
Señora Stadel
Español I
Room 121
Classroom Procedures:
If you are tardy: Come into class quietly and find your seat. Do not interrupt. I will come to your seat to
check your pass and catch you up when I have a moment.
If you are absent: It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make up any necessary work.
Please see me before or after school, during homeroom, or during my prep period (A1/B3) upon your
return to school. Do NOT approach me right before class is going to start; it is not the appropriate time.
If you have a late assignment: If your assignment is not completed at the time I collect it, it will be
considered late. You will have 1 day to turn it in to still receive partial credit. After 1 day, you will
receive an incomplete until the assignment is turned in.
If you need to go to the Restroom/Locker: At the beginning of each semester each student will receive
one restroom pass for each week of the semester. Students are responsible for keeping track of their
own passes. If a student needs to exit the classroom more than once in a week, or if they do not have a
pass left for that week, a tardy will be issued to the student. Unused restroom tickets can be turned in
at the end of the semester and redeemed for extra credit points. Always ask permission
If there is an announcement: Please stop talking immediately. It is important that we can all hear what
is being said. We will resume where we left off once the announcement has ended.
Entry Routine: You will greet me at the door, in Spanish, as you enter the classroom each day. You will
look up at the whiteboard and follow the Bellringer directions, either completing the task on the board
or picking up a worksheet. If you have a homework assignment due, take it out immediately and place
it in the upper right-hand corner of your desk. You will sit down in your assigned seat and begin working
on the Bellringer.
Exit Routine: You will leave when I dismiss you. Please do not start packing up your things a few
minutes before class is over. Please do not line up at the door. If the bell rings and we are in the middle
of something you will not get up and leave. Again, I will dismiss you, not the bell.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Come prepared. This means:
a. Bring all of your materials to class each day
i. A notebook or binder (with loose-leaf paper) to be used only for Spanish class
ii. A folder or binder to be used only for Spanish class
iii. A pen or pencil
iv. Your textbook=
v. A Spanish/English Dictionary (strongly recommended)
vi. Completed homework when it is due
b. Have a positive attitude
c. Be ready to work and have fun!
2. Participate. This means:
a. Take part in whole class, partner, and group activities
b. Be an active member of the class-it is the only way you’re going to learn!
c. Give me 100% at all times!
d. It is your responsibility to keep your Págame points (see info sheet)
3. Speak Spanish! This means:
a. Check your English at the door.
b. It’s okay to make mistakes.
c. Be proud of your ability to use another language! Show it off!
4. Be respectful to each other and to me. This means:
a. Be kind to one another
b. Use common sense
c. Keep an open mind
5. Follow classroom rules. This means:
a. Know and follow classroom procedures
b. Water is acceptable. No other food or drink allowed.
c. Cheating is strictly prohibited. If you are caught cheating you will earn a zero.
d. In Spanish class you should be working on Spanish, not class work for other classes. If
you are working on other class work in my classroom without my approval, I will take it
from you and you will have to retrieve it from the teacher whose class it is for.
e. ***If you are disrespectful of another student or myself or if you
break a rule, there will be consequences, determined by me, on a
case by case basis ***
Classroom Participation: “Págames”
 “Págame” means “pay me” in Spanish
o You start with 200 points for each semester
o As long as you are actively participating in class you will have no problem
keeping your 200 points. This means paying attention when I or anyone else is
talking, as well as participating in whole-class, partner, group activities, or when
completing work individually.
If you are not an active participant in the classroom activities, it will be
considered an infraction. I will say, for example, “Juan, págame por favor,” (pay
me please). You will then “pay me” with 5 of your “págame” points.
You will also lose “págame” points if you come unprepared for class.
***If you lose points, you have the opportunity to make them up!!
If you get more than two “págames” during a single class, you will be sent to the
You have four free makeups
Option 1: The first way to make up an infraction is to make me a
card (up to 2) (You must use up these two before you can use
option 2)
Option 2: The second way to make up an infraction is to give me a
handshake. (up to 2)
After the four freebies, you will then have to write a 100-word essay
(subject to be determined by me) to make up a “págame”.
Objectives for Español I:
Students will be able to do the following by the end of Spanish I:
Greet and say goodbye
Talk about the weather
Make introductions
Know days of the week, months, how to say the date
Numbers 0-1,000,000
Know the Spanish Alphabet
Be able to use the verb “Ser” correctly
Talk about likes/dislikes using the verb “Gustar”
Understand definite and indefinite articles
Understand noun/adjective agreement
Describe themselves and others
Know after-school activities and snack-foods
Describe their daily schedule/tell time
Describe locations
Express feelings/emotions
Use the verb “tener” and the expression “tener que” to express possessions and things they have to do
Know how to conjugate –ar, -er, -ir verbs in the present tense
Know how and when to use the verb “estar”
Know how to use the verb “ir”
Be able to talk about their family
Use possessive adjectives
25% participation
50% quizzes and tests
15% projects
10% homework
Grading Scale
Below 65
Señora Stadel
Español II-Syllabus
Room 121
Classroom Procedures:
If you are tardy: Come into class quietly and find your seat. Do not interrupt. I will come to your seat to
check your pass and catch you up when I have a moment.
If you are absent: It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make up any necessary work.
Please see me before or after school, during homeroom, or during my prep period (A1/B2) upon your
return to school. Do NOT approach me right before class is going to start; it is not the appropriate time.
If you have a late assignment: If your assignment is not completed at the time I collect it, it will be
considered late. You will have 1 day to turn it in to still receive partial credit. After 1 day, you will
receive an incomplete until the assignment is turned in.
If you need to go to the Restroom/Locker: At the beginning of each semester each student will receive
one restroom pass for each week of the semester. Students are responsible for keeping track of their
own passes. If a student needs to exit the classroom more than once in a week, or if they do not have a
pass left for that week, a tardy will be issued to the student. Unused restroom tickets can be turned in
at the end of the semester and redeemed for extra credit points. Always ask permission! There is a signout sheet you must fill out and take my hall pass with you.
If there is an announcement: Please stop talking immediately. It is important that we can all hear what
it being said. We will resume where we left off once the announcement has ended.
Entry Routine: You will greet me at the door, in Spanish, as you enter the classroom each day. You will
look up at the whiteboard and follow the Bellringer directions, either completing the task on the board
or picking up a worksheet. If you have a homework assignment due, take it out immediately and place
it in the upper right-hand corner of your desk. You will sit down in your assigned seat and begin working
on the Bellringer.
Exit Routine: You will leave when I dismiss you. Please do not start packing up your things a few
minutes before class is over. Please do not line up at the door. If the bell rings and we are in the middle
of something you will not get up and leave. Again, I will dismiss you, not the bell.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Come prepared. This means:
a. Bring all of your materials to class each day
i. A notebook or binder (with loose-leaf paper) to be used only for Spanish class
ii. A folder or binder to be used only for Spanish class
iii. A pen or pencil
iv. Your textbook=
v. A Spanish/English Dictionary (strongly recommended)
vi. Completed homework when it is due
b. Have a positive attitude
c. Be ready to work and have fun!
2. Participate. This means:
a. Take part in whole class, partner, and group activities
b. Be an active member of the class-it is the only way you’re going to learn!
c. Give me 100% at all times!
d. It is your responsibility to keep your Págame points (see info sheet)
3. Speak Spanish! This means:
a. Check your English at the door.
b. It’s okay to make mistakes.
c. Be proud of your ability to use another language! Show it off!
4. Be respectful to each other and to me. This means:
a. Be kind to one another
b. Use common sense
c. Keep an open mind
5. Follow classroom rules. This means:
a. Know and follow classroom procedures
b. Water is acceptable. No other food or drink allowed.
c. Cheating is strictly prohibited. If you are caught cheating you will earn a zero.
d. In Spanish class you should be working on Spanish, not class work for other classes. If
you are working on other class work in my classroom without my approval, I will take it
from you and you will have to retrieve it from the teacher whose class it is for.
e. ***If you are disrespectful of another student or myself or if you
break a rule, there will be consequences, determined by me, on a
case by case basis ***
Classroom Participation: “Págames”
 “Págame” means “pay me” in Spanish
o You start with 200 points for each semester
o As long as you are actively participating in class you will have no problem
keeping your 200 points. This means paying attention when I or anyone else is
talking, as well as participating in whole-class, partner, group activities, or when
completing work individually.
If you are not an active participant in the classroom activities, it will be
considered an infraction. I will say, for example, “Juan, págame por favor,” (pay
me please). You will then “pay me” with 5 of your “págame” points.
You will also lose “págame” points if you come unprepared for class.
***If you lose points, you have the opportunity to make them up!!
If you get more than two “págames” during a single class, you will be sent to the
You have four free makeups
Option 1: The first way to make up an infraction is to make me a
card (up to 2) (You must use up these two before you can use
option 2)
Option 2: The second way to make up an infraction is to give me a
handshake. (up to 2)
After the four freebies, you will then have to write a 100-word essay
(subject to be determined by me) to make up a “págame”.
Objectives for Español II:
Students will be able to do the following by the end of Spanish II:
Describe themselves and others
Talk about likes/dislikes
Talk about daily schedules
Express emotion
Make plans
Use direct/indirect object pronouns
Talk in the present tense
Talk in the past tense
Use interrogatives
Make comparisons
25% participation
50% quizzes and tests
15% projects
10% homework
Grading Scale
Below 65
Señora Stadel
Español III-Syllabus
Room 121
Classroom Procedures:
If you are tardy: Come into class quietly and find your seat. Do not interrupt. I will come to your seat to
check your pass and catch you up when I have a moment.
If you are absent: It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make up any necessary work.
Please see me before or after school, during homeroom, or during my prep period (A1/B3) upon your
return to school. Do NOT approach me right before class is going to start; it is not the appropriate time.
If you have a late assignment: If your assignment is not completed at the time I collect it, it will be
considered late. You will have 1 day to turn it in to still receive partial credit. After 1 day, you will
receive a 0 (unless you are absent-see absent procedure).
If you need to go to the Restroom/Locker: At the beginning of each semester each student will receive
one restroom pass for each week of the semester. Students are responsible for keeping track of their
own passes. If a student needs to exit the classroom more than once in a week, or if they do not have a
pass left for that week, a tardy will be issued to the student. Unused restroom tickets can be turned in
at the end of the semester and redeemed for extra credit points. Always ask permission!
If there is an announcement: Please stop talking immediately. It is important that we can all hear what
is being said. We will resume where we left off once the announcement has ended.
Entry Routine: You will greet me at the door, in Spanish, as you enter the classroom each day. You will
look up at the whiteboard and follow the Bellringer directions, either completing the task on the board
or picking up a worksheet. If you have a homework assignment due, take it out immediately and place
it in the upper right-hand corner of your desk. You will sit down in your assigned seat and begin working
on the Bellringer.
Exit Routine: You will leave when I dismiss you. Please do not start packing up your things a few
minutes before class is over. Please do not line up at the door. If the bell rings and we are in the middle
of something you will not get up and leave. Again, I will dismiss you, not the bell.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Come prepared. This means:
a. Bring all of your materials to class each day
i. A notebook or binder (with loose-leaf paper) to be used only for Spanish class
ii. A folder or binder to be used only for Spanish class
iii. A pen or pencil
iv. Your textbook=
v. A Spanish/English Dictionary (strongly recommended)
vi. Completed homework when it is due
b. Have a positive attitude
c. Be ready to work and have fun!
2. Participate. This means:
a. Take part in whole class, partner, and group activities
b. Be an active member of the class-it is the only way you’re going to learn!
c. Give me 100% at all times!
3. Speak Spanish! This means:
a. Check your English at the door.
b. It’s okay to make mistakes.
c. Be proud of your ability to use another language! Show it off!
4. Be respectful to each other and to me. This means:
a. Be kind to one another
b. Use common sense
c. Keep an open mind
5. Follow classroom rules. This means:
a. Know and follow classroom procedures
b. Water is acceptable. No other food or drink allowed.
c. Cheating is strictly prohibited. If you are caught cheating you will earn a zero.
d. In Spanish class you should be working on Spanish, not class work for other classes. If
you are working on other class work in my classroom without my approval, I will take it
from you and you will have to retrieve it from the teacher whose class it is for.
e. ***If you are disrespectful of another student or myself or if you
break a rule, there will be consequences, determined by me, on a
case by case basis ***
Objectives for Español III:
Students will be able to do the following by the end of Spanish III:
Express likes/dislikes
Talk in the present tense
Describe daily routines (using reflexive verbs)
Talk in the past tense using the preterite and imperfect tenses
Make comparisons
Use commands
Describe family relationships
Express opinions in the present and past
Talk in the future tense
20% participation
50% quizzes and tests
15% projects
15% homework
Grading Scale
Below 65
Señora Stadel
Español IV-Syllabus
Room 121
Classroom Procedures:
If you are tardy: Come into class quietly and find your seat. Do not interrupt. I will come to your seat to
check your pass and catch you up when I have a moment.
If you are absent: It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make up any necessary work.
Please see me before or after school, during homeroom, or during my prep period (A1/B3) upon your
return to school. Do NOT approach me right before class is going to start; it is not the appropriate time.
If you have a late assignment: If your assignment is not completed at the time I collect it, it will be
considered late. You will have 1 day to turn it in to still receive partial credit. After 1 day, you will
receive a 0 (unless you are absent-see absent procedure).
If you need to go to the Restroom/Locker: At the beginning of each semester each student will receive
one restroom pass for each week of the semester. Students are responsible for keeping track of their
own passes. If a student needs to exit the classroom more than once in a week, or if they do not have a
pass left for that week, a tardy will be issued to the student. Unused restroom tickets can be turned in
at the end of the semester and redeemed for extra credit points. Always ask permission!
If there is an announcement: Please stop talking immediately. It is important that we can all hear what
is being said. We will resume where we left off once the announcement has ended.
Entry Routine: You will greet me at the door, in Spanish, as you enter the classroom each day. You will
look up at the whiteboard and follow the Bellringer directions, either completing the task on the board
or picking up a worksheet. If you have a homework assignment due, take it out immediately and place
it in the upper right-hand corner of your desk. You will sit down in your assigned seat and begin working
on the Bellringer.
Exit Routine: You will leave when I dismiss you. Please do not start packing up your things a few
minutes before class is over. Please do not line up at the door. If the bell rings and we are in the middle
of something you will not get up and leave. Again, I will dismiss you, not the bell.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Come prepared. This means:
a. Bring all of your materials to class each day
i. A notebook or binder (with loose-leaf paper) to be used only for Spanish class
ii. A folder or binder to be used only for Spanish class
iii. A pen or pencil
iv. Your textbook=
v. A Spanish/English Dictionary (strongly recommended)
vi. Completed homework when it is due
b. Have a positive attitude
c. Be ready to work and have fun!
2. Participate. This means:
a. Take part in whole class, partner, and group activities
b. Be an active member of the class-it is the only way you’re going to learn!
c. Give me 100% at all times!
3. Speak Spanish! This means:
a. Check your English at the door.
b. It’s okay to make mistakes.
c. Be proud of your ability to use another language! Show it off!
4. Be respectful to each other and to me. This means:
a. Be kind to one another
b. Use common sense
c. Keep an open mind
5. Follow classroom rules. This means:
a. Know and follow classroom procedures
b. Water is acceptable. No other food or drink allowed.
c. Cheating is strictly prohibited. If you are caught cheating you will earn a zero.
d. In Spanish class you should be working on Spanish, not class work for other classes. If
you are working on other class work in my classroom without my approval, I will take it
from you and you will have to retrieve it from the teacher whose class it is for.
e. ***If you are disrespectful of another student or myself or if you
break a rule, there will be consequences, determined by me, on a
case by case basis ***
Objectives for Español IV:
Students will be able to do the following by the end of Spanish IV:
Expand vocabulary
Talk in the past tense using the preterite and imperfect tenses
Make comparisons
Use prepositions (por vs para)
Use commands
Use superlatives
Express opinions in the present and past
Talk in the future tense
20% participation
50% quizzes and tests
15% projects
15% homework
Grading Scale
Below 65