KOBI NAZRUL PRIMARY SCHOOL ISSUE 55 T HE KOB I NE WS LE TTER FRIDAY 27TH JUNE 2014 MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD Good News! Ramadhan is here again and I would like to wish all those celebrating ‘Ramadhan Mubarak!’ I am also happy to report some really good news this week. The Key Stage 1 results have been extensively moderated, 93% children achieved 2b and above in reading and maths. This is significantly better than last year, and above last year’s national average. Additionally 79% achieved 2b and above in writing and again this is significantly better than last year, again better than last year’s national average - well done to all of Year 2! KS2 have also performed really well. Based on practice papers, we are confident that the results will show a significant increase on last year. We are waiting for the KS 2 SATs results and I will share with parents at the earliest opportunity - well done to all of Year 6! The phonics screening test in Year 1 is also looking good and we will share the results with you when these are published. Ramadhan will start from this weekend. Only year 5 & 6 children will be allowed to fast once a consent form has been received. The days will be long and hot! Parents need to ensure that children that fast have a good breakfast (suhur) and drink plenty of water. GOVERNORS On the 13th of June 2014, the Governors met the Director of Education and took the decision to facilitate an orderly and smooth handover to an Interim Executive Board (IEB) which will then be responsible for running the school. This was done in the interest of pupils, staff and the wider community. YEAR 3 TRIP Finally, I wish you all a pleasant weekend and look forward to seeing you next week. ATTENDANCE Year Week ending Week ending Group 13.06.14 20.06.14 N 90.00% 89.63% R 92.00% 89.33% 1 95.86% 88.28% 2 94.07% 91.11% 3 96.07% 94.64% 4 96.30% 95.56% 5 96.13% 95.81% 6 97.67% 99.33% OVERALL 94.80% 93.01% Well done to Year 6 who are the Attendance Champions If you want to be a champion, make sure you come to school on time everyday! Year 3 went on a trip to the Rainforest Café. There, they learnt about jungles and the wildlife. From all accounts they also had a fantastic lunch with ice cream and had a fun journey on the London Underground. DID YOU KNOW... Did you know a cheetahs top speed is 70mph! QUOTE OF THE WEEK “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.” Willie Nelson YEAR 5 TRIPS Year 5 enjoyed a worthwhile trip to Spitalfields City Farm, which was followed by a visit to the park for a picnic and some games. Mizanur commented, "This was one of the best £2 that I have ever spent!" Year 5 enjoyed a trip to Whitechapel Art Gallery where they browsed a selection of displays, before creating some artwork of their own including a sculpture. The children particularly enjoyed having a large choice of materials to choose from. They were well received at the gallery, with one member of staff commenting ‘what a lovely class' and how much they enjoyed working with them. KINGSWOOD 2014 “Year 6 went to Kingswood for their second residential. We did many activities such as aerial runway and team challenge. We also did outdoor climbing, made a camp fire and played laser tag. We enjoyed ourselves during the 3 days. We met an instructor called Ross and he soon became our best friend. We played football in the fields and also managed to watch the England World Cup match. This residential was the best!” Fariha & Sami