catholic-courier-1996 - 0172

4581 Culver
Rochester; 6:30 p.m.; call Anne
for details, 716/582-5656.
SUN, MARCH 24 - Reunion: McQuaid's Annual March
Madness Alumni Reunion; Timothy Patrick's; 916 Panorama Trail,
S., Penfieldi 14 p m ; $15; info
reservations, call Dave Warth,
• SAT, MARCH 2 3 - P l a c e ment test: for incoming ninthgraders, the class of 2000; Notre
Dame High School, 1400 Maple
-Ave., Elmira; 8 ajn.; call Sister
Nancy Kelly, 607/734-2267.
Seneca j j "
• SUN, MARCH 24 - Ham
show: S L Cecilia's Hall, 950 Lake
St., Elmira; 2-5 p.m.
• FRI, MARCH 2 9 - " S u p e r
Bingo": sponsored by Holy Family Catholic Schools, Elmira; S t
Anthony's parish center, W.
Washington and College Ave.;
Elmira; $24 admission; two $500
jackpots, $2,500 in prize money;
doors open at 6 p.m.; for information, call 607/734441,4.
• SAT, MARCH 30 - E a s t e r
bake sale: a n d bazaar, St. Pius
Tenth Church, Main St, Van Etten; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; luncheon will
be served 11:30 a.m.-l:30 p.m.;
proceeds benefit S t Pius Church.
SAT, MARCH 30 - Craft
and antique show: T h e First
United Methodist Church, 1034
West Broad S t , Horseheads; 9
a.m.4 p.m.; proceeds benefit The
Southern Tier Hospice.
SAT, MARCH 30 - Craft
fair: St. Mary O u r Mother
School, 811 Westlake St, Horseheads; 10 a . m . 4 p.m.; adults
$1.50, children under 12 free.
Religious Activities
MARCH 25-28 - Lenten
Mission '96: S t Mary Our Mother, Horseheads; 7:30-9 p.m.; a
children's program and child-care
will be provided;' refreshments
and social time will conclude
each evening.
Monroe 1
Adult Education
SUN, MARCH 24 - Series: "We're All Going to Die";
Room 11, Corpus Christi School
at Blessed Sacrament Church,
546 Oxford St, Rochester; 11:10
a.m.-noon; Thomas Tripiciano,
presenter; call 716/342-1177.
MON, MARCH 25 Lunch conversation: "From
Start-ups to Commercial Networks: Stimulating Growth in
Poor Women's Businesses"; part
of Downtown Community Forum; Dugan Center, St. Mary's
Place, Rochester; 12:10-12:50
p.m.; Kathleen Barry Albertini,
speaker; brown bag lunches welcome; beverage and dessert provided; call 716/232-7140.
FRL MARCH 22 - Support group: S / W / D of Seneca
County, S t Paul's Episcopal
Church Parish House, 101 E.
William St, Waterloo; 6 pjn4 call
Carl & Alma, 315/539-2284.
S. John Wllkln/Staff photographer
PROTESTING DEATH PENALTY—Suzanne Schnittman (left), diocesan consistent life coordinator, holds a sign listing the names of men executed by capital punishment in the United
States this year, as Clare Regan (fourth from left), of the Judicial Process Commission, reads
the names. Both are spokeswomen for a new death penalty coalition, The Reconciliation Network: Don't Kill In My Name, which unveiled the sign at Rochester's Corpus Christi Church,
March 8. It was the one-year anniversary of the reinstated death penalty in New York state.
WED, MARCH 27 - Series: "Who Needs Public Television, Anyway?" part of Downtown Community Forum "Life
After Five" series; T h e Dugan
Center, S t Mary's Church, 15 S t
Mary's Place, Rochester; 5-7 p.m.;
Norman Silverstein, new president of WXXI, speaker; wine,
cheese and munchies provided;
free; call 716/232-7140.
WED, MARCH 2 7 - L e c ture: Francis Wayland Ayer Lecture on "Grief — Personal, Pastoral and Prophetic Considerations"; Dr. Roslyn A. Karaban,
speaker; auditorium, Strong Hall,
1100 S. Goodman St, Rochester,
4 p.m.; reception to follow in dieNorth Gallery, Strong Auditorium; free and open to die public
THU, MARCH 28 - Series: "Working Part Time," Chris
Tilly, speaker; S t John Fisher College, Wilson Formal Lounge,
3690 East Ave., Rochester, 12:30
p.m.; sponsored by the Authors
Series; free and open to die public; call 716/385*104.
MARCH 29-31 - Performance: "Amelia Bedelia," performed by die Emmy Gifford
Children's Theater at Nazareth
College Arts Center, 4245 East
Ave.,.Rochester, Friday 7:30 p.m.,
Saturday 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.; and
Sunday 2 p.m.; (interpretation for
die hearing impaired at die Saturday 11 a.m. show) all tickets $8;
group rates are available for 10 or
more; call 716/586-2420.
• THU, MARCH 2 8 - F a s h ion show and dinner: sponsored
by the Seton Branches of S t
deSales; Mercy Motherhouse,
1437 Blossom Road, Rochester;
1:30 p.m.; group meets die fourth
Saturday of every month; call
Beth, 716/4782-3636 o r Dora
SUN, MARCH 24 - ColHematology Unit; for reserva- legium daeriliannm: conducted
tions, call 716/464-3255.
by Thomas Donohue, will present
• SAT, MARCH 30-Spring Dietrich Buxtehude's oratorio,
"Membra Jesu Christi," a meditacraft fain Hope H a l l 1612 Buffalo Road, Rochester; 10 a.m.4 . tion on Christ's Passion, scored
for chorus, soloists, strings and
p.m.; crafts, food, and raffles and
continuo; S t Anne Church, 1600
activities for children.
M t Hope Ave., Rochester; 4 p.m.
SAT, MARCH 30 - NonGolf Tournament: sponsored by
TUE, MARCH 2 6 - Y o g a
Bishop Sheen Ecumenical Housand contemplation: last of sesing Foundation; Oak Hill Counsions; Sisters of S t Joseph Spiritutry Club, Kilbourn
ality Center, 402 Rogers Parkway,
Rochester; 4-6 p.m.; cost varies as
Rochester; 7:30-9 p.m.; $10; wear
to level of participation, $50 minloose clothing; call 716/3364370.
imum per person; proceeds will
FRI, MARCH 29 - Rebe used to fund Bishop Sheen Ectreat: "Come Away And Rest A
umenical Housing Foundation's
While ...."; Abbey of die Genesee
Emergency H o m e Repair Proin Piffard; 9:15 a.m.-3 p.m.; cost
gram; for information, call
$15; for registration and more in716/4614263.
formation, call 716/271-3657.
SAT, MARCH 30 • SAT, MARCH 30 - D a y of
Cabaret night: sponsored by CorReflection: o n Religious Life;
pus Christi Child Care; Harro
sponsored by die Sisters of Mercy
East Ballroom, 400 Andrews S t ,
Vocation Team; High Acres in
Rochester; 7 p.m.; silent auction,
Geneva; Sister Mary Fran Wegcoffee a n d desserts provided;
man, RSM, presenter, die retreat
tickets $25 in advance, $30 at die
is open to single women 18 years
door, call 716/54&8787.
and older, call Sr. Jane Schur,
RSM; 716/2440922.
SAT, MARCH 30 - Irish
pub night: with the Dady Brothers; Bishop Kearney High School
Social Activities
cafeteria, 125 Kings Highway S.,
FRI, MARCH 22 - Irish
Rochester, 8 p.m.-midnight; tickPub Night: sponsored by
ets $15 per person; proceeds benNazareui Academy Parents' Assoefit BK Computer Technology
ciation; Nazareui Hall auditoriCenter project; for tickets, call
um, 180 Raines Park, Rochester;
8 p.n^-midnight; $14 admission
includes free beer, wine and soft
Religious Activities
drinks; for tickets, all welcome;
SAT, MARCH 2 3 - L i t u r call 716/458*583.
gy: a n d spiritual sharing for
SAT, MARCH 23 - DinCatholic women; part of monthly
ner: sponsored by S t Thomas
gaUiering of Society of S t Francis
More Singles' d u b ; Seabreeze
Mary's Hospital; Rochester Marriott Thruway, 5257 West Henrietta Road, Henrietta; social hour
5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.nx;
reservations are required; $25 per
person or $35 per patron; all proceeds will benefit die Oncology-
Adult Education
MON, MARCH 2 5 - P r e sentation: "Organ and Tissue Donations, die Gift of life"; Immaculate Heart of Mary, Roger's Hall,
Painted Post; Karen Guarino,
from Rochester Eye and Human
Parts Bank, presenter, 7:30-9 p.m.;
afl welcome; call 607/9364689.
Religious Activities
SUN, MARCH 24 Memorial liturgy: for families
who have lost a baby through
miscarriage, stillbirth, sudden
infant d e a t h o r c h i l d h o o d
death; St. J o s e p h ' s Church,
Wayland; 3 p.m.; parents of any
faith who have experienced diis
are invited.
Social Activities
SUN, MARCH 24 Games night: sponsored by die
Corning Painted Post Roman
Catholic Community Adult Singles Group; S t Patrick's School
Hall, 274 Denison Pky, Corning;
5 p.m.-??; donation $2; bring your
favorite game a n d munchies
along widi a friend; call Sister Edna or Roxanne, 607/9364680.
Religious Activities
MARCH 2 4 - 2 8 - W e e k of
renewal: "Mission Health"; widi
Fr. John A. Colacino, Missionary
of die Precious Blood; Church of
die Epiphany, 105 West Main St,
Sodus; call 315/483-6111.
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