Research Paper Planner: Timeline

Research Paper Planner: Timeline
Research Paper Planner:
Starting on: 10/2/2015
Ending on: 11/19/2015
This means you have 47 days to
Step 1: Understand the assignment (3% of your time) by Sat Oct 03, 2015
The first step to successfully completing an essay, paper, or thesis is to read and understand the
assignment. The material here will help you clarify what it is you are being asked to do.
Step 2: Select and focus topic (3% of your time) by Mon Oct 05, 2015
Now that you have carefully read and understood your assignment, you can concentrate on choosing a
topic and focusing on what aspect(s) about this topic will be the basis of your paper.
Step 3: Explore a research question (3% of your time) by Tue Oct 06, 2015
A research question (a preliminary thesis statement) is a declaration of purpose that indicates what it is
you intend to explore and discuss in your paper. Resources linked here will help you plan the foundation
of your research you explore your research question and build a foundation for your research strategy.
Step 4: Design your research strategy (3% of your time) by Thu Oct 08, 2015
When you have formulated your research question and have a clear idea of what you are hoping to
research, you are ready to begin the search for bibliographic resources. A research strategy is an
organized 'plan of attack' for consulting gathering your resources; and the tools linked here will help you
stay organized.
Step 5: Finding sources on your topic (12% of your time) by Tue Oct 13, 2015
You will need a variety of sources to help you form and document the argument or proposal you will
make in your paper. These sources can be books, articles in popular magazines or scholarly journals, and
(occasionally) web sites. The resources in this section will help you decide what type of source you need
and where to look for the best resources to meet the needs of your assignment. This step may need to be
repeated as your continue to work on your topic – this repetition is a normal part of the research
process, not a sign of any failure on your part.
This is the point where you will want to find a way to keep track of your sources so you can cite them
well in later steps. Consider signing up for a ZOTERO WORKSHOP to learn how this time­saving tool
can help with bibliographies, footnotes, and citations.
Step 6: Read, Note, and Compare Sources (22% of your time) by Sat Oct 24, 2015
Your next step is to read, take notes on, and compare the information in your sources. Which sources­textonly.php?ampm=&monthone=10&monthtwo=11&yearone=2015&yeartwo=2015&dayone=2&daytwo=19&monthtwo=11
Research Paper Planner: Timeline
agree with one another and which ones don’t? Which help you build your argument and which ones
suggest other approaches or methods you may need to consider or refute. You may need to analyse the
methods of a study in order to better understand its results. The materials in this section will help you
read more critically, take effective notes, and learn how to organize and compare your sources.
Step 7: Write thesis statement (8% of your time) by Wed Oct 28, 2015
Your thesis statement is the cornerstone of your paper and is based on the reading and analysis you've
done so far. Resources here will help you craft a sound and defensible thesis statement. Be aware that
you may need to (or be asked to) revise it at a later date. Outlining your paper serves two functions: 1) It allows you map out your arguments in a logical fashion
and 2) breaks down your paper into smaller sections to write so that you don't get overwhelmed. If you
need help planning and creating an outline the material in this section will help you accomplish this task.
Step 8: Writing the First Draft (15% of your time) by Wed Nov 04, 2015
Many students dread writing the first draft. Actually putting pen to paper (or more likely fingers to the
keyboard) is the step that most students keep putting off. The link in this section will help you tackle the
first draft and dispel any anxieties that you have about starting the writing process. There are also videos
of writers talking about writer’s block and how they get around it.
Once you have a first draft ready you might want to contact the The Writing Center and set up an
appointment to discuss your draft with one of their consultants. The Writing Center is run by the English
Department and they can help you with grammar, organization, and MLA citation style.
Step 9: Evaluate Your First Draft (5% of your time) by Fri Nov 06, 2015
How do you know if you are stating an opinion or supporting your facts? Have you represented both or
all sides fairly? Your instructor may have asked you to find “betterâ€​
or “more scholarlyâ€​
sources. The resources here will help you avoid common pitfalls in writing essays and papers.
Step 10: Revise & rewrite (20% of your time) by Mon Nov 16, 2015
Your first draft was just the beginning of the writing process. Subsequent revisions are always needed. If
you doubt this statement take a look at the two links in this section and you will be convinced that
revisions are essential and you will learn some valuable ways to produce a great revision.
Step 11: Put Your Paper in Final Form (5% of your time) by Wed Nov 18, 2015
Citing your information resources properly is a very important step in the research paper process. Proper
citation helps guard against plagiarism, points your readers back to the original sources where you found
your information, and helps to contribute to the scholarly conversation that takes place in academia.­textonly.php?ampm=&monthone=10&monthtwo=11&yearone=2015&yeartwo=2015&dayone=2&daytwo=19&monthtwo=11