2013 Award Nominations Information (from the section newsletter).

Political Sociology Section Announcements
Call for Nominations:
Political Sociology
Section Awards 2012
Distinguished Contribution to
Scholarship (Book) Award
This award is given annually to the
outstanding recent book in political
sociology (we will not consider edited
books for this award). To be eligible, the
book must have a 2012 copyright date.
The selection committee encourages
self-nominations or suggestions of work
by others. Nominations from publishers will not be accepted. To nominate
a book for this award: 1) send a short
letter (via e-mail) nominating the book
to each committee member below and
2) have a copy of the book sent to each
committee member, at the addresses
below. Winners will be notified and
announced prior to the ASA meetings allowing presses to advertise the
prize-winning book. The deadline for
nominations is March 1, 2013.
Committee Chair:
Mabel Berezin, Cornell University
Department of Sociology
346 Uris Hall
Ithaca, New York 14853-7601
Committee Members:
Isaac Martin, University of California, San Diego
Department of Sociology
401 Social Science Building
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093
Gretta Krippner, University of
Department of Sociology
4146 LSA Building
500 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1382
Kevin Leicht, University of Iowa
Department of Sociology
140 Seashore Hall
Iowa City, IA 52242
Distinguished Contribution to
Scholarship (Article or Book
Chapter) Award
This award is offered annually for the
outstanding recently published article
or chapter in political sociology. To
be eligible, submissions must have
a 2012 publication date. The selection committee encourages either
self-nominations or suggestions of
work by others. (Please note that
each author may have only one article
nominated.) A brief nomination letter
and a copy of the article or chapter
should be sent to each selection committee member at the e-mail address
below. The deadline for nominations
is March 15, 2013.
Committee Chair:
Katy Fallon, McGill University
Committee Members:
Edward Walker, University of California, Los Angeles
Anthony Spires, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Nathan Martin, Arizona State
Best Graduate Student Paper
This award is offered annually for the
best graduate student paper in political sociology. Persons who are graduate students during this academic
year are invited to submit published or
unpublished papers for the award. To
be eligible, papers must be singly
authored and have been written while
the author was a graduate student.
They may not have been subsequently
published as co-authored work.
(Please note that each author may
have only one article nominated.) A
brief nomination letter and a copy of
the article or chapter should be sent
to each selection committee member
at the e-mail addresses below. The
deadline for nominations is March
15, 2013.
Committee Chair:
Anne Costain, University of Colorado, Boulder
Committee Members:
Catherine Lee, Rutgers University
Carly Knight, Har vard University
Debbie Becher, Barnard College,
Columbia University