Project Learning Tree and Environmental Internet Resources and Apps (Florida PLT) Educator resources, Prek-8 Activity aids Free PLT supplemental curriculum, Series of online modules to broaden teachers’ expertise -line_training.shtml To receive periodic updates, sign up for the Florida PLT listserv and join us on Facebook and twitter (National PLT) Educator resources section, C orrelations to national standards of multiple programs- includes Common Core. Provides many website resources . Subscribe to the Branch newsletter, contains funding opportunities, resources, etc. GreenSchools! program is on this site. GreenWorks! Grant is posted here. Two funding cycles per year. A tree’s year rings are analyzed for their strength, thickness and rate of growth. This data serves as basis for a generative process that outputs piano music. It is mapped to a scale which is again defined by the overall appearance of the wood (ranging from dark to light and from strong texture to light texture). The foundation for the music is certainly found in the defined rule set of programming and hardware setup, but the data acquired from every tree interprets this rule set very differently A tree benefits calculator that figures out the amount of carbon sequestered from the atmosphere by the tree every year. Free posters videos, kits, bookmarks, publications and more from the US Dept. of Ed From USFS Climate Change Resource Center...Carbon calculator- download software Informative site for kids studying Florida government, symbols, etc. Games, puzzles, and coloring books publications from University of Florida, including the School of Forestry and Conservation Http:// a collection of sites for anyone interested in learning more about conservation, resource management, forestry careers or simply exploring the great outdoors CBIA (CT Business Investment Authority) website has Careers in STEM construction and installation of dendrometer bands for periodic growth measurement. Used for short-term repeated measurements of tree-stem growth Web 2.0 Tool Great for presentations, documents are easily shared Florida Forestry Association American Forest and Paper Association Sustainable Forestry certification program Applications Everytrail - Smart phone app. You can create an interactive map while out on a nature walk or hike. You can also plot pictures and videos, and share them directly using Facebook, Twitter, and LeafSnap - Apple iphone/ipad app and Google android TreeSketch 2.0 - ipad app, working on android app IveGot1 for reporting invasive plants (and animals) Nature's Notebook for recording changes in plants (and animals)