February 2016 - Mount Olive Lutheran Church

The View
February 2016
monthly newsletter
Volume 47.02
Sunday Worship
8:00am Traditional
Communion on 1st, 3rd
& 5th Sundays
10:30am Contemporary
music by Olive Branch
Communion on 2nd, 4th
& 5th Sundays
Sunday Fellowship
9:00am Coffee Hour
Sunday Education
9:30am Adult Bible
Study, Sunday School
Church Staff
Jason Zobel
Dan Anderson
SMP Pastor
Calvary Lutheran Chapel
Linda Krueger
Music Director
Laurel Zobel
Preschool Director
Derek Handley
Office Manager
Prayer Requests
Barb Koehler
Laurel Zobel
The Book of Job:
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord!
One of the Bible’s greatest wisdom books is the book of
Job. This Lent we will explore this magnificent composition that is numbered among the greatest literature of all
time. Nine sermons will help us dig deeply into Job’s central message and supporting
truths, while six adult Bible classes will further address the book’s major topics and
We all suffer—personally and privately. We also suffer in more public ways. A husband
loses a job. A child gets divorced. A parent dies. And now, thanks to the media, we are
able to see and experience more and more of the world’s catastrophes and suffering.
We need the book of Job, now, more than ever.
Martin Luther asserted that “Job is magnificent and sublime as no book of Scripture.”
Others have called Job “the Shakespeare of the Bible.” The early Christian scholar Jerome perhaps put it best when he called the book of Job an “eel,” since the more one
tries to contain it, the slipperier it becomes! The purpose of our Lenten emphasis is to
learn how to apply Job to our lives so that the book becomes less like an eel and more
like a loving companion through life’s dark valleys. Preaching plans are as follows:
Ash Wednesday - Flying Blind (Job 1:1–12)
Lent 1 - Sweet Surrender (Job 1:13–21)
Lent 2 - Learning to Lament (Job 3:1–26)
Lent 3 - It Is Enough (Job 14:1–14)
Lent 4 - Understanding How It All Works Together (Job 23:1–17)
Lent 5 - God Speaks in the Storm (Job 38:1–11)
Maundy Thursday - On Earth Is Not His Equal! (Job 41:20–34)
Good Friday - Tearing Down the Spite House (Job 42:7–9)
The Resurrection of Our Lord - I Know That My Redeemer Lives! (Job 19:23–26)
Job’s most famous statement appears in 19:25, “I know that my Redeemer lives.” Christ
is alive. He has conquered death and the grave. His word is sufficient. His grace is enough.
His love brings comfort and healing. And this Lent these gifts come to us through the
book of Job.
I pray that you take this opportunity, beginning February 10th at noon or 7pm, to worship and study with me as we journey with Jesus to the cross and the empty tomb.
In His love and service,
Pastor Jason
February 2016
March View Deadline
Sunday Bulletin Deadline
9:00am to 3:00pm Mon-Fri
Monday, February 22nd
E-mail articles to Derek at
The Sunday Bulletin deadline for
Announcements is always Wednesday
at NOON for the following Sunday.
If you have some spare time, come help
stuff inserts and stick on mailing labels!
Email announcements to Derek at
Contact Us
P: (608) 238-5656
E: church_office@molcoline.org.
For emergencies during non-office hours,
Pastor Jason Zobel's cell phone is 228-4134.
Wed, February 24th at 12:00pm
February Announcements
Today’s Light Bible Study
Coffee Hour Hosts
The test of Christianity is whether we live more
hopefully and kindly for the believing of it.
February 7: Mt Olive Karen’s
February 14: (OPEN)
February 21: (OPEN)
February 28: (OPEN)
Sign up at the Coffee Hour table!
1 Exodus
Altar Flower Sponsors
February 7: (OPEN)
February 14: The Schleusners
February 21: (OPEN)
February 28: (OPEN)
Sign up in the office!
Small Group Bible Studies
Mount Olive Small Groups meet all around the Madison area!
If you would like to be placed in a group, please call the office
or contact Jess Rosenwinkel at jess.ronsenwinkel@gmail.com.
New Member Classes
Interested in becoming a member of Mount Olive Lutheran
Church? Member Classes will be starting on Tuesday, February 9th at 7:00pm, led by Pastor Jason. Classes will run for 10
weeks. To sign up or if you have any questions, talk to Pastor
Jason or call the office!
Card Shop News
Need a Valentine? Come to the Card Shop (in library next to
nursery). In addition to Valentines, we have all occasion
cards at $.75 each.
SCRIP Order Dates
Today’s Light Bible Class meets on
Wednesdays at 10:30am in the Fireplace Room.
Come and join our conversation!
February 8, March 7, April 6, May 3
Mt Olive Blood Drive
Wednesday, March 2nd from 11:30am-6:30pm.
February 2016
Book Club
Subscribe to Health & Wellness
The Mount Olive Book Club, open to all, will meet on the 2nd
Monday of the month in the Fireplace Room at
9:30am. Join us as we discuss the following books:
Do you like to be “plugged in” to what is happening at Mt
Olive? Subscribe to the Health & Wellness Email List and
receive info about: upcoming activities like exercise classes, open gym, cooking demos; planned presentations and
speakers; community health related events; health tips as
they relate to the monthly topic. To sign up, simply email
MOLC.health.wellness@gmail.com and we will add you to
the list! You can also send us feedback and suggestions
via this email address. Don’t forget to stop by the gym today after the early service to join us for a little movement
February 8 Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown
March 14 Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
If you have any questions, please call Diane Stumpf at 8330625 or email her at stumpfcb@aol.com.
Caregiver Meetings
If you are a family caregiver, you are invited to join us on
the fourth Wednesday of every month from 1:00-2:30pm,
alternately at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Center (401
S. Owen Drive, Madison) and here at Mount Olive. The next
meeting is on February 24th @Mt Olive.
For additional information, please contact Heather Crade,
Parish Nurse at Our Lady Queen of Peace:
heather.crade@qopc.org or 231-4614; or Janelle Tonsager:
sparkle1557@gmail.com or 438-4978.
Denny’s Meet-Up
Who? Mount Olive members and friends
What? Late lunch or coffee break
When? 1st Wed of month (Feb 3 at 1pm
Where? Denny’s at 433 S. Gammon Road
Why? To have a good time with friends!
Kammerchor Comes to Mt Olive!
On Sunday, March 6th, Kammerchor will be leading us in worship at both services. Concordia's "chamber choir" is an auditioned mixed voice ensemble of approximately 40 singers (1 of which is Andrew Zobel!), which sings a wide variety of
choral literature and as s a touring ensemble, has sung in worship and concert all over the world. They will need host
families to house them on Saturday (3/5) night. No need to provide dinner as they will have already eaten. Optimally,
they need host families to house the entire choir (4 members per family if possible). If you are willing to host, please sign
up at the welcome desk, or contact the office!
Prayer Chain/Prayer Requests in the Announcements
What an honor it is to be able to share the needs, petitions of praise and thanksgiving, and requests for specific petitions
with our congregation. There has been a little confusion about the difference between the prayer chain and the prayer
requests listed in the announcements each Sunday. Here’s a little clarification:
Please note that prayers sent through the prayer chain are sometimes confidential, and therefore, are not always included in the prayers listed in the announcement sheet each Sunday. Petitions that are given to the prayer chain are distributed by email as this is the most efficient way for us to share specific prayers. Thanks to those prayer chain members who
have graciously passed on petitions to our members who do not have access to email, and have instead phoned or mailed
the prayer chain needs. Specific requests for the prayer chain may be emailed to the church office, Laurel Zobel
(lzobel@molconline.org/ laurelzobel@tds.net, or Barb Koehler (koehlbs@gmail.com). You may also phone in specific
prayer requests to the church office or to Laurel (850-3570, 228-4135 or 238-5656, ext. 218).
If you want a specific prayer listed in the bulletin for a Sunday, please call or email Derek (238-5656,
church_office@molconline.org). Pastor Jason or Derek will contact to determine if you still want it included in the announcements after several weeks.
If you would like to be added to the Mount Olive Prayer Chain, please contact Derek in the office and he will add you to
the group email. Let him know if you don’t have email so that we can contact you when the prayer chain receives requests.
We know that prayer is indeed a blessing and gift from God. Thanks to all of you who devote time each day to lifting up
the needs of others. Our Heavenly Father has promised to answer us in His time and purpose. We give thanks that He
indeed gives us this gift…what a privilege to carry EVERYTHING to Him in PRAYER!
February 2016
Sponsor A Calvary Student!
It’s not too late to sponsor a Calvary student for their Winter Retreat to Camp LuWiSoMo February 5-7th. This retreat is
most of our students’ highlight of the year. The cost per student is roughly $100/person. As you may know, students
generally don’t have a lot of extra cash lying around. Would you consider sponsoring a student for the retreat? We typically have between 15-25 students that attend. Please contact Pastor Dan - 255-7214 x221 or dan@cavarymadison.org
to learn more or if you are interested in making a donation towards this event. Calvary will gladly accept donations
through mid February.
A View from the Board of Health & Wellness
Jenelle Rademacher, Director
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” -Proverbs 4:23
It’s never too early (or late!) to start thinking about your heart health. How much
time do you spend thinking about your heart? Have you ever really stopped to marvel at what that muscle in your chest does? Without you giving it any thought, that
muscle beats in rhythm pumping blood to all the organs in your body. Again, without you giving it any thought, your heart will beat faster when you exercise or are
stressed and will slow down at night when you go to sleep. What a miracle God created in us!
Even if you don’t realize or think about how hard that muscle is working during the
day, you do need to put thought into taking care of it! It’s easier than you think. Here are a few simple steps:
1. Choose a healthy eating plan rich in vegetables and whole grains while low in sodium. Drink plenty of water!
2. Be active! Find a way to move your body each day. Throughout the week, find ways to move to work your heart, but
also work on strengthening all your muscles.
3. See your doctor regularly. Be in charge of your health. You are a steward of the body God gave you, it’s up to you to
take care of it. It’s important to see your doctor to monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol. Work as a team with
your physician to make any necessary changes.
Stay tuned throughout the month of February for more help and tips from the board of health and wellness on how to
take care of your heart!
A View from the 75th Anniversary Committee
During the summer of 1940, three Lutheran families met to discuss the possibility of starting a church on the west side of Madison, where they resided. These families went house-to
-house in their neighborhood and as a result 13 people attended the first service on Easter
Sunday, April 13, 1941. This first service was in the living room of a private home. This
small dedicated group decided to organize into a congregation and Mount Olive Lutheran
Church was born with 23 members. Soon after, the congregation rented a house at 4129
Euclid Avenue for Sunday services. The first permanent pastor, Pastor Harold Neuberger,
was ordained and installed at Mount Olive on July 12, 1942. During the summer of 1943, the congregation purchased
land at the corner of Mineral Point Road and Westmorland Boulevard and on June 9, 1946 construction of the new church
finally began. There were obstacles along the way and after many years of conducting services in a residence, the congregation began to worship in the completed basement. Construction work slowly continued, but finally the building was
completed. Three special services were conducted on the day of dedication, February 20, 1949. There were 203 baptized
members. It was also at this time that Pastor Neuberger resigned to accept a call in Milwaukee. He worked faithfully and
energetically to realize the fulfillment of the founders' ambitions - the establishment of a permanent congregation with a
beautiful church building of its own and the growth of the congregation. The first order of business for Mount Olive in its
just-completed home was to call a new pastor. Pastor William Rohlwing was called and installed on May 8, 1949. Under
Pastor Rohlwing's leadership, Mount Olive grew rapidly. By November of 1951, there were 390 baptized members.
We will continue to celebrate our history throughout 2016. If anyone has photos, stories, memorabilia to share, please
contact a member of the 75th anniversary committee: Peggy and Gary Rainbow, Fred and Lois Buelow, Chuck and Diane
Stumpf, Linda Krueger, Gary and Mary Strohm.
Pastor Robert Boehler, serving Mount Olive from 1989-2005, will be our next guest preacher on Sunday, April 3rd. We
look forward to Pastor Bob and his wife, Jean joining us!
February 2016
A View from Mount Olive Christian Preschool
Laurel Zobel, Director
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the
man who takes refuge in Him."
-Psalm 34:8
God's Box of Chocolates - A Valentine's Day Devotional
by LauraLee Shaw (1/25/2008)
Everywhere I look near Valentine's Day, there's chocolate:
boxes of chocolate in all the stores, chocolate on tv
promising to be the only love you need, chocolate girl
scout cookies--CHOCOLATE! I even saw chocolate Altoid
breath mints in the grocery checkout aisle the other day! I
think that's what led me to remember the famous quote
from Forrest Gump: "Life is like a box of chocolates...you
never know what you're gonna get." (I even remembered it
with his accent.)
In reality, that phrase can be true in many ways. We wake
up every morning completely unsure of what the day may
hold for us. We've made our plans. Sometimes they even
happen the way we make them. But we never know for
sure, do we?
The days that come with caramel in the middle are my
favorite. The ones with the strawberry goo are just so so-but the ones with coconut--YUCK! I'd rather go back to
bed. Then there's the days where tragedy or difficult times
come out of nowhere, and the chocolate sits in the pantry
untouched...there's no sweetness to be had in those
moments, it seems.
God knows that life as it pertains to circumstances is
uncertain for us. That's why He comforts us and reminds
us so many times that He is our constant companion, our
steadfast friend, our consistently loving God and Savior. He
doesn't keep promises the way we do:
"When people make promises, they guarantee them by
appeal to some authority above them so that if there is any
question that they'll make good on the promise, the
authority will back them up. When God wanted to
guarantee His promises, He gave His word, a rock-solid
guarantee--God can't break His word. And because His
word cannot change, the promise is likewise
unchangeable." (Heb. 6:16-18, the Message)
past all appearances right to the very presence of God
where Jesus, running on ahead of us, has taken up His
permanent post as high priest for us, in the order of
I love the visual picture of grabbing on to Him with both
hands as He runs ahead of me to the Father. That makes
me able to get up today and praise Him for whatever
comes my way. This faith, this confidence, this hope is our
unbreakable spiritual lifeline--HIS love for us no matter
what, when, how or why. Let's binge on His priceless box
of chocolates today...the sweetest and most satisfying of
them all.
-Registration for Fall is underway! Please see Laurel
for brochures and registration forms if you know of a
family interested in learning more about our preschool.
We have openings for 3-5 year olds this September. We
are excited to be able to add more children to our
preschool family as we share the love of Jesus each day.
How can we pray for you? During the month of
February, the preschoolers will be learning more about
prayer and how special it is in a Christian’s’ life. We would
like to pray for you…let us know if there is something we
can talk to God about on your behalf. Simply put a note in
my box (Laurel), email me or leave me a message on the
preschool phone (238-5656, ext. 218). It will be a great
learning experience for the preschoolers to learn how to
care for and share the needs of others.
As you celebrate this Valentine’s Day and sample a few
pieces of chocolate, may you be reminded of how
sweet it is to trust in Jesus. He knows you by name and
knows exactly what you need. What a gift that we have
been given the greatest Valentine of all!
In His love and service,
You see, no matter what chocolate we are "in the middle
of" right now, He is there--with the certainty of His
promise today as well as His hope of heaven in the future.
Listen to how the verse above continues to encourage us:
"We who have run for our very lives to God have every
reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and
never let go. It's an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, reaching
February 2016
A View from Calvary Lutheran Chapel
Daniel Anderson, SMP Pastor
Over this Winter Break, a team of fellow students, Pastor Dan, Holly and I went to the Southside of Chicago to initially help the process of turning a previous laundromat into a community center, help paint
the church, and do some outreach in the community. Our preparations, as a group for this trip, started
all the way back in October and continued up until the week we were there with various logistical meetings and team building Bible studies. As the trip drew nearer, I became more nervous and uncertain of
my decision to go. Being a transfer student this year and this being my first mission trip fueled those
feelings for sure. I hadn’t felt like a true part of the Calvary family and wasn’t sure I was ready to preach
my testimony if that opportunity arose. With all these negatives going through my head, I kept trying to
tell myself to stay positive and that everything was going to be ok. I previously volunteered to do the
devotion the morning we started to work. The devotion I chose used the verse Exodus 33:14 (The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”) as a focal point, and this devotion really spoke to me because of what had
been going on in my head before the trip. So I used it as my own little reminder throughout the week.
Our tasks assigned to us differed from our initial plans, but they were in the church that we were being housed in. The
multi-purpose room/Sunday school room needed painting and different repairs to it, and a small utility closet desperately needed organizing. I personally worked on the closet which started with about a two to three foot ‘carpet’ of a wide
range tools, brooms, boxes, and many more miscellaneous things. The painting crew had extra paint and time, so they
even got to paint the kitchen, then the closet crew helped with more repairs that were needed in the multi-purpose room
and kitchen. These tasks took us until about Wednesday night. Then most of Thursday, our last work day, was to clean up
the church and put things back to normal. But Thursday night we had a unique opportunity to go to a local homeless shelter and play with some of the kids that lived there for about an hour and half while their parents had a meeting. These
kids touched all of us, each in their own way. At the end of our time together, we had boxes that we gave to each kid, and
they each got to pick 2 toys to put in it along with a little book of John from the church. That was an awesome sight. Talking together as a group that night at our debriefing session, each of us had our own story to share from being with those
Throughout our week we met some individuals that impacted all of our
lives. The most important being Bob. He is the director of the organization
we went through to make this trip possible. He stayed in the church with us,
worked along side us, prepared meals for us, and ate with us. The story of
his organization and passion for it is amazing, and we all experienced that
first hand. Another memorable person was the pastor of the church. He
came in every once and a while to watch us work, pray with us, and work
around his deconstructed church When he was there watching, he made it a
point to remind us of how much our work meant to him and the church, and
how thankful he was that we were there. The person that came up as almost
everyone’s favorite part of the day at least one out of the four days of our
trip was Rhonda. Rhonda and her family (fiance Stan “the Man” and son
Devonte) warmly welcomed us in their home so we could shower and end up eating supper with them Wednesday night.
She is a newer member to the church that lives in the apartment building directly above it, so that was very convenient
for us. I don’t even know where to begin in order to describe her personality; she is an eccentric, God-loving women that
emitted pure joy whenever you spoke to her. She also couldn’t give over the fact that we were there and helping her
church. I don’t think myself or the group will ever forget our time spent together with these amazing people.
As I mentioned earlier, we prepared for this trip with little Bible studies and meetings, but they actually didn’t stop when
the trip started. We continued them as the week went on, and the focus was on Calvary’s theme verse for this year: Romans 12:5 “so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” I noticed that we
became one body as the week progressed, not only because we had a daily reminder in our devotion time, but because
that was the only way God could properly use us for what He had planned. We became more comfortable with each other,
and I felt that not only as a team but within myself too. Looking back, I’m very happy I went on this trip. God strengthened
me simply as a Christian, in being a true follower of Christ. I say it this way because I had no idea what to expect going
into the trip, so that’s all I could be, a follower. The last line of the devotion I read that first day is a big thing I’ve taken
away from this trip. “His abiding Presence is the best road map available.”
Sarah Aumann
Calvary/UW student
February 2016
Volunteer Opportunities
Please prayerfully consider these opportunities to serve!
Sponsoring Altar Flowers
Cost is $35. Make checks out to “Mt Olive Altar Society.” Sign up in the office!
Hosting Coffee Fellowship
Sign up in Narthex!
Volunteers needed between 9:15-10:30 Sunday mornings. Contact Jess
Rosenwinkel at jess.rosenwinkel@gmail.com.
LWML Liaison
We need a woman from Mt Olive to inform other Mt Olive women of LWML
happenings. Contact Derek Handley at church_office@molconline.org.
Lent & Holy Week at Mt Olive
Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, February 10, at noon and 7:00pm
Join us for supper 5:30-6:30pm in the Fellowship Room!
Lenten Services
Wednesday, February 17 - March 16, at noon and 7:00pm
Join us for Lenten Suppers 5:30-6:30pm in the Fellowship Room!
Passion/Palm Sunday Services
Sunday, March 20, at 8:00am (Traditional) and 10:30am (Contemporary)
Maundy Thursday Service with Communion
Thursday, March 24, at 7:00pm
Easter Sunday Services with Communion
Sunday, March 27, at 6:30am (Sunrise), 9:00am (Traditional), and 10:45am (Contemporary)
Youth will serve pancake breakfast Easter morning starting at 7:30am.
Community Events
Agrace Upcoming Events
Agrace will be offering volunteer orientation opportunities for those interested in making a difference in the lives of others. An orientation session will be held Tuesday, February 9th from 8:00am-12:00pm at the Madison campus (5395 E
Cheryl Pkwy). Prospective volunteers should complete an application and an interview process to identify skills and interests. Call 327-7163 to begin the pre-orientation process.
February 2016
The View
Newsletter of:
Mount Olive Lutheran Church, LCMS
110 N Whitney Way
Madison, WI 53705
February 2016
Address Service Requested
At Mount Olive, we come to know Jesus Christ in God’s Word and Sacraments;
praising God, strengthening our individual lives, supporting fellow Christians,
and sharing God’s love wherever we go.
February 2016