POLITICAL SCIENCE 2014-15 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE This schedule is TENTATIVE and may change prior to when the quarter commences THE SCHEDULE IS NOT YET FINALIZED WINTER 2015 10D 12D 27 30D 100DA 103A 104B 110B 110EA 110M 114B 120A 120C 120N 122D 126 129 130AD 133A 136 138D 138D 142A 142L 143A 145C 151 153 170A 191B Introduction to American Politics Introduction to International Relations Ethics and Society Political Inquiry Voting, Campaigning, and Elections California Government and Politics Civil Liberties-Fundamental Rights Sovereigns, Subjects and the Modern State: Political Thought from Machiavelli to Rousseau American Political Thought: Revolution to Civil War Green Political Thought Marxist Political Thought Political Development of Western Europe Politics in France Contention and Conflict in Africa Abuse of Power Political Economy/Development How to Steal an Election Politics of the Russian Revolution Japanese Politics Religion and Politics Special Topics in Comparative Politics: “Research on the European Union” Special Topics in Comparative Politics: “British Politics” United States Foreign Policy Insurgency and Terrorism War and Society International Relations After the Cold War International Organizations The EU in World Politics Introduction to Statistics/Political Science and Public Policy Senior Honors Seminar 194 197I 197SD Research Seminar – UCDC Washington Internship Local Internship Political Science 10D 12D 13D 30D 102G 102J 103B 104D 105A 110C 110DA 110EB 110G 110H 110J 120B 120P 121B 125B 131C 133J 136A 138D 138D 140D 142I 142K 144 145A 150A 154 Introduction to American Politics Introduction to International Relations Power and Justice Political Inquiry Special Topics in American Politics Advanced Topics/Urban Politics Politics and Policymaking/Los Angeles Judicial Politics Latino Politics in the U.S. Political Thought from Kant to Nietzsche Freedom and Discipline: Political Thought in the Twentieth Century American Political Thought from Civil War to Civil Rights International Political Thought Democracy and Its Critics Power in American Society The German Political System Africa’s Success Stories Politics in Israel The Politics of Food in a Global Economy The Chinese Revolution Korean Politics Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict Special Topics in Comparative Politics: “Israeli Society and Politics” Special Topics in Comparative Politics: “Corruption in Developing Countries” International Human Rights Law: Migrants National and International Security Politics and Warfare International Political Economy International Politics and Drugs Politics of Immigration Special Topics in International Relations: “International Relations of the Asia-Pacific” Galderisi, Peter (visitor) Lake, David Lejeune, John (visitor) Kousser, Thad Popkin, Samuel Fletcher, Nathan Smith, Glenn (visitor) Strong, Tracy Cotkin, Aaron (visitor) Haines, Kyle (visitor) Hoston, Germaine Magagna, Victor Chandler, William Adida, Claire Strom, Kaare Nichter, Simeon Gibson, Clark Hoston, Germaine Naoi, Megumi Magagna, Victor Chandler, William Strom, Kaare Fisk, David (visitor) Mares, David Slantchev, Branislav Fisk, David Schneider, Christina Schneider, Christina Roberts, Molly Smith, Peter Wong, Tom Kernell, Samuel Kernell, Samuel Galderisi, Peter (visitor) SPRING 2015 Hill, Seth Gartzke, Erik Forman, Fonna Galderisi, Peter (visitor) Fletcher, Nathan (visitor) Erie, Steve Erie, Steve Smith, Glenn (visitor) Abrajano, Marisa Ward, Alan (visitor) Strong, Tracy Bolar, Allan (visitor) Wiens, David Mackie, Gerry Strong, Tracy Fisk, David (visitor) Adida, Claire Heller (visitor) Naoi, Megumi Hoston, Germaine Koo, Sejin (visitor) Lejeune, John (visitor) Heller (visitor) Nichter, Simeon Wong, Tom Willoughby, Randy (visitor) Magagna, Victor Broz, Lawrence Mares, David Wong, Tom Kahler, Miles 154 194 194SD 197SD 197I Special Topics in International Relations: “Weapons of Mass Destruction” Research Seminar – UCDC Local Internship Research Seminar Local Internship Political Science Washington Internship August 14, 2014 Gartzke, Erik Kernell, Samuel Galderisi, Peter (visitor) Roeder, Philip Kernell, Samuel