Scratch Reference Guide Presentation Student Names: Block: Date: Reference Topic Presenting: 3 2 1 Preparation Students are Students are fully somewhat prepared Students are prepared for for presentation, but minimally prepared presentation and well appear slightly for presentation organized disorganized Explanation of Section Students fully explain the details of the specific section of the resource guide including showing and demonstrating location in the program Students somewhat explain details the specific section of the resource guide. Showing and demonstrating location in the program was moderately done. Students minimally explain details the specific section of the resource guide. Showing and demonstrating location in the program was minimally done. Demonstration/ Practice Students fully demonstrate the use of the tool or Scratch feature and provide the class with a demonstration activity for the class to practice Students somewhat demonstrate the use of the tool or Scratch feature and provide the class with a moderately prepared demonstration activity for the class to practice Students minimally demonstrate the use of the tool or Scratch feature and provide the class with a poorly prepared demonstration activity for the class to practice Practice Time Students allow enough class time for students to practice and understand the concepts Students allow a minimal amount of class time for students to practice and understand the concepts Students rush the class through their practice and it is apparent the class has not understood the concept Comments: Total /12