I. Consumer Theory Applications Intermediate Microeconomics (22014) I. Consumer Theory Applications Instructor: Marc Teignier-Baqué First Semester, 2011 I. Consumer Outline Part I. Consumer Theory Applications Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty 1. Topic 0. Consumer Theory Review 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Budget Constraints Preferences Utility Function Choice Slutsky Equation 2. Topic 1. Buying and Selling 3. Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice 4. Topic 3. Choice under Uncertainty I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Budget Constraints Preferences Utility Function Choice Slutsky Equation Topic 1. Buying and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. TOPIC 0. CONSUMER THEORY REVIEW Budget Constraints Denitions The consumer's budget set is the set of all aordable bundles, B (p1 , .., pn ; m) = {(x1 , . . . , xn ) : x1 ≥ 0, . . . , xn ≥ 0 and p1 x1 + . . . + pn xn ≤ m} . The budget constraint is the upper boundary of the budget set. Uncertainty x2 m /p2 Budget constraint: p1x1 + p2x2 = m x2 m p 1 x1 p2 p2 Budget set: the collection of all Budget set: the collection of all affordable bundles. Budget d Set m /p1 x1 I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Budget Constraints Preferences Utility Function Choice Slutsky Equation Topic 1. Buying and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Preferences Denitions The set of all bundles equally preferred to a bundle x' is the indierence curve containing x'. The slope of the indierence curve at x' is the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) at x', which is the rate at which the consumer is only just willing to exchange commodity 2 for commodity 1': 4x2 MRS (x ) = lim 4x →0 4x1 0 = 1 Topic 3. x’’ x’ x” x”’ z x2 x’ Uncertainty y x’’ x2 z x1 x”’ y x1 dx2 dx1 I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Budget Constraints Preferences Utility Function Choice Slutsky Equation Topic 1. Buying and Selling Utility Function Denition A Utility function U (x ) represents a preference relation if and only if x ' x ↔ U (x ') > U (x ) x ' ≺ x ↔ U (x ') < U (x ) x ' ∼ x ↔ U ( x ') = U ( x ) Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty I The general equation for an indierence curve is U (x1 , x2 ) = k , where k is a constant. Totally dierentiating this identity we obtain that the MRS is equal to the ratio of marginal utilities: ∂U ∂U ∂U dx dx1 + dx2 = 0 ⇔ 2 = − ∂∂xU ∂ x1 ∂ x2 dx1 ∂x 1 2 I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Budget Constraints Preferences Utility Function Choice Slutsky Equation Topic 1. Buying and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty Choice Denition A decisionmaker chooses the most preferred aordable bundle, which is called the consumer's ordinary demand or gross demand. I The slope of the indierence curve at ordinary demand (x ∗ , x ∗ ) equals the slope of the budget constraint: 1 2 MRS (x1∗ , x2∗ ) = − p1 ∂ U /∂ x1 p1 ⇔ = p2 ∂ U /∂ x2 p2 x2 More preferred bundles x2 * Affordable bundles x1 * x1 I. Consumer Slutsky Equation Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons price change are always the sum pure substitution eect and an income eect . Changes to demand from a of a Review Budget Constraints Preferences Utility Function Choice Slutsky Equation I Pure substitution eect : change in demand due only to the change in relative prices. What is the change in Topic 1. Buying and Selling demand when the consumer's income is adjusted so Topic 2. that, at the new prices, she can only just buy the Intertemporal Choice original bundle? Topic 3. Uncertainty I Income eect: if, at the new prices, less income is needed to buy the original bundle then real income is increased; if more income is needed, then real income is decreased. I. Consumer Slutsky Equation graphically Theory Applications x2 Topic 0. Cons Pure Substitution Effect Only Review Budget Constraints Preferences Utility Function Choice Slutsky Equation x2 ’ x2’’ Topic 1. Buying and Selling x1 ’ x1’’ x1 Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice x2 Topic 3. Uncertainty Adding now the income effect x2 ’ x2’’ x1 ’ x1’’ x1 I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Budget Constraints Preferences Utility Function Choice Slutsky Equation Slutsky Equation formally (p1 , p2 ) be the initial price vector, m the ∗ ∗ level and (x1 , x2 ) the initial gross demand. I Let I Dene the Sltusky demand function of good i adjusted to give the consumer just enough to consume the initial bundle (x1∗ , x2∗ ): Choice xis p10 , p20 , x1∗ , x2 ≡ xi p10 , p20 ; p10 x1∗ + p20 x2∗ ∗ | Topic 3. Uncertainty and Selling Intertemporal as the demand after the price change when income is Topic 1. Buying Topic 2. x1s income I Take the derivative with respect to ∂ xs 1 ∂ p1 ∂ x1 = ∂ p1 = p1 {z m } on both sides, ∂ x1 ∂ x1 ∗ + x ∂ p1 ∂ m 1 ⇔ ∂ x1s ∂ p1 |{z} ∂ x1 ∗ − x m 1} | ∂{z substitution eect income eect I. Consumer Slutsky Equation formally Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Budget Constraints Preferences Utility Function Choice Slutsky Equation Topic 1. Buying and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal ∂ x1s I The sign of the susbstitution eect ∂ p1 is negative: the cange in demand due to the susbstitution eect is the opposite to the change in price p1 ↓⇒ x1s ↑). (p1 ↑⇒ x1s ↓ and I If the good is normal, the sign of the income eect is also negative: an increase in a price is like a decrease in Choice income, which leads to a decrease in demand; a price fall Topic 3. is like an income increase, which leads to an increase in Uncertainty demand. ∂ x s ∂ x1 ∗ ∂ x1 = 1− x1 ∂ p1 ∂ p1 |∂ m {z } |{z} (+) (−) | {z } (−) I. Consumer Outline Part I. Consumer Theory Applications Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Endowments Net Demand Slutsky Equation Labor Supply Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty 1. Topic 0. Consumer Theory Review 2. Topic 1. Buying and Selling 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Endowments Net Demand Slutsky Equation Labor Supply 3. Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice 4. Topic 3. Choice under Uncertainty I. Consumer TOPIC 1. BUYING AND SELLING Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Endowments Net Demand Slutsky Equation Labor Supply I So far, consumers' income taken as exogenous and independent of prices. In reality, consumers' income coming from exchange by sellers and buyers. Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty I How are incomes generated? How does the value of income depend upon commodity prices? I How can we put all this together to explain better how price changes aect demands? I. Consumer Endowments Theory Applications I In this chapter, consumers get income from endowments. Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Endowments Net Demand Slutsky Equation Labor Supply Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty This makes the budget set denition change slightly. Denition The list of resource units with which a consumer starts is her endowment , denoted by ω = (ω1 , ω2 ). Denitions Given p1 and p2 , the budget constraint with an endowment ω = (ω1 , ω2 ) for a consumer is p1 x1 + p2 x2 = p1 ω1 + p2 ω2 . and the budget set is formally dened as {(x1 , x2 ) | x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0 and p1 x1 + p2 x2 ≤ p1 ω1 + p2 ω2 } . I. Consumer Theory Applications Endowments and Budget Sets I Graphically, the endowment point is always on the budget constraint. Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying I Hence, price changes pivot the constraint around the endowment point. and Selling Endowments Net Demand Slutsky Equation Labor Supply x2 Topic 2. Intertemporal p 1 x 1 p 2 x 2 p 1 1 p 2 2 Choice Topic 3. Budget Set before price change Uncertainty Budget Set after the price change p '1 x 1 p '2 x 2 p 1' 1 p '2 2 x1 I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Endowments Net Demand Slutsky Equation Labor Supply Net demand Denition The dierence between nal consumption and initial endowment of a given good of good i . i , xi∗ − ωi , is called net demand I The sum of the values of net demands is zero: p1 x1 + p2 x2 = p1 ω1 + p2 ω2 ⇔ p1 (x1 − ω1 ) + p2 (x2 − ω2 ) = 0. Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. x2 x2 Uncertainty At prices (p1’,p2’) the consumer sells units of good 2 to acquire more of good 1 . The net demand of good 1 is, therefore, positive and the net demand of good 2 is negative. d d f d i i At prices (p1,p2) the consumer sells units of good 1 to acquire more units of good 2. The net demand of good 1 is, therefore, negative,and the net demand of good 2 is positive. d2i ii x2 * x2 * p1 ( x1 1 ) p 2 ( x 2 2 ) 0 p'1x1 p'2x 2 p1' 1 p'2 2 x1 * x1 x1* x1 I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Price oer curve Denition Price-oer curve contains all the utility-maximizing gross demands for which the endowment is exchanged. Topic 1. Buying and Selling Endowments Net Demand Slutsky Equation Labor Supply x2 Sell good 1, buy good 2 Sell good 1, buy good 2 Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty Buy good 1, sell good 2 x1 I. Consumer Theory Applications Slutsky equation revisited In an endowment economy, the overall change in demand a pure substitution eect , an (ordinary) income eect , and an endowment income eect. I Pure Substitution Eect : eect of relative prices change. I Income Eect : eect of original bundle cost change. I Endowment Income Eect: change in demand due caused by a price change is the sum of Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Endowments Net Demand Slutsky Equation Labor Supply Topic 2. Intertemporal only to the change in endowment value. Choice Price change from (p1’,p2’) to (p1”, p2’): Topic 3. x2 Uncertainty Pure substitution effect Ordinary income effect Endowment income effect x2 ’ 2 x2 ” x1 ’ 1 x1 ” x1 I. Consumer Theory Applications Slutsky Equation revisited good 1 and Topic 0. Cons Review x1 (p1 , p2 ; m (p1 , p2 )) be the demand function of m (p1 , p2 ) = p1 ω1 + p2 ω2 the money income. Then, the total derivative of x1 with respect to p1 is I Let I Topic 1. Buying dx1 ∂ x1 ∂ x1 = + ω . dp1 ∂ p1 ∂ m 1 and Selling Endowments Net Demand Slutsky Equation Labor Supply Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty I Using that ∂ x1 ∂ p1 dx1 = dp1 ∂ x1s = ∂ p − ∂∂ xm x1∗ , 1 1 ∂ x1s ∂ p1 |{z} we obtain ∂ x1 ∗ − x m 1} | ∂{z ∂ x1 + ω . m }1 | ∂{z substitution ord.-income end.-income I Rearranging, dx1 ∂ x1 ∂ x1 = + (ω1 − x1 ) . dp1 ∂ p1 ∂m |{z} |{z} (−) (+) I. Consumer Slutsky equation revisited Theory Applications Overall change in demand of normal good (demand increases Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Endowments Net Demand Slutsky Equation Labor Supply Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. with income) caused by own price change: I When income is exogenous, both the substitution and (ordinary) income eects increase demand after an own-price fall; hence, a normal good's ordinary demand curve slopes down (thus, Law of Downward-Sloping Demand always applies to normal goods when income is exogenous). Uncertainty I When income is given by initial endowments, endowment-income eect decreases demand if consumer supplies that good (negative net demand); thus, if the endowment income eect osets the substitution and the (ordinary) income eects, the demand function could be upward-sloping! I. Consumer An application: labor supply Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Endowments Net Demand Slutsky Equation Labor Supply Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Environment description: I A worker is endowed with and R m euros of nonlabor income hours of time. I Consumption good's price is pc , and the wage rate is w . I Worker decides amount of consumption good, denoted by C , and amount of leisure, denoted by R . Topic 3. Uncertainty Budget constraint: pc C = m + w R − R = m pc C + wR | +{zwR} ⇔ | {z } Expenditures value Endowment value I. Consumer Labor supply choice Theory Applications C Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Endowments Net Demand Slutsky Equation Labor Supply Budget constraint equation: w m w R m w R pc C p c R p c C* Topic 2. Endowment point Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty m R R* leisure demanded labor supplied R I. Consumer Theory Applications Labor supply curve Eect of a wage rate increase on amount labor supplied: I Substitution eect: leisure relatively more expensive Topic 0. Cons decrease leisure demanded / increase labor supplied. Review Topic 1. Buying I (Ordinary) income eect: cost original bundle and Selling Endowments Net Demand Slutsky Equation Labor Supply increases→ decrease leisure demanded / increase labor supplied. I Endowment-income eect: positive endowment income Topic 2. eect because worker supplies labor Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty → → demanded / increase labor supplied. ⇒ Labor supply curve may bend backwards. decrease leisure I. Consumer Outline Part I. Consumer Theory Applications Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying 1. Topic 0. Consumer Theory Review and Selling Topic 2. 2. Topic 1. Buying and Selling Intertemporal Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities Topic 3. Uncertainty 3. Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Present and Future Values Intertemporal Budget Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities 4. Topic 3. Choice under Uncertainty I. Consumer TOPIC 2. INTERTEMPORAL CHOICE Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying I So far, only static problems considered, as if consumers only alive one period or only static decisions. and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities Topic 3. Uncertainty I However, in the real world people often make intertemporal consumption decisions: I I Current consumption nanced by borrowing now against income to be received in the future. Extra income received now spread over the following month (saving now for consumption later). I In this section, we study intertemporal choice problem using a two-period version of our consumer's choice model. I. Consumer Intertemporal Choice Problem Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review I Notation: Topic 1. Buying and Selling I Topic 2. I Intertemporal Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities I I Let interest rate be denoted by r . Let c1 and c2 be consumptions in periods 1 and 2. Let m1 and m2 be incomes received in periods 1 and 2. . Let consumption prices be denoted by p1 and p2 . I Intertemporal choice problem: m1 and m2 , and given consumption p2 , what is the most preferred intertemporal consumption bundle (c1 , c2 )? I Given incomes Topic 3. prices Uncertainty I p1 and Need to know: the intertemporal budget constraint, and intertemporal consumption preferences. I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Present and Future Values Denitions Given an interest rate r , the future value of M ¿ is the value next period of that amount saved now: Topic 1. Buying FV = M (1 + r ) . and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities The of M ¿ is the amount saved in the M ¿ at the start of the next period: present value present to obtain PV = Topic 3. M 1+ r . Uncertainty I Example: I I Example: if r = 0.1 the future value of 100¿ is 100(1 + 0.1) = 110¿. if r=0.1, the present value of 1¿ is the amount we have to pay now to obtain 1¿ next period: 1+10.1 = 0.91. I. Consumer Theory Applications Intertemporal Budget Constraint Case I: No ination , p1 = p2 I Consumption bundle when neither saving nor borrowing: Topic 0. Cons (c1 , c2 ) = (m1 , m2 ) Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling I If all period 1 income saved for period 2: (c1 , c2 ) = (0, m2 + (1 + r ) m1 ) Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities I If all period 2 income borrowed in period 1: m2 ,0 (c1 , c2 ) = m1 + 1+r Topic 3. c2 Uncertainty (c1, c2) 0, m2 (1 r)m1 c1 , c2 m1 , m2 m2 m (c1 , c2 ) m1 2 ,0 1 r 0 0 m1 c1 I. Consumer Theory Applications Intertemporal Budget Constraint I Given a period 1 consumption of c1 , period 2 consumption is Topic 0. Cons c2 = m2 + (1 + r ) m1 − (1 + r ) c1 Review Topic 1. Buying | and Selling }| {z } {z intercept slope Topic 2. Intertemporal c2 Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities m2 1 r m1 m2 Topic 3. Uncertainty 0 0 m1 m1 m2 1 r c1 I Intertemporal budget constraint: I I Future-valued form: (1 + r ) c1 + c2 = m2 + (1 + r ) m1 Present-valued form: c1 + 1c+r = m1 + 1m+r 2 2 I. Consumer Intertemporal Choice Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons I Optimal intertemporal consumption bundle given by Review tangency point of intertemporal indierence curves and Topic 1. Buying intertemporal budget constraint: and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities c2 c2 The consumer borrows. The consumer saves The consumer saves. c2 * Topic 3. Uncertainty m2 m2 c2 0 0 * c1 m1 c1 * 0 0 m1 * c1 c1 I. Consumer Comparative Statics: Slutsky equation re-revisited Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons I The Slutsky equation for the change in change in p1 c1 due to a is the same as the one seen in topic 1: ∂ c1 dc1 ∂ c1s = + (m1 − c1 ) . dp1 ∂ p1 ∂m |{z} Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Topic 2. |{z} (−) Intertemporal (+) Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities I Since a change in r is equivalent to a change in p1 , the Slutsky equation is exactly the same. I Topic 3. Uncertainty I If r ↑, the substitution eect (the rst term in the equation above) is negative; if r ↓ the substitution eect is positive. The sign of the total income eect (the second term in the equation above) depends on whether the consumer is a saver or a borrower: I If borrower (c > m ), total income eect is negative. 1 1 I If saver, (c < m ), total income eect is positive. 1 1 I Note: eects of r ↓ are the opposite as eects of r ↑. I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Comparative Statics: Interest rate decrease I Graphically, since slope budget constraint curve is − (1 + r ), r ↓ ⇒ attening budget constraint. Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling c2 Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities m2 0 Topic 3. Uncertainty I Eects of 0 m1 c1 r ↓ on optimal intertemporal consumption bundle: I I Substitution eect: increase in cost future consumption relative to present consumption. Total income eect: I I If saver, total income eect is negative. If borrower, total income eect is positive. I. Consumer Comparative Statics: Interest rate decrease Theory Applications I Total eect: Topic 0. Cons Review c1 ?, c2 ↓ If borrower, c1 ↑, c2 ? If saver, Topic 1. Buying and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities c2 c2 The consumer borrows. The consumer saves. Topic 3. Uncertainty c2 c2 * ** m2 m2 0 * c2 ** c2 0 * c1 ** c1 m1 c1 0 0 * m1 c1 ** c1 c1 I. Consumer Ination Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying Denitions The ination rate is the rate at which the level of prices for goods increases. It is equal to and Selling Topic 2. π= Intertemporal Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities Topic 3. Uncertainty The p2 p2 − p1 ⇔ 1+π = p1 p1 real-interest rate , ρ , is an interest rate adjusted to remove the eects of ination. It is equal to 1+ρ = 1+ r 1+π ⇔ρ= r −π 1+π and, if the ination rate is small, it can be approximated by the dierence between the interest rate and the ination rate: ρ ≈ r − π. I. Consumer Theory Applications Intertemporal Budget Constraint Case II: Ination , p2 = (1 + π) p1 I Intertemporal budget constraint with ination: Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal p1 c1 + p2 c2 (1 + r ) ⇔ c1 + = p1 m1 + c2 1+ρ = m1 + p2 m2 (1 + r ) m2 1+ρ Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities I Intertemporal budget constraint curve: c2 = (1 + ρ) m1 + m2 − (1 + ρ)c1 | {z intercept }| {z slope Topic 3. Uncertainty c2 same effects as r 1 r m1 m2 1 m2 p2 0 0 m1 p1 m1 m2 1 r c1 } I. Consumer Valuing Financial Securities Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Denition A nancial security is a nancial instrument that promises to deliver an income stream. Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities I Example: I Topic 3. Uncertainty I Consider a security that pays m1 at the end of period 1, m2 at the end of period 2, and m3 at the end of period 3. What is the most that should be paid now for this security? The present value of this security! PV = (1m+1r ) + m2 2 + m3 3 . (1 + r ) (1 + r ) I. Consumer Valuing Bonds Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Denition A bond is a type of security that pays a xed amount x for T years (its maturity date) and then pays its face value F . Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Present and Future Values Intertemporal Constraint Intertemporal Choice Ination Valuing Securities Denition 1 Year Income paid x Present Value (1+r ) 2 x x ... x (1+r )2 ... ... T −1 x T F (1+r )T −1 (1+r )T x F Topic 3. Uncertainty I The value of the bond is its present value: PV = x (1 + r ) + x 2 (1 + r ) + ... + x F T −1 + (1 + r ) (1 + r )T I. Consumer Outline Part I. Consumer Theory Applications Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal 1. Topic 0. Consumer Theory Review 2. Topic 1. Buying and Selling Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty Contingent BC Preferences Choice Insurance Diversication 3. Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice 4. Topic 3. Choice under Uncertainty 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 State-contingent budget constraints Preferences under uncertainty Insurance Risk spreading I. Consumer TOPIC 3. CHOICE UNDER UNCERTAINTY Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling I So far, dynamic problems considered had no uncertainty. I However, in the real world people often make decisions with uncertainty about future prices, future wealth, or other agents' decisions. Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty Contingent BC Preferences Choice Insurance Diversication I In this section, we study the choice problem under uncertainty using a two-state version of our consumer's choice model. I Optimal responses: insurance purchase, risk diversication. I Example: I I I 2 possible states of nature: car accident (loss of L¿), no car accident. Probabilities for each state: πa , πna . Insurance: get K ¿ if accident by paying γ K ¿ as insurance premium. I. Consumer State-contingent budget constraints Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying Denitions A contract is state contingent if it is implemented only and Selling when a particular state of Nature occurs. Topic 2. A Intertemporal state-contingent consumption plan species the Choice consumption to be implemented when each state of Nature Topic 3. occurs. Uncertainty Contingent BC Preferences Choice Insurance Diversication I Example: I I Consumption if no accident: cna = M − γ K Consumption if accident: ca = M − L − γ K + K . M +L and Hence, K = ca −1−γ cna = M − γ ca − M + L 1−γ = M − γL − 1−γ γ 1−γ ca I. Consumer Theory Applications State-contingent budget constraints Car Insurance example I State-contingent budget constraint in car insurance Topic 0. Cons Review example: cna = Topic 1. Buying and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal Uncertainty Contingent BC Preferences Choice Insurance Diversication γ ca − 1−γ 1−γ | {z } | {z } intercept slope Choice Topic 3. m − γL Cna Bundle with no consumption if accident: K M LM 1 Endowment bundle Full insurance bundle (Ca =Cna ) Bundle with no consumption if no accident: K M M‐L Ca I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty Contingent BC Preferences Choice Insurance Diversication Preferences under Uncertainty I To know what is the agents' choice, we need to know their preferences about the dierent state-contingent consumption plans. I Utility across state-contingent consumption plans is a function of the consumption levels and probabilities at each state, U (c1 , c2 , π1 , π2 ). Denition A utility function utility or U (c1 , c2 , π1 , π2 ) satises the expected von NeumannMorgenstern property if it can be written as the weighted sum of the utility at each state, where the weights are the probabilities of each state: U (c1 , c2 , π1 , π2 ) = π1 v (c1 ) + π2 v (c2 ) It satises the independence property, which means that the utility in a given state is independent of the utility in other states. I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Risk aversion Denition We say an agent is risk averse if the expected utility of Review wealth is lower than the utility of expected wealth, Topic 1. Buying if it is higher, and and Selling risk neutral risk lover if it is equal. Topic 2. Intertemporal I Example: Choice I Topic 3. Uncertainty I Contingent BC Preferences Choice Insurance Diversication I I Lottery: 90¿ with probability 1/2, 0¿ with prob 1/2. Utility levels: U($90) = 12, U($0) = 2. Expected utility: EU=1/2*12+1/2*2=7. Expected money value: EM=1/2*90+1/2*0=45. Risk lover consumer Risk lover consumer Risk averse consumer Risk neutral consumer Risk neutral consumer 12 12 EU 7 EU=7 U(45) EU 7 U(45)=EU=7 12 U(45) EU=7 U(45) 2 2 0 45 90 W lh Wealth 2 0 45 90 Wealth 0 45 90 Wea I. Consumer Indierence Curves Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying and Selling Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice I State-contingent consumption plans that give equal expected utility are equally preferred and on the same indierence curve. I Slope of indierence curves: EU = π1 U (c1 ) + π2 U (c2 ) ⇒ dEU = π1 Topic 3. Uncertainty Contingent BC Preferences Choice Insurance Diversication π1 ∂ U (c 2 ) ∂ U (c 1 ) dc1 + π1 dc2 ∂ c1 ∂ c2 ∂ U (c2 ) ∂ U (c 1 ) dc1 + π2 dc2 = 0 ⇒ ∂ c1 ∂ c2 dc2 π1 ∂ U (c1 ) /∂ c1 =− dc1 π2 ∂ U (c2 ) /∂ c2 C2 Indifference curves EU1 < EU2 < EU3 EU3 EU2 EU1 C1 I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Review Topic 1. Buying Choice under uncertainty I The optimal choice under uncertainty is the most preferred aordable state-contingent consumption plan. I In the car insurance example, the optimal consumption and Selling plan is where the slope of indierence curves is tangent Topic 2. to the budget constraint: Intertemporal γ πa ∂ U (ca ) /∂ ca = πna ∂ U (cna ) /∂ cna 1 − γ Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty Contingent BC Preferences Choice Insurance Diversication Cna Most preferred affordable plan m Affordable plans m L m L Ca I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Insurance Fair Insurance Denition fair or competitive Review We say an insurance is Topic 1. Buying economic prot of the insurer is zero, or, equivalently, if the and Selling Topic 2. if the expected ¿ insurance is the probability of the insured state. price of a 1 Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. I Car insurance example: Uncertainty Contingent BC Preferences Choice Insurance Diversication γK |{z} −πa K − (1 − πa ) 0 | {z } = 0 ⇒ γ = πa revenues expected expenditures I If the insurance is fair, the optimal choice of risk-averse consumers is full insurance: πa ∂ U (ca ) /∂ ca πa ∂ U (ca ) ∂ U (cna ) = ⇒ = πna ∂ U (cna ) /∂ cna 1 − πa ∂ ca ∂ cna Hence, for risk averse consumers, ca = cna . I. Consumer Theory Applications Topic 0. Cons Insurance Unfair Insurance Denition unfair Review We say an insurance is Topic 1. Buying expected economic prots. and Selling if the insurer makes positive Topic 2. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. I If the insurance is unfair, the optimal choice of risk-averse consumers is less than full insurance: Uncertainty Contingent BC Preferences Choice Insurance Diversication γK |{z} −π K − (1 − πa ) 0 | a {z } >0⇒ revenues expected expenditures Hence, πa ∂ U (ca )/∂ ca πna ∂ U (cna )/∂ cna γ = 1−γ implies that ∂ U (ca ) ∂ U (cna ) > ∂ ca ∂ cna ca < cna . so, for risk averse consumers, γ πa > 1−γ πna I. Consumer Diversication Theory Applications I Asset diversication typically lowers (or keeps) expected Topic 0. Cons Review earnings in exchange for lowered risk. This is going to Topic 1. Buying be the case as long as the asset prices are not perfectly and Selling Topic 2. correlated across states. Intertemporal Choice Topic 3. Uncertainty Contingent BC Preferences Choice Insurance Diversication I Example: two rms, two states (prob. 1/2), agent with 100 ¿ to spend in rms' share. I I Firm A: shares' cost 10¿, prots per share in state 1 100¿, in state 2 20¿. Firm B: shares' cost 10¿, prots per share in state 1 20¿, in state 2 100¿. Prots in 1 Prots in 2 Expected prots 10 shares of A 10 shares of B 5 of A, 5 of B 200¿ 1000¿ 600¿ 1000¿ 600¿ 200¿ 600¿ 600¿ 600¿