6of!o&.A ~ ;Jt:" 3ft'a",: fEDERAL NEGARIT GAZE,:T A ;"J OF THE FEDERAL DEI,IOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA . . '\ Proclamation No. 72112011 " " , I~ · .' . Urban Lands Lease Holding Proc1amation. ~'..~ ~3ge 6220 \ : . .! PROCLAMATION.No.7211201l, f.. 7':r:: 4:'fC :m,'r,jl1it§ rll,t""Y (I;VI Qt1:~/ n 'Hlt.+ 1'')-'II ,n If', \' (JD (0'''' (.,m ,1>'/'9" ,1, '? :n.l: "'i.Wln rHl.'H-I>,·.r tI.>'.t.~'/: ,'i. quil ,,·r'i.FI: iT'f](\.h :It? (/U')"'/~y·"t· }\ ·-;·/·X' j ()'I-f.}'1'} ; J" ' ~ " ~ -; /. A PROn:AMATION TO PROVIDE FOR LEASE HOLDING OF URBAN LANDS ri/ll1lJ ,f'11 I'm"! ~'P;;' \' OU')""r) '}<;' ll'I(p'} .\ (! olll!"/·1 WHEREAS, it is p;ovide\l bY,Article 40 of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethi opia Ibo t land is the property of the State and the peoples of Etllio pia and that itsuse shall 'be subject to specific regulation by law; - .'. .... -,~ . ; DaD'" V'lt'!: nU-fl·?'u hr,~/'·I·-h..t,{,.. a7.!)J:r-t;" WHEREAS, the sustainable' rapid economic ntu\<>:Y' Oanm) -i l'j 'n "p, "Jt\(Jl' ~/'IlJJ~'r1' r·!·tlnt) growt h registered aciOSS all economic sectors and 6. n )"} ri-.. /I',"U7. 1,.(':1+ ('h -,-"? ou6o'" r,:t,7"'V} regions in th e country has necessitated continuously Otl'l'l:'r"i'C; t111 (1)/'~: J~_t.Jf (lu1Y:t.·I·~· )'.V7" IH;!' -r1n. re D (.:/' }dJ(,f:'l,OVG 'n;!",. }\'} ":Jlfd/J (l·I·~()flC.· (tr,:~'H U·(l:/· ),::'C(1 :/' 9"'\'ii (\.0'1' O"'l.:r-A ),.')"·.<;>,,C nk·l~n· 01'(71'''':'' ,riln.:/, and illCrCJsingly the demand. for urban lqnd which requires such an appropriate adrnipistration that it is efficient and responsive to land resources demand; . . ~ (luUtn·! l\·"I)t\mT (\m-rrt:)· try1 f\~ ')'{h {t:r, l\ffi.',·"'1 (]f)!..:,' f/h '}·flL·)· 'lOJ' /:t. "'/-1' I rml(...}.t; ./,rrj" cH· (\'/·'.(lr\ 1"1'/ ·11I.i' IPG'i'" uu().\";",,, '~IA1..'(; -i'tI,_!'-J:',, :,- illit_'lfl-} {\'j ·';_tJ·9" 1'01'(..+ 11(\(1'/")<;' {'u"(.,:/' 'hn;l'''~Iil''} ""'(1-1'.:)".<;, "'I,P,.;!' 9':)'-'} (\a7t..~1'l' ~aV't1:)"-A feDt..'} ,\t1 ,/·}\}'.c pc'H' (\!7D'I"i~')' f ooAfl?" f,t1'/' ·'if,G o"',"C A}!..---"7 ovuJL:)'(I~ '1- 9: °71]: ~(l'lo,), OUfllY'I,r WIlEHEAS, the prevalenc~ o(good governance' fou~dation al institutional requisite for the dt: \,l.'lnpm~Hl of an d1icicnt, effective, equitable and we!i fun ctioning land and landed property market, the sustenance of a robust free market economy and for building transparent · and accountable lar,d administration system th at ensures the rights and obligatiolls of the lessor and the lesse~; is a " ,.:,' Oi...N·P;J' 6<,P.. t -'1'1: ·v,.'1°ht.f\J'1: tT·(1n.h :if; '>o·t1 i,'H' ?; f UCV) ;h 'l on'/air:/' ). ')O}>i'-o' ODIPt.+ P"'l.h,]'!ta;· ,;j ·m·X:.A:: NOW, THEREFORE, in .accordance with subu.-tiele (2)(a) of Article 55 of the Constitution of the Federa! Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is herby proclaimed as follows: .,..,,6+ n '- ".:> 7· 00 --- -- - -- .:>I~tQ 7'."'."". 'iJti Negarft G. P_O.Box 80001 Unit Price ---- ",J . !" \ -- - - -- - - - L 1~ J...'~ lr l\. ~:Jl.+ ..:m,ill <#I-rC § "'.lie It +1 r~!i ',r Federal Negarit Gazeta No.4 2SCI November, 2011 .... page 622 1 PART ONE GENERAL Short Title 1. .eu h 'I' J:.' " I'b 'I'''') f1;V} 1111.1/ },<I'y!: '1:1'C fIIw n Y1l This Proclamation may be cited as the "Urban Lands Lease Holding Proclamation No. 721 /2011. fro") 'i,xr.ii/lUi.ii" '/"011" tun'h, .e:HAu 2. In this Proclamation unless the. context otherwise req uires: r :PI'I, },1il'fl IV\ ;rC'r'F' P"'l.omw· l'Atr'I (1(1'/"1'(; (W.t! }!'f':~: OJ·fl'l':- ii! "tl.1!" On ,} (17.1~ (1""»'. (1 m'A (TnU'!.')· rh·/·"'! (1)' 1'01'111-"1'" on,rH' r O?,1:}(H' fOvt.,.} .ell;/' flu')' "O"! !J./ " PII'I'",) f1;J-" "')fI·'" IIh1'",) MrP.f.t-'1? roll'} bAA (j}'J'i'l' P"'!1'f uu,;,.)· ~(j}' I ")H""i" °7t1·(, "'III:JJ>; n,·)· r·":1.'!~ {m n+ aJJ~9° Ni'i. w.e'F' IIIU' f1~ .e f lJ1lll ,,:'re .p(\w''l IlIt.v (IJ.J'i'1' HOan.y. f"'l.If'taJ< fOal< ;).eA /lu/·nC'l Ql"f," fllJ", P'tr ~.e {""O"'!,:, tr'," I 11 "lease" means ' a system of land tenure by which the right of use of urban land is acquired under a . contract ' of a de finite period; 2/ " urban land" means land located within an administrative boundary of an urban center; 3/ "urban center" means any locality having a municipal administration or a population size of2000 or more inhabitants of which at least 50% of its labor. force is engaged in nonagricultural aClivities; 4/ "region" means any state referred to under Articl e 47(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; "pll'I·n'l (,J'i'I'P'y'C" "7t1 ,). P}\)!,(, (,nil 11,/·"'1 M"·P,Y.C w.e'F' i'J':t.,P,'P h-""'! itl'1-!'P,l,C 'wl·I ' 5/ "city administratio~" '~~ans the Addis Ababa "}\"]IHI .pAm' hllA" "'11'1')' ('11'1'''7 fl)"i t."?fI·l·i;f.C'l I'I"'IA"'I')' /"A((/'i P·/'I' mm· rhAA mj!,'F', ph'I'''7 6/ f°'1:I;~n·} iii Definitions (\11'111. ~aJ,r " bAA" "'11'1'(' nh,·!-r·i\·.f t".Q"tr',,/; P,. 'f" t/t·n..r"T: uT·IlI'l.h ,~,'I h','l'x' ~~/;( k" ) r " 'aJ)f\h"'O>' un'} "I/"'(' ~ri·;:tD·9u llClA 1m·I i,',' j CitY Administration or the Dire Dawa City Administration; , ' "appropriate b~dy" ine~s a body of a region or a city administration vested with the power to aaminisler and develop urban land; ;·dl·l·~ J?.C ~\}lt\ 'IO)'! 'f,/ "r.MI,n 'j':/>9"" "'11'1'(' n-,,'I')' (IJ.e'F' n'I'1I'1'1'u ""·J7.!'; ,MI(1'.('· 00°10:1' ~.e .1',1'1'(1/"> ' l'in:P"'/y)- 1'I"'/t,.77'1''l "'l'i Otr )!,;, it,b<;''''l..f'C A"'/')"> n'l,nl.e~ ;I· 1'I"'I1An:I' ,,"]'1'(1 .fI'lQJ< ,,1,/.\ niH' n'lOJ' T~'J O1''''t,.), {';"ll ,n 'I")''F' .(]I'I" P"'l.IDcli Q)· ('uPfo·(· l"n:!""'F' im·I if " (' b·I·D·1 T'\'}" "'ltl·)· /~A"l'i ~flOl' J."A relj',,'l>!"." U.:JfP' ·'"6.Cf cPl.i·1" YAm- {'h-"'''I 7/ 8/ ull f{·;h~·(i: T'I'}T S')',',l}n. A",/:,' T'l.'i GJ.e,9 u C/)u"'l.;J·(1! T"~} ".If'} '\Ilt fl 6U·tj: ""II("('J' !":r-') ,ea.L7"t·AJ "public interest" means the use of land defined as such by , the decision of the appropriate body in confonnity with urban plan in order to ensure the interest of the people to acquire direct or indirect benefits from the use ' of the land and to consolidate sustainable socio-economic development; "urban plan" means structural plan, local development plan"or basic plan of nn urban cen ter includi ng annexed descriptive documents which arc legally cndor~cd by the authorized body ano have legally binding effect; t.. r~Ir A ~,, ~ o). ?ILt11 oft°re .2 1~C !~ .f'} r ·(i.Q 'l.r " W,4;J' " "711:/' ,'h,""7 r{/V~+ y-,';J ' (j 'lOt rOJ',~·.\:' C ,...-c'}·l· 1I"Y.,w/lI· \'(1). X';:'C ODllt.C,r, :f· ODflL+ M'I to Auoz.tnm· "'6"1,t-:-;:' rh1'''7 out-'r 111\.11 ruoz.·H A"-II -'/. llA 'r ~m'l Federal Ncgarit Gazeta No.4 2Sdr. November, 2011 ... . page 91 " tender" means a modality of transferring lease of urban land to a bid winner fu'filling .,;,. \. ' . '. " :.' .. the competition r~qu.irements issued based on . - " .'-, . .' the rule of mark~ .Cjl!,~, of urban land ; , ; tenure; ( ..~ . '\ '." ~J , ' . . '; II . "Y" .1'.1]" "'lA'!' II bL1. L;I' I\. (H ',,'/);. A"'l y-:r·t\, ·t,!~u'l·l· {'IH''''/ {1;J' II I\. '1/ r "'l. ,01' .t:. II '/' (j A .). ~ (D' r "rtvif UfJ'/'rf 'PrO)" IPItvl' 'ptj" 'l'l) roue'lc.: .. ,' A"?:" h Q)·:)·c::f· f(IDIlC'U' ma.1.'t T ~~C ")'I~;J09':f' ql\,n,'· hljqn. f"'L~o). "/') fJ;I , 7':[.<;, 'l'fl("Y'~"'I I\"?'Ifl'} r"'LJ'Il.,t:\1(J)o'l wmS 1'I'/·~ll.7':l~ f"'Lh.l.A I, ~n ~... I\./'d'· 1,"I~'n )'~'1:"" oupt,C ·y·:r·'I ;l·fln. ),,,,(.'1 fOVi,,'" f1\.1/ 'P.? ~",'I '.~ " (·H~;J' 'I,IL " °71'1')' ont. ,], Ot\.11 P,/,tA' f.(\ :I· nO" ['uDi.",:'t ['1'1,11 ,1-5:'00 )J't',f' 1IIIt,II f1;\'~ (1I'},o.,,: oul/&.A )'1'111 ')"1 uoh.,A h(f,,;e:(/D?~ (It.·} hh'i:)' ~I\ 1ft;' 1.1 ,',A .e [""U, 'I'.\:' 1\ ,], [' M.:.e:) , '/.IL ;m'I u11'1')' f'ii·t~·" 1l;l")P,CY.' P01>t.')·'i' (fPt.,} ~h oP(.jf I1;VI!lC,l;- Q)}'.9" I\.~ un~:Q), r . Il;l''I!; C J:­ "fI:VtP,CY:" m}'.~ ;aJo1 12/ ", ;_ tender; '--' , .. :. . 1M VYI\')' fl(1;1 'OI' ~.e II u·fI 0..', ' h'I' &"/' '''''' "I'1~;I' w.e9" ,l.'t~ n.J"11I l' UPlP':,]' Po.. oPpo..'l'<;, (' /l"'} 11;1 , t\U?lww'l r"'L./'fl1"t\, fl' ,,'1 11 (. f "? -II ~ p t- "'I til 'i' .,,:j> ;.,. 1 -n . (fP'/.U"C " l'~ i . . ! '. , I II "lease benchmark price'!' means the threshold price determined by taking into account the of infrastructural development, cost demolition cost as well as compensation to be paid to displaced persons in case of built up areas, and ether relevant factors; , .:'c ~ j~ '~"·r~) ·l; I r.) ·~ ? }" 121 "grace period" "means ,a time 'frame that a lessee is relieved from , payment after effecting the advance lease payment and before the commencement of the annual lease payment; ' 13/ "standard" means .parceling standard or standard of real Property data base or any other standard; . :.... ::.(.. ': ;'~ . .'. ,"':: '. " ""n~;J' " , ' :". 10/ "aIlOlment" means a modality . applied for providing urban lands by lease to institutions that could not be accommodated by way of .;, IE/ 6222 ~ r , .'., I. 141 "construction ' start·up" rp.ean~ 'the .construction of at least the foundation and" erection of reenforcement bars' (0 _: cast' .' coJunms of the penni ned constl:ucti9n Ar,~uild,ing on the place; " -f· , .," -, :.. :'. ', . ~. ,.; ,n" ". 'O:.'~ ~~~" ... \. , lSI "completion 'of" foundation" . means "fouw(.,], "l'}~;J' "?m'i'~';Y" "'11'1',' fl.,,;· au II (.:/, l"I"ia,. "n '1;1 , uv,:.,,' 'I'<l'<;:~ ""''', no"'{\. hc u 7;J- r'r'l"~T fwilA po..(1}' r·/'tn'i'""r'i' fonJ':opC)'w, OJI'IA "1Y:"I!l '?'}~;I'Q)' r,,·;e:01>(.n·} ~"'1 V) '(i.~ !'l.V"; fupu'(.,':'H ['1111',:),,'; (\"1(..1' cu·:J·£: (w'/.J'ftt,A '/o Cl:I,~o·rooJ rt· "?m<;,;' ;YJ 1\ ) construction phase based on whereby the , ."building , site reinforcement J concrete is .•filled -.J. " floor is completed"and erectiOn wall is started; '. ' -;, .". \, '. ; , .....'. ' 16/ "half-completion of construction" ' .., a) b) foow(.,"'}'i' hm 'H'llll' ",,11'1' ,7(101)'Y' rOY.If',..)·'} cJ tA (j'U'I' !'l.U") I'V'''·'}?" '011" 1':)" h't)',h"IIJ(I' (jIW 't(M h'}-i'7.: .,,0.. t.J'.. A (V) wi!.?" (II) "J'}IJ:)' O"'(/Dllh'I'''' J'.(.jf "?m<;,'r~'T means: in the case of a villa, .completion of in the case of a multi-story building, completion of fOl)1ldation and 50% of the total number of slabs~ ~r floor' ['(It\.;J' p t , "'lm<;"I'~'T m.e9" ,h ) ~< . ,~ fo undation,. columns and tqp beam; or ' ... ' . c::" ,tlf·t wM":)" ... ' , the the plan is . dug, in and its of its first .' ! ' ;- 1'';)' ~. , . ". . . in the case of a.reale~tate development, completion of the construction phase referred to, as the case ' may be, in paragraph (a) or (b) of this sub-article relating to the entire blocks. t.'. Ir A ~;> t'l ' ..?/LtTl ir'T'C i 1)\C lX ""} .t'i'l§ 'l. V"" .Iil naP'''. an/u/.,·:t·r; lPLf Tt; h1A-Jf\",f·":j, 1/·/~: "'IJ',:l"/ laJ·f T5':1 If!! 181 "old possession" ~eanS a pl%fland legally acquired before the Urban center entered into the leasehold system' or a ·land provided as compensation in kind to persons evicted from old possession; " ~!]c .e/l;J'· "711'} Ph'i' '''l (1;J' Ot\.11 I'iC'l'} uIJ·l·P't.C hUD~UD{, Ot.-I· oa, ,?1~ ur>'i'L~: P"·J'lIm.e'!" 11.11 'J''']!] t.'e tn1"t 11;>'1 flilJC J'.)I;)' 'l·',Ii. {J'!":H, f'/'r'lm (1;J' ~(Il.:r "f"'lH.h'ft')"1 h,'}f,.I'i '!-t (1Y' "7t..:{. (JOlJt, 'I' ~,m:p,/>,!" 1,,\,) (lOr'lL'} t..°'/'/'''.[l'l't')''1 h. V;.r'l·I·t ~,1A "lfl o ,} P" . iJ IiI\ (]J .e'l0 I' 'f·lI.? ~ (]J J'.'!" r-l'r'l m 201 "mega real estate" a housing . ' . . means . . development involying of at least I ,000. resid~~iial u~its" with a view to alleviating the shortage of housing in urban centers by way of sell or ient;·' ""llf·": ('A {J-j;.} " "71\-} {Jh',·'l":Y' lJ)'I'i'!' ('''V'fm''} rUDer tJ' (J,'} :Y·"}c II. UD L 'i; II. 'til ,.J:" (]J J'. '!" fill. t. J'. h 1 A '?I\o,} r"'l,lJ)·l\. f1.f'lI'i hii7i. ,e 'I 'dl' (J"y.:r.,) {''''I.'WI rfL·r·:Y· A"7'I' ~IJ),r 'r ?'iii/ "M· "'lfl'I' 2 II "projects having special , national significance" means development projects having outstanding contributions ' in the success of the country's growth and transfonnation, or projects wb ich; in the course of expanding the country's cooperative. relations with other countries, are . intended to lay ' strong foundation for '· the relations between the V1t.'T~ </.,ePo .1'<\'1'01' TC'J>:h,n'," M>.'H' Po.l' OJ':1'H' ,I·t. '}{JG: C"'l'ri'} M;,/'"': tim''!' r"'l..I' tJD m, rA "'l-)' TC').>:t/'l':Y'T (JJ,e'}u r'}-cHIC UDfI 1t:Y' II. "'l M · ,/. {]"'I. U 1· h ,}.pl'i;l' Ib!-" '{. V1t'{: hll"l\·:r· U1C'1' .?c I\O'IS t.-r(,-,.Yj f\ "IT';,',·) '{'P,. Tr.' !':h,y.:j'· UD'JJL')' <;'I'a),1 '(,'f./ ""'l. ~.I'i'L· C" 7\)·~:1·"· "7t.. ,). rh'I'''7 rlt'I{].'(·t.h7i'} "'I.'I.I'I'I;C ~(JJ'1 tEl I';)' countries; 221 "Ministry" means , the " M,inistry of Urban Development and Construction; A "'l~' r, , "om· " "7(1':1' "'l'F':o)''!" f'hi.'!'C' (lm· a),!:'.,!" 0,,,"/ rflat'i')' {lV,(] 'I' P'h'lmOl' "'l'}~:(ll'9u {](]J'}Y.' , :) ~~'; ' I ."... ~';. 23/ "person" means any ,natural or juridical person; 241 any expression in ,the masculine gender includes the feminine, ~\!JA ~m'I ?lii/ ~ ., ' . ' 191 "manufacturing .industry , premise" means plots of land reserved, developed or allotted, in accordance wiih lIie lilrjd use plan, for use of manufacturing industry; , (1;J' ~aJo1 7.11 6223 171 "completion of constniction'! means the full completion of a building and make it ready for use by i~ialling basic utilities in accordance with ': the", issued construction pennit on a land permitted by lease; "on'1)' "'Im<;'4"p" "'III')' 111\.11 (,·N.'I't. fl)· ~J', 1.1 .... 1)11 f'rJ.-tt.1 "nl1;Jn'himar r-n'l;J- 6,:1'1: -ill'} -II· '/·":I.t",·O)·I\·/· IIh1A'1I\"} " Federal Negarit G:u.cta No.4 2SCIt. November. 201l .... page f':J' r-J'1t\O(ll' flb'l' '} '!" J'. (,1:1, '!" t. A:r e. r-rVl"'l,~'r ro t'\') J'.V h'l':r:: fll'f'''7 (1;1'1 {]"'l.OOfllJ·} 1Ih,7'f' k.l' (j)'I'i'!' CJfI. "7r,~:0I''JD h-r'l"1' 'hI. Y"'I.H· f-erL'PA" 3. Scope of Application This Proclamation shall be applicable to all urban centers with in Ethiopia with regard to urban land, ,. I I I I,' ...' , " ·' 'JIi li'tfItfi J.,.f.lrA ~?/.-r "lL~ .fI1'C § 1~C 1: 'r") flt§ ~.9" Federal Negarit Gazda NO.4 28* November, 2011 .... page 6224 PART TWO FUNDAMENTAL PRlNCJPLES OF LEASE ii. 4. /l1.p~~ {i/ General fIH'''? (l;V} f{]lJ/l1'/'9" (]lJlI'''' 111\." f"7,&.'i'J'.GJ· AU111l' f?t- '1"}9"c,' /,V!.m·A A"7J':t.°l J!,IfCJA:: The right to use of urban land by lease shall be pennitted in order to realize the common interest and development of the people. 1'1\.11 m,t.;1· ~"}C(l,}c,' I'UO,:,.)· MIIlJ'I' (JC'H; "IA?'H·C; "'/l1,f'4Y", f·HI1·A 11"7.1:'1'."1 ' aO'(Jc,"}C; ,II A ii· Mt-O II{]lJMhA h'•.t:·l\" fll.'j h'},<;.If'} •UO 7. I'. "I 11 A(J 21 The offer of lease tender and land delivery system shall adhere to the principles of transparency and accountability and thereby preventing corrupt practices and abuses to ensure impartiality in ,the process . oY:','r N/ 'r :: r./ mt.;1' faD':' ,,"} rw'}"" 'P? I' "2, ,r M ') {]lJ1f I A l\ (J 2/ rh,,'''? (l;J' MIlJ'I' (JC'H; rU1j(J"}c,' I'll'!' '1" T '} 'I' ·1' 9" flo/'''' "2, ~ ,.,. (J °UI h (J C rh1'''7 A "7'/'1 lI"7oj'/l1'}CJ ~"""'e (J1I'~ (7l"}'I.~: 'ra po t :r (l}< ill fAa,·",·'I' value ofland. 41 The urban land delivery system shall give 'l'III}':,,)· fl,+ uo ,!' '1/" au ~ '" .f: 5. Prohibition of Land Possession and Permission other than Lease Holding ' fl~11") · hnj"7'l.~')' il(IaohAhI\· 1i/ I.'H'?' r, Y:'}?1,?'1' h'}7.'/·rn(J·/: If'] "71~'m'9" t'lw' ffH'O? {]lJ':'-1-'} fill.ll ~\'P;':: h'/·7.~·l'la'· 1'1\.11 po C '} ", m· lXI, OV j' 1/ A f, :). A '1" a '1./ t'lm· A"lfJ'(J IllIa,· AlIA t.:Jo Y: t}j'7') fiU?'eH h,f'II(J1' J!,1';1' 'II jll'} rh-r"7 (l,+ M4.~.y. ovht\AC; /lU111</'9 D Af,'fA'1"1I I'II.U 31 Tender shall reflect the 'prevailing transaction priority to the interests of the public and urban centers to ', ensure rapid urban development ,and equitable benefits of citizcns and thereby ensure the sustainability of the country's development. (JU?I.,77'P I'Ll1t'I:} A"? ')' r"'l.,r t.,'J"l'P anti"} AAII,I':: ht\, '1/ /, ', .; II ~\'P;':: "7'}<;'m·9" II Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 6 of this Proclamation,. no person may acquire urban land other than the lease holding system provided under this Proclamation. 21 No person may ~clo~e , an,d use any plot of land adjacent to _his , - lawful possession without the perIJlission , of. the appropriate body. ~I ', ,. '" .':' J L"., ':'i,":'l" -' ." 31 No region or city administration may pennit , r.; §/ "7'g'",.9" hAA wf,9" I'M''''I MIT J\y.C rlll.ll M'.~ tH'7.~11OJ· 0)'61.1. {'fHO? /lU~.}'} an'!:./' .t:. wJ!,';U "7(1'/' , f)M: ~.j!. :-{·tI '/":: or transfer urban land in 'a manner contrary to the provisions of this Proclamation. 1I"'w(t~ 41 Regional cabinets may speeil)' urban centers 1.1~ '/'t.l\"'~ ttf,lfl h'H.~ f, f°'l.J~t. "lfJ:fm·'} h'/''1''1' I\.wM· f,';i-f)t\.11 1f'l9D M')f. h 7S (J'r "', 9" C' 0"7 ') ?,' GJ· 90 h'I'"? '1 j!. 'I·t.X"2, II}!. 7. t. "1 to which this -,-, Proclamation remain inapplicable for a certam period; provided, however, that such transitional period, with in which the Proclamation remain inapplicable in any urban center, may not be more than five years starting from the date of the coming into force of this Proclamation. rhAl\·:r- Ilru?':j'· f,U h'l';':: r. I\.<fo j!. (''''{''i',~rH' j'apii:J'ltJ' fl/.'/"tl,r ,}m',I' i\.(JtI'I' Af,:r'A9"" ·I.IL ., '=-- - 11." l /U.'.tll'[,- ?if l...J'vt-A );;t·} .? -liTe Q 'lP'C Xt <1'0) M?Ui <}.~ Federal Ncgarit Gazeta No.4 28111 - November, 2011 . " page nll.1I ~'H'r.· '1MI ~\'Hr.' fiJi 1"I'{]I'fI /)./;,/, 11'1',/0:)'. n{]I'i'i:rlt)' 1.1~O)· a)'ll'r rtl'i'O? r;v} tl,Om· 1"'1.1'1\,'''' Or.f.\,L;Jf- iJ'<; t:\:: r f,Q,L;J'OJ' oP~ i'j 'I' ;J'l" 1'~\tlflO,OJ' "OD;)''C I'r;J' Il&.'c' 'l'oP'} ,eU'<; t.\:: ',flC g,lf;:l,,v'1' Glf. fI,11 rt,), M"'l."'I'~,n,'" 51 Urban centers Jeferred to in sub-article (4) of ' . .. -;' r ·o ." this Article imiy;' within ' the transitional period, pennit urban land holding through tender. The bid bench mark shan be the annual land ~ rent of the 10Clllity. o. Conversion of Old Possessions to Lease HOlding "-' , IN.;!' Ii! 'Inc; f',I':J'fl,:r, (/),1'.1'1.11 /"&'), 1'''7,'/'(' II ' The modalily of ~onverting old possessions into lease hold shall be determined by the Council of Ministers on the basis of a detailed study to be submined by the Ministry; provided however, that the process of such study may not preclude a revisi on of the existing rental rale applicable to old possessions. : ~,n+ IN,;J' "'i~.t1'l:1' nOV"I-CIIOl' llC llC 'l'<;:/' 'If- 'l,uorC,r, O"2.~(}')'r.':r· 'l"lle ~~ f-mo<;t:\p iJ'~'l" I''l'<;'b 'I,y":/' 1"/flC h.&.f-'/'oo'} oPIIM'} ll.e II 1'1 Il t.\ 'l":: V nl!.U ~,'}</<?; '}O'(} i','}</>?;, (ii)UlJwL'} ~qC,11 (J'''L'I,(',;,n,), m·H ' II i\7 C M'lj; Y..L):f N.:\ 02. h'} "l, U"} n "2.?Y:'I'o), (};:l"}J\ CY.:<; ntH' °701' T'I'} oPt"L'}' O"2.1.L"J 7i'}i'j'i }'.ll:J'P':)" r"'l. '1-'11'1 f-I I ;). i aJf-'l" 1'''2.('Q,UDC I'h·/''''I (1;)' o/."C:- 21 Where parceling of plots of urban land in accordance . with ' ,the,' approved national standard and the \ll'Qan 'p lan, in the course of converting old, pos~essions into ' lease hold pursuant to ' sub-article (1) of. this Article, results in the reduction or increase of the size of a plot: ' tlJ', fI"?~<'I 'H1L '} l,oJfl;n flfllIl' a,"J tIPU't.,), v) h'''l.T',om· f-I I ;)' a) 1'1 ) (\'''Lr,I;j,UDLor .ell;)' 1'''2. 6.?' 00 OJ· tl"':Y (M.ll ~\'?fl'lI .e(}'/·<;1P,t\:: i §j I'II.V (,'}</'?;' '}M, (,'}</'?;' (li) S:'};J'b n. 'lC9u mCJc .ell;)' 'I.e 1'06.t. 'Hlt.,), fll'l~'}'H' hm·Ctt "Ott.,.·/,C O"'l'i':/~lIl''l'' (1ll 'i1f: I'It'1.'I i)m· h,I''11'16. 'J'Ot.,/: 1"/''1 1'1(..1'1:/. (Jm· 1'11 ;)'0>' fl'U~I';)' fI.U"} 1'''7, :1"flO1' IIA.': /~t,}· ool)/"}' Y,l1'<;t\:: (,"}fl~ fll'llIl' (,~A <'I.e6."'~ I'''''I~ .1',11;)' 9':)"'} rC'H fI"'Itt/l/ hAtl°1'·<j' I'h,/-"'I >,rH'p' J'.C'i·· 1'''2..1' GJ Ifl. :-':OJ·'} hh,/·qo:r- TI\'}.,. h 'Ii'} '1't iJ;V}P, C.1:' (, /'IC '/'<I'CJ.e ~,), 1''''1.Y'''j>'. f-1 1;)'P':l" (]tt, 11 rt')· J?,')(1:r· F. I ,!. t t F r I '/'h,)'I'I" f-'/' p, ~&'fI·:: compensation shall be paid in accordance with the appropriate law for any property to be removed from the land so reduced; or 11"1 J~1t6,'1t:\r aJf-'l" Ef 6225 b) 31 the payment to be made for the additional land obtained shall be treated in confonnity with the relevant lease principles. Notwithstanding th~ provisions of sub-article (1) of this Article,where a property attached on an old poss~~~ipn i~ transrerred to a third party through ' 'any modahty other than inheritance, ,the person to whome the property is transferred becomes the possessor through lease holding. 41 In order to" " re~larize possessions held without the authorization of the appropriate body, the possessions which have found to be acceptable in accordance with urban plans and parceling , standard, following the regulations to be issued by regions and city administrations, ,shall ,be administered by lease holding. ,;"'; . ;d I.... f . t.t\ ;.7~ ,r· ?tI/'1 <Ir'l'C ~ 1 ~C IS ol'1 ~i'lQ 'l .r Fc&ral Negaril Gazela No,~ , 2S~ . ~ov~lJlbcr. 2011 .... page (J1/.lJ ~,'Hr, 1M) ~\'H".. (2) uor'l':'} (J h MI" :}". r, (J h-t·"'/ htH"'" f.C:Y· r a 7 r'l ' 1. 11tll'l··U. ,). ,,.,1. '/"'1. raY.II"/"'· J~ I; M':0 11°'l.)\~'(J'} 'f"> 'F..'l"C fjl'lGl' f')· ,}ao,1' m'lI'!' ,(];!: J!,lfr, t\:: . ('if 6226 51 The regularizal,i,op process lobe undertaken by regions " and ,t ci!), ; administration in . accordance willi sub.~article (4) oflhis Article shall only be effective with in four years of the coming into force afthis Proclamation, ~ };-:~I" " ' l iC) 'tfr- " ~ ' ~" ",' ,1.'_:" ,. .... ~, !- • .!...Jo , ,,"~'...'jM ,.:.,• .:._ , ...' ~ _ .:·'. 'f,f 61 ~f]C ,r.lf;)·r, PI\.11 J!,lf;!. ~\H. ·I'I\,"t\ ,!"r~: 'I'C(l .elf;J·OJ· >, '}-':.''''''''t\ h,,·t.'I' Yo .elf;rm· ' (JI\. 1/ <"'b'I' . .e'/'P, Y.,:.t\:: m-p"" XI .. Where an application to merge an old possession with a lease hold is permitted, the entire possessiQn ' ;shalL; be .:administered as' lease hold tenure. ~::' ''~' . ""!':' . ,; , .. ~' '''' · .f "". (W.O i,,-r?,' aor'l.:,l· lilY. 1\.11 <"'b'I' I' "?:I 11' .ell)' J" :Y.'} (J,/--uol'l h ' ,· ' 1' 6.)\°'1. {''''!.If'/OJ· {'I\. 11 n<;:,I' aom'} (JAl]fj(l.(IJ· 1'1\. '1/ {II'i'(i 'I','} UP'''': 'I' .eU' 'i't\: : ., 7. rh-t""l (l;)' 01\.11 Muo'j:'" j'; h",07(1}' 'r,,'} Nl(l}' r'l.lf' ' ; : ~f A !~ :l '~'. ~: ' i . , I , Leasehold Permit of Urban Land " 11 if its use is in conformi!), with the urban plan n"i·, r(l)' i,m:J"/'9" ,f:'}:n h,,·070>' 'f'l'} {'1\,1'I111' r'l.lf'} ht\r'l·/D.e9° rh·I'°Y A{f'I' ~;y'~. {''''lymolo)''} f.'H] (]unh'I·t\I 7-.r, "' ,'(-- . ' < ' ; ' ~" ~ ~" ~'; ',' . An urban land shall be pennitted to be held by leasehold: rh ,/',,:! (l;J' (JI\. 11 7-.VU'll f''''l.6.'I'f..a;·:- iii ~~. ';) . 71 The lease rat.~s, ipphC~bl~ ;1'0 possessions converted into lease' hold tenures pursuant to the provisions of. this Article shall be the lease bench mark price of the locality, guidelines or. ::iLthe ·urban center does not have such guideli;les; ' as per the regulations issued by .{ the : .:region , or the ci!)' administration; and ; ' . t- ;\ ' :i' •• ~ I~', ; " ~ , 21 throu~ :r,e ~~~~~f ?l'~ender or allotment. '. r +,' ! ;::, ,,~. 8. " i,"lfj,(] lif Urban Lands Prepa~~d' fci'r :Tender The approp ri~te bp~:f ,shall ascertain that: .rl\m· i,!jt\:- 1\ (,r.l.':;)' {"!'II,'}7>~ rh ' I'",] (l;J'J":r. {\a,'II,n .e4.. haoy.':,:J'r'(IJ· (J6.')·:- ,.' , ' j II prior to, ad ,:ertiz~(i!rbari lands prepared for tender, the lands:' .'\ " ' :; ' : '.'i • i t , • ~ lJ) jl'Ti~'(1J'9u (' J',1fj~'t\ '\'J' -I: ill a) are free·frQrn. legal9lairtls of any party; " l aOI)'r,'I:m·'H 1\ ) ' .. , ", '" . ' .. . i " ,~, ,.~ I. h , T", rh-t·"'/OJ·' ,/--h"I-I\O)· p./,,, ,'}if. uolfr,":O)· 'n . -:, " " '" '" ~~ , I i: ~'.' :' . . ;' are prepared i;t,89I)fo~ity with the urban plan; c) have access to basic infrastructure; :· d) are parceled; 'delineated; assigned with unique parcel identificationl1l1l11bcrs; e) have.. sit~:~ plans., and . fulfill other necess~ p~~condit\ons; and <- . .... '/, ) ",, ) (1lJ u.>':;)· 'P. I' uo /J'': ./. t\ "'] .} i. OJ' ;) ' C':" ~,;"C(l;" .r":1:0I· m·U"J·'H ,I"li'j'ti'/I'" M'I:m·r, ['(",1'1 A[~ r"/'rI(~;':{1)· lP) )':'}:J)', ")·n (" H'I, OD(}'r,":a>·'H ~' "'1.1 anv','" 'h'i ,' r'ii'}'tj'i a u <\)" -I:'rc l)J!,:t· T"ir"1\,<\"'1'. Al'1',"1. ~',\','nv V·~,;1·?"·)'· r"'II,?)!:":':a>' . b) ~ , ', ' ' \: . , \,. /:t . :'~ " , '~ ' 7' 'i ' . , ~, > .- -. ' , -' 111 the teJ;lder ,proce~s , is implemented in manner that secures the appropriate price o the land : following . t4e ruleS of transparency . \ . ' . A ., .. ' and accountability, " .,'. , .. . . ', I " . .. , 21 f ('hl.I.;J'ar ht.lI~ 9" "I A;r.'~ .)-C;' 'I'mJ' 4:~')' 11/\001' h"'boC I'UDt,·/,·' :/·hhfl'i' '1';> n"'u t'J1 '5 UD A h- UD h t;' w}· n "" I. ;> 7'T' fi. i, /\ n,). :: "~ I, '. /l1Xb1.;J' l"I'II;>i; I'h-l""1 jl;J: UDI.1{P'1, /\bf.l.I.;J: I''''II;>~ jlj'') I'''Y.UD /\h-'1' UDI."f. I'jlj'w· ')' Y.1."f.T 1'/\.11 01'~'It' 'P ;>·co 1t"lIl·m·'" .1''1'1'0,. tl.lI°'f lIC'IIC UDI."f. 7'1'" 00.1'11 hllO')'" !U /\ (.Q,t.;J . I"/'II;>~ rh"''''1 jl;J' I""M I't\ "1 :1- ""CI· ",·n cr, I'll t.lIl\9" ()fI. }; II The ,,>~f~~~tiO~: ;~lating: ',to urban land prepared for tender, shall · contain the land grade, the lease benclmiark price and othe detailed relevant datas. ' 21 hif~ fA"'/'''' auC'!' (t tI. P, 01' (J au 1.11'or I'''Y. J'M,A 1 OJ· I'i', t.lI ~ 9" '?111, 'I '. 9. Information Relating to Urban Lands Prepared for Tender ~ Ii' ' :', ,",'. :~ ," rh.,."" til j w, t'! 'T' h VI. I] .,. ..,. J'. Y. I. ,'J A :: Where the : urban land prepared for tende requires a special development program and implementation action plan, such devel op ment program and action .,plan shall be included in the inforinatiOli:·· . . . ;; ,,. , ; I. /I('!), I.;.r 1'''?,1'crr · ph¥'! jl;J'P''f- (J:"1:') /11)1 ioil &1. f!/I "" 1:1."1 !il A"Ifl11 J''I'I'w· U) r t. ,.,. (JD 10. 1/ The appropriate bQdiesshall: :, . J hIl'lT" h ;PCp.}' ' .1, ~2 .r .cl <j; '\ H r "2-~ ~ "} II 'far'} I' to. "'I:rI.'''' 0 "'I 1: I. "} or '} (JD oj, a) '} 'i HI- ~ ..,. au iI au fI II m.l.;1' I' "2(JDm') 001'11 Jwm")'') rh1""'1 (l;)' H 61-P,'far'} IIU11{1 J'.i· 'hco fi:r "'I~I.,,}I ':.. ;, ';'r .·;.'· :"'~1 n/I.U "",~ l,''''';r.· Ii 1'.,.00/1 h·I,')·" UDI."f.7'1· all/n· n4''1/\, /\ ..I' 1;;':fOr h '}P" l' A "'I Y: ~ '71 A ('\fFf: OJ'" 21 i,"I'I'(I J''I;I'o>' i,II'I')' i,H'X' -)().(I i,')4> x' (Ii) 0'''''1. .). II Ull'(J i. J ~1. ·H··1 )..1-P,;far'} '/'h'}lIar w;P·/',. fmn'~ 1'01' .e t"c' i,·pcn·'" ;~:~:." ; .. . ' b) make the information referred to in Article 9 of thiS P~oclamation easily accessible to the public. /\) ~/ r·j ~t ·, l: •• ! ·"·.~ ":; based on the demand for urban land and devel,0I''P.~!lt ,.I~rioriti~,. pu~licize their annual plans indicating the quantity of urban .land to be preseltte!i for tender; and )"'l-;;S'c f''''IY:I. "' ?'\&.H The appropriate bodies shall be responsible fo r ensuring the .Jimcly . supply of urban land in accordance' with the. plans publicized pursuant 10 sub-article(ij oj-ibis Article. hMF/'OJ'" 11. Ili. . ' : ... Tender Process' , .. ~ ~" \~., ~ r al,l.j' 'I,f.·)· iii V :·.. •__ ;-, '.l l:' t: 1t'?iJ ·n NIW' 1tI]A 1'/\,11 {,I~,I.;J· /\"'/1] '/.S.: 1'(.T.l.I.;J: "'UI;J:CD-!:J' "'lOl'fl!')' t;' 1'(.hl.I.;J' MJ:' Oon'l' 1ttlll,,,,,, I'ml.;J· ()~J:' 7iJ'"V' (J(.T.l.I.;J:OI' /100ft 1" -.: f' "Y. t. A 'r IJ' fl· (10/' 'I /I, (J "Y. J"l ~ 001, A'? iJ 11 I' "Y. t. 09" J'. if 'I t\1 if '19'" 1t" J:' ' 1'''''1./,·:),' 1\i,'}Y: n;J' !iil'}Y: ('(.1,1,/.;)' ()'I.~· n'lJ'. (JUD,?',')' auwP,Y.C (I.e :1" A 9":: .,i.,---,-_ _ _____. ______ .._.___ . ... '._ ....,... _ II ~;'-'f . · . :. '<', The ; appfopriate . body ' shall advertize lease tender and forthwith put bid documents on sale. . '~" \:' '«') '1 ':: ,,~\ - ; ;. ; . J ·"1A '.~ i :h 21 The sale "of bid .documents shaIl be in a manner accessible to anyone willing to bid; provided, ·however,that no single bidder'may be · allowed to. buy more than one bid document for the same plot. '11> iltHtt EI 6-.Y.(rA Ut.·} ;m.t'1l 4l'l'C Q ...,xc I~ .,., Eli!? 'l.r" Federal Negarit Gazcla No.4 28111 November. 2011 .," page 3/ Pm.I.;J· "7I'1hOc.!' Of'm'} mIAl\·;r·" (J h'/'''7 l,I'I'/',v, J'. (!,:f· O"2.wm· J'. '}(l:!' raZWO'} If''." (I"']'}lj'W'9" U'i;J' hao &"1; ri'l.1/ t7D~'t!' 'P;J hh9"(l'l' (laD,Y. O:J·:r- I\U"} /1.e:1'·AI'":: §I i'I t7D Y:onC,r '/.IL (lw"l r1\1/ {,r.l,I.;J' O..!"}(l '!'(l,l· 'rw,v,,v,t?''f' !JA<l'I.O· Lr.l.I.;J'W· .e 01. 'fA:: (;j O/I'l'I.Om· P(.J.l,I.;J· 'P;J" N'Y:"?.!' h4:,r t7DIll'} "I.e '/'aopC'Y' h'/:'/'lj'm"} '{'r'n ,f?'!' 'i'''''I, &,;1" PI.I,l.<:;J'W· Mi" .I, ." far,~',!:'C bidders participate ,in ~he" first round of tender. scores shall be made public on a notice board, i,il'l !i,9':!' 'IIC1IC'I y'rf..1· m'm,l' fl"'](l;J·w<£.!' ,'ltt.?' 7/ hAl\·:)·''l ['tH'''7 1,(l'/''<lJ'.(!':f' WJA 1'1 "2.!J ~,{;. Ptllj:,/·~, 'r9"U C'T' '/'!~"']'1' 1 If'(l'C;J'l\·:r'T ('{ILC,' 9"C9"C '/'*",],1'1 CUI 11&':/' tlh'W,' hll..!' Oil,e J'.t.>: "" :/'0)' If''/;l\''l 11r, "lll,1j: tA (l 'l; ,f· 'f. ruy'lf'~' (l;)'p:r·'} O:P.r.-"2.f (I"']U;JJ>;'r (l;r?':!; (lml.;J' h"lc]'O pa ?,(l-/''l1?. Rcgions and city 'administrations shall prepare in advance plots of urban land, to be assigned through .'. tender, for higher education institutions,'" hospitals, health research institutiops,. I four, star and above hotels and mega real estate developments, to be undertaken by th~ p~ivate seclor.' ,.\\:' ~; - ", " " 1 '.,: .• ,,' .', . > " O'V} U'i;J' J'ov;J';J'o.:: 5:1 The highest bidder declared a winner on the basis of his bid price and the amount of advance payment he offers, 61 The list of winners with the details of their i'IU1Hl .e1, onJ'.t.'1 I,MH':: 'j,f ,\. l: 41 A bid shall be cancelled if less than three .elf''' ,~:: fM,1,I.;J· The amount of bid bond shall be determined by regulations of regions and city administrations; pr()vided,' however, that it may not bdess than five percent of the land lease benchmark price.' .'"., "', 5/ 'fJ 6228 81 Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article (4) of this Al1icle, land may be assigned, through tender process, even to a sole bidder where his project falls under sub-article (7) of this Article' and·where' his capability to implement the, development> project is verified by the relevant body, '. : (IIW iI'H'Y, '}(J-{I i,'H'lI' (9.) ['·/·Y. ~'I 1w' fl.',"C9" (l1,r.l.I.;J·m· l'lt7Dtj'/'1j: p'I' I.(lm· i,'},\': '/'6/'I,6-:r- ,o;f fl.U"}9" TC' J>;h'i' (l1i.U i,'}</>?;' '}(l.(l h'}'i'?;, (7;) /U C r u'l. w.l',';i' tl U' ~ ["'7 A "7 :/' i, .} au. {,'?CHI iJi'la>' {,IIA· '/'I..~'?(T1 .e(l·I''1· ?P.A:: 12. Hf . 0 9" J'. C] M "2. 0 'r ? h 't-"'l V O"2. ov l'ltl'l'm· II (l;f: w.e9" fh'/-"'] 1,(l'I·P.Y,C !J(J.~, t""rwO~' P"'l.h'l'IVt['tl'I'''? (1;J'9';" (l1'"J'.c] '1,;8.,('/1· Ii. &,</. ,l;. PI :"(. 'I ti.:- U) hAA /,,+ MlnIlY:-'!· \,,,,,.) .. ""/'"e.l' Il,'y:·;"· t'l1l.C h'IA '?I\'·1· [''''Lm·/\. (1:)·$1,;r·1 (Iuu'i a /r:" ,t:'c~:,r,;r, mj'.9" 1\ "'z.tlz:.v,. (](]7 1,.1':&-7-1, "'/u(]t-'e 1'/, 7P. "/1\.;/' ovll"'. '1':I:"7')' (l;J'9';)~r Allotment of Urban Land [>07.""1'1. Allotment of, urban Iand~· may, upon decisions of the cabinet, of ·the concerned region or the city administration, be permitted for: : ''',' " a) . office premises of budgetary govemment \'~'I:'" entities; '( b) ", ,,"; , social service " institutions run by government or. charitable organizations; . ,,- , t.Y~(,'A '/;.Jt-)- ?Jbfl) '11'1-1. !! ')Y,C It 4"1 .l:'i'iJi 4-.11" ,h) iltn"}"}1I,1' II "Y.!l%,c\, r,~/~ [lo'i' CY fL'Y':("' Aay'I' TC:"!;"'1°:"" 7,,, n(/U'}"]II:/' M"ralt'l', tl"?!l%,"" 1It'1I i1 I'll r?;,. [/0 'I C ,I' fL'I' "J'}fl;l' ~Il';i' razUl'fl' (l;J' ~:f'l (fT') M,'l'''/'/' '1'9:"7'''' MOAt> "?'l%:{ P'''l.m·'', (1;l'9':;'1 'v) II"?H.));!'';'},,! 1:\"7:/' (''''i,ill·ll· fI,')'!'>:""1 Federal Ncgarit Gazcta No.4 28 ~,:},\\.(I.},;~:r·1 th November, 2011 .... page 6229 c) public residential. housing construction programs and government approved selfhelp housing constructions; d) of ,; 'rI'0r~hip places organizations; e) manufacturing industries; f) use of embassies and international organizations as per agreements entered into with the government; g) proj ects having special national significance and considered by the president of the region or the mayor of the city adminisjrationand referred to the cabinet..: d \ c·, : · · . of religious i I t'.) 11m>'}'?!",!, :JC (HY,t'.'/. (j'Ju'!" 'd·:r- M,,'!"flQ9):r·'1 IIM.'!'>'''I''!: J:' C».:.)" 1"/ A "llI"I' f"?,m·t\. :r· (l:1' 9':r- I I)) nTIAI\· Ttoll.i'.'H OJ,e'!" nil'!' °1m' Ml'l'P,y,C tJ'H;iJ hl';l'{! 1\!1fl.;',GJ· 4,,e P, Ilazoo~, ,,-vr (l1'Il, ~/ EI OJ' A(', ~,7/~1: TC'!': h'Y.1~ I''''l. (1;1' ~:'i'" 2/ A person displaced 'due'· to urban renewal Oh'!''''1 oOA(\ "'IAo'n- TeO};,.r rtoy,} 1·',i'i. f""/.VF} f'~<1C .el';}' 'llloo'fl'} r'}h f1:J' f"'l°J'n· an,n:/' .e'iLq'A:: (}v, program shall be' entitled to a substitute plot ofland, ... , . .<t ' .. 3/ il h (.\.t\ m,e '!" il Y: to P, 'P h"'ay I' "111:" (]J,r,?" l"I'illh [Ill I," ';.f fL:!' 1)?'P. ·!·tI!,.;', f'll"l (j(l). mH'"? m>A(\ '''fA (17:/- '"1"(:"',&.9''' 9"if}Y:/' 'I-'/i"i. n(1?.rJ' ,n:I' '1,/1, 'i"/'h. fL'l' f"?.J' 1 'HI 'I"} V'i;l' ,,?[/O;FI',r· IJA'i';f.1\ rOl>~·';,I' fl. 'I' (fUII';,P rh'!'''? (1;J' illl,11 [/O~'ti u 'P ,:> r"7'?'H' [/O'(]'r .es t'. '/' A:: tJ''i9 )\ '?fl·n ,r ,~Ol' /, !lA 1'''?,mtl'/Ol'' ? /. q>,!" "?'iJ' 1'}/Hl illl"! riJ'ih '//1'0 "'J(j'i,(/D7 },,\O:h: (if A lawful tenant of government or kebele owned residcntial house in a region or Dire Dawa shall be. entitled to allotment of residential plot of land at bench mark lease price if displaced due to urban renewal program and could not be provided with access to substitute Jl0USing; . provided> however that he shall deposit money, as detennined by the appropriate body, in a blocked bank account to show his financial position. 41 A lawful tenant of government or kebele owned residential house in Addis Ababa shall be entitled for facilitated purchase of condominium housing unit if displaced due to urban renewal program . OA,IUI MfJ h'!'''? I'OO'},,!{)')' m,e'!" ?'I'OI\, {lD',"';.I' fL'l' U?'l: oj'h;",e rll'~ OlD' flll'!'''?Ol' (lDA(t U'lA"'H' TC'''1 ;,.'!" rh 'j,P 'I' '1"l7i. ll"'l.II"Hl')' 1,tb r ,:>;" (fl>',"';,I' n,~, (I"!'fr r"'l.J"I'}il')' .F . ' .),.\,' v,~,:J' J~(/U;F·f'lI;l'A" ?if faD'jOln,} W,e'!" l"I'(l1h no}!.': fL'I' u;:>q~ ,!'Il;",e fin °'lAay:(, (WI' Te''');'''!'' OIl'!''''] '!")-O.P;I' [lOA(t 'f'~l'i. (]"VY'in:(, 'l,Ib 1l'''l,01'l\h'hIl' hAA Ol j~7U ('tH''''] I, II .,.j; J',C il "'l,cn(J '/lIl0" IJ' t'. ']' ,e1l'1" 1 Yo A:: 51 A lawful tenant of government or kebele owned business house shall be accommodated as per the decision of the concerned region or city administration if displaced due to urban renewal program. J-Y.. IrA ~ ..?kl- ;m.'" -I!Te ~ .... ~C !Z <f>., Zt: , r hT"'! (I;J' 9".!: Ii 'l' ,I' 1: "4'M; n i.;i '! .9" 11 Feder;)) Ne ~:trjl Gaul,l No. 4 l8C. November. 201) .... 13. Ph-""'l [1;l' 09"1'.1i i\"'ltlJ'.~-} 01'\.11 f"'l,'pC'O 'l'.l'<l: tl"'iJl'I-I\"C' ,;JC OU 'I>("(j M\O'r:- z§. 'l'/'I: ,f"I'(,!lm' ./.;:7' \'Il'l.e '1' ,r'''I''lt hilA OJj~9n fllC": hll"'} P,v:.?r,: J'. '0 P, n.! fl./ (J[1;i·OJ· I\j'. r"'l.h';(JJ~aJ· 11CIIC 'l'';'('1 'A'; ~/ C':" study " ~i · the project to implemented "t the requested site; and "1 Ollu ~I'}</>R' implementing the project. 'I'r') 14. 21 A price map shall be prepared based on the PI'\. 11 a~,!i'i bench mark prices of different locations computed in accordance with sub-article (I) of this Article. 31 The benchmark lease price shall be updated PI'\. 11 00'/'1' 'P;J (lJo/;I''/!'!1,} m'(J,y. h,}.'!.:':.\;· O.,f"ifl (J\'V't\-)' '}uv-/: ont!M at least every two years to reflect current conditions. M\O-c":: 15. P1'- C' 2' {il Every plot of urban land shall have a benchmark lease price, The valuation method shall be determined 'on the basis of the objective conditions of each urban center in accordance with regulations issued by the respective regions and city administrations, '}O·fI h-}</'x' (Ii) (IOt'lt'.'[. 'P,;J avOt. -I· fl,"]'v:t'.'1 I''I';J '/'tn'; IIC;)' 00 1I.?;e: ,j' II t\ n·/-::· z(; , Urban Land Lease Price 1/ Y:Hl:)'. oo,Pt'.-). 1'1'11'1"1" I;.).;)' ou~ '1' O"'l.'!: t'. 0/ .e (JJ P'/"t'!'\m"} PIl'l'"7 (1:)-;0:)" EI be 31 evidence showing "the budget allocated for oa\~(llifl' q: support letter from the supervising authority of the rcquesiing institution or from pertinent sectoral bodics;,' 21 detailed TC'f.ll·)· "'l'}:;'m'9" r!H''''1 (1;1' PMI (IO~7j q':J .e'it'.'PA:: rooF; '1'.".1 ,)·ou'; 1Iy",m' (Jo'!. <ID II t!;J' ,,: CJ' ) 11:-'11" '.j'.,; I'll '1'''1 II f) -!. P, .t: :f.'} ~!] /,. 0';/.\:: Reguest for Urb"n Land Allotment II II TC':.':tJ·l: "'HI/..7.U<U (JJ':-,/' "Ult'.'P,:: rhT"'l (1;1- PIi, ,1 62)0 Request for urban land ' lease holding through allotment shall be accompanied by: fi/ r; p:lJ;t 7.11, Grnce Period 1/ Any persoll pennitted urban land lease P~I'I''''l [1;j' ()I'\.'II \"I''{.'I'J!,t\'} t'lm' 7'iJ'. A,"]-I: a)j"~ro {,1A"lll"-f; '}.e~·I· I':)'·e·;l' 7.lL t\.t'lm!/J· j'.:)'·I\A:: lle11'· (J!JAf\":j',,; (JII'I''"] ~,fI'I'P, f.C':r· f1'''l.mo1l· 1':1(1:)'· .1', (j) II <;' A :: holding may be allowed grace period depending on the type of "the intended development or service. The details shall be determined by regulations to be issued by the regions and city administrations . 21 The grace period shall commence from the V \,:)'-(:,). 'I,lL 1'(.:11 (1)'(.\ h'h~,t'.ul>()')' ·t,,} J?:?DC' I''''L;Nl'fl lJ''i (J'"]'} <;' OJ'9" IN.)' h"l'IIJ)' "'1111 ';'<I..7-,r 7. It (IO,(Jt, 'I' f t\ (J 'I' 9":: date of the conclusion of the lease contract and may not last beyond the date of completion of construction. .. " '. , ', ' t_J'~/rt\ ', ;J/. ·l· ;"L"I 'IITe ~ .~""c: Xi; .;.., l:i'i.!! 'J .Y'" Federal Negil!il Ga:LCI:J No.4 ~.8~ November, 10 11 , .. plge 6231 ---~-~ tJ'Ft'. 1",,,\:1= 1'1'1'1'&7 I.t f' i\, 1/ iii (l;]> PART THREE 1'\.11 }v"l·tP. .!?'r, ADMINISTRA TION OF URBAN LAND LEASEHOLDINGS II'r 0. ,16. Lease Contract 111/.11 (,'I')'.' au",t..), ('/I'1''''l (I;). 1M:!! I\·{;i.j~·l! ["/'&.'I'Y.l\')' clG)' f,,,}IHl IIAO)' ~\!lt.\ :J[; 1',\.71 m·t.\ (7CJ~.("I.'l" 'i' ClI:J' A:: I 11 Any person pennitted urban land lease holding in accordance with this Proclamation shall conclude a contract of lease with the appropriate body: '" . 2/ The lease contract shall include the construction start-up time, completion time, payment schedule. grace period. rights ano obligations of the parties as well as other appropriate details. .e if.1 flUl (!l.t\. ("'riIl;I' (7CJ},;u" ('''nil;)' f'l,(,:.e (\6.'IU?U lJ·~.:J·f !':r- (~ :). liLT rm'A toms ('m·A ' I"/' Il~ f7lJ.(J +~. Y.,;J' JJJ1' },·H.{)'~· 1\,1\-:)"~, "} q .(]',.). ,f' ~ '1:0)'1 1/C,/C tH,;) , 9""[" U?,n(,"{):i~lr "' "7 11'1")' iddH':: 31 A person pennitted urban land lease holding 1lt\.7l 1,'}.v,.~11 (" /'&.'I'Y.t,." ()(I}. fA, 1/ ah~ hOll t.t.uu. 11.<,')' {Jl\m·l\. jo II :1' /, Vi..(' (II,;" '1' I.e? II ;" J:''''l.J' fOUlo,Am"} f"nl/'O (7CJm'} '/0. rW/J!:t."1 i'l 1'11'1''''1 '7J.'";J· L . ~ . ,. / . (l;J' ~,tI,(]'h, fiF 1'1'1 .11 {(I·A {'.I.t.u a (to', rlll.tJ /, 'p:£..' ~,'} '1'Y,' :U n"'7I'1Om, UIJ(tt,.'" nOoo. {""//.7}'; ('{\:II ~I(;J' 1''l''r'lhC mt.'H·r,' (l;J·aJ··} Ocr.>MI ,j'·j;H·· ("'?t.h·(] ~lfr,'t.\:: <il I ~ t shall be made. aware of the contents of the lease contracLand shall effect the down payment of the lease price prior to signing the contract. 41 I ~,"I{H! ,. 51 ,('Am· {,!IA Ill/.II i,")·/·;l,· '}(l'il [ ~\'HY,' (ii) f7lJOd· Chh-(J r-r-'-:,oanO-/' I Ph-I'''? [1;)' IIlt11 aJ·{\. UVIPt.:'· }'Pi.{\"? an}!.t.-}.'}"; n?'lOll", rO?,/lI..I\O)· 1'1\,11 fir,: J' [j] ,p-I;'} 111'04' ],1"1'.1.)\ 0 0 fl!w"i1"I' h ,} :1' A (,u'l J"; t."J</' P"'l t. 71'1' ;)~ t, '1'/' A person wh~\ h~ :'~igned a lease contract shall be issued with a lease holding certificate prepared in acco~dance with Article 17 of this Proclamation and shall receive the plot of· land by persoIiillly appearing on site. The appropriate body shall have the responsibility to follow up and ensure that the urban land handed over pursuant to subarticle (4) of this Article is developed in accordance with the lease contract and that the annual lease payment is effected timely. ~(,"C(U'i\:: ,t } ~. 17. t Lense Holding Certificate L I \ 1 ~ " iii PIH''''/ (l;)- (]i\, 11 P'I·.I."'Yot\·l· 1'l0l' 1',\,11 j'.I':)· 1"{Jhc ",t.-FI· j'.l'ltll'I'A" V Pi\,11 j',I';)' V$"'flhc Wt.·,.·..,. r°?!H·{\, 'l--~ (lfJ")A6/'i.f":r· "fl-Y' U 0 j'll }dIO'}"- II Leasehold certificate . shall be issued to a person to whom .ap ~rban land lease holding is permitted. .. . " . ., U) (1:)' (1/1,'11 r·/',{"/'Y.f\-/··} flY\J ll/\r/l\J'~'!'I n{/)· au.t\.[ 21 The leasehold certificate shall include the following particulars: a) b) full name of the lessee including grand father's name; size and location of the plot; I.. J'.(A\ ~ :J t'r ;JILn, 4t'1'C M 1~C lZ .'} fiU CJ .9'" [' (l;l' G),'t r~,1Ao'f'd' rll ) '})'..H-T f.t. Federal Negarit Gazefa No.4 2•11• No-'-,_~, 2011 "" page 6232 c) the type of service, land grade and plot number; . .., d) Ihe total payment; e) the amount of the annual lease payment and the time of the flOallease payment to be effected; . ' f) the lease period, :",'i" rTI'I"'/' </:'I'CI uu ) 1'(I;J'l)I"i m:/'"'' 1'(1."11 '/',~'; II'}Y: °'LY P'/'tI6.I'IO>,'t (}DIll'n or '} OIl,/: r"'l6. '" (]I1O>- 't lP ) l7l1 Pfl. 1/ 11lj: Y m'} r. 11lj: Y G)' r "'lm 'i"'" 1- /l'/"} 'I,nt PI'I,11 )'..I';J'O)- WHo I''''l.y,,e/l-V} t. ) II Oil'}:. lease amount "nd down 18, Period of Lease . !il • rh-,-"' / (l;J- fl.11 l/(]I1't h'tf.l'h·/''''/m· 1'6 1.'1 -/, y, r. r A "'/ T P' to CD- /I Clj: 01)'.. 'J" a: I'h1A"II'I"'" '},eH h.l'Iy,e 1''''l1'A If<;' f1jt,Ya>' },} Yo "'L h·/'(\ al' )'..If'i'' A'- 1/ The period of urban land lease shall vazy depending on the level of -urban development and se~tor of development.activity or the type of serYlce and shall have the ceiling of: a) U) 007r.'l'al·'J" 11" ,,,,/,(ii) (l) 99 years for residential housing, science and technology, research and study, government offices, charitable organizations, and religious institutions; (WD';' {,J' (I.·}T IIll.e 1i\r, 'L'h';' t\ .. ~~ r fI.?Ucrcr, Tr; ,}· r ,,(lU") ",11'1' uopty (1.'1'1 11117 hY: {.-'l-I' J!.' c~'I'r, 11'1,1'."''''/' ·/':1:9· lU 'Jan ;J':/'l en (1,' ) 1'It1'l-"'/ '?-/lC'i" g' ,}OU;J"l-l eli) (2) 15 years for urban agriculture; (3) as per agreement entered with the government for diplomatic missions and international organizations; iI-'4'fil"""l;hr, lI'JiI?" ~,.,.r,: '1,:1:..,·/' non"}", p.} M·?"~·)­ anu'':'l- 11"'.0)(1') '}on'}l b) fl) / Mfl 11..,-",/,- iVr'J"UC,}T flmST M;rc·/, 1 '}(]I1;H'l flil:M.{l·/'t, it ,}(]I1;J'o)-J (El fl'},?,!!.·~' eli) M\.i\" l' :j;' '} (]11 ;H'l 1I'/-7u/JC,/-l M;r C'/' lii (i0 (n (3) 60 years for commerce; (4) 60 years for others; c) MnS1 '}(]11 t\'lIiAr. ;),,1-1 flh.'}'<;-{l''!:t. 'it ,}(]I1;J"I'l l\'},?,!!.' (2) 70 years for industry; ,}(}D;J"U ,h) /lfl,i\.:j', 11'1"/":)":- cri) it ,}ou;J'N in Addis Ababa: (I) 90 years ' for education, health, cui ture and sports; flflllA'i" e~) in any urban center: in other urban centers: (I) 99 years for education . health, culture and sports; , (2) 80 years for industry; , " .' . !, (. ~ (3) 70 years for commerce; (4) 70 years for others. 110 ~ii..n~ijF. t.y.t·tI, ~;Jt/t- ?ILI1J 4I'1'C ~ 1>iC It </'1 fi'i.!i ~J1" Federal Negarit Gazeta No"4 28111 No~mber. 2011 .... page , !II f1I1,!1 },'}<l>?' IMI (" /'Y-'ITlo>' (L',"C7u : - h'}<I-?', (li) 21 U) (Jfl'/,tw' LI/~ Yfl I'fI:1I )'.1/;.1' 11 0'0 '} fI "'l. In)'. :1' I' A "'l'} P't(ll;"S" h1A '? (I. ,), I/,/'£O() I/ov'} (T)t,P h'?"'fli /),e(JA'r n,i,r.l,OVC ,eTttAI 'P;p~ c'- ;, Notwithstandin& the provisions 0'[ sub·article (J) of this Article: a) a lease period may be extended for period of time of not more than half of the specified ceiling for a development activity or service requiring an extended period of lease on account of its unique nature; b) a ceiling of five years of lease period shan be applicable to' short-tenn economic and social activities intended to be carried· out on urban lands not designated 'for immediate development use, Such lease period may be renewed for the same period of time where it is necessary, "0>' n) n'/,ILm' (lAO?'l' P't- ., :.:" 6233 ~,e 1l'7,eOl'n, rlH''''l (1;.1'9>"'(' ~,e fI"'l. ,/>r:fl' O,"I,bC 'I,lL r"'llJ(J';''1;'i'' 1,,1'1 'j''''/.j''/; '1,:/:°7,1, 1'(1;.1' 'P ,i'·j;p,:r· hM"t"l,l· '}ov,} fI"'l,e(JA'P VL (lA,11 Y,(H''i''1P,A,:: ?"}J.'.MltJl'/. 'ri: (>,'/'<70 'itry, VL A,:)·y,t"l'l'I:Ol· 'l tI :: /', :r 19. Renewal of Period of Lease iii II I'n,11 /ia p '} rt,Y(J:!' (JOJ·}-f: 1''''I.'lvY} 1'[l;J'QJ"} ('(t,11 ov'/~' 'f' ,'1'1 1\,(1....,.. m'n., c,H',,} (JDIP(.') (J"'l,f:L"1 n,:)·i',.t"l ,eTIiA:: 1f""~ I'A,11 /lao'" n,;.I·J.'.t"l W'l j',:""tlfl;[' V·l'.;.1· fI/\"1I fln,eI';.I'(/J· 1/"1 1,.£', h 6, A~:: !U rlll:tJ '; :, ' _';:7. / I,'H'?' IMI I,'H'?' (li) fl'l'ovn 21 The period of lease shall be renewed pursuant to sub-article (I) of this Article, only if the lessee applies ,in,)I'riting to the appropriate body within 10 to 2 years before the expiry of the period of lease, 31 The appropriate'body shall notify to the applicant, 1/'1'0>' OO"'L')' flM~/I;.I'Ol· 1'/\.1/ /lov'" /\.;.I'i',.M,l· roH'flm' 1'1\.1/ lIov~, I\.Y(J,9' II): Mh !I ,}ap'l' Mlt'i'<'.o>' .f:t.t"l fl,\m' ~1.1I. m-fl'P f\Y:'):" ~\'i·(;.Kt."JI\·I· '/.'} /,''lfl'fl 'lAm· 1,IIA .[J;}: J',II'<;',~:: [I (l?"'/\,~: Ar.1A "l{t 'I: 1l":t.O{/l(IJ' ('fl:1I (1D (j L .j. \'(t,11 OJ'fl, ,e;.l' Y. tr A:: iii {Jul..A II(JDt\lH' h·lfl·(J ,PAOJ' 1,IlA "'lOVAh!J'm, fl·/'t.fl A'''' fl,,'}Y: ,}ov,l' 'I.IL m't"l'!' m'tr~,m"} A(, (lll A '11> (J i\" ,h,lj: "'l tr OJ~' "A fl·}:: flll,!! '1,r!, OJ·t"l'!' OJ,tr~,OJ''} 'V/)w,'} (L'/'C (]{,.P:rj'} '!'J"!:m' 7,'iY.'/·{l''7''7 '!"Y''f'l:' (J (j) ;;, ,I: fl a'l.'l t. (I)' I' n,'11 aD't ij" 'P ,"J 'I O The period of lease may be renewed upon its expiry on the basis of the prevailing bench mark lease' priCe and other requirements; provided, however, that the lessee may not be entitled to ,compensation where the lease period could not be renewed, /lao'} flll,!! 1:'Hr, 'iM'! h'H?' (I.') ovlvd· OVA" Jllt"li/l'} r',ot.(l')· I' /"(r ;)Ii.l, (I),e7" Ivt,,/·:;' (Joy:/)'" ~h'},f")' ry.t.t'l ["0, ."!, !I/i 'I'In,('</; .elI'C,·A:: in writing, its decision within one year from the date of submission of the application, and where it faits to communicate its decision with in such period, it shall be deemed as though it has agreed to the renewal request. In such case, the contract shall be renewed on the basis of the prevai ling benchmark lease price and for the period pertinent to the type of the service, .< ,, ; 41 The officer or employee who has failed to respond in ,~cc9rdaric,e with sub-article (3) of this Article shall be held accountable for the adverse cO/1~equences, of the renewal, if any, I...Y.t...A ~-'t'l' ;JtI,"1 <I!'l'C R 11lC 18 -1'1 n'. fi'i.§ '7.S"" pa,'nt.! 7.!t. iii f'h'I·n'l 0:;' "19":" 6234 20. Period of Payment (1i,:/1 [',"'I.'I'Y.II'} (j(J)' /llr.1.l. (,(.'D(lu r. f1 ('''~,f'f1.1.t:\ 1a;,'~ VL aJ"~ Federal Negarit Gazeta No.4 28111 November, 2011 .... pabc OJ·fI'l· 007f11fJ')' ('o?,m(O f'(!Dt/ •. Y '1.1L t'U'lIlIGl' .e:Ht\:: 11 A porson permitted urban land lease holding may be given a period of lease payment taking into account the payback period of the ia vestment. .. . f./ N.r: V?J ti'l:,f' ?,'}f.rhAI\,I) rll'l''''1 MH'·r, y'~· . U·i.;I' P"'LOlf'O tJ''i' hlll'/''I'I 1'(1;1'01' 1'1\:11 ilc,:,r (!Dm'} XII {/l"Y' "'/~f1 PI\II·}'9":: 21 The amount of down payment, to be determined in accordance with the prevailing factors of th~ region or the city administration, may not be .less than 10% of the total lease amount of• the urban land . . i , , '. ,~, ; U fjl r~',~·"'/..P )j(/:.Pm, IH'llt,1I II;)" P"'l'" ~OJ' 1'r.:11 '1'.:1 lI{/lJti6,,f' lIa"'/, ~.lI'A '}on :J"/~ hS,r r mu.?9" j~U'r,' A" lI'i't>aJ' hc,:.r 'I.e IIh.'N,p,'.r YJ.I:' (nll P"'!I1.1'.? f f al(\.t:· ' I'(I"~ (lDu·~·I' alll.V: .eh.,"A:: f"''l,01'IIII'I'aJ' },I,A fl'(II'}'f;'} r"'IIl.l'.CJ' mM'.· .,.(lU'} "'11;1':/'(\" C111' ;)"e I'a</.r.·~"/ ;~".,H · },(I(H':: . 31 The remaining balance of the lease amount shall be paid on the basis of equal annual installments during the payment term. 41 Interest shall be paid on the remaini ng balance as per the prevailing interest rate on loans offered by the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. The appropriate body shall have the responsib ility to follow up the cun'ent loan interest rate and to update the applicab le interest rate accordingly. . ?il OJ:"":'} 11l'1l4', no? .et.?9" '}(/lJ ;)'7: hr,:,f' 'I.e I'},.·H·P;.p ·}"l.r; Wih 1I111\'. r 'IIX'C hc,:,r 9':)" 'I.e nc'? '1'1\01' 1"1'''/:'' ". (III '} (/lJU' ~ ./. 01"['''''/..f'. 116. 'IA:: 51 Failure to pay the annual payment in time as originally scheduled shall result in penalty fcc equivalcnt to ' the rate of penalty fcc imposcd by the 'Commercial Bank of Ethiopin on defaulting debtors. 'XI 1'1\.11 t]M'.II;J'Q). 1'1\,'/1 lJr,:yOl"} II (lUh t.t:-.. n "'l.·/t] Oi· r·/.IL 1f.'n tIl'f1'r I,AI/ 6.r.'i' ('yo n'!' '}(fD.!. al'11,,: IMII')' },'?t]'n Yflol' i,'IA 'i 'n~'I;'i .ell 1I(IUr.'I' f1ol'1/C,: oP.m· (fUh 6.,r' I""I'/,A /"A""} .e'i'~1·A:: 61 Where a lessee has failed. to make payments within the specified time limit and accumulated arrears for three years, the appropriate body shall · have the power to seize and sale the property of the lessee to co llect the arrears. %! nll.u },'Hr.· h'iMI i,'H'?;' (li) MIl! (?i) h'}</>:-;- T.!I 'iMI i,'}<I'x' (li) ·I·t- Iuf.A (U) OJ.e9" ((IU) . 1"/'1.'/1101' Ill/.U t.1'»; f1fJllnj.':,!, p(ID'}a/p" I' {/l'/,,&j' m.e7" t.1.e u 'l';';)"I: ,/·:l:9u n9u~iJ (!DIP {,;f· (1,), W'?JI'P A,(~U"}9n:: rh'I''''! 1)"/,9" (I;)' ".e t]l\flj.>;'}· 'U.y,u'l. \'(fl"} ,,//,, ;/. ULJrpty (t'l: ljJ,e!'u YJ~o'}(,u:J '{l: -1':':011' (J9"Y.t] Y·l'l' m·" (Jul..··f· f1 a 'l{M'H' r'l'll/i.llol··} '1"1 1''''/.'1. 11 h,,:y .ehr,:~A:: 71 The provisions from sub·article (1) to (5) of this Article may not be applicable to urban land hold ing granted by allotment to a budgctnry government entity or a rcligiolls institution pursuant to paragraph (3) or (d) of sub article (I) of Article 12 of this Proclamation; provided, however. that the budgetary government entity or the religious institut ion provided with urban land b)' allotment shall pay an amount equivalent to th e compensation ' paid in the course of clenri ng the land. iii: i7i.rX~n;' tJ"trA ~.:Jt,·r ;JIl.flJ .pTC Q 1"~C l~ +J M7i.f:! 'l.Y'" lil rh',,"'7 (I;J' tUI fJl\.e/l;J' 01\,11 {I)' 1\. {I),tJ'P O'I'ODI\t!-rar r'l,IL 1}'.'n {I),tJ'P [l;)'m"} I\-/'ti,-I'}'.I\-r MA "111";" '1'0/9° ~.e "'7 '" A A1\ n;/':: t,'}<1>?;' (li) r-'·}'.~11Gl· 1'1\,11 fJl\.eII;J'{I)' 1'[l;J'{I)"} Am7','r I\ODl\al'P t,"lfJ'(j <\I\{I)' ~,IIA I\.f aD 1\ h :,. .e :y, <\ A:: (l1I.ll ~,-H?;' -}MI nsC9" el ~\alfJ,(j ,r 1\ {I)' t,!IA I';J"I'}'.O'· 1'[l;J~\ 1l1.P 'I: 9° h h" ''''7 {I)' rOD to -). t, 1ll,9' -I' r T~'} ,'JC r"'7.e;;6~h ODtfV} l'I..r~,'J"}'P dW)'IIl"} I\.t,+.l'.: .e:f·<\A:: un~:(ll'9u \'1\:11 ql\.ell;)' (j1\:11 0\'1\. O,"ODI\t!.,·O', nil, 1}'.,(j OD/}J~,), "l'}fJ;J' 00'f,ODC ~\I\n'h: iII n,w ~\'H?;' 11 A lessee of urban land shall use the land for the prescribed purpose within the period of time stated in the lease contract. 21 Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article (1) of this Article, the lessee may apply to the appropriate body to convert the use of the land. 31 The appropriate body may authorize the proposed land use where it ascertains that it is in conformity with the land use plan of the urban center. 22. Commencement of Construction tl!{, aOfJ;!' fri\(Jl'&ODC Iii '}o·tJ t,'t</'?;, (Ii) r,'·}'.~ 11 Any lessee shall commence construction within the period specified in the lease contract. 21 1'10>' fl.'lC9'" A'}}'. "l'}fJ;)'m' aJ·{J,fltJ '(j't-'!. ,d' ;J'(' hAI\, Gl,el'u 1'11'1''''/ t,{J'" ijY,<;, n"'I.faWlar Y:}'fl ODI}J~,), r"1'} fJ;)' au )!yo Cf 'l,ILar I\, t.ur .e:1" <\ A:: EI fil flW l,'i<I'''; 10·11 l,I-I'?' (li) y;'},n h'}}'.'I' ,nO'I' lY'~ "'ll",'",·?" 1'11.11 fJlI.eI I;!, OIW A'H'?, '}(J.(I ~,'H?' (Ii) hr, (i0 UP/Pt.'} O·/'im'l'"n· ["1ft lJ.'.'(J OJ'lI'}' "I/Q;.I·Or'} IIAJ>:aut. (I;)'m,'} h·I,t.hnn,} 'I. It J>:9"C' ,f'AOJ") ['11.11 tl<t:,f'r, I'm~'<\<\OJ'1 1'11.11 'I'.? ('lQ'I' Oa"·Y· (lO'I',"" ,.iP,.II'l:A '1·J.'.C1 (I;)'al·'i ,,"jIHl ,f'AQl' l,IIA u"A« ,et.!lQt.\" (jl/.U ~,'pj,:: it'H7. Xl( '}O·{J ~,'H?· ei.') \' 11"'''7 (l;J' .ell;J' \'-"&.4'}'.I\'} {JO\. (jll,!! ~,'H7. '}O·{J ~\'H?;, (li) IS 00 O"IPt.;" fl'rUl{J~Ol' I''I,/b l}'.'(j m·{J'P o}'}fJ;)' !IA'f,OD~ I\it'rr "'7f1.r 01'''1 I' rn h '/.')0(1 11'1' film' 1'} 1I,(j <\J', '/' M' (jOD,I" '/'<1"1")" [l;J'aJ"} ~,"lq,(j f{JO\' 0" ", t. :" ~\!,t\ "~'A(I .e~hfJA:: '{if OIl.U M'J:- ".t. ~\'H7.. Xl( '}O·{J it'H'?;, (li) luKA (U)T (1\)1 «,,)1 (OD) O'j.'.r (~) ODLP~'} [l;J' \,,"tiA'}'.I\')' PI\, l' fJlI.eII;J' flll,!! l,i'I'X' '}(h'1 ~\'HX' (li) IIr, (M) {IV IPt.:/, (j"'Ul{J~Ol' ("I,IL '/}'.,n Q)·tJ'P "n fJ;J , 'IA;i':OD~ 1'1\,11 ",,1\, '/'*C{H (l;)'ol·'i ~,"lfJ'O fl\(JI' it'l(.\ 01' (.\ /) J' t. f] (.\ :: ,I 6235 21. Utilization orUrban Land Leaseholding fi/i, 00.11 r-r ill I'h..,,,,,, (It' t,m.p-I'9" V Feder;l Ncgarit Gazcta No.4 28* November. 20)1 "" page Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article (1) of this Article, the period of commencement of construction may be extended depending on the complexity of the construction and in accordance with regulations to be issued by the concerned region or city administration. 31 Without prejudice to the provision of sub-article (5) of this Article, where a lessee fails to commence construction within the period specified under sub-article (1) and (2) of this Article, he shall be liable to pay a penalty fee amounting to seven percent of the total lease price in addition to a lease amount that covers the period from the date he took possession of the land; and the appropriate body shall take back the land. 41 Where a person permitted urban landholding in accordance with sub-article (3) of ArtIcle 12 of this Proclamation fails to commence construction within the period specified under sub-article (I) and (2) of this Article, he shall be liable to pay a penalty fee equivalent to three percent of the deposit in his blocked bank account; and the appropriate body shall take back the land. 51 Where a lessee , permitted urban land leasehold in accordance with paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) or (f) of sub-article (1) of Article 12 of this Proclamation fails to commence construction within the period specified under sub-article. (1) and (2) of this Article, the leasehold contract shall be terminated; and the appropriate body shall take back the land. .--- -- -~ -. - = ==:::.c..;::c..=..:--=- - --- --- t. r. t-p. , I) 1 r. "I'} 11;J: li/ ~.:>t·} .?tL"1 4I:1'C ~ 'ViC l~ -tOt nLn 'l.9"" o'n~:(lHlu 1'1\,11 f]1Ij'.I';J' I'II,V'> ~,'H' ?· },'Hr,' (10 '1-S (E) .e.:'}.n:u";i· oj'h,1-!,," fr l\,l l 0),1\. l!l'fl'l' (Hu"l\iH'o,' I r'l,lb 1y"(1 II (;nIP':")' "],}rJ;1'D)'" "im'!'!':/' Any lessee shall .complete construction within the period , speci.(ied in the lease contract following the .provisions of subarticle (2) and (3) of this Article, ilMl''!':: I Ii.! ! r"rifi;j' "'im'!'!"}.!' [,'I,lb 'IYAl "'lh'j't.tI'· f',iJ'!A:- 21 The time limit for completion of construction 7,'>y' shall be as follows: ",. _. a) bJ c) E/ (>anil;j' Y,t.l;'9':r' (lhAl\o 1''1 ntH''''! ~\fl'/ 'P' !',r.':r' (l"Zmm, Y.'}(11· .f~Ult'l fil (lll,!! },'H1.' 'itHl },'H'?' (li) ("/'J:', 'I'lm' fl. <;>r.9" h'>y' "}'I 1];1' 0)' OJ·ll'Il,) '[]'i"!, A\';1'(' hAI\' mj',9° rtH'''? "fI'I' P,Y.~, (I "V'(lJ"la>' Y.'I'(l (JDwt.:/· fon 11;1' "?m'l'H' J' 'I,ILm' 1\,(,,119" .f~:f· , Itt\:: lJ'lt9\\ t\"r}q:)· tI'/tU"'I';"J" {} (fIUi 1 The classification' of construction projects shall be determined by regulations to be issued by regions and city administrations, 41 Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article (I) of this Article, the period of completion of construction may be extended depending on the complexity of the construction and in accord;: mce with regulations to be issued by regions or city administrations; provided, however,. that the total completion period may not exceed: . I .' II1W" ,n:i~ljlj '}.11, (( tlTij;:oJ-9 u u·~:J·:- "n !J;J , U) l\ iI 'dl'/ ' ~: I/I·I.(~'(I'I ' i\) IltJ·I\:/' '~a"'1' I a) Iwo years .and six months for small construction projects; . b) fOllr yean for medium construction projects; c) Ii ve years; , [or Jarge construction projects, ; , , t·." '; i .• , ()Jr. ! .~(JD (lhl\~: '7 '} 1);1' 11~,(,,'1' 'lm-':,'! /\ (,'" ,J,) i'ltl-':':-r,: "nil;1' 11~\9"llT '}(JD,)·r (JD 'n t, 'l' i,g, l A 9":: I I (;1 ",!'g: m'9" \,11,1/ ill\f',I';J' !lIl,V ~,'}<f'1.' '}th~ },')</'1.' (n 01>/l't.:t' !l'/'m(j',Ol' I"I,IL '1.",-(1 "n'1;Jorn", '1~1I1t;"H' ~,"I . 'Hl ,('(III" i,l/A ('l\.1/ iJ)'l\:} (I"'l!;>t.'l' (1;J'O)" } (JD (~ (I 0°1.11'(1 ,I'. ',)",'1 A:: 'hI 1'(l.'It (ll',':>. \,' I'~I:t.llln:!· ,)m' (I (,. (j, (Il(.!,), 11I'!J':I'I:t, (!Ie IJ.':>.Otllll 'I,ll. ""n'!' (10;)'0)' 'If', (""6.1. " ' (I t. ·I:'} "'n";,} ),i\O')'" I1II,U9" ~\"/'1'n Yl\(I)' ~,;IA (loU-": "'!rlm·";"1-." oullll1:t, ~\t'lfi '}:: fl\.11 011.1) h'H?· '}D'll 'Hl I. ,!:'} ~,'7il '(l .1'1'.(1)' ),fJA:~"H'?· fll\f',I';J'a,· en oPu't. ,)- -- - - 'll)',., 51 Where a lessee fail s to complete construction within the time limit specified under subarticl e ( I) of this Article, the lease contract sha ll be terminated and the appropriate body sha !l take back the land, 61 I I I I I up to 24 months for smali construction projects; lip to 36 months for medium construc tion projects; up to 48 months for large construction projects, 31 C,"n·:: ; 6236 23. Complcli on of Construction M "'! iT1 ~. ,.',:p 'w'n i I f ederal Ncgarit Gazeta No. 4 28'111 November. 2011 .... page The person whose lease contract is [r;r",inaled shall, at his own cost, remove his property hom the land within six months. The appropriate body shall serve a written notice to such person to this effect. 71 Where a person rails to' remove his property in accordance with sub-ruticJe . (6) of this Article, tl:o appropriate body may: - ----- - - ----------------- a) V) :f)l"'C ''nIJ;!'OI' (IT-l~' QPl'Il·l- V'I' 1'1fJ ","Dlr'!· '} i,l;J'1rn °nIJ:J-O)"} "'lm'l'i':p'I aPill'I')I'" fI<Pf."1-A ( IGl' {}"IAo (.J,1,<'.:)· 'Hlt.,,:,} (lG°ti'r I .e :HI.I,. tlii, f t\. 11 til v IV(U) h07:;:}' aPu>d'](l (na·t, WP(.1:1:;i I J' X.c ;) t\ " 1/ 24, 'W'O A'Hii' Cli) 000'('::' ("/'rIl(!'IC)o \'I\,'/I I/Ou',<;, M,') -I',"" 7,','; 'jMl ~, 'Hr.' (ii) (""]'.'1'1'1"" fl;!' u OJ") fI"·6.'I'Y..fI:/· },1A"7t',-.1- 'I"h -l,e f"'i'P A °1 J!,,:)' "'} J:,'hnO'I' If" "'l'g' G")I'" (,i\.11 1Ji\,eJl;!' aP'(l":'} tl°10'!''1f1<t: w,e)l'" ntl6. IIw' 1'1\, 11 ~I<j;,l' o"m'} (l'/'O '1'r,- 1I"'i{],l'11 w,e)r" (ll-j'C;!'A M'r'/' P'I '" (\oO(wl')I'" ,e:f'-lAa II X:t I 2/ "'i";;'O)·)r" (,,\1/ I]fI,ell;!' PI\, 11 Ol"fl'I,,} "l,} IJ;J , w,a>n'j nauy: 0 0 "_ ,?'tl];!'OJ~'} ro,e)l'" tl"'iIll'l 'I"/! (l,{.''''' hOJ'C{) flo,,' 'pC ~1()'1-'l!\ r,: \1U,(-'i-flo)' ~,oll],O 1]1'10>' ~,II _~ 'i:,["I'(; [' ''V',l''/()')- '?A:\' ("{i.e"!." /"C'H"i (j (JI'Ii'I't\ }'.l)" ;,:"" EI I f'tI,11 ,eli;!' flll,V (,'H?l 'W'() (I{) [ID1}.1l.:/' 1't'I' O\II<;::- n'H'''· I U) \"l-,!,i\{)'om' ('1\,'11 hl):Yr,- ?I\,'1i lir,: 'pO)' {jrl'Hl fL'rov,!, J'i1 'I;~ (";lJlm· (D .~.r,,: 1 tI) ("/'tlC,' OJ/OJ' "nlJ;!' tlfI,11 A,:'/'/, l](iJIV.(J-l: 1,'},O,.'I'Ctt,/· ~,"lq,n ~flOl' ~'~IA 1fl. 31 Without prejudice to the p eriod of lease determ ined pursuant' to sub-article (1) of Article 18 of this Proclamation and the obligation to use the land for the prescribed purpose in accordance with sub·article (1) of Article 21 of this Proclamation, a lessee may transfer his leasehold right or use it as collateral or capital contribution to the extent of the lease amoUnt already paid, If a lessee, with the ~~ception of inheritance, wishes to transfer his leasehold right prior to commencement or half-completion of construction, he shall be required to follow transparent procedures of sale to be supervised by the appropriate body. III Iho ovent of transfer of leasehold right in ac~ordance I Article: II c.) b) 'P ,'.1 r 1, c,- ,II) PI\, 11 Ol"(l'I: (lOl'-r'lM· I' I\, 1i 1';J (; (j aPf· J The appropriate body shall recover the costs of the sale undertaken pursuant to sub-articie (7)(a) of this Article from the proceeds of the sale and return the halance, if any, to the Transfe rring and Pledging of Leasehold Right 'r '! 1!N''Ujof- ~ tI tj;" (J 'PlI'r 'I fill "'II'I,P 11 OIl,V ,,'I'~ ,,'}</>i\' clear the land at its own cost and rccover owner. 1\ (I'/{h( ,/, ')U {i OlIO' OJ r.J:J).IJ:f." 'l'-; (1 '/'&'6, ')'Hi'(] 11/\ fllJflol>'(j 'j, ,,·m'·~·1i OIl 01 ( ' or, in the case of a person permitted urban landholding in accordance with sub-article (3) of ArtiCle 12 of this Proclamation, from the deposit in his blocked bank account. hOU.7.S'° o.~ " such cost from the lease down payment 81 t,'?IJ'(l ,l'flOJ' ~'!IA (jIl,U ~,'}</'7.' ·ti.p bj,l' b) I I 1\) 'H I I. ,I,) (JUl' . ilia.). (J'"I'I!;';, lll\.'li '}.f?:"'!..f i/r,:,f'O" 1lI.e?" (III,V ,\g');' 1\ 1'1' 7. n ·)(!·fI }, 'i'i'l,' (i') 0'"'' t. :1' 1":9";:11 (' IH''''I (1)- .ell;)' Y·hl.'/'i1. A:i'" t'lm" ~'G'LanO(I 'I' fu)"} I\h·l·7° "'I-i)' OliO} (' Win '1.<'111 11'l-Yli(J)' n/loCl ~.e ·i'tiA'r· <ll bLl.a>·') "7(joofi.ill ,,'Hii' , mj!..'l'" (J'l('; 'I'~l\ fi: l t;1 upon ascertaining the confonnity of the incomplete construction with the plan, transfer it, through open tender, to a person who can complete and use the building' or ' ', .,j . , " . with ;sub-anicle (2) of this the effected .lease payment including interest thereon, calculated at bank d~posit rate; volue of the already executed construction; and V·!'1'fm· '/'KC? J~Y_t.,'JA" c) 5% of the transfer lease value; shall be retained · by the lessee, and the remaining balance shall be paid to the appropriate body. ,-, '. .. _ ,-- ' --'. --.-•. -~- ----------- 1)1,,' i,.Y"t·,:... 'I'?{.·)· ;JII. "I 4<1'C li 1"iC J.2: ird't 0t ~ r'lU ,o·n ~,+~ h'~~ (I ) .¢:7i§ ~.9'" q.'} ~,~~ I1scr mn?"rn·9 v fl\11 flll.eII:J ' fl;J' h(]P]>:(]P1· 11t1.·} VII.11 on·I1·'" n'f~' 0'lr).p'" Federal Ncgarit Gazeta No.4 28 th November, 2011 ... . page 4/ Notwithstanding th~ provisions of sub-article (I) of this Article, where a lessee uses his leasehold right -, as ' collateral prior to commencement of construction; the collateral value may not exceed the balance of the lease down payment after cOllsidering possible deductions to be made pursuant to subarticle (3) of Article 22 of this Proclamation, 51 Where a lessee who has used his leasehold right as col/aleral in accordance wilh sub-article (4) of this on 11'1' f"'l. Til OJ· hl\ll f·l;x·nz.r ~ j~ J,'r~: l,'}</'X' t/r,:,f' (Il ' ?,'j[ '}(J.r) ~,'Hi\' (El {In'''C':t· II.Y-.t'.?· fon··/I· ,/-1''li't·:r· :J'1I1101' 11°'i.'/'t:OJ· fnll'll (]pm'} .elYc,'t.\:: (;j Il Ii.V 7,')</>>'.' '}(J. () >, ')</' )\' WP(I:'.r; (/U-(I-[:'i (Q) auu,!.,}· 1'1\.1/ J}(}YII rim- fJ fl'{):Jo (, It..e Articl e is in default and a claim, supported by a court exec ution order, .on the collateral is 'P ),1: It'I'!.1l 7,"/'1,11 )'I\ID' },'IA 1'1\.11 OJ'I\·'} },9:C{1l a" t. 'I:,} Iluvl.n,n lliI.U 7,'1'):" >,')<1')\' !t~ lO'() hl 'I')\' (El auu'!.,]' (""I.f.!.',. ·1·'l,r,~"·r"i M)N;,r, 'l'tID' '} r,'P()']'r, I] 1\ au -(1 '1: .r. tl'/:'lA:: 'l· t· 6, 111/·0 ')1\90 1\1\.11 I} I'l an ,fl, I: {I" A 11 iI;j' A :: presented, the appropriate body shall, upon terminating the lease contract, take back the land and settle the claim to the extent of the balance of the lease down payment after retaining the deductions to be made pursuant to sub-article (3) of Article 22 of this Proclamation, and return the surplus, if any, to the lessee. °/~:J· GJ ··' qI\U"W"I·I. (ffl)()·)- i) OIJ)' "I(" (I)' f't:C"· ;1 -; ;'l [i :;:~ ~ . !", t.:',.'. '"., '-'-.'/~ fe., -. ' \ %/ . ' :; < 7"U.!l,9o f.,." 1\.<.11 ,}, '}-6'111 n,>; .e ,.. lJ' I 62 38 Iltl.~ ~,~\;'I.,} r)rr~'l' 'ItV/'J'.t:1 1lr)'I' </>C (Jan,:. ·]· faufll'l' 9" an,n,]- n~'IH'" 1\..1'11 IDj'.9° 1'1.'1',,1\'1: (Jm't,'I: -I.e r'I'1~I}OJ' U'}~" 6/ Unless agreed 'otherwise, a building constructed on a leasehold and its accessories shall be subject to' the collateral or transfer where the right to the use of land is made as collateral or transferred, Similarly, the right to the use of land shall be subject to the collateral or the transfer where a building on leasehold and its ' accessories are used as co llateral or transferred, . 7/ lf any person repeatedly transfers leasehold right, without completion of construction, in anticipation of speculative market benefits, the appropriate body , may bar him from bids. participation in, future , , .. " , . . 8/ The transfer of the leasehold right in any circumstance pursuant to the provisions of this Article shall unconditionally transfer all contractual obligations assumed by the lessee to the third party to, \yhom the leasehold right is trans ferred'- -' ':' ,' , ., " - hv')Ym· ,? C P'!'f J'I~ uv1A1J'?'1' O1"(J']{dlr.' ,e.,f<it. OJ.e9° .e1·~t.1.AI ;>, VtV'9" ()l'i'i(,' h,I\'i'lm· :JC P·l'.f .fIf- ou..,/.\. 'l.f?>i', WI'l,:I'r,' 1'I.,r'II· m.e ?" !'OP IIl 'J' 9" a O '(J'J,9" J','Ht\1./,\" 1i,'I · ~,'If· ldl(~ nn"f.,')· .e.,f'IA OJJ',9" M o'/'};;' m,r t'im' (jont,:/- VOl:P'f -rll:t' P"?, 'l</'r 1I"'l'?'r,(, n m/n'll ll'I·Y..:'> ;J"'l. 'I,ll. "J'}fl;J' ,'),fll1<;"'l"'1- P/I:I! {lo'(J 'f,'} P"'I.,r' ()'I'<\t\ r,: hl1'~ P"7,.onl\ll'l·",' h!l'~ (jff'l'g'm·r Pl\ll (.r.l.~:J' 7,'}?'J~ ')'1',,: 1I,t1l\)]ilm, fA'I'JA:: (lPrrn 1;/ IlI!,U {,'i'/' 7,' onIP~'} PI\ 11 (lP,(H(J"'I'l:r'm'7° tJ'l,:J' 0.'1' <\11'1: 111\11 OJ'/I, r'j·onl'.h,f;'.l ' P/I.11 I)M~ II:J'rn' "IJ'.:J-:l'1' OCTO·t\, )'/1 ;/'.\': on IH:J' on'(J'" (\1'<\11 6,(\'1' Y'Ii'I'~' mn .e·j·<\1i 1, /1,:: 25. Termination of Leasehold and Payment of Compensation II v) flil,e.i';J ·Ol' I1ll.lJ {,'I']::: {,'H'?'" ·}O·r) l,'H'~ THo ~J~ !'!Ii (I) onu'd· (l:J'O)"} fllJ'PfJJ I The leasehold of urban land shall be terminated where: .' ': a) the I~ssee has failed to use the land in accordance with sub-article (I) of Article 21 ofthis Proclamation; 1lt; 'j~t'A ~;)t")· ;m."1 ·j.!1·C iTl.H0.ii i ,,)P,C f.'S .,."J Jtn.9. 'UI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 4 28 110 November, 20 11 .... page 6239 Il) (l;J·m· 1l,1.11-(1 'I""',/" '/"011" 1l1l.11 I,/A "711·,1, ~,Vtm'A I\.wr.n 0).!'.'1" b) it is decided to use the land for other purpose 'due to public interest; or ,"l c) the .lease perigd is not renewed in accordance ~ith sub-article (I) of Article 19 of this Proclamation, ('fUI .!'./';1' I/UO~. fll/,u (,'I']:!: I,}<I'X' 'W,I) I,'HI'> , (~) {ft''''''t.'? IIA;J'J:.r'tI fVi; t. 'I' J'.:r- <l (,\:: :W 2/' Notwithstanding 'ili~',pwvision of sub-article f./ lli/(U) ,e.," '?'}, " .!'. f (,\ 'P Il or (I)(a) of this Article where it is ascertained that the land has not been used for the intended PurPose ai 'a result of force majeure as provided for ,under the civil code,the appropriate body ' niay " authorize time extension to compensate .time lost due to the force majeure situati9D, " 1'1\.11 )',11:1' Ol/,lI f"}</> ii' liil(lI) {/D'v t. :/. t'l,;:t.'I' 31 The lease paymeni shall be returned subject PI/,ll I,HI'> 'iO·1) h'HI'> flS C '1" (l ;hn· 'I") '1" flr,>/''/''(j'/bC :h7' O'r~~7'la)· (ft"vt.,), ', 11/,1''1'' n'\J'. (jlf~ '1"h,f '?' {]IJlf~' IH't.,?7111 f,"7f]'(j film· hIlA hf,1' 9" WI .!'. flll'im ' 'juh'j y .?, l'f]hiO)"i 'I.n 1'0'l..1'/1hrl '/'Lf.L"'lt 'I.IL 1l.&.'}X· )',:r II (,\ :: r; I'tl'l'''7 'iD,1) '/"111.0" (l;J' f"}</> ii' OJGL1S "u"'''L hr,:,rm· l\f](W"'(j'/: '/'{lIJ'\'1i to the deduction of costs incurred and penalty fce where the leasehold of urban land is terminated in accordance, with sub-article (I)(a) of this Article:' " ('Il:11 '/""'i(l )',If<;'(,\:: " , QI I'h ' /'''') (l:1' 1'1l.11 )',I';J' IlII.lI I,'}</>r.- 'v 'iO'1) 1,'Hx' lii/( II ) 00 t. '/' t'l,~/:t.·r 'l/'l,!'.JI;1'O)' 1,"/IHI 'l/'lw· ,},"/ o",it.:I· ,/ ·uU(/I(/I;~ 11"1 j', h&.l\ 'I' A :: r..; I'h'/''''/(l;J' 1'/'1:11 J'.I';J· OIl,U I,'HX' ';O'{j I,'H'?" 11i/(," ) (lIJwt.'/. t'l.:~t.'l' f]/'I)',I';)'Q)' Mlh l,'jJ'; q{]IJ '} f]l\OJ' 'l.lL OJ'!I'I' (1(l;J'aJ' '\)', ,rt'l&.t.w·'} 'i,nt.,/· (I "'l';'i-'I' (I;1-i))"i 1,"/f]'(1 '\/'Im' 1,/1('\ 00 (,\ (I "7(1 t. ll,n I, Il (1'-"': 41 Where the leasehold of,; urban ,land is terminated iri accordance with sub- article (l)(b) of this Article, the lessee shall be paid commensurate compensation' in accordance with the relevan,t law, ' 51 \Vhere the le!lsehold 'o( urban land is terminated in ' accordance with sub-article c le,the lessee shall hand (1)(c) of this ,Arti, .' ., over the land to the appropriate body by , " .' removing, within one year, the pwperty situated on the land, ",; .. " . . • 6/ 'AI '];j f]1'lj', I';J'O)' Ilrr.u l,'}</>I'> '}O·I) l,'}</>I'> (Ii) rH·{lIJl\t!'/·m· r1.l/, 'I~'O OJ·I)'I' "(jt.-I:' 1),\',<'1 r"'l.OOl\h+m· hl)A (I;J. m·'} t!'/i·(jt.,/: J'l\'ID'},/" h'f:J' I\.ml) Y.m' J'.:{IIA:: 1l}, 6, 'lOfl o , 'ju /,1)6.11'1, If'," r'l. J"I 'i'm' 7'Il,I)'; "'/1/'1/ .!'.:)'·,\A:: 1111,l! I,'j<[or.- '}(}-{j 1,'H7, I?i/(Il) (lIJ'P t.,). ('1\.1/ (1).(,\ r'l.!l:t.'I' 1'(1;)'0)' Chh'(j (,au, DUDaJ' fllW I,'!')',: l,'i'I'x' tjiii fl 'I' Y. ~'l'l (I)' (lIJ 'v t. '/' )',If<;' A:: :". .l " .: . The appropriate, body may' take over the land together with 'the, prop,rty thereon without any payment where ,the lessee has fai led to remove the property within the period oftime set forth in subarticle (5) of this Article, and may order the police where it finds it necessary for the enforcement of the takeover. 7/ Where the leasehold of urban land is tcnninated pursuant to sub-article (I)(b) of this Article, the taking over of ,the land shall take place in accordance \vith!"th·c p.~ovisi~ns of Article 31 of this Proclarnatio·n'. . j ::, - ! ' t' '. , " , . ' .;' li ;' ; ." . .. '. '.' Feder;!! Negarit , G~ta No.~. 2.8~ ~ovem.~r•. 2011 ... . page 6240 11 <j: A "t.-r fIt\ "'I fIt\ .,,:p r h1-"'1 fl;!= 26. Power to Clear Urban Land .\ f·.I ,o.'. ·· H'fJ l\ .. f. . \ ;~ 61 '),1' •. , f,.·/: ~'·; II . The approeriato. , \><>dy · s.hail . ~l,Iye the power, . whe~e ,i t is,~.t.\le p'ubli,c ,ipter~si. to clear' and '! A"I rt {I Y fI ar ," I-J Ah fl ;!= ar fI O'l) <'I ar -r l' 00 llj llj Of I-J "f (I:P.r:"'l. Y "H, h •. A (1"'/ y,: t "I 1'111''''/ {I;!= .e1 1;1-' fI ill 11·(1 '1' 'r )1" fl. rt A I' "'/ (} fI'I' 0/ 'I , {I t takeo~~ri ,)\U'b<l(1 Aapd .up~~ ,payment of commens\lfllte ~o1)lP,ensat!on, ,I? adv.ance, for the properties to be' removed from the'land. ponthll rt\llj, .e'lt'Pi.\:: f/ 21 A person displaced due to an action taken 011.11 }'}<I'I\.' '}n·fl },'}<I'",- (Ii) <mll'(.')(I "1. OHtr.' hC)1"~ )1"11, Y'r -I'~7i. 1\ "'l.11' ~ Or tl ar 00 m 't- (111 A fl· , (I).e)1" pursuant to sub-article (I) of this J\rticle shall , be provided \yit!{asubstitute plot of land within the urban'; 'centre ' the: size of which shall be detennined by the region or the city M'/-?'Y.C f"'l.oJln )1"')-h ' (lh'/''''/m' m·M' .etlm'PA:: (J/l'l''''/m' (1;1' administration.~1.·, ( ,~~' :' ' .'' !· i~ i.! .:'[; 31 Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article ' E/ PIl.U I,'H'?;, '}O·(} ~,"l'?· (li) (I) of this Article, no land leasehold may be cleared, ' prior ! to . the ', expiry of the lease period, 'tiniess 'the lessee · has " breached the' 'contractof'lease; the 'us'e of !he land is not compatible with the urban plan or the land is required . for .deyelopm~nt activity, to be , . undertakell bigo~erllrilt;~i; . ' y':'};J7, r t1'l-"'/ {I ;1- (I t\. 11 r Y II tl <II' ft\.11 OJ·I\. '} rtfl"'/h(lP 1'(1;1- Am:l' 4'(11)' hh1''''/ar Tn ;JC t\.lljllj)1" r"'l.i·A I]floolf~· (I).e)1" fl;!=ar 00,"1 r'l' fI"'l..I'I-J' , fA"'/'r rt. Mol, <'17. 11'<;' (10017"/: )1"h'}y,.,. I-JAIf~ (I(} 'I .. ,' e rt\.11 1100',. IJ"'/I\'" (I ....,. .el':) ·OJ·'} h,}·~,I\,r A.eJ'.t"l)1":: IlS C)1" fil .f'fI<II· AliA (I,M OO'}1.r: p'u' tr} rh'I''''/ (1;1' (l1I.U },1'j!: },'H'?,: , 7,); (fUII'(.:" ('"'lllll'/"/;)' '-"")'1'11 uUllm :,,'1 , 'lvI ouh&'A f))'(} •• A"/ rfl'Hr r t. 'J' 'I '''' r?;' rr <j: "'/ (} m '}of> 4:.l' '(I;F' till 1\ .e I';raJ' fit, IJA (lou(lm'''' (I).e)1" (lfl;1'o>, (lIPt.tOJ· ,{It,'" <'I.e (louflmtt: },"Ii}'(1 oJ'/, :1 1 . .. - .", (. ',: : ' ,. iii (l1l.U),'PJ,: },'}of>?;' jn ')O.(} ~,f<!o?;, (Ii) UDIPt'} rh,/''''/ fl;1- .efl;J' "'.<i.fI'/>:P O,(I)tl'; .e11:J·OJ' I' "'l.fI'I,q,(Jol- 'UP t\.IJ 6. A I' "'l. 11] OJ· f 'I U I ou m .,. ~, r, (I. tl11''''(1- fI OJ· r )1"')- h fl ;1- {)1 ..).'1 >"Irt n, 'hn:/>('I r"'/(}(\</"t.l' 'hll111 tIIlflJ'." ;J- o>' (I:\'U'r,: ,J'.tllljt\:: 41 The appropriate body shall have the power, ISsl!e a :c1earance order without the need pursuant to 'Article 27 , of thi$. Proclamation and payment of compensation, to clear an illegally ; occupied ' urban i' land by merely serving If"written (notice of 'seven working days to the occupant in person or by affixing it to the property situated on the land. to ".Io U·i~ ~) -.' '.. nll.u ~,'H?;' ')O.(} ~,"'of>'" (Ii) ODWt-)· f'''l.t'lmo'· f"'/(}m'}-H;Y VL (It/All" ~r-'l (lh',-",/ ~'(}''''?'J'.C':r. O"'· .I'.'fl J'.ml\ 'I A r 11'~")1" (I ",/'}:;' tJ).)1" tN.;!' h2 -",;,.). Y'dl fI.lY'} ~,.e:f·A)1":: :r· , ".' ·i ;-U~ ·,:, ~~ ~' . ·· ; ' :1' ·0 ····· . ·~i:·t~· · ··~ .:! 27, Clearing Order , ' .' :'" , .", " ": ' II ". ' \ .. ~ .'.\... Where urban landholding is decided to be cleared in accordance with sub-article (I) of Article 26 of this Proclamation, the possessor , of the' land shalk be. served': with a ; written clearing order stating the time the land has to be vacated, the amount of compensation to be paid and the siie and locality ofthe s~bstitute plot of land to' be ~vaiied. ' .; . , : '. ,. ~ 1. E/ - ,. " ~ r a 7(}I\-H' rA"n .e'lt'PAr: 1\%. r"'lM 'I" 1:,r ,1-0'111 , .. -.",' . . ..' .", .':.' . , .,;',.. • 21 The periodofnotificatio~ to be given in accordance wit\l, sub-article (I) of this Article , shall be detennined by' regulations to be issued by die regions and the city administrations; provided, however, that it may not, in any way, be less than 90 days. IJ. 6·/\ '/;1(.-1' ;1rL nl "''l'C !i ,p;c E/ fi/ IE -1'1 rit!1 'tV"' r"'lM N~J' ,}-OI111 (0 1""'It\t.II'} fl.,} ., f"'lflm'H</:J' '1.lto)· h"'l'II,.o/'/: (l,{. ')' I'll.t-j, OJ't'I,'} t'I"'l:t: L'I' . i''''l.J'fI":{·A t,C9u ;o, Ol'aJ·M:· },MH'lI . ?l i:, f"'l M N:.I' 'ro win rJJ WI" . "'l fI MtlPt\ll'/: il fl.·!:;J· ?'1', m" 4'4; n t~ ,(1·11 h')<Iol\' (ii) (''''lI)I'\'I''I:.I' '}' o'111 r f.l. (to,· 0> )'.~" 'ro 0111 O','nl1llJ-}' 'Hli'} ~./? lfl un ,(I 'L' (J>./?~o 'I' ·Pax ./?~1111~:t\ ('Otf.\ "'l'g'OJ'?" nar '}'O'"I· Of-in (lUi r po/,. 'I'r;-,}' 01,11'1' JI\OI''} . . t,IL'I:;!' tnlc11C ?"h'}J-I:<" a~llili ar :JC h"/'I11 ~I\ar hi,A "'l,pi11 j>.;l'·~A" . . ~",pi :1' (l1l.11 J.q'J.: i,'HoY.· !I'y; '}Q·fI i,'HY.· (ii) (lDwt'. 'l' "Ulln',,,,,!:J' (' .l',t'.{J(J)' (JO)' uUIIIl"'H:J'(ll' IIY.t'.t'lm· 1I{Jf/:I' I'rt· 'I,,'l' (/J·tJ'!' Where the plot of land to be cleared has a government house ' on 'it, the clearing order shall be served. to the ~ody, ?dministering the house. ,.. .. - - . .. .. If a house :a 'Clearing order · issued pursuant to sub·article (3) of this Article is rented, the body which received the order .. \ shall take the necessary action ·10 tenninate , .. . the contract ofrent' prior to. the expiry of the . notice' period. ; ".\ '~' ':l~ r; t~..~l! { . " ; ~ ' , ;, :,~ ': ' .< \; ,, -, ·: to Clearing Ord~r or 28. . Grievances Relating . " " . ' .-.- . .. ..!~ ": t ·:!.." ."!. . .: t· f u·: · \':~ ·' i · !· Notke O/LU >d']!.: h')<Iol\' i,(J,' /:;J'Ol'" tnlc11C .. 9"h',J"I:, o~fI/.J:I'o)· ;lC hOIf/'1I 'I t'I OJ· . . i,fJt. "'HL'II j,:r·'It.:: 6241 4/ (lPIPI.'}' h~lI/' ,}t'JIII~ 1'~l.r)OJ· j t\tJA . +ht-j,'Y' f./ 3/ l'''''l''I'O)· rll'I''''l n;J' j,11;J' !'(]D','? ,'P'} fl.')- Po,UII'} tun r"'lflM'</!J' '}'o'III' r"'u',coOl" fl.'I" · fl°'l.J'fI·I ~ }; Y: /. OJ· ~,I I t.\ .I', If, t.\ " . (lILU h""".. "O·fI · h'Hr.- F~elal Nc:garil Gllcla No. 4 28~ November, 2011 .... page . . . . . -' . I I . A person served with Ii cleaTing order pursuant to sub·article (I) of Article 27 of this Proclamation or any other person alleging infringement of his right or benefit as a result of the order may submit his grie vance to . the"approprialebody, together wilh evidences substantiating his cause. within 15 : work ing days·after ·receipt of tile order. .. !( ·~HH · '··· ;· 2/ Any person served with a notice pursuant to sub·article . (4) : '.ofl.•Article '26 of this Proclamation may submit his grievance to the appropriate body, : together, )Vith evidences substantiating his ,: cause,;.. : .within seven working days after receipt of the notice . . . 3/ ),"/t]'fl .f't\m· ),lrAnlLV ),'1-/'r.- ',O·fI i,'Hr. . UiJ 1Dj,9" (lI) (]DIP/. ,1, r 4' /. n fI '/", iI (J,'I:;J' (J iI "I f/ II, (J "'l f1)?- ,}. O)·t'j~, llu(jIl1:I'~' OJ·t'j~,Ol·" · M,fl.'I:;J· i,:/' t-fl.m· nx'u'r,: '''It'Jm'p MIll ')':: l"pLnm' i,fl. '/:;1 , 1~'1'f/j, ~.} . J''I'rr h If ~ 9" II', J' '/: n'? A r.- nOJ; t'J ); OJ· OJ· fI'I' (IV? t'I r.- j, <;' ;I'A:: : . . :·~·; ,., t, \ ;~ ; \· , ~ -' ~. , '~ ' The appropriate body shaIr properly examine a grievance · submitted· to it in accordance with sub·article (I) or (2) ofthfs Article and notify its decision .,-to the .applicant in writing. Where . the complaint is found to be unacceptable, -the ,'.decisjon ~ .. shall state the reasons thereof: . ~I ~. ·1~ ;.;·.,,;· . , ·; \' '''''''t en :. i s ?'ii. h'?'lll tJ/lOJ' i,'l/.1. m't'J~, 'If. t'lfl"'/:N:'fl .e'?tJ~ . (i/ l,"/fHI .r'~,," hi/(\ III/.IJ J,'I'j!: l,'/'I'I\' ?; ;.~ ')(H) l,')</>I\' (E) {""Pi'}' (11)1110>' OJ")}' :j'C r'/'n')' hIL'I:;!' h~'lr(l til"H,eD' flf-iOm· . M) 4'r;-'l' "J'n'!' J!, "I 'l"f.'1 fllLU >d']!.: r.'}·P?,· 0 I7D fP i'" ./?"l'l'r fl°"·7·1)'l, 'Y''' i 'l1 ./?1··~A" . (j'''**(]OQ)' 29. Appeals Against Body II ' Dccjsio~; o(tI;~ j Appropriatc ,' . .. . • An applicant _wh~ .is . aggrieved by the decision of the appropriate body rendered in accordance with sub·article (3) of Article 28 of thisProclarrlatiortmay ' :appeal \ to the Appellate TribunaI"established· under Article 30 of this Proc!amation' wjthin :io days from receipt of the decision?!, .; ...:. ... -f· t : 'l' ~:;i ·i.·•.,·<.~ 1~ i71.n:1 { J-"o/;,- I\ LJ;")' .'JII."1 {I'1'r. !i "t,..,r. x;..' .J•., lfi'i.ii '1.11"' 'iJ ·Fl'tm· r·h~.(ll\·l· ·t .e°Wf fl\rJ r /outr 'Pt;'·} m·il',. (WC'l"e: m")~ ""r'!lll:/' ~,Ml'I':: ?l'llllaJ" m·tr~'l" 1\·/'IltrIJt rot (,"":t•• (lX' U'/j: "'I tr aJ:p h t'I (l·l'" r/ (lll"! tlctlc ".e (1;F'} I.f.l,'l"e: ~'lC hche:'f 'I.e '/oCJ'tm· r"tl'lmm· Federal Ncgarit Gauta No. 4 28~ November, 20J 1 .," pa£e 21 The Tribunal shalt" examine the appeal and render its decision within 30 working days from submission of the appeal. It shall notify ;ts decision in writing to the parties. 31 Decisions of the Tribllllal, except relating to IIAlf~ (lr'!'I"/'C 9°TtI (ll\.t'l0'f (lJI"1'l" lf~ (llj:;:' compensation, on issues of law and facts including claims for substitute land shall be final. aJotr~ r(W~f.l,lij' .elf'lA" §/ (·Win>· ~uO n"'l.ou/\h·} I1l1m(l)o a,··n. ~C 41 A person dissatisfied with the decision of the Tribunal on the issue of compensation may appeal, within 30 days from receipt of the decision, to the r·/·/'l')' 'rlJt-llt ron (l)o"'~(l)o 11 I.tl1 ",. Mi 'f>"'} or fl'l' /\ "'l. ou /\ h'I'or I'll"''''' .e"l'l '5 /'l"'l. .,:C.~ (b.} ( rtH·"" .e°}'!1 fl"'l. ,, :CX: n.·)· (lfI.(I(H· fI"1.""fIlH·0I· " .. J!.(I:" 11.,:·/·:;' r,:r.r: n.·} .e'?'11 ""~t.·n )~ i·· ~A" f./ V \1) • . . rel eva nt municipal appellate court or, in the ab,ence of municipal appellate court, to the regular high court. .. 51 An appeal under sub·article (4) of this Article 01lU h'}</'?;' ,(}or'! h,</'?;' (Ii) nowt.-} .e "1 fJ ~ (W 0/ t. .(l r "t 'f t'I aJo .e "1 CJ :~ CJ r. ~,V;.t\<I':I' ·N)'/11 r'/,l'Illl(l'} '} rh."oy (1:)' ~,"1fJ·(l "t'lm' hl-tA IIr'!thOr, .rnt.h(lO·('·} elH' h.e"1fJ~ Ml,·/:;J·m· :1(: ~,.r .e /' 11'1' t. (l '(l;r. .e If r, A:: (l1l.1! >,'}</'X' ·}o·n ~,'H'?;' (Ii) or,w(../, .e'?fJ:f r·rl(lt'l-'/· /j:ct: (b.} .e"1CJ·]. fl</' lllt\·/· IJQj I' /-"tr "''IT w·lt'!' w·tr~ noflm'} ~,t'I(l'h: \''i:c.r.- (b." w·tr),9" rau('r.l.t.if .elf'lA:: M.e "In 1'I"t '/oC]'}. rh'/''''I (l;J' "'IflM':j<" 1'11"/ 'l-P,r-:Y. .e "1 f)'} el '''l. 1· CJ '}.?' :f· 0 h 1M' :f·" oh./. 0 7 i,fIo!'P, J'. e:';f. .e:t::J:"'II\.1I fJ./ OIl.1! i,,<['?;' ,O·fI h,'p?;, (li) au"'l·l· r·f·**au ?·fJ'}. r ·/'lOt'l·/·'t .enJfJ:~ U" C e: (l/ LV h iI'1</' x· 2,' ;~ '} o· fI i, '</'x' (n may be admitted only if the appellant has handed over the land subject to the clearance order to the appropriate body and attached evidence to this effect. 61 The appellate court shall decide on an appeal submitted to it in accordance with sub-article (4) of this Article ~ithin 30 working days from its submission. The decision of the court shall be fmal. 30. Appellate Tribunal {if II (I ) of this Article shall have the power, upon examining appeals submitted to it, to confirm, vary or reverse a decision rendered in accordance with ··sub-article (3) of Article 28 of this Proclamation and to enforce its decision. r·j·elm O)· tr~. '} r 7x'r,'/'T P"'Ii'ii)'t\ m.e9" ruui)'c ")..r; auIV('.). 0 rr'lma>··} aH)i. .e 'i' t. 'I' t\ :: L i I" r; ti/ rOO/flt.Dr /-"A"f'} r'/ofJ'}.ro· "'mtH ~"J'. h"1fJO' t'lhAII. mf,'l" t'lh"''''IaJ' M.,.P,f.C 9"hc (b-'/' .elf'l A:: ?·fJObOJ· ~,"1CJ'O 11'I1'(/)· hll"'} r·I'OJ· "lm· h?; f"'l.I"}t'l. hfJ ... ·} .e'i~.;J'AII Urban land clearing and compensation cases appellate tribunals shall ,b e established by regions and city administrations. 21 A Tribunal established pursuant to sub-article 'I':e: r 6242 31 The Tribunal shall be accountable to the council of the region or the administration, as the case may be. 41 city The Tribunal shall .consist of not less than five members drawn from different relevant bodies. ;, ,...,.. : .. . ,,., ~'1 J..f. t· l\ ~,;Jt'r ;JIL"l 4l'l'C r I $! '1P.C i$ ""j 17Ui 'Ur.. [;/ 'rCl'10)· ~,()t"'17. If'i 1\.1'11"0)' "'7Cl '(]7'I' .l',,1:0I·'} M"'I' (]"'I1I11 01>-.l''P. M·" .I' f ,j' an ", (] A (Jl f, 'I" "'I () I. 'P: ], Vi. "'C'i1(\'/' "'IY:t.'7 f,:r-I)A:: 'k/ 'I'ClObOl' Mlt,I)? If'i 1\.1'1')"0)' f Tf\.{) ;) f,A iI "'I II 11 f°?,oll)'r(Jl''} 0I'<'I~P1''I Federal Ncgaril Gazeta No.4 28- November, 2011 .... page 51 The Tribunal may. where il finds il necessary. order · the relevant' bodies to provide expert · opinion or to produce evidence pertinent to a case before it. 61 The Tribunal may order and use police force where it finds it necessary to execute its decisions and orders. ..' ; 'N-,IIJl1- "'I{)t,O'l" f,1'I)Au '\ ." ;; " ~ ; " . 81 The Tribunal may ' not be governed by the provisions of the ordinary Civil Procedure Code while conducting its functions. It shall, however, be governed by expedient procedures to be issued by the region or city administration, {)t-OI"} (l"'l..I'Il'ltD-'}(] 'I- VL (lan~(]r,:mf'f:'hltlld.. C {)~-I-"C'}·", 'rCl '1 OJ· ;n "I " f, an t- 'I" :: If 'i 'I" (] h A t'I, (J) f, 'I" (] 11-1''''1 "()-t-.'! ~ 1- (l0?'(J)0") P·/'<I' I)m6. M I~C'}'''' .f',ant-A:: iii 91 f7,ClobQ)' i,Cl" '/' P{)t- II an'} (lhAt'I, (J)f,'1" 011-1''''1 M·I'.'!~1, f,(J)o'lA u 31. The term of office of members of a Tribunal shall be detennined by the region or city administration. Takeover of Land ': !il rlLII ~"Iy""'I\(/ 'I' l'}</or. ")Ml h"),"",' I'll Y.: '}.n U"i' ',"//1 '(/ .vII 0" "I'A "'IM""I:}' .)·)'1111 r'I't'ltIlO')"} (I;)' 1'}"I''''l II;). 'Ill y.I';)·W· 11"/ IJ'I'IJJ,I\OJ' 'I") aI.e9° 'Iu/OJ" ) 1\t1l'4'IlA 6.;PJ'.~: 'IA11'7 J'."I'f" lju/tD- h"lI1'O 11/1 OJ' "IIA 1J9" (I1J"1 r'1'}/] 'I. u /,n h·I·1'ODmO·)- 'I' ") l!..9I.lC: 01 (/'li"" w·tt'p .etfc,ot.\11 lff,oy6 f-i'GJt'I7l'iY> flU/ jA'I'1'iIl'iGJ' 1'ItD- l'iop'I'IlA 06./17 '/./1, ',"]'HI jl'iOJ' h'IA Oil")/] r'H'OD tIlm·'} 'l'}I/'n ODIJIf)·)· ',MI')'" 1""/,(.110",· i/ ""ICl'(] ,PflOJ" "IjA r"'lM'I't.l' "'·lJI111 (Jlf,'1" °7{)m'HtJ' p.f·om(l,I-'} ant, 'I' r "'l.1. /l(] OJ-: u) 'h'l I 11/. (J)f,'I" "'It'lm '} </'</!Y(J)- P~I. OO!' t'l0l' i111.U (,'I';e,: i,'H'?" f\'t '}O·{) (,')<i'y,' (?i) mf,'I" (Jt) uu/pt.·I, M,'!:;)' 'i,P-f'(;'(] /\) II .. .,~.' \Vithou t prejudice to the provision s of sub~articlc (2) of this Article, the appropriate body shall take over urban land from any person who has been servcd with a clearing order within 90 days from the date of payment of compensation, or if the person refuses to take the payment, from the date of depositing tiJe compensation in a blocked bank account in the name of the appropriate body; provided, however, that the appropriate body shall pay the deposited amount whenever the entitled person intends to take the payment. .\ , 21 The appropriate body shall .take over a land in respect of which a clearing order' or notice haS been served: . ~ I.>·; ".'- . )' ',- t· · . a) where the person served with the clearing order or notice has not lodged a grievance against the action in accordance with sub, arlicie (1) or (2) of Article 28 of this Proclamation; b) where the grievance is dismissed .in accordance with , sub-articl~ (3) of Article 28 of this Proclamatiori and no further appeal is made against ihe decision; or 1\ 'rC 1 'I'C(1 IliW (,'P;>: i,'HY.. ?';~ (I:) an UJt. 'I' l,fi,'/: ;)·OJ·'~ OJ''?'':/' \'O?,y YoCal o>.I)~, I\t'l 'r " 'I nOJ· I) i OJ' I) f, f, '7 Cl;~ I) f, -" C 'n r'I:!'CI al,e'l" i ..,';',,\'. . 71 The Tribunal shal.! b¢ free of any influence except the law. , ., 7·(]'10)· Ila,"} (]<f'C 11"'1'1'1'01''1" 1'ltlJ'i ~~ f,IF'IA:: ;sf 6243 il(]"/:;J' '}O·{) i,'Hr.' ,h) nlLl! (ii) M':e.: (JUIP",,' ~ ~:,~ fi/I'PI ': ,\ .{ - .etJ''1(,\:: .'~ i.,'; , ~l~ c) iI'Hr,' 0 '}Ml il'H~ (i0 (]DU'''''' .e "I WI: '} OJ· .I': ,} nau:" "} OJ· <'l ~ .~ . , . I'll! ,Ml il'H~ ,e'?1J1 <I'cn nt/.tJ M':e.: il'H~ EI rll.U ~,'}<I>)I;: 'IMI I\'H~ n~U\<I"~m' CD)'.'l" I\,~ ~~': out.,1· ~.e (iil y;'},n (L'lCl'" *"'1. Notwithstanding the provision of sub-article (1) of 3/ "'hA this Article, where there is no crop, perennial crop 'Hlt::·} hl\,(\ rh'I''"! (1;1' 1Jt\,eII;1'(J}o P'"!M<I"p '}O'll' n~t::flm' Mi 'I' ".). or 'I' r 11'1''''' (1:1' ,e 11:1''''' ') ~, "}1J·n or other propeny on a land in respect of which. clearing order has been served, the · holder shall hand over the land to the appropriate body within 30 days from the date of receipt of the order. fH1A 1 n ~flm' AlIA '"!nt::h'(] iii "" " where an appeal submitted in accordance with sub-article (I) of Article 29 of this Proclamation is dismissed in accordance with sub-article (2) of Article 30 of this Proclamation . 1\1'\1)01':: il "}(1-(1 .I' 11(1)' ~,I,tI (1;)'O,.'} O"'I.t.h,nn ·1· 'tI& ;j.etl (/V1Il'/'?" MlliJI'~ tJ'~. r'L.P'l'}'m· p;rIlJI '/.etl "'JI/lI.e:r·'\tI:: (:;/ n,1,7 011' aD'}?.!': P'r,PII phof''''7 n;J' >-. '} .';.1\<1' ;1' (J'''l..I'.'' '7 n'J' 'l.I L n(1), aJ' '\.e ,\11 'HId, 1,"'IJ'n .1'1101' MtI '/'IIl.e-!: 4/ The appropriate body may order police force · when it finds it necessary to use force to take over the land. 5/ The appropriate body may not be ' held responsible for any property situated on illegally held plot 'o f urban land 'in the course of clearing the land. '" . 1,1. tJ"}?,,:: ". h'i:A M"r'lr \. ~ \- . ; ... PARTFIVE ' .- AI! Af. J!:')7l.?'f MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 32. Powers and Duties DUhe Ministry , . Z" m;.~,n'I;1· P"Z/l'i'II·')' p'Af/)'}'1 '/·"llIt",· The Ministry shall have the powers and duties to: .e ~·1·)' A:{,'I'J::: OU·II,9· t/l~fI":r· 1I"'l:llJ (]DIi,?"""} .eh:Jo./,'\tI T J't.;J"}f/)tll 1/ foll ow up and ensure the proper implementation ' of thiS- Proclamation in all regions and city adminis~tlons; 2/ provide technical and . 'capacity building support to regions . and."city , . administrations; . ~ -- . ~./ IIhtlt\·:r'l IIh,/,"'7 M'rP,J.'.C':r· N-h~, ~'';:>'i: yr.C;Jt\l h" PiI:p?" ,,} '}f];1' ~ E/ nV'1C il'J''f: p,,:?, ?(]Dt,'!.r, (]D(.,:r ~h {lIJ t.'f, 9' cr, '} n 'L-h'i fl· Jt r "'711 {lIJ '} r, P"'7 r, n·n p t, 9':r. .e IV" t\1 3/ create, with the assistance of technology, a modernized and harmonized real property information system at the national level; ;. , §/ tJ7C il<!'<j: P{lIJ(.,,"t;' {lIJt.,-.,. :r.'} fl of·(]D 1\11'1' -r6.~tnO;J·'I:o.. '} (jl (,IW'} il(I'.~ ~h (]Dt."P:?' -- .. '. '$ • -, " f ;~ " : . , ~.,' " , I 4/ adopt and follow up .the implementation of national standards . pf real , properties data base; 5/ prepare model regulations, directives and manuals to be issued for the implementation of this n;1', P, C I'- :1', J' 0'''/ Al .eh;1,,/''\tI! "'ln6.?°'l.J' 'f" >'.tI J.'.W:f·T (]DOU (, j' P' :y.r, "7 'j 'P fI" :y. ,r II,;:> "P: A:: . Procl amat ion, Lj:-. '.'. ~ '1Ti lrl n~n;· 4,)'.6·"" ~;J 6')' ,.."Jll.tTJ "1'C Q "IP.C It of'} fiLii ~.f'" 0r. 1'11/.\1\'1"'<; 1'11'1....., M,,·P,}'..C":f· rAnnr; '/'''lflC FeJeral Negarit Gazeta No.4 28 111 November, 2011 ... page , , 33, Powers anti Duties of Regions Administrations 6245 and~ , " Regions imdcity' admini~trations 'shall have the powers and duties to: . {;/ nU·fl·?"" h·'·'I"":f· CD·flT 1''''/.11OJ.'} au':':I' nlll! i\'r~ UUIP(.')' .f'fI"·}U~·':'fl.r 11 administer land, in all urban centers, in accordance with this Proclamation; U 21 issue regulations and directives necessary for the implementation of this Proclamation, ' .eU'} M)~ n"'/.1CJ fl o'!fl6..09 u 1''''/..f'fI 6.. A." j'.'} (l":f-r. UD{7I>(, J' 9'":f' J' (JJfIJ fl,:: 34, <ry'j','0l'9 U (tOI' .eu·n U7' fnflm r°'l..I'M'''! fJAU", nfl' I"/'C,"'I')~'ar'l" .eV') I\'PJ":, (JILt! M'J": auw I. -)- {' aJin- ,O(1:i-, tJ1'U>'(')' 7'1'·'} It "'Ifl .,07" {'·I'oDJ'.1I ?~t. OJf!,y" wto·!·~' '!'1(L YAtf~ 'l':"'l" It toe), OJf!,'l" It:V\ It or It "'I fI1 "f .}, (J "'}1I11.- Duty to Cooperate " ;, " , Penalty II Unless the 'Offence" is 'pun'ishable with more severe penalty under the Criminal Code: a) any officer or employee who is in charge of implementing this Proclamation and regulations and directives issued hereunder Wi lh intent to obtain for himself or to procure for anoth;rju,rsol\ undue advantage: .~, - q .!~~: ' <lr _ 1.!. ~~' (k) (JlLU M'J": (l;t-") h'!'J'.~11ar ora;], I'h1''''1 1'.,4'J'. },,}J'.U'~ hZ Mh 1(; '}au,} (I"Y,J'.C 1\ In· 1\"" to·} }" h'(lC :'iit Mh '(lC nit (J"Y,J'.CI\ flllHI au4'.·... .e4'flIAI co l'a:1. t.;1' aot.r>i7':r-·) f!,i, 'I.f,"C"/1 MY: 7U b f." 'If!, 1J'.'1I (VI'/.\ T fa,I,t.:), "l.J'.'I;") (U"I'! eJJJ', ?" ('a,I.t.;1' "'ilL-I,) n,I\(II"" Iii; Mil Xif ,}ou.} (l°'l.J'.CfI In, I\r to,/,}" Il'(lC 071, Ml! '(lC li.;::Ii1. (I"Y,J'.CfI fnll'(I au'I'l"· f!," , flIAI II "1:1. t.;1 , (E) IlIl.V ~\'PJ": 1l't'J'.~1'lar W·G1l. •. (Jq" 11-1'17 OJ.f','l" 1I1Lt! }.q'»,' uuwt.:,. U"OI'(lJ:' [''''L'I'lOl''} 11'I't. h/i MIl! In· n I\C9u )f 'l,l'.OIf1X" ",QU .), 1I"'/.J'.CIl },,,,,to,), }" h'(lC 0i'i, !'i,tlit (I "'LJ'.C 11 f1'}II'fj .f',4"~Ar . ,"., 35, V) ':'- ", Any person shall have the duty to cooperate for the implementation of this Proclamation, ,\'1'~ t.1.P: ['uv·,·qIlC "'Yv;J' M\n·h, 1i/ ' 1'a1'}J':A . " Mh ·nc QU"',,,. f (I) grants an urban land in contravention of the . provisions, of 'this proclamation is punishable 'with rigorous imprisonment from 7 to 15 years and with a fine from , . Birr 40,000 up to Birr 200,000; , (2) ," fails " 10 , disclose ' 'any infonnation pertinent to a tender, restricts _the sale of bid documents. distoJ1 s the process or reverses the outcome of a lcnder is punishable with rigorous impriso nment from 5 to 12 years and with a fine from Birr 30,000 up to BirrISO,OOO; (3) acts in,violation of the provisions of this Proclamation or fails to take action requifl;d under this Proclamation is punishable with rigorous impdsonment from 5 to 12 years and with a fine Irom Birr30,OOO up to Birr 'ISO,OOO; '\ :,i ':" ':' :' '. '- ; . ~ ': :' ' 11> Ir...U!jI j~Y.Irl\. ~?t 'r .?IL"1 -tI'l'C i 1}jC It +1 f712 'l.V" Federal Nt:garit Gazeta No.4 2801. November, 2011 .... page II) ",!'}~:ar9:' 1\(1}- J'.U1 h'l']!- (1JJ'.'I" IlIl.U M']!- OUlP t. .). I' (1Jffio f.'}{li·'} (1J J'.'I" aoout.p 9',,;.,} 11 ao.,.,\ II 'i: rh.,."'! 11;1''} h'l'C' h.!'II T "1111;1' 'l'l~f.Il·l· (1J J'.'I" b) whosoever. in violation of the provisions . of this Proclamationior /Iegulations or directives issued hereunder . .. fences an urban land, ~ndeltakes construction on it or encloses 'it with his · adjacent /and is punishable with a rigorous imprisonment from 7 to 15 years, .and with a fine from Birr 40,000 up to Birr 200,000; ' . c) any bidder of urban .Iand lease tender who presents a falsified documentary evidence or conceals any evidence which he should have disclosed or, connives , at an . act of fake compctition is punishable with a rigorous imprisonmentfrom,5 to 12 years and with a fine from Birr 30,000 up to Birr 150,000. hl\ 'l'1l~ )'.I';.i-(n· ,?C h'i''\'i't\ hZ Mh Iii 'lao·)· 1l"'lf.Cfl ,..,. },p't.r M' hllc :'.in. Mh lIC Ui'i. 1l"'lf.Cfl f1'ill·11 av·I','·· )'.'/'''IAI ,Il ) "'!'}~:!IJ·9· fl.11 Gf.l.t.;1· "'Iflt.'Jf 1""t.111 ao "I M,' nflt.fl·}1 aot.]f hY.111' w)'.'I" hilA "'wp'P't .?C fluDuvlllllC r,MI')' iD'.~·J.':C 'lY.t.1 h?; Mh H 'lao.} n=u.cll 11"/' Mt.·)· },<;' h'flC !ili'i. Mh ·oe litvi'i. O"'lJ:Cfl r-nIl·(1 {/V'h"" j~"'''l Au (J/J-I.",! (I;1' r~/.llJP,y.c nOl' ('.l,n')' '1./ "'!·}l1'01·r .eu'} l,'P~" · IlIW i,'P~ {lDUJI.·r from· f.,'}(J1·" {lD{lDtf?>1"} fI"'!!l!"O?" f,/·{lDJ'.1l ?<\&. u,t.,/·l1' IlIl.U h'}N', 1Ml .1\H~· (li) r"'o»ll !l'I: r'; '1'4, ,H'· 11 :/"t'l 'I-~ ~ ,1' h &.y, {lD hli Mh (i ')ou·1, (J"'l.Y.C!l >'P't..).r, tl'flC Ti'i.. Mh 'nc @'i.. (]"'l,.e.C!l rnll,n av el' {}" . .ell~flJ A;. E/ o~'i?,:m'?" , :- .. .- .. .. 21 Where any officer or· employee who is in charge of implementing this Proclamation and regulations and directives issued hereunder negligently commits the offence specified under sub-article (I) of this Article, he shall be punishable with imprisonment from 1 to 5 years and with a fine from Birr 10,000 up to Birr 30,000. (JIW 1,1'i'?;' V·I-oDllh·,'" fro'})?;C\ g:C/.')· n{lDt.7.?" I'",'rf U·rn· nIj:CJ': n.+ ,H'll1 'hDC(t h"l(Hl fl101' 31 h'lA >.V;.t.h(Jm· f,?I.;Jt:Il' 07;. r.,.i] 0;.., 'I-t. '1"'l. H iii rh·/''''! f"'! g.'i t.'f!(J/' tnH· 36. >"'?"1'1 Repealed and Inapplicable Laws I I The Re-enactment of Urban lands Lease Ho lding Proclamation No. 27212002 is hereby repealed. hll.u 1\'P~ ;JC fOZ:l't.'} "'I1<;'O"?" ,),"1 ro,er fhu't.C t'l'l"f.: IlIl.U M'~ Il'''i'i'',~· '1,.'ln" tI.e .,.,tYOZH r. J'r '!' I. OJ' r :: 21 No law or customary practice shall, in so far as it is inconsistent with this Proclamation, be applicable with respect to matters covered by this Proclamation, mt· 37, /il Any asset which is the proceed of a crime committed in violation of the provisions of this Article shall be confiscated by a court order and shall be surrendered to the appropriate bod y. '/,'rc (1;). nll.11 · f1t\OU,('l/'} (\ {/VP,'i1 °) I'cnrr)OJ· l,Q':e,: ii/j: j) .til! 11 I I.lJ 11 'P ~ ,,' 'Ii &. A :: V 6246 hA(\°1:" rh,/'''7 MH·.'lf.C1', 4'.e.?" r'l,A <pCnal' 1l>','PA'Pt'l tI.e fll· rh,,''''l (I;). 'I' ,r 1: 9' l' I n"'I, 00 (\ h ,). .1', Ii >. 'P ~ Iw(;(i-'/' y } X':9"C,' '111.:/' Y'{J·j· wl-··jVb w'!l'r (]'/'Y:'/°at· 1J"1 auu't.')· aJ"», OUf'lll1')' "fliF/'Ol'" Transitory Provisions I I Regions and city administrations shall re.nder . decisions, within three months after the coming into force of this Proclamation, on pc-ndi ng land holding requests in accordance with the fanner laws. t.t.,&,t, '/.J(,,'} V ,J11,(J1 <Il1'C Q ..,>:C It .1"} fit!! 'l,S"" Fedaill Negarit Gazeta NO.4 28111 November, 2011 .... page - .ell i,'P;1'.: !l{lUI\'l~-/: (]t.-), ]'"JCHl I] II aJ' i.tlG\ ?'/'iC('oo, Pi\. 11 G)-II°'1.'S mll,V' {lPwd' ['-/'iIr,(1l'/' P't,p>1.', 11;J'l~~;J' 7:01' -rm·n 4, -I' 6. ~o·O ;J';I:(J}' .e4''I''; t\" 21 All lease holding contracts which have been concluded with the appropriate body and all activities perfonned accordingly before the coming into force l>f this Proclamation shall be valid and remam intact,' . -: ,.,~ jl 38, .ell ],1';;:: (]6.,,f'.t.A '/;Jt-} ;JILllI ;J ..H" I/(J}'q(]:r 'n fOr, .ell'C.'A:: ;e:rc t • .". t.~ 'l! J\.. 'l"11t.n.,I''l! tT1it\,h Tti.lI,.'1,}-} h" (' This Proclamatiori ;sh~ll co~e 'into force on the' date of publication inthe Federal Negarit Gazeta, 2S tb day of November, 2011 GIRMA WOLDEGIORGIS \ r.1. -c'I'X'.r <;,;' Effective Date Done at Addis Ababa, this "Ie"? aJAJ'..1.I"C1.i'I 6247 ," ." PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA " {" :'>