Living Things Interactions Worksheet

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Interactions Among Living Things
Power Point Notes
Living things depend on other living things to survive. They may help each other find
____________ or _____________, avoid ______________, or keep a ____________.
Some organisms ___________________________, while others ________________.
Competition occurs among animals of the same
species for the following reasons:
Some animals within a species solve the problem of competition by ________________
______________ or ____________________________.
How and why do plants compete with each other? _____________________________
How would some animals cooperate with each other? __________________________
Define Predator:
Define Prey:
Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Symbiosis means ___________________________________________________
The three kinds of symbiosis are:
which means:
An example is:
which means:
An example is:
which means:
An example is:
Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Interactions Among Living Things
Power Point Notes – Answer Key
Living things depend on other living things to survive. They may help each other find
Food or water
Shelter or territory
____________ or _____________, avoid ______________,
or keep a ____________.
Some organisms ___________________________,
while others ________________.
Competition occurs among animals of the same
species for the following reasons:
Finding food, water, shelter, territory, mates
Forming a group
Some animals within a species solve the problem of competition by ________________
Living far apart
______________ or ____________________________.
How and why do plants compete with each other? _____________________________
Compete for space, nutrients, water, insects - they might grow taller, faster, spread more
How would some animals cooperate with each other? __________________________
Work together to find food, protect their young, seek shelter
Define Predator:
The hunter of prey
Define Prey:
Gets eaten by predator
Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Different species of organisms living together in order to survive
Symbiosis means ___________________________________________________
The three kinds of symbiosis are:
which means:
2 organisms of
different species living
together for the benefit
of both
An example is:
Bee and flower, ant and
aphid, and others
which means:
Organisms living
together for the benefit
of one of them - the
other is not harmed nor
An example is:
Bird making a nest in a
tree, barnacles on
whales, and others
which means:
Where one organism lives
on or in another
organism, gathering
nutrients at the expense
of the host. One benefits,
the other is harmed.
An example is:
Tick on a dog, leech on a
human, mistletoe on oak
tree, and others