Journal of 01 thopaedic Research 10.92C914 Raven Press, Ltd , New York 0 1992 Orthopaedrc Rebearch Society Physiological Cross-Sectional Area of Human Leg Muscles Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging T. Fukunaga, TR. R. Roy, $§F. G. Shellock, tJ. A. Hodgson, *M. K. Day, ‘IP. L. Lee, IIH. Kwong-Fu, and *iV. R. Edgerton Departtnenl of Sport F Sciences, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; *Department of Plzysiologicul Sciences, fBmin Research Institute, and A!kpartment oj’ Radiological Sciences, University of Californici, Los Angeles; §Section of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Tow3erMusculoskeletul Imaging Center, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles; and ‘pet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A. Summary: Magnetic resonance imaging techniques were used to determine the physiological cross-sectional areas (PCSAs) of the major muscles or muscle groups of the lower leg. For 12 healthy subjects, the boundaries of each muscle or muscle group were digitized from images taken at I-cm intervals along the length of the leg. Muscle volumes were calculated from the summation of each anatomical CSA (ACSA) and the distance between each section. Muscle length was determined as the distance between the most proximal and distal images in which the muscle was visible. The PCSA of each muscle was calculated as muscle volume times the cosine of the angle of fiber pinnation divided by fiber length, where published fiber 1ength:muscle length ratios were used to estimate fiber lengths. The mean volumes of the major plantarflexors were 489,245, and 140 cm3 for the soleus and medial (MG) and lateral (LG) heads of the gastrocnemius. The mean PCSA of the soleus was 230 cm2, about three and eight times larger than the MG (68 cm2)and LG (28 cm2), respectively. These PCSA values were eight (soleus), four (MG), and three (LG) times larger than their respective maximum ACSA. The major dorsiflexor, the tibialis anterior (TA), had a muscle volume of 143 cm2, a PCSA of 19 cm?, and an ACSA of 9 cm2. With the exception of the soleus, the mean fiber length of all subjects was closely related to muscle volume across muscles. The soleus fibers were unusually short relative to the muscle volume, thus potentiating its force potential. Using the relationship between PCSA and fiber length to represent the maximum force-velocity potential of a muscle and assuming a similar moment arm, the soleus, MG, and LG would be expected to produce -71, 22, and 7% of the force and 54, 30, and 16% of the power of the major plantarflexors. These data illustrate some of the major limitations in the use of ACSA measurements to predict the functional properties of a muscle. Key Words: Magnetic r e s o n a n c e imaging-Muscle volume-Muscle architecturePhysiological cross-sectional area-Human. The force-velocity characteristics of a muscle reflect its architectural design - as well as the phvsio~logical properties within each of its sarcomeric the maximum force exstructures. For erted by a muscle is closely related to the total Received April 13, 1990; accepted April 29. 1992. Addre\\ correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. R. R. Roy at Brain Research Institute, UCLA School of Medicine, Center for the Health Sciences, 10833 Le Conte Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1761, U . S . A . Y26 92 7 ANATOMY OF H U M A N LEG MUSCLES cross-sectional area of all fibers, and the maximum rate of shortening is closely related to the length of the longest fibers within the muscle (4,5,10,32,35). These relationships have been verified in correlative studies involving the in situ testing of contractile properties in one hindlimb and the measurement of the architectural properties in a contralateral limb in a variety of laboratory animals (1,4,6,23.27, 32). In human subjects, there has been a problem in obtaining accurate and sufficient muscle architectural data. The data available are limited because muscle volumes or masses are subject to morphological changes due to fixation and other treatment artefacts ( 8 , l l ) . Also, assessments of size based on a measure from a single cross-section of muscles are known to be too inaccurate to be physiologically meaningful. In addition, these materials usually have been obtained from elderly subjects in which muscle atrophy and myopathies are likely to have been present before death (3,5.7,10,34). Improved imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging (18,24), computed tomography (14,20,22.25,30), and ultrasound (17,37), have been used to estimate the output potential of muscles or muscle groups. However, most studies have relied on a single cross-sectional image of a muscle group as a measure of its functional potential rather than multiple cross-sectional scans along the length of the muscle or muscle group. Even in those studies in which more than one scan were obtained (19,24), muscle or muscle group volumes were not determined and the functional data were expressed relative to the area of a single cross-section. This approach has severe limitations (10). Magnetic resonance imaging is considered to be the most useful and safest noninvasive imaging device to estimate in vivo human muscle volumes (31). Not only docs it have excellent resolving power for differentiating muscle, fat, connective tissue? and bone without pain and other adverse biological effects (31), but multiple scans can be obtained without moving the subject, thus improving the precision of the three-dimensional reconstruction of the data. In the present study, muscle volumes of human legs were estimated in vivo in healthy subjects using magnetic resonance imaging. Based on the assumption that the published data on relative muscle fiber lengths (i.e.? fiber length to muscle length ratios) from cadavers are representative of human subjects (5,11,34), the physiological cross-sectional areas of individual leg muscles were also calculated and compared with the volume determinations. Some preliminary results have been published (9,12,28). METHODS Twelve healthy adults (11 men and one woman) volunteered for the present study and followed human consent procedures of Cedars Sinai Medical Center. The physical characteristics of the subjects (mean ? SD) were as follows: age (32.6 k 8.2 years, range 20-459, height (176.4 k 6.2 cm), and weight (73.5 i 9.4 kg). Magnetic resonance imaging was performed with a 1.5-T164 MHz scanner (Signa MR Systems, General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, U.S.A.) with a transmit and receive quadrature body coil. T I-weighted spin-echo, axial-plane imaging was performed with the following variables: TR 600 ms; TE 20 ms; number of excitations. two; matrix 256 x 192; field of v ~ e w18 cm; slice thickness 10 mm; and interslice gap 0 mm. These variables were selected to optimize image quality in order to clearly delineate the border of each muscle and bone and to identify fat or connective tissue. T1weighted images are typically used for the determination of anatomy, as well as to provide good soft tissue contrast between fat/muscle interfaces. The magnetic resonance scanner was checked for proper spatial calibration (in Houndsfield units) every 8 h using a standardized imaging sequence and a saline-filled plexiglass quality assurance phantom. There were no significant deviations (<10%) from expected test values. The subjects were imaged in a prone position with the ankle and knee held at -120 and 180", respectively, with 180" being full extension at each joint. N o active muscle contraction was apparent during measurement. Contiguous, axial 1-cm sections of the right lower leg were measured. The number of sections obtained for each subject was 41-49 (Fig. 1). The outline of each muscle or muscle group was digitized (Sun 31280 Taacl) and the anatomical cross-sectional area (ACSA) was determined by integrating pixels (each pixel = 0.41 mm'j (Fig. 2). The muscles investigated were as follows. Ankle plantarflexors included the medial gastrocnemius (MG). lateral gastrocnemius (LG), soleus, flexor hallucis longus (FHL). tibialis posterior (TP), and flexor digitorum longus (FDL); also included were the major ankle dorsiflexor, the tibialis anterior (TA), and the popliteus (not present in Fig. 2). The remaining musculature in the anterior (i.e., the I Orthup Rrs, Vol. 10, IVO.6, I992 928 T . FUKUNAGA ET A L . FIG. 1. Position of axial plane slices along the length of the leg is shown for one subject. The total number of images per subject ranged from 41 to 49 depending on the length of the leg. extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus, and the peroneus tertius) and lateral (i.e., the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis) compartments were not easily separable in the images of every subject and thus were outlined as a single mass (EDL complex). To determine the repeatability in measuring ACSA, the legs of seven male subjects were studied on two occasions over a period of several months by the same observer (T.F.). The ACSA data for the cross-section located 35% distal from the most proximal end of the tibia for the two sessions arc shown in Table 1. The correlation coefficient between the two measures for each muscle or muscle group was significant and ranged from 0.92 for the EDL complex to 0.99 €or the TA. Muscle length was measured as thc distance between the most proximal and the most distal images in which the muscle was visible. Muscle volume was determined by summing the ACSA of each image times the thickness of each section. Muscle fiber length was calculated as muscle length times the ratio of fiber length to muscle length reported by Wickiewicz et al. (34) (‘Table 2). It should be noted that the data for only two soleus muscles were included in the Wickiewicz et al. (34) article. These data were supplemented for Ihe present study. In an additional two cadavers, the mean fiber lengths (adjusted to a 2.2 pm sarcomere length) for the soleus were 2.0 and 2.3 cm, values consistent with fiber lengths of 1.9 and 2.0 reported by Wickiewicz et al. (34). The physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) of each muscle was calculated as muscle volume times the cosine of the angle of pinnation divided by the mean fiber length. The pinnation angles used were those reported by Wickiewicz et al. (34) (Table 2). The mean fiber lengths and angles of fiber pinnation were taken from Wickiewicz et al. (34) to ensure consistency in the techniques used for the architectural determinations (.i.c., all data were derived from the same laboratory). Pearson product correlation coefficients were used to determine the relationships between pairs of variables. A paired t test was used to determine differences between repeat measures of ACSA. For TABLE 1. Repeatability of measrrring muscle ACSA rising magnetic resonance imaging techniyr~es FIG. 2. An example of an image from a single axial plane (35% distal from the most proximal end of the tibia) used to identify individual muscles in the leg. The outline of the following muscles or muscle groups were digitized and outlined: MG, LG,soleus, FHL, TP, FDL, TA, and EDL, including the extensor hallucis longus, peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, and peroneus tertius. Note that the popliteus is absent at this level. J Orthop R e s . Vid. 10, N o . 6, 1992 Mude Session I (cm2) Session 2 (cm’) Y Soleus MG LG FDL T1’ TA EDL complex 29.2 5 4.7 12.3 Ifr 2.2 8.6 2 1.5 1.8 f 0.4 5.5 2 1.1 10.3 2 1.7 9.8 i 2.1 29.6 t 4.5 12.9 i 2.1 9.2 t 1.5 1.9 f 0.4 5.4 i 1.4 10.0 -t 1.7 9.9 t 1.9 0.97 0.93 0.97 0.93 0.96 0.99 0.92 All correlation coefficients 0.) were significant (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences between the mean values between sessions for any muscle or muscle group complex (p > 0.05, paired t test). ANATOMY OF HUMAN LEG MUSCLES TABLE 2. Comparison of the unntomicul feature5 Muscle Refeience Soleus 34 II 26 7 2 34 26 11 MG Muscle weight (6) 215 390 264 22 1 LG 16 2 34 TP FHL FDL TA 129 91 53.5 i 12.7 103.9 62 21.5 i 5.7 74.5 16.3 i 4.9 29.4 65.7 z 17.8 11 POP 26 7 2 34 26 of huinari leg muscles in cadavers, .from the literature Muscle length (cmj Fiber lenglh (cmj FLIML ( x 10') 31.0 -+ 0.2 33.8 t 4.6 36.6 2.0 2 0.1 3.0 t 0.1 3.8 6 2 0 9 i 1 10 31.3 24.8 i- 1.8 22.3 -t 1.8 46.8 24.4 2 3.0 3.5 ? 0.4 3.9 2 0.4 5.7 5.2 2 0.1 14 2 2 182 I 12 21 21.7 2 1.9 21.8 i 1.8 46.7 21.3 f 1.7 24.5 5.1 rf- 1.0 6.1 i 2.3 6.1 6.3 -t 0.1 23 t 3 28 t 8 13 30 25.4 i 4.6 27.0 t 2.8 49.2 2.4 2 0.7 2.9 i 0.9 3.9 11 i 2 22.2 z 0.9 22.4 t 4.0 53.5 26.0 2 2.7 23.5 t 4.2 51.0 29.8 i 2.1 28.4 2 0.8 39.4 26.1 3.4 t 0.3 4.3 -t 1.0 4.8 2.7 2 0.1 3.8 i 1.3 4.1 7.7 -t 1.4 7.3 t 0.6 8.2 10.8 2 1.0 12.1 2.9 t 1.0 9.6 142 11 26 16 7 2 34 11 26 2 34 I1 26 34 11 26 34 154 110 20.1 i 3.4 29.4 92 Y 9z:! 8 1.5 k 2 192 I 9 11 t 1 16 i 3 8 26 2 3 26 i- 1 21 Angle of pinnation (") 25 ? 7 32 IS 19 20 17 2 8 6 15 18 i- 7 16 8 2 3 18 10 9 t 4 II 8 12 i- 3 19 20 20 10 2 5 19 20 7i-3 9 20 5 k n 12 10 PCSA (cm') 58 122 187 _+ 91 33.8 i 23.7 34.5 31.3 i 3.9 11.5 t 4.0 34.5 14.3 t 0.8 20.7 i 5.2 22.8 i. 5.5 50.9 5.27 i 1.00 13.75 i 6.8 26.5 5.07 i 1.20 6.13 2 0.38 12.9 9.87 2 2.51 12.7 i 5.9 39.5 7 27 & 80 6 8 0 0 7.90 = 1.98 5.51 Values are meclns t SD. The number of cadaver5 for each study wds three (34): two ( I 1); unknown, data derived from modeling using a variety of sourccs (26); eight (16); three (7); and one (2) all statistical comparisons, p < 0.05 was chosen as the level of significance. RESULTS The mean ACSA (+SD) at each axial section of the entire leg musculature and along the length of each muscle o r muscle group in all subjects is shown in Fig. 3. Several features were evident in this illustration. The general shape of each muscle or muscle group across subjccts was distinct. Differences in the location of the largest ACSA along the length of the leg for individual muscles were apparent, as are the differences in muscle volumes. The fleshy portion of the gastrocnemius (both MG and LG) muscle originated above the knee and terminated approximately midway between the knee and ankle. Generally, the MG was slightly longer than the LG. The most proximal position of the soleus was about 10% of the length of the leg below the knee and extended for almost the entire distance of the leg. The largest ACSA of the soleus was located at the distal cnd of the LG and the most proximal end of the FHL. l n addition, the origin, termination, and peak ACSA of the soleus were coincident with those of its major antagonist, the TA. The TP and FHL had the highest length to volume ratios (i.e., long, narrow muscles). The FDL had the smallest ACSA. The mean anatomical features of each muscle and the EDL complcx are listed in Table 3. Mean muscle lengths ranged from -19 (FDL) to 32 cm (soleus), except for the considerably shorter popliteus, which was only 9 cm long. Mean fiber lengths were more than twice as long for the major dorsiflexor (i.e., the TA) than for the major plantarflexors (i.e., the MG, LG, and soleus), being -8 vs. 3.5 cm, rebpectively . The soleus was the longest plantarflexor (32.4 cm) and had the shortest fibers (2 cm), J Orthop Re5, L h l . 10, N u , 6 , 1992 930 T . FUKUNAGA ET AL. r l--.Umh POP !B I, >I lSXl 2 n 21 24 *I w 1, .l__-__ PI 2s yl',>'lZ ,. aY uI xu40 4 x 4 2 uu 1>18.1 Distance (crn ) FIG. 3. Anatomical cross-sectional areas of all muscles combined (top) and of each muscle at each slice along the length of the leg. Each bar represents the mean (+SD)for all subjects (n = 12). Slice 1 was identified for each subject by the proximal edge of the patella. thus having the smallest fiber length to muscle length ratio. The plantarflexors comprised 72% of the total muscle volume of the leg (Table 3). Among the triceps surae, the soleus had the largest mean muscle volume (-490 cm3), followed by the MG (-240 cm3) and LG (-140 cm3). Thus the soleus and the gastrocnemius comprised 46 and 36% of the plantarflexor muscle volume, respectively. The TA volume was -10% of the total leg MV. The soleus had the largest maximum ACSA (-30 cm2) of any muscle in the leg, and this value was similar to the maximum ACSA of the entire gastrocnemius muscle, 16 and 11 cm2 for the MG and LG, respectively. The TA had a maximum ACSA that was about one third that of the soleus. The largest total ACSA for the lower leg was 74 5 9 cm2, located -35% distally along the length of the leg (Figs. 1 and 3) and was considerably smaller than J Ortlzop R e s , Vol. 10, No. 6, 1992 the sum of the maximum ACSA of each muscle in the leg, 93.7 cm2 (Table 3). The largest PCSA was observed in the soleus (-230 cm2)and this value was about three and eight times larger than the PCSA of the MG and LG, respectively. The PCSA of the triceps surae was -326 5 44 cm2. The PCSA of the TA was 18.5 cm2, that is, -8% of the soleus PCSA. The soleus, MG, and LG accounted for -70, 20, and 10% of the total PCSA of the triceps surae, respectively. The PCSA ranged from two to eight times larger than the maximum ACSA across all muscles (Table 3). The largest PCSAimaximum ACSA ratios were observed in the soleus, TP, and FDL, ratios of -8, 7, and 6, respectively. These muscles had relatively short mean fiber lengths of 2.0, 2.8, and 2.1 cm, respectively. The TA had the longest mean fiber length (-8 cm) and the lowest ratio (-2) of any muscle studied. Correlation coefficients for muscle length, ACSA, and PCSA for the major plantarflexors and dorsiflexor are listed in Table 4. Gcnerally, the MG had anatomical measures that were highly correlated with its synergists and antagonists. In contrast. the LG was the muscle showing the lowest relationships with other muscles. Significant correlations also were observed between the PCSA and maximum ACSA of the MG (Y = 0.91), LG (Y = 0.67), soleus ( r - 0.91), and TA ( r = 0.97) (Table 3). Note that the LG had the lowest correlation coefficient among these muscles. It should also be reemphasized that the point along the proximodistal axis at which the maximum ACSA occurred varied considerably among the muscles (Fig. 3). For each muscle studied, the relationship between fiber length, which is proportional to the maximum velocity of shortening of a muscle (4,6, 13,16,32,36),and muscle volume is shown in Fig. 4. With the exception of the soleus, there was a close relationship between fiber length and muscle volume across muscles. In the soleus, an additional strategy appears to be incorporated in its basic architectural design; compared with other leg muscles, the mean fiber length of the soleus was unusually short relative to muscle volume. thus enhancing its force and power potential. A close relationship between muscle volume and muscle length was also evident for each muscle identified (Table 3). Muscle power is defined as the product of force and velocity. Because force is dependent on PCSA and velocity on fiber length, thc power potential of a muscle is related to the product of these two vari- ANATOMY OF HUMAN LEG MIJSCLES 931 TABLE 3. Meun unutomical .features of human leg muscles, prewnt Atudy Muscle Soleus MG LG TP FHL FDL TA POP EDL complex ML (cm) FL (cm) MV (ern') Maximum ACSA (cm2) Mean ACSA (cm') PCSA (ern') PCSAi maximum ACSA 32.4 (2.9) 23.9 (2.3) 21.4 (1.7) 30.4 (2.7) 24.9 (3.6) 19.2 (2.1) 29.9 (2.6) 9.3 (0.9) - 2.0 (0.2) 3.4 (0.3) 5.0 (0.4) 2.8 (0.3) 3.8 (0.5) 2.1 (0.2) 7.7 (0.7) 2.5 (0.3) - 489. I (64.5) 243.7 (33.0) 140.8 (27.7) 104.2 (23.7) 74.0 (10.6) 18.7 (5.6) 142.5 (27.7) 21.3 (4.5) 233.4 (35.4) 29.97 (3.70) 16.49 (2.11) 11.24 (1.58) 5.40 (1.41) 4.85 (1.06) 1.59 (0.54) 9.54 ( I .59) 4.43 (0.78) 10.4 15.23 (2.43) 10.20 (1.08) 6.53 (0.98) 3.43 (0.72) 3.00 (0.44) 0.93 (0.30) 4.73 (0.94) 2.28 (0.42) 6.W (1.13) 230.02 ( 36.69) 68.34 (7.26) 27.78 (4.16) 36.33 (7.72) 19.32 (2.82) 9.12 (2.77) 18.52 (3.66) 8.61 (1.58) - 7.70 (0.52) 4.20 (0.23) 2.5, (0.28) 6.90 (0.55) 4 10 (0.77) 5.80 (0.79) 1.90 10.10) 1.90 (0.20) - (1.9) - MV % 33.4 (1.7) 16.7 (1.6) 9.6 (1.4) 7.1 (1.1) 4.1 (0.5) 1.3 (0.3) 9.7 (1.1) 1.4 (0.2) 15.9 (1.1) Values are means (SD). n = 12 subjects. ML, muscle length; FL. fiber length; MV. muscle volume: maximum ACSA, maximum anatomical cross-sectional area; mean ACSA, MVIMI,: PCSA, physiological cross-sectional area = MV X cos OIFL, where 0 1 7 the angle of fiber pinnation (29). MV (%), MV of each muscleitotal muscle volume of the leg. ables. The interrelationships among the PCSA, velocity [fiber length corrected for angle of pinnation (adjusted fiber length)], and power (PCSA x adjusted fiber length) for the major plantarflexors and dorsiflexor are shown in Fig. 5. For a comparison of the relative velocity and power potential among these muscles, all data shown in Fig. 5 are exTABLE 4. Correlation coqflicients of muscle length, muscle volume, maximum ACSA, und PCSA among the major plantarflexors and dorsiflrxor of the hrrman leg LG Muscie length MG LG Soleus TA Muscle volume MG LG Soleus TA Maximum ACSA MG LG Soleus TA PCSA MG LG Soleus TA Soleus TA 0.70" 0.31 0.25 0.57" 0.53 - 0.58" 0.55 - 0.66" 0.36 0.79" pressed relative to soleus values. The velocity potential of the TA was about four times that of the soleus. In contrast, the power potential of the soleus was -2.5 times that of the TA. With respect to both velocity and power, the MG and LG had intermediate values. It is interesting that the relationship between the adjusted fiber length and the PCSA across muscles resembles the typical forcevelocity relationship observed within a muscle. These data suggest design constraints among the I 0.26 - 0.62" - " Significant correlation at p < 0.05. 0.63" 0.13 0.65" 0.38 - 0.65" 0.39 0.63" 0.62" 0.13 0.53 X X 10 100 bluscle Volume 1000 (an") FIG. 4. Relationship between muscle fiber length (FL) and muscle volume (MV) for all of the muscles studied. Data from 12 subjects are shown. Note that the ordinate and abscissa are represented as logarithmic scales. J Orthup Rr6, Vul. 10, Nu. 6, 1992 932 T . FUKUNAGA ET AL. rFL -G-- PCSAxrFL 500 400 -s h -I Lt 300 200 100 04 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 PCSA ("10) FIG. 5. Muscle velocity (adjusted fiber length, rFL) and power potentials (the product of PCSA and rFL) relative to the force potential (PCSA) for each muscle are shown. Adjusted fiber length (rFL) = FL x cos 0, where 0 is the pinnation angle (29). combinations of options (i.e., fiber length and muscle volume) that may be used to define the functional characteristics of the musculature of the lower leg. These data also illustrate that the power potential of the musclcs studied is largely a function of PCSA. DISCUSSION Numerous attempts have been made to obtain accurate information on the force and velocity potcntials of human skeletal muscle. To achieve this objective, one of the more essential but difficult parameters to obtain is an accurate measurement of the mass of the muscle. In addition, the maximum torque-velocity in the same subjects from which moment arms are measured and fiber lengths estimated make it possible to estimate the output capability of muscles in subjects differing in size and in the functional status of the neuromuscular system. The present data are unique in that muscle volumes, lengths, and shapes were obtained from healthy subjects. Although each of these parameters have been determined previously from one or more muscles in a few cadavers, the samples were usually taken from older individuals with unknown health histories and after widely varying methods of fixation (2,5,7,8,11,16,26,34). A variation in I'CSA has been evident between individual cadaveric material within as well as across samples in these studies. Because muscle lengths and fiber lengths in these same studies were similar, it would appear that the differences in PCSA can be attributed to variations in muscle mass. Based on the results of J Orthop Res. Vul. 10, No. 6, I Y Y 2 the present study, magnetic resonance imaging appears to be a uscful procedure in determining muscle mass. Although fiber lengths must be determined indirectly when using magnetic resonance imaging techniques. this seems feasible because the ratios of fiber length to muscle length are relatively consistent from individual to individual and across studies [Table 2; also note that the FLiML ratios from Pierrynowski (26) are consistently at the extreme of the range of values across studies]. Thus, assuming an absence of complications related to fluid shifts, it appears that the crucial morphological parameters related to muscle function can be obtained using magnetic resonance imaging techniques. The present data also demonstrate a limitation in the physiological significance that can be derived from a single cross-sectional area image from which ACSA can be measured. For example, in some muscles the ACSA and PCSA differ severalfold (Table 3 ) . However, equally cignificant is the observation that the maximum ACSA of each muscle differs with respect to a given proximodistal location along the leg (Fig. 3). Furthermore, when muscle adapts in response to functional perturbations, the shape of the muscle can change (21). The PCSA, which conceptually is the crosssectional area of all the fibers at right angles to their long axis, presumably represents the number of half-sarcomeres in parallel and, consequently, would be related directly to the amount of tension that the muscle can produce (13,15,33). However, because muscle fibers are inclined at an angle to the tendon of insertion, at least in cadaver specimens, only a resolved component of the tension may be developed by fibers in line with the tendon. In such a case, the PCSA should be multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the fibers and the tendon. The PCSA in the present study included this angle adjustment [using the data of Wickiewicz et al. (34), see Table 21. On the other hand, the maximum shortening velocity of a muscle fiber is related to the number of sarcomeres in series and, therefore, by the fiber length. In much the same way, the fiber length should be considered as a component of the velocity vectors relative to the tendon. The relation between I'CSA and the adjusted fiber length (Fig. 4) provides an estimate of the maximum forcevelocity potential of each muscle. The larger the PCSA, the more the muscle is optimized for force production, whereas the longer the fiber length. the more the muqcle is designed for displacement or ANATOMY OF HUMAN LEG MUSCLES velocity of shortening (16,19,29,34,35). The soleus seems to be designed for tension production at the expense of velocity, whereas there seems to be a relative force priority for MG and velocity priority for LG. The longer mean fiber length and smaller PCSA of the TA suggests a priority in design for displacement or velocity at the expense of force output. The muscle power potential, expressed as the product of PCSA and adjusted fiber length, related linearly to PCSA (Fig. 5 ) , suggesting that the power potential is largely a reflection of the force potential. The major plantarflexors had a power potential that was about threefold higher than the major dorsiflexor. Obviously, these estimates of force, velocity, and powcr potentials of individual muscles and groups of muscles can be combined with measures of moment arms to predict joint kinetics under known mechanical constraints. The present data indicate that magnetic resonance imaging techniques can be used to determine muscle volumes. When there techniques are combined with the architectural data on individual muscles and with the appropriate moment arms, it also appears that under well-controlled experimental conditions, reasonable estimates of the physiological properties of muscle groups in human subjects can be made. The prcscnt data also clearly demonstrate the inability t o predict functional properties of muscle based on ACSA. Acknowledgment: We t h a n k t h e subjects who volunteered for t h e s e studies, a n d Dr. Martin Pfaff, Sharlene L a u r e t z , and Heidi Bloom for their technical assistance. This work was supported by National Aeronautics a n d Space Administration G r a n t NAG 2-450 and National Institutes of Health G r a n t NS16333. REFERENCES 1. Al-Amood WS, Pope RA: A comparison of the structural features of muscle fibers from a fast- and slowtwitch muscle of the pelvic limb of the cat. J Anat I13:4940, 1972 2. Alexander RMcN, Vernon A: The dimensions of knee and ankle muscles and the forces they exert. J H i ~ Movement n Studies 1:115-123, 1975 3. An KN, Hui, FC, Morrey BF, Linacheid RL, Chao EY: Muscles across the elbow joint: a biomechanical analysis. J Bionicch 14:659-669. 1981 4. Bodine SC, Roy RR, Meadows DA, et al. 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