September 2010 Here you will find some generic information on the organization of the School. It spans over two full weeks (31 Jan-10 Feb 2011). Students are divided in 8 small groups of about 10 people. Every day, each group follows, for the whole day, lectures and laboratories on the same subject. There are 8 subjects: Silicon, Pixels, Electronics 1, Electronics 2, Photo-detectors, Light detection, Gaseous detectors, Calorimetry. The scheme is below: Each day has the following organization for the Calo block: 9:00-10:00: Lecture 1 “ Principles of calorimetry and main techniques in present-future HEP experiments: part 1” Lecturers : R. Wigmans , D.Fournier , M. Diemoz 10:00-13:00: Laboratory 1 (students choose 1A or 1B). Lab. 1.A “Calibration of an ATLAS Tile calorimeter barrel wedge using a moveable 137 Cs g source”. Labo 1A Professors of excellence and Tutors: M.Nessi, A.Henriques, O. Solovyanov, S. Solodkov, J. Starchenko, H. Wilkens +….... Lab. 1.B “Characterisation of the optics properties of PbWO4 CMS crystals” Labo 1B 1A Professors of excellence and Tutors: F. Tedaldi-Nessi,C. Casella 13:00-14:30 Lunch break 14:30:-15:30 Lecture 2“ Principles of calorimetry and main techniques in present-future HEP experiments: part 2” ” Lecturers : R. Wigmans , D.Fournier , M. Diemoz 15:30-18:30 Laboratory 2 (students choose 2A or 2B). Lab. 2A “A MC exercise with Particle flow method using the CALICE calorimeter set-up” …adjust title - with Lecturers Lab. 2A Professors of excellence and Tutors: F. Sefkow, Angela Lucaci Lab. 2B “Characterisation of the optics properties of a scintillating plastic Tile using a 90Sr b source”. Lab. 2B 1A Professors of excellence and Tutors: M.Nessi, A.Henriques, O. Solovyanov, S. Solodkov, J. Starchenko, +…+… The basic elements of Calorimetry will be given to the students in two hours of theory. A preliminary content of the theoretical lectures is posted in the web and looks like below: Signal generating mechanisms The signal from sampling and longitudinally segmented calorimeters Composition of a shower and its evolution as it develops Linearity and calibration for sampling and longitudinally segmented calorimeters e/h and its impact on hadronic energy resolution, response function, signal linearity Factors determining e/h Calorimeter clusters and noise suppression Particle reconstruction and identification in a calorimeter The jet energy scale The particle flow and the use of tracking to improve the calorimeter calibration R&D projects aimed at improving the quality of calorimetric measurements in future experiments We will arrange and finalize the content of the theoretical lectures with the professors that will give the course and with each of the professors of the lab. In this way we will optimize the sharing between what they will present and what you will present. Each lab session will start with ~1/2h introduction of quite high level where the tutors give description of the laboratory There are two “anomalous” day in the program The Monday 31/1 and the Saturday 5/2. The draft programs are below: Monday 31/1 preliminary program 9:00 9:15 welcome & opening follows morning session dedicated to the future 9:15 10:15 High Energy Physics: the future, the challenges - S. Bertolucci 10:45 coffee 10:45 11:45 The challenges in astroparticles – G. Smoot (TBC) 11:45 12:45 Extremes in electronics – Bernie Meyerson Director of IBM Systems & Technology Group lunch 14:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 16:30 17:30 17:30 18:30 follows an afternoon session dedicated to detectors conception, techniques, history and vision Key detectors for Particle Identification 40 years of achievements and failures with gaseous detectors F. Sauli (TERA fundation) coffee 18:30 Integrated semiconductor detectors for tracking and energy measurement: how to use new technologies – H. Heijne A critical analysis from past to future techniques in Calorimetry - tbd closing 19:00 welcome cocktail Saturday 5/2 preliminary program 9:00 9:50 these lectures point to be the "trait d'union" between detector response and data-analysis Finding vertexes and tracks - D. Bortolotto 9:50 10:40 The energy flow concept: from LEP to LHC - P. Janot coffee 11:00 11:50 Effect of material budget on track and energy reconstruction 11:50 12:40 Si read-out: where the bug can hide 1 – H. Spieler lunch 14:00 15:00 14:50 15:50 Si read-out: where the bug can hide 2 – H. Spieler From raw data to physics: where the bug can hide – A. Hoeker follows an OPTIONAL visit to the test beam or to ATLAS underground