“Dear Dentist, I am a patient who has suffered nerve injury, following previous dental treatment. Please provide preventative and routine dentistry as normal. If I have chronic neuropathic pain and/or acute flare-up in the area of my nerve injury be aware my mouth may be more sensitive. Avoid ID blocks by using Articaine buccal infiltrations Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if there is any question about my patient management needs. Thank you for taking account of my injury this way.” “Dear Dentist, I am a patient who has suffered nerve injury, following previous dental treatment. Please provide preventative and routine dentistry as normal. If I have chronic neuropathic pain and/or acute flare-up in the area of my nerve injury be aware my mouth may be more sensitive. Avoid ID blocks by using Articaine buccal infiltrations Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if there is any question about my patient management needs. Thank you for taking account of my injury this way.”