AP US History 2015-2016


North High School

Advanced Placement United States History

Mrs. Cerda

Room: 3103

Email address: cerda.rebecca@tusd.org

Thank you for registering for APUSH!! I am excited to spend the next school year as your teacher, coach, and cheerleader.

Here are some things you should know before the end of the school year. As a student of AP U.S History you will have a couple of responsibilities over the summer to get you prepared for class this fall. All assignments are required and take note when the assignments are due.

Summer Assignment: You will be reading chapters 1-3 in Give Me Liberty!, as well as taking Cornell notes of significant portions of each chapter. The rationale is that college-bound students need to learn to interact with the text in a positive and productive manner. Learning to identify key information in a text is a skill that will serve any student of social studies for years to come. As well, the AP US History exam is incredibly thorough, and students are often tested on both well-known and obscure knowledge of U.S. History. It is essential that you carefully read your entire textbook over the course of the year. Along with your reading of chapters 1-3, complete the questions that are posted.

You must answer all questions in handwritten form and in your own words.

The rationale is that in AP simply answering a question or defining a term on content only is half the process. You will need to learn how to analyze and make connections between individuals, events, and time periods. Simply copying information out of a textbook is not only a form of plagiarism but you are simply not connecting with the material. Your next assignment is to make APUSH Flashcards . Identification words are critical to each chapter and of study in the A.P. class . These will be used on a weekly basis for learning and practicing your knowledge. You

DO NOT have to look up the definitions because I am giving those to you. You must, however, create the flashcard by hand and add pertinent information if needed. Attached you will find the Summer set of terms. Lastly, you will be reading and answering questions dealing with three primary source readings in regards to the new world and the colonial period.

The purpose of this assignment is to be familiar with various viewpoints in regards to historical events, and to identify bias an author's bias and point of view.


This is an extra credit opportunity for you! Your bonus assignment is to experience history . Visit a site of your choice, post a picture of yourself and the site on our summer blog and prepare a brief oral presentation to give the first day of school about the site you visited, your experience, and its connection to United States history.

The summer assignment is due on September 10, the first day of school. I will not accept any summer assignment that is not completed by the 10th.

Manage your time wisely! I suggest you do not wait until the last remaining week of summer to start your assignment. Pace yourself- a chapter here, a chapter there. This will allow you to enjoy your summer much more.

You will find all of the information needed for your summer assignments posted on our class website on ETUSD. The class is titled AP U.S. History and the password to enroll in the class is cerda1 .

Please note, this assignment is not busy work, there are skills as well as content related exercises in this assignment. Do not merely complete this assignment; focus on a deeper understanding, read for comprehension, and focus on the provided directions.

The summer assignment will allow students to “hit the ground running,” saving valuable time for review prior to the APUSH exam in early May. With the AP exam given in the early part of May, it is essential that students come the first day with knowledge on the colonies.

Treat these assignments as an introduction Pre-Colonial and Colonial American history. This is where the course officially begins and it will be extremely important to your success in the upcoming year if you complete this assignment. Along with the content you will notice that certain exercises stress skills as well as content. Again, these exercises were designed with you in mind, not a large workload. Please note, you will be assessed (tested for understanding) when you return, so please take the exercises seriously.

I am looking forward to working with you all next year!

-Mrs. Cerda


Read your text and take notes

Answer Questions

Primary Sources

Flash Cards


Read Chapters 1-3 and complete

Cornell Notes for each chapter. You should write a minimum of 2 frontto-back pages per chapter.

Number your answers and handwrite them using your own wording. Write legibly in blue or black ink

Using the Voices of Freedom book choose one reading from each chapter 1-3. At the end of your

Cornell notes for that chapter, write the name of the reading, author, and answers to the questions listed at the end of the reading.

Follow the directions for creating AP flashcards for chapters 1-3.

Due Date

September 10.

September 10

September 10

September 10


Visit a historical site

Post a picture of yourself on our class website and prepare an oral presentation for the first school day

Post your picture prior to Sept.

10, presentation on Sept. 10.

If you have questions or concerns, please see me in room 3103 before or after school. You can also email me any time at the address below.

Have an excellent summer!

Mrs. Cerda cerda.rebecca@tusd.org

Summer Homework BAGPIPES Questions

Number and handwrite each answer in blue or black ink. All wording should be your own unless you quote or cite the text. Please write legibly. If I cannot read your writing it will not be scored.

B eliefs and Culture


What religious and social beliefs promoted Spanish and Portuguese colonization in the New World?


In what ways did overseas expansion change how Europeans viewed Africans and American Indians?


How and why did Africans and American Indians both adapt some aspects of European culture and resist European attempts to change their values and beliefs?


How did religion shape the development of colonial societies?


What role did religious discord or conflict play in colonial communities?


What regional differences in religion, family life, and community values emerged in the British colonies? What accounted for these differences? Create a chart in order to answer these questions.

A merica in the World


How did economic and political rivalries in Europe affect the forms of colonization in North America?


What effects did Spanish and Portuguese colonists have on the American Indian population?


What effects did the Colombian Exchange have in Europe, Africa, and the Americas?

G eography and Environment


How did the varied environments in North and South America shape the emergence of vastly different economic, social, and political development among American Indian societies? Create a chart to answer this question.


What was the role of the natural environment in shaping regional and group identities in colonial North


P eopling


Why were Europeans able to develop and maintain an extensive slave trade?


Why did African slaves replace Indian labor in Spanish New World colonies?


What were the various models of colonization that the Spanish, French, Dutch, and English in North

America adopted? Create a chart to answer this question.


What factors shaped the institution of slavery in the British North American colonies?

I dentity


In what ways did American Indians and Africans struggle to maintain their identity and autonomy in the face of Europeans’ attempt to subjugate them?


To what extent did British American colonists develop a sense of identity separate from that of English men and women? In what ways was their identity similar?


What group and regional identities emerged in the thirteen British American colonies?


Why and how did the English, Spanish, and French develop different views on race and towards


P olitics and Power


What factors led American Indian societies to resist the European domination and influence?


In what ways did the British American colonists model their political institutions on England? How did these colonists adapt these institutions in a way that seemed uniquely “American”?

E xchange, Work and Technology


Why did the economies of native societies differ so much?


What advantages and disadvantages accrued to both European and native societies as a result of the

Columbian Exchange?


How did patterns of exchange or trade shape the societies that emerged in North America between 1607 and 1754?



BIG PICTURE THEMES: Chapter #1: A New World (pages 4 – 51)

1. The New World, before Columbus, there were many different Native American tribes. These people were very diverse.

In what’s today the U.S., there were an estimated 400 tribes, often speaking different languages. It’s inaccurate to think of

“Indians” as a homogeneous group.

2. Columbus came to America looking for a trade route to the East Indies (Spice Islands). Other explorers quickly realized this was an entirely New World and came to lay claim to the new lands for their host countries. Spain and Portugal had the head start on France and then England.

3. The coming together of the two worlds had world changing effects. The biological exchange cannot be underestimated.

Food was swapped back and forth and truly revolutionized what people ate. On the bad side, European diseases wiped out an estimated 90% of Native Americans

IDENTIFICATIONS: Chapter #1: A New World (pages 4 – 51)

Pueblo Revolt

Uprising in 1680 in which Pueblo Indians temporarily drove Spanish colonists out of modern-day New Mexico lead by Pope.

It was the most complete victory for Native Americans over Europeans and the only expulsion of settlers in the history of

North America. In 1692, the Spanish launched an invasion that reconquered New Mexico.


Aztec chieftan; encountered Hernan Cortes and the Spanish at Tenochitlan and saw that they rode horses; Montezuma assumed that the Spanish were gods. He welcomed them hospitably, but the explorers soon turned on the natives and ruled them for three centuries.

Christopher Columbus

An Italian navigator who was funded by the Spanish Government to find a passage to the Far East. He is given credit for discovering the "New World," even though at his death he believed he had made it to India. He made four voyages to the

"New World." The first sighting of land was on October 12, 1492, and three other journies until the time of his death in 1503.

Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

In 1494 Spain and Portugal were disputing the lands of the new world, so the Spanish went to the Pope, and he divided the land of South America for them. Spain got the vast majority, the west, and Portugal got the east.


The Mestizos were the race of people created when the Spanish intermarried with the surviving Indians in Mexico.

"Black legend"

The idea developed during North American colonial times that the Spanish utterly destroyed the Indians through slavery and disease while the English did not. It is a false assertion that the Spanish were more evil towards the Native Americans than the English were.

Joint stock company

Invented by the Dutch , these were developed to gather the savings from the middle class to finance colonies. Ex. Dutch East

India Company, Plymouth Company and West Indies Company.

Encomienda system

The Spanish labor system in which persons were help to unpaid service under the permanent control of their masters, though not legally owned by them.

Bartolome de Las Casas

Spanish Dominican Priest who published A Very Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies . De Las Casas participated in the conquest of Cuba, but freed his Indian slaves in 1514 and preached against the injustices of Spanish rule. His writings contributed to the idea and spread of the Black Legend.

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

Spanish explorer looking for another Mexico explored the interior of the continent reaching as far as the Great Plains. He became the first European to encounter the immense herds of buffalo that roamed the West. His expedition parties spread disease, and devastation among Indian communities.

New France

Commercial colonies from Quebec to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, dependant on Indians as trading partners and military allies. Samuel de Champlain and the Jesuits insisted on religious toleration for all Christians and denied that Native Americans were intellectually or culturally inferior to Europeans.

New Netherland

Henry Hudson, an Englishman employed by the Dutch East India Company claimed the Hudson River and New York area because of the abundant fur-bearing animals and Native Americans willing to trade furs for European goods. The Dutch believed in freedom of press and religious toleration, they recognized Indian sovereignty over the land and women’s rights to own property and go to court.

Iroquois Confederacy

The Iroquois Confederacy was nearly a military power consisting of Mohawks, Oneidas, Cayugas, and Senecas. It was founded in the late 1500s.The leaders were Degana Widah and Hiawatha. The Indians lived in log houses with relatives. Men dominated, but a person's background was determined by the women's family. Different groups banded together but were separate fur traders and fur suppliers. Other groups joined; they would ally with either the French or the English depending on which would be the most to their advantage.


BIG PICTURE THEMES: Chapter #2 Beginnings of English America (pp. 54 – 89)

1. Jamestown, VA was founded with the initial goal of making money via gold. They found no gold, but did find a cash crop in tobacco.

1. Plymouth, MA was founded with the initial goal of allowing Pilgrims, and later Puritans, to worship independent of the

Church of England. Their society, ironically, was very intolerant itself and any dissenters were pushed out of the colony.

2. Other New England colonies sprouted up, due to (a) religious dissent from Plymouth and Massachusetts as with Rhode

Island, (b) the constant search for more farmland as in Connecticut, and (c) just due to natural growth as in Maine.

IDENTIFICATIONS: Chapter #2: Beginnings of English America (pp54 – 89)

Mayflower Compact 1620

A contract made by the voyagers on the Mayflower agreeing that they would form a simple government where majority ruled.

John Winthrop John Winthrop immigrated from the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the 1630's to become the first governor and to led a religious experiment. He once said, "we shall be a city on a hill."

Headright system

Headrights were parcels of land consisting of about 50 acres which were given to colonists who brought indentured servants into America. They were used by the Virginia Company to attract more colonists.

John Rolfe

Rolfe was an Englishman who became a colonist in the early settlement of Virginia. He is best known as the man who married the Native American, Pocahontas and took her to his homeland of England. Rolfe was also the savior of the Virginia colony by perfecting the tobacco industry in North America. Rolfe died in 1622, during one of many Indian attacks on the colony.

John Smith

John Smith took over the leadership role of the English Jamestown settlement in 1608. Most people in the settlement at the time were only there for personal gain and did not want to help strengthen the settlement. Smith therefore told the people,

"people who do not work do not eat." His leadership saved the Jamestown settlement from collapsing.

Virginia: purpose, problems, failures, successes

Virginia was formed by the Virginia Company as a profit-earning venture. Starvation was the major problem; about 90% of the colonists died the first year, many of the survivors left, and the company had trouble attracting new colonists. They offered private land ownership in the colony to attract settlers, but the Virginia Company eventually went bankrupt and the colony went to the crown. Virginia did not become a successful colony until the colonists started raising and exporting tobacco.

House of Burgesses

The House of Burgesses was the first representative assembly in the New World. The London Company authorized the settlers to summon an assembly, known as the House of Burgesses. A momentous precedent was thus feebly established, for this assemblage was the first of many miniature parliaments to sprout form the soil of America.

Indentured Servant

Indentured servants were Englishmen who were outcasts of their country, would work in the Americas for a certain amount of time as servants.

Act of Toleration

A legal document that allowed all Christian religions in Maryland: Protestants invaded the Catholics in 1649 around Maryland: protected the Catholics religion from Protestant rage of sharing the land: Maryland became the #1 colony to shelter Catholics in the New World.

Pilgrims Separatists; worried by "Dutchification" of their children they left Holland on the Mayflower in 1620; they landed in

Massachusetts; they proved that people could live in the new world

The Puritans

They were a group of religious reformists who wanted to "purify" the Anglican Church. Their ideas started with John Calvin in the 16th century and they first began to leave England in 1608. Later voyages came in 1620 with the Pilgrims and in 1629 called the Great Migration, which was the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They believed in natural liberty which was the opportunity to obey God’s will through self-government and self-denial of ungodly actions.


Pilgrims that started out in Holland in the 1620's who traveled over the Atlantic Ocean on the Mayflower. These were the purest, most extreme Pilgrims existing, claiming that they were too strong to be discouraged by minor problems as others were.

Uprising of 1622

Opechancanough led local Indians against the Virginia settlers wiping out 1,200 of the Virginia Company men. The Virginia

Company retaliated, massacred villages of natives, and began a new policy to expel the natives from the land. The Virginia

Company surrendered it charter in1624 and Virginia became the first royal colony.

Anne Hutchinson A religious dissenter whose ideas provoked an intense religious and political crisis in the Massachusetts

Bay Colony between 1636 and 1638. She challenged the principles of Massachusetts's religious and political system. Her ideas became known as the heresy of Antinomianism, a belief that Christians are not bound by moral law. She was latter expelled, with her family and followers, and went and settled at Pocasset (now Portsmouth, R.I.)

Roger Williams He was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for challenging Puritan ideas. He later established

Rhode Island and helped it to foster religious toleration.

Massachusetts Bay Colony

One of the first settlements in New England; established in 1630 and became a major Puritan colony. Became the state of

Massachusetts, originally where Boston is located. It was a major trading center, and absorbed the Plymouth community

Halfway Covenant (1662)

A Puritan church document; the Halfway Covenant allowed partial membership rights to persons not yet converted into the

Puritan church; It lessened the difference between the "elect" members of the church from the regular members; Women soon made up a larger portion of Puritan congregations.


BIG PICTURE THEMES: Chapter #3: Creating Anglo-America (pages 94 – 131)

1. Other southern colonies sprouted up due to (a) the desire for more tobacco land as with North Carolina, (b) the desire for religious freedom as with Maryland, (c) the natural extension of a natural port in South Carolina, or (d) as a “second chance” colony as with Georgia.

2. The Middle Colonies emerged as the literal crossroads of the north and south. They held the stereotypical qualities of both regions: agricultural and industrial. And they were unique in that (a) New York was born of Dutch heritage rather than

English, and (b) Pennsylvania thrived more than any other colony due to its freedoms and tolerance.

3. The Southern colonies were dominated by agriculture, namely (a) tobacco in the Chesapeake and (b) rice and indigo further down the coast.

4. Bacon’s Rebellion is very representative of the struggles of poor white indentured servants. Nathaniel Bacon and his followers took to arms to essentially get more land out west from the Indians. This theme of poor whites taking to arms for land, and in opposition to eastern authorities, will be repeated several times (Shay’s Rebellion, Paxton Boys, Whisky


5. Taken altogether, the southern colonies were inhabited by a group of people who were generally young, independentminded, industrious, backwoodsy, down home, restless and industrious.

6. A truly unique African-American culture quickly emerged. Brought as slaves, black Americans blended aspects of

African culture with American. Religion shows this blend clearly, as African religious ceremonies mixed with Christianity.

Food and music also showed African-American uniqueness.

7. New Englanders developed a Bible Commonwealth—a stern but clear society where the rules of society were dictated by the laws of the Bible. This good-vs-evil society is best illustrated by the Salem witch trials.

8. Taken altogether, the northern colonies were inhabited by a group of people who grew to be self-reliant, stern, pious, proud, family oriented, sharp in thought and sharp of tongue, crusty, and very industrious.

IDENTIFICATIONS: Chapter #3: Creating Anglo-America (pages 94 – 131)

James Oglethorpe

Founder of Georgia in 1733; soldier, statesman , philanthropist. Started Georgia as a haven for people in debt because of his interest in prison reform. Almost single-handedly kept Georgia afloat. Founder and governor of the Georgia colony. He ran a tightly-disciplined, military-like colony. Slaves, alcohol, and Catholicism were forbidden in his colony. Many colonists felt that Oglethorpe was a dictator, and that (along with the colonist’s dissatisfaction over not being allowed to own slaves) caused the colony to break down and Oglethorpe to lose his position as governor.


A person who was granted charters of ownership by the king: proprietary colonies were Maryland, Pennsylvania and

Delaware: proprietors founded colonies from 1634 until 168 . A famous proprietor is William Penn.

“Slave Codes" 1661

In 1661 a set of "codes" was made. It denied slaves basic fundamental rights, and gave their owners permission to treat them as they saw fit.

William Penn English Quaker;" Holy Experiment"; persecuted because he was a Quaker; 1681 he got a grant to go over to the New World; area was Pennsylvania; "first American advertising man"; freedom of worship there

New England Confederation

New England Confederation was a Union of four colonies consisting of the two Massachusetts colonies (The Bay colony and

Plymouth colony) and the two Connecticut colonies (New Haven and scattered valley settlements) in 1643. The purpose of the confederation was to defend against enemies such as the Indians, French, Dutch, and prevent intercolonial problems that effected all four colonies.


Members of the Religious Society of Friends; most know them as the Quakers. They believe in equality of all peoples and resist the military. They also believe that the religious authority is the decision of the individual (no outside influence.) Settled in Pennsylvania.

Fundamental Orders

In 1639 the Connecticut River colony settlers had an open meeting and they established a constitution called the Fundamental

Orders. It made a Democratic government. It was the first constitution in the colonies and was a beginning for the other states' charters and constitutions.

Headright system

A way to attract immigrants; gave 50 acres of land to anyone who paid their way and/or any plantation owner that paid an immigrants way; mainly a system in the southern colonies.

Indentured servants

Because of the massive amounts of tobacco crops planted by families, "indentured servants" were brought in from England to work on the farms. In exchange for working, they received transatlantic passage and eventual "freedom dues", including a few barrels of corn, a suit of clothes, and possibly a small piece of land

Stono Rebellion (1739)

The Spanish empire enticed slaves of English colonies to escape to Spanish territory. In 1733 Spain issued an edict to free all runaway slaves from British territory who made their way into Spanish possessions. On September 9, 1739, about 20 slaves, mostly from Angola, gathered under the leadership of a slave called Jemmy near the Stono River, 20 miles from Charleston.

44 blacks and 21 whites lost their lives. South Carolina responded by placing import duties on slaves from abroad, strengthening patrol duties and militia training, and recommending more benign treatment of slaves.

Bacon’s Rebellion (1676)

An uprising of western Virginia planters against the Eastern Establishment headed by Sir William Berkeley, the royal governor. The Westerners, led by Nathaniel Bacon, resented both the social pretensions of the Berkeley group—which in turn considered the Baconites “a giddy and unthinking multitude”—and Berkeley’s unwillingness to support their attacks on local Indians. Bacon raised a small army, murdered some peaceful Indians, burned Jamestown, and forced the governor to flee. But Bacon came down with a “violent flux” and died, and soon thereafter Berkeley restored order.

Leisler’s Rebellion (1689-91)

After news of the abdication of James II had reached New York, Jacob Leisler, a local militia captain, proclaimed himself governor of the colony. He claimed to rule in the name of the new monarchs, William and Mary, and attempted without success to organize an expedition against French Canada during King William’s War. In 1691, after a governor appointed by

King William had arrived in New York, Leisler resisted turning over power. He was arrested, tried for treason, and executed.

King Philip’s War 1675

A series of battles in New Hampshire between the colonists and the Wompanowogs, led by a chief known as King Philip or

Metacom. The war was started when the Massachusetts government tried to assert court jurisdiction over the local Indians.

The colonists won with the help of the Mohawks, and this victory opened up additional Indian lands for expansion.

Mercantilism :

Mercantilism was the economic policy of Europe in the 1500s through 1700s. The government exercised control over industry and trade with the idea that national strength and economic security comes from exporting more than is imported.

Possession of colonies provided countries both with sources of raw materials and markets for their manufactured goods.

Great Britain exported goods and forced the colonies to buy them

Navigation Acts of 1650, 1660, 1663, and 1696

British regulations designed to protect British shipping from competition. Said that British colonies could only import goods if they were shipped on British-owned vessels and at least 3/4 of the crew of the ship were British.

Glorious Revolution, 1688

King James II’s Catholic policies, so outraged the people of England that a group of English aristocrats asked him to resign and invited Protestant William of the Netherlands and his wife Queen Mary II (King James’ daughter) to take the throne without any war or bloodshed; hence the revolution was termed "glorious." The overthrow entrenched the notion of liberty as an English birthright. Parliament then enacted a Bill of Rights in 1689 that listed parliamentary powers in taxing, rights of individuals and trial by jury.





















APUSH Flashcard Guidelines

APUSH Flashcard identification words are critical to each chapter and of study in the A.P. class. As chapters are introduced you will be provided with word lists that coincide with what we are studying. THESE WORD LISTS

WILL BE UPLOADED TO MY ETUSD SITE. Currently you will find the first set of terms to be completed over the summer. Flashcards will be due every week. The following guidelines must be used when the assignment is turned in. Make sure you select the proper size flashcard for your size and style of writing . One side of the card will have the word, phrase, or date written on it in the middle of the card. Additionally, you will indicate in the upper right hand corner which time period the term is from. The other side will have the pertinent information written on it with the word phrase or date written in the upper left corner. Each chapter must have a card with your name and chapter printed on it as the first card. Please rubber band the cards together.

Historical Time Periods

1 1491-1607















9 1980-Present

Side 1 Example 1607-1754

Mayflower Compact

Side Two Example

Mayflower Compact


The first agreement for self-government in America. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the

Plymouth colony.

All entries must be in your handwriting

. Please make it legible.

If the definitions are NOT give to you please use the following guidelines:

Person Significant years, significant contribution(s). e.g. Robespierre

- 1720s - 1790s

- Lawyer. Sans culottes

- A leader of early French Revolution. Fanatic

- Came to real power during reign of terror. If you don't support the revolution you are opposed

- Executed 1000s of 3rd estate

- Executed by his own group

Event Year, place (if applicable), significance . e.g. Battle of Waterloo

- Grand Alliance (monarchies of Europe) fights Napoleon.

- Wellington defeats Napoleon 1815

- After Napoleon’s defeat Europe in turmoil. War and French Revolution scared monarchs.

Wanted return to stability. Solved by Congress of Vienna

Miscellaneous: Writings, Art, and Music. Summary, date; other pertinent information, significance. e.g. Common Sense

- January 1776

- Thomas Paine; author and patriot.

- Writes a pamphlet questioning the right and "common sense" of a small island (England) to govern a large country. Appeals to the mass of people.

- "The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind." (Common Sense, 1776)

It is essential that this assignment be done for EVERY chapter, you will use these to study for each unit exam and your AP exam in May.
