Section 1: Visiting the Otto Struve Telescope: small group discussion

Live, From McDonald Observatory
“Telescopes and Careers at McDonald Observatory”
Student sheet
Welcome to the videoconference!
The University of Texas McDonald Observatory is a place where astronomers use state of the art
technology, engineering expertise, and the scientific method to answer fundamental questions about
the universe we live in. This activity sheet is completed individually or in a small discussion group. We
hope you enjoy your videoconference today!
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Section 1: Visiting the Otto Struve Telescope: small group discussion
Using the word list below, fill in the labels on the following photograph.
Word list:
Polar axis
Primary lens
Primary mirror
© 2012 The University of Texas at Austin • McDonald Observatory
Secondary mirror
Flat mirror
Live, From McDonald Observatory
“Telescopes and Careers at McDonald Observatory”
Student sheet
Section 2: Let’s visit the 10m x 11m Hobby-Eberly Telescope! (H.E.T. for short)
The HET is inside the dome
The dome is on Mt. Fowlkes. Mt. Locke is in the distance.
Emily Schroeder has a career at McDonald Observatory. Is she an astronomer?
Briefly explain her job at the HET:
© 2012 The University of Texas at Austin • McDonald Observatory
Live, From McDonald Observatory
“Telescopes and Careers at McDonald Observatory”
Student sheet
Section 3: Let’s explore light and how astronomers collect it.
Light ray
Light ray
Light ray
Flat mirror
This star is shining parallel incident rays of light onto a flat mirror. Draw the reflecting rays for
each showing in what direction the starlight will reflect.
Now, imagine that the star is shining parallel incident rays onto a curved mirror. Do you think the
Law of Reflection applies to curved mirrors, used in telescopes like those at McDonald Observatory?
© 2012 The University of Texas at Austin • McDonald Observatory