Health Care Plan User's Guide

The medical plans described here are administered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois.
This guide is intended only for retirees and dependents not covered by Medicare. If you are
covered by Medicare, view information about your benefits on Your Benefits Resources.
Health Care Plan User’s Guide
What would you like to do?
This guide is designed to help you get the most from your health plan. It also features
resources to support you and your overall well-being. Boeing offers a variety of other
helpful resources, and this guide explains when and how to access them. Click through it
like a website, or read it page by page.
uFind help fast in the directory
uUse your preventive care
uChoose a medical provider
uFill a prescription
Access this User’s Guide on
your smartphone or tablet.
Get it now by visiting
uGet immediate care
uAddress a medical condition
uKnow about your vision benefits
uPay for care
uLearn how to save time and money
uKey terms
Start u
Health Care Plan User’s Guide
Find help fast in the directory
Phone number
Web address
Plan/Account Administrator
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Express Scripts® (prescription
drug and pharmacy network
ValueOptions (mental health
and substance abuse benefit
Vision Service Plan* (VSP)
Blue Access for MembersSM
BlueCard® PPO and BlueCard
Worldwide® (benefits while
you travel)
BlueCard PPO —
Carena** — Urgent Care at
855-935-WELL (9355)
Cleveland Clinic Specialty
Program*** (the nation’s
leading heart care specialists)
Getting Care
What would you like to do?
uFind help fast in the directory
uUse your preventive care
uChoose a medical provider
uFill a prescription
uGet immediate care
BlueCard Worldwide —
800-810-BLUE (2583) or
804-673-1177 (collect)
*Vision benefits vary by plan and populations. Some retirees do not have vision coverage. For more information
regarding available vision benefits, please contact Boeing Member Services at 888-802-8776.
uAddress a medical condition
uKnow about your vision benefits
uPay for care
uLearn how to save time and money
uKey terms
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**Urgent Care at Home is available to nonunion Boeing employees and employees represented by SPIU, IAM 837,
IUOE 286W, EAST 1553, IUOE 286PP, IUOE 501W and IAM 751 (along with pre-65 retirees in all groups) and their
covered spouses or domestic partners and dependents (a) whose home address is on file with Boeing in certain
areas of California, Illinois, Missouri or Washington and (b) who are enrolled in an eligible medical plan administered
by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois.
***The Cleveland Clinic Specialty Program is available to the following groups: nonunion, SPIU, IAM 751,
IUOE 286W, EAST 1553, IUOE 286PP in Puget Sound, IUOE 501W, IAM 2766 and SPEEA WEU.
Continued u❙
Health Care Plan User’s Guide
Find help fast in the directory – continued
Phone number
Web address
24/7 NurselineSM (get quick
answers to questions about
minor medical conditions)
Primary Nurse Program
(talk to a nurse to get help
managing a major or ongoing
health condition)
888-802-8776 and ask to
speak with a Primary Nurse
Best Doctors ® Second
Opinion Service and
Treatment Decision Support
866-473-2016 and, when
prompted, say, “Best Doctors”
Blue Distinction® Centers of
Benefit Summary
N/A and click
2014 Benefits to access your benefit
Boeing Health and Insurance
Service Center through
Boeing TotalAccess
866-473-2016 and, when
prompted, enter your BEMSID
and follow the prompts
Log on to
with your BEMSID and TotalAccess
password, click My Health &
Getting Care
Plan Details
What would you like to do?
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uUse your preventive care
uChoose a medical provider
uFill a prescription
uGet immediate care
uAddress a medical condition
uKnow about your vision benefits
uPay for care
uLearn how to save time and money
uKey terms
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Health Care Plan User’s Guide
Use your preventive care
Preventive care helps identify potential health risks early when they are easier and less
costly to treat.
Use a network doctor. Choose one using the Provider Finder® tool on the Blue
Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois website. Providers move in and out of networks
periodically and some network providers listed in the Provider Finder tool may not
be covered providers under the plan. Before you receive services, confirm with your
provider or the service representative that your provider participates in the plan’s
network and is a covered provider under the plan.
Know what’s covered. Network preventive care services, such as physical
examinations, related laboratory and X-rays, Pap tests, mammograms, prostate
and colorectal (including colonoscopy) screenings, and immunizations, are covered
at 100 percent (subject to certain age-appropriate and frequency guidelines). To see
what else is covered, click here and scroll down to select your benefit summary.
What would you like to do?
Quick Question:
What if I get billed for preventive
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uUse your preventive care
uChoose a medical provider
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uAddress a medical condition
uKnow about your vision benefits
uPay for care
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Health Care Plan User’s Guide
Choose a medical provider
Taking a few steps — like choosing the right doctor and understanding what you’ll pay —
can help you get the most from your plan.
Choose the right doctor
The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois website has tools to help you make smart
choices, such as:
What would you like to do?
uFind help fast in the directory
Does the doctor participate in the network? Use the Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of Illinois Provider Finder tool.
What will the doctor charge for a service? Treatment costs vary by location,
provider type and more (even network doctors working in different parts of town
may charge different amounts). For many procedures, you can find out in advance
what you may be expected to pay using the Cost Estimator tool. Just select
Estimate Treatment Costs to begin.
Does the doctor provide quality care? Visit the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Illinois website and click Hospital Quality or Physician Quality to read about
resources available to assess the quality of care you receive.
uUse your preventive care
uChoose a medical provider
If your doctor’s office is closed, there
uFill a prescription
are other around-the-clock resources
uGet immediate care
available. Turn to Get immediate care
to learn more.
uAddress a medical condition
uKnow about your vision benefits
uPay for care
uLearn how to save time and money
Quick Question:
How do I find a provider
when traveling?
uKey terms
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Health Care Plan User’s Guide
Fill a prescription
Your comprehensive coverage includes two options for filling a prescription*:
When you need it immediately: Retail
1. Find a participating Express Scripts pharmacy.
2. Present your prescription drug card when picking up your prescription.
3. Pay for your prescription at the pharmacy. To see the amount you’ll pay,
click here, follow the prompts, then click Summary of Prescription Drug
What would you like to do?
For drugs you take regularly: Mail order
– This convenient, money-saving service gives you up to a 90-day supply at a
reduced cost compared to the price at a retail pharmacy.
– Get started using mail order.
– Once you’ve received your first prescription through mail order, you can refill and
renew your prescriptions, as well as receive free standard shipping.
Quick Question:
How can I compare the
cost of prescription drugs
from a retail pharmacy
versus mail order?
uFind help fast in the directory
uUse your preventive care
uChoose a medical provider
uFill a prescription
uGet immediate care
Smart Consumer:
Save on prescriptions.
uAddress a medical condition
uKnow about your vision benefits
uPay for care
uLearn how to save time and money
uKey terms
t Home
*Certain plan provisions may apply to your specific prescription drug. To view your plan summary,
click here, follow the prompts, then click Summary of Prescription Drug Benefits.
Next page u❙
Health Care Plan User’s Guide
Get immediate care
Know where to go
Not sure whether to go to the
If this is an emergency: Life-threatening
emergencies are best handled by your local
emergency room or emergency medical services
(dial 911 in most areas).
emergency room, urgent care or
If this isn’t an emergency (but you need care
right away), you have options:
Nurseline at 800-765-7298.
– Call your network doctor to see if you can
schedule an immediate or after-hours appointment.
doctor’s office? A registered nurse
can help. Call the Blue Cross and
Blue Shield of Illinois 24/7
The service is free and nurses are
available 24/7.
– Visit a network urgent care center. Go to the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Illinois Provider Finder tool and select Find an Urgent Care Center.
What would you like to do?
– Contact Urgent Care at Home. Administered by Carena, this service provides
access to medical care for urgent, non-work-related medical issues by boardcertified physicians and nurse practitioners by:
uFind help fast in the directory
uUse your preventive care
Webcam, or
uChoose a medical provider
House call.
To access care, or to confirm eligibility
and services available in your area,
contact Urgent Care at Home at
855-935-WELL (9355)*.
uFill a prescription
uGet immediate care
uAddress a medical condition
uKnow about your vision benefits
Quick Question:
What is an urgent care
Smart Consumer:
Compare emergency
room, urgent care and
doctor’s office costs.
uPay for care
uLearn how to save time and money
uKey terms
t Home
*Urgent Care at Home is available to nonunion Boeing employees and employees represented by SPIU, IAM 837,
IUOE 286W, EAST 1553, IUOE 286PP, IUOE 501W and IAM 751 (along with pre-65 retirees in all groups) and
their covered spouses or domestic partners and dependents (a) whose home address is on file with Boeing in
certain areas of California, Illinois, Missouri or Washington and (b) who are enrolled in an eligible medical plan
administered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois.
Next page u❙
Health Care Plan User’s Guide
Address a medical condition
If you or a family member experiences a major health event or has a serious disease or
chronic condition, it’s important to know you’ve got support beyond your personal
doctor or specialist:
Confirm a complex medical diagnosis or make an informed decision about
your care alternatives. The Best Doctors Second Opinion Service and Treatment
Decision Support can help confirm a difficult medical diagnosis and clarify treatment
options. Call Boeing TotalAccess at 866-473-2016 and say, “Best Doctors.”
Receive ongoing support from a nurse. If you have a condition like asthma or
diabetes, or if you’ve had a major health event like a heart attack or stroke, you can
speak with a nurse by phone, who will address your health concerns by working
with you, your physician and caregivers. Your nurse can provide:
− Education to help you manage your health care needs.
− Enhanced, coordinated communication with your physician.
What would you like to do?
− Help in transitioning your care from the hospital to your home.
uFind help fast in the directory
− Help in understanding possible medication side effects and safety issues.
uUse your preventive care
− Support in improving your health and quality of life.
uChoose a medical provider
For details, call Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois at 800-765-7298 and ask to
speak with a Primary Nurse.
uFill a prescription
uGet immediate care
uAddress a medical condition
uKnow about your vision benefits
uPay for care
uLearn how to save time and money
uKey terms
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Continued u❙
Health Care Plan User’s Guide
Address a medical condition – continued
Find specialty health care. In some cases, your doctor or specialist may not have
the expertise to provide specialty procedures, such as transplants or open heart
surgery. If that happens, you can get additional support:
− Blue Distinction Centers of Excellence. Blue Distinction is a designation
awarded to hospitals and other medical facilities that have been recognized for
delivering better overall care for certain high-volume, high-risk and high-cost
areas of specialty care. Learn more.
− Cleveland Clinic Specialty Program. If you need a nonemergent cardiac
procedure, you may be able to receive care at one of the nation’s leading
cardiovascular hospitals. Qualified patients receive personalized care from a
highly regarded medical team, resulting in higher satisfaction with results.
The program is voluntary and separate from your health care plan coverage.
Most travel and lodging expenses for the patient and companion are covered*.
Call 877-230-0988 for more information or click here.
What would you like to do?
uFind help fast in the directory
Quick Question:
The cost for a procedure
or service is about the
same no matter where I
go, right?
uUse your preventive care
uChoose a medical provider
uFill a prescription
uGet immediate care
uAddress a medical condition
Smart Consumer:
Know your limits.
uKnow about your vision benefits
uPay for care
uLearn how to save time and money
uKey terms
t Home
*The Cleveland Clinic Specialty Program is available to the following groups: nonunion, SPIU, IAM 751,
IUOE 286W, EAST 1553, IUOE 286PP in Puget Sound, IUOE 501W, IAM 2766 and SPEEA WEU.
Next page u❙
Health Care Plan User’s Guide
Know about your vision benefits
Vision benefits
Plans that offer vision benefits give you access to vision care services and hardware,
Examination of visual function — an important aspect of preventive care to protect
your eyes and avoid serious problems.
Frames and prescription lenses.
Contacts instead of conventional lenses and frames.
The vision care program is administered by Vision Service Plan (VSP). Network providers
will bill VSP for you; if you choose a nonnetwork provider, you’ll need to submit a claim
for reimbursement.
To find VSP providers and see your vision benefits, click here.
Note: Vision benefits vary by plan and populations. Some retirees do not have vision
coverage. For more information regarding available vision benefits, please contact
Boeing Member Services at 888-802-8776.
What would you like to do?
uFind help fast in the directory
uUse your preventive care
uChoose a medical provider
uFill a prescription
Quick Question:
Do I need a vision ID card?
uGet immediate care
uAddress a medical condition
uKnow about your vision benefits
uPay for care
uLearn how to save time and money
uKey terms
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Health Care Plan User’s Guide
Pay for care
Know when and how to pay for your health care — these steps make it easy:
At an appointment?
1. Show your medical ID card when checking in. Some plans require a copayment
at the time of service. For other plans, your provider will send a claim to Blue Cross
and Blue Shield of Illinois.
2. Review your explanation of benefits. Once your claim is processed, you’ll receive
an explanation of benefits from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois. It will show
what the plan paid and what you need to pay, if anything. Make sure all services
are listed correctly and match the copy of the bill you received from your provider.
Filling a prescription?
When purchasing from a retail pharmacy, you’ll pay your share of the cost at the
counter. For mail-order purchases, you’ll have the option to pay through the Express
Scripts website.
What would you like to do?
Certain plan provisions may apply to your specific prescription drug. To view your
plan summary, click here, enter your information, then click Summary of Prescription
Drug Benefits.
uFind help fast in the directory
uUse your preventive care
uChoose a medical provider
uFill a prescription
Smart Consumer:
Register for Blue Access.
uGet immediate care
uAddress a medical condition
uKnow about your vision benefits
Quick Question:
What do I pay for care?
uPay for care
uLearn how to save time and money
uKey terms
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Health Care Plan User’s Guide
Learn how to save time and money
Get this guide to go:
Access a mobile version of this guide from your smartphone or tablet, for convenient
use when you’re at the doctor’s office, pharmacy or away from home or work.
Register for Blue Access for Members:
Manage your claims, get personalized information, review explanations of benefits,
send a secure email to Member Services and more.
Use tools from Express Scripts:
Download a free app to get a mobile ID card, set up a reminder schedule for taking
medications, get information about prescription drugs and locate a pharmacy.
Save money on medications you take regularly by using the mail-order program
instead of a retail pharmacy.
What would you like to do?
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uUse your preventive care
uChoose a medical provider
uFill a prescription
uGet immediate care
uAddress a medical condition
uKnow about your vision benefits
uPay for care
uLearn how to save time and money
uKey terms
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Key terms
Annual deductible (if applicable): The amount you or a
covered family member pays for covered care each year before
the plan pays benefits. The deductible does not apply to certain
types of medical care, such as preventive care.
Annual out-of-pocket maximum (if applicable): The
accumulated amount you or a covered family member pays —
such as deductibles, coinsurance and certain copayments — in a
benefit year.
Coinsurance: A percentage you or a covered family member
pays for covered services, after any annual deductible has been
Copayment: A fixed dollar amount you or a covered family
member pays for covered services at the time of service.
Drug formulary: A list of medications that are:
Approved by the FDA.
Determined effective in treatment and cost.
Manufactured by major drug companies.
An independent group of practicing physicians and pharmacists
developed the formulary and reviews it routinely. When clinical
data show that several drugs are equally effective, the most
cost-effective drug usually is chosen. A nonformulary drug also
may be effective for treatment, but it is not as cost-effective as
formulary or generic prescription drugs.
Explanation of benefits: A statement sent by your health care
plan once the plan has processed your claim. It explains what your
plan paid and what you owe for any services and/or supplies you
Generic and brand-name drugs: Drugs that are chemically and
therapeutically equivalent, which means they produce the same
effect on the body. Both types of drugs are approved by the FDA
and must meet the same safety and reliability standards. The name
of a generic drug is its chemical name. Brand-name drugs are
known by their trade names.
Network provider: A provider that agrees to participate in a plan’s
network and charge reduced fees to plan participants. The plan
pays a higher level of benefits for eligible expenses received from
network providers.
Preventive care benefits and prescription drugs: Certain
services — such as routine physicals, well baby care, mammograms
and other preventive early detection testing — are covered at
100 percent without the deductible requirement when you use
network providers (subject to age-appropriate and other guidelines
under the Affordable Care Act). Certain contraceptives are covered
at 100 percent in all plans.
Every effort has been made to provide an accurate summary of your compensation and benefits in this document. The material provided here about company policies, procedures, and benefits
is for informational purposes only; it does not constitute a contract or contractual obligation. Certain eligibility provisions apply to each of the programs, policies, and benefits; not all of these
provisions are described here. In the event of a conflict between this document and any of the benefit plans, the terms of the plans will control. Copies of official plan documents are available
by written request through the “Contact TotalAccess” form on the Boeing TotalAccess website. The Boeing Company reserves the right to change, modify, amend, or terminate any or all of the
provisions of the plans at any time and for any reason for employees, former employees, retirees, and their dependents and/or beneficiaries.
Copyright © 2014 Boeing. All rights reserved. 256743 2014-306 03AE-306
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