Qr.,Muclion Crossword

""'"""'.Qr.,Muclion Crossword
4. one of three stages in human pregnancy
6. the head of the sperm cel.1 penetrates the cell membrane of the egg
9. male sex cell
10. identical offspring are formed from a single cell or tissue
12. a fertilized egg cell
13. female sex cell
14. developing human being, from 8 weeks of conception to birth
15. threadlike structure containing genetic information
16. uncontrolled, unregulated cell division
19. sequence of events from one cell division to another
_ .20. pollen is taken from one plant to fertilize the eggs of another plant
21. female organ that contains and nourishes the fetus
22. a thange in the genetic code
1. unit of genetic information that determines a
specific characteristic
2. reproductive organ; produces female sex cells
3. process by which nuclear material is divided during
cell division
4. reproductive organ; produces male sex cells
5. process of moving pollen from the anther to the egg cells
7. cell organelle responsible for reproduction
8. the genetic chemical found in all living things
11. scientific alteration of the structure of genetiC material
17. a fertilized egg that has divided to form at least 64 cells
18. causes a mutation in the genes that regulate cell division
23. process which joins a detached shoot to a growing plant
. Copyright © 2008 by Thomson Nelson
Unit A Worksheet A. 0-1