English 11, Q4e1: Literary analysis of The crucible The crucible, Act I draft Choose from Act I one character who is important to the play as a whole. Select from Act I three quotes that you can explain to show how important the character is. The quotes may all be said by the character, or they may be said by others. Students may focus on Abigail and the following three quotes or choose another character and different quotes. Write at least one page in your journal to explain the three quotes and how they show the character is important to the play as a whole. "You clutched my back and sweated like a stallion" "You [Abigail] beg me to conjure! She beg me to make charm!" "I saw Sarah Good with the devil...Goody Osborne...Bridget Bishop" The crucible, Act II draft Choose from Act II one character who is important to the play as a whole. Select from Act II three quotes that you can explain to show how important the character is. The quotes may all be said by the character, or they may be said by others. Students may focus on Hale and the following three quotes or choose another character and different quotes. Write at least one page in your journal to explain the three quotes and how they show the character is important to the play as a whole. "No man may longer doubt the powers of the dark are gathered in monstrous attack upon this village" "Let you repeat [the Ten Commandments] if you will" "I have myself examined Tituba, Sarah Good, and numerous others that have confessed to dealing with the Devil. They have confessed it" The crucible, Act III draft Choose from Act III one character who is important to the play as a whole. Select from Act III three quotes that you can explain to show how important the character is. The quotes may all be said by the character, or they may be said by others. Write at least one page in your journal to explain the three quotes and how they show the character is important to the play as a whole. Keep in mind as you choose characters that the essay following the Act IV draft will ask students to write about four different characters. The crucible, Act IV draft Choose from Act IV one character who is important to the play as a whole. Select from Act IV three quotes that you can explain to show how important the character is. The quotes may all be said by the character, or they may be said by others. Write at least one page in your journal to explain the three quotes and how they show the character is important to the play as a whole. Final draft essay grading rubric, due in class Wednesday, 3/26 _____ typed essay of at least 3 typed pages (≥ 750 words) organized in welldeveloped paragraphs, with clear introduction, body, and conclusion, and formal academic English, mainly free of grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors; _____ introduction includes thesis, which states an important theme of the reading as vehicle+tenor, as shown through the explication of twelve quotes focusing on four characters; conclusion restates thesis and summarizes argument in fresh language; _____ the essay’s body of evidence supporting thesis explicates at least twelve short quotes in detail, avoiding long quotes or unexplained passages, and the character speakers of the passages are identified and explained as symbols which help convey the theme; _____ at least one other literary device is identified from each act and how the device helps convey the theme is explained. Sample first sentences Arthur Miller's The crucible, ostensibly set during and focused on the Salem witch trials, suggests that US society is... The four characters....show different aspects of this theme. First, _____ represents... Second, _____ can be seen as... Third, _____ shows..., and fourth, _____ offers an example of how... Together, these characters...