GRAIN INDUSTRY R E S E A R C H U P D AT E TArGeTed reSeArch The SA Grain Industry Trust invests more than $1.2 million a year in supporting research crucial to the advancement of the SA grain industry with funds coming from a 30c a tonne contribution on all grain delivered by SA grain growers. In 2011 – 2012 SAGIT IS SupporTInG 27 projecTS IncludInG: CereAlS • Improving the heat stress tolerance of wheat– Australian Grain Technologies • Improved cost effective wheat and oat doubled haploids– SARDI • Improved noodle quality in wheats for SA – University of Adelaide • Barley germplasm development – SARDI • Managing brome grass in Mallee no-till systems – Rural Solutions • Identification and use of CCN markers in oat breeding –SARDI • Control of net blotch in barley – YPASG • Rhizoctonia control using various approaches (2 projects) – SARDI • Matching seed source and target environments to improve production - SARDI • Publication of the Sowing Guide and Harvest Reports – SARDI • Pre harvest sprouting risk assessment in wheat – Rural Solutions PulSeS, OIlSeedS And PASTureS • Novel tools for control of pulse pathogens– SARDI • New vetch species for low rainfall regions– SARDI • Increasing lentil production through better weed control – SARDI • Improving pea management practices – SARDI • Angel Strand medic, increasing benefits to SA farmers – SARDI • Disease management workshops for pulse crops SARDI OTher PrIOrITIeS • Value of Feed Grains – Productive Nutrition • Benefits of free living nitrogen fixing organisms - CSIRO • Development of improved strand medic lines - SARDI • Increasing economic returns from Precision Agriculture – Precision Cropping Technologies • Developing farming systems by understanding the impact on soil carbon– SARDI • Updating root disease manual and training courses– SARDI • DNA assays for stubble pathogens - SARDI • Farm Gross Margins and Enterprise Planning Guide for SA – Rural Solutions • Accurately predicting P fertilizer rates – University of Adelaide • Protocol for conducting on-farm trails and demonstrations – SARDI South Australian Grain Industry Trust TruSTeeS Of The SA GrAIn InduSTry TruST Peter Kuhlmann (Mudamuckla) – Chair, Jim Heaslip (Appila), Simon Ballinger (Wolseley) and Linda Eldredge (Clare). The trustees are assisted in project allocation decisions by SAFF nominees Peter McCormack (Turretfield) and Tanya Morgan (Jabuk), and Scientific Adviser Dr Alan Dube. Secretariat – Thomas Project Services - Geoff Thomas (Phone 0409 781 469) Throughout 2012 the GRDC is working on a number of fronts to increase grower and adviser capacity in farm business management. shops k r o w t emen n region. g a n a m siness s the souther u b m r a ciples tory f e held acros n c i r u p d o e r t h t n 1i ts on ilable. e ers to b e w h o s r t g c r fo ailed fa ent will be ava t e d f o held. es m i r e e e g b s a o n t a a s 2 ess m ourse c g turing s. n i a n e i f of busin a r e t u r dvise contin ent column a l l i e v w i r s e n 3 inte ewspap risk managem n r e tes v a o d C d p d n u n a t u n s 4 Gro rm busines geme a n a m a s the F sines n. u b m r ing a n o F i n t g a l s e i l p r a i e n terpris s in 5 spec s the souther n e d n a argin arm busines ion making. acros m s s o r ecis ry f mG r d e a v r i F e e o 2 h t t 1 6 20 ibuted better inform r t s i d e Guid ustralia to south a For Further inFormation on GrDC supporteD proFit anD risk manaGement publiCations anD aCtivities visit Rural Solutions SA is active in local, regional and international markets and is divided into seven key portfolios: • PrimaryIndustries • CommunityandSocialDevelopment • SeedServices • InternationalPrograms • ManagingNaturalResources • LandManagement • BiosecurityandEmergency Management Within these defined portfolios, Rural Solutions SA provides a broad range of professional consulting services across economic, environment and social dimensions. Rural Solutions SA’s consulting services include planning, project management, product development, research trials, seed certification, community liaison, extension, facilitating change and development, emergency response management, monitoring and flora and fauna surveying. Rural Solutions SA is based in Adelaide and has a strong regional presence in 14 locations across South Australia. Rural Solutions SA also provides a range of services across Australia in a number of regional and city locations and across the globe in developing and developed markets. Rural Solutions SA has operated since 1998 and has a rich history of delivering regional services and solutions to enhance the environment, economy and rural communities at a local, national and international level. Rural Solutions SA is a State Government owned business under the Department of Primary Industries and Regions of South Australia. Contact us. Produced by Rural Solutions SA FARM GROSS MARGIN AND ENTERPRISE PLANNING GUIDE 2012 “A gross margin template for crop and livestock enterprises” • Compare the gross margin profitability of enterprises, paddocks and rotations • Make the best decisions • Compare the sensitivity of profit of enterprises to a change in production, costs and price Sponsored by SAGIT and GRDC ISBN 978-1-921779-39-8 Published February 2012 DISCLAIMER This guide has been prepared in good faith on the basis of the information available at the date of publication without any independent verification. The South Australian Grain Industry Trust, Rural Solutions SA and the Grains Research and Development Corporation do not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency of the information in this guide nor its usefulness in achieving any purpose. Readers are responsible for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content of this guide. The South Australian Grain Industry Trust, Rural Solutions SA and the Grains Research and Development Corporation will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred or arising by reason of any person using or relying on the information in this Farm Gross Margin and Enterprise Planning Guide. FARM GROSS MARGIN AND ENTERPRISE PLANNING GUIDE That grain farmers face many challenges is an understatement. Seasons, mice, low prices and wet harvests are just some of these. Yet for many, recent yields have been good with good financial returns. In the good times, farmers often neglect the opportunity to optimise their profit and manage risk so that they are well set up to weather the inevitable poorer seasons and lower prices. Currently, overall prospects for farming are quite good and we can expect to go through a period of growth. To benefit will require a keen eye on the farm business. Change will no doubt continue and there will be the need to adopt new technologies and to increase the effectiveness of existing operations to reduce costs. It will also be necessary to consider different ways of managing risk whilst maximising profit to improve total farm income. This will involve close examination of the key drivers of both profit and risk. This publication “2012 Farm Gross Margin and Enterprise Planning Guide” will help farmers and their advisers compare the gross margins of enterprises, paddocks and rotations and their respective sensitivity to changes in production, cost and price to ultimately make the best decisions to maximise the chances of a successful 2012 season. We know that each farmer and their farm business is different and so a ‘one size fits all’ approach will not work. The templates and sensitivity analysis provided in this guide allows you to feed in your own figures and ask the ‘what if’ type questions appropriate to you and your situation. The guide is to help inform your decisions and compare options – it does not make the decisions for you. This guide is one of few publications that provide gross margins for both crops and livestock enterprises across the range of South Australian rainfall zones. We believe that the business of farm management is so important that the South Australian Grain Industry Trust and the Grains Research and Development Corporation have partnered with Rural Solutions SA to provide a copy of this guide to every farm business in SA. We hope you find it valuable in your decision making. Peter Kuhlmann Chairman SAGIT David Shannon Chairman GRDC Southern Panel Daniel Casement Acting Executive Director Rural Solutions SA Livestock Solutions Rural Solutions SA provides skilled and professional services for livestock industries in South Australia, other states of Australia and overseas. Our technical experts are strategically placed in country areas of South Australia. We provide independent services and programmes for livestock industries which: • • • • improve business profits in a sustainable way, promote innovation and change to benefit all industry participants, improve national and international competitiveness, protect our production and natural resource base. The Livestock team also provides policy advice to industry and government to maintain an environment which is attractive to investors. Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 CONTENTS Introduction.........................................................................................................2 UsingthisGrossMarginsGuide.........................................................................4 EnterpriseProfitabilityandCostofProduction....................................................5 2012GrossMarginEstimates.............................................................................9 GrossMargins...................................................................................................12 BlankProForma................................................................................................13 APWWheat.......................................................................................................14 DurumWheat.....................................................................................................16 MaltingBarley....................................................................................................18 FeedBarley.......................................................................................................20 MillingOats........................................................................................................22 FeedOats..........................................................................................................24 Triticale..............................................................................................................26 Vetch..................................................................................................................28 Lupins................................................................................................................30 RedLentils.........................................................................................................32 FieldPeas..........................................................................................................34 FabaBeans.......................................................................................................36 Chickpeas..........................................................................................................38 Canola...............................................................................................................40 ExportOatenHay..............................................................................................42 PrimeLambs–HighRainfall.............................................................................44 SelfReplacingMerinoFlock–HighRainfall......................................................47 MerinoWethers–HighRainfall.........................................................................50 PrimeLambs–CerealZone..............................................................................52 SelfReplacingMerinoFlock–CerealZone......................................................55 MerinoWethers–CerealZone..........................................................................58 PrimeLambs–PastoralZone...........................................................................60 SelfReplacingMerinoFlock–PastoralZone....................................................63 MerinoWethers–PastoralZone.......................................................................66 CleanskinSheep–CerealZone........................................................................68 BeefCattle–HighRainfall.................................................................................70 BeefCattle–MediumRainfall...........................................................................72 BeefCattle–LowRainfall.................................................................................74 Appendices.......................................................................................................77 1 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 INTRODUCTION Thisbookprovidesaformatandgeneralestimatesforcalculatingcropand livestockgrossmarginprofitandenterpriseprofitabilityforbroadacreenterprises acrossSouthernAustralia.Itprovidesabasetoeasilycalculategrossmargins andtouseforcashflowplanning. Ablankformatisincludedaswellasablankcolumnoneverypage,alongwitha fulllistofproductandinputcostsasaguideforthosewishingtoconstructtheir owngrossmargins. What are Gross Margins Thegrossmarginforafarmenterpriseisonemeasureofprofitabilitythatisa usefultoolforcashflowplanninganddeterminingtherelativeprofitabilityoffarm enterprises.Theycanalsobeusedtoassistinassessingtheopportunityto developnewfarmenterprises. Grossmarginprofitisthedifferencebetweentheannualgrossincomeforthat enterpriseandthevariablecostsdirectlyassociatedwiththeenterprise. Inconstructinggross margins,fixed (overhead)costsare ignored,asitis consideredthatthey willbeincurred regardlessofthelevel oftheenterprise undertaken. Thegrossmarginof differententerprises shouldnotbe comparediftheyhave differentoverheadcosts. Compare the relative profitabilityofcurrent farmenterprises,paddocksorrotations Estimate changesinenterpriseprofitcaused bychangesinprice,costoryields Pinpoint high cost or low incomeareasinthe existingfarmplan Evaluate the profitabilityofare-organisation ofthefarmenterprisemix Thebasegrossmarginsincludedinthisbookshouldbeadjustedasrequiredfor commodityprices,yield,inputcostsandinputitems.Theseitemsvaryconsiderably betweendifferentlocationsanddifferentfarmbusinesses. Treatment of machinery- Itisassumedthatmostmachineryitems(tractors, seeders,sprayers,harvestersetc.)areownedbythefarmbusiness.Ineachgross margininthisguide,theoperatingcosts(fuelandrepairs)havebeenincluded basedonthenumberofmachinerypassesspecified.No allowance is included in the gross margin for machinery ownership costs such as depreciation or opportunity cost of capital.Whencalculatingenterpriseprofitability,these ownershipcostsneedtobeincluded.Analternativeistoincludeallmachinery costsatfullcontractrate. 2 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 Limitations of Gross margins Thegrossmarginspreparedwithinthispublicationhave beendesignedtorepresent‘averagecasescenarios’ withintherespectiverainfallzonesofSouthernAustralia. Theyshouldbetreatedstrictlyasabaseguideonlyand adaptedbyusersfortheirparticularsituations. KEY POINT Makeyourown adjustmentsto thegrossmargins inthisbookto adapttoyourown Grossmarginsarebestusedtocompareenterprisesthat makeuseofthesameresourcesontheproperty.They cannotbeusedwherevaryingcapitalinputisneededforanenterprise.Cropping andlivestockgrossmarginscanonlybecomparedifallcapitalresourcesare alreadyontheproperty. Estimatesofinputsandproductioncanvaryfromwhatactuallyoccurs.Althougha cropmighthavethehighestgrossmargin,itmightbethemostsensitiveto variation.Commodityprices,seasonalconditions,pestsanddiseasecan significantlyaffecttheeventualgrossmargin.Riskcanbeassessedbycomparing grossmarginscalculatedwithvaryingvaluesforaninput. Sensitivityanalysistablesareincludedinthebooktohelpdeterminetheimpacton thegrossmarginofsignificantchangesinyieldandprice. Agronomicinformationincludingchemicalratesareprovidedasaguideonlyand exactagronomicrecommendationswillvarywithlocation,soiltypeandanumber ofotherfactors. Grossmarginshavebeenbroadlydelineatedintoproductionzonesbasedon rainfall.Averageannualrainfallzoneshavebeenclassifiedas‘Low Rainfall’(<350 mm),‘Medium Rainfall’(350–400mm)and‘High Rainfall’(>400mm). 3 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 USING THIS GROSS MARGINS GUIDE (as an aid to enterprise selection) Grossmarginsarejustonecomponentofawholerangeoffactorswhichgointo enterpriseselectionforpaddocksandzonesonafarmingproperty.Someofthese otherfactorsinclude: Stageofrotation-weed,pests,nutritionanddiseaselevels Suitabilityofproposedlandusetolandclass-istherephysicalrestrictions whichlimitenterpriseselection? Availabilityofsuitableplant,equipment,labourand/orinfrastructureto carry-outtheenterprise. Potentialreturnsandcostsvarysubstantiallybothbetweendifferententerprises andthesameenterprisesconductedondifferentlandclassesacrosslandscapes. Thereisusuallyatrade-offbetweentheexpectationofpotentialincomeandriskof lossi.e.riskcreatesreturn.Itisimportanttoexploreandunderstandthistrade-off whenselectingappropriateenterprisesfordifferentareasofyourproperty. STEP 1 Calculate your own Gross Margins for relevant enterprises by filling in the “2012 Your Estimate” column for those crops you may consider growing. Ratesandtypesoffertiliserandweedcontroltreatmentswillobviouslyvaryfor differentsituations.Rememberthatthesecalculationsarenotmeanttobeanexact science- roughly right is better than precisely wrong! Useyourownestimates whenthevaluesvarysignificantlyfromthoseincludedintheexample. Calculating the break even yield needed to cover variable costs will give some indication of the riskiness or exposure of the particular enterprise. Remember,ofcourse,thattherearemanyothercosts(inadditiontothevariable costs)whichneedtobecoveredbeforeaprofitismade-discussiononthisfollows onsubsequentpages.Referencetothesensitivitytableswillprovidefurther informationonhowthereturnsfromtheenterpriseareexpectedtorespondtoa rangeofpricesandyields. STEP 2 Calculate enterprise profitability and Cost of Production Referdiscussiononsubsequentpages. STEP 3 Cash Flow Expense Calculation TheinformationcontainedintheGrossMarginscanbeusedtoidentifylevelsof expenditureonvariablecostitems(e.g.fertiliserandweedsprays)forinclusionin cash-flowbudgets.RefertosectiononCash Flow Expense Calculation 4 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 Calculating Enterprise Profitability and Cost of Production CalculationofGrossMarginsonlyincludesthevariablecostsassociatedwiththeparticular enterprise.Othercostsneedtobeallowedforincalculatingtheoverallenterprise profitability.Theseincludedepreciation,overheadorfixedbusinesscosts,interestand livingorpersonaldrawings TheReadyReckonerTablesonthenexttwopagesprovideaquickmeansofcalculating yourannualoverheadcostperhectare.Alternatively,calculateyourownbycompletingthe "Your Estimates"column. Example APW WheatMedium Rainfall Gross Income($/Ha)(From Gross Margin) 550 VariableCosts(Gross Margin) Depreciation (Ready Reckoner) OverheadCosts(Ready Reckoner) Interest (Ready Reckoner) Drawings (Ready Reckoner) 317 67 33 33 40 Total Enterprise Expenses ($/Ha) 490 ExpectedYield(Gross Margin) ( t/ha) Cost of Production (Total expenses divided by yield) 2.5 Enterprise Profitability (Gross Income minus Total Enterprise Expenses) ($/Ha) Your Enterprises 196 60 Note 1.FixedcostscanbeallocatedonotherthanaperHectarebasisifmoreappropriate egsubstantiallydifferentlandclassesmayprefercoststobeallocateddependingongross incomebeingderivedfromvariousenterprises. Note 2. Whilethisformatworkswellincalculatingprofitabilityforcroppingenterprises,care needstobetakenwhenapplyingtograzingenterprises.TheGrossMarginsforstock includedinthisbookletdo not includeanyallowanceforpastureestablishmentor maintenance(egseed,fertiliser,insectandweedcontrol).Anycalculationofprofitabilityfor grazingenterprisesneedtotakethesecostsintoaccount. Note 3. CostofProductioncalculatedabovedoesnotincludeanyformofreturnonyour investmentinland,plantandequipment.Enterpriseprofitabilityneedstocoverthisreturn. 5 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 Ready Reckoner Tables Depreciation AnnualDeprecRate AnnualDepreciation($) 250,000 10.00% 25000 CroppedArea 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 50 25 17 13 10 Your Estimate CroppingMachineryValue($) 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,500,000 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 50000 75000 100000 125000 150000 YourCroppedArea Annual$/HaCostforDepreciation 100 150 50 75 100 125 150 33 50 67 83 100 25 38 50 63 75 20 30 40 50 60 17 25 33 42 50 21 29 36 43 25 31 38 22 28 33 25 30 Overhead (Fixed) Costs AnnualOverheadCosts($) 25,000 50,000 TotalFarmArea 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 25 13 8 6 5 75,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 YourFarmArea Annual$/HaOverheadCosts 50 75 100 150 200 25 38 50 75 100 17 25 33 50 67 13 19 25 38 50 10 15 20 30 40 8 13 17 25 33 7 11 14 21 29 9 13 19 25 8 11 17 22 8 10 15 20 OverheadCostsmayincludethefollowingitems AccountancyFees BankFeesandCharges Electricity(non-enterpriserelated) ConsultancyandSubscriptions GeneralInsurances Telephone,PostageandInternet MotorVehicleexpenses(non-enterpriserelated) RatesandTaxes LandLeasingExpenses PermanentLabour Other…… Annual Overhead Costs TOTAL 6 Your Estimate Transfertotheabovetable Your Estimate Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 Ready Reckoner Tables Interest (Debt Servicing) Costs- include any machinery leasing costs AnnualInterestCosts($) 25,000 50,000 150,000 200,000 YourFarmArea Annual$/HaInterestCosts 50 75 100 150 200 25 38 50 75 100 17 25 33 50 67 13 19 25 38 50 10 15 20 30 40 8 13 17 25 33 7 11 14 21 29 6 9 13 19 25 6 8 11 17 22 5 8 10 15 20 TotalFarmArea 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 25 13 8 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 75,000 100,000 Living (Personal Drawings) Expenses AnnualDrawings($) 40,000 60,000 40 20 13 10 8 7 6 5 4 4 60 30 20 15 12 10 9 8 7 6 TotalFarmArea 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 80,000 100,000 Annual$/HaDrawings 80 100 40 50 27 33 20 25 16 20 13 17 11 14 10 13 9 11 8 10 120,000 140,000 YourFarmArea 120 60 40 30 24 20 17 15 13 12 Your Estimate Your Estimate 140 70 47 35 28 23 20 18 16 14 Personaldrawingsincludealllivingexpenses,annualschoolfees,personalincometax,non businessrelatedmotorvehicleexpenditure,holidays,superannuation,personallifeinsurances andanyotherexpensesofapersonalnature 7 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 eg Wheat Cash Flow Expense Calculation Enterprise Pasture Costs EstimateindividualvariablecostexpensesforinclusioninyourannualCashFlowBudgetbytakingyourestimatesfromthe GrossMarginscalculationsandaggregatingthemacrossenterprises Seed Area (Ha) Cost ($/Ha) Total Expense Fertiliser Area (Ha) Cost ($/Ha) Total Chemicals Area (Ha) Cost ($/Ha) Total Operations Area (Ha) Cost ($/Ha) Total Freight Area (Ha) Cost ($/Ha) Total Contracting Area (Ha) Cost ($/Ha) Total 8 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 COMMODITY PRICES HISTORICAL DATA Historical commodity price data and trends can be used as a guide in assessing average returns over time and also the variability of those returns for any given commodity. NOTE: 12/13 Forecast Grain Prices: Forecast grain prices for 12/13 are affected by the value of the Australian Dollar, world consumption, and Australian and other major grain exporting countries production. Future pricing is uncertain and caution is needed with projections. Commodity Jan 2008 APWWheat($/t) Durum($/t) MaltBarley($/t) FeedBarley($/t) MillingOats($/t) FeedOats($/t) Triticale($/t) GrainVetch($/t) Lupins($/t) Lentils($/t) FieldPeas($/t) FabaBeans($/t) Chickpeas6-8mmKabuli($/t) Canola($/t) OatenHay($/t) Jan 2009 Jan 2010 Jan 2011 Jan 2012 365 550 350 300 280 270 320 500 370 760 440 600 700 600 180 280 450 270 175 170 150 210 700 320 1000 350 340 600 530 180 205 250 180 135 150 130 150 500 250 920 255 260 500 405 125 310 310 270 200 150 130 200 280 270 680 265 320 600 600 125 214 280 220 200 180 170 170 280 155 410 300 370 500 500 140 5 yr Average 2012 Estimate 275 368 258 202 186 170 210 452 273 754 322 378 580 527 150 220 270 230 190 185 175 180 280 190 450 270 300 480 470 140 2012 Gross Margin Estimates Thetablesbelowsummarisetheanticipatedgrossmarginsforallcropsandlivestockfor2012. Commodity $/ha APWWheat Durum MaltBarley FeedBarley MillingOats FeedOats Triticale GrainVetch Lupins Lentils FieldPeas FabaBeans Chickpeas(Kabuli) Canola OatenHay CROPPING Low 182 166 190 169 Medium 233 270 High 353 457 289 213 412 331 59 170 289 80 180 304 76 31 8 112 67 129 121 76 261 141 211 196 133 466 347 39 86 130 131 135 307 327 209 416 562 541 317 Enterprise $/dse PrimeLambs Merinobreeders Merinowethers Cleanskin BeefCattle LIVESTOCK Pastoral Cereal 26 37 24 16 44 48 33 38 16 High 37 49 35 19 9 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 Comparative returns between farm enterprises – High Rainfall Livestock Gross Margin per dse High Rainfall Cropping Gross Margin per Hectare High Rainfall $60 $500 $50 $400 $40 GM $/dse $600 GM $/ha $300 $200 $100 $30 $20 $10 $0 $0 Comparative returns between farm enterprises – Medium Rainfall Cropping Gross Margin per Hectare Medium Rainfall Livestock Gross Margin per dse Cereal Zone $350 $60 $300 $50 $250 $40 GM $/ds se $200 $150 GM $/ha $100 $30 $ $20 $10 $50 $0 $0 Comparative returns between farm enterprises – Low Rainfall Livestock Gross Margin per dse Pastoral Zone Cropping Gross Margin per Hectare Low Rainfall $200 $40 $180 $35 $160 $30 $140 GM $/ha $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 10 $25 GM $/dse $120 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 Seed testing pays Build profits by ensuring seed quality Do you want to be sure of the quality of your sowing seed for the coming season? Did you experience a wet grain harvest? Do you know the germination % of your sowing seed? Do not risk poor emergence or potential crop failure through sowing low germination seed. We can accurately germination test your cereal seed for $46* or your grain legume, vetch or canola seed for $50*. Now that’s value for money! Are you certain that your sowing seed does not contain any unexpected “weed seed” surprises, high levels of unwanted other crop seeds or useless inert material? Ensure your peace of mind by having us determine the purity content of your sowing seed for as little as $47* for wheat, barley and all grain legume species; or $56* for oat or canola seed. Who we are What we do • Owned by the South Australian State Government • • • A business unit of Rural Solutions SA Internationally accredited to deliver OECD, AOSCA & ISTA seed certification and seed testing programs AQIS approved quarantine seed testing facility • • • • Seven decades of providing high level professional expertise • to the seed industry • Servicing seed certification clients in SA, VIC, NSW and TAS • and seed testing clients nationally Who we test seed for • Farmers, seed growers, companies, processors and resellers • Provide fast and accurate seed test information for all species Certify seed for greater profit and marketing opportunities Provide specialist field inspection services Save money and time with specialised training Open the door to exports with international certification and phytosanitary declarations Provide a web based system to enable fast online access to analytical test results and account information * Prices are excluding GST and current as at February 2012. 11 Seed Services Australia is a business unit of Rural Solutions SA (08) 8303 9549 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 GROSS MARGINS GROSS MARGINS The gross margins in this book are designed to provide a template only, for users to adapt to their own situation, and should not be relied upon as representative of any one particular situation. Belowisanexampleofhowthesegrossmarginsmaybeadaptedtosuitindividual circumstances.Acopyofablankgrossmarginsheet,whichmaybephotocopied tocalculateyourowngrossmargin,isincludedonthenextpageofthispublication. EXPORT OATEN HAY GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME Adjustfertiliser ratestoyour ownsituation considering priorrotation YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(11/12Forecast) Quality MEDIUM $140 HIGH $140 ESTIMATE Insertyour estimatesbased onprojected yieldandprice $140 Mixedgrades Yield(t/ha) GROSS INCOME 3.50 5.00 7 $490 $700 $980 Rate/ha VARIABLE COSTS Cost Low Rate/ha $/ha Medium Rate/ha $/ha High $/ha 120 $21.60 130 $23.40 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Seed Costofseed shouldalways beallowedeven ifusingown seed Levies Seed Chemicalrates willvaryin somecases withsoiltypes. Adjustforlocal chemicalcosts $180.00 /tonne @ $0.00 /tonne @ SeedTreatment 90 $16.20 Fertiliser (Bulk) 18:20:0 $780 /tonne @ 60 $46.80 80 $62.40 110 $85.80 Urea $620 /tonne @ 30 18.6 75 $46.50 150 $93.00 Chemicals-Herbicides SummerWeedControl Various Allow $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Pre-emergents $5.00 /litre @ 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 Oxyfluorfen $20.00 /litre @ 0.075 $1.50 0.075 $1.50 0.075 $1.50 DualGold $17.50 /litre $ @ 0.5 $8.75 $ 0.5 $8.75 $ Diuron $11.70 /litre MostGM’s Post-MCPAAmine $9.25 /litre assumeown equipment.Add Insecticides Fungicides ordelete contractwork Operations componentas Fuel&Oil Repairs&Maintenance required @ 0.4 $4.68 0.4 $4.68 0.4 $4.68 @ 0.5 $4.63 0.5 $4.63 0.5 $4.63 Glyphosate540 $9.06 $9.06 $9.06 $7.05 $7.05 $7.05 Freight Hay $20.00 /tonne @ 3.5 $70.00 5.0 $100.00 7.0 $140.00 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.09 $1.80 0.16 $3.10 0.26 $5.20 Contract Work Breakeven yieldisvariable costsdivided byprice varies /ha @ 1.0 $35.00 1.0 $38.00 1.0 $42.00 SuperConditioner Haymowing $28.00 /ha @ 1.0 $28.00 1.0 $28.00 1.0 $28.00 Haybaling $26.67 /tonne @ 3.5 $93.33 5.0 $133.33 7.0 $186.67 $2.50 /$1000 @ Insurance TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS $1.23 $1.75 $2.45 $359 $491 $663 $131 $209 $317 $103 2.56 $166 $98 3.51 $259 $95 4.74 $387 AGRONOMIC NOTES Fertiliserrateassumeshayfollowsacereal.Bonusesforshedding Theuseofa'superconditioner'cansignificantlyreducedryingtime andlatedeliverymayapply.Additionalcapitalcostsincluding andsubsequentlyriskwithlesschanceofaqualitydownrade.No sheddingandextramachinerymayneedtobeconsidered. allowancehasbeenmadeforcostofraking. 12 Adjustforactual herbicideuse. Consultcost sectionforcosts ofother chemicalsand labelinformation forrates Breakeven priceis variablecosts dividedby yield Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 Gross Margin Pro Forma INCOME Averageyield (estimatedsiloreturn) $/ha t/ha @ $ t/ha @ $ /tonne kg/ha kg/ha @ @ $ $ /tonne /tonne kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha @ @ @ $ $ $ /tonne /tonne /tonne Chemicals Herbicides Insecticides Fungicides kg/ha kg/ha @ @ $ $ /tonne /tonne kg/ha kg/ha @ @ $ $ /tonne /tonne kg/ha kg/ha @ @ $ $ /tonne /tonne EXPENSES Pool Charges & Interest Seed Seed treatment /tonne TOTAL INCOME Fertiliser Machinery Fuel&Oil Repairs& Maintenance Freight Grain Fertiliser Contract Work Insurance Other TOTAL EXPENSES GROSS MARGIN /HECTARE 13 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 APW WHEAT GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(12/13Forecast) Quality MEDIUM $220 HIGH $220 ESTIMATE $220 APW(ChangePriceforothergrades) Yield(t/ha) 1.5 $330 GROSS INCOME Rate/ha VARIABLE COSTS Cost Low 2.5 3.5 $550 $770 Rate/ha $/ha Medium Rate/ha $/ha High $/ha Seed Seed $0.21 /kg @ 60 $12.84 80 $17.12 90 $19.26 SeedTreatment $0.05 /kg @ 60 $2.76 80 $3.68 90 $4.14 Levies GRDCLevies 1.0% GrossIncome $2.30 /tonnesold EPR&statelevies $3.30 $5.50 $7.70 $3.45 $5.75 $8.05 Fertiliser (Bulk) 18:20:0 Urea Chemicals-Herbicides SummerWeedControl $780 /tonne @ $620 /tonne @ Various 40 Allow $31.20 60 $46.80 80 $62.40 $0.00 60 $37.20 120 $74.40 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Pre-emergents Trifluralin480g/L Triasulfuron750g/kg $7.60 /litre @ $0.08 /gram @ $5.00 /litre @ Oxyfluorfen $20.00 /litre @ BoxerGold $15.50 /litre Glyphosate540(1) Post-emergents 1 $7.60 1 $0.00 1.2 0.075 @ $7.60 1 $0.00 $7.60 $0.00 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 $1.50 0.075 $1.50 0.075 $1.50 $0.00 2.5 $38.75 2.5 $38.75 2,4-DAmine(625g/l) $5.00 /litre @ 1.2 $6.00 1.5 $7.50 1.5 $7.50 Metsulfuronmethyl(1) $0.12 /gm @ 5 $1.05 5 $1.05 5 $1.05 Diuron $11.70 /kg @ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13.50 /litre @ 0.2 $2.70 0.2 $2.70 $67.00 /litre @ 0.15 $10.05 0.15 $10.05 Fungicides Tebuconazole Prothioconazole Operations Fuel&Oil $13.10 $15.72 $18.34 Repairs&Maintenance $10.37 $12.44 $14.51 Freight Grain(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 1.5 $30.00 2.5 $50.00 3.5 $70.00 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.04 $0.80 0.12 $2.40 0.20 $4.00 Contract Work Aerialspraying $14.00 /ha @ $0.00 1 $14.00 1 $14.00 Ureaspreading $12.00 /ha @ $0.00 1 $12.00 2 $24.00 @ $2.81 $4.68 $6.5 $148 $317 $417 $182 $233 $353 $99 0.67 $264 $127 1.44 $370 $119 1.90 $544 Insurance $8.50 /$1000 Other $0.00 /ha $0.00 /ha TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS AGRONOMIC NOTES (1)IncludesSurfactantat0.1% Nitrogenrequirementswillvarydependingonindividualpaddocks- seek Tocalculateusingdifferentgrades(AH1,ASW,Feed)substitute advice. differentpricesusingappropriategradespreads. Iftargetinghigherprotein(AH1)additionalNinputswillberequired. 14 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 APW WHEAT GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Cash Price $/t $180 $200 $220 $240 Variable Costs $260 0.5 -$31 -$21 -$11 -$2 $8 Yield 1 $46 $66 $85 $105 $125 t/ha 1.5 $123 $153 $182 $212 $241 140 2 $201 $240 $279 $318 $358 120 160 MEDIUM RAINFALL 100 $180 $200 $220 $240 $260 Yield 0.5 1.5 -$174 -$20 -$165 $9 -$155 $39 -$145 $68 -$135 $98 t/ha 2.5 $134 $183 $233 $282 $331 3.5 $289 $357 $426 $495 $564 $/ha Cash Price $/t 80 60 40 20 HIGH RAINFALL Cash Price $/t 0 $180 $200 $220 $240 $260 Yield 1.5 2.5 -$94 $61 -$64 $110 -$35 $159 -$5 $208 $24 $257 t/ha 3.5 $215 $284 $353 $421 $490 4.5 $369 $458 $546 $634 $723 Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS APW 10.5% WHEAT HISTORIC PRICES 400 $/tonne 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. seed 1 spray 4 harvest# 1 TOTAL Repairs & Maint Fuel $/ha $/ha 3.25 1.63 5.152 1.74 5.49 6.21 10.37 13.10 #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 15 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 DURUM GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(12/13Forecast) Quality $270 MEDIUM HIGH $270.00 $270.00 2.1 3.2 $567 $864 ESTIMATE Durum13% Yield(t/ha) 1.2 $324 GROSS INCOME VARIABLE COSTS Cost Rate/ha Rate/ha Low Medium Rate/ha $/ha High $/ha Seed Seed $0.28 /kg @ 90 $25.20 100 $28.00 120 $33.60 SeedTreatment $0.05 /kg @ 90 $4.14 100 $4.60 120 $5.52 Levies GRDCLevies 1.0% GrossIncome $3.30 /tonnesold EPR&statelevies $3.24 $5.67 $8.64 $3.96 $6.93 $10.56 Fertiliser (Bulk) DAP+2%Zn Urea Chemicals-Herbicides SummerWeedControl Glyphosate540 Oxyfluorfen @ @ Various Metsulfuronmethyl(1) Allow $33.60 60 $50.40 80 $67.20 $0.00 60 $37.20 120 $74.40 $15.00 @ $15.50 /litre @ $5.00 /litre @ $20.00 /litre @ 0.075 @ @ Post-emergents MCPALVE 40 $7.60 /litre Trifluralin480g/L BoxerGold $840 /tonne $620 /tonne 1 1.2 $15.00 $15.00 $7.60 1 $7.60 1 $7.60 $0.00 2.5 $38.75 2.5 $38.75 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 $1.50 0.075 $1.50 0.075 $1.50 0.5 $5.38 0.5 $5.38 0.5 $5.38 5 $1.05 5 $1.05 5 $1.05 $10.75 /litre $0.12 /gram Insecticides Fungicides Operations Fuel&Oil $13.10 $15.72 $18.34 Repairs&Maintenance $10.37 $12.44 $14.51 Freight Grain(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 1.2 $24.00 2.1 $42.00 3.2 $64.00 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.04 $0.80 0.12 $2.40 0.20 $4.00 Aerialspraying $14.00 /ha @ $0.00 Ureaspreading $12.00 /ha @ $0.00 1 $12.00 2 $24.00 @ $2.75 $4.82 $7.34 $158 $297 $407 $166 $270 $457 $131 0.58 $284 $142 1.10 $475 $127 1.51 $770 Contract Work Insurance $8.50 /$1000 $0.00 $0.00 Other TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS (1)surfactantat0.1% Assumesdurumfollowsalegumecroporpasture. PriceassumesDurum13%isachieved. 16 AGRONOMIC NOTES SomeDurumvarietieshaveanarrowsafetymarginwithbroadleaf herbicides.Seekadvice.Theeffectisworsewhenthecropisunder stress. Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 DURUM GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t Variable Costs $210 $240 $270 $300 $330 0.4 -$51 -$39 -$27 -$15 -$3 Yield 1.2 $96 $131 $166 $202 $237 t/ha 2 $242 $301 $360 $419 $477 140 2.8 $388 $471 $553 $635 $718 120 160 MEDIUM RAINFALL 100 Net Price $/t $210 -$55 $240 -$26 $270 $4 $300 $33 $330 $63 Yield 2.1 $146 $208 $270 $331 $393 60 t/ha 3 $310 $399 $487 $575 $664 40 4 $493 $611 $729 $847 $964 $/ha 1 80 20 HIGH RAINFALL Net Price $/t 0 $210 $240 $270 $300 $330 -$134 $49 -$105 $108 -$75 $167 -$46 $225 -$16 $284 Yield 1 2 t/ha 3.2 $268 $362 $457 $551 $645 4 $414 $532 $650 $768 $886 Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS DURUM HISTORIC PRICES 600 $/tonne 500 400 300 200 100 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. Repairs & Maint Fuel $/ha $/ha 5.152 seed 1 3.25 spray 4 1.63 1.74 harvest# 1 5.49 10.37 6.21 13.10 TOTAL #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 17 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 MALTING BARLEY GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(12/13Forecast) Quality MEDIUM $230 HIGH $230 ESTIMATE $230 Malting Yield(t/ha) 1.5 $345 GROSS INCOME Rate/ha VARIABLE COSTS Cost Low 2.5 3.5 $575 $805 Rate/ha $/ha Medium Rate/ha $/ha High $/ha Seed Seed $0.22 /kg @ 60 $13.20 75 $16.50 80 $17.60 SeedTreatment $0.05 /kg @ 60 $2.76 75 $3.45 80 $3.68 Levies GRDCLevies 1.0% GrossIncome $2.10 /tonnesold EPR&statelevies $3.45 $5.75 $8.05 $3.15 $5.25 $7.35 Fertiliser (Bulk) 18:20:0 Urea Chemicals-Herbicides SummerWeedControl $780 /tonne @ $620 /tonne @ Various 40 Allow $31.20 60 $46.80 80 $62.40 $0.00 50 $31.00 100 $62.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Pre-emergents Trifluralin480g/L $7.60 /litre @ Glyphosate540 $5.00 /litre @ Oxyfluorfen $20.00 /litre @ BoxerGold $15.50 /litre Post-emergents 1 1.2 0.075 @ $7.60 1.5 $11.40 1.5 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $11.40 $6.00 $1.50 0.075 $1.50 0.075 $1.50 $0.00 2.5 $38.75 2.5 $38.75 2,4-DAmine $5.00 /litre @ 1.2 $6.00 1.5 $7.50 1.5 $7.50 Metsulfuronmethyl(1) $0.12 /gm @ 5 $1.05 5 $1.05 5 $1.05 $30.00 /kg @ 0.1 $3.00 0.1 $3.00 0.1 $3.00 $13.50 /litre @ 0.3 $4.05 Clopyralid(Lontel) Fungicides Propoconazole 0.3 $4.05 0.3 $4.05 0.3 $4.05 0.3 $4.05 Insecticides Operations Fuel&Oil $13.10 $15.72 $18.34 Repairs&Maintenance $10.37 $12.44 $14.51 Freight Grain(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 1.5 $30.00 2.5 $50.00 3.5 $70.00 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.04 $0.80 0.11 $2.20 0.18 $3.60 $0.00 0 Contract Work 0 Aerialspraying $14.00 /ha @ $0.00 1 $14.00 UreaSpreading $12.00 /ha @ $0.00 $0.00 1 $12.00 @ $2.93 $4.89 Insurance $8.50 /$1000 $6.8 Other TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS Assumes barley follows wheat. Achieving feed grade would result in lower Gross Margin Having to windrow barley will reduce GM by around $25/ha 18 $155 $286 $393 $190 $289 $412 $103 0.67 $232 $115 1.24 $359 $112 1.71 $510 AGRONOMIC NOTES Ureamaynotberequiredfollowingalegumepastureorgrainlegume crop Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 MALTING BARLEY GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t $170 $200 $230 $260 Variable Costs $290 0.5 -$43 -$29 -$14 $1 $16 Yield 1 $29 $59 $88 $117 $147 t/ha 1.5 $102 $146 $190 $234 $278 2 $174 $233 $292 $351 $409 140 120 100 MEDIUM RAINFALL $170 $200 $230 $260 $290 Yield 0.5 1.5 -$148 -$3 -$133 $41 -$119 $85 -$104 $129 -$89 $173 t/ha 2.5 $141 $215 $289 $362 $436 3.5 $286 $389 $492 $595 $698 $/ha Net Price $/t 80 60 40 20 HIGH RAINFALL Net Price $/t 0 $170 $200 $230 $260 $290 Yield 1.5 2.5 -$83 $61 -$39 $135 $5 $209 $49 $282 $93 $356 t/ha 3.5 $206 $309 $412 $515 $618 4.5 $351 $483 $616 $748 $881 Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS MALT BARLEY HISTORIC PRICES 400 $/tonne 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. seed 1 spray 4 harvest# 1 TOTAL Repairs & Maint Fuel $/ha $/ha 3.25 1.63 5.152 1.74 5.49 6.21 10.37 13.10 #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 19 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 FEED BARLEY GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(12/13Forecast) Quality MEDIUM $190 HIGH $190 ESTIMATE $190 Feed1 Yield(t/ha) 1.7 $323 GROSS INCOME Rate/ha VARIABLE COSTS Cost Low 2.8 4 $532 $760 Rate/ha $/ha Medium Rate/ha $/ha High $/ha Seed Seed $0.20 /kg @ 60 $12.00 75 $15.00 80 $16.00 SeedTreatment $0.05 /kg @ 60 $2.76 75 $3.45 80 $3.68 Levies GRDCLevies 1.0% GrossIncome $1.80 /tonnesold EPR&statelevies $3.23 $5.32 $7.60 $3.06 $5.04 $7.20 Fertiliser (Bulk) 18:20:0 Urea Chemicals-Herbicides SummerWeedControl $780 /tonne @ $620 /tonne @ Various 40 Allow $31.20 60 $46.80 80 $62.40 $0.00 100 $62.00 150 $93.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Pre-emergents Trifluralin480g/L $7.60 /litre @ Glyphosate540 $5.00 /litre @ Oxyfluorfen $20.00 /litre @ BoxerGold $15.50 /litre Post-emergents 1 1.2 0.075 @ $7.60 1.5 $11.40 1.5 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $11.40 $6.00 $1.50 0.075 $1.50 0.075 $1.50 $0.00 2.5 $38.75 2.5 $38.75 2,4-DAmine $5.00 /litre @ 1.2 $6.00 1.5 $7.50 1.5 $7.50 Metsulfuronmethyl(1) $0.12 /gm @ 5 $1.05 5 $1.05 5 $1.05 Diuron $11.70 /kg @ $13.50 /litre @ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Fungicides Propoconazole 0.3 $4.05 0.3 $4.05 0.3 $4.05 0.3 $4.05 0.3 $4.05 Insecticides Operations Fuel&Oil $13.10 $15.72 $18.34 Repairs&Maintenance $10.37 $12.44 $14.51 Freight Grain(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 1.7 $34.00 2.8 $56.00 4.0 $80.00 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.04 $0.80 0.16 $3.20 0.23 $4.60 $0.00 0 Contract Work 0 Aerialspraying $14.00 /ha @ $0.00 1 $14.00 Ureaspreading $12.00 /ha @ $0.00 $0.00 1 $12.00 @ $2.75 $4.52 $6.5 $154 $319 $429 $169 $213 $331 $91 0.81 $189 $114 1.68 $247 $107 2.26 $379 Insurance $8.50 /$1000 Other TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS Assumesbarleyfollowswheat HavingtowindrowbarleywillreduceGMbyaround$25/ha 20 AGRONOMIC NOTES Ureawouldnotberequiredfollowingalegumepastureorgrainlegume crop Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 FEED BARLEY GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t $110 $150 $190 $230 $270 Variable Costs 1 -$25 $14 $53 $93 $132 Yield 1.7 $35 $102 $169 $235 $302 t/ha 2.4 $95 $190 $284 $378 $472 160 3 $147 $265 $383 $500 $618 140 180 MEDIUM RAINFALL 120 $110 $150 $190 $230 $270 Yield 1.2 2 -$145 -$76 -$97 $3 -$50 $81 -$3 $160 $44 $239 t/ha 2.8 -$7 $103 $213 $323 $433 3.6 $62 $204 $345 $486 $628 $/ha Net Price $/t 100 80 60 40 20 HIGH RAINFALL Net Price $/t 0 $110 $150 $190 $230 $270 -$156 -$69 -$77 $48 $2 $166 $80 $284 $159 $402 Yield 2 3 t/ha 4 $17 $174 $331 $488 $645 5 $103 $299 $496 $692 $888 Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS FEED BARLEY HISTORIC PRICES 350 $/tonne 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. Repairs & Maint Fuel $/ha $/ha 1 3.25 5.15 spray 4 1.63 1.74 harvest# 1 5.49 6.21 10.37 13.10 seed TOTAL #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 21 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 MILLING OATS GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(12/13Forecast) Quality MEDIUM $185 HIGH $185 $185 Milling Yield(t/ha) 1 $185 GROSS INCOME Rate/ha VARIABLE COSTS Cost Low 2.1 3.2 $389 $592 Rate/ha $/ha Medium Rate/ha $/ha High $/ha Seed Seed $0.18 /kg @ 50 $9.00 65 $11.70 80 $14.40 SeedTreatment $0.05 /kg @ 50 $2.30 65 $2.99 80 $3.68 Levies GRDCLevies 1.0% GrossIncome $2.00 /tonnesold EPR&statelevies $1.85 $3.89 $5.92 $2.00 $4.20 $6.40 Fertiliser (Bulk) 18:20:0 Urea Chemicals-Herbicides SummerWeedControl $780 /tonne @ $620 /tonne @ Various 40 Allow $31.20 60 $46.80 80 $62.40 $0.00 50 $31.00 100 $62.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Pre-emergents $5.00 /litre @ 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 Oxyfluorfen $20 00 /litre $20.00 @ 0 075 0.075 $1 50 $1.50 0 075 0.075 $1 50 $1.50 0 075 0.075 $1 50 $1.50 DualGold $17.50 /litre @ 0.5 $8.75 0.5 $8.75 Diuron $11.70 /litre @ 0.4 $4.68 0.4 $4.68 0.4 $4.68 $9.25 /litre @ 0.5 $4.63 0.5 $4.63 0.5 $4.63 $13.50 /litre @ 0.145 $1.96 0.145 $1.96 0.145 $1.96 Glyphosate540 Post-MCPAAmine Fungicides Tebuconazole Operations Fuel&Oil $13.10 $15.72 $18.34 Repairs&Maintenance $10.37 $12.44 $14.51 Freight Grain(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 1.0 $20.00 2.1 $42.00 3.2 $64.00 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.04 $0.80 0.11 $2.20 0.18 $3.60 $8.50 /$1000 @ Contract Work Aerialspraying Windrowing Insurance $1.57 $3.30 $5.03 $126 $219 $303 $59 $170 $289 $126 0.68 $60 $104 1.18 $172 $95 1.64 $292 Other TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS Assumesoatsfollowsacereal.IffollowingalegumelessNwillbe required. 22 AGRONOMIC NOTES ESTIMATE Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 MILLING OATS GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t $125 $155 $185 $215 Variable Costs $250 0.5 -$50 -$35 -$21 -$6 $11 Yield 1 $0 $30 $59 $88 $123 t/ha 1.5 $51 $95 $139 $183 $235 2 $101 $160 $219 $278 $346 140 120 100 MEDIUM RAINFALL Net Price $/t $155 -$35 $185 -$6 $215 $24 $250 $58 Yield 2.1 $46 $108 $170 $232 $304 t/ha 3 $137 $225 $313 $402 $505 4 $237 $355 $473 $591 $728 80 $/ha 1 $125 -$65 60 40 20 HIGH RAINFALL Net Price $/t 0 $125 $155 $185 $215 $250 Yield 1 2 -$121 -$20 -$91 $39 -$62 $98 -$32 $157 $2 $225 t/ha 3.2 $101 $195 $289 $383 $493 4 $181 $299 $417 $535 $672 Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS MILLING OATS HISTORIC PRICES $/tonne 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. Repairs & Maint Fuel $/ha $/ha seed 1 3.25 5.15 spray 4 harvest# 1 1.63 5.49 10.37 1.74 6.21 13.10 TOTAL #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 23 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 FEED OATS GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(12/13Forecast) Quality MEDIUM HIGH $175 $175 $175 1.2 2.3 3.5 $210 $403 $613 Feed Yield(t/ha) GROSS INCOME Rate/ha VARIABLE COSTS Cost Low Rate/ha $/ha Medium Rate/ha $/ha High $/ha Seed Seed $0.17 /kg @ 50 $8.50 65 $11.05 80 $13.60 SeedTreatment $0.05 /kg @ 50 $2.30 65 $2.99 80 $3.68 Levies GRDCLevies 1.0% GrossIncome $2.00 /tonnesold EPR&statelevies $2.10 $4.03 $6.13 $2.40 $4.60 $7.00 Fertiliser (Bulk) 18:20:0 Urea Chemicals-Herbicides SummerWeedControl $780 /tonne @ $620 /tonne @ Various 40 Allow $31.20 60 $46.80 80 $62.40 $0.00 50 $31.00 100 $62.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Pre-emergents $5.00 /litre @ 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 Oxyfluorfen $20 00 /litre $20.00 @ 0 075 0.075 $1 50 $1.50 0 075 0.075 $1 50 $1.50 0 075 0.075 $1 50 $1.50 DualGold $17.50 /litre @ 0.5 $8.75 0.5 $8.75 Diuron $11.70 /litre @ 0.4 $4.68 0.4 $4.68 0.4 $4.68 $9.25 /litre @ 0.5 $4.63 0.5 $4.63 0.5 $4.63 $13.50 /litre @ 0.145 $1.96 0.145 $1.96 0.145 $1.96 Glyphosate540 Post-MCPAAmine Fungicides Tebuconazole Operations Fuel&Oil $13.10 $15.72 $18.34 Repairs&Maintenance $10.37 $12.44 $14.51 Freight Grain(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 1.2 $24.00 2.3 $46.00 3.5 $70.00 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.04 $0.80 0.11 $2.20 0.18 $3.60 $8.50 /$1000 @ Contract Work Aerialspraying Windrowing Insurance $1.79 $3.42 $5.21 $130 $223 $309 $80 $180 $304 $109 0.74 $74 $97 1.27 $168 $88 1.77 $286 Other TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS Assumesoatsfollowsacereal.IffollowingalegumelessNwillbe required. 24 AGRONOMIC NOTES ESTIMATE Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 FEED OATS GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t $125 $150 $175 $200 Variable Costs $225 0.6 -$40 -$25 -$10 $5 $19 Yield 1.2 $21 $50 $80 $109 $139 t/ha 1.8 $81 $125 $170 $214 $258 2.4 $142 $201 $259 $318 $377 140 120 100 MEDIUM RAINFALL Net Price $/t $150 $175 $200 $225 Yield 1.2 1.8 -$44 $17 -$14 $61 $15 $105 $44 $149 $74 $193 t/ha 2.3 $67 $123 $180 $236 $293 3.5 $188 $274 $359 $445 $531 80 $/ha $125 60 40 20 HIGH RAINFALL Net Price $/t 0 $125 $150 $175 $200 $225 Yield 1.5 2.5 -$70 $31 -$33 $92 $4 $154 $41 $215 $78 $276 t/ha 3.5 $132 $218 $304 $389 $475 4.5 $232 $343 $453 $564 $674 Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS FEED OATS HISTORIC PRICES $/tonne 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. Repairs & Maint Fuel $/ha $/ha seed 1 3.25 5.15 spray 4 harvest# 1 1.63 5.49 10.37 1.74 6.21 13.10 TOTAL #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 25 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 TRITICALE GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(12/13Forecast) MEDIUM $180 HIGH $180 ESTIMATE $180 Quality Yield(t/ha) GROSS INCOME 1.2 2.1 3 $216 $378 $540 Rate/ha VARIABLE COSTS Cost Low Rate/ha $/ha Medium Rate/ha $/ha High $/ha Seed Seed $0.17 /kg @ 60 $10.20 80 $13.60 85 $14.45 SeedTreatment $0.05 /kg @ 60 $2.76 80 $3.68 85 $3.91 Levies GRDCLevies EPR&statelevies 1.0% GrossIncome $1.70 /tonnesold $2.16 $3.78 $5.40 $2.04 $3.57 $5.10 Fertiliser (Bulk) 18:20:0 Urea Chemicals-Herbicides $780 /tonne @ $620 /tonne @ SummerWeedControl Various 40 Allow $31.20 60 $46.80 80 $62.40 $0.00 50 $31.00 100 $62.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Pre-emergents Trifluralin480g/L $7.60 /litre @ 1 $7.60 1 $7.60 1 Glyphosate540 $5.00 /litre @ 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 $20.00 /litre @ $1.50 0.075 $1.50 0.075 $1.50 $10.75 /litre @ 0 0.5 $5.38 0.5 $9.25 /litre @ 0.5 Oxyfluorfen 0.075 $7.60 Post-emergents MCPALVE MCPAamine Metsulfuronmethyl(1) Achieve®(2) $0.12 @ $65.00 @ 5 $4.63 $0.00 $5.38 $0.00 $1.05 5 $1.05 5 $1.05 $0.00 0.3 $23.58 0.3 $23.58 Insecticides Fungicides Operations Fuel&Oil $13.10 $15.72 $18.34 Repairs&Maintenance $10.37 $12.44 $14.51 Freight Grain(t) $25.00 /tonne @ 1.2 $30.00 2.1 $52.50 3.0 $75.00 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.04 $0.80 0.11 $2.20 0.18 $3.60 $8.50 /$1000 @ Contract Work Aerialspraying Ureaspreading Insurance $1.84 $3.21 $4.59 $140 $249 $329 $76 $129 $211 $117 0.78 $112 $118 1.38 $192 $110 1.83 $301 Other TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS Thisrateoffertiliserassumestriticalefollowsacereal (1)Surfactantat0.1%(2)Surfactantat0.75% 26 AGRONOMIC NOTES Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 TRITICALE GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t $100 $140 $180 $220 Variable Costs $260 0.6 -$61 -$38 -$14 $9 $33 Yield 1.2 -$18 $29 $76 $123 $170 t/ha 1.8 $24 $95 $166 $236 $307 2.4 $67 $162 $256 $350 $444 140 120 100 MEDIUM RAINFALL 1 $100 -$114 $140 -$75 $180 -$36 $220 $4 $260 $43 Yield 2.1 -$35 $47 $129 $212 $294 t/ha 3 $29 $147 $264 $382 $500 4 $100 $257 $414 $571 $728 $/ha Net Price $/t 80 60 40 20 HIGH RAINFALL Net Price $/t 0 $100 $140 $180 $220 $260 -$129 -$18 -$89 $61 -$50 $139 -$11 $218 Yield 1 2 -$168 -$96 t/ha 3 -$25 $93 $211 $328 $446 4 $46 $204 $361 $518 $675 Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS TRITICALE HISTORIC PRICES 350 $/tonne 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. Repairs & Maint Fuel $/ha $/ha seed 1 3.25 5.15 spray 4 1.63 1.74 harvest# 1 TOTAL 5.49 6.21 10.37 13.10 #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 27 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 VETCH GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(12/13Forecast) Quality MEDIUM $280 HIGH $280 ESTIMATE $280 Moravavetch Yield(t/ha) GROSS INCOME 0.7 1.2 1.6 $196 $336 $448 Rate/ha VARIABLE COSTS Cost Low Rate/ha $/ha Medium Rate/ha $/ha High Seed Seed $0.28 /kg @ 25 $7.00 35 $9.80 35 $9.80 SeedInoculant $0.02 /kg @ 25 $0.45 35 $0.63 35 $0.63 Levies GRDCLevies 1.0% GrossIncome $3.30 /tonnesold EPR&statelevies $1.96 $3.36 $4.48 $2.31 $3.96 $5.28 Fertiliser (Bulk) MAP $780 /tonne @ 40 $31.20 60 $46.80 80 $62.40 FoliarTraceElem Chemicals-Herbicides SummerWeedControl Various Allow $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Pre-emergents Lexone $0.05 /gm @ 300 $15.00 300 $15.00 300 $15.00 Trifluralin480g/L $7.60 /litre @ 1 $7.60 1.5 $11.40 1.5 $11.40 Glyphosate540 $5.00 /litre @ 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 $14.65 /litre @ 0.4 $8.37 0.5 $9.84 0.5 $9.84 0.8 $5.36 0.8 $5.36 0.8 $5.36 0.4 $4.00 $4.00 Post-emergents Select(inclOil) $6.70 /litre Paraquat(Topping) Insecticides Dimethoate(1) $10.00 /litre @ omethoate(2) $29.00 /litre @ $165.00 /litre @ KarateZeon®(3) 0.024 $3.96 0.4 $4.00 0.4 0.05 $1.45 0.05 $1.45 0.024 $3.96 0.024 $3.96 Operations Fuel&Oil $17.76 $21.31 $24.86 Repairs&Maintenance $18.57 $22.28 $25.99 Freight Grain(t) $25.00 /tonne @ 0.7 $17.50 1.2 $30.00 1.6 $40.00 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.04 $0.80 0.06 $1.20 0.08 $1.60 $12.00 /$1000 @ Contract Work Aerialspraying Insurance $2.35 $4.03 $5.38 Other TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS Seedisnottreatedwithafungicideorgraded.(1)Cowpeaaphid (2)RLEM(3)Nativebudworm 28 $165 $215 $252 $31 $121 $196 $236 0.59 $147 $179 0.77 $320 $158 0.90 $461 AGRONOMIC NOTES Lexone(Metribuzin)notrecommendedonsomevarieties.Seekadvice (alsoappliestousingDiurononvetch) Harvestdifficultiesarecommonwiththiscrop Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 VETCH GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t $180 $230 $280 $330 $380 0.3 -$97 -$82 -$67 -$53 -$38 Yield 0.7 -$38 -$3 $31 $65 $99 t/ha 1.1 $21 $75 $129 $183 $237 1.5 $81 $154 $227 $301 $374 Variable Costs 70 60 50 MEDIUM RAINFALL Net Price $/t $230 $280 $330 $380 Yield 0.4 0.8 -$115 -$56 -$95 -$17 -$76 $22 -$56 $62 -$37 $101 t/ha 1.2 $3 $62 $121 $179 $238 1.8 $92 $180 $268 $356 $444 40 $/ha $180 30 20 10 HIGH RAINFALL Net Price $/t 0 $180 $230 $280 $330 $380 -$79 -$20 -$40 $39 -$1 $97 $38 $156 $77 $215 Yield 0.8 1.2 t/ha 1.6 $39 $117 $196 $274 $352 2.5 $172 $294 $417 $539 $661 Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS VETCH HISTORIC PRICES 800 $/tonne 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. Repairs & Maint Fuel $/ha $/ha 5.15 2.17 1.74 seed 1 spray 5 roll 1 3.25 2.03 1.76 harvest# 1 11.52 8.69 18.57 17.76 TOTAL #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 29 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 LUPINS GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(12/13Forecast) MEDIUM HIGH ESTIMATE $190 $190 $190 0.9 1.5 2 $285 $380 Quality Yield(t/ha) $171 GROSS INCOME VARIABLE COSTS Cost Rate/ha Rate/ha Low Medium Rate/ha $/ha High $/ha Seed Seed $0.16 /kg @ 90 $13.95 90 $13.95 90 $13.95 SeedInoculant $0.02 /kg @ 90 $1.62 90 $1.62 90 $1.62 Rovalseedtreat Levies GRDCLevies 1.0% GrossIncome $2.60 /tonnesold EPR&statelevies $1.71 $2.85 $3.80 $2.34 $3.90 $5.20 Fertiliser (Bulk) MAP $780 /tonne @ 40 31.2 60 $46.80 80 $62.40 FoliarTraceElem Chemicals-Herbicides SummerWeedControl Various Allow $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Pre-emergents Trifluralin480g/L $7.60 /litre @ Glyphosate540 $5.00 /litre @ 1 SimazineGranules $7.60 /kg @ 1.4 0.8 $5.36 0.8 $5.36 0.8 $5.36 @ 0.4 $8.37 0.5 $9.84 0.5 $9.84 1.2 $7.60 1.5 $11.40 1.5 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $11.40 $6.00 $10.64 1.4 $10.64 1.4 $10.64 Post-emergents $6.70 /litre Paraquat(Topping) $14.65 /litre Select(inclOil) Insecticides $44.00 /litre @ 0.04 $1.76 0.04 $1.76 0.04 $1.76 $165.00 /litre @ 0.024 $3.96 0.024 $3.96 0.024 $3.96 Talstar(1) KarateZeon®(2) Operations Fuel&Oil $15.01 $18.01 $21.01 Repairs&Maintenance $13.69 $16.43 $19.17 Freight Grain(t) $25.00 /tonne @ 0.9 $22.50 1.5 $37.50 2.0 $50.00 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.04 $0.80 0.06 $1.20 0.08 $1.60 Aerialspraying $14.00 /ha @ $0 $0.00 $0.00 Insurance $10.00 /$1000 @ $1.71 $2.85 $3.80 $163 $209 $247 $8 $76 $133 $181 0.86 $82 $139 1.10 $200 $123 1.30 $299 Contract Work Other TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS Seedisnottreatedwithafungicideorgraded. (1)RLEM(2)Nativebudworm 30 AGRONOMIC NOTES Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 LUPINS GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t $150 $190 $230 $270 $300 0.5 -$75 -$56 -$36 -$16 -$2 Yield 0.9 -$28 $8 $43 $78 $105 t/ha 1.5 $44 $103 $162 $221 $265 2 $104 $182 $261 $339 $398 Variable Costs 70 60 50 MEDIUM RAINFALL Net Price $/t $190 $230 $270 $300 -$83 -$3 -$63 $36 -$43 $75 -$29 $104 Yield 0.5 1 -$102 -$43 t/ha 1.5 $17 $76 $135 $194 $238 2 $77 $155 $234 $312 $371 40 $/ha $150 30 20 10 HIGH RAINFALL Net Price $/t 1 1.5 Yield 0 $150 $190 $230 $270 $300 -$64 -$5 -$25 $54 $14 $113 $53 $172 $83 $216 2 $55 $133 $212 $290 $349 2.5 $115 $213 $311 $409 $482 t/ha Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS LUPINS HISTORIC PRICES 400 350 $/tonne 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 -100 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. Repairs & Maint Fuel $/ha $/ha seed 1 3.25 5.15 spray 6 2.44 2.61 harvest# 1 8.00 7.25 13.69 15.01 TOTAL #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 31 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 RED LENTILS GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(12/13Forecast) Quality MEDIUM 450 HIGH $450 ESTIMATE $450 Nugget Yield(t/ha) 0.7 $315 GROSS INCOME Rate/ha VARIABLE COSTS Cost Low 1.2 1.8 $540 $810 Rate/ha $/ha Medium Rate/ha $/ha High $/ha Seed Seed $0.41 /kg @ 50 $20.50 50 $20.50 50 $20.50 SeedInoculant $0.02 /kg @ 50 $0.90 50 $0.90 50 $0.90 50 $4.10 50 $4.10 P-Pickel $82.00 /tonne Levies GRDCLevies 1.0% GrossIncome $5.30 /tonnesold EPR&statelevies $3.15 $5.40 $8.10 $3.71 $6.36 $9.54 Fertiliser (Bulk) MAP $780 /tonne @ 40 $31.20 50 $39.00 60 $46.80 Chemicals-Herbicides SummerWeedControl Various Allow $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Pre-emergents Glyphosate540 $5.00 /litre @ 1.2 trifluralin480g/L $7.60 /litre @ 1 $6.00 $7.60 Terbyne $21.00 /kg @ 1 $21.00 1 $21.00 1 $21.00 $0.00 25 $18.00 25 $18.00 $0.72 /gram Broadstrike® @ 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.5 $11.40 1.5 $11.40 $6 70 /litre $6.70 @ 08 0.8 $5 36 $5.36 08 0.8 $5 36 $5.36 08 0.8 $5 36 $5.36 $14.65 /litre @ 0.4 $8.37 0.5 $9.84 0.5 $9.84 $165.00 /litre @ 0.024 $3.96 0.024 $3.96 0.024 $3.96 $29.00 /litre @ 0.05 $1.45 0.05 $1.45 0.05 $1.45 $0.00 2.2 $22.00 0.5 $11.00 1 $22.00 1 $22.00 Paraquat 250 Select(inclOil) Insecticides KarateZeon®(1) omethoate(2) Fungicides Mancozeb(3) $10.00 kg @ Carbendazim(4) $22.00 /kg @ $0.00 Operations Fuel&Oil $18.63 $22.35 $26.08 Repairs&Maintenance $19.38 $23.26 $27.13 Freight Grain(t) $30.00 /tonne @ 0.7 $21.00 1.2 $36.00 1.8 $54.00 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.04 $0.80 0.05 $1.00 0.06 $1.20 $12.00 /$1000 @ Contract Work Aerialspraying Windrowing Insurance $3.78 $6.48 $9.72 Other TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS $203 $279 $344 GROSS MARGIN/hectare $112 $290 0.45 $325 $261 $466 $233 0.62 $625 $191 0.76 $1,013 Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENT AGRONOMIC NOTES (1)Nativebudwormcontrol(2)RLEM(3)Ascochyta(4)Greymould InoculatewithGroupEinoculant.NorthfieldandNippermoresensitive toLexonethanothervarieties Checknewlyreleasedvarietiesforsuitabilitytoyourarea 32 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 RED LENTILS GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t $350 $600 $450 $500 Variable Costs $550 0.3 -$79 -$6 -$50 -$35 -$20 Yield 0.7 $44 $215 $112 $146 $181 t/ha 1.1 $167 $435 $274 $328 $382 1.5 $289 $656 $436 $509 $583 140 120 100 MEDIUM RAINFALL 0.6 $350 -$41 $600 $106 $450 $18 $500 $47 $550 $76 Yield 1.2 $143 $437 $261 $319 $378 t/ha 1.8 $327 $768 $504 $592 $680 2.4 $512 $1,098 $746 $864 $981 $/ha Net Price $/t 80 60 40 HIGH RAINFALL 20 Net Price $/t $350 $600 $450 $500 $550 Yield 0.8 1.3 -$17 $136 $178 $454 $61 $264 $100 $327 $139 $391 t/ha 1.8 $290 $730 $466 $554 $642 2.5 $505 $1,116 $749 $872 $994 0 Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS RED LENTILS HISTORIC PRICES 1200 $/tonne 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) No. Fuel Repairs & Maint Operation seed 1 spray 7 roll 1 harvest# 1 TOTAL $/ha $/ha 3.25 2.85 1.76 11.52 5.15 3.04 1.74 8.69 19.38 18.63 #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 33 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 FIELD PEAS GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(12/13Forecast) Quality MEDIUM $270 HIGH $270 $270 1.5 2.5 $405 $675 ESTIMATE Kaspa Yield(t/ha) 1 $270 GROSS INCOME Rate/ha VARIABLE COSTS Cost Low Rate/ha $/ha Medium Rate/ha $/ha High $/ha Seed @ 90 $27.00 100 $30.00 110 $33.00 SeedGrading Seed $25.40 /tonne $0.30 /kg @ 90 $2.29 100 $2.54 110 $2.79 P-Pickel $82.00 /tonne @ $0.00 100 $8.20 110 $9.02 Inoculant $18.00 /tonne @ $0.00 $0.00 110 $1.98 $2.70 $4.05 $6.75 $2.30 $3.45 $5.75 Levies GRDCLevies 1.0% GrossIncome $2.30 /tonnesold EPR&statelevies Fertiliser (Bulk) MAP $780 /tonne @ 40 $31.20 60 $46.80 80 $62.40 Chemicals-Herbicides SummerWeedControl Various Allow $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Pre-emergents Trifluralin480g/L $7.60 /litre @ 1 $7.60 1.5 $11.40 1.5 $11.40 Glyphosate540 $5.00 /litre @ 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 Post-emergents Post emergents Terbyne $21.00 /kg @ 1 $21.00 1 $21.00 1 $21.00 Select(inclOil) $14.65 /litre @ 0.4 $8.37 0.5 $9.84 0.5 $9.84 $7.60 /litre @ 0.8 $6.08 0.8 $6.08 0.8 $6.08 KarateZeon®(1) $165.00 /litre @ 0.024 $3.96 0.024 $3.96 0.024 $3.96 KarateZeon®(2) $165.00 /litre @ $0.00 0.024 $1.32 0.024 $1.32 $29.00 /litre @ $1.45 0.05 $1.45 0.05 $1.45 $13.50 /litre @ $0.00 0.145 $1.96 0.145 $1.96 Paraquat250g/L Insecticides Omethoate(3) 0.05 Fungicides Tebuconazole(4) Operations Fuel&Oil $18.63 $22.35 $26.08 Repairs&Maintenance $19.38 $23.26 $27.13 Freight Grain(t) $25.00 /tonne @ 1.0 $25.00 1.5 $37.50 2.5 $62.50 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.04 $0.80 0.06 $1.20 0.08 $1.60 Contract Work Insurance Other /ha @ $0.00 $0.00 /ha @ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 @ $4.32 $6.48 $10.80 $16.00 /$1000 $0.00 /ha $0.00 $0.00 /ha $0.00 TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS $0.00 $203 $264 $328 $67 $141 $347 $203 0.75 $119 $176 0.98 $219 $131 1.21 $477 AGRONOMIC NOTES (1)Nativebudwormcontrol(2)Peaweavilborderspray(3)RLEM Recentlyreleased"Kaspa"typevarietiesaremoresuitedtolower (4) Powdery Mildew Mildew. rainfall situations 34 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 FIELD PEA GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t $240 $270 $300 Variable Costs $330 0.75 -$36 -$14 $8 $30 $52 Yield 1 $8 $38 $67 $96 $125 t/ha 1.25 $53 $89 $126 $162 $199 1.5 $97 $141 $185 $229 $272 90 80 70 MEDIUM RAINFALL Net Price $/t 1 $210 -$35 $240 -$6 $270 $23 $300 $53 $330 $82 Yield 1.5 $54 $97 $141 $185 $229 t/ha 2 $142 $201 $259 $317 $376 2.5 $231 $304 $377 $450 $523 HIGH RAINFALL Net Price $/t 60 $/ha $210 50 40 30 20 10 $210 $240 $270 $300 $330 $24 $112 $68 $171 $112 $229 $155 $288 $199 $346 Yield 1.5 2 t/ha 2.5 $201 $274 $347 $420 $493 3 $290 $377 $465 $553 $640 0 Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS FIELD PEAS HISTORIC PRICES $/tonne 500 400 300 200 100 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 -100 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. seed 1 spray 7 roll 1 harvest# 1 TOTAL Repairs & Maint Fuel $/ha $/ha 3.25 2.85 1.76 11.52 19.38 5.15 3.04 1.74 8.69 18.63 #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 35 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 FABA BEAN GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(12/13Forecast) Quality MEDIUM $300 HIGH $300 ESTIMATE $300 Fiesta Yield(t/ha) 0.8 1.6 $240 GROSS INCOME Rate/ha Low VARIABLE COSTS Cost Seed Seed Rate/ha $/ha Medium $37.00 140 $/ha $51.80 $840 Rate/ha High 160 $/ha $0.37 /kg @ $0.00 /kg @ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 GRDCLevies 1.0% GrossIncome $0.30 /tonnesold EPR&statelevies Fertiliser (Bulk) MAP $780 /tonne @ Chemicals-Herbicides SummerWeedControl Various Allow $2.40 $0.24 $4.80 $0.48 $8.40 $0.84 SeedInoculant 100 2.8 $480 $59.20 Levies 40 $31.20 60 $15.00 $46.80 80 $15.00 $62.40 $15.00 Pre-emergents $5.00 /litre $7.60 /litre $7.60 /kg @ @ @ 1.2 1 1.4 $6.00 $7.60 $10.64 1.2 1.5 1.4 $6.00 $11.40 $10.64 $14.65 /litre @ 0.4 $8.37 0.5 $9.84 $29.00 /litre $165.00 /litre $10.00 /litre @ @ @ 0.1 0.024 0.5 $2.90 $3.96 $5.00 0.1 0.024 0.5 $2.90 $3.96 $5.00 0.1 0.024 0.5 $2.90 $3.96 $5.00 @ @ @ @ 1.7 0 $0.00 $17.00 $0.00 0.3 0 5.1 0.5 $4.05 $0.00 $51.00 $11.00 0.3 0 5.1 1 $4.05 $0.00 $51.00 $22.00 Glyphosate540 Trifluralin480g/L Simazine900g/kg Post-emergents Select(inclOil) 1.2 1.5 1.4 $6.00 $11.40 $10.64 0.5 $9.84 Insecticides omethoate(1) KarateZeon®(2) Dimethoate(3) Fungicides $13.50 $10.00 $10.00 $22.00 Tebuconazole(4) Mancozeb-lowr/f Mancozeb-Med/high Carbendazim2applic /kg /kg /kg /kg Operations Fuel&Oil Repairs&Maintenance $15.44 $14.10 Freight Grain(t) Fertiliser(t) $25.00 /tonne $20.00 /tonne @ @ Contract Work Aerialspraying $14.00 /ha $12.00 /$1000 Insurance 0.8 0.04 $21.62 $19.74 $20.00 $0.80 1.6 0.06 $40.00 $1.20 2.8 0.08 $70.00 $1.60 @ $0.00 2 $28.00 2 $28.00 @ $2.88 $5.76 $10.08 TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS $201 $345 $424 GROSS MARGIN/hectare $39 $135 $416 Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) $251 0.67 $102 $216 1.15 $260 $151 1.41 $635 Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS (1)RLEMcontrol(2)NativeBudwormcontrol(3)Cowpeaaphid (4)CercosporaMancozebforAscochytaCarbendazimfor chocalatespot 36 $18.53 $16.92 AGRONOMIC NOTES Seedisnottreatedwithafungicidebutisinoculatedwithastrain SU303inoculant. Noallowanceismadeinthisgrossmarginastotheeconomic benefitofbeanstubbletolivestock. Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 FABA BEAN GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t $200 $250 $300 $350 Variable Costs $400 0.4 -$107 -$87 -$68 -$48 -$29 Yield 0.8 -$39 $0 $39 $79 $118 t/ha 1.5 $80 $154 $227 $300 $374 2 $166 $263 $361 $459 $557 140 120 100 MEDIUM RAINFALL 1 $200 -$124 $250 -$75 $300 -$26 $350 $23 $400 $72 Yield 1.6 -$22 $57 $135 $213 $291 t/ha 2 $47 $144 $242 $340 $438 2.5 $132 $254 $376 $498 $621 $/ha Net Price $/t 80 60 40 20 HIGH RAINFALL Net Price $/t 0 $200 $250 $300 $350 $400 -$164 $6 -$115 $104 -$66 $202 -$17 $300 $32 $397 Yield 1 2 t/ha 2.8 $142 $279 $416 $553 $690 4 $347 $542 $738 $934 $1,129 Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS FABA BEANS HISTORIC PRICES 700 $/tonne 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 -100 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. seed 1 spray 7 harvest# 1 TOTAL Repairs & Maint Fuel $/ha $/ha 3.25 2.85 8.00 14.10 5.15 3.04 7.25 15.44 #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 37 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 CHICKPEAS (6-8mm Kabuli) GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(12/13Forecast) Quality MEDIUM $480 HIGH $480 ESTIMATE $480 6-8mmKabuli Yield(t/ha) 0.7 $336 GROSS INCOME Rate/ha VARIABLE COSTS Cost $/ha Medium Rate/ha High $/ha $45.00 100 $50.00 110 $55.00 $18.00 /tonne @ 90 $1.62 100 $1.80 110 $1.98 $82.00 /tonne @ 90 $7.38 100 $8.20 110 $9.02 $0.50 /kg P-Pickel Rate/ha 90 Seed SeedInoculant 2 $960 @ Seed Low 1.3 $624 $/ha Levies GRDCLevies 1.0% GrossIncome $5.30 /tonnesold EPR&statelevies $3.36 $6.24 $9.60 $3.71 $6.89 $10.60 Fertiliser (Bulk) MAP Chemicals-Herbicides $780 /tonne SummerWeedControl Various @ 40 Allow $31.20 60 $15.00 $46.80 80 $62.40 $15.00 $15.00 Pre-emergents trifluralin480g/L $7.60 /litre @ 1 $7.60 1.5 $11.40 1.5 Glyphosate540 $5.00 /litre @ 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 Balance® $0.38 /gram @ 100 $38.00 100 $38.00 100 $38.00 $14 65 /litre $14.65 @ 04 0.4 $8 37 $8.37 05 0.5 $9 84 $9.84 $11.40 Post-emergents Select (incl Oil) 05 0.5 $9 84 $9.84 Insecticides $29.00 /litre @ 0.05 $1.45 0.05 $1.45 0.05 $1.45 $165.00 /litre @ 0.024 $3.96 0.024 $3.96 0.024 $3.96 $21.00 /litre @ 1 $21.00 1.5 $31.50 2 $42.00 $6.00 /litre @ 1 $6.00 1 $6.00 1 $6.00 Omethoate KarateZeon® Fungicides Chlorothalonil Dessication Paraquat250g/L Operations Fuel&Oil $15.01 $18.01 $21.01 Repairs&Maintenance $13.69 $16.43 $19.17 Freight Grain(t) $25.00 /tonne @ 0.7 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.04 $17.50 $0.80 1.3 $32.50 2.0 $50.00 0.06 $1.20 0.08 $1.60 $0.00 1 $14.00 $0.00 0 Contract Work Aerialspraying $14.00 /ha @ Windrowing $35.00 /ha @ Insurance $10.00 /$1000 @ Other TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price Seed is inoculated with a Group N N inoculant 38 0 $6.24 $0.00 $9.60 $0.00 /ha $0.00 /ha COMMENTS $0.00 $0.00 $3.36 $250 $86 $357 0.52 $156 AGRONOMIC NOTES $317 $398 $307 $562 $244 0.66 $437 $199 0.83 $762 Price is heavily dependant on grade and quality quality. Seek advice advice. Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 CHICKPEAS GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t $400 $440 $480 $520 Variable Costs $560 0.4 -$77 -$62 -$46 -$30 -$15 Yield 0.7 $31 $59 $86 $113 $141 t/ha 1.2 $212 $259 $306 $353 $400 1.8 $429 $500 $570 $641 $711 140 120 100 MEDIUM RAINFALL Net Price $/t $400 -$85 $440 -$65 $480 -$46 $520 -$26 $560 -$6 Yield 1.3 $205 $256 $307 $358 $408 t/ha 1.8 $385 $456 $527 $597 $668 2.3 $566 $656 $747 $837 $927 80 $/ha 0.5 60 40 20 HIGH RAINFALL Net Price $/t $400 $440 $480 $520 $560 Yield 1 1.5 $44 $225 $83 $284 $122 $342 $161 $401 $201 $460 t/ha 2 $406 $484 $562 $641 $719 3 $767 $885 $1,002 $1,120 $1,238 0 Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS CHICKPEA HISTORIC PRICES 900 $/tonne 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. seed 1 spray 6 harvest# 1 TOTAL Repairs & Maint Fuel $/ha $/ha 3.25 2.44 8.00 13.69 5.15 2.61 7.25 15.01 #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 39 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 CANOLA GROSS MARGIN Triazine Tolerant INCOME Rainfall Zone LOW $470 Price(12/13Forecast) Quality Yield(t/ha) GROSS INCOME Rate/ha Low VARIABLE COSTS Cost Seed Seed $10.00 /kg Levies GRDCLevies EPR&statelevies Fertiliser (Bulk) 18:20:0 Urea Chemicals-Herbicides @ 3 1.0% GrossIncome SummerWeedControl @ @ 30 Various Allow HIGH $470 0.7 1.4 2 $329 $658 $940 Rate/ha $/ha Medium $30.00 3 $3.29 $0.21 $0.30 /tonnesold $780 /tonne $620 /tonne MEDIUM $470 $23.40 $0.00 $/ha $30.00 Rate/ha High 3 $6.58 $0.42 50 80 $15.00 $39.00 $49.60 2012 YOUR ESTIMATE $/ha $30.00 $9.40 $0.60 70 120 $15.00 $54.60 $74.40 $15.00 Pre-emergents $5.70 /litre $7.60 /litre $5.00 /litre @ @ @ 1.5 1 1.2 $8.55 $7.60 $6.00 2 1.5 1.2 $11.40 $11.40 $6.00 $14.65 /litre $14.65 $30.00 /litre @ @ 0.4 0.15 $8.37 $8.37 $4.50 0.5 0.15 $9.84 $9.84 $4.50 0.5 0.15 $9.84 $9.84 $4.50 $10.00 /litre $44.00 /litre $10.00 /litre @ @ @ 0.2 0.04 0.25 $2.00 $1.76 $2.50 0.2 0.04 0.25 $2.00 $1.76 $2.50 0.2 0.04 0.25 $2.00 $1.76 $2.50 KarateZeon®(1) $165.00 /litre Operations Fuel&Oil Repairs&Maintenance @ 0.024 $3.96 0.024 $3.96 0.024 $3.96 Simazine500g/L Trifluralin480g/L Glyphosate540 2 1.5 1.2 $11.40 $11.40 $6.00 Post-emergents (incl Oil) Select (incl Clopyralid300g/L Insecticides Chlorpyrifos500g/L Talstar(1) Imidan $13.97 $11.18 $16.76 $13.41 $19.56 $15.65 Freight Grain(t) Fertiliser(t) Contract Work Aerialspraying Windrowing Insurance Ureaspreading $25.00 /tonne $20.00 /tonne @ @ $14.00 $35.00 $12.00 $12.00 @ @ @ @ /ha /ha /$1000 /ha 0.7 0.03 1 TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS (1)NativeBudwormcontrol(1in4 years).Inlowrainfallsituations,oil penaltiesmayapplyconverselyoil bonusesmaybeexpectedinhigh rainfallareas. 40 AGRONOMIC NOTES $17.50 $0.60 1.4 0.13 $35.00 $2.60 2 0.19 $50.00 $3.80 $0.00 $35.00 $3.95 $0.00 1 1 $14.00 $35.00 $7.90 $12.00 1 1 $14.00 $35.00 $11.28 $12.00 1 1 $199 $331 $399 $130 $327 $541 $285 0.42 $170 $236 0.70 $407 $199 0.85 $655 A maximum of 15 units of nitrogen and 10 units of phosphorus should be applied with seed. Nitrogen rate dependent on target yield. Sulphur required on sandy, neutral/acid soils and intensive cropping systems. Ensure insect control and good seed/soil contact when sowing. Low rainfall situations require at least 35mm Plant Available Water at sowing. Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 CANOLA GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t $410 $430 $470 $500 Variable Costs $550 0.3 -$62 -$56 -$44 -$35 -$21 Yield 0.7 $89 $102 $130 $150 $184 t/ha 1.1 $239 $260 $303 $336 $389 1.5 $389 $418 $477 $521 $595 140 120 100 MEDIUM RAINFALL 0.7 $410 -$18 $430 -$4 $470 $23 $500 $44 $550 $78 Yield 1.4 $245 $273 $327 $368 $437 t/ha 2 $471 $510 $588 $647 $744 2.5 $658 $707 $805 $879 $1,001 $/ha Net Price $/t 80 60 40 20 HIGH RAINFALL Net Price $/t Yield 0 $410 $430 $470 $500 $550 1 1.5 $48 $236 $68 $265 $107 $324 $136 $368 $185 $442 2 $424 $463 $541 $600 $698 2.5 $612 $661 $759 $832 $954 t/ha Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS CANOLA HISTORIC PRICES 700 $/tonne 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. seed 1 spray 6 harvest# 1 TOTAL Repairs & Maint Fuel $/ha $/ha 3.25 2.44 5.49 5.15 2.61 6.21 11.18 13.97 #Ratesareforlowrainfallzone.Extracostinhigheryieldingsituations 41 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 EXPORT OATEN HAY GROSS MARGIN 2012 INCOME YOUR Rainfall Zone LOW Price(11/12Forecast) Quality MEDIUM $140 HIGH $140 ESTIMATE $140 Mixedgrades Yield(t/ha) GROSS INCOME 3.50 5.00 7 $490 $700 $980 Rate/ha VARIABLE COSTS Cost Low Rate/ha $/ha Medium Rate/ha $/ha High $/ha 120 $21.60 130 $23.40 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Seed Levies Seed $180.00 /tonne @ $0.00 /tonne @ SeedTreatment 90 $16.20 Fertiliser (Bulk) 18:20:0 $780 /tonne @ 60 $46.80 80 $62.40 110 $85.80 Urea $620 /tonne @ 30 18.6 75 $46.50 150 $93.00 Chemicals-Herbicides SummerWeedControl Various Allow $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Pre-emergents $5.00 /litre @ 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 1.2 $6.00 Oxyfluorfen $20.00 /litre @ 0.075 $1.50 0.075 $1.50 0.075 $1.50 DualGold $17.50 /litre $ @ 0.5 $8.75 $ 0.5 $8.75 $ Diuron $11.70 /litre @ 0.4 $4.68 0.4 $4.68 0.4 $4.68 $9.25 /litre @ 0.5 $4.63 0.5 $4.63 0.5 $4.63 Glyphosate540 Post-MCPAAmine Insecticides Fungicides Operations Fuel&Oil $9.06 $9.06 $9.06 Repairs&Maintenance $7.05 $7.05 $7.05 Freight Hay $20.00 /tonne @ 3.5 $70.00 5.0 $100.00 7.0 $140.00 Fertiliser(t) $20.00 /tonne @ 0.09 $1.80 0.16 $3.10 0.26 $5.20 Contract Work varies /ha @ 1.0 $35.00 1.0 $38.00 1.0 $42.00 SuperConditioner Haymowing $28.00 /ha @ 1.0 $28.00 1.0 $28.00 1.0 $28.00 Haybaling $26.67 /tonne @ 3.5 $93.33 5.0 $133.33 7.0 $186.67 $2.50 /$1000 @ Insurance TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN/hectare Break Even Price (to cover variable costs only) Break Even Yield (to cover variable costs only) Gross Margin based on last 5 year average price COMMENTS $1.23 $1.75 $2.45 $359 $491 $663 $131 $209 $317 $103 2.56 $166 $98 3.51 $259 $95 4.74 $387 AGRONOMIC NOTES Fertiliserrateassumeshayfollowsacereal.Bonusesforshedding Theuseofa'superconditioner'cansignificantlyreducedryingtime andlatedeliverymayapply.Additionalcapitalcostsincluding andsubsequentlyriskwithlesschanceofaqualitydownrade.No sheddingandextramachinerymayneedtobeconsidered. allowancehasbeenmadeforcostofraking. 42 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 EXPORT OATEN HAY GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY LOW RAINFALL Net Price $/t $100 $120 $140 $160 Variable Costs $180 1.5 -$111 -$81 -$51 -$21 $9 Yield 2.5 -$60 -$10 $40 $90 $140 t/ha 3.5 -$9 $61 $131 $201 $271 4.5 $43 $132 $222 $312 $402 300 250 MEDIUM RAINFALL 200 $100 $120 $140 $160 $180 2 -$144 -$104 -$64 -$24 $16 Yield 3.5 -$67 $2 $72 $142 $212 t/ha 5 $9 $109 $209 $308 $408 6.5 $86 $215 $345 $475 $604 $/ha Net Price $/t 150 100 50 HIGH RAINFALL 0 Net Price $/t $100 $120 $140 $160 $180 -$167 -$65 -$107 $35 -$47 $135 $13 $235 $73 $334 Yield 3 5 t/ha 7 $38 $177 $317 $456 $596 9 $140 $319 $499 $678 $858 Low Medium High HISTORIC PRICES AND TRENDS OATEN HAY HISTORIC PRICES $/tonne 250 200 150 100 50 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Machinery Costs- Assuming full ownership of machinery (Fuelandrepairsonly-excludesdepreciationandotherownershipcosts) Operation No. Fuel $/ha $/ha 5 3.25 2.03 5.15 2.17 1 1.76 1.74 7.05 9.06 seed 1 spray roll TOTAL Repairs & Maint 43 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 PRIME LAMB GROSS MARGIN - HIGH RAINFALL (450mm+) Assumptions Ave Breeding Ewe Fibre Diameter Number of breeding ewes (First Cross) 28 1000 Total DSE's 1840 Stocking rate (DSE/Ha) 12.0 First cross ewe - Terminal meat sire 2012 INCOME Wool(kggreasy) Sales YOUR 4423.2 Kg 1339 animals [aveprice [aveprice 388 c/kg] $111.98 perhd] GROSS INCOME VARIABLE COSTS Shearing Shearing (Federalawards) 970 19 5 2.50 sheep rams days days Shedlabour Woolclasser Superannuation (onordinarywagesonly) WorkCover (includessuper+o'timeetc) Woolpacks 26 packs Shedsundries 989 sheep Licecontrol 989 sheep Crutch&Wig 990 ewes 19 rams Marking Lambmarking 1150 lambs Eartags 1150 lambs Animal Health drench 3190 sheep vaccinate 3320 sheep blowflycontrol 1000 sheep Stock purchases Purchases Sale Costs Freight livestock 189 culls 212 ewes 1150 primelambs wool 26 bales Stock selling charges commission/insurance yardfees 1339 head levy-sheep 189 head levy-lambs 1150 1339 SAsheepindustry Wool selling charges brokerage/testing/insurance woollevy Feed and Other Costs hay 20.4 grain 24.6 Insurance $209,663 Water 1840 Fuel 1840 Other 1840 head head tonne tonnes value DSE's DSE's DSE's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ $261.13 $522.26 $195.24 $232.89 9.0% 4.0% $11.50 $0.15 $0.83 $83.56 $167.12 /100 /100 /day /day wages total /pack /head /head /100 /100 $ $17,181 $149,900 $167,081 $2,533 $99 $976 $582 $377 $168 $299 $148 $821 $827 $32 @ @ $1.00 /head $0.35 /head $1,150 $403 @ @ @ $0.19 /head $0.24 /head $1.20 /head $598 $797 $1,200 $56,808 @ @ @ @ $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $8.00 @ @ @ 5.5% gross$ $0.70 /head $0.20 /head $8,245 $937 $38 @ @ $1.50 /head $0.40 /head $1,725 $535 @ @ $0.22 /kg 2.0% gross $973 $344 @ @ @ @ @ @ $140.00 $200.00 $2.00 $2.00 $0.70 $0.50 /head /head /head /bale /tonne /tonne /$'000 /DSE /DSE /DSE $567 $637 $3,450 $208 $2,856 $4,920 $419 $3,680 $1,288 $920 TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS $99,560 GROSS MARGIN TOTAL $67,521 GROSS MARGIN/hectare GROSS MARGIN/DSE COMMENTS ESTIMATE $440 $37 Thewoolpriceis90%thepriceforthatmicron.Thistakesintoaccountthelowervalueofbellies,skirtings,locksetc. Super/workcoverexpensesrelateonlytoshearing.DSEratingsarebasedonthemaintenancefeedrequirementsofa2 yearold,50KgliveweightMerinoWetherwithabodyconditionscoreof2.Noallowancehasbeenmadefor superphosphateapplication. 44 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 PRIME LAMB GROSS MARGIN - HIGH RAINFALL PRODUCTION DATA Stockingrate(DSE/Ha) TotalDSE's 12.0 1840 SHEEPGRAZINGAREA Numberofewesmated CullingRate(%fromeachgroup) Agegroup Ewes Wethers 153 0.5 0% 1000 1.5 0% 2.5 0% Rampercentage 2% Ageewesbought(yrs) 1.5 3.5 0% Ageewesculled 6.5 4.5 0% Yearsramskept 3 5.5 0% Flockdeathrate 3% 6.5 100% Averageweaningrate 135% %Lambscarriedover 0% SALES Number Price/hd Age Total c.f.aewes 182 $95.00 6.5 $17,290 c.f.arams 6 $60.00 4.5 $360 lambs 1150 $115.00 20weeks $132,250 TOTAL 1339 PURCHASES Number $111.98 Price/hd $149,900 Ageyrs Total ewes 212 $240 1.5 $50,968 rams 7 $850 1.5 $5,840 STOCK HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Numberoftimes Number Drench Vacc. Blowfly DSE ewes 1000 2 2 1 1 1 1 1.8 18 rams 20 2 1 0 2 lambs 1150 1 2 0 TOTAL 2170 3190 3320 1000 Woolcut SHEARING Number ewes crossbredrams TOTAL price 1840 Total kg/hd 970 4.50 $3.91 $17,050 19 3.00 $2.25 $131 989 4423 $17,181 FEEDING Number ewes 1000 rams 20 Number Hay KgsFed Noweeks Cost($/T) $140 perweek 2.5 ofFeeding $140 Total 8 2.5 cost($) $2,800 8 $56 Grain KgsFed Noweeks Total Cost($/T) perweek ofFeeding cost($) ewes 1000 $200 3.0 8 $4,800 rams 20 $200 3.0 10 $120 45 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 PRIME LAMB GROSS MARGIN - HIGH RAINFALL G.M. SENSITIVITY GROSSMARGIN/DSE 46 AverageWeaningRate(%) 85% 95% 105% 115% 125% 135% $90 $9 $14 $18 $22 $26 $30 $95 $11 $16 $20 $25 $29 $34 $100 $14 $18 $23 $28 $33 $37 Average $105 $110 $16 $18 $21 $23 $26 $29 $31 $34 $36 $39 $41 $44 LambSale $115 $20 $26 $31 $37 $42 $48 Price($/hd) $120 $22 $28 $34 $40 $45 $51 $125 $25 $31 $37 $43 $49 $55 $130 $27 $33 $39 $46 $52 $58 $135 $29 $35 $42 $49 $55 $62 $140 $31 $38 $45 $51 $58 $65 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 SELF REPLACING MERINO FLOCK - HIGH RAINFALL (450mm+) Assumptions Ave Breeding Ewe Fibre Diameter Number of breeding ewes 19.5 1000 Total DSE's Stocking rate (DSE/Ha) INCOME Wool (kggreasy) Sales 9426 Kg 862 animals [aveprice [aveprice 901 c/kg] $99.94 perhd] GROSS INCOME VARIABLE COSTS Shearing Shearing (FederalAwards) 2324 25 9 5 sheep rams days days Shedlabour Woolclasser Superannuation (onordinarywagesonly) WorkCover (includessuper+o'timeetc) Woolpacks 55 packs Shedsundries 2349 sheep LiceControl 2349 sheep Crutch&wig 1424 sheep 25 rams Marking Lambmarking 900 Eartags 900 lambs Animal Health drench 2400 sheep vaccinate 3275 sheep blowflycontrol 1475 sheep Sale and Purchase Costs Purchases 7 Merinorams Freight 862 sheep 55 bales Stock selling charges commission/insurance yardfees 862 head Sheeptranslevy 412 head Lambtranslevy 450 head SAsheepindustry 862 head Wool selling charges brokerage/testing/insurance Industrylevy Feed and other Costs HandFeeding Insurance $237,365 value Water 2390 DSE's Fuel 2390 DSE's Other 2390 DSE's TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN TOTAL GROSS MARGIN/hectare GROSS MARGIN /DSE @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ $261.13 $522.26 $195.24 $232.89 9.0% 4.0% $11.50 $0.15 $0.83 $83.56 $167.12 /100 /100 /day /day wages total /pack /head /head /100 /100 $ $84,922 $86,180 $171,102 2012 YOUR ESTIMATE $6,069 $131 $1,757 $1,048 $810 $393 $633 $352 $1,950 $1,190 $42 @ @ $1.30 /head $0.35 /head $1,170 $315 @ @ @ $0.19 /head $0.24 /head $1.20 /head $450 $786 $1,770 @ @ @ $850.00 /head $3.00 /head $8.00 /bale $5,950 $2,586 $440 @ @ @ @ @ 5.5% $0.70 $0.20 $1.50 $0.40 gross /head /head /head /head $4,740 $603 $82 $675 $345 @ @ $0.22 /kg 2.0% gross $2,074 $1,698 @ @ @ @ $2.00 $2.00 $0.70 $0.50 /$'000 /DSE /DSE /DSE 2390 12.0 $7,081 $475 $4,780 $1,673 $1,195 $53,262 $117,840 $592 $49 COMMENTS Thewoolpriceis90%thewoolpriceforthatmicron.Thistakesintoaccountthelowervalueofbellies,skirtings,locks etc.Super/workcoverexpensesrelateonlytoshearing.DSEratingsarebasedonthemaintenancefeed requirementsofa2yearold,50KgliveweightMerinoWetherwithabodyconditionscoreof2.Noallowancehas beenmadeforsuperphosphateapplication. 47 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 SELF REPLACING MERINO FLOCK - HIGH RAINFALL PRODUCTION DATA Stockingrate(DSE/Ha) TotalDSE's SHEEPGRAZINGAREA Numberofewesmated Rampercentage Agewetherssold(yrs) Yearsramskept Flockdeathrate Averageweaningrate 12.0 2390 285 1000 2.5% 0.5 4 3% 90% SALES c.f.aewes c.f.amerinorams ewehoggets wetherlambs TOTAL CullingRate(%pereachgroup) Agegroup Ewes Wethers 0.5 0% 100% 1.5 46% 0% 2.5 5% 0% 3.5 5% 0% 4.5 5% 0% 5.5 5% 0% 6.5 100% 0% Number 204 6 203 450 862 Price/hd $85.00 $60.00 $160.00 $80.00 $99.94 Total $17,340 $360 $32,480 $36,000 $86,180 STOCK HEALTH ewes ewehoggets wetherweaners merinolambs merinorams TOTAL TotalValue FEEDING Feed Oats/barley Hay Lupins Total Number 1000 450 0 900 25 2375 $237,365 DSE Numberof Animals 833 833 375 Hay Cost($/T) $200 $140 $200 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.0 2.0 2390 SHEARING ewes ewehoggets wetherweaners lambs merinorams Adults Total 48 Number 981 443 0 900 25 1449 2349 Numberoftimes Drench Vacc. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2400 3275 kg/ animal 24 /ewe 20 /ewe 10 /weaner Woolcut kg/hd 6.00 4.50 4.50 1.50 8.00 5.75 Total Greasykg 5885 1995 0 1350 197 8076 9426 Blowfly 1 1 0 0 1 1475 Total cost($) $3,998 $2,332 $750 $7,081 Yield (%) 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% Total Cleankg 4119 1396 0 945 138 6598 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 SELF REPLACING MERINO FLOCK - HIGH RAINFALL (450mm+) Thistableshowsthenumberofmerinosheepineachagegroupatmating FLOCK STRUCTURE Classof Sheep Ewes Wethers Rams 0.5y.o. 450 0 1.5y.o. 234 0 7 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS GROSSMARGIN/DSE Average SalePrice AllSheep ($/hd) $70 $75 $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 600 $27 $29 $31 $33 $34 $36 $38 $39 $41 $43 $45 2.5y.o. 216 0 6 AgeGroup 3.5y.o. 199 0 6 4.5y.o. 183 0 6 5.5y.o. 169 0 0 AverageGreasyWoolPrice(c/Kg) 700 800 901 $31 $35 $39 $33 $37 $41 $35 $39 $43 $36 $40 $44 $38 $42 $46 $40 $44 $48 $42 $45 $49 $43 $47 $51 $45 $49 $53 $47 $51 $54 $48 $52 $56 1000 $43 $45 $46 $48 $50 $51 $53 $55 $57 $58 $60 6.5y.o. 0 0 0 1100 $47 $48 $50 $52 $54 $55 $57 $59 $60 $62 $64 49 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 MERINO WETHERS - HIGH RAINFALL (450mm+) Assumptions: Average Wether Fibre Diametre Number of adult wethers Total DSE's Stocking rate (DSE/Ha) 19.5 1000 1200 12.0 Gross Margin per Ha Gross Margin per DSE Gross Margin/Wether $419 $35 $42 INCOME Wool(kggreasy) Sales GROSS INCOME 6790 Kg 182 animals EXPENSES Shearing Shearing 970 sheep Shedlabour 4 days Woolclasser 2 days Superannuation(onordinarywagesonly) WorkCover (onwages+super+o'timeetc) Woolpacks 40 packs Shedsundries 970 sheep Licecontrol 970 sheep Crutching 1000 sheep Animal Health drench 1000 sheep vaccinate 1000 sheep blowflycontrol 1000 sheep OtherExpenses 0 sheep Stock Purchases Purchases 212 wethers Sale costs and other Freight livestock 395 wool 40 bales Stock selling charges commission/insurance yardfees 182 head transactionlevy 182 head SAsheepindustry 182 head Wool selling charges brokerage/testing/insurance Industrylevy Other Expenses HandFeeding Insurance 87500 value Water 1200 DSE's fuel 1200 DSE's OtherExpenses 1200 DSE's TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN/hectare GROSS MARGIN/DSE COMMENTS [aveprice [aveprice @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 901 c/kg] $95.00 perhd] /100 /day /day wages total /pack /head /head /100 $2,533 $781 $466 $340 $165 $460 $146 $805 $836 /head /head /head /head $188 $240 $1,200 $0 @ $80.00 /head $16,960 @ @ $3.00 /head $8.00 /bale $1,185 $320 @ @ @ @ 5.5% $0.70 $0.20 $0.40 gross /head /head /head $953 $127 $36 $73 @ @ $0.22 /kg 2.00% gross $1,494 $1,223 @ @ @ @ $2.00 $2.00 $0.70 $0.50 @ @ @ @ $261.13 $195.24 $232.89 9.0% 4.0% $11.50 $0.15 $0.83 $83.56 $ $61,171 $17,325 $78,496 $0.19 $0.24 $1.20 $0.00 /$'000 /DSE /DSE /DSE 2012 YOUR ESTIMATE $2,100 $175 $2,400 $840 $600 $36,645 $41,851 $419 $35 Thewoolpriceis90%thewoolpriceforthatmicron.Thistakesintoaccountthelowervalueofbellies, skirtings,locksetc.Super/workcoverexpensesrelateonlytoshearing.DSEratingsarebasedonthemaintenance feedrequirementsofa2yearold,50KgliveweightMerinoWetherwithabodyconditionscoreof2.Noallowance hasbeenmadeforsuperphosphateapplication. 50 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 MERINO WETHERS - HIGH RAINFALL PRODUCTION DATA Stockingrate(DSE/Ha) TotalDSE's SHEEPGRAZINGAREA Numberofwethers Flockdeathrate Agewethersbought(yrs) Agewethersculled 12.0 1200 100 1000 3% 0.5 5.5 SALES c.f.awethers TOTAL PURCHASES wethers Number 182 182 Number 212 CullingRate(%fromeachgroup) Agegroup Ewes Wethers 0.5 0% 1.5 0% 2.5 0% 3.5 0% 4.5 0% 5.5 100% Price/hd $95.00 Price/hd $80 Age 5.5 Ageyrs 0.5 Stock No's 212 206 200 194 188 Total $17,290 $17,290 Total $16,989 STOCK VALUE AND D.S.E REQUIREMENT Number 1000 1000 wethers TOTAL STOCK HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Numberoftimes Number Drench Vacc. wethers 1000 1 1 TOTAL 1000 1000 1000 SHEARING Number 970 970 wethers TOTAL Woolcut kg/hd 7.00 Value $/head $88 Blowfly 1 1000 Total Greasykg 6790 6790 AveLive Wt(Kgs) 55 DSE rating 1.2 DSE rating 1.2 1200 Yield (%) 70% Total Cleankg 4753 4753 HAND FEEDING kgfed /animal kg/wether 15 kg/wether kg/wether Oats/barley Hay Lupins Total $/tonne 200 140 200 Total $0 $2,100 $0 $2,100 MERINO WETHERS - HIGH RAINFALL SENSITIVITY TABLE GROSSMARGIN/DSE Average SalePrice ofwethers ($/hd) $70 $75 $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 600 $15 $15 $16 $17 $17 $18 $19 $20 $20 $21 $22 AverageGreasyWoolPrice(c/Kg) 700 800 901 $20 $26 $31 $21 $26 $32 $22 $27 $33 $22 $28 $33 $23 $29 $34 $24 $29 $35 $24 $30 $36 $25 $31 $36 $26 $31 $37 $27 $32 $38 $27 $33 $38 1000 $37 $37 $38 $39 $40 $40 $41 $42 $43 $43 $44 1100 $42 $43 $44 $44 $45 $46 $47 $47 $48 $49 $50 51 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 PRIME LAMB GROSS MARGIN - CEREAL ZONE (250 - 450mm) Assumptions Ave Breeding Ewe Fibre Diameter 21 Number of breeding ewes (Merino) Total DSE's 1000 1850 Stocking rate (DSE/Ha) 6.0 Merino ewe - Terminal meat sire 2012 INCOME Wool (kggreasy) Sales GROSS INCOME VARIABLE COSTS Shearing Shearing (Federalawards) YOUR 6378 Kg 1189 animals 970 24 5 2.5 Shedlabour Woolclasser WorkCover (includessuper+o'timeetc) Superannuation(onordinarywagesonly) Woolpacks 38 Shedsundries 994 Licecontrol 994 Crutch&Wig 0 1019 Marking Lambmarking 950 Eartags 950 Animal Health drench 2000 vaccinate 2925 blowflycontrol 1000 Stock purchases Purchases Sale Costs Freight livestock 239 262 950 wool 38 Stock selling charges commissioninsurance yardfees 1189 levy-sheep 239 levy-lambs 950 SAsheepindustrylev 1189 Wool selling charges brokerage/testing/insurance Industrylevy Feed and Other Costs Water 1850 Fuel 1850 Other 1850 hay 20.5 grain 24.8 Insurance $170,000 sheep rams days days [aveprice [aveprice 802 c/kg] $104.80 perhd] $261.13 $522.26 $195.24 $232.89 9.00% 4.00% $11.50 $0.15 $0.46 $83.56 $83.56 /100 /100 /day /day total wages /pack /head /head /100 /100 $ $51,121 $124,700 $175,821 packs sheep sheep lambs ewes @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ lambs lambs @ @ $1.00 /head $0.35 /head $950 $333 sheep sheep sheep @ @ @ $0.19 /head $0.20 /head $1.20 /head $375 $585 $1,200 $2,533 $125 $976 $582 $380 $169 $437 $149 $456 $0 $851 $54,377 $ , culls ewes primelambs bales @ @ @ @ head head head head @ @ @ @ @ @ @ DSE's DSE's DSE's tonne tonnes value @ @ @ @ @ @ $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $8.00 /head /head /head /bale $717 $785 $2,850 $304 gross /head /head /head /head $6,859 $832 $48 $1,425 $476 $0.22 kg 2.0% gross $1,403 $1,022 5.5% $0.70 $0.20 $1.50 $0.40 $2.00 $0.70 $0.50 $140.00 $200.00 $2.00 /DSE /DSE /DSE /tonne /tonne /$'000 $3,700 $1,295 $925 $2,870 $4,950 $340 TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS $95,278 GROSS MARGIN TOTAL $80,542 GROSS MARGIN/hectare GROSS MARGIN/DSE COMMENTS ESTIMATE $261 $44 Thewoolpriceis90%thepriceforthatmicron.Thistakesintoaccountthelowervalueofbellies,skirtings,locksetc.Super/workcover expensesrelateonlytoshearing.DSEratingsarebasedonthemaintenancefeedrequirementsofa2yearold,50Kgliveweight MerinoWetherwithabodyconditionscoreof2. 52 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 PRIME LAMB GROSS MARGIN - CEREAL ZONE PRODUCTION DATA Stockingrate(DSE/Ha) 6.0 TotalDSE's CullingRate(%fromeachgroup) 1850 SHEEPGRAZINGAREA Agegroup Ewes Wethers 308 0.5 0% Numberofewesmated 1000 1.5 0% Rampercentage 2.5% 2.5 0% Ageewesbought(yrs) Ageewesculled Yearsramskept Flockdeathrate Averageweaningrate %Lambscarriedover 1.5 5.5 3 3% 95% 0% 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 0% 0% 100% 0% Age Total $19,720 $480 $104,500 $124,700 Total $47,076 $7,300 SALES c.f.aewes c.f.arams lambs TOTAL PURCHASES ewes rams Number 232 8 950 1189 Number 262 9 Price/hd $85.00 $60.00 $110.00 104.80 Price/hd $180 $850 5.5 4.5 20weeks Ageyrs 1.5 1.5 STOCK HEALTH REQUIREMENTS ewes rams lambs TOTAL Number 1000 25 950 Drench 1975 Numberoftimes Vacc. Blowfly DSE 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 0 2000 2925 Number 970 24 Woolcut kg/hd 6.50 3.00 SHEARING ewes crossbredrams TOTAL 994 1000 price $8.08 $2.25 6378 1.8 2 1850 Total $ 50957 164 51121 FEEDING Number ewes rams 1000 25 Number ewes rams 1000 25 Hay KgsFed Noweeks Cost($/T) $140 $140 Grain Cost($/T) $200 $200 perweek 2.5 2.5 KgsFed perweek 3.0 3.0 ofFeeding Total 8 8 Noweeks ofFeeding 8 10 cost($) $2,800 $70 Total cost($) $4,800 $150 53 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 PRIME LAMB GROSS MARGIN - CEREAL ZONE G.M. SENSITIVITY GROSSMARGIN/DSE 54 AverageWeaningRate(%) 85% 95% $27 $31 $30 $34 $32 $36 $34 $39 $36 $41 Average $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 75% $24 $25 $27 $29 $31 LambSale $110 $33 $38 Price($/hd) $115 $120 $125 $130 $135 $35 $37 $39 $41 $43 $40 $43 $45 $47 $49 105% $35 $38 $41 $43 $46 115% $39 $42 $45 $48 $51 125% $43 $46 $50 $53 $56 $44 $49 $54 $59 $46 $48 $51 $53 $56 $51 $54 $57 $59 $62 $57 $60 $63 $66 $69 $62 $66 $69 $72 $75 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 SELF REPLACING MERINO FLOCK - CEREAL ZONE (250 - 450mm) Assumptions Ave Breeding Ewe Fibre Diameter Number of breeding ewes 21 1000 Total DSE's Stocking rate (DSE/Ha) INCOME Wool (kggreasy) Sales GROSS INCOME VARIABLE COSTS Shearing Shearing (FederalAwards) 10614 Kg 813 animals 2250 25 8 4.0 sheep rams days days Shedlabour Woolclasser Superannuation(onordinarywagesonly) WorkCover (includessuper+o'timeetc) Woolpacks 62 packs Shedsundries 2274 sheep Licecontrol 2274 sheep Crutch&wig 1400 sheep 25 rams Marking Lambmarking 850 lambs Eartags 850 lambs Animal Health drench 2325 sheep vaccinate 3150 sheep blowflycontrol 1450 sheep Sale and Purchase Costs Purchases 7 Merinorams Freight 813 sheep 62 bales Stock selling charges commission/insurance yardfees 813 head sheeptranlevy 388 head lambtranslevy 425 head SASheepindustry 813 head wool selling charges brokerage/testing/insurance Industrylevy Feed and other Costs HandFeeding Insurance $226,821 value Water 2360 DSE's Fuel 2360 DSE's Other 2360 DSE's TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN TOTAL GROSS MARGIN/hectare GROSS MARGIN /DSE [aveprice [aveprice @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 808 c/kg] $98.62 perhd] $261.13 $522.26 $195.24 $232.89 9.0% 4.0% $11.50 $0.15 $0.83 $83.56 $167.12 /100 /100 /day /day wages total /pack /head /head /100 /100 $ $85,781 $80,180 $165,961 2012 YOUR ESTIMATE $5,875 $131 $1,562 $932 $765 $371 $713 $341 $1,887 $1,170 $42 @ @ $1.30 /head $0.35 /head $1,105 $298 @ @ @ $0.19 /head $0.20 /head $1.20 /head $436 $630 $1,740 @ @ @ $850.00 /head $3.00 /head $8.00 /bale $5,950 $2,439 $496 @ @ @ @ @ 5.5% $0.70 $0.20 $1.50 $0.40 gross /head /head /head /head $4,410 $569 $78 $638 $325 @ @ $0.22 /kg 2.0% gross $2,335 $1,716 @ @ @ @ $2.00 $2.00 $0.70 $0.50 /$'000 /DSE /DSE /DSE 2360 6.0 $8,450 $454 $4,720 $1,652 $1,180 $53,407 $112,554 $286 $48 COMMENTS Thewoolpriceis90%thewoolpriceforthatmicron.Thistakesintoaccountthelowervalueofbellies, skirtings,locksetc.Super/workcoverexpensesrelateonlytoshearing.DSEratingsarebasedonthemaintenance feedrequirementsofa2yearold,50KgliveweightMerinoWetherwithabodyconditionscoreof2. 55 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 SELF REPLACING MERINO FLOCK - CEREAL ZONE PRODUCTION DATA Stockingrate(DSE/Ha) TotalDSE's SHEEPGRAZINGAREA Numberofewesmated Rampercentage Agewetherssold(yrs) Yearsramskept Flockdeathrate Averageweaningrate Primelambweaning% %matedforprimelms 6.0 2360 285 1000 2.5% 0.5 4 3% 85% 0% 0% SALES c.f.aewes c.f.amerinorams ewehoggets wetherlambs TOTAL CullingRate(%pereachgroup) Agegroup Ewes Wethers 0.5 0% 100% 1.5 43% 0% 2.5 5% 0% 3.5 5% 0% 4.5 5% 0% 5.5 5% 0% 6.5 100% 0% Number 204 6 178 425 813 Price/hd $85.00 $60.00 $160.00 $80.00 $98.62 Total $17,340 $360 $28,480 $34,000 $80,180 STOCK HEALTH ewes ewehoggets wether weaners wetherweaners merinolambs merinorams TOTAL TotalValue FEEDING Feed Oats/barley Hay Lupins Total Number 1000 425 0 850 25 2300 $226,821 DSE Numberof Animals 1000 1000 425 Fodder Cost($/T) $200 $140 $200 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.0 2.0 2360 SHEARING ewes ewehoggets wetherweaners lambs merinorams Adults Total 56 Number 981 419 0 850 25 1424 2274 Numberoftimes Drench Vacc. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2325 3150 kg/ animal 24 /ewe 20 /ewe 10 /weaner Woolcut kg/hd 6.50 5.50 5.00 2.00 9.50 6.63 Total Greasykg 6378 2302 0 1700 234 8914 10614 Blowfly 1 1 1 1 0 1 1450 Total cost($) $4,800 $2,800 $850 $8,450 Yield (%) 68% 68% 68% 68% 68% Total Cleankg 4337 1566 0 1156 159 7217 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 SELF REPLACING MERINO FLOCK - CEREAL ZONE Thistableshowsthenumberofmerinosheepineachagegroupatmating FLOCK STRUCTURE Classof Sheep Ewes Wethers Rams 0.5y.o. 425 0 1.5y.o. 234 0 7 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS GROSSMARGIN/DSE Average SalePrice AllSheep ($/hd) $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $99 $100 $110 $120 $130 600 $19 $23 $26 $29 $32 $36 $39 $39 $42 $45 $49 2.5y.o. 216 0 6 AgeGroup 3.5y.o. 199 0 6 4.5y.o. 183 0 6 5.5y.o. 169 0 0 AverageGreasyWoolPrice(c/Kg) 700 808 900 $24 $29 $33 $27 $32 $36 $30 $35 $39 $34 $38 $42 $37 $42 $46 $40 $45 $49 $43 $48 $52 $43 $48 $52 $47 $51 $55 $50 $55 $59 $53 $58 $62 1000 $37 $40 $44 $47 $50 $53 $56 $57 $60 $63 $66 6.5y.o. 0 0 0 1050 $39 $43 $46 $49 $52 $56 $58 $59 $62 $65 $69 57 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 MERINO WETHERS - CEREAL ZONE (250 - 450mm) Assumptions: Average Wether Fibre Diameter Number of adult wethers Total DSE's Stocking rate (DSE/Ha) 21 1000 1200 6.0 Gross Margin per Ha Gross Margin per DSE Gross Margin/Wether $197 $33 $39 INCOME Wool(kggreasy) Sales GROSS INCOME 7275 Kg 182 animals EXPENSES Shearing Shearing 970 sheep Shedlabour 4 days Woolclasser 2 days Superannuation (onordinarywagesonly) WorkCover (onwages+super+o'timeetc) Woolpacks 43 packs Shedsundries 970 sheep Licecontrol 970 sheep Crutching 1000 sheep Animal Health drench 1000 sheep vaccinate 1000 sheep blowflycontrol 1000 sheep OtherExpenses 0 sheep Stock Purchases Purchases 212 wethers Sale costs and other Freight livestock 395 wool 43 bales Stock selling charges commission/insurance yardfees 182 head transactionlevy 182 head SAsheepindustry 182 head Wool selling charges brokerage/testing/insurance Industrylevy Other Expenses HandFeeding Insurance 87500 value Water 1200 DSE's fuel 1200 DSE's OtherExpenses 1200 DSE's TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN/hectare GROSS MARGIN/DSE COMMENTS [aveprice [aveprice @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 808 c/kg] $95.00 perhd] /100 /day /day wages total /pack /head /head /100 $2,533 $781 $466 $298 $144 $495 $146 $805 $836 /head /head /head /head $188 $200 $1,200 $0 @ $80.00 /head $16,960 @ @ $3.00 /head $8.00 /bale $1,185 $344 @ @ @ @ 5.5% $0.70 $0.20 $0.40 gross /head /head /head $953 $127 $36 $73 @ @ $0.22 /kg 2.0% gross $1,601 $1,176 @ @ @ @ $2.00 $2.00 $0.70 $0.50 @ @ @ @ $261.13 $195.24 $232.89 9.0% 4.0% $11.50 $0.15 $0.83 $83.56 $ $58,797 $17,325 $76,121 $0.19 $0.20 $1.20 $0.00 /$'000 /DSE /DSE /DSE 2012 YOUR ESTIMATE $2,100 $175 $2,400 $840 $600 $36,661 $39,461 $197 $33 Thewoolpriceis90%thewoolpriceforthatmicron.Thistakesintoaccountthelowervalueofbellies,skirtings, locksetc.Super/workcoverexpensesrelateonlytoshearing.DSEratingsarebasedonthemaintenancefeed requirementsofa2yearold,50kgliveweightMerinowetherwithabodyconditionscoreof2.Noallowancehas beenmadeforsuperphosphateapplication. 58 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 MERINO WETHERS - CEREAL ZONE PRODUCTION DATA Stockingrate(DSE/Ha) TotalDSE's SHEEPGRAZINGAREA Numberofwethers Flockdeathrate Agewethersbought(yrs) Agewethersculled SALES c.f.awethers TOTAL PURCHASES wethers 6.0 1200 200 1000 3% 0.5 5.5 Number 182 182 Number 212 CullingRate(%fromeachgroup) Agegroup Ewes Wethers 0.5 0% 1.5 0% 2.5 0% 3.5 0% 4.5 0% 5.5 100% Price/hd $95.00 Price/hd $80 Age 5.5 Ageyrs 0.5 Stock No's 212 206 200 194 188 Total $17,290 $17,290 Total $16,989 STOCK VALUE AND D.S.E REQUIREMENT Number 1000 1000 wethers TOTAL STOCK HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Numberoftimes Number Drench Vacc. wethers 1000 1 1 TOTAL 1000 1000 1000 SHEARING Number 970 970 wethers TOTAL Woolcut kg/hd 7.50 Value $/head $88 Blowfly 1 1000 Total Greasykg 7275 7275 AveLive Wt(Kgs) 55 DSE rating 1.2 DSE rating 1.2 1200 Yield (%) 68% Total Cleankg 4947 4947 HAND FEEDING kgfed /animal 0 kg/wether 15 kg/wether kg/wether Oats/barley Hay Lupins Total $/tonne 200 140 200 Total $0 $2,100 $0 $2,100 MERINO WETHERS - CEREAL ZONE SENSITIVITY TABLE GROSSMARGIN/DSE Average SalePrice ofwethers ($/hd) $70 $75 $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 600 $17 $18 $18 $19 $20 $21 $21 $22 $23 $23 $24 AverageGreasyWoolPrice(c/Kg) 700 808 900 $23 $29 $35 $24 $30 $35 $24 $31 $36 $25 $31 $37 $26 $32 $38 $26 $33 $38 $27 $34 $39 $28 $34 $40 $29 $35 $40 $29 $36 $41 $30 $36 $42 1000 $41 $41 $42 $43 $44 $44 $45 $46 $46 $47 $48 1100 $47 $47 $48 $49 $50 $50 $51 $52 $52 $53 $54 59 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 PRIME LAMB GROSS MARGIN - PASTORAL ZONE (<250mm) Assumptions (Lambs sold to specialist finisher) Ave Breeding Ewe Fibre Diameter 22 Number of breeding ewes Total DSE's 1000 1858 Stocking rate (DSE/Ha) 0.14 Merino ewes - Terminal meat sire 2012 INCOME Wool (kggreasy) Sales GROSS INCOME YOUR 5771 Kg 1020 animals VARIABLE COSTS Shearing Shearing (Federalawards) 950 24 5 2.50 sheep rams days days Shedlabour Woolclasser Superannuation(onordinarywagesonly) WorkCover (onwages+super+o'timeetc) Woolpacks 34 packs Shedsundries 974 sheep Licecontrol 974 sheep Crutch&Wig 800 lambs 998 adults Marking Lambmarking 800 lambs Eartags 800 lambs Animal Health drench 0 sheep vaccinate 1825 sheep blowflycontrol 1000 sheep Stock purchases Purchases Sale Costs Freight livestock 220 culls 270 ewes 800 primelambs wool 34 bales Stock selling charges commission/insurance yardfees 1020 head levy-sheep 220 head levy-lambs 800 head 1020 head SAsheepindustry wool selling charges Industrylevy brokerage/testing/insurance Feed and Other Costs Water 1858 DSE's Fuel 1858 DSE's Other 1858 DSE's hay 0.0 tonne grain 0.0 tonnes Insurance $146,813 value [aveprice [aveprice @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 702 c/kg] $86.77 perhd] $261.13 $522.26 $195.24 $232.89 9.0% 4.0% $11.50 $0.15 $0.83 $83.56 $83.56 /100 /100 /day /day wages total /pack /head /head /100 /100 $ $40,533 $88,466 $129,000 $2,481 $125 $976 $582 $375 $167 $391 $146 $808 $668 $834 @ @ $1.00 /head $0.35 /head $800 $280 @ @ @ $0.19 /head $0.20 /head $1.20 /head $0 $365 $1,200 $48,856 @ @ @ @ $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 /head /head /head /bale $1,100 $1,348 $4,000 $340 @ @ @ @ @ 5.5% $0.70 $0.20 $1.50 $0.40 gross /head /head /head /head $4,866 $714 $44 $1,200 $408 @ @ 2.0% gross $0.22 /kg $811 $1,270 @ @ @ @ @ @ $2.00 $0.70 $0.50 $140.00 $200.00 $2.00 /tonne /tonne /DSE /DSE /DSE /$'000 $3,715 $1,300 $929 $0 $0 $294 TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS $81,392 GROSS MARGIN TOTAL $47,608 GROSS MARGIN/hectare GROSS MARGIN/DSE COMMENTS ESTIMATE $3.59 $26 Thewoolpriceis90%thewoolpriceforthatmicron.Thistakesintoaccountthelowervalueofbellies,skirtings,locksetc. Super/workcoverexpensesrelateonlytoshearing.DSEratingsarebasedonthemaintenancefeedrequirementsofa2 yearold,50KgliveweightMerinoWetherwithabodyconditionscoreof2. 60 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 PRIME LAMB GROSS MARGIN - PASTORAL ZONE PRODUCTION DATA Stockingrate(DSE/Ha) 0.14 TotalDSE's CullingRate(%fromeachgroup) 1858 SHEEPGRAZINGAREA Agegroup Ewes Wethers 13268 0.5 0% Numberofewesmated 1000 1.5 0% Rampercentage 2.5% 2.5 0% Ageewesbought(yrs) 1.5 3.5 0% Ageewesculled 5.5 4.5 100% Yearsramskept 4 5.5 0% Flockdeathrate 5% 6.5 0% Age Total Averageweaningrate 80% %Lambscarriedover 0% SALES Number Price/hd c.f.aewes 220 $75.00 5.5 c.f.arams 0 $55.00 5.5 $0 800 $90.00 16weeks $72,000 lambs TOTAL 1020 PURCHASES Number $16,500 $86.77 Price/hd $88,500 Ageyrs Total ewes 270 $160 1.5 $43,128 rams 7 $850 1.5 $5,728 STOCK HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Numberoftimes Number Drench Vacc. Blowfly DSE ewes 1000 0 1 1 1.8 rams 25 0 1 0 2 lambs 800 0 1 0 TOTAL 1825 0 1825 1000 Woolcut SHEARING Number ewes Total kg/hd 950 6.00 $7.08 40373 24 3.00 $2.25 160 974 5771 crossbredrams TOTAL price 1850 40533 FEEDING Number Hay KgsFed Noweeks Total Cost($/T) perweek ofFeeding cost($) ewes 1000 $140 3.0 0 rams 24 $140 3.0 0 Number Grain KgsFed Noweeks Cost($/T) perweek ofFeeding $0 $0 Total cost($) ewes 1000 $200 0.0 0 $0 rams 24 $200 3.0 0 $0 61 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 PRIME LAMB GROSS MARGIN - PASTORAL ZONE G.M. SENSITIVITY GROSSMARGIN/DSE 62 AverageWeaningRate(%) 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% $60 $6 $8 $11 $13 $16 $19 $65 $7 $10 $13 $15 $18 $21 $70 $8 $11 $14 $18 $21 $24 $75 $10 $13 $16 $20 $23 $26 Average $80 $11 $14 $18 $22 $25 $29 LambSale $85 $12 $16 $20 $24 $27 $31 Price($/hd) $90 $13 $17 $22 $26 $30 $34 $95 $15 $19 $23 $28 $32 $36 $100 $16 $21 $25 $30 $34 $39 $105 $17 $22 $27 $32 $37 $41 $110 $18 $24 $29 $34 $39 $44 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 SELF REPLACING MERINO FLOCK - PASTORAL ZONE (<250mm) Assumptions Ave Breeding Ewe Fibre Diameter Number of breeding ewes 22 1000 Total DSE's Stocking rate (DSE/Ha) INCOME Wool (kggreasy) Sales GROSS INCOME VARIABLE COSTS Shearing Shearing (FederalAwards) 11237 Kg 669 animals 2451 29 10 5 708 c/kg] $94.58 perhd] @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ lambs lambs @ @ $1.30 /head $0.35 /head sheep sheep sheep sheep p @ @ @ @ $0.19 $0.20 $1.20 $0.00 $ Merinorams sheep bales @ @ @ head head head @ @ @ @ 5.5% $0.70 $0.20 $0.40 gross /head /head /head $3,481 $468 $134 $268 @ @ $0.22 /kg 2.0% gross $2,472 $1,592 @ @ @ @ $2.00 $2.00 $0.70 $0.50 value DSE's DSE's DSE's $261.13 $522.26 $195.24 $232.89 9.0% 4.0% $11.50 $0.15 $0.83 $83.56 /100 /100 /day /day wages total /pack /head /head /100 $ $79,595 $63,285 $142,880 sheep rams days days Shedlabour Woolclasser Superannuation(onordinarywagesonly) WorkCover (includessuper+o'timeetc) Woolpacks 66 packs Shedsundries 2480 sheep Licecontrol 2480 sheep Crutch&wig 1701 sheep Marking Lambmarking 750 Eartags 750 Animal Health drench 0 vaccinate 2905 blowflycontrol 1000 other 0 Sale and Purchase Costs Purchases 8 Freight 669 66 Stock selling charges commission/insurance yardfees 669 transactionlevy 669 SAsheepindustry 669 Wool selling charges brokerage/testing/insurance Industrylevy Feed and other Costs HandFeeding Insurance $239,298 Water 2610 Fuel 2610 Other 2610 TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN TOTAL GROSS MARGIN/hectare GROSS MARGIN /DSE [aveprice [aveprice 2012 YOUR ESTIMATE $6,400 $151 $1,952 $1,164 $870 $422 $759 $372 $2,058 $1,421 $975 $263 /head /head /head /head $0 $581 $1,200 $0 $ $850.00 /head $5.00 /head $10.00 /bale $6,800 $3,345 $660 /$'000 /DSE /DSE /DSE 2610 0.14 $0 $479 $5,220 $1,827 $1,305 $46,640 $96,240 $5.16 $37 COMMENTS Thewoolpriceis90%thewoolpriceforthatmicron.Thistakesintoaccountthelowervalueofbellies, skirtings,locksetc.Super/workcoverexpensesrelateonlytoshearing.DSEratingsarebasedonthemaintenance feedrequirementsofa2yearold,50KgliveweightMerinoWetherwithabodyconditionscoreof2. 63 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 SELF REPLACING MERINO FLOCK - PASTORAL ZONE PRODUCTION DATA Stockingrate(DSE/Ha) TotalDSE's SHEEPGRAZINGAREA Numberofewesmated Rampercentage Agewetherssold(yrs) Yearsramskept Flockdeathrate Averageweaningrate Primelambweaning% %matedforprimelms 0.14 2610 18643 1000 3.0% 1 4 5% 75% 0% 0% SALES c.f.aewes c.f.amerinorams ewehoggets wetherhoggets TOTAL CullingRate(%pereachgroup) Agegroup Ewes Wethers 0.5 0% 0% 1.5 32% 100% 2.5 5% 0% 3.5 5% 0% 4.5 5% 0% 5.5 5% 0% 6.5 100% 0% Number 193 7 113 356 669 Price/hd $75.00 $55.00 $145.00 $90.00 $94.58 Total $14,475 $385 $16,385 $32,040 $63,285 STOCK HEALTH ewes ewehoggets wetherweaners wether weaners merinolambs merinorams TOTAL TotalValue FEEDING Feed Oats/barley Hay Lupins Total Number 1000 375 375 750 30 2530 $239,298 DSE 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.0 2.0 2610 Numberof Animals 1000 1000 750 Hay Cost($/T) $200 $140 $200 SHEARING ewes ewehoggets wetherweaners lambs merinorams Adults Total 64 Number 970 366 366 750 29 1730 2480 Numberoftimes Drench Vacc. 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 2905 kg/ fed animal 0.0 /ewe 0.0 /ewe 0.0 /weaner Woolcut kg/hd 6.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 9.00 6.25 Total Greasykg 5818 1828 1828 1500 263 9737 11237 Jet 1 0 0 0 0 1000 Total cost($) $0 $0 $0 $0 Yield (%) 63% 63% 63% 63% 63% Total Cleankg 3665 1152 1152 945 166 7080 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 SELF REPLACING MERINO FLOCK - PASTORAL ZONE Thistableshowsthenumberofmerinosheepineachagegroupatmating FLOCK STRUCTURE Classof Sheep Ewes Wethers Rams 0.5y.o. 375 375 1.5y.o. 243 0 8 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS GROSSMARGIN/HA Average Sale Price($/hd) $70 $75 $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 400 $18 $19 $20 $22 $23 $24 $25 $26 $28 $29 $30 2.5y.o. 219 0 8 AgeGroup 3.5y.o. 198 0 7 4.5y.o. 179 0 7 AverageGreasyWoolPrice(c/Kg) 500 600 708 $22 $26 $31 $23 $28 $32 $25 $29 $33 $26 $30 $35 $27 $31 $36 $28 $32 $37 $29 $34 $38 $31 $35 $39 $32 $36 $41 $33 $37 $42 $34 $38 $43 5.5y.o. 161 0 0 800 $35 $36 $37 $38 $40 $41 $42 $43 $44 $46 $47 6.5y.o. 0 0 0 900 $39 $40 $41 $43 $44 $45 $46 $47 $49 $50 $51 65 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 MERINO WETHERS - PASTORAL ZONE (<250mm) Assumptions: Average Wether Fibre Diameter Number of adult wethers Total DSE's Stocking rate (DSE/Ha) 22 1000 1200 0.14 Gross Margin per Ha Gross Margin per DSE Gross Margin/Wether $3.3 $24 $28 INCOME Wool(kggreasy) Sales GROSS INCOME 6720 Kg 177 animals EXPENSES Shearing Shearing 960 sheep Shedlabour 4 days Woolclasser 2 days Superannuation (onordinarywagesonly) WorkCover (onwages+super+o'timeetc) Woolpacks 40 packs Shedsundries 960 sheep Licecontrol 960 sheep Crutching 1000 sheep Animal Health drench 0 sheep vaccinate 1000 sheep blowflycontrol 1000 sheep OtherExpenses 0 sheep Stock Purchases Purchases 217 wethers Sale costs and other Freight livestock 393 wool 40 bales Stock selling charges commission/insurance yardfees 177 head transactionlevy 177 head SAsheepindustry 177 head Wool selling charges brokerage/testing/insurance Industrylevy Other Expenses HandFeeding Insurance 85000 value Water 1200 DSE's fuel 1200 DSE's OtherExpenses 1200 DSE's TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN GROSS MARGIN/hectare GROSS MARGIN/DSE COMMENTS [aveprice [aveprice @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 708 c/kg] $90.00 perhd] /100 /day /day wages total /pack /head /head /100 $2,507 $781 $466 $338 $145 $460 $144 $797 $836 /head /head /head /head $0 $200 $1,200 $0 @ $80.00 /head $17,360 @ @ $5.00 /head $10.00 /bale $1,965 $400 @ @ @ @ $261.13 $195.24 $232.89 9.0% 4.0% $11.50 $0.15 $0.83 $83.56 $ $47,598 $15,899 $63,497 $0.19 $0.20 $1.20 $0.00 @ @ @ @ 5.5% $0.70 $0.20 $0.40 gross /head /head /head $874 $124 $35 $71 @ @ $0.22 /kg 2.0% gross $1,478 $952 @ @ @ @ $2.00 $2.00 $0.70 $0.50 /$'000 /DSE /DSE /DSE 2012 YOUR ESTIMATE $0 $170 $2,400 $840 $600 $35,143 $28,354 $3.31 $24 Thewoolpriceis90%thepriceforthatmicron.Thistakesintoaccountthelowervalueofbellies,skirtings,locks etc.Super/workcoverexpensesrelateonlytoshearing.DSEratingsarebasedonthemaintenancefeed requirementsofa2yearold,50KgliveweightMerinoWetherwithabodyconditionscoreof2. 66 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 MERINO WETHERS - PASTORAL ZONE PRODUCTION DATA Stockingrate(DSE/Ha) TotalDSE's SHEEPGRAZINGAREA Numberofwethers Flockdeathrate Agewethersbought(yrs) Agewethersculled SALES c.f.awethers TOTAL PURCHASES wethers 0.14 1200 8571 1000 4% 0.5 5.5 Number 177 177 Number 217 CullingRate(%fromeachgroup) Agegroup Ewes Wethers 0.5 0% 1.5 0% 2.5 0% 3.5 0% 4.5 0% 5.5 100% Price/hd $90.00 Price/hd $80 Age 5.5 Ageyrs 0.5 Stock No's 217 208 200 192 184 Total $15,930 $15,930 Total $17,332 STOCK VALUE AND D.S.E REQUIREMENT Number 1000 1000 wethers TOTAL STOCK HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Numberoftimes Number Drench Vacc. wethers 1000 0 1 TOTAL 1000 0 1000 SHEARING Number 960 960 wethers TOTAL Woolcut kg/hd 7.00 Value $/head $85 Blowfly 1 1000 Total Greasykg 6720 6720 AveLive Wt(Kgs) 55 DSE rating 1.20 DSE rating 1.2 1200 Yield (%) 63% Total Cleankg 4234 4234 HAND FEEDING kgfed Oats/barley Hay Lupins Total /animal 0 kg/wether 0 kg/wether 0 kg/wether $/tonne 200 140 200 Total $0 $0 $0 $0 MERINO WETHERS - PASTORAL ZONE SENSITIVITY TABLE GROSSMARGIN/DSE Average Sale Price($/hd) $65 $70 $75 $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 400 $3 $4 $5 $5 $6 $7 $7 $8 $9 $9 $10 AverageGreasyWoolPrice(c/Kg) 500 600 708 $9 $14 $20 $9 $15 $21 $10 $16 $22 $11 $16 $22 $12 $17 $23 $12 $18 $24 $13 $18 $24 $14 $19 $25 $14 $20 $26 $15 $20 $26 $16 $21 $27 800 $25 $26 $27 $27 $28 $29 $29 $30 $31 $31 $32 900 $31 $31 $32 $33 $33 $34 $35 $36 $36 $37 $38 67 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 CLEANSKIN SHEEP - CEREAL ZONE (250 - 450mm) Assumptions Number of breeding ewes Total DSE's Stocking rate (DSE/Ha) 1000 2540 6.0 2012 YOUR ESTIMATE INCOME $ Sales GROSS INCOME 1109 animals [aveprice $121.48 perhd] $0 $134,660 $134,660 VARIABLE COSTS $0 Marking Lambmarking 1150 Eartags 1150 Animal Health drench 2775 vaccinate 3900 blowflycontrol 0 Licecontrol 0 Sale and Purchase Costs Purchases 7 Freight 204 6 324 575 Stock selling charges commission/insurance yardfees sheeptranlevy lambtranslevy SASheepindustry 1109 534 575 1109 Feed and other Costs HandFeeding Insurance $334,057 Water 2540 Fuel 2540 Other 2540 TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN TOTAL GROSS MARGIN/hectare GROSS MARGIN /DSE COMMENTS lambs lambs @ @ $1.00 /head $0.35 /head $1,150 $403 sheep sheep sheep sheep @ @ @ @ $0.19 $0.20 $1.20 $0.83 /head /head /head /head $520 $780 $0 $0 rams ewes rams hoggets lambs @ @ @ @ @ $850.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $ $3.00 /head /head /head /head /head $5,950 $612 $18 $972 $ , $1,725 head head head head @ @ @ @ @ 5.5% $0.70 $0.20 $1.50 $0.40 gross /head /head /head /head $7,406 $776 $107 $863 $443 $0 $0 value DSE's DSE's DSE's @ @ @ @ $2.00 $2.00 $0.70 $0.50 /$'000 /DSE /DSE /DSE $8,750 $668 $5,080 $1,778 $1,270 $39,271 $95,389 $225 $38 Assumesflockisfullywoolsheddingandthereforenoshearing,crutchingorlicecontrolcostsareincluded. Assumesonlyonelambingperyear. 68 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 CLEANSKIN SHEEP - CEREAL ZONE PRODUCTION DATA Stockingrate(DSE/Ha) TotalDSE's SHEEPGRAZINGAREA Numberofewesmated Rampercentage Agewetherssold(yrs) Yearsramskept Flockdeathrate Averageweaningrate 6.0 2540 423 1000 2.5% 0.5 4 3% 115% SALES CullingRate(%pereachgroup) Agegroup Ewes Wethers 0.5 0% 100% 1.5 58% 0% 2.5 5% 0% 3.5 5% 0% 4.5 5% 0% 5.5 5% 0% 6.5 100% 0% Number c.f.aewes c.f.arams ewehoggets wetherlambs TOTAL 204 6 324 575 1109 Price/hd $90.00 $80.00 $180.00 $100.00 $121.48 Total $18,360 $480 $58,320 $57,500 $134,660 STOCK HEALTH Number 1000 575 0 1150 25 2750 $334 057 $334,057 DSE Numberof Animals 1000 1000 575 Fodder Cost($/T) $200 $140 $200 ewes ewehoggets wetherweaners lambs rams TOTAL Total Value Total Value FEEDING Feed Oats/barley Hay Lupins Total 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.0 2.0 2540 Numberoftimes Drench Vacc. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2775 3900 kg/ animal 24 /ewe 20 /ewe 10 /weaner Blowfly Lice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total cost($) $4,800 $2,800 $1,150 $8,750 CLEANSKIN SHEEP - CEREAL ZONE Thistableshowsthenumberofsheepineachagegroupatmating AgeGroup FLOCK STRUCTURE Classof Sheep 0.5y.o. Ewes 575 Wethers 0 Rams SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS GROSSMARGIN/DSE SalePrice Lambs ($/hd) $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 $125 $130 1.5y.o. 234 0 7 95 $24 $25 $26 $27 $28 $29 $30 $30 $31 $32 $33 2.5y.o. 216 0 6 3.5y.o. 199 0 6 4.5y.o. 183 0 6 AverageWeaningPercentage 105 115 $29 $33 $30 $34 $31 $35 $32 $36 $33 $38 $34 $39 $35 $40 $36 $41 $37 $42 $38 $43 $39 $44 125 $38 $39 $40 $41 $42 $44 $45 $46 $47 $48 $49 5.5y.o. 169 0 0 135 $42 $44 $45 $46 $47 $49 $50 $51 $52 $54 $55 6.5y.o. 0 0 0 145 $47 $48 $50 $51 $52 $54 $55 $56 $58 $59 $60 69 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 BEEF CATTLE - HIGH RAINFALL Assumptions: Breeding Cow Calf Weaning Herd Deaths Cows c.f.a Uses Carry over calf Weaned @ Heifers mated @ Stocking rate Area required Feeds 15 90% 3% 10 13 8 8 15 10 189 35 (Breeding young cattle for local trade, grass fattened) DSE 100 Cow breeding herd 13 cows replaced per year 3% Bulls bought for $4,000 years old sold for $1,200 heifers as replacements after 3 years DSE 40% carryover to heavier weights months 6 months extra carry over months 1891 Herd DSE DSE/ha Drench cows 2 x hectares Drench calves 1 x kg/DSE hay equivalent supplement 2012 INCOME YOUR ESTIMATE Stocksales Culls 54 22 10 1 vealers@ yearlings Cows@ bull@ 280 kgliveweight@ 420 kgliveweight@ 550 kgliveweight@ $2.00 /kgL/W $1.80 /kgL/W $1.40 /kgL/W GROSS INCOME VARIABLE COSTS Bull Purchases No.ofbulls Veterinary & Medicines Drench-cows2xcalves1x EarTagsNLIS LiceTreatments Vaccine(5in1) Supplementary Feed Hay Grain Blocks/MineralMix Sale costs and other Insurance Transport: Lvstk Transport: Hay Commission Levies TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS 1 $4,000.00 total 290 90 0 180 @ @ @ @ 100 @ @ @ 66 tonne 0.00 t/head $119,000 @ 87 head @ 66 tonne @ @ @ $4.28 $4.90 $0.00 $1.20 $1,240 $441 $0 $216 $140.00 /tonne $200.00 /tonne $5.00 /head $9,240 $0 $500 $2.00 $15.00 $0.00 5.5% $5.00 /$1000 /head /tonne /head GROSS MARGIN TOTAL GMexcludescostofSuperphosphateapplicationwhichmayormaynotbeanannualexpense. Livestockweightwillvarybetweencattlebreed,feedtypeandage 70 $4,000 /head /tag /dose /dose GROSS MARGIN PER COW GROSS MARGIN/DSE GROSS MARGIN/hectare COMMENTS $30,240 $16,866 $7,382 $1,200 $55,688 $238 $1,303 $0 $3,063 $434 $20,676 $35,012 $350 $18.52 $185.20 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 BEEF CATTLE - HIGH RAINFALL GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY PER COW $/kg Liveweight(yearlings/steers) Variable Costs $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 60% $93 $129 $165 $200 $236 65% $118 $158 $198 $238 $278 70% $144 $188 $232 $276 $320 75% $169 $217 $265 $314 $362 Weaning 80% $194 $247 $299 $352 $404 % 85% $219 $276 $333 $389 $446 70 90% $244 $305 $366 $427 $488 60 95% $270 $335 $400 $465 $530 100% $295 $364 $433 PER Ha $503 $572 $/kg Liveweight(yearlings/steers) 100 90 $/Cow 80 50 40 30 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 20 $68 $87 $106 $125 10 $84 $105 $126 $147 $76 $99 $123 $146 $169 0 $1.50 $1.75 60% $49 65% $63 70% 75% $89 $115 $140 $166 $192 Weaning 80% $103 $130 $158 $186 $214 % 85% $116 $146 $176 $206 $236 90% $129 $162 $194 $226 $258 95% $143 $177 $212 $246 $280 100% $156 $193 $229 $266 $303 Cost/cow 71 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 BEEF CATTLE - CEREAL ZONE Assumptions: Breeding Cow Calf Weaning Herd Deaths Cows c.f.a Uses Carry over calf Weaned @ Heifers mated @ Stocking rate Area required Feeds 14.5 85% 3% 10 13 8 8 15 5.00 388 35 (Breeding young cattle for local trade, grass fattened) DSE 100 Cow breeding herd 13 cows replaced per year 3% Bulls bought for $4,000 years old sold for $1,200 heifers as replacements after 3 years DSE 50% carryover to heavier weights months 6 months extra carry over months 1941 Herd DSE DSE/ha Drench cows 2 x hectares Drench calves 1 x kg/DSE hay equivalent supplement 2012 INCOME YOUR ESTIMATE Stocksales Culls 43 29 10 1 vealers@ yearlings Cows@ bull@ 270 kgliveweight@ 400 kgliveweight@ 550 kgliveweight@ $2.00 /kgL/W $1.80 /kgL/W $1.40 /kgL/W $52,134 GROSS INCOME VARIABLE COSTS Bull Purchases No.ofbulls Veterinary & Medicines Drench-cows2xcalves1x EarTags Lice Treatments Treatments Vaccine(5in1) Supplementary Feed Hay Grain Blocks/MineralMix Sale costs and other Insurance Transport: Lvstk Transport: Hay Commission Levies TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN TOTAL GROSS MARGIN PER COW GROSS MARGIN/DSE GROSS MARGIN/hectare COMMENTS 72 $22,950 $20,603 $7,382 $1,200 1 @ 285 85 0 170 @ @ @ @ 68 tonne 0.00 t/head 100 @ @ @ $117,250 @ 82 head @ 68 tonne @ @ @ $4,000 total $4.28 $4.90 $0 00 $0.00 $1.20 $4,000 /head /tag /dose /dose $1,218 $417 $0 $204 $140.00 /tonne $200.00 /tonne $5.00 /head $9,520 $0 $500 $2.00 $15.00 $0.00 5.5% $5.00 /$1000 /km /tonne /head $235 $1,226 $0 $2,867 $409 $20,595 $31,540 $315 $16.25 $81.25 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 BEEF CATTLE - CEREAL ZONE GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY PER COW $/kg Liveweight(yearlings/steers) $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 60% $97 $134 $170 $206 $242 65% $122 $163 $203 $244 $284 70% $148 $192 $237 $281 $326 75% $173 $222 $270 $319 $368 Weaning 80% $198 $251 $304 $357 $410 % 85% $223 $280 $337 $395 $452 90% $248 $309 $371 $432 $494 95% $273 $339 $404 $470 $535 100% $298 $368 $438 PER Ha $508 $577 Variable Costs $2.50 120 100 80 $/Cow $1.50 60 40 $/kg Liveweight(yearlings/steers) $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 60% $25 $34 $44 $53 $2.50 $62 65% $32 $42 $52 $63 $73 70% $38 $50 $61 $73 $84 75% $44 $57 $70 $82 $95 Weaning 80% $51 $65 $78 $92 $106 % 85% $57 $72 $87 $102 $116 90% $64 $80 $96 $111 $127 95% $70 $87 $104 $121 $138 100% $77 $95 $113 $131 $149 20 0 Cost/cow 73 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 BEEF CATTLE - PASTORAL Assumptions: (Breeding young cattle for store trade) Breeding Cow 15 DSE 100 Cow breeding herd Calf Weaning 80% Herd Deaths 3% Cows c.f.a 10 years old Uses 13 heifers as replacements Carry over calf 8 DSE Weaned @ 8 months 13 cows replaced per year 3% Bulls bought for after $1,200 3 years 100% carryover to heavier weights 6 months extra carry over Heifers mated @ 15 months Stocking rate 2.5 DSE/ha Area required 899 hectares Feeds $4,000 sold for 2248 Herd DSE Drench cows 0 x Drench calves 0 x 20 kg/DSE hay equivalent supplement 2012 INCOME YOUR ESTIMATE Stocksales 67 yearlings 360 kgliveweight@ $1.80 /kg $43,416 Culls 10 Cows@ 550 kglwt@ $1.35 /kg $7,425 1 bull@ $1,000 $51,841 GROSS INCOME VARIABLE COSTS Bull Depreciation Bullpurchase 1 @ $4,000 total Drench 0 @ $4.28 /head EarTags 80 @ $4.90 $ /tag / $4,000 Veterinary & Medicines $0 $392 $ LiceTreatments 196 @ $0.00 /dose $0 Vaccine(5in1) 160 @ $1.20 /dose $192 Supplementary Feed Hay Grain 45 tonne @ $140.00 /tonne $6,300 0.00 t/head @ $200.00 /tonne $0 Sale costs and other Insurance $111,500 @ Transport: Lvstk 78 head @ Transport: Hay 79 tonne @ Commission @ Levies @ TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS GROSS MARGIN TOTAL GROSS MARGIN PER COW GROSS MARGIN/DSE GROSS MARGIN/hectare COMMENTS Feedcostsincludeanallowancefordroughtfodder. Livestockweightwillvarybetweencattlebreed,feedtypeandage. 74 $2.00 /$1000 $15.00 /km $0.00 /tonne 5.5% $5.00 /head $223 $1,170 $0 $2,851 $390 $15,518 $36,323 $363 $16.16 $40.39 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 BEEF CATTLE - PASTORAL GROSS MARGIN SENSITIVITY PER COW $/kg LWT yearlings/steers) $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 $183 $225 $267 $310 $352 65% $210 $257 $303 $350 $397 70% $237 $288 $339 $391 $442 75% $264 $320 $375 $431 $487 Weaning 80% $291 $351 $411 $472 $532 % 85% $318 $383 $447 $512 $577 90% $345 $414 $483 $553 $622 95% $372 $446 $519 $593 $667 100% $399 $477 $555 PER Ha $634 $712 Variable Costs $2.50 70 60 50 $/Cow $1.50 60% 40 30 20 $/kg LWT (yearlings/steers) $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 60% $20 $25 $30 $34 $39 65% $23 $29 $34 $39 $44 70% $26 $32 $38 $43 $49 75% $29 $36 $42 $48 $54 Weaning 80% $32 $39 $46 $52 $59 % 85% $35 $43 $50 $57 $64 90% $38 $46 $54 $61 $69 95% $41 $50 $58 $66 $74 100% $44 $53 $62 $70 $79 10 0 Cost/cow 75 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 Improve your crop productivity through agronomic advice 76 ECR248448 01/11 At Elders, we offer in-depth agronomic advice that helps answer key farming questions. Our network of qualified agronomists located in all major agricultural areas, is supported by a national technical services team. Our agronomists assist clients with all aspects of whole-farm planning from enterprise and variety selection, through to nutrition planning and pest control using state of the art software programs. Contact your local Elders agronomist for a paddock inspection today or visit for more information. Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 FARM COSTS - 2012 Note: The below costs have been collected from a number of regional sources and should be seen as an approximate guide only. Costs will vary depending on situation. Users of this publication should ascertain the relevance of these costs to their particular situation and make adjustments to gross margin budgets if required. SHEEP LiceControl Extinosad Drench Ivomec Vaccine 3in1 6in1 $41.50 $0.83 $15.00 $0.19 $50.00 $0.20 $60.00 $0.24 $50.00 $1.20 $11.50 /litre /20mldose /litre /12.5mldose 250ml /1mldose 250ml /1mldose /litre /24mldose ea BlowflyControl Clik Woolpacks nylon Shearing Sheep rams shedlabour woolclasser superannuation WorkCover-Allow shedsundries $261.13 $522.26 $195.24 $232.89 9.00% 4.00% $0.15 Crutching sheep rams $83.56 /100 $167.12 /100 lambmarking mulesing/materials markingonly eartags Stockpurchaces purchaserams purchase wethers Stockselling Sellwethers freightsheep freightlambs freightbales commission/insurance yardfees sheeptransactionlevy lambtransactionlevy SAsheepindustrylevy woolbrokerage/testing woollevy BEEF Drench(backline) Genesis 7in1vaccine /100 /100 /day day wages total /head $1.30 /head $1.00 /head $0.35 /head $850.00 /head $80 00 /head $80.00 $95.00 $3.00 $3.00 $8.00 5.5% $0.70 $0.20 $1.50 $0.40 $0.22 2.0% /head /head /head /bale $5.00 Pastoral $5.00 Pastoral $10.00 Pastoral /head /head /head /head /kg $171.00 $4.28 $150.00 $1.20 /litre /25mldose /250ml 2.5 TraceElementtreatments HGPimplant Vitamininjection $3.00 /head $1.75 $1.30 NLISBreederTags(incllevy) $4.90 each freightcattlein freightcattleout Catlelevy FEED & OTHER COSTS water fuel other hay FeedCerealgrain lupins $12.00 /head $15.00 /head $5.00 /head $2.00 $0.70 $0.50 $140.00 $140 00 $200.00 $200.00 /DSE /DSE /DSE /tonne /tonne /tonne 77 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 FARM COSTS - 2012 Note: The below costs have been collected from a number of regional sources and should be seen as an approximate guide only. Users of this publication should ascertain the relevance of these costs to their particular situation and make adjustments to gross margin budgets if required. CHEMICAL COSTS - HERBICIDES S-metolachlor960g/L(Dual®Gold) Trifluralin480g/L Quizalofop(Targa®) Metsulfuronmethyl Diclofopmethyl500g/L(Hoegrass®) Brodal®Options Balance® Chlorsulfuron750g/kg(Glean) Clopyralid300g/L(Lontrel) Lexone(Metribuzin750gm/kg) Oxyfluorfen240g/L M.C.P.A.LVE Verdict®520 Reglone® SimazineLiquid500g/L Diuron900gma.i.granules Bromoxynil/MCPA 2,4-DAmine(625g/l) Achieve®WG Supercharge Talstar T i ll Tri-allate500g/L 00 /L Dicamba500g/L Broadstrike® Atrazine(Gesaprim) Tigrex® Triasulfuron750g/kg(Logran) Topik®EC MCPAAmine(750g/L) Select® Gramoxone® Glyphosate540g/L Sprayseed® SimazineGranules900g/kg Terbyne750 BoxerGold Affinity CHEMICAL COSTS - ADJUVANTS Uptake(Oil) BS-1000(WETTER) Surfactantcost(withAchieve)PerHa OilCost WetterCostperHa CHEMICAL COSTS - INSECTICIDES Dimethoate400g/L Omethoate400g/L Alpha-cypermethrin16g/L Lambda-cyhalothrin(KarateZeon®) Imidan Maldison500g/L Chlorpyrifos500g/L 78 $17.50 $7.60 $10.00 $0.12 $18.75 $56.00 $0.38 $0.12 $30.00 $0.05 $20.00 $10.75 $58.00 $24.00 $5.70 $11.70 $13.00 $5.00 $65.00 $7.25 $44.00 $12 40 $12.40 $31.00 $0.72 $8.00 $17.60 $0.08 $120.00 $9.25 $14.65 $6.70 $5.00 $11.00 $7.60 $21.00 $15.50 $169.00 $6.70 $6.00 $4.08 $2.51 $0.45 $10.00 $29.00 $7.00 $165.00 /litre /litre /litre /gram /litre /litre /gram /gram /litre /gram /litre /litre /litre /litre /litre /kg /litre /litre /kg /litre /litre /li /litre /litre /gram /litre /litre /gm /litre /litre /litre /litre /litre /litre /kg /kg /litre /litre /litre /litre Assume75l/ha@0.75%surf. Assume75l/ha@0.5%oil Assume75l/ha@0.1%surf. /litre /litre /litre /litre $8.50 /litre $10.00 /litre 24mls/ha Lorsban Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 FARM COSTS - 2012 Note: The below costs have been collected from a number of regional sources and should be seen as an approximate guide only. Users of this publication should ascertain the relevance of these costs to their particular situation and make adjustments to gross margin budgets if required. CHEMICAL COSTS - FUNGICIDES ApronXL350ES Mancozeb750g/kg VeteranC Vitavax200FF Baytan ArmourC P-PickelT Carbendazim500g/kg Tebuconazole430 Triadimefon125g/L Propiconazole250g/L Chlorothalonil500g/L Prosaro Amistar Opus CHEMICAL COSTS - TRACE ELEMENTS Zincsulphate Coppersulphate Mangasulphate $350.00 $10.00 $25.00 $30.00 $27.00 $30.00 $41.00 $22.00 $13.50 $8.70 $13.50 $21.00 $67.00 $55.00 $55.00 /litre /kg /kg /kg /kg /kg /litre /kg /litre /litre /litre /litre /litre /litre /litre $1.45 /litre $3.60 /litre $1.45 /litre FUEL COSTS Totalprice-Diesel(GSTExc) Rebate NetPriceDiesel-$/litre $1.30 /litre $0.38 /litre $0.92 /lbulkincludesrebate FERTILISER COSTS MAP10:22 DAP18:20 Urea Superphosphate DAP/MAP+2%Zn Triplesuper0:20:0 DAP+Urea24:16 DAP+Urea28:13 DAP+Urea32:10 $780 $780 $620 $350 $840 $850 $762 $738 $714 /tonne /tonne /tonne /tonne /tonne /tonne /tonne /tonne /tonne Cost/Tonne cereals $22.00 othercrops $24.00 Pickling cereals $1.30 othercrops $1.40 Cleaning wheat $21.00 barley $23.00 peas $24.00 Smuticide-Cereals VeteranC $25.00 Note-Assumesminimumstandardofapplicationforsmutsandbunts.Moreexpensiveoptionsavailable whichmaygivesomecontroloffoliardiseases.Seek advice GRAIN GRADING & PICKLING Grading Inoculant Legumes $18.00 SeedTreatment P-PickleT $82.00 /tonne 79 Farm Gross Margin Guide 2012 FARM COSTS- 2012 Note: The below costs have been collected from a number of regional sources and should be seen as an approximate guide only. Users of this publication should ascertain the relevance of these costs to their particular situation and make adjustments to gross margin budgets if required. STOCK RETURNS WOOL-HighRainfall28mic70%Yield -HighRainfall19.5mic70%Yld -MedRainfall21mic68%Yield -LowRainfall22mic63%Yield -CrossbredRam32mic 2011 Average (Clean) Jan,2012 (Clean) 656 612 1466 1431 1311 1328 1250 1299 FREIGHT COSTS (as included in Gross Margins) CANOLA FERTILIZER LENTILS OTHERLEGUMEGRAINS CEREALGRAINS TRITICALE HAY-OATEN Cost/Tonne $25.00 $20.00 $30.00 $25.00 $20.00 $25.00 $20.00 CONTRACT RATES (indicative only- will be highly variable depending on situation) aerialspraying $14.00 /hectare Contractharvestingcereals,lowrainfall $40.00 /hectare Contractharvestingcereals,highrainfall $60.00 /hectare Contractharvestingpulse/canola,lowrainfall $68.00 /hectare Contractharvestingpulse/canola,highrainfall $90.00 /hectare Windrowing $35.00 /hectare Contractspreading $32.00 /tonne Contractspreading $12.00 /tonne Haymaking Contractmowing-upto $40.00 /hectare Contractraking $25.00 /hectare Contractbaling(750kgsquarebales) $20.00 /bale Superconditioner(oatenhay) $28.00 /hectare 80 Budget Base (Clean) 620 1430 1320 1250 includescartage excludescartage Budget Base (Greasy) 434 1001 898 787 250 Throughout 2012 the GRDC is working on a number of fronts to increase grower and adviser capacity in farm business management. shops k r o w t emen n region. g a n a m siness s the souther u b m r a ciples tory f e held acros n c i r u p d o e r t h t n 1i ts on ilable. e ers to b e w h o s r t g c r fo ailed fa ent will be ava t e d f o held. es m i r e e e g b s a o n t a a s 2 ess m ourse c g turing s. n i a n e i f of busin a r e t u r dvise contin ent column a l l i e v w i r s e n 3 inte ewspap risk managem n r e tes v a o d C d p d n u n a t u n s 4 Gro rm busines geme a n a m a s the F sines n. u b m r ing a n o F i n t g a l s e i l p r a i e n terpris s in 5 spec s the souther n e d n a argin arm busines ion making. acros m s s o r ecis ry f mG r d e a v r i F e e o 2 h t t 1 6 20 ibuted better inform r t s i d e Guid ustralia to south a For Further inFormation on GrDC supporteD proFit anD risk manaGement publiCations anD aCtivities visit Rural Solutions SA is active in local, regional and international markets and is divided into seven key portfolios: • PrimaryIndustries • CommunityandSocialDevelopment • SeedServices • InternationalPrograms • ManagingNaturalResources • LandManagement • BiosecurityandEmergency Management Within these defined portfolios, Rural Solutions SA provides a broad range of professional consulting services across economic, environment and social dimensions. Rural Solutions SA’s consulting services include planning, project management, product development, research trials, seed certification, community liaison, extension, facilitating change and development, emergency response management, monitoring and flora and fauna surveying. Rural Solutions SA is based in Adelaide and has a strong regional presence in 14 locations across South Australia. Rural Solutions SA also provides a range of services across Australia in a number of regional and city locations and across the globe in developing and developed markets. Rural Solutions SA has operated since 1998 and has a rich history of delivering regional services and solutions to enhance the environment, economy and rural communities at a local, national and international level. Rural Solutions SA is a State Government owned business under the Department of Primary Industries and Regions of South Australia. Contact us. GRAIN INDUSTRY R E S E A R C H U P D AT E TArGeTed reSeArch The SA Grain Industry Trust invests more than $1.2 million a year in supporting research crucial to the advancement of the SA grain industry with funds coming from a 30c a tonne contribution on all grain delivered by SA grain growers. In 2011 – 2012 SAGIT IS SupporTInG 27 projecTS IncludInG: CereAlS • Improving the heat stress tolerance of wheat– Australian Grain Technologies • Improved cost effective wheat and oat doubled haploids– SARDI • Improved noodle quality in wheats for SA – University of Adelaide • Barley germplasm development – SARDI • Managing brome grass in Mallee no-till systems – Rural Solutions • Identification and use of CCN markers in oat breeding –SARDI • Control of net blotch in barley – YPASG • Rhizoctonia control using various approaches (2 projects) – SARDI • Matching seed source and target environments to improve production - SARDI • Publication of the Sowing Guide and Harvest Reports – SARDI • Pre harvest sprouting risk assessment in wheat – Rural Solutions PulSeS, OIlSeedS And PASTureS • Novel tools for control of pulse pathogens– SARDI • New vetch species for low rainfall regions– SARDI • Increasing lentil production through better weed control – SARDI • Improving pea management practices – SARDI • Angel Strand medic, increasing benefits to SA farmers – SARDI • Disease management workshops for pulse crops SARDI OTher PrIOrITIeS • Value of Feed Grains – Productive Nutrition • Benefits of free living nitrogen fixing organisms - CSIRO • Development of improved strand medic lines - SARDI • Increasing economic returns from Precision Agriculture – Precision Cropping Technologies • Developing farming systems by understanding the impact on soil carbon– SARDI • Updating root disease manual and training courses– SARDI • DNA assays for stubble pathogens - SARDI • Farm Gross Margins and Enterprise Planning Guide for SA – Rural Solutions • Accurately predicting P fertilizer rates – University of Adelaide • Protocol for conducting on-farm trails and demonstrations – SARDI South Australian Grain Industry Trust TruSTeeS Of The SA GrAIn InduSTry TruST Peter Kuhlmann (Mudamuckla) – Chair, Jim Heaslip (Appila), Simon Ballinger (Wolseley) and Linda Eldredge (Clare). The trustees are assisted in project allocation decisions by SAFF nominees Peter McCormack (Turretfield) and Tanya Morgan (Jabuk), and Scientific Adviser Dr Alan Dube. Secretariat – Thomas Project Services - Geoff Thomas (Phone 0409 781 469)