The Principles of Calorimetry Kerstin Borras Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron > Introduction > Electromagnetic Showers > Hadronic Showers > Example of calorimeters Readout and calibration > Lessons learned in CMS Recent Reviews: 5th Detector Workshop of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale" Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 A Generic Collider Detector Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 CMS Detector ECAL Barrel ECAL Endcap CASTOR Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Introduction Calorimeters = Instruments for measuring thermal effects which were produced by chemical, biological or physical processes. The energy deposited in a defined volume is calculable with the change of temperature and the heat capacity. Historic Example: Meitner & Orthmann (1930) Measurement of the average energy deposition by the beta decay of 210Bi with a differential calorimeter: 3,3µ µW of a 7,6 Ci [1Ci=3,7 107Bq] source deposited in a copper block, measured, average energy ~ average kinetic energy principle of energy measurement of particles works! Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 The Principle High-energy particles produce secondary particles in matter through electromagnetic effects or strong interactions that in turn can produce further particles so that a particle shower is created. Two types of showers: electromagnectic and hadronic electron shower in a cloud chamber with lead absorber (photon emission caused by bremsstrahlung, pair production, etc.) Energy detection: particle deceleration by absorption excitation & ionization generation of charge or scintillation light Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Necessity of Calorimeters calorimeter resolution: σ(E)/E ~ 1/√E improvement in high E drift chamber σ(p)/p ~ p deterioration in great p calorimeters are indispensable in current experiments! Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Advantages of Calorimeters • good energy measurements for high particle energies • required size of a calorimeter grows only logarithmically with energy • detection of charged and neutral particles • segmented calorimeters: • spatial information about the particle track • information on the particle type through the shape of the energy deposition Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Types of Calorimeters • homogeneous calorimeters: • absorber = medium of detection • energy resolution limited by: optical homogeneity and transversal/longitudinal losses of energy d e te c to rs a b s o rb e rs • large volume, large readout cells • sampling calorimeters: • absorber ≠ medium of detection d • absorber with a high density (Pb,Fe,U) for particle absorption on short tracks compact construction • medium of detection according to the readout signal: • scintillation light: plastic scintillatators, crystals • charge: ionization chambers with liquids or gases, counters made of silicon • deposited energy only partly detected caused by sampling fluctuations Kerstin Borras worse resolution Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Electromagnetic Showers • interactions of electrons / positrons and photons • shower development • energy measurement in sampling calorimeters • resolution Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Interactions for e- and e+ bremsstrahlung: stopping of e-/e+ in the Colombfield of an atomic nucleus with the emission of a photon, until E too small: + liq E solid = c 610MeV Z + 1.24 E gas = c 710MeV Z + 1.24 Ee < Ec:= critical energy ionization and excitation processes annihilation: • annihilation of a positron with an electron into two photons scattering processes: • Møller scattering (scattering of e- at e-) • Bhabha scattering (scattering of e- at e+) • Multiple scattering on a atomic nuclei Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Bremsstrahlung Radiation of a photon in the Coulomb field of a nucleus. Z,A Significant contribution to the particle production in a shower Dominant energy loss mechanism for high-energy e± (and ultra-relativistic µ with E>1000 GeV) dE Z2 2 183 Strong dependency on the atomic − = 4α ⋅ NA re E ln 1 3 dx A Z number of the absorber − x/X dE E 0 ⇒ E(x) = E ⋅ e − = Material independent specification with dx X 0 X0 = the radiation length X0: A 4α ⋅ NA Z 2re ln 2 X0(cm) 183 1 Z3 A X 0 ≈ 180 2 Z g cm 3 Szint. LAr Fe Pb W 34 14 1.76 0.56 0.35 Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Ionization and Excitation Loss of energy for heavy, charged particles: Bethe-Bloch-Formalism 1− 1− β2 dE 2π ⋅ e 4 n m e c 2 β 2 T 2 2 − (2 1 − β − 1 + β )ln2 + − = ln − δ dx m e c 2 β 2 2I2 (1 − β 2 ) 8 e = elementary charge me= rest mass of an electron β = v/c T = kinetic energy n = density of electrons I = medium ionization potential δ = density correction function according to Sternheimer mip = minimum ionizing particle E Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Interactions for Photons Beer‘s Law: Iγ = I0 e −µx µ = µphoto + µCompton + µpair + ... Coefficient for mass absorption [ ] NA σ i cm 2 /g A • atomic photo effect (ττ) (absorption of a photon through µi = an atom and emission of e) • Compton Scattering (σ σINCOH) (incoherent scattering of photons at the electrons of the atom) • Rayleigh-Streuung (σ σCOH) (coherent scattering of photons at the electrons of an atom) • pair production at the nucleus (κn) and at the electron (κe) • nuclear photo effect (σ σPH.N.) (absorption of a photon by a nucleus and the emission of a nucleon. Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Interactions for Photons atomic photo effect: e- only possible in the environment of a three body collision predominantly electrons from the K-level : 1 2 Eγ 32 K 4 5 e σ photo = 7 α Z σ Th ε = σ eTh = 2 m ec ε 1 σ = 4π ⋅ r α Z ε Compton scattering: K photo 2 e 4 5 γ + e → γ' +e' E′γ = E γ atomic cross section: X+ γ + Atom → Atom + + e − 8 3 π ⋅ r e2 (Thomson) µphoto ∝ Z 4...5 /E γ 1 1 + ε (1 − cosθ γ ) Eγ 0: Thompson-Scattering Eγ >> mc2: Klein-Nishina Formel µ compton ∝ Z/E γ X σ ec ∝ θγ lnε ε σ cAtom = Z ⋅ σ ec Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Pair Production e- pair production: e+ only possible in the Coulomb field of a nucleus or an electron, if Z γ + nucleus → γ + e− → E γ ≥ 2m e c 2 cross section: 7 183 σ pair ≈ 4α ⋅ re2 Z 2 ln 1 9 Z3 7 A 1 ≈ 9 NA X 0 ≈ λ pair = µPaar ∝ A 1 N A λ pair 9 X0 7 7 -1 X0 9 independent of the energy e + e − + nucleus e+e− + e− topology: E± ≈ Eγ 2 becomes asymmetric at high energies Θ2 mc 2 = E approximation for a shower model Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Interactions for Photons cross section has a minimum at about Eγ≈ 1...5 MeV medium free length of path λγ has a maximum with λ γ > X0 e.g. Pb: λ γ /X 0 ≈ 3.5 important for: • lateral shower propagation • electromagnetic shielding Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 The Shower Development simple model of the shower development (Heitler): • account only for bremsstrahlung and pair production • interactions after every single radiation length • symmetric energy distribution after t radiation lengths: 2t particles with an energy of E0/2t particle production, until the particle energy falls below EC, after that only ionization processes tmax= ln(E0/ EC)/ln(2) Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Longitudinal Shower Profile profile function: dE ∝ t α e −t dt particle production particle absorption shower maximum: t max E0 = ln −a Ec a=-1.0 für e± und 0,5 für γ shower containment: t 95% ≈ t max + 0.08Z + 9.6 Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Transversal Shower Profile transversal shower propagation through: • opening angle in production processes Θ 2 mc 2 = E (pair production) • multiple scattering of produced electrons 2 < ΘM >= 21MeV x ⋅ Ec X0 main contribution through multiple scattering of Molière Length: electrons with Ee≈ EC RM 21MeV A g = ⋅ X0 ≈ 7 EC Z cm 2 Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Transversal Shower Profile Further enlargement of the shower through photons at an energy, where the absorption cross section is minimal and thus the medium free length of path is large: Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Transversal Shower Profile shower containment: R(90%) ≈ 1 RM R(95%) ≈ 2 RM R(99%) ≈ 4 RM two different factors: • rapid decline of the differential energy deposition till about 1 RM • thereafter propagation of the shower and the lower differential energy deposition caused by low-energy photons with evolving shower development 1 dE = a ⋅ e −r/R M + b ⋅ e −r/λ min E dr Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Energy Resolution σ(E) a c = ⊕b⊕ E E E • inhomogeneities • stochastic fluctuations in shower development • non-linearities • electronic noise • inter-calibration between calorimeter • • sampling fluctuations cells with sampling • calorimeters • with measurements on the test beam: • photo-electron statistic energy variation of • beam particles • decisive factor at high energies quality factor! Kerstin Borras radioactivity overlapping / pileup of events little impact at high energies Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Energy Resolution σ(E) a Term ∝ E E • stochastic fluctuations in the shower: (shower fluctuations: NShower ~ E and Poisson statistic) Ntotal ∝ E0 Ec E0 T∝ X0 Ec Tdet = F(ξ )T total number of track segments total track length visible track length F(ξ ξ): function for the description of effects caused by energy threshold Ecut for the signal production E ζ ∝ cut Ec resolution: σ(E) σ (Tdet ) ∝ ∝ E Tdet 1 Tdet ∝ 1 E0 Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Resolution in Sampling Calorimeters σ(E) a term (contination) ∝ E E • sampling fluctuations T N = det d visible track length in the detection medium E X0 = F(ξ ) Ec d resolution: Ec σ (E ) N 1 ∝ ∝ E N F(ξ ) E d X0 Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Resolution in Sampling Calorimeters σ(E) a term ∝ (continuation) E E • path length fluctuations d eff = d cosθ < cosΘ >= resolution: θ 21MeV π ⋅ Ec d Ec σ(E) 1 ∝ E F(ξ ) E d X 0 ⋅ < cosΘ > • Landau fluctuations contribution from detection layers in gaseous detectors small for thin layers of a few mm Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Energy Resolution σ(E) a ∝ E E term (continuation) • stochastic fluctuations in the analysis: • photo-electron statistic for the detector (photo multiplier, diodes) : Ne ~ Nγ ~ NShower ~E and Poisson statistic Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Energy Resolution σ(E) ∝ b term E • absorption loss (leakage) • inhomogeneities and non-linearities • inter-calibration between calorimeter cells • with measurements on the test beam: energy variation of beam particles resolution approaches a saturation value quality factor! Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Energy Resolution σ(E) term ∝ b (continuation) E • absorption losses caused by leakages: longitudinal losses are more problematic than lateral losses simple model: ∆E ≈ ∆t • (dE/dt)|te ≈ (dE/dt)|tmax ~ E, loss at the end of the detector ≈ 1 , fluctuation in position of the shower maximum ∆E ~ E constant term for resolution Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Energy Resolution σ(E) • absorption losses caused by ∝ b term (continuation) inactive material in front of E the calorimeter material of drift chambers, coils, cables, etc. leads to a start of the shower in front of the calorimeter important effect at small particle energies compensation through socalled presampler Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Summary ELM Calorimeters > calorimeters measure the energy of particles through absorption > the generation of a particle shower through elm processes: e+/e- : bremsstrahlung, annihilation, ionization and excitation, scattering processes (Møller,Bhabha,Multiple) photon: pair production, photo-effect (atom & nucleus), Compton and Rayleigh scattering > material independent description of shower profiles: X0,RM dE/dt ~ tα e-t tmax ~ ln E, > energy resolution: σ(E) a c = ⊕b⊕ E E E t 95% ≈ t max + 0.08Z + 9.6 • stochastic fluctuations in the shower development • sampling fluctuations with sampling calorimeters • photo-electron statistic • electronicnoise • inhomogeneities • radioactivity • non-linearities • overlapping of events • inter-calibration between calorimeter cells • little impact at high energies • with measurements on the test beam: energy variation of the beam particles • decisive factor at high energies quality factor! Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hadronic Showers • particle absorption through a complex interplay of different processes with strong interaction • studies for the optimization of calorimeters with Monte Carlo simulations, which contain the probabilities for the different processes in parametrized form as measured in experiments • definition of characteristic sizes and profiles possible, however strong fluctuations because of the number of possible processes Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 The Spallation Model Evolution of the processes in two steps with different time scales: Step 1: 10-22s Step 2: 10-18s - 10-13s material-dependent probability of nuclear fission: cross section (U) ≈ 16 x cross section (Pb) different contributions to the energy deposition: Eion, Eem, Einv, En Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hadronic Shower Components > ionization and excitation energy (Eion): largest share of the energy loss, produced, slow protons have 10-100-times ionization density saturation effects in scintillators (Birk´s Law) or recombination effects in LAr > electromagnetic contribution(Eelm): particularly at the beginning of the shower: production of neutral π-, ηmesons through charge exchange processes: π-p π0n, π+n π0p Dominant decay: π0 γγ strong fluctuation from event to event, energy dependance: Eem ≈ 0,181 + 0,095 lnE [GeV] > undetectable contribution (Einv): Losses through binding energy during the fission of nuclei: heavy remnants of the nuclei deposit only their kinetic energy, partial compensation through neutrons caputerde by other with following emission of a photon production of υ and fast µ, Recoil energy of heavy nuclei > production of slow n during evaporation (En): loss of energy through scattering with protons or capture through nuclei signal contribution dependent on the properties of the detection medium concnerning the strong interaction (e.g. LAr: little detection contribution to Einv) Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Measurements of Hadronic Showers elegant experiment: C.Leroy, Y.Sirois, R.Wigmans NIM A 252 (1986) 4 measurement of the signals of hadronic showers in a pile of 3mm thick 238U plate, separated by a 0.5mm Fe-foil > induced radioactivity is a snap-shot in the shower development within the uranium plate > Eγγ and T1/2 used to identify the mechanism of production > 48V from spallation reactions in Fe-foil > 239Np from the capture of slow n in 238U > 237U from nuclear reactions (n,2n), (γγ,n) (p,α α) ... > 140Ba, 131I, 90Mo ... from nuclear fission > electromagnetic component from dosimeter signal > hadronic component from dosimeter signal and β-activity Spallation: nuclear fragmentation, multiple fragmentation into small particles (α-particles…) through high-energy particles. Nuclear fission: nuclear fission in 2-3 fragments, mainly through neutrons or photons. Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Mesurement of Hadronic Showers electromagnetic component vanished ~ 5 λint 1.9 λint elektromagnetic component concentrated around the shower axis Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hadronic Shower Components • Ep < ca. 20 GeV: Eion dominant • Ep > ca. 20 GeV: Eem dominant • Einv: 25%(Ep=1GeV) 10% (Ep>150GeV) • En: 10%(Ep=1GeV) 5% (Ep>150GeV) Relative energy contributions is a function of the energy of the primary particle (important for calorimeter optimization) Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Description of Hadronic Showers material independent description: σinel ≈ σ0 A0,7 mit σ0 ≈ 35mb (almost independent of the hadron energy(>1GeV) and hadron type) hadronic absorption length (analog to X0): λabs = A / (NA σinel ) ~ A¼ hadronic interaction length: λint = A / (NA σtotal ) ~ A1/3 ≅ 35 A1/3[g/cm2] comparison of X0 and λ : Material Z Hydrogen (gas) Helium (gas) Beryllium Carbon Nitrogen (gas) Oxygen (gas) Aluminium Silicon Iron Copper Tungsten Lead Uranium 1 2 4 6 7 8 13 14 26 29 74 82 92 A 1.01 4.00 9.01 12.01 14.01 16.00 26.98 28.09 55.85 63.55 183.85 207.19 238.03 ρ [g/cm3] 0.0899 (g/l) 0.1786 (g/l) 1.848 2.265 1.25 (g/l) 1.428 (g/l) 2.7 2.33 7.87 8.96 19.3 11.35 18.95 X0 [g/cm2] λa [g/cm2] 63 94 65.19 43 38 34 24 22 13.9 12.9 6.8 6.4 6.0 50.8 65.1 75.2 86.3 87.8 91.0 106.4 106.0 131.9 134.9 185.0 194.0 199.0 Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hadronic Shower Profiles longitudinal profile: lateral profile: t max (λ int ) ≈ 0.2 ⋅ lnE[GeV] + 0.7 • high energy deposition along the shower axis t 95% (λ int ) ≈ t max (λ int ) + λ att λ att (λ int ) ≈ (E[GeV]) 0,13 e.g. iron: t95% ≈ 80cm • low energy deposition in the far tails L 95% (λ int ) ≈ λ int ≈ 16,7cm for iron hadronic showers are more extensive than electromagnetic: t 95% in Uran for 30 GeV π 80cm and for 30 GeV e- 10cm. Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hadron Shower Signals efficiencies for the detection of hadronic and electromagnetic components are different: εh= hadr. efficiency, εe= electromagnetic efficiency S =ε E +ε E h h h e e Eh = 1 − f π 0 = 1 − k ⋅ lnE (GeV) E signals non-linear signal k ≈ 0.1 signals not gauß-shaped em component dependent on energy signal(h)≠ ≠signal(e) resolution is worse ε σ (E) a = + b ⋅ e −1 E εh E εe/εh>1 εe/εh=1 εe/εh<1 E (hadron) compensation: increase εh, decrease εe, offline-weighting Kerstin Borras sampling calorimeter Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Sampling Fractions E dep = E vis + E inv sampling fraction: E vis Sf = E dep varies with different particles Regarding a MIP (minimum ionizing particle), a fictitious particle that independent of its speed always experiences a loss of energy through ionization and excitation. for example myons: • for Mµ≈ µ≈105 MeV µ≈ myon with Eµ µ of a few MeV good approximation for a MIP • at larger Eµ µ higher loss of energy particularly in the absorber Sf(µ µ) decreases µ/mip < 1, µ/mip ≈0.7 at Eµ≈ µ≈100 GeV µ≈ nomenclature: Sf(mip)=mip, Sf(µ µ)=µ µ, Sf(e)=e, Sf(h)=h , Sf(π π)= π Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Electron Sampling Fraction high Ee: e/mip <1 Mehr niederenergetische γ`s in großer Showertiefe. electromagnetic showers: transition- (migration-)effekt Absinken von e/mip ist Z abhängig. OberflächenEffekt in the shower production of γ with Eγγ≤1MeV wide range in the detction medium (Z small) Crosses the absorber and enters at small range in the absorber (Compton-Eff.~ Z, Photo-Eff.~ Z4...5) produced electron has low E and is stopped in the absorber e/mip <1 for em showers possibility of compensation Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hadron Sampling Fraction π = fem • e + (1 – fem) • h fem= electrom. deposited energy fraction fion + fγγ + fn + fbind = fhad = 1-fem h = fion • ion + fγγ • γ + fn • n + fbind • b fion= fγγ = fn through charged particles deposited energy fraction through γ deposited energy fraction = fbind= through n deposited energy fraction through binding energy deposited energy fraction e/π π signal ratio: e e (E) = ≅ π fem ⋅ e + (1 − fem ) ⋅ h e h 1 + 0,11⋅ lnE( mit fem ≅ 0,11•lnE e − 1) h measurement of intrinsic e/h low E: hadrons deposit E without nuclear interaction little losses through undectectable energy deposition Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hardware Compensation e e/mip (E) = π fem ⋅ e/mip + (1 − fem ) ⋅ h/mip possibilities of compensation with the goal: e/mip = h/mip • decrease e/mip: through transition effect possible to a limited extend with larger layer thickness, absorber with high Z, detection medium with low Z • increase h/mip: through the different contributions and sampling fractions h/mip = fion • ion/mip + fγγ • γ/mip + fn • n/mip + fbind • b/mip fion decreases at high Z (Z/A decreases), fn increases at high Zabs ((A-Z)/Z increases), however it can only be used if the detection medium is sensitive to n. Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Compensation of the Hadronic Part h/mip = fion • ion/mip + fγγ • γ/mip + fn • n/mip + fbind • b/mip individual contributions are correlated: • fbind and fn • fγγ and fn ( excitation of the nuclei through captureof the n) Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Compensation with ion/mip ion/mip depends on the spectrum of p from nuclear fissions and on dE/dx. Because of the high ionization density due to slow p the following needs to be observed: saturation effects e.g. Birk´s law in scintillators or recombination effects e.g. Onsager effect in LAr. dS dE/dx =S dx 1 + k B ⋅ dE/dx kB= Birk´s constant ≈ 0.01g cm-2 MeV-1 specific ionization: • mip: ≈ 1MeV g-1 cm-2 • dE/dx 100-times higher: light efficiency 2-times lower • dE/dx 1000-times higher: light efficiency 11times lower electron-energy: 0.1....0.005 MeV Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Compensation with ion/mip Dependencies on the layer thickness of the absorber and the detection medium: • thicker detection layers: loss of energy in these layers shifts the energy spectrum of the spallation protons towards lower energies minor signal ion/mip falls • thickness of the absorber layers: • dabs << Rspallation: all p out of the spallation reach the detection medium, ion/mip rises with growing dabs • dabs >> Rproton: only p on the surface produce a signal, saturation expected Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Compensation with n/mip Neutrons deposit their energy through collisions or through γ production in inelastic scatterings, uranium fission or n-capture. In collisions the n transfers ∆E ~ En/Mdetect to their collision partner low masses desired in the detection medium e.g. a high hydrogen content n lose ~En/2 to p and p deposits through ionization and excitation scintillator optimal (preferable via Birk´s Law) n/mip rises with Rd=dabs/ddetect: • n are only decelerated in detection medium, independent of dabs mip • mip falls with Rd Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Compensation of fbind When uranium is used as an absorber the loss of the undetectable binding energy is replaced by energy arising out of nuclear fission. This additional energy is released mainly in the form of low-energy n and soft γ. However, then the properties of the detection medium concerning these particles are important, e.g. scintillator - good detection of n or LAr little detection. Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Software Compensation The π0-share in hadronic showers deposits its energy with in an electromagnetic shower very locally with high energy density. The hadronic share is deposited with only low energy density. identification of the two different components is possible define weighting functions for the calorimeter cell i in a way that the electromagnetic component is suppressed and the hadronic component is raised e.g. : Eg,i = Ei • (1 - G•Ei) or H1: Eg,i = A • exp (B •(Ei/V)) + C with A=A(E), B=B(E) and C=C(E,θ θ) compensation only on average, not on the level of the calorimeter cells rising em share is suppressed in the hadronic shower maximum energy in a cell of the hadronic calorimeter Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Software Compensation signal linear within ≈2% e/h = 1 significant improvement of the resolution Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Software Compensation alternative approach with tabulated weights: define weighting factors on the level of the calorimeter cells as a function of the energy density in the cell and the energy in the hadronic cluster reaches besides good linearity and resolution also the reconstruction of the real energy deposition on the level of the calorimeter cell multiplicity studies, etc. are possible. MC analysis: • deposited energy/E0 ∆ reconstructs energy /E0 Ο compensation on average with weighting function ∆ compensation on cell level with tabulated weights Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Software Compensation Use of a neural network, that was trained with Monte Carlo data: neural network standard-weighting E<10GeV: better linearity and resolution E>10GeV: equal quality as standard-weighting Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hardware Compensation at ZEUS sampling calorimeter of uranium and scintillator Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hardware Compensation at ZEUS linearity resolution for hadronic and electromagnetic showers Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Comparison of Compensation Methods linearity resolution CDHS software compensation HELIOS hardware compensation Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Outlook • principles of calometry acquired (brief repetition) • further topics: • types of calorimeters and examples • Calorimeter readout • The CMS calorimeters and Lessons Learned Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Summary ELM Calorimeters > calorimeters measure the energy of particles through absorption, > the generation of a particle shower through elm processes: e+/e- : bremsstrahlung, annihilation, ionization and excitation, scattering processes (Møller, Bhabha, Multiple) photon: pair production, photo-effect (atom & nucleus), Compton and Rayleigh scattering > material independent description of shower profiles: X0,RM dE/dt ~ tα e-t tmax ~ ln E, > energy resolution: σ(E) a c = ⊕b⊕ E E E t 95% ≈ t max + 0.08Z + 9.6 • stochastic fluctuations in the shower development • sampling fluctuations with sampling calorimeters • photo-electron statistic • electronic noise • inhomogeneities • radioactivity • non-linearities • overlapping of events • inter-calibration between the calorimeter cells • little impact at high energies • with measurements on the test beam: energy variation of the beam particles • decisive factor at high energies quality factor! Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Summary HAD Calorimeters the spallation model different contributions to the energy deposition: Eion, Eem, Einv, En different efficiencies for signal generation: sampling fractions related to mip: e (ion-em), h (ion-had, inv, n, γ) signals non-linear, not gauss-shaped, different signals for hadrons and electrons e/h≠1, bad resolution: εe σ (E) a E = E +b⋅ εh −1 compensation: increase h, decrease e, compensate inv, … sampling calorimeter offline-weighting networks material, layer thicknesses software (on average or on cell level), neural Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Homogeneous Calorimeters Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Homogeneous Calorimeters • absorber = detection medium • good energy resolution, only limited by optical homogeneity and transversal/ longitudinal energy losses • Larger readout cells limited spatial resolution, esp. in longitudinal direction • large volume high expenses and large space needed in the detector it can only be used for the electromagnetic part of the calorimeter scintillators (crystals) BGO: bismuth-germanium-oxyde (Bi4Ge3O12) Rad. Dam. [Gy] Comments 230 415 ≥10 1005 565 ≥10 hydroscopic, fragile Slightly hygroscopic Slightly hygroscopic X0 [cm] NaI (Tl) 3.67 2.59 CsI (Tl) 4.51 1.86 CSI pure 4.51 1.86 BaF2 4.87 2.03 BGO PbW04 7.13 8.28 1.13 0.89 5×104 (0.49) 4×104 (0.04) 104 (0.13) 8×103 ≈100 Densit y [g/cm 3 ] 4.08 X 0 [cm] n Light yield [p.e./GeV] (rel. p.e.) λ cut [nm] Rad. Dam. [Gy] 2.54 1.67 350 102 5.20 1.69 1.81 350 102 7.66 0.95 1.82 600 (1.5×10−4 ) 900 (2.3×10−4 ) 2000 (5×10 −4 ) Material Cherenkov detectors (light efficiency related to NaI(Tl) readout with a PM) λ1 [nm] Density [g/cm3] use of (in general): SF-5 Lead glass SF-6 Lead glass PbF2 Light Yield γ/MeV (rel. yield) 4×104 τ1 [ns] Scintillator 10 310 36 310 0.6 220 620 310 300 480 440 broad band 530 broad band Kerstin Borras 103 105 10 104 light yield =f(T) 103 Comments Not available in quantity Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 BGO EM-Calorimeter L3 Physic: (Z, W+, W-)-Boson, Beauty und Higgs 11000 crystalls: 21.4 X0 x 0.75 RM Photo-Diode Readout Temp.-Monitoring: Light Yield: ≈ –1.55%/°°C σ/E < 1% für E>1 GeV spatial resolution < 2mm for E>2GeV extremely good mass resolution Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Lead Glass EM-Calorimeters OPAL 10500 Lead Glass Counters 10x10x37cm2 a 24.6 X0 Spatial resolution (intr.): 11mm at 6GeV σ(E) E = 0 .06 E ⊕ 0.002 Improvement with pre-sampler: chambers mit streamertubes Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Energy Resolution with Backing-Calo: ZEUS Measurement of the incomplete absorbed shower tails behind the hadronic calorimeter Test stand with Prototyp: 20 cm iron 7.1 λI depleted uranium /scintillator 2.7 λI Iron/Iarocci tubes Measurement with 50 GeV hadrons: Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Quasi-Homogene Calorimeter: NA48 CP-Violation: K0L π0 π0 σ/E ≤ 0.04/√ √E σx = 1mm Time resolution: < 1ns 2γγ-resol.: 4cm Liquid-Krypton: ρ: 2.45 g/cm3 X0: 4.76 cm RM: 4.7 cm Electrode parallel to beam direction Material neglegible Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 LKr Calorimeters of NA48 Installation in the cryostat View on one half of the calorimeter Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Performance of LKr-Calorimeters prototype full device (prel.) Spatial resolution: σx < 1mm für E>20GeV σ/E=3.5%/√ √E ⊕ 4.0%/E ⊕ 0.42% σx,y ≤ 1 mm σt ≈ 230 ps Test measurements in 97: Capacitor -problems Reduced drift field: 1,5kV/cm instead of 5kV/cm Time resolution τ < 0.5ns Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 PbW04 EM-Calorimeter CMS Higgs-Search: H0 γγ σM/M = σ1/E1 ⊕ σ2/E2 ⊕ σθ/tanθ θ/2 • intrinsic ≤2%/√ √E • constant ≤0.5% • noise ~ 150MeV • σθ ≤50mrad/√ √E für η≤1 η≤ Light yield temperature dependent: PbWO4: ρ: 8.28g/cm3, X0: 0.89cm, RM: 2cm τ: 10ns, 80 γ`s pro MeV n(θ θ) × n(η η) = 432× ×216 für η≤1 η≤ mit 25,8 X0 × 1 RM Readout with silicium-avalanche photodiode (APD) pre-shower detector: 3X0 Pb with Si-Strip-Detector temperature stability: ± 0.05K Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 PbW04 EM-Calorimeter CMS σ/E = 0.036/√ √E ⊕ 0.0035 Longitudinal leakage: charged particles produce charge in in APD Improvement using readout via two APDs Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Sampling Calorimeters Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 EM Sampling Calorimeter • Absorber ≠ detection medium (solid matter , liquid, gas) • Absorber with high density (Pb,Fe,U) for large stopping power on short tracks compact construction • Deposited energy only partially detected fluktuations worse resolution through sampling- • Detection medium = readout medium: • Scintillation light: plastic scintillators, crystals, optical fibers • Charge: ionisation chambers mit liquids or gases, MWPC‘s, Streamer-Tubes, Silicium-semiconductor-counter Pb - Sc: ARGUS, H1-SPACAL Pb/Fe - Sc: CDF Pb - LAr: H1, SLD Pb - Gas: DELPHI, ALEPH U - Sc: ZEUS, Kerstin Borras U - LAr: D0 Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Signal Readout in Sampling Calorimetern • Scintillators and optical fibers: • Mode of operation • Saturation effects: Birks law … • MWPC und TPC: • Ionisation chambers, for example here LAr • Signal generation • Pulse generation • Drift velocity • Ionisation charge, saturation effects, pollution Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Ionization chamber: Point source: Line source: Electron drift crucial for the signal, velocity of Ar+-Ions neglegible, Maximal current depends only on the drift velocity and the layer thickness: N • e= c• d with c=ionisation density =charge per length, Qmax=N • e/2, z.B. H1 LAr: Sampling-Fraction=8% 3,4 106 Ion pairs 0.08GeV/GeV Primary energy Qmax= 0,272 pC/GeV Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Forming the Signal Pulse Vdrift ≈ 2-3km/s, d ≈ 2-3mm tdrift≈ ≈1µ µs Very long drift times compared to interactions rate in collider Use of bi-polar pulse shaper, which measure onyl part of the generated charge Avoid net-shifts in the signal due to pile-up of events in under high event rate conditions Areas in the positive region = area in the negative range Pulse shaping in c) is much faster comparedto b), but the ratio signal / noise is much worse, since only a very small part of the ionisationcharge is read out. Example ATLAS: td≈500ns, tp≈45ns with about 20 beam interactions (•) during this time Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Drift velocity Determines duration and form of the charge collection ( I(t), Q(t) ) Simple model: λ = average free path length for electronscattering vth = thermic velocity tint = λ/vth = time between two collisions b= e |E|/m = acceleration vdrift= e |E|/m • λ/vth , vdrift << vth vdrift ~ |E| vdrift ~ 1/m vdrift (e-) ≈ 5mm/µ µs ≈ 105 vdrift(Ar+) Theory: Boltzmann equations, Cross sections, Shielding effects in liquids, Texture effects Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Production of Ionization Charge energy for the production of an electron-ion-pair: medium ionization energy W > Ei = ionization energy Ei [eV] W[eV] Wfl[eV] Ar 15,4 24,4 23,6± ±0,3 Kr 13,0 20,2 20,5± ±1,5 Xe 10,5 15,7 15,6± ±0,3 the energy of the particle is transformed into: - excitation energy - ionization energy (for many ion pairs) - production of electrons below the ionization threshold Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Saturation Effects Weak ionisation: recombination of the e- mit mother-ion initial recombination according to Onsager Strong ionisation: recombination also with neighbor-ions, dE dE/dx | eff = dx 1 + k B ⋅ dE/dx columnar recombination increasing mit increasing ion density: Birks Law kB = k |E| E-Field dependent, decreases with increasing E-Field Q/Q0 = 1/ξ ξ ln(1+ξ ξ) ξ ~ N0/(u- • |E|) ξ→ 0 : Q/Q0 =1 ξ→ ∞ : Q/Q0 =0 Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Elektro-negative Pollution Reduction of the charge collection efficiency due to adsorption of the generated free electrons, for example: O2+e- O2Point source: average free path length: dN/dx=-x/λ λ N=N0 exp(-x/ λ) , dN/N0 =-dx/λ λ path length of the free electron: df=Nf ∆x=N0 ∆x exp(-∆ ∆x/λ λ) Path length of the captured electron: de=∫∫0 ∆x x(dN/dx) dx = N0 λ(1- exp(-∆ ∆x/λ λ)) – N0 ∆x exp(-∆ ∆x/λ λ) Total path length: dT=df+de= N0 λ(1- exp(-∆ ∆x/λ λ)) charge: Q = Q0 λ/d λ/d λ) Limit λ→∞ : Q ≈ Q0 λ/d (1- 1+ ∆x/λ =Q0 (d-x)/d Line source: Average over pathlength with constant ionisation density: <Q>/Q0= λ/d ∫0 d (1- exp(-x/λ λ)) dx/d HV curves in H1 LAr Calorimeter <Q> = Q0 λ/d {1 - λ/d (1- exp(-d/λλ))} with λ(O2) =λ λ(|E|,P) = 0.19 |E| / ρ(O2) in (ppm cm2) / (kV/cm) Permament monitoring of the cleanliness of the Liq Ar needed: • Radioactive sources in cryostat • HV-curvs with cosmics and Halo-µ µ Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 LAr Akkordeon EM-Calorimeter: ATLAS Physic: H0 γγ good energy- und spatial resolution Radiation hard: EM 1kGy per year Ionisation chamber: Liq -Argon (90K) Pb/Fe Absorber (1-2mm) Readout -boards: Multilayerboards covered with copper 5x106 e- per GeV Minimimize inactive regions by accordeon design LAr is intrinsic radiationhard Fine segmention possible: longitudinal: 9X0, 9X0, 7X0 transversal: ∆η=0.018, ∆η ∆φ=0.020 ∆φ Pre-Shower-Detector: x und y Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 LAr Akkordeon EM-Calorimeter: ATLAS Direct current measurement: σ/E=0,10/√ √E fast and insensible to pollution ⊕ 0,28/E ⊕ 0,0035 Spatial resolution ≈ 5mm /√ √E Homogeneity ≈ 5% in space and angle Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 LAr Akkordeon EM-Calorimeter: ATLAS Influences on the signal height: Temperature: Desity variation and Onsager-effect Ion-flow: η=2,5 : 5 105 GeV/cm2/s η=3,2 : 5x 5 105 GeV/cm2/s Use different HV settings Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 High Density Projection Chamber: DELPHI Physics: LEP-Physics OPAL / L3 / ALEPH TPC as EM calorimeter Dense Pb-‘‘wire‘‘ = absorber and generation of the electrical field Inonisation charge, generated by the shower in the gas , drifting along the wire channels and is read out at the end via a MWPC. 144 moduls segmented cathods and drift times (TPC) rekonstruktion of the showers in all 3 dimensions Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 High Density Projection Chamber: DELPHI HPC modul Installation of the modules Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 High Density Projection Chamber: DELPHI Transverse charge distribution in the HPC single photon ∆ϕ x ∆θ = 1º x 1º two overlapping photons ∆ϕ x ∆θ = 1º x 1º Resolution: σ(E) E = 0.32 E ⊕ 0.043 σ ϕ = 1.7 mrad, σ θ = 1.0 mrad (quite a lot of material in front of the HPC due to the RICH-Detector ) Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Pb-Optische Fasern: H1 Spacal Physic: DIS @ HERA e- p e- X good e/π π separation (PHP background) good aczeptance down to small angles (Q2) good resolution in E, (x,y) und t ρ: 7,89g/cm3, X0: 0,91cm, RM: 2,5cm τ: <1ns, 20 γ`s per MeV 1192 modules with 27,5 X0 × 1,6 RM Channeling: Homogeneity of signals: ± 4% Problem for energy measurement Optimization of the modul orientation Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Pb-optical Fibers: H1 Spacal Energy resolution: σ/E = 0.071/√ √E ⊕ 0.01 Sampling fluktuations and Fluktuations in the light yeild (const. term) Spatial resolution: √E ⊕ 0.3mm σx = 3.8mm/√ Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Electromagnetic Calorimeters Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hadronic Calorimeters Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hadron-Calorimeter: CMS Hadronic Calorimeter: Cu / scintillator Within the supra-conducting coil ! Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hadron-Calorimeter: CMS Influence of the magnet field: B perpendicular B parallel (mixutre of the responses of the 3S- und 1S- niveaus Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hadron-Calorimeter: CMS e/π≠ π≠1 π≠ not linear Energy resolution: σ/E = 100%/√ √E ⊕ 4% HCAL σ/E = 127%/√ √E ⊕ 6,5% ECAL+HCAL Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hadron-Calorimeter ATLAS Tilecal Design: Hadron-Tile Calorimeter: Fe / Scintillator (costs, radiation hardness, performance requirements) Scintillator plates(3mm) pependicular to the beam, alternating staggering, readout with wave-lenghtl-shifting optical fibers in the same orientientation, segmentation by fiber bundeling for the PM-readout , about 10000 readout channle Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hadron-Calorimeter ATLAS >> Punch through << possible, especially for high energies e (E) ≅ π e h 1 + 0,11⋅ lnE( e − 1) h ⇒ e = 1.37 h Gaussian signal distribution: Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Hadron-Calorimeter ATLAS Linearity: EM: σ/E = 10%/√ √E ⊕ 0,35% √E ⊕ 1,8% HAD: σ/E = 42%/√ Comparison with CMS: EM: σ/E = 4%/√ √E ⊕ 0,45% Resolution: HAD: σ/E = 127%/√ √E ⊕ 6,5% Very good electromagnetic calorimetry for H0 γγ Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Calibration of Calorimeters Two different steps of calibration: a) calibration of the readout elektronics • Amplification of the primary signal • Digitization of the signal Inject known units of signal (charge , laser light) b) calibration of the calorimeter response to deposited energies • Kind of particle ( e±, h, µ ) • Shower evolution • Interkalibration of different calorimeter segments and their boundaries Measurments in testbeams with known particles and energy, cosmic µ oder beam-halo µ Crucial aspects: • linearity of the signals with the energy of the primary particle • resolution of the energy and position measurement • stability in time (elektronics, ageing, pollution) Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Calibration of Readout-Electronics Ionisation chambers, proportional chambers, semi-conductor counter H1 LAr Calorimeter: Two possibilities for charge injection via coupling capacitors A: charge is injected in front of the first preamplifier and readout through the whole chain B: charge injected directly into the ionisations chamber Conversion function from the charge to the amplified and digitized signal is determined through injection of differently high charge pulses Its stabibilty in time guarantees: linearität of amplification, pedestal (response readout for original signal height =0) and noise intrinsic to the elektronic, MWPC readout: also gas amplification (wire,temp.,pressure,gas mixture) Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Calibration of Scintillator-Calorimeters Monitoring of the stability in time of the: • Light production in the scintillator • Light collection and –conversion in the wavelenght shifters, • Liight absorption within scintillator and/or wavelength shifters • Efficiency of the light detectors • Amplification of the light detectors (PM exponentially : e.g.. ∆U=100V or temperature dependent, in APDs even stronger) factor 2 Calibration of calorimeters mit scintillator counters: • pulsed laser, with a stability better than 1%, and with light similar to that produced by the shower particles. The laser light is defocussed, brought to the calorimeter cells with light fibers and the signal be readout. • radioactive sources are moved in thin tubes across the calorimeter cells and the produced signal readout (but: small free range for β-particles and γ‘s ). • In Uran-calorimeters the signal from the 238U-decay down to 206Pb produced αparticles, β-particles and γ‘s can be continuously monitored (but: isotropically distributed signal). Is an instability detected, usually only a combination of these different possibilities leads to uncover the true reason. Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Example UA2 Pb/Fe/Sc-Calorimeter Procedure: • No moveable radioactive source within the calorimeter possible during each possible access to the detector a very strong radioactive source was placed in front of the detector and the signals changes in the calibration constants were deducted with the assumption, that the signal from the source are comparable with those from particle showers regular cross checks of the validity of the calibration with a few calorimeter modules in testbeams. Stability of the calibration within 2% even after several years of data taking. Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 calibration signal ↔ energy deposition Energy calibration ≠ draw signal versus beam energy ! Wigmans recipe for calibration: • Intercalibration of single regions in a longitudinally segmented calorimeter is only allowed with always the same kind of particle for all regions • Produced particle showers are only allowed to be used for the calibration, if the full shower is contained in the segment (em shower: transition effect stronger in last shower tail) • Either all segments are calibrated in a test beam or the intercalibration is performed starting from a known module towards an unknown module using muons. • The in non-compensating calorimeters for hadrons reconstructed energy,deviating from the deposited energy, can be corrected with an overall factor as measured in testbeams. • All other procedures, which go along the optimization of the resolution or the linearity, can cause unwanted consequences, like a dependence of the calibration constant on the starting point of the shower, nongaussian distributions, … . Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Example HELIOS EM-Calorimeter: Uran / Scintillator, HAD-Calorimeter Uran / Copper / Sc. N n n Calibration ansatz: minimize Q = ( ∑ E − A ∑ Sem − B∑ Shad )2 i ij i ij j=1 with all events j und calo-cells i for optimization of the energy resolution B/A energy-dependent: Transition-Effect leads to different samplingFractions toward the end of the showers, which enters with higher energy more and more the HadronCalorimeter. Hadron-Shower on average less affected. Em-weight>Had-weight Em-weight<Had-weight Non-Linearity of the calorimeter due to calibration procedure ! Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Effects in Non-Linear Calorimeters In case the non-linearity of a calorimeter is parametrised: E = c0 + c1S + c2S2 + c3S3 + ..... Problematic cases: π0 → γ γ : the not resolved γ‘s are per definitionem reconstructed with a different energy compared to single γ or e- with the same energy. ω0 → γ γ γ : even worse reconstruction ρ0→ π0 π0 → γ γ γ γ : absolut worst constellation in this case More examples for the different calibration ansatzes and their consequences for the quality of energy reconstructions and with this on the physics data analysis can be found in: Wigmans: Calorimetry – Energy Measurement in Particle Physics (ch. 6) •Calibration is a high grade non-trivial business with possibly fatal consequences •Calibration tests in situ with phyiscs events with for example Z0-Resonanz at LEP or pT-Balance at HERA are indispensible Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012 Summary A calorimeter should: • be linear in the energy signal, • have a very good energy resolution, • give same signals for e and h, • produce homogene signals for all positions • have a good time stability. Kerstin Borras Calorimetry, HEPHY Vienna , 13 June 2012