Nerve Roots Muscles Cutaneous dorsal scapular nerve C5 rhomboid muscles and - long thoracic nerve C5, C6, C7 levator scapulae serratus anterior - nerve to the subclavius C5, C6 subclavius muscle - suprascapular nerve C5, C6 - lateral pectoral nerve C5, C6, C7 supraspinatus and infraspinatus pectoralis major (by From roots roots superior trunk superior trunk - communicating with the lateral cord musculocutaneous nerve C5, C6, C7 medial pectoral nerve) coracobrachialis, brachialis becomes the lateral cutaneous nerve of the lateral cord lateral root of the median nerve C5, C6, C7 and biceps brachii fibres to the median nerve forearm - upper subscapular nerve C5, C6 subscapularis (upper part) - thoracodorsal nerve (middle subscapular nerve) C6, C7, C8 latissimus dorsi - lower subscapular nerve C5, C6 - axillary nerve C5, C6 subscapularis (lower part ) and teres major anterior branch: deltoid and lateral cord posterior cord posterior cord posterior cord a small area of overlying skin, posterior branch: teres posterior cord radial nerve minor and deltoid muscles C5, C6, C7, C8, triceps brachii, supinator, anconeus, the extensor posterior cord muscles of the forearm, and cutaneous nerve of the arm - medial pectoral nerve T1 C8, T1 medial root of the median nerve C8, T1 brachioradialis pectoralis major and pectoralis minor fibres to the median nerve medial cutaneous nerve of the arm C8, T1 - medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm C8, T1 - ulnar nerve C8, T1 flexor carpi ulnaris, the medial cord skin of the posterior arm as the posterior medial cord medial cord medial cord medial 2 bellies of flexor portions of hand not served by ulnar or radial front and medial skin of the arm medial skin of the forearm the skin of the medial side of the hand and medial one and a half digitorum profundus, most of fingers on the palmar the small muscles of the medial cord hand side and medial two and a half fingers on the dorsal side