Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL, Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL Volnei A. Pedroni Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 Samples of Exercise Solutions for Part II (Chapters 19-25) Below are solutions for some of the 545 exercises contained in the book. Chapter 19: VHDL Summary Exercise 19.9: Generic shift register As seen in Section 14.1, a shift register (SR) is simply a string of serially connected D-type flip-flops commanded by a common clock signal and, optionally, also by a reset signal. Design the SR of Figure 14.2(a) using the COMPONENT construct to instantiate N = 4 DFFs. Can you make your code generic (arbitrary N)? Solution The generic solution is presented here, which consists of having the number of stages (N) specified by means of the GENERIC attribute (hence any size SR can be obtained by simply changing this parameter). The corresponding circuit is shown below. q1 d d q q2 d rst q rst q3 d q rst qN d q rst clk rst Two generic solutions are presented next. In the first, a regular behavioral code is used, while a structural code (using the COMPONENT construct) is presented in the second. Solution 1: With a regular behavioral code. ------------------------------------------------LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ------------------------------------------------ENTITY shift_register IS GENERIC (N: INTEGER := 4); --number of stages PORT (d, clk, rst: IN STD_LOGIC; q: BUFFER STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 TO N)); END shift_register; ------------------------------------------------ARCHITECTURE shift_register OF shift_register IS BEGIN PROCESS (clk, rst) BEGIN IF (rst='1') THEN q <= (OTHERS => '0'); Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL, Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk='1') THEN q <= d & q(1 TO N-1); END IF; END PROCESS; END shift_register; ------------------------------------------------- Solution 2: With a structural code (with COMPONENT) ------ The component (flip-flop): ------------LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ----------------------------------------------ENTITY flipflop IS PORT (d, clock, reset: IN STD_LOGIC; q: OUT STD_LOGIC); END flipflop; ----------------------------------------------ARCHITECTURE flipflop OF flipflop IS BEGIN PROCESS (clock, reset) BEGIN IF (reset='1') THEN q <= '0'; ELSIF (clock'EVENT AND clock='1') THEN q <= d; END IF; END PROCESS; END flipflop; ----------------------------------------------------- The main code: --------------------------------------LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; -------------------------------------------------------------ENTITY shift_register IS GENERIC (N: INTEGER := 4); --number of stages PORT (d, clk, rst: IN STD_LOGIC; q: OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 TO N)); END shift_register; -------------------------------------------------------------ARCHITECTURE shift_register OF shift_register IS SIGNAL temp: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO N); COMPONENT flipflop IS PORT (d, clock, reset: IN STD_LOGIC; q: OUT STD_LOGIC); END COMPONENT; BEGIN temp(0) <= d; generate_SR: FOR i IN q'RANGE GENERATE DFF: flipflop PORT MAP (temp(i-1), clk, rst, temp(i)); END GENERATE generate_SR; q <= temp(1 TO N); END shift_register; -------------------------------------------------------------- Simulation results (from the circuit synthesized with either code above) are shown next. Observe that after every positive clock edge the input data train advances one position. Observe also the operation of the reset signal, which is asynchronous. Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL, Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 Chapter 20: VHDL Design of Combinational Logic Circuits Exercise 20.7: Parity generator Parity detectors were studied in Section 11.7. In continuation to that, the figure below shows the top-level diagram of a parity generator. The circuit has a 7-bit input, a, and an 8-bit output, b. It has also a single-bit parity-selection input, called parity. The circuit must detect the parity of a, then add an extra bit to it (on its left) to produce b, whose parity (number of '1's) must be odd if parity = '0' or even if parity = '1'. Design this circuit using VHDL. a(6:0) Parity generator b(7:0) parity Solution A VHDL code for this problem is shown below. As before, the industry-standard data type (STD_LOGIC) was employed to specify all input and output signals. ---------------------------------------------------LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ---------------------------------------------------ENTITY parity_generator IS PORT (a: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 DOWNTO 0); parity: IN STD_LOGIC; b: OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0)); END parity_generator; ---------------------------------------------------ARCHITECTURE parity_generator OF parity_generator IS BEGIN PROCESS (a, parity) VARIABLE temp: STD_LOGIC; BEGIN temp := '0'; FOR i IN a'RANGE LOOP temp := temp XOR a(i); END LOOP; b(7) <= parity XNOR temp; b(6 DOWNTO 0) <= a(6 DOWNTO 0); END PROCESS; END parity_generator; ---------------------------------------------------- Simulation results, obtained from the circuit synthesized with the code above, are shown next. The first graph is for odd parity (parity='0'), while the second is for even parity (parity='1') Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL, Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 Chapter 21: VHDL Design of Combinational Arithmetic Circuits Exercise 21.7: Signed and unsigned adders/subtracters #1 In the adder/subtracter design of Section 21.3, two solutions were presented, one for INTEGER I/Os and the other for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR I/Os. Present another solution, this time with STD_LOGIC_VECTOR inputs and INTEGER outputs. Solution a) Discussion The first thing to remember is that in all four main VHDL packages related to STD_LOGIC (numeric_std, std_logic_arith, std_logic_unsigned, and std_logic_signed) addition and subtraction functions are defined with the output having the same number of bits as the largest input (there is no provision for the carry-out bit, implying that overflow can always occur; for instance, that is the way it is done in typical CPUs, that is, all registers have the same length and only one register is used to store additions and subtractions). However, if carry-out is needed, a good practice is to use only operands of type INTEGER (the inputs can be converted to INTEGER before entering the “+” or “−” functions, with the result then converted to whatever type is desired afterward). Another thing to remember is that the hardware in this case (with N-bit inputs and output) does not depend on the system being signed or unsigned (only the interpretation of the results changes – see details in Section 3.2). Finally, it is important to also have in mind that some type-conversion functions are allowed to produce outputs with more bits than the inputs. An example is the function CONV_INTEGER(arg), available in the packages std_logic_arith, std_logic_unsigned, and std_logic_signed (see book appendices). For example, say that arg is N bits wide, and that the resulting integer is M bits wide, where M>N. If the package std_logic_unsigned is used, then the M−N most significant bits of the result are filled with ‘0’s; however, if std_logic_signed is used instead, then those bits are filled with the sign bit (that is, with copies of arg’s MSB). b) Code for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR inputs and INTEGER output Two VHDL codes that solve this problem are shown below. In both, the inputs and the output are N bits wide. Note that, in order to be able to add signals of type STD_LOGIC_VECTOR, the std_logic_(un)signed package was included in the library declarations. In Solution 1, an unsigned system was considered. Hence std_logic_unsigned was chosen and the output range was specified to be non-negative (from 0 to 2**N−1). In Solution 2, the system was considered to be signed, so std_logic_signed was chosen and the output range was specified to be from −2**(N−1) to Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL, Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 2**(N−1)−1. However, as explained in Section 3.2 (and mentioned in the discussion above), this does not affect the hardware. This fact can be observed in the simulation results from the two codes below, which are exactly alike (only the interpretation of the results changes, because bitwise the plots are exactly the same). Solution 1: For an unsigned system --------------------------------------------------------------LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; --------------------------------------------------------------ENTITY adder_sub IS GENERIC (N: INTEGER := 8); --number of input bits PORT (a, b: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 DOWNTO 0); sum, sub: OUT INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 2**N-1); END adder_sub; --------------------------------------------------------------ARCHITECTURE adder_sub OF adder_sub IS BEGIN sum <= CONV_INTEGER (a + b); sub <= CONV_INTEGER (a - b); END adder_sub; --------------------------------------------------------------- Simulation results from Solution 1 are shown below. Note that, as expected, overflow can occur (for example, 120+150=270 → 270−28=14). Solution 2: For a signed system --------------------------------------------------------------LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.std_logic_signed.all; --------------------------------------------------------------ENTITY adder_sub IS GENERIC (N: INTEGER := 8); --number of input bits PORT (a, b: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 DOWNTO 0); sum, sub: OUT INTEGER RANGE -2**(N-1) TO 2**(N-1)-1); END adder_sub; --------------------------------------------------------------ARCHITECTURE adder_sub OF adder_sub IS BEGIN sum <= CONV_INTEGER (a + b); sub <= CONV_INTEGER (a - b); END adder_sub; --------------------------------------------------------------- Simulation results from Solution 2 are presented next. Note that these results are exactly the same as those obtained in Solution 1. Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL, Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 Chapter 22: VHDL Design of Sequential Circuits Exercise 22.5: Digital PWM A digital PWM (Pulse Width Modulator) takes a clock waveform as input and delivers a pulse train with variable (programmable) duty cycle at the output. In the illustration below, the duty cycle is 2/7 (or 28.6%), because the output stays high during 2 out of every 7 clock periods. Besides the clock, the circuit must have a control input, called duty, which determines the duty cycle (see table below). Design this circuit using VHDL. clk PWM y duty clk y duty 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Duty cycle 0/7 (0%) 1/7 (14,3%) 2/7 (28,6%) 3/7 (42.9%) 4/7 (57.1%) 5/7 (71.4%) 6/7 (85.7%) 7/7 (100%) Solution A VHDL code for this problem is shown below. Note that to make it work for any PWM size, the number of control bits (N) was entered using the GENERIC attribute. --------------------------------------------------ENTITY pwm IS GENERIC (N: INTEGER := 3); -- # of control bits PORT (clk: IN STD_LOGIC; duty: IN INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 2**N-1; y: OUT STD_LOGIC); END pwm; --------------------------------------------------ARCHITECTURE pwm OF pwm IS BEGIN PROCESS (clk) VARIABLE count: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 2**N; BEGIN IF (clk'EVENT AND clk='1') THEN count := count + 1; IF (count=duty) THEN y <= '1'; ELSIF (count=2**N) THEN y <= '0'; count := 0; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; END pwm; --------------------------------------------------- Simulation results from the circuit inferred from the code above are shown next. In this simulation, N=3 bits were used to represent duty, so it resembles exactly the case depicted in the previous figure. Waveforms for duty=2 and duty=6 are depicted in the plots. Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL, Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 Chapter 23: VHDL Design of State Machines Exercise 23.11: Signal generator A new approach for the construction of arbitrary binary waveforms was introduced in Section 15.7, which consists of using two multiplexers controlled by two finite state machines (FSMs) that operate at different clock edges. The first FSM-MUX pair is responsible for generating the desired waveform, while the second FSM-MUX pair is responsible for eliminating any glitches. Since such a structure employs more than one FSM, it can be designed using either the multi-machine approach or the quasi-single-machine approach (see Section 15.6). The former was employed in the design of a signal generator in Section 23.3. Repeat that design employing now the latter approach. The desired signal generator is depicted (again) in the figure below. clk Signal generator clk ‘1’ y clk ‘1’ y T Solution As in Section 23.2, the circuit can be divided into two sections, one producing the intermediate signal x (with glitches) in the figure below, and the other the final signal, y (without glitches). Hence both FSMs can be modeled with three states (A, B, C). The first circuit must produce x=‘1’ when in state A, x=clk when in state B, and again x=‘1’ when in state C, while the second circuit must produce y=x when in A, y=‘1’ when in B (to eliminate the glitch), and again y=x when in C. The corresponding quasi-single-machine is depicted on the right of the figure below. Waveform generator B clk 0 ‘1’ 1 0 C ‘1’ x x MUX2 A ‘1’ clk MUX1 clk Glitch remover ‘1’ 1 sel1 sel2 T A x B ‘1’ C x y Comb. logic DFFs FSM1 A VHDL code for this circuit is shown next. ---------------------------------------------ENTITY sig_generator IS PORT (clk: IN BIT; y: OUT BIT); END sig_generator; ---------------------------------------------ARCHITECTURE sig_generator OF sig_generator IS SIGNAL x: BIT; SIGNAL sel1, sel2: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 1; TYPE state IS (A, B, C); SIGNAL pr_state1, nx_state1: state; BEGIN ----- Lower section of FSM1: ----PROCESS (clk) BEGIN Comb. logic (FSM2) DFFs y Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL, Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 IF (clk'EVENT AND clk='0') THEN pr_state1 <= nx_state1; END IF; END PROCESS; ----- Upper section of FSM1: ----PROCESS (pr_state1, clk) BEGIN CASE pr_state1 IS WHEN A => sel1 <= 1; nx_state1 <= B; WHEN B => sel1 <= 0; nx_state1 <= C; WHEN C => sel1 <= 1; nx_state1 <= A; END CASE; END PROCESS; ----- MUX1: ---------------------x <= clk WHEN sel1=0 ELSE '1'; ----- Quasi-FSM2: ---------------PROCESS (clk) BEGIN IF (clk'EVENT AND clk='1') THEN CASE pr_state1 IS WHEN A => sel2 <= 0; WHEN B => sel2 <= 1; WHEN C => sel2 <= 0; END CASE; END IF; END PROCESS; ----- MUX2: ---------------------y <= x WHEN sel2=0 ELSE '1'; END sig_generator; ---------------------------------------------- Simulation results are presented below. Note that, as expected, glitches do occur in x, but are eliminated in y. Chapter 24: VHDL Design of State Machines Exercise 24.7: Type IV simulation of a parity detector The parity detector of Example 19.3 was simulated, using VHDL and ModelSim, in Exercises 24.5 and 24.6 above, where type I and type II testbenches were employed, respectively. In continuation to those exercises, perform now a type IV simulation for that circuit. To do so, introduce in the test file information about expected values for y (can be a waveform, like Example 24.6), then create a process that compares those values to the actual values of y using the ASSERT statement. Recall that for type II and type IV simulations an SDF file (Appendix C) is required (the study of appendices A and C is recommended before trying to solve this exercise). Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL, Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 Solution The same input signal used in example 19.3 (see Figure 19.7) will be employed here (with the obvious difference that now VHDL will be used to create it instead of a graphical tool). Such a signal (x) is shown in the figure below, which also exhibits the expected outputs, y’ and y”, where y’ represents the functionalanalysis output (no propagation delays – types I and III testbenches), while y” represents the timing-analysis output (with propagation delays – types II and IV testbenches). x ‘00000000’ ‘00000001’ 160ns ‘00000010’ 320ns ‘11111100’ 480ns ‘01111111’ 640ns ‘11111111’ 800ns ‘00011000’ 960ns y’ y” Both files (design and test) needed for this simulation are presented below. Note that the design file is simply a copy of that in Example 19.3. The test file, on the other hand, contains a stimulus-generation process (responsible for creating x), plus two processes responsible for the automated analysis of the results (one process creates the template, which is similar to the waveform y” shown above, with a fixed propagation delay of 10ns, while the other is responsible for comparing the template to the actual output, performed at every 20ns). ------ Design file: ------------------------------LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --------------------------------------------------ENTITY parity_detector IS GENERIC (N: INTEGER := 8); --number of bits PORT (x: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 DOWNTO 0); y: OUT STD_LOGIC); END parity_detector; --------------------------------------------------ARCHITECTURE structural OF parity_detector IS SIGNAL internal: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN internal(0) <= x(0); gen: FOR i IN 1 TO N-1 GENERATE internal(i) <= internal(i-1) XOR x(i); END GENERATE; y <= internal(N-1); END structural; -------------------------------------------------------- Test file: --------------------------------LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --------------------------------------------------ENTITY test_parity_detector IS GENERIC (N: INTEGER := 8); -- # of input bits END test_parity_detector; --------------------------------------------------ARCHITECTURE test OF test_parity_detector IS COMPONENT parity_detector IS PORT (x: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 DOWNTO 0); y: OUT STD_LOGIC); END COMPONENT; -----------------------------SIGNAL x: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 DOWNTO 0) := "00000000"; SIGNAL y: STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL template: STD_LOGIC := '0'; CONSTANT delay: TIME := 10 ns; --estimated propag. delay ------------------------------ Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL, Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 BEGIN dut: parity_detector PORT MAP (x=>x, y=>y); ----- Generation of x: ------PROCESS BEGIN WAIT FOR 160 ns; x <= "00000001"; WAIT FOR 160 ns; x <= "00000010"; WAIT FOR 160 ns; x <= "11111100"; WAIT FOR 160 ns; x <= "01111111"; WAIT FOR 160 ns; x <= "11111111"; WAIT FOR 160 ns; x <= "00011000"; WAIT; END PROCESS; ----- generate template: ----PROCESS BEGIN WAIT FOR delay; --estimated propag. delay WAIT FOR 160 ns; template <= '1'; WAIT FOR 320 ns; template <= '0'; WAIT FOR 160 ns; template <= '1'; WAIT FOR 160 ns; template <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS; ----- verify output: --------PROCESS BEGIN WAIT FOR 20 ns; ASSERT (y=template) REPORT "Output differs from template!" SEVERITY FAILURE; END PROCESS; END test; --------------------------------------------------- In our design, the files above were saved with the names parity_detector.vhd (design file) and test_parity_detector.vhd (test file). Therefore, the files created by the compiler (Quartus II in this example), following the procedure of Appendix C, were parity_detector.vho (new design file) and parity_detector_vhd.sdo (SDF file). These two files, along with test_parity_detector.vhd, are needed by ModelSim to perform the type IV simulation. Continuing with the procedure of Appendix C, combined with Appendix A, and using the EP2C35F672C6 Cyclone II device (DE2 board), an actual propagation delay around 8ns results. The resulting ModelSim plots for this type IV simulation are shown below. Chapter 25: Simulation with SPICE Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL, Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 Exercise 25.3: SPICE simulation of a multiplexer A TG-based 2x1 multiplexer was described in Example 11.6, and then used in Example11.7 to construct a larger (4x1) multiplexer. (The corresponding circuits are repeated in figures (a) and (b) below, respectively.) (2) a 0 (3) b 1 M4 (2) M3 M6 (4) sel M2 b (10) (4) c 0 (5) d 1 X2 M1 (a) 0 (9) y (5) (6) M5 (3) X1 a (b) X3 y (8) 1 sel 1 (7) sel 0 (6) a. Write a SPICE code to simulate the TG-based 2x1 multiplexer of figure (a). Assume that λ=0.2um and adopt minimum size for the nMOS transistors and twice that for the pMOS ones (that is, (W/L)n=3λ/2λ and (W/L)p=6λ/2λ). Use either Level3 or BSIM3v3 models for the transistors (consult the MOSIS site at Generate suitable signals to verify the multiplexer’s functionality. b. Using .SUBCKT to instantiate the multiplexer of part (a) above, construct a SPICE code and test the transient response and operation of the 4x1 multiplexer of figure (b). Solution A SPICE code for part (b) of this exercise is presented below (which indeed includes part (a)). The circuit node numbers and transistor names are included in figure (a) and (b) above. As requested, the nMOS and pMOS transistors’ sizes are (W/L)n=3λ/2λ and (W/L)p=6λ/2λ), respectively, with λ=0.2um. The BSIM3v3 model (see pages 628-630) was employed to represent the MOSFET characteristics. *----File containing the BSIM3v3 MOSFET model:-----.INC C:\ORCAD\MY_CIRCUITS\MOSFET_MODELS.CIR *-----Defaults:------------------------------------.OPTIONS DEFL=0.4U DEFW=0.6U DEFAD=2P DEFAS=2P *-----Subcircuit (2x1_multiplexer):----------------.SUBCKT multiplexer_2x1 1 2 3 4 5 M1 5 4 3 0 N M2 5 6 3 1 P W=1.2U M3 5 6 2 0 N M4 5 4 2 1 P W=1.2U M5 6 4 0 0 N M6 6 4 1 1 P W=1.2U .ENDS *-----Final circuit (4x1_multiplexer):-------------X1 1 2 3 6 9 multiplexer_2x1 X2 1 4 5 6 10 multiplexer_2x1 X3 1 9 10 7 8 multiplexer_2x1 VDD 1 0 DC 3.3V *-----Transient response:--------------------------Va 2 0 PULSE (0V 3.3V 25NS 0NS 0NS 25NS 275NS) Vb 3 0 PULSE (0V 3.3V 100NS 0NS 0NS 25NS 200NS) Vc 4 0 PULSE (0V 3.3V 175NS 0NS 0NS 25NS 125NS) Vd 5 0 PULSE (0V 3.3V 250NS 0NS 0NS 25NS 50NS) Vsel0 6 0 PULSE (0V 3.3V 75NS 0NS 0NS 75NS 150NS) Vsel1 7 0 PULSE (0V 3.3V 150NS 0NS 0NS 150NS 300NS) .TRAN 0.22NS 300NS .PROBE V(2) V(3) V(4) V(5) V(6) V(7) V(8) V(9) V(10) .END *------------------------------------------------- Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL, Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 Simulation results obtained with PSpice 15.7 (see Appendix B) are presented below, where the following signals are depicted: • V(2): Input voltage at node 2 (input a of the multiplexer); • V(3): Input voltage at node 3 (input b of the multiplexer); • V(4): Input voltage at node 4 (input c of the multiplexer); • V(5): Input voltage at node 5 (input d of the multiplexer); • V(6): Input voltage at node 6 (selection port sel0 of the multiplexer); • V(7): Input voltage at node 7 (selection port sel1 of the multiplexer); • V(9): Output voltage at node 9 (output of the first multiplexer); • V(10): Output voltage at node 10 (output of the second multiplexer); • V(8): Output voltage at node 8 (output of the last multiplexer). Observe in the last plot, V(8), that the values obtained for the low-to-high (LH) and high-to-low (HL) inputto-output (IO) propagation delays are tpIO_LH ≈ 5ns and tpIO_HL ≈ 3ns. Digital Electronics and Design with VHDL, Volnei A. Pedroni, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann, 2008 5ns 3ns Propagation delays from select-to-output (SO) are illustrated in the next set of plots. In this case, the final part of the code was replaced with the following: *-----Transient response:--------------------------Va 2 0 DC 0V Vb 3 0 DC 3.3V Vc 4 0 DC 0V Vd 5 0 DC 0V Vsel0 6 0 PULSE (0V 3.3V 50NS 0NS 0NS 50NS 100NS) Vsel1 7 0 DC 0V .TRAN 0.1NS 150NS .PROBE V(2) V(3) V(4) V(5) V(6) V(7) V(8) V(9) V(10) Consequently, all input signals are kept at fixed values, with a=c=d=‘0’ and b=‘1’. By switching sel0 between ‘0’ and ‘1’, the following propagation delays are observed: tpSO_LH ≈ 13ns and tpSO_HL ≈ 13ns. 13ns 13ns