US/EU Relations in the Age of Obama - Swiss

Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce
500 Fifth Avenue, Room 1800, New York NY 10110
Phone: (212) 246-7789 Fax: (212) 246-1366 e-mail:
New York Chapter
US/EU Relations in the Age of Obama
Guest Speaker:
Mr. Niger Innis
National Spokesperson for the Congress of Racial Equality
The presentation is followed by an interview led by
Nina Froriep, President of Clock Wise Productions
And an open Q&A session
Date and Time:
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Registration: 6:00 p.m.
Presentation: 6:30 p.m.
Private Residence of H.E. Ambassador Christoph Bubb
Consul General of Switzerland in New York
640 Park Avenue, 12th floor (at 66th Street)
Cocktails offered by the Consul General of Switzerland
Mr. Niger Innis currently serves as the
National Spokesman for the Congress of Racial
Equality. He works closely with the National
Chairman and represents CORE across the
country. He is a frequent guest on CNN, Fox News
Channel and MSNBC providing insight and analysis
on the day's news events.
In addition to his role with CORE, Mr. Innis is
on the Advisory Committee member of the National
Center for Public Policy Research Project 21. He is
a Founding Member of 3rd. Millennium, an
organization to promote young leaders that will
focus of the problems facing the next generation.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Admission charge is $25 for members, $40 for non-members. Reservations with check or American Express credit card
must be received by Tuesday, January 20, 2009. No refunds for late cancellations; no-shows will be charged. For
inquiries call (212) 246-7789. Mail registration to Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce, 500 Fifth Avenue, Room 1800,
New York NY 10110 or fax to (212) 246-1366.
□ yes
□ no
American Express Card Number
Mr. Niger Innis Biography continued:
In August 1997, Mr. Innis served as a delegate for the 19th American-German Young Leaders
Conference, sponsored by the American Council on Germany and Atlantik Brücke. Mr. Innis was
selected along with 23 other Americans to travel to Hamburg, Germany to meet their German
counterparts to discuss America's relationship with the European Union In the summer of 2000; Mr.
Innis was selected by prominent senior US leaders to serve on the American Delegation to the
weeklong American Swiss Foundation Young Leaders Conference in Zurich, Switzerland.
In 1993, Mr. Innis served as campaign manager for the Roy Innis for Mayor campaign in New
York City's Democratic Party primary. Although the candidate was outspent $3.5 million to $100,000
by the incumbent Mayor David Dinkins, the Innis campaign was able to garner more than 25% of
the vote in the primary.
Prior to his role as National Spokesman, Mr. Innis served in a variety of roles at CORE. In
1991, he was Special Assistant to the National Chairman and Director of Fundraising while acting
as CORE's liaison to the Washington, D.C. chapter. In 1990, Innis was the Coordinator of Political
Affairs while also serving as the Director of CORE's Washington, D.C. chapter. Mr. Innis’
involvement with CORE began in 1990 when he was appointed Deputy Director of the Washington,
D.C. chapter.
Mr. Innis Civil Rights and political activities led to regular and various television and radio
appearances around the world. Mr. Innis has been a guest on CNN, BBC, CBC, Al-Jazeera, Fox
News Channel, ABC News, CBS News; et. In 1996 NBC News launched its 24 hr all news channel,
MSNBC. Upon its launch Mr. Innis was hired to be one of the networks political/social
commentators. He worked there from 1996 through 1999. From 2005 to 2006, Mr. Innis was a
political commentator for National Public Radio. In 2006 and 2007 he was a commentator for the
CNN’s Paula Zahn show.
Mr. Innis attended Georgetown University and pursued a Bachelor of Science degree in
Political Science. While attending the University, he became the Chief Executive Officer of the
Association for the Preservation and Development of the Negro Spiritual. Mr. Innis, born and raised
in Harlem, New York, currently lives in Westchester, New York.