The Outsiders Novel Projects

The Outsiders Novel Projects
Choose one (1) project from each section and complete by Tuesday, Sept. 16.
Rubrics for each section’s projects are on the back.
Choose one from Application: use concepts in new situations
1. Pick out 10 significant incidents in the novel. Make a timeline with the incidents and a
two-sentence explanation of why they are significant. Put positive events on the top and
negative events on the bottom.
2. Draw a character web representing the interconnectedness of members of the greasers
and Socs and the link from both sides to Cherry, Johnny, Two-Bit, Ponyboy, and Randy.
Explain how the characters are linked to each other. (brothers, friends, etc.)
3. Draw a cartoon of one of your favorite scenes in the book.
4. On poster board, create a “graffiti” collage featuring at least 5 slang words in the novel.
Include actual meanings and current slang equivalents.
5. Create a geographic map of key locations in the novel. Include at least 10 sites and
illustrate the map.
Choose one from Analysis: break down information into its elements
1. Design an award for each main character (choose 6). Write a 2-3 sentences explaining
why each character qualified for that particular award. For example: Rebel of the Year
goes to Dally.
2. Take the Robert Frost poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” (p. 77) and explain its meanings in
relation to the themes of the novel. Write one paragraph and illustrate your point with a
picture you create.
3. List at least 6 questions an interviewer, ambulance driver, or police investigator might
ask the three greasers who rescued children from the fire. Include inquiries about their
background, injuries, and plans for the future. Also write the responses most likely given
by the greasers.
4. Chart examples of fairness, honor, humiliation, curiosity, loyalty, loss, and immaturity
among the greasers. Include a definition of the word and at least two examples with
explanation. For example: Loyalty means a feeling of devotion, duty, or attachment to
somebody or something. Cherry was loyal to Bob’s memory by not visiting Johnny in the
hospital. She felt visiting Johnny would show she accepted his murder of Bob.
Choose one from Synthesis: put elements together to form a whole that reflects original,
creative thinking
1. Add a chapter to the book written from the point of view of Ponyboy, Darry, Sodapop,
Mr. Syme, Jerry, nurse, track coach, reporter, judge, Cherry, Sandy, or Marcia. Conclude
the story of the Curtis family by detailing what happens to each brother after the
rumble. It can be set in the near future or 10, 15, 25 years into the future.
2. Write a five paragraph essay defining the term “outsider” as related to the novel.
Express the alienation that leads to Ponyboy’s errors in judgment. Additionally, apply the
word to two other characters (Darry, Dally, Johnny, Cherry, or Randy). Include
supporting examples from the novel.
3. Write a five paragraph essay discussing the importance of gangs to the Socs and
greasers. Include supporting examples from the novel.
4. Write a compare and contrast five paragraph essay relating the similarities and
differences in the novel to the movie version. (You could use your graphic organizer for
Name ____________________________________ Homeroom ________
The Outsiders Novel Projects Rubrics
All projects due by Tuesday, Sept. 16 – Turn in with these rubrics
Application: use concepts in new situations (25 points)
_____ / 10
Shows a clear understanding of the elements of the novel;
got the details right
Creativity and effort are evident in the representation of this
Correct MUGS (Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, Spelling)
throughout the project
Total ( = 20 or better)
_____ / 10
_____ / 5
_____ / 25
Literal comprehension skills
Analysis: break down information into its elements (35 points)
_____ / 20
Shows a clear understanding of the elements of the novel;
got the details right; elements are examined and analyzed
_____ / 5
Correct MUGS (Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, Spelling)
throughout the project
Total ( = 20 or better)
_____ / 25
Interpretative comprehension skills
Synthesis: put elements together to form a whole that reflects original, creative
thinking (50 points)
_____ / 15
Shows a clear understanding of the elements of the novel;
got the details right
Supports ideas with specific examples and/or quotes
_____ / 15
_____ / 10
Five paragraph essay shows a clear introduction, supporting
paragraphs, and conclusion
Correct MUGS (Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, Spelling)
throughout the paper
Total ( = 40 or better)
_____ / 10
_____ / 50
Interpretative comprehension skills