Meiosis Notes Purpose of Meiosis: Which cells go through meiosis? Cells at the end have ______________ the amount of DNA you started with! Body cells = _______ sets of chromosomes → _____________________ = 1 from _________, 1 from _________ = ________ total chromosomes! Gametes = _______ set of ____________ chromosomes → ____________________ = some from mom and some from dad = _________ total chromosomes! Cells at the end of meiosis are all ______________________________________! ­this is why you __________________ your siblings, but don’t look exactly like them. MITOSIS MEIOSIS Purpose: Makes: #cells: Ploidy: #cycles: Cell Types: Phases of Meiosis: 1. ________________________ ­same as mitosis! ­__________________ and ________________________________ ­chromosomes become _______________________ = “X” 2. ________________________ ­_______________________________ breaks down ­_______________ and ____________________________ form ­chromosomes find their _____________________________! → forms a ______ ­match up #1 chromosome from mom with #1 chromosome from dad ­____________________ can occur = chromosomes ________ their information! ­also called _________________________________________ ­the chromosomes are swapped with the help of ___________________ ­the point at which they are crossed is called a _____________________ 3. ________________________ ­chromosomes line­up in the _____________ of the cell with their pair ­line­up randomly = _________________________________________ ­spindle fibers attach to the _________________ of each chromosome 4. ________________________ ­_________________________ get separated and pulled apart to the poles! ­the chromosomes are still _______________________ at this point!! 5. ________________________ ­_______________________________ reforms around the chromosomes. ­________________ breaks down ­___________________ splits → now we have _______ cells with ________ the number of chromosomes that we started with! = ____________________ ­the end cells are _____________________ from one another! ***Now we continue on just like mitosis*** 6. ________________________ ­_______________________________ breaks down ­_______________ and ____________________________ form 7. ________________________ ­chromosomes line­up in the _____________ of the cell with their pair, randomly! ­spindle fibers attach to the _________________ of each chromosome 8. ________________________ ­____________________________ get separated and pulled apart to the poles! ­the chromosomes are now ____________________________. 9. ________________________ ­_______________________________ reforms around the chromosomes. ­________________ breaks down ­___________________ splits → now we have _______ cells with ________ the number of chromosomes that we started with!