1 Westwind II Hi-Lites Anne Scott 727-470-9462 Issue 3 - 38th Year Westwind II A Residential Cooperative Community for ages 55 and Older Park Manager: Beth Sullivan Administrative Assistant: Maria Flack Westwind II Resident Owned Community, Inc. Officers: President Glen Carson Vice-President Jim Desranleau Secretary Sylvia Harris Treasurer Brenda Beasley Directors: Glen Carson Nancy Hamil Marty Branch Registered Agent: Jim Desranleau Don Sullivan Connie Shindeldecker Michael Cuffe Anna Kalfa Tenant Owners Westwind II Steering Committee: Sharon Berninger Vivian Gurtowski Robert Lang Glenda Maletz Robert Peters Michel Piedallu Dolores Silano Westwind II Social Club Officers: President Vice President Secretary Asst. Secy. Treasurer Asst. Treas. Trustees Rilla Coleman Tammy Gaughan Jill Desranleau Rose Sullivan Joan Rand Donna Dawes Linda Carson Janet Hattan Carol Logdson 2 Westwind II ROCManager’s Report April 8, 2014 Beth Sullivan Maintenance 1. New pool company FCL will start May 1 with increased servicing of the pool from 2 to 3 times per week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the days. This should ensure that the pool is cleaned to the standards of the park. 2. The Exercise/ Pool Room work is completed. Those who have seen the work and the results are giving the facility rave reviews and saying the wait was well worth it for the finished result. The new machines do come with video training on how to use the machines and many residents are taking advantage of the health club atmosphere complete with the high definition television to help pass the time away. Please spray down the areas your hands have touched to keep the area from being a spreading ground for colds and flus. Cleaning fluid and paper towels are available for your use. A big thank you goes out to Glen, Jim, Kip and all of the volunteers who looked after all of the littlest details so you would have not excuses about not getting your exercise. 3. Proposals to Reseal, repair and striping of the roads are coming in to the office. This work will be done in the fall, before most of our seasonal residents return in order to cause the least inconvenience. At the same time, these companies are doing an assessment of the road bed and giving the park an estimate of life expectancy and cost to repave the roads. This will help in the budgeting process for the road reserve this year and several years to come. 4. Rat bait stations are being put out at owners request. If you have seen rats, please fill out a work order and we will get a bait station set up for you. The bait is the type that kills the rat when they leave the station and dehydrates them so they do not stink. We will have maintenance check the bait stations monthly to make sure the rat bait is full so that you will not have any nasty surprises when you return from your summer getaways.. Lot maintenance As you plan your extended absences from the park remember to bring in all possible projectiles from the outsides of your coaches. Even though hurricanes do give us a lot of warning, the association is not responsible for damage caused by flying debris coming from your property. I will be touring the property, especially in the back of the coaches to make sure there are no potentially dangerous items left out. Don’t forget to stop in at the office and let us know when you are planning to leave and when you will be returning. This helps not only the security of the community but the communications with you during the summer months. Have a great summer and we look forward to your safe return. Picture #1 3 TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014 NOTE: COFFEE HOUR 9:00 AM Notes from the President of the Social Club Rilla Coleman Wow hard to believe that it is actually April. To think that spring has finally arrived and so many of us snowbirds will be returning to our northern homes in the hope that winter has finally given up and our spring birds will have flown home. All our planned activities in the Clubhouse have been so well attended and, on behalf of the Social Club Board , I sincerely thank each and every one of you for attending and supporting us through your presence, in each and every one of our endeavours. A special thanks to Tammy & Jill for planning all our entertainment this winter, it has been so much fun, we can only hope that many of the performers will be returning in the next year. To Pat Snyder, who, along with her crew ran one of the most successful Windfall Sales we have ever had. Pat you have the job for Life !!!! Our sincere thanks! To everyone who helped with the Wednesday grills, thank you. To everyone who had a hand in the planning and running of the Mardi Gras parade, thank you and what great fun it was. Our Christmas party was, as usual, full of love and good cheer as we celebrated, as most families do, with great food and lots of best wishes for everyone. Have you ever attended a better New Years eve party, what fun it was to be able to celebrate with new and old friends and to wish them a Happy New Year for 2014. I would be very remiss if I did not mention John Howard and his crew of Guys who, once a month, have given us the best deal around in breakfast fare. I think they have put us on the map as serving, in rare fashion, a breakfast that not only feeds us well but also entertains us with their monthly getups. Thanks John, please hurry back, you will be missed. I do hope I have mentioned everyone by name but if I have forgotten anyone please accept my sincere apologies. Now to Business: We need YOU to run for the Social Club Board for the coming year. All the positions are available and we desperately need people to run. We especially would like to see some Men (yes it is open to you Guys). It has been too many years since we have had men on the Board and we hope that is about to change ! We are accepting nominations now so please please give it some thought. I thank all the Board for all the hours of meetings, planning, running and fun we have had at both our planning sessions and executive meetings. You have all made my job easier and I sincerely do appreciate it. To all who are leaving, have a safe journey, to all who make Westwind their permanent home, please be well and keep our "southern Home" safe until we return. We will miss you all. OOPS:How could I forget, the person who somehow deciphers all our Reports, who is able to get us all to send in our reports on time, puts our faces on the monthly booklet and does it all in such a quiet, dignified way. Thank you Anne Scott !!!! 4 Rilla Coleman gcoleman34@tampabay.rr.com Tammy Gaughan 727-785-1051 Jill Desranleau jillvt0920@yahoo.com Rose Sullivan rmsull@ymail.com Joan Rand jrand65@tampabay.rr.com Donna Dawes ddawes@roadrunner.com Linda Carson djcarson@xplornet.ca Janet Hattan jdhattan@verizon.net Carol Logsdon I want to publish the duties of the officers for everyone to read so that anyone interested in running for a position would know what their responsibilities are. Rilla ARTICLE V DUTIES OF OFFICERS 5.1 The President shall preside at all Business Meetings of the Social Club and be an ex officio member of all committees. 5.2 It shall be the duty of the Vice President to preside at meetings in the absence of the President. 5.3 It shall be the duty of the Secretary and Assistant Secretary to keep accurate minutes of all Business Meetings and the Meetings of the Board. The Secretary shall present such minutes at the Business Meeting once a month. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to preserve all past minutes of the Board and Social Club Meetings. The Secretary reports shall be kept for a period of five (5) years. The Secretary or Assistant Secretary will be responsible to post activities on the black boards and to provide Business Meeting minutes to the Editor of Hi-Lites. 5.4 It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect, hold, and/or disburse the monies of the Social Club and to keep accurate records of receipts and expenditures of the Club. The Treasurer shall present a financial statement at each Business Meeting including a brief itemization of the month’s receipts and expenditures. The Treasurer’s report and related financial records shall be kept for a period of five (5) years. The Treasurer’s financials shall be submitted to the Auditors no later than beginning of February each year. It shall be the duty of the Assistant Treasurer to organize and disburse the $25 for the memorial gift. This memorial gift is given in memory of a deceased resident to the charity of choice by the member’s family. In the event of a prolonged absence of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer or the President is authorized to issue Social Club checks in payment of approved expenditures. 5.5 It shall be the duty of the trustees to be advisors to the President. The Trustees shall be expected to attend Board and Business Meetings and as many social functions as possible. 5 Minutes of Social Club Business Meeting April 1, 2014 The call to order 9:30 am, with 69 people in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a moment of silence. Secretary Jill Desranleau read minutes of the March 4, 2014 Board Meeting. The minutes of the March 4, 2014 Business Meeting were published in March Hi-Lites. Are there any additions or corrections. Minutes will stand as read. Motion to approve by Elaine Blank 2nd by Maria. Treasurer’s Report was read by Joan: Beginning Balance: $ 6,906.37 Expenses: $ 583.14 Income: $ 1,356.86 Ending Balance: $ 7,680.09 Petty Cash: $ 150.33 Thank you to Donna and Rose for being greeters today. Thanks to our hostesses today Roy and Evelyn. Thank you to Elaine Andrelski and all the helpers for another delicious and successful picnic. We had another successful Hoe Down featuring TJ with a packed house. Thank you to Tammy and Jill. A good time was had by ALL !! Donna, Joan and Linda Carson did a bang up job with Ice Cream Social. The movie featured was Last Vegas and was enjoyed by everyone on our new TV. A BIG Thank You goes out to all who helped make our BBQ and Street Party a great time despite the dismal weather. Long live the Ugly Stick !!! The Art Show had a huge turn out featuring all our local talent. Thank You Bobbie For all the hard work throughout the year. Kudos to all our aspiring Artists. We Look forward to next year. April 2nd will be our last Grille of the season hosted by Don & Betty. Thank you for making this a successful event for the season. The Men’s Breakfast will be having it’s last of the season Saturday April 5th. Military Whist signup sheet has been posted. Don and Rose will be hosting this event on April 5th Saturday at 7 pm cost is $2.00 per person. ROC Meeting on April 8th at 10:00 am. 6 Calling all parrot and cheeseburger heads to the Jimmy Buffet Dance being held on April 11th from 7:30 - 10:30 tickets will be $8.00 per person. This is the last dance of the season. Please Come out and enjoy the music. Tickets may be purchased from Tammy and Jill. April 20th Easter Sunday at 5 pm, we will be having a Pot Luck Dinner. Social Club will be providing the ham, and Dennis Logsdon will be doing the Cooking of the HAM !! Sign up sheet is posted. Everyone Welcome !! TRIPS : Joan Rand has 2 trips being offered now. They are a 7 day Eastern Cruise And a 8 day Western Cruise. Please see Joan for more details. The vote for 4.1 By Law (length of term for board members) was voted down. The By Law will remain as stated. No changes will occur. SUGGESTION BOX REQUESTS: 1. Bring back BINGO 2. Have the minutes to the board meetings read by the Secretary at the business meetings. Winner Take All : $ 14.00 # 152 Carol $ 12.00 # 379 Betty $ 10.00 # 285 Janet Motion to adjourn at 10:10 a.m. by Betty Lloyd and 2nd by Betty Arengi . Respectfully submitted by Secretary - Jill Desranleau 7 ROC CORNER Nancy Hamil ROC Meetings for 2014-2015 May 13, 2014 Board Meeting 10:00am conference call August 19, 2014 Board Meeting 10:00am conference call November 10, 2014 Budget Meeting 7:00 pm (Clubhouse) Board Meeting immediately following Budget Meeting January 9, 2015 Board Meeting 10:00am (Clubhouse) February 10, 2015 Annual WW11 ROC Meeting 7 :00pm Board Organizational Meeting immediately following (Clubhouse) Reminder: Homeowners Insurance When you renew your homeowner’s insurance (or when you buy it for the first time), remember to send a copy of the Insurance Declaration page from your policy documents to the Park Office. The Insurance Declaration page specifies your specific coverages; and most importantly to WWII, it states the specific 12 month period that your policy is in effect. Residents are required to send their updated and renewed Insurance Declaration page every year to the Office. The winner of the 50/50 for the Country Hoe Down 3/27/14 Coach #154 $57.00 The winner of the 50/50 for the grill 4/2/14 was coach #266 $12.00 The winner of the 50/50 for the Jimmy Buffet Dance was 379. Visit Your Website www.westwindresidentownedcommunity.com Gerry Grant If you use the internet I would appreciate it if you provide me with your email address in order that I can email you when I make important changes that will interest you. gerrywestwind@aol.com 8 PARK REGISTRY We have two people who have volunteered to be the ―go to‖ men for VERY MINOR Problems in the home as in changing refrigerator filters, furnace filter, and light bulbs. Etc. It has been discussed that some residents due to physical infirmities cannot do these minor maintenance items themselves yet the job is not big enough to contract with a repair person. Doug Hattan #285 and Harlow #182 have agreed to lend a hand. The other two members of the registry as listed in last month’s Hi-Lites are Marietta Chapman #485 for language translation and Dennis Logsden #152 for CD, DVD and any other music format. Thank you to all of the above for your willingness to be a good neighbor to those of us who have frustration with these types of issues. I am still looking for someone to serve as a consultant for air conditioning replacement. These folks have truly demonstrated what being a part of the Westwind Family is really about. TELL ME THIS WON'S HAPPEN TO US An elderly Floridian called 911 on her cell phone to report that her car has been broken into. She is hysterical as she explains her situation to the dispatcher: "They have stolen the stereo, the steering wheel, the brake pedal and even the accelerator" she cried. The dispatcher said, stay calm. An officer is on the way. Afew minutes later, the officer radios in "Disregard" He says. "She got in the back seat by mistake." BOOK CLUB NEWS Even though most of our book club members migrate to places north during the month of May we still continue to read. The very few of us left in Westwind get together the last Tuesday of the month to discuss the month’s selection and to share any email we have received from our absent members. The choice for May is once again drawn from the children’s reading room. The book is called Chrysanthemum written by Kevin Henkes. This book is perfectly executed in words and illustration. It is about a little girl named Chrysanthemum who loved her name until a little friend told her, ―I’m named after my Grandmother, you’re named after a flower‖ Chrysanthemum was wilted. Life at school didn’t improve, in fact it got worse. Then the students were introduced to their music teacher, Mrs. Delphinium Twinkle. We have certainly had a variety of books to read this year. Our purpose is to read all sorts of stories and to discuss what the author may be telling us in his or her method of writing as well as 9 discussing the story itself. Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry and sometimes an author will elicit an exclamation of ―WHAT‖? as in the book Big Brother, I feel I have broadened my reading experience through the book club and our selections. Many of the books we’ve read would not have been my choice but I am certainly glad I read them, thanks to the book club. WESTWIND BOOK CLUB READING LIST FOR 2014 JANUARY: FEBRUARY: MARCH: APRIL: MAY: JUNE: JULY: AUGUST: SEPTEMBER: OCTOBER: NOVEMBER DECEMBER: THE ANGEL EXPERIMENT By James Patterson BIG BROTHER By Lionel Shriver CHANGE OF HEART By Jodi Picoult THRONE OF GLASS By Sarah Maas CHRYSTHEMUM By Kevin Henkes THE SMALL HAND & DOLLY By Susan Hill THE LIGHT BETWEEN THE OCEANS By M. L. Steadman HIS DEVIOUS ANGEL By Mimi Barbour UNBROKEN By Laura Hillenbrand HOW DO I LOVE THEE By Nancy Moser BROKEN PIECES By Rachel Thompson THE HUSBAND’S SECRET By Liane Moriarty BOOK CLUB MEMBERS SUGGESTIONS THAT DID NOT MAKE THE LIST BUT ARE GOOD READS – THE DOVEKEEPERS By Alice Hoffman I AM MALALA Autobiography 12 YEARS A SLAVE THE GLASS CASTLE By Jeanette Walls THE GRILLING SEASON By Diane Mott Davidson THE APPLE ORCHARD By Susan Wiggs THE QUICK AND THE THREAD By Amanda Lee BIG BROTHER By Lionel Shriver GROWING UP AMISH By Ira Wagler RETURN TO SENDER By Fern Michaels THIS HEART OF MINE By Susan Elizabeth Phillips THE PILOT’S WIFE By Anita Shreve 10 TRAVEL CORNER WITH JOAN RAND 8 day 7 night Sailing February 1, 2015 on the Carnival Liberty Itinerary: Day 1 Port Canaveral Day 2 Nassau Bahamas Day 3 At Sea Day 4 San Juan Puerto Rico Day 5 St Thomas VI Day 6 Grand Turk Day 7 At Sea Day 8 Port Canaveral Inside Cabin $699.00 Outside Cabin $859.00 Balcony Cabin $999.00 Prices include all port charges, taxes and fees and roundtrip motor coach to Port Canaveral I am also planning a trip to New Orleans for next year and several day trips. Please let me know if there are any trips you are interested in taking. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT EITHER TRIP OR IDEAS FOR OTHER TRIPS PLEASE CALL JOAN RAND AT 727-386-4804 OR STOP AT COACH #473 Military Whist Military Whist was once again a real hoot! We had 80 people attempting to capture all of the flags. We had a slight problem with our PA system, so Don got to use the bullhorn! Thank goodness Glenn came to his rescue and reset the fuse in the system. A special thanks to all of the bakers, we had brownies, toll house bars, craisin coconut bars, cupcakes, cookies and more! Everyone had a wonderful time with lots of laughs and chatter and many stayed to help reset the room. We will be hosting again in November, so practice your trump skills over the summer! Thank you Rose and Don Sullivan 11 MAY BIRTHDAYS 1 3 5 9 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 24 24 24 26 28 29 McNulty, George Hadley, Peggy Sullivan, Don Sullivan, Rose Logsdon, Carol Fox, Ed Harris, Sylvia Bush, Chester Vernon, Cynthia Caradonna, Richard Diaz, Jerry Peters, Bob Vernon, John Flora, Susan Purcell, Roderick LeClair, Laurie Webber, Ron Hogan, Janice Quale, Carol Reid, Sue Reilly, Arlene Cordes, Larry Gibala, Kathryn Essery, Mary Anne Lloyd, Betty Bush, Molly Ott, Lola 466 823 156 156 152 474 183 271 185 476 251 258 256 250 352 488 375 483 252 176 393 487 371 392 379 271 366 MAY ANNIVERSARIES 1946-05-04 1965-05-08 1972-05-13 1955-05-14 1987-05-16 1972-05-20 1995-05-27 1985-05-31 Connell, Jack & Ree Hamil, Ray & Nancy Coleman, Gary & Rilla Blank, Tom & Elaine Jankowski-Merucci, John, Jane Diaz, Jerry & Carol Burkett, Ken & Devena LeClair, Richard & Laurie 355 171 467 165 367 251 290 488 68 49 42 59 27 42 19 29 years years years years years years years years 12 AHA MOMENT AT WESTWIND written by Gwen Howard Did you ever wonder what an AHA moment would feel like, well if you were at the dance last Thursday night you would have felt one. The club house was decorated, the tables were decorated , and we were ready for a Party and party we did. The entertainment was provided by TJ, one of our favourite guest entertainers each year. His singing and stories get better each year. The writer believes he, like everyone else , is inspired by our beloved Pattie and Chuck, who stole the show up dancing and cuddling. Right alongside them was our Matriarch (loved by all) Artie Martin who had the guys fighting for her to dance with them and even dancing while sitting in a chair (we all saw that Ed and loved every minute of it) It was a great evening, but wait, the AHA moment is yet to come, the evening was drawing to a close (poor TJ was getting hoarse after singing for over four hours, nonstop, he of course, in his usual way made a joke of it and said his Depends were beginning to leak. TJ began to play "God Bless America", as though a script had been written, everyone instantaneously formed a circle in the middle of the dance floor, held hands and;" this is the moment, dear readers, that I call our AHA moment " sang as one, this beautiful hymn . I hope you were there to enjoy this moment or, if not, have enjoyed reading about it. This story was inspired by Tammy , who along with Jill have provided us with marvellous entertainment this season, I thank them as I am sure everyone else does. Wo0ps, almost forgot another one of our highlights at the dance. TJ ,obviously, after looking around his audience, found who he was looking for (probably the best looking guy there) and a new star was born. Captain Happy Pants bore the brunt of most of TJ's crazy songs and funny stories. All done in good fun and as a prize The Captain was presented with a tee shirt bearing the name; you guessed it; CAPTAIN HAPPY PANTS so if you see a guy wearing that shirt go up and say; "Hi Captain Happy Pants" be careful though as he isn't always happy lol. Picture #2 ART SHOW The 2014 Art Show was very exciting with 150 or more art pieces. Beautiful scenery, floral, animals, birds and abstracts. The show was very successful and most of the Artists' sold one or more paintings. Ed Fox has a carving class, the group had 2 tables to display birds, animals and fish. A great addition to our show, very special. We had a raffle for a floral by John Gaug which was won by Nancy Reynolds, 424; a seascape (sailboat and Gulls) by Bobbie, won by Ron Craig, 377; painted cards by Dottie won by Ava Sharp's sister, 468 and Nicole, 146. My class was fantastic with 12 people and all so talented and we had such a fun time. I want to thank everyone who helped set up and take down at the show. A big thank you to Susie from WWI for making ice rings for the lunch and extra thank you to Ed Fox for helping me with the easels and putting up the signs. Bobbie Inglehart 13 SPRING PICNIC Elaine and Susie March 26th was not the greatest day for our spring picnic. The morning was chilly, but by noon the wind had died down, and it was quite pleasant sitting out in the sun. The food was delicious and plentiful. Bill Preston drove to Albertsons to get the chicken for us. Thank you Bill. Chuck and Camilla Pritchett brought the games. Bill Quinn and Doug Hattan took care of the 50/50. The lucky winners were Connie Sledge ($50.00), Chuck Pritchett ($15.00), Lauren Bocking ($10.00) and each park ($37.00). Thanks to all who helped set up, clean up, and carry supplies to and from our cars. We have decided to move our spring picnic back to Howard Park in 2015. SOMETHING DIFFERENT FOR A VEGETABLE FOR EASTER THIS YEAR! STIR FRIED GREEN BEANS AND WATER CHESTNUTS 2 tsp sesame oil 1 clove garlic, minced ¼ tsp hot pepper flakes 2 seedless oranges 1 tbsp veg oil 1lb green beans, trimmed and cut into 11/2 inch pieces 1 can sliced water chestnuts, drained and rinsed (227 ml) 3 tbsp oyster sauce In a small bowl, stir together sesame oil, garlic and hot pepper flakes. Set aside. With a small sharp knife, cut skin and white membrane from oranges. Holding oranges over a small bowl to catch juice, cut segments away from inner membrane. Squeeze membrane to extract remaining juice. Set orange segments and juice aside. In a large skillet, heat vegetable oil over medium-high heat. Add beans and stir-fry for 4 to 6 minutes, until beans are just tender. Remove skillet from heat. Stir in sesame oil mixture. Add orange segments and reserved juice, water chestnuts and oyster sauce. Return skillet to heated element. Stir fry for 1 to 2 minutes, until sauce has thickened slightly. 14 TIPS FOR CLOSING YOUR COACH Tom Finnegan Every year about this time people would ask how to close their coach for the summer. If you like my suggestions feel free to use them. If you have better ideas, tell me and I’ll publish them next month. Notify Others Give change of address to mailman REQUIRED Call Verizon or Brighthouse and put phone and cable on vacation billing. Call the Tampa Bay Times and set stop date for paper. Leave emergency house key with trusted neighbor who stays here. Arrange to have someone care for your plants and to pull your weeds. Inform park office of when you are leaving PLEASE, and when you expect to return. Stamped, addressed, envelopes to Lil Finnegan (#314) for TALEWINDS mailing Outside: Do not leave anything outside that could be blown away or blown into another coach (We do have heavy, windy, storms and hurricanes) Be sure that your rain gutters and down spouts are clean and free from debris. I put rat bait under the coach Make sure that your storm shutters work and can be put down by a resident neighbor. Arrange this with the neighbor before you leave. Do not put a chain or barrier across your carport, it is a signal to burglars that you’re not home. Inside: Put roach traps around Put in clean air filter if you leave your A/C unit at the highest setting (to remove humidity) Remove batteries from clocks and smoke alarms (who could hear them). Put aluminum trays of cat litter and charcoal briquettes in each room for moisture & odor. Cover furniture with sheets or towels that air can pass through, NO PLASTIC Open all closet doors and dresser drawers so that air can circulate to avoid mold. Place any loose foods, opened boxes or spices in plastic containers with tight lids, put in refrigerator Morning of Leaving: Turn off outside water valve Put twist tie thru mail box handle Lock shed door Leave bagged trash with neighbor for collection Unplug TVs, cables, phones and all electrical devices (in case of lightening) Cover drains with plastic wrap and a handful of sand (to keep sewer odors from coach) Turn off water valve under toilet tanks and then flush (no water in tank) Put ½ cup of Clorox in toilet bowls and then seal with saran type wrap Lock all windows, close drapes and blinds Place ―security bars‖ in sliding glass doors Set air conditioner ON at the HIGHEST setting to remove humidity. Turn off all circuit breakers except for the air conditioner and outside motion detectors Prop open dishwasher door Turn off refrigerator and prop open doors unless used for storage. CLOSE ALL WINDOWS—recommended by Pinellas hurricane preparedness coordinator. If the air gets in and there is a high wind, you’ve lost your roof!!! Have a Good Trip!! 15 Highlighted Activities in the Park Many activities will come to an end for the season as of the end of April. They will resume in the fall again. Men's golf continues through the summer. Men’s Golf Join the Westwind Men’s League at 8:00 AM. Friday. They play at Chi-Chi’s. Call Dan Kovar at 789.4419 for details. CRIBBAGE "Tuesday night cribbage night, a cribbage player's actual once in a lifetime event!" On March 11, 2014 Ron Pylman achieved the near impossible in any cribbage player's lifetime. The highest cribbage hand attainable is 29 points and Ron got that hand. Why so special? The odds are 1 in 649,740 when playing with 3-4 players at the table. No one in the room at the time had ever seen a perfect 29 hand and some of us have been playing for over 50 years. Congratulations Ron and thanks from all of us who were there. Picture #3 MEN'S BREAKFAST The last breakfast of the season was held in the Clubhouse on April 5, with 115 hungry people arriving, (which was around 35 more people than was anticipated in April) obviously the Snow Birds stayed later to, hopefully, avoid some of that white stuff that is still laying around in the North. Somehow the Guys coped and stretched the food supply to the limit, cleaned out the fridge and the freezer. Thanks Guys !!! John wishes to pass on his thanks to all who work with him and help make the Breakfast event the success that it is. The Breakfast Team has had a return of $1200.00 per year for the past four years, making a total of $4800.00. (Should also be noted that John has a waiting list of Guys wanting to get into the Club, but the Crew he has now is tried and true so not to worry your jobs are safe) Again his heartfelt thanks to everyone! sincerely John 16 RECYCLING IN WESTWIND At the recycling center on Michigan Blvd and Eckert Rd, just east of St Andrew’s Church, you no longer have to separate items. You can just put everything together and dump it into one of the big openings in the dumpsters. And, in addition, they will now take colored glass, milk and juice cartons, and plastics 1-7, which includes many small containers in which we get food. Your curbside trash can get smaller! ALUMINUM CANS Please continue to bring your aluminum cans to the Westwind II laundry area and place in the labelled containers. Thanks to all who have been crushing before dropping in the bin. I check every other day or so and crush cans as necessary, but it is time consuming. One trash bin is labelled "crushed" and one "uncrushed" It is really helpful if you use the correct bin so I don't have to dig through the trash bins for cans to crush Also they need to be removed from plastic bags before dropping into the containers. The recycling center accepts beverage cans ONLY-no foil or foil pie plates. We are in the process of purchasing and installing a can crusher in the laundry area. If you have large pieces of aluminum such as windows, doors, awnings or lawn chairs, Susie and Leroy will cut it up for recycling if you put it inside the trash bin area in Westwind I. Just leave it next to, but not in the dumpster. Westwind I and II share the money we earn to be used for park beautification projects----so you will be helping the environment and our park at the same time. I will be heading north the beginning of May. If there is a year round resident who would be willing to take charge of the cans for the summer, please give me a call. 727-474-3637 Thank you. Pat Snyder DAILY CALL LIST Westwind I and II offer a call list of residents that want to be called on a daily basis to make sure they are fine. There are several volunteers to share the calling. If you want to be called every morning give Maria in the office a call and she will put you in touch with the Daily Call List group. The office number is 727-784-4380. JIMMY BUFET DANCE Friday, April 12th, Jimmy Buffet Dance was a great success as was all the dances this past season. Thanks to Jill and Tammy for all their work to decorate and organize all the dances. Thanks to all the people that also helped them set up and clean up. The room was decorated Island Style and everyone was dressed up with their flowered shirts, skirts and shorts. Parrot Head gear was amazing with Tammy all dressed up as usual. No hiding what the event is by what Tammy sports!! The entertainment was fun and no one could take their eyes off Evelyn and Roy when they took to the dance floor. We look forward to more dances next season! 17 Westwind II Social Club Committees Westwind II Social Club Committees – 2012 Aluminum Can Recycling Pat Snyder Auditors Elaine Andrelski and Rich Gaughan Breakfasts John Howard Cards Donna Pylman Entertainment Committee Jill Desranleau and Tammy Gaughan Kitchen Supplies Rilla Coleman Flags Doug Hattan Health Aids Doug Hattan Hi-Lites Editor Anne Scott Horseshoes Rich Gaughan Library Annette Cuffe Sunshine Janet Hattan Trips and Tours Joan Rand Welcoming Committee Tammy Gaughan and Janet Hattan Windfall Sale Pat Snyder Winner Take All Joan Rand