work scope -

The Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (“District”) is seeking Consulting
Engineering Services to provide plans and specifications for the repairs and addition at NICTD’s
Gary Compound Maintenance-of-Way Building (Gary, Indiana).
Existing Conditions: Gary Compound
The Maintenance-of-Way Building, also known as the Gary Compound, is a 1,600 square foot
pre-engineered steel frame structure with three garage bays, general office, bathroom, and Signal
Shop Office. It was constructed in 1984. The concrete knee wall is spalled and cracked with
exposed rebar. The sanitary sewer line freezes during harsh winters. A preliminary internal
analysis suggests that repairs to the knee wall, changes to the sanitary line, and an addition to the
building would be the most cost effective solution and this will be the focus of the requested
engineering services.
Proposed Work Scope
Schematic Design Phase
The work tasks will consist of inspecting the knee wall and making recommendations for
concrete repairs. Evaluate the existing East wall for changing the framing to accommodate
two larger overhead doors in lieu of the existing three smaller overhead doors. The
Engineer shall prepare preliminary engineering plans and construction bid documents for a
building addition approximately 52’ x 78’ to be built on the north side of the existing
building. The addition shall accommodate one equipment bay 20’ wide and 78’ deep with
a 12’ wide by 14’ tall overhead door. This bay shall have a railroad track embedded in
floor. The addition shall also accommodate two vehicle bays 16’ wide by 78’ deep with
12’ wide by 14’ tall overhead doors. The addition shall be of similar design and material to
the original building. The engineer shall also evaluate and recommend repairs/designs for
the sanitary sewer line.
Also included in this phase shall be a review of the utility feeds for electrical and natural
gas to determine if the service feeds are adequate to supply the proposed building addition.
All drawings for the project shall be 24 x 36 inch computer generated format and all
dimensions shall be in feet and inches. All drawings shall also be submitted in Autocad,
DWG format. It is estimated that approximately six (6) sets of drawings will be required
for this Phase.
The schematic design phase shall also include review of methods to treat exposed rebar,
repair spalled/cracked concrete, and physical site limitations.
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The District will return one (1) copy of reviewed and approved documents to the Engineer,
permitting the Engineer to proceed with the next Phase of work
Design Development Phase
The design alternative selected at the end of the Schematic Design Phase will be fully
explored in this Phase and all elements of design identified and quantified, such that at the
end of this Phase there will be no impediments to completing the construction drawings.
The Engineer shall suggest specifications appropriate for the design.
The Engineer shall provide a detailed construction cost estimate during this Phase.
It is estimated that approximately six (6) sets of drawings will be required for this Phase.
The District will return one (1) copy of reviewed and approved documents to the Engineer,
permitting the Engineer to proceed with the next Phase of work.
After Consultant completes the Design Development Phase the Consultant shall meet with
the District for final review and the District will authorize the consultant to begin the
Construction Document Phase.
Construction Document Phase
All plans and specifications necessary for the construction of this project will be completed
in this Phase, and at its completion the project shall be ready for letting by the District.
Final plans and specifications are due December 4, 2015.
At a minimum, the Engineer will make plans and specifications available to the District for
review at the ninety percent (90%) level. Five (5) complete sets of documents will be
given to the District for this review. At the one hundred percent (100%) level, and prior to
releasing the documents to outside parties, the Engineer shall provide the District two (2)
copies of the completed documents for final review. In addition, the Engineer shall provide
a detailed cost estimate listed by proposed pay items at the ninety percent (90%) and one
hundred percent (100%) levels.
The Engineer will not be required to include any documentation related to the bidding
process, Contract, General Conditions, etc., as the District will utilize its standard
“boilerplate” language and forms for that purpose.
The District will return one (1) copy of reviewed and approved documents to the Engineer,
permitting the Engineer to proceed with outside approvals, if required.
For archival purposes, the Engineer shall provide three (3) bound copies of all design and
material calculations.
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It is estimated that approximately twenty (20) sets of documents on CD will be required for
this Phase, including District and outside reviews and for bidding purposes. In addition,
the Engineer shall provide three (3) full size sets on paper and three (3) sets of half-size
final plans to the District.
During the bidding process technical addendums and clarifications will be issued by the
Consultant through the District, while contractual Addendums will be issued directly by the
The Engineer shall be present at the bid opening and shall provide such assistance as the
District may need. Following the bid opening, the Engineer shall prepare a bid tabulation,
which shall include the Engineer’s estimate.
It shall be the responsibility of the Engineer to assist the District in evaluation of the bids
and to make a recommendation for award, having checked references provided by the
bidders and other means, as may be necessary and appropriate.
Construction Management Phase - Optional
The Consultant shall provide the services of a qualified full time construction engineer to
observe the activities of the contractor and to perform such tests and complete such reports
required by the specifications and the District.
Construction engineer shall be knowledgeable about project specifications and shall
enforce stringent application of specifications on all work performed by the Contractor. In
addition, the construction engineer shall be available for weekly progress meetings with the
District and contractor.
Construction engineer shall be on site at all times contractor is performing work.
The Consultant’s staff responsible for the design shall continue to be available, on a limited
basis, to respond to change order and modification requests. The services of a testing
laboratory shall be retained or performed by the Consultant.
Evaluation Methodology
The District’s consideration for an award of an Engineering services contract will be made
on a qualifications basis (Brooks Method) as follows:
Each Proposal will be analyzed on the basis of the following:
Recognition of problems and objectives, demonstrated by cost effective
potential solutions put forth in the proposal.
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Approach plan and time schedule, including the allocation of man hours for
each task and in aggregate, as well as appropriateness of man hours for each
class or level of participant.
Firm’s previous experience with designing additions, writing project
specifications, and inspecting construction work for industrial buildings.
Proposers shall submit a list of similar type projects designed within past 5
years, bid contract dollar amounts for these projects, and final construction close
out dollar amounts for these projects. Provide contact names and contact
information for previous clients.
Proposed project team’s demonstrated ability to produce comparable work.
Provide organization chart for project team stating qualifications of key
Adherence to instructions (submission of required data and forms).
Proposers shall submit their proposal in a clearly marked sealed envelope that describes all
requested information above and label it “Gary Compound Proposal”. In a separate
clearly marked sealed envelope shall be the pricing along with hourly rates for various job
classifications of employees, optional pricing, testing lab pricing, overhead amount, and
profit margin and label it “Gary Compound Pricing”.
A “short list” of at least three (3) potential Engineers will be asked to make an oral
presentation, following which a preferred Engineer will be identified and asked to negotiate
a contract. If the District and the Engineer are unable to come to terms, the next most
preferred Engineer will be offered the same opportunity, and so on until a contract is
Alternately, the District may elect to offer a proposer a contract without interviewing or
negotiating with any of the proposers if, in the sole opinion of the District, the best possible
technical solution has been put forth.
Schedule of Work
The District intends to let the construction of this project in December, 2015 for completion
by November 30, 2016, unless the engineer recommends a different schedule due to the
design approach. As such, the Engineer’s work, as required above, must permit adequate
time for each phase of work, bidding, award review, and construction prior to November
30, 2016.
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