Applied Genetics Essays

Mr. Simko
AP Biology
Name: ____________________
Date: _____________________
Period: ________
Genetics II Essay Questions
1. In most organisms, there are characteristic sets of chromosomes within cell nuclei. Describe
ways in which the kinds or numbers of chromosomes in the following cells differ from the
usual situation and discuss the possible significance of these differences: (1970 AP EXAM)
a) children whose cells have an extra autosome
b) cells from different members of a hive of honeybees
c) red blood cells in mammals
d) salivary gland cells in Drosophila
e) cells in tetraploid strains of wheat
f) gametes in humans containing extra sex chromosomes
2. Discuss three of the following phenomena in which sex chromosomes are involved with
particular reference to their significance or consequences in humans. (1977 AP EXAM)
a. Sex determination
b. Sex-linked inheritance
c. Formation of Barr bodies (sex chromatin)
d. Variation in kinds and numbers of sex chromosomes
3. Each year a number of children are born with biological defects that impair normal function.
For THREE of the following conditions, discuss such aspects as the biological cause, the
methods of treatment and possible means of detection and/or prevention. (1976 AP EXAM)
a. Phenylketonuria (PKU)
b. Sickle cell anemia
c. Down syndrome
d. Cretinism
e. Erythroblastosis fetalis
f. Blue-baby condition
g. Tay-Sachs