision - for registration and timetable
Library - for books, e-journals and other
Office 3 6 5
By being a student at Leeds Trinity you are also
entitled to use our Office 365 portal. This enables
you to:
Download Microsoft Office 2013 for
your laptop, desktop and tablet for free
(activate using your Leeds Trinity email
address and password)
Store your documents and data in OneDrive
for Business
Collaborate with your fellow classmates with
group work
Check your email
Access these fantastic services from any location
and any device connected to the internet: and login
using your Leeds Trinity email address and the password
you’ve been supplied.
From the intranet
It can be synced with your phone:
• Add an Exchange account
• Enter your Leeds Trinity email address
• Username: your Leeds Trinity email address
• Password: your password
• Office 365 Portal
F i le Storag e
You can store up to 1Tb in your OneDrive for
Business area accessible in Office 2013 and the
Office 365 portal. You can also access any of your
files stored in OneDrive using the free Apps for
iPhone and Android.
You can also store files in My Documents
accessible from the Remote Access system (from
any internet connected device) and any Leeds
Trinity computer.
I n ter net connections
Wireless is available across the campus. Connect
to the eduroam network using your Leeds Trinity
email address and password to connect.
All halls of residence also have Wi-Fi and network
connections. These are supplied and managed by
StudentCom. Go to
for more information.
# LTUintro
Please contact us at, on 0113 283 7223 or visit
Es senti al L i b r a ry
an d L ea r n i ng R e s o u r c e s
The Andrew Kean Learning Centre offers a great range of resources, facilities and services, such as:
Helpdesk for basic Library and IT support
Enquiry Point for in-depth help finding and
using library resources
Books, journals, newspapers, DVDs,
classroom resources and more
A wide range of electronic resources:
e-books, e-journals and databases
Self-service kiosks for borrowing and
returning books
Quiet and silent study zones, individual
study carrels and bookable group study
IT rooms, 24-Hour IT Lab and open access
Laptops for you to borrow and wireless
coverage throughout
Printing, photocopying, scanning,
laminating and binding
What yo u can b o rrow
L i b rary We bsite
You need your student ID card to borrow
from the Library
We will send you courtesy emails when your
loans are due back or overdue
Click on the Library button on the Leeds Trinity
intranet to access the following Leeds Trinity
Library resources:
You can renew items as many times as you
like, unless the item is reserved by another
The Library catalogue: search for books,
e-books, DVDs and print journals
Discovery search across the library
collections for full-text journal articles and
e-Journal A-Z: search for e-journals by title
Undergraduate (Level
4 and 5)
20 items including
4 x 2-day Loans
My Subject: find more resources such as
specialist subject databases
Undergraduate (Final
Year) and Postgraduate
25 items including
4 x 2-day Loans
My Library Account: manage your account
and renew your loans
AT H E N S user name and pass word
Co ntact us
Andrew Kean Learning Centre
Leeds Trinity University
LS18 5HD
T: 0113 283 7244
You need an ATHENS username and password to
access Leeds Trinity Library electronic resources. If
you do not receive your Athens credentials, please
E xter nal L og -in
If you are working off campus, you can log in
to the intranet using your Leeds Trinity network
username and password at:
L ibrary term- t i me o pen i n g h o urs
Monday – Thursday
08:30 - 24:00
08:30 - 20:00
11:00 - 20:45
11:00 - 20:45
After h ours
You need your student ID card to access the
Learning Centre after 19:00 and at weekends.
You can work all night in the 24-Hour IT Lab
and use the book return box when the Library
is closed.
C ampus bookshop
We are delighted that Blackwell’s academic
bookshop will be returning to offer a daily
bookshop for the first four weeks of the
academic year.
Blackwell’s bookshop will have all the essential
purchases for all courses at competitive prices
and a selection of general study books and
popular titles.
R emote Top-Up C ar ds
You can ask for a Blackwell’s Top-Up Card
which will allow others to top up your account
remotely to enable you to afford more books.
Whether you’re looking to try something new or getting back into a sport you love, we’ve got something for
everyone! At Leeds Trinity we believe that university life is much more than studying for a degree and we aim
to provide opportunities to make your experience here so much more.
Our Trinity Active programme is made up of a combination of coached and free play sessions in a variety of
sports and activities (Golf, Trampolining, Ultimate Frisbee…to name a few!) which are all free and inclusive
to all students. We also have a packed timetable of ‘This Girl Can’ activities for our female students to get
involved with!
Our Campus Sport leagues allow students to throw themselves into university life by playing semicompetitive, fun sport with your friends! We offer netball, football, squash leagues and many more
throughout the year which can be played in your halls teams, course teams or just a group of friends.
If we haven’t listed your sport, don’t panic! We have loads more to choose from and we can point you in
the right direction to local clubs and sessions!
If you’re looking to add to your CV and gain valuable sports qualifications our Coach Ed and Sports
Volunteering programme can cater to your needs; with a range of opportunities and reduced rate coaching
qualifications available to students all year round.
We’re always looking for students to represent Leeds Trinity in the BUCS leagues and other competitions, so
if you want to represent your University our Students’ Union teams can help you, we currently have Leeds
Trinity teams in:
Badminton (Male and Female teams)
Football (Male and Female teams)
Rugby Union (Male and Female teams)
Rugby League
Look out for the Sport Development team in Freshers’ Week!
Trin i t y F i t ne s s
Trinity Fitness, the University’s Sports Centre, has a fully-equipped fitness suite with the latest facilities. We
offer personalised programmes and health checks for all members, and there is a wide selection of activity
There is a spin bike studio, 2 glass-backed squash courts, and a four-court sports hall that offers facilities
for badminton, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, five-a-side football and indoor cricket. Outdoor facilities
include tennis courts, an athletics track, and grass pitches for rugby and football. There is also an Astroturf
pitch which is fully accredited by FIFA™ and the FIH™ for football and hockey respectively.
Stu den t G y m M e m b e r s h i p s
As a Leeds Trinity student, you’ll enjoy discounted membership rates. For more information contact
Trinity Fitness at
T: 0113 2837155
Peak Fitness Suite access
& Peak Classes
Off Peak Fitness Suite access &
Off Peak Classes
Peak Fitness Suite access and
Peak Classes
FREE Squash, Badminton, Table
Tennis, FREE hire of 1/3 3G
Astroturf Pitch at anytime
FREE Squash,Badminton, Table
Tennis, FREE hire of 1/3 3G
during off peak hours
FREE Squash, Badminton, Table
Tennis, FREE hire of 1/3 3G
Astroturf Pitch at anytime
£120 per year
£85 per year
£45 per quarter
Me dia Serv i c es
Typical opening hours are as follows:
Monday - Thursday
09:00 – 19:45
09:00 – 16:45
(N.B. opening hours are subject to review)
Located in the Media Centre, Media Services provides a resource hub to help all students. Whether it is
guidance on fixed audio visual facilities, or providing one-off custom equipment requirements, Media
Services will endeavour to meet your specific needs.
The Media Loans Counter provides a range of non-specialist loan equipment to support your studies and help
you achieve your academic goals. Items may be borrowed, for a specific period, on production of a valid ID
Ge neral Faci l i t i es a n d Suppo rt
Audio visual technical support at the
Loans Counter/Helpdesk
Discuss non-standard lecture room
Help with preparing images and videos for
the web
Discuss teaching practice or distance
learning equipment requirements
Book technical support for lectures
Loan camcorders, stills cameras and
dictaphones to record presentations
Loan a wide range of mobile phone
chargers and accessories
The Loans Counter also acts as the Helpdesk for any queries involving media production as well as acting
as a room booking point for the production facilities of the Centre. The professional facilities are available
to all students provided they have had suitable training.
Welcom e to L e e d s
Leeds is one of the UK’s largest cities and is home to hundreds of thousands of students! It’s renowned for
its amazing nightlife, culture and shopping, as well as being an internationally recognised major centre of
learning. So what do you need to know about what’s on your doorstep in Leeds?
Horsf o rt h
Leeds Trinity’s campus is situated in Horsforth, which is just five miles
away from the centre of Leeds. Horsforth has the best of both worlds.
It’s just minutes away from Leeds city centre by train but also has all of
the essential amenities you’ll need, from bars, pubs and restaurants, to a
supermarket, shops and banks. It’s also a gorgeous, green area within easy
reach of the nearby Yorkshire Dales and other lovely countryside, meaning
there’s a chance to escape city life and enjoy the great outdoors.
To make your life even easier, Leeds Trinity has a free shuttle bus that
takes you straight from the campus to the amenities of Horsforth
during term time, with stops including the Horsforth train station, the
supermarket, and the pubs, restaurants, banks and bars in the centre of
Headi n gl ey a n d Hy d e Pa r k
Just a few miles away from Horsforth are the legendary student hubs of
Headingley and Hyde Park. Headingley is where the majority of 2nd and
3rd year students in Leeds live and congregate, and is filled with a variety of
pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants as well as lots of student flats and houses
to suit many budgets. No trip to Headingley is complete without a visit to
The Original Oak, which has a huge beer garden that’s perfect for those hot
summer days.
L eeds C i t y C en t re
Less than 15 minutes from Leeds Trinity by train, Leeds is an amazing
student city and whatever your interests, you’ll be spoilt for choice with
activities when you arrive here. If you like shopping, you’ve probably
already got the city’s latest shopping experience, Trinity Leeds, in your
sights. You’ll find all of the biggest names in there like Superdry, H&M and
Hollister, as well as student-friendly restaurants Wagamama and Yo Sushi,
the first Everyman Cinema outside of London and lots more. If you like
your clothes with a bit of history, you’ll find that Leeds has a great vintage
shopping scene, with fantastic bargains to be found at shops in and around
the Corn Exchange.
The live music scene in Leeds is legendary. There are plenty of outdoor
gigs and festivals, including the massive Leeds Festival, as well as countless
large-scale and intimate indoor venues where you can catch the latest
We could tell you about everything there is to know about Leeds, but we’d
end up filling up the rest of this booklet so we’ll quit while we’re ahead! To
find out more, you can visit the About Leeds section of our website here:
Trav ell ing to
Leeds Tri ni t y U ni v e RSI T Y
Students moving into halls
Extensive building work will be underway over arrivals weekend, so in order to ensure
the most stress-free arrival for you and your family the Accommodation Office
will provide you with arrival information, including a time slot for arriving and
unloading on either Saturday 19 or Sunday 20 of September.
As well as this they will provide details of which specific road
entrance and car park you should use for your hall of
residence. Student Ambassadors will also be on hand
on the day to provide additional car parking
advice and general assistance.
Arrive by car
Please visit
for directions to Leeds Trinity University.
If you are using a Sat Nav system, our
campus postcode is LS18 5HD. There is
pay and display car parking on campus
between the hours of 08:30 and 16:30
during term-time, Monday to Friday.
There is no charge on any weekend.
Leeds Trinity University
free shuttle b us
Our free shuttle bus service runs from
Horsforth Station to our campus and
back every 30 minutes during the day,
Monday to Friday.
# LTUintro
Leeds Trinity University has great
transport links; it’s easily accessible
by road, there’s a railway station
ten minutes’ walk from campus
and plenty of buses from Leeds and
Bradford stop directly outside the
main entrance.
Flo o r m ap
Accessible Route
Accessible Toilets
This map is for the main building at Leeds Trinity
University. If you need more detailed information
or directions for the other buildings on Leeds Trinity
University’s campus, please just contact a member of
our Reception team who will be very happy to help.
Co ntac ts
Programme Registration
T: 0113 283 7120
T: 0113 283 7393
Module Registration
T: 0113 283 7120
Tuition Fees - Keeley Reed
T: 0113 283 7702
T: 0113 283 7118
IT Helpdesk
T: 0113 283 7223
Qualifications DBS and Health Checks
Student Administration - Admissions
T: 0113 283 7123
Learning Centre
T: 0113 283 7244
Accommodation Office - Danielle Hopkinson
T: 0113 283 7112
Student Support Administrator Judith Atkinson
T: 0113 283 7754
Dyslexia and Disability Coordinator Jane Perekrest
T: 0113 283 7486
Learning Hub
T: 0113 283 7168
Sports Centre
T: 0113 283 7155
Students’ Union
T: 0113 283 7328
General Enquiries
T: 0113 283 7150
Student Finance Adviser - Emma Jane Quirke
T: 0113 283 7173
Join our Freshers’ Facebook group by visiting: This is the
only offical group so don’t join any other group as they may
give you misleading information.
Lo ok Out F or …
Your Get Going guide - a guide to Leeds Trinity which you will receive upon arrival. As the name
suggests the guide will contain all of the key information and contacts you’ll need to get going
at Leeds Trinity University, so keep it handy! Among other things, there will be details about:
The Student Charter
•Extensions, Deferrals and Mitigating Circumstances
Attendance policy, Complaints and Appeals
Infozone - As well the guide you can also find all the essential information you need to know for
life at Leeds Trinity via the Infozone on the University’s intranet. Use these pages to check things
•Dates and Times
•Studying and Course Details
•Information about Campus Life
In the first couple of weeks following your arrival there will be an information point on the
Reception desk in the Atrium.
INT RO T i m etabl e
Your INTRO timetable provides a clear guide to the activities taking place during your first week at
Leeds Trinity University.
To access your INTRO timetable, log onto your e:Vision account and click on INTRO Timetable.
Imp ortan t I nf o r m at i o n yo u
n e e d to j ot d ow n:
Leeds Trinity University Student ID
number (not UCAS no.):
National Insurance number:
Student Finance England Customer
Reference number:
Student Support Number:
(supplied by Student Finance England)
B e fore yo u A r r i v e Ch ec klist
Register on your programme of study via e:Vision.
Contact the Admissions team if you have provisional registration status to discuss
any outstanding documentation required.
Make your initial module selections (if applicable).
Make sure you have your student finance organised.
Access your INTRO timetable to find out what activities are taking place during
INTRO Week. It is important that you attend these sessions, so make sure you
know what is happening.
Find out about how our Learning Hub can help you during your studies.
Join our Freshers’ Facebook group by visiting:
Tweet about your INTRO using the #LTUintro hashtag.
Visit the INTRO website ( for pre-arrival activities
and recommended book purchases.
If you are living on campus please check the specified time of arrival and entrance
gate as notified by the Accommodation Office.
Leeds Trinity University, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5HD
Information correct at time of printing, July 2015.
The information in this guide can be supplied in alternative formats.
Please call 0113 283 7150 or email