School Improvement Plan - Oakland Elementary School

Comprehensive Plan Report
Activity in the last 6 months
A detailed report showing activity of the school team¶s work on the improvement plan including assessments,
plans, tasks, monitoring, and implementation for selected time periods.
February 25, 2014
Oakland Elementary School
NCES - na
Suffolk Public School
Key Indicators are shown in RED.
School Leadership and Decision Making
Establishing a team structure with specific duties and time for instructional planning
ID07 - A Leadership Team consisting of the principal, teachers who lead the Instructional
Teams, and other key professional staff meets regularly (twice a month or more for an
hour each meeting).(42)
Objective Met 12/7/2012
Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 09/26/2012
Objective Met - 12/07/2012
(Priority Score x Opportunity Score)
Priority Score:
(3 - highest, 2 - medium, 1 - lowest)
Opportunity Score:
(3 - relatively easy to address, 2 - accomplished
within current policy and budget conditions, 1 requires changes in current policy and budget
Describe current level of
Leadership team meets on a bi-weekly basis and consists of
principal, grade level teachers, resource teacher, special
education teacher, and guidance counselor.
Assigned to:
Kristen Petrelli
How it will look when fully met:
Leadership team will meet on a bi weekly basis at the start of
each school year. The agenda will be maintained at each
meeting with notes and follow up questions as needed.
Due to the lack of discipline issues and attendance issues,
neither a discipline or an attendance improvement plan is
required for the school. Discipline and attendance is
monitored on a consistent basis following SPS policy.
Target Date:
1. Create a master schedule of meeting dates.
Assigned to:
Temesha Dabney
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
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A master list of meeting dates was created and e-mailed to all
leadership and data team members. All members accepted
meeting dates. Leadership team will meet on the second
Wednesday of the month. Data team will meet on the third
Wednesday of the month. Joint meetings will be held as
directed by administration.
Task Completed:
2. An agenda and minutes will be completed and kept for each meeting.
Assigned to:
Angela King
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
Agenda/meeting minutes maintained in indistar. Grade level
representatives share meeting information with grade level
Task Completed:
3. Minutes/updates will be shared with all grade level personnel after each meeting.
Assigned to:
Team Leaders
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
Minutes are shared at grade level meetings. Grade level chair
will e-mail concerns/information from grade level to principal
as verification.
Task Completed:
Percent Task Complete:
Objective Met:
Closed due to academic review
Closed due to academic review
Closed due to academic review
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ID10 - The Leadership Team regularly looks at school performance data and aggregated
classroom observation data and uses that data to make decisions about school
improvement and professional development needs.(45)
Tasks completed: 0 of 4 (0%)
Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 12/07/2012
(Priority Score x Opportunity Score)
Priority Score:
(3 - highest, 2 - medium, 1 - lowest)
Opportunity Score:
(3 - relatively easy to address, 2 - accomplished
within current policy and budget conditions, 1 requires changes in current policy and budget
Describe current level of
Currently, OES utilizes data from ARM, SOLOII, datacation,
formative and summative assessments on a consistent basis.
Data is discussed within the data team, leadership team, and
grade level teams.
Assigned to:
Temesha Dabney
How it will look when fully met:
In addition to looking at diverse types of data (SOLs, District
Benchmarks, MAP testing, individual classroom data, individual
student data), we will considered data at three levels: at the
school level to focus on areas that need schoolwide
improvement to meet annual measurable goals, at the
classroom level to focus on teachers¶instructional strengths
and weaknesses, and at the student level to focus on
instructional needs of individual students.
Target Date:
1. During one staff meeting each month, staff will be assigned to share professional development
ideas as a whole staff. A calendar will be created documenting each development meeting.
Assigned to:
Sherry Gross
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
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8-29-13--Sara Sims, Jessica Joyner and Angela King presented
Special Education information (best practices, collaboration,
inclusion model), 504 and Strategies Offered for Success
(SOS) information. Melissa Phillips shared "Step Up to
Writing" which is a writing process that will be used schoolwide. Mrs. Dabney shared Guided Math practices and
expectations for the school year.
10-2-13--Whole Brain teaching techniques were shared by Jill
Gwaltney and Anna Reeves. Staff members also watched a
Youtube Video--"Whole Brain--The Basics Set 1." Staff
members were challenged to try technique learned.
10-3-13--All students K-5 completed the MAP assessments for
the 1st test administration. Mrs. Phillips and Ms. Gwaltney will
attend MAP training on October 10th to learn more about the
various reports offered. Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Gwaltney will
share various reports with staff on Wednesday, October 16th
at 3:00 p.m.
10-16-13--Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Gwaltney shared MAP reports
during staff meeting. After training, teachers will use the
results from the MAP assessments to assist in creating reading
and math groups.
12-11-13--The Whole Brain Teaching Committee shared
management and student engagement techniques.
1-27-14--Whole Brain Teaching Committee met and discussed
the next steps for staff development. Mrs. Sing will
demonstrate "teach ok," Mrs. Gwaltney will model "mirrors
on/off," Mrs. Reeves will model "3 peat." Whole Brain
Teaching for Challenging Kids will be purchased for all staff
members. Teachers will share the above techniques at the
next faculty meeting on February 5th. The committee also
discussed incorporating whole brain techniques in with weak
academic areas--math and reading.
2-5-14--Members of the Whole Brain Committee modeled the
above strategies to faculty. Next professional development
will occur in March and focus on math and test taking
2. Grade levels will meet following local benchmarks to discuss areas of strengths and
weaknesses. Strategies to meet identified needs will be shared. Team leaders will bring
concerns/effective best practices to leadership meetings for discussion.
Assigned to:
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
10-2-13--10-3-13--Grade levels meetings met to discuss
concerns in Reading and Math. Reading concerns noted in all
grade levels included: comprehension, word analysis, oral and
written communication. Math--basic facts (addition,
subtraction, multiplication), and skip counting. Other
concerns--students lack motivation, problem solving skills and
lack of showing strategies. All concerns will be addressed at
our next leadership meeting on October 9, 2013.
10-9-13--10-10-13--Grade level meetings were held to discuss
1st 9 weeks math midpoint assessment results. Midpoint
results showed the following for each grade level: Grade 1-Page: 4 of 29
96% (Counting & Place Value 94%); Grade 2--89% (Skip
Counting 89%); Grade 3--82% (Place Value 86%); Grade 4--58% (Decimal Concepts 58%); Grade 5--72% (Numerical
Patterns 82%). Tier 2 and Tier 3 students were identified in
all grade levels. Interventions--review questions and discuss
answers after testing and address needs in guided math
group. Give spiral reviews throughout year to ensure
continued mastery of skill.
10-16-13--The data team met to discuss 1NW Midpoint Data.
A excel form was created using ARM to show AMO for each
subgroup. The team reviewed each subgroup in 1st-5th to
see if groups met the AMO. All AMO's were met in grades 1
and 2. SWD subgroup was not met in grade 3. In grades 4
and 5, All, Gap Group 1, Gap Group 2 and SWD did not meet
the AMO. Fourth and fifth grade teachers in attendance
mentioned students struggled with new concepts/skils
(decimals--4th--previously introduced in 3rd) that were new
this year. SWD gap group did not meet AMOs in grades 3, 4
or 5. The team suggested the following: 1)address strands
that are low across grade levels during vertical planning
meetings; 2) teachers should begin new skills in math and
reading after SOL assessments are given; 3) send home
review packets and/or post assignments on website for
summer practice. Parents and students can view June
podcasts for examples and strategies.Give incentive for
students who complete and return the following school year.
The next data meeting will look at school-wide SPBQ data to
highlight areas of weakness common in all grade levels. 201213 SOL test scores and SPBQ will be pulled for special
education students--students scoring 375-400. Groups will be
formed in datacation to track performance throughout the
year. Next data meeting will be held Nov. 6th.
11-6-13--11-7-13 Grade level meetings were held to discuss
9wk and 6wk data in reading, math, science and history.
Vocabulary was one common weakness noted from teachers in
science and social studies.
1-9-14--Special education and general education teachers met
with principal and counselor to discuss academic performance
of sped. students on benchmark assessments and NWEA.
ARM was used to review AMO for sped. subgroup. Discussion
was held as to ways to improve academic performance of this
subgroup. The following will be implemented: sped. students
will be pulled 2x per week for 30 minutes each session to work
on remedial skills beginning Jan. 13th; sped. and gen. ed
teachers scheduled additional planning days to discuss
strategies/interventions and performance of students.
2-11-14--Grade level meetings--5th--met to discuss end of
nine week benchmark data. Grade 5--Reading-students
continue to have difficulty with word analysis. Teachers noted
they spent a tremendous amount of time on comprehension.
They will dedicate more time to Words Their Way. Math-rounding decimals and angles/triangles were weak areas.
Teachers will continue to review and provide practice.
Writing--students are having difficulty composing information
and written expression. Many of them lack prior experiences
and knowledge of grammar. Teachers decided to incorporate
whole brain techniques during writing instruction, encourage
students to read, incorporate more read alouds in class and
continue to practice state writing prompts.
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2-12-14--Grade level meeting (3rd)--Reading--encourage
students to go back and reread paragraph to find answers;
Math--weakness--Estimation--continued practice. Grade 4-Students performed well on Science--4.2 Force, Motion and
Energy--teachers incorporated lots of activities during
instruction for this SOL; History--students did not perform as
well on SOL's taught previously--will review throughout 9wks;
Math--4.6 Mass/Weight was an area of weakness. Students
will complete weekly review boards on previous SOL's taught
to ensure continued skill retention. Discussed in-school
remediation program--teachers would like to work with Tier 3
and some Tier 2 students. Have tutors work with remaining
Tier 2 and 1 students. Teachers will submit groups to
principal next week. Teachers will use NWEA data, benchmark
and teacher observations to place students in groups.
2-19-14--Grade Level Meetings (K-2)--Discussed PALS Midyear
Results. Kindergarten weaknesses--letter sounds and COW.
Utilize lessons and activities on PALS website.
3. PD360 will be utilized to assign staff, as needed, professional development training videos.
Assigned to:
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
10-30-13--Information from classroom walk-throughs and
observations will be used to assign professional development
through PD360. Teachers will select and view PD360 videos
and view/discuss as assigned by principal.
4. Podcasts will be created and posted to the OES blog for parents, students and staff to share
instructional ideas and methods.
Assigned to:
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
10/9/13 Podcasts were created and implemented for parents
to assist children in their academic areas in which they were
struggling. It considered successful due to the positive
comments made after they were viewed on Youtube. Due to
the previous years success, we will be expanding the concept
of podcasts by including an additional podcast that shows the
curriculum connection between grade levels by content. We
will be targeting specific skills taught across grade levels. For
example, writing across grade levels will utilize the Stop Light
Method across all grade levels. These will be developed once
a month. The first one will be created mid to late October and
we will be focusing on writing.
11/13/13--Podcasts featured math concepts ranging from
basic counting, addition/subtraction, place value,
multiplication, division and mean-median-mode. All grade
levels (ES-5th) participated.
Percent Task Complete:
Tasks completed: 0 of 4 (0%)
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School Leadership and Decision Making
Focusing the principal¶s role on building leadership capacity, achieving learning goals, and improving
IE07 - The principal monitors curriculum and classroom instruction regularly.(58)
Tasks completed: 0 of 4 (0%)
Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 12/07/2012
Objective Met - 07/22/2013
(Priority Score x Opportunity Score)
Priority Score:
(3 - highest, 2 - medium, 1 - lowest)
Opportunity Score:
(3 - relatively easy to address, 2 - accomplished
within current policy and budget conditions, 1 requires changes in current policy and budget
Describe current level of
Observations are conducted on a regular basis. Principal
accesses lesson plan blog, data notebook blog and visits
classrooms on a regular basis.
Assigned to:
Temesha Dabney
How it will look when fully met:
On-going classroom observations will take place with an
emphasis on student learning. Lesson plans will be monitored
through the lesson plan blog. The principal will maintain a
high visibility within the building and classroom.
Target Date:
1. The principal will tour the building and classrooms on a consistent basis.
Assigned to:
Temesha Dabney
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
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9/3/13--10/11/13--Principal toured the building and
classrooms daily.
9/16/13--9/20/13--Principal completed 5 classroom walkthroughs (2--1st, 1--2nd, 1-3rd, 1-4th).
9/23/13--9/27/13--Principal completed 4 classroom walkthroughs (2--K, 2--5th).
9/30-13--10-4-13--Principal completed 5 classroom walkthroughs (1--1st, 3--2nd, 1--3rd)
10/7/13--10/11/13--Principal completed 9 classroom walkthroughs (1--ES, 2--2nd, 2--3rd, 1--4th, 1--5th, 1--Resource,
1--Sp. Ed.)
10/11/13--Overall summary of walk-throughs--teachers in
grades 3-5 are allowing time for students to peer teach and
explain reasons for answers. Lower grades (K-2) reviewed
procedures and practiced stations, small groups (Fundations,
writing and math), read alouds. Some teachers in all grade
levels are implementing "Whole Brain." Movement was seen
in all grade levels.
11-25-13--Whole brain teaching techniques were seen
throughout classes on all grade levels. Also noted fundations
was being taught to Tier 2 and Tier 3 students in grades K-3.
2. The principal will meet with the leadership team on a monthly basis to review curriculum,
assessments and academic needs.
Assigned to:
Temesha Dabney
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
8-29-13---Leadership Team and Data Team met to discuss the
purpose and role of the teams. Team reviewed indicators and
tasks from the 2012-13 school year and discussed whether to
keep the indicators or select new indicators. After further
discussing, the team decided to keep the following indicators:
IIIA07, IID11, IIIB01, IE07, IF10. New tasks were added for
some indicators and other tasks were revised. Meeting dates
were also shared. Next meeting date 9-18-13--AMO
information will be shared.
9-18-13---Melody Mondell presented accreditation and AMO
information with the Leadership and Data Team. Data and
leadership teams will be charged with presenting the data to
all staff. The teams will be tasked with keeping AMOs in the
forefront. Oakland is fully accreditated and met all AMOs.
SOL--English 82%, Math 83%, Science 89%, History 93%.
AMOs--Reading and math only; each subgroup has different
AMOs; 3 year avg., provisions, subgroups, 5% rule. See
meeting minutes for AMOs.
10-9-13--Leadership Team met to address grade level
concerns and discussed "Off Your Plate" items. There were
several grade levels with the same concerns:
Reading/language arts--comprehension, word analysis,
Fundations strategies, oral and written communication. Math-Page: 8 of 29
basic facts/skills, skip counting. Other concerns--lack
motivation, most new students are not wanting to show their
work--strategies-after being taught. Suggestions--Reading-Use in-house staff members to provide additional training for
staff members in Fundations; Schedule vertical planning on
some Wednesdays reserved as staff meetings and at the end
of each nine weeks; Model writing for students and
explain/discuss DOL--allow students to justify their answer;
Utilize textbook stories, reading street quizzes and encourage
AR to increase comprehension. Math--Whole brain technique;
skip count on fingers as students line up (implement schoolwide). Motiviation--use timers--seems to help students. All
students will be required to show their strategies on work.
What are some things that can be taken off of your plate?
Share with members on grade level and email suggestions to
Mrs. Dabney by October 16th.
11-13-13--Leadership team met and discussed the following:
Honor Roll Assemblies: Voted not to have school-wide
assembly for Honor Roll. We will have presentations in class.
At the end of the year, we will have a special school-wide
assembly. All awards will be given out at the end of the day
on Monday (11/17/13) with report cards.
Test Booklets: Mrs. Petrelli would like to propose that we get
test booklets along with the test online so that they can use
strategies (highlighting, slash the trash, etc.) when testing.
They would then click into the computer to choose their
answers. Mrs. Dabney thinks that is fine, just make sure they
don¶t get stuck for SOLs. Mrs. Sims notes that by law we
have to let Special Ed take tests on the computer so that they
have practice all year for SOLs. However, SOLO tests do not
allow for accommodations (ex. Plain English Math) or allow
students to use their strategies, so Mrs. Dabney and I have
agreed to research the legality of this issue. The reason
teachers would like to use the booklets is to see what the
students actually know by utilizing their strategies.
Vertical Planning: As a leadership team, we will be looking at
minutes from the data team and minutes from grade level
planning. We want to set plan of actions for the vertical
planning. Plan of Action suggestions included«teachers
swapping classes to teach SOLs to other grade levels
(example: a fourth grade teacher reviewing with 5th graders
4th grade materials tested on SOLs) or teachers writing lesson
plans for lower grades (example: a 3rd grade teacher writing
a lesson plan for 2nd on what they want to see next year).
Time constraints are a problem.
Plan of Action: K-2 teachers will be going to upper grades for
3 lessons in SS & Science. Most teachers would like to only
review with other teachers the last nine weeks. Teachers
propose starting after Spring Break for the 3 Fridays before
SOLs. Possibly the last hour of the day«1:30-2:30. This is for
3-5 and we will pull from Kindergarten-2. This will be only for
Science and SS.
Plan of Action: Tutoring beginning Feb. 18, 2013. We will
continue the tutoring where teachers push in to other
classrooms during their planning twice a week for reading and
math starting Feb. 18. This gives 8 weeks for tutoring.
Teachers will volunteer for classrooms they are comfortable in.
All will participate.
Plan of Action: Special ed has agreed to tutoring during their
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planning for those students that need serious remediation.
Plan of Action: 3-5 will be utilizing computer lab time to
review by typing and reviewing SOLs starting Monday
12-4-13--Mrs. Dabney introduced information on the written,
taught and tested curriculum. Mrs. Dabney discussed and
shared the lesson plan rubric and discussed the reason behind
viewing the curriculum. A power point was shared and
teachers worked in groups to view and rate a lesson plan.
Teachers used a lesson plan, pacing guide, curriculum
framework and lesson plan rubric to rate whether the plan:
full implementation, functional, limited implementation or no
implementation. Mrs. Phillips presented assessment
information. Teachers worked together to rate an assessment
using the curriculum framework, lesson plan and rubric.
Discussion was held and the team noted time was needed to
review assessments and re-write based on information learned
today. Grade levels will also begin to use the same teacher
made assessments. The team also discussed modifying lesson
plans to show only SOLs taught. Team members were
instructed to share information with team members. Next
meeting--review OES sample lesson plans and assessments
and rate using rubric.
2-13-14--Principal and counselor met with Janet Phillips to
discuss components of the written, taught and tested
curriculum. Janet shared information on Unpacking the
Standards and lesson plans (objective, standards, big idea).
This information will be shared with the Leadership Team on 2
2-19-14-Leadership Team Meeting--The agenda for this
leadership team meeting included: NWEA MAP Reports and
the new lesson plan format as directed by the VDOE. The
information for this meeting was presented by Mrs. Angela
King as directed by Mrs. Temesha Dabney. All items were
presented via a projector and computer.
The first item on the agenda, NWEA MAP Reports, consisted of
showing the leadership team members how to access the
Descartes Report. Descartes helps guide instruction based on
MAP assessment reports. Descartes enhances an instructor¶s
ability to provide targeted instruction for individual students or
groups of students. The DesCartes pages are divided into
three colums: enhance, develop, and introduce. When a
student responds correctly to 75% of the test items, NWEA
considers the related skills and concepts appropriate to
enhance. The statements in the skills and concepts to enhance
column may need continued reinforcement, support, and
enhancement to maintain. When a student responds correctly
to test items 50% of the time, NWEA considers the related
skills and concepts appropriate to develop. The statements in
the skills and concepts to develop column are those that a
student is ready to learn. The RIT score in the upper left
corner of each page of DesCartes is the marker for the center
column. These learning continuum statements inform
instructors of skills and concepts they may want to include in
current classroom instruction. When a student responds
correctly to test items 25% of the time, we consider the
related skills and concepts appropriate to introduce. Many
students can learn skills and concepts in this column if the
appropriate groundwork is laid or if a task is presented in a
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more structured format.
The next item on the agenda was the new lesson plan format
as directed by the VDOE. Mrs. Dabney and I had met with
Mrs. Janet Phillips a few days before the meeting to get a
better understanding of the new format. I put together a
PowerPoint slideshow (edited from Evaluating the Alignment
and Quality of the Taught Curriculum, VDOE, 2014) and asked
a veteran teacher to write up and example that I could present
to the leadership team. The Taught Curriculum can be
considered the enactment or implementation of the Written
Curriculum by a teacher with a specific group of students. The
teacher is therefore taking the Written Curriculum and
applying his or her knowledge of the students and their data
to create and deliver lessons that will help students become
proficient in the knowledge and skills outlined by the Written
Curriculum. Specifically, we focused on the objectives as the
other parts did not seem to be as much of an issue.
Generally, objectives include the following pieces: behaviors
students will exhibit to show learning, conditions under which
the students will exhibit those behaviors, criteria the teacher
will use to determine whether students meet the objective.
For the next meeting, teachers have been asked to bring a
lesson plan template to share with the leadership team and we
will be discussing NWEA MAP goals. Next meeting scheduled
on March 5, 2014.
3. The principal will meet with the data management team on a monthly basis to review and
discuss school wide data.
Assigned to:
Temesha Dabney
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
8-29-13---Leadership Team and Data Team met to discuss the
purpose and role of the teams. Team reviewed indicators and
tasks from the 2012-13 school year and discussed whether to
keep the indicators or select new indicators. After further
discussing, the team decided to keep the following indicators:
IIIA07, IID11, IIIB01, IE07, IF10. New tasks were added for
some indicators and other tasks were revised. Meeting dates
were also shared. Next meeting date 9-18-13--AMO
information will be shared.
9-18-13---Melody Mondell presented accreditation and AMO
information with the Leadership and Data Team. Data and
leadership teams will be charged with presenting the data to
all staff. The teams will be tasked with keeping AMOs in the
forefront. Oakland is fully accreditated and met all AMOs.
SOL--English 82%, Math 83%, Science 89%, History 93%.
AMOs--Reading and math only; each subgroup has different
AMOs; 3 year avg., provisions, subgroups, 5% rule. See
meeting minutes for AMOs.
10-16-13--The data team met to discuss 1NW Midpoint Data.
A excel form was created using ARM to show AMO for each
subgroup. The team reviewed each subgroup in 1st-5th to
see if groups met the AMO. All AMO's were met in grades 1
and 2. SWD subgroup was not met in grade 3. In grades 4
and 5, All, Gap Group 1, Gap Group 2 and SWD did not meet
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the AMO. Fourth and fifth grade teachers in attendance
mentioned students struggled with new concepts/skils
(decimals--4th--previously introduced in 3rd) that were new
this year. SWD gap group did not meet AMOs in grades 3, 4
or 5. The team suggested the following: 1)address strands
that are low across grade levels during vertical planning
meetings; 2) teachers should begin new skills in math and
reading after SOL assessments are given; 3) send home
review packets and/or post assignments on website for
summer practice. Parents and students can view June
podcasts for examples and strategies.Give incentive for
students who complete and return the following school year.
The next data meeting will look at school-wide SPBQ data to
highlight areas of weakness common in all grade levels. 201213 SOL test scores and SPBQ will be pulled for special
education students--students scoring 375-400. Groups will be
formed in datacation to track performance throughout the
year. Next data meeting will be held Nov. 6th.
11-6-13--Analyzed SPBQ data and looked for patterns
throughout grade levels.Grade 5 Reading
4th cause and effect 95% SOLO; 64% on SOL
5th grade cause and effect 88% SOLO 2013-14
Non-fiction²main idea
3rd²5th--Word analysis²root words, synonyms
Suggestions²introduce longer passages to students in grade
2²mid year
Fractions, decimals, subtracting, multi-step word problems,
estimation of whole numbers
Number patterns, identifying and extending the pattern
Grade 4 Reading
Concerns 3rd²4th²antonyms (ask what the opposite
is²don¶t use the word antonym)
Graphic organizers, text organizers, headings²using charts
Infer, predict, drawing conclusions
Cause and effect
Author¶s purpose, purpose for reading
Strengths²supporting details 60¶s²70¶s
Computation and estimation
Fact families²more challenging (inverse relationships)
Multi-step word problems²adding, subtracting, multiplying
and dividing
Analyzing graphs
Telling time
Grade 3
Strengths--Reading²2.8 Comprehension--identifying problems
and solutions
Concern²Author¶s Purpose
Drawing conclusions
Noticed the rigor of the test was different²from 2nd²3rd
SOL¶s didn¶t correlate from 2nd-3rd
Strengths²place value²rounding & comparing numbers
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Concerns²estimation with add/subt
Grade 2
Reading²concerns²short vowel sounds; comp of fiction and
nonfiction; use of references
Strength²use of reading clues (context clues)
Concerns--Math²place value and rounding;
Strengths²fact families (inverse relationships)
Grade 1
Math²Concern²addition and subtraction; K-2 use same
strategy²touch point
Patterns²repeating patterns²more complex
This information will be discussed during vertical planning on
12-11-13--Reviewed 2nd 9wk math midpoint data and
discussed strengths and weaknesses for grade levels and
school-wide concerns. Also analyzed data for each subgroup
and discussed AMOs.
4. The principal will meet with each teacher to develop professional development goals and
monitor goals throughout the school year.
Assigned to:
Temesha Dabney
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
10-16-13--Memo sent to teachers regarding professional goals
and requirements. The principal will meet with each teacher
beginning October 28th to review and discuss goals.
10-23-13--Revised SMART goal memo sent to teachers.
Teachers will email goal setting form to principal by Oct. 30th
for review.
11-6-13--The principal completed individual teacher
conferences to discuss SMART goals. Mid-year reviews will be
held after MAP testing in January to discuss student
1-31-14--Teachers reviewed winter MAP data and SMART
Percent Task Complete:
Objective Met:
All objectives met.
on-going monitoring and team meetings
Meetings regualry scheduled, principal highly visibe in the
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School Leadership and Decision Making
Aligning classroom observations with evaluation criteria and professional development
IF10 - The principal plans opportunities for teachers to share their strengths with other
Objective Met 7/22/2013 10/11/2013
Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 09/26/2012
Objective Met - 07/22/2013 10/11/2013
(Priority Score x Opportunity Score)
Priority Score:
(3 - highest, 2 - medium, 1 - lowest)
Opportunity Score:
(3 - relatively easy to address, 2 - accomplished
within current policy and budget conditions, 1 requires changes in current policy and budget
Describe current level of
The use of PD 360 is ongoing. Teachers have the opportunity
to share professional development training with the full staff.
Teachers have limited opportunities to observe other
classrooms due to coverage concerns.
Assigned to:
Temesha Dabney
How it will look when fully met:
Staff will have opportunities to work within grade levels and
vertically to share ideas, concepts and strengths with each
other on an on-going basis. A log will be maintained
documenting when staff has shared ideas with each other
throughout the school year. Each month, the PD360 report will
be generated and discussed with staff who have not
completed training.
Target Date:
1. An electronic file will be created to allow staff to document when they share ideas.
Assigned to:
Anne McCoy
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
11/21/12- File has been created and staff are actively sharing
1/9/13-Teachers are submitting shared ideas on log. Teachers
need to continue to submit ideas. Administration will set up for
e-mail reminders for teachers to submit shared ideas.
1/24/13 - Staff has shared over 100 times academic
3/7/13-Staff continue to share and update log.
Task Completed:
2. During one staff meeting each month, staff will be assigned to share professional development
ideas as a whole staff. A calendar will be created documenting each development meeting.
Assigned to:
Sherry Gross
Added date:
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Target Completion Date:
Task Completed:
3. Pd 360 will be utilized to assign staff, as needed, professional development training videos.
Assigned to:
Christopher Phillips
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
Focus areas based on SOL data (literacy/data analysis/RtI)
have been assigned to all teachers at OES. Teachers will work
on assigned areas November 6, 2012 in the afternoon.
1/9/13-PD360 due in March.
1/17/13- PD 360 staff report was generated. All teachers will
work on PD 360 assignments Jan. 28, 2013
2/7/13-Teachers continue to work on assigned videos and
reflection questions. Some teachers have fully completed
assignments. Some teachers have exceeded the assigned
professional development on their own initiative.
3/7/13-Majority of teachers have completed majority of
4/11/13- Al PD 360 assignemetns were compelted by all staff.
New PD 360 videos and areas of need wil be determined after
SOL testing.
Task Completed:
4. Pod casts will be created and posted to the OES blog for parents, students and staff to share
instructional ideas and methods.
Assigned to:
Angela King
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
11/21/12- all grade levels have completed two podcasts that
have been posted to the OES. Blog.
12/04/12- Parents were notified via newsletter, website and
announcement at PTA meeting that podcasts are available for
view by the community.
12/07/12- Math and reading podcasts have been created and
place don the OES blog.
1/9/13-Podcasts are being created and posted on blog.
1/24/13- All grade levels have created and posted podcasts.
Podcasts have been viewed over 500 times.
2/7/13-Podcasts continued to be added to the school blog.
Currently, there have been over 1,000 hits.
3/7/13-New podcasts will be created and posted by March 29.
4/11/13- Podcasts continue to be uses by students, staff and
community members. Podcasts will continue to be created
and posted.
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Task Completed:
Percent Task Complete:
Objective Met:
7/22/2013 10/11/2013
Pod casts are created and posted
Objective met.
Creation of pod casts
Objective met.
online pod casts,
Objective met.
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Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Planning
Assessing student learning frequently with standards-based assessments
IID10 - Instructional Teams use student learning data to identify students in need of
instructional support or enhancement.(108)
Objective Met 7/22/2013
Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 12/07/2012
Objective Met - 07/22/2013
(Priority Score x Opportunity Score)
Priority Score:
(3 - highest, 2 - medium, 1 - lowest)
Opportunity Score:
(3 - relatively easy to address, 2 - accomplished
within current policy and budget conditions, 1 requires changes in current policy and budget
Describe current level of
Instructional teams from grade levels will monitor and discuss
multiple assessments to make informed data driven decisions
to address the academic and curriculum needs of the students
within each grade level. The data team will monitor and
generate ideas for teachers on remediating students in need.
Data will be monitored and communicated via teacher and
principal data notebooks to address student needs.
Assigned to:
Temesha Dabney
How it will look when fully met:
Instructional teams from grade levels will monitor and discuss
multiple assessments to make informed data driven decisions
to address the academic and curriculum needs of the students
within each grade level. The data team will monitor and
generate ideas for teachers on remediating students in need.
Data will be monitored and communicated via teacher and
principal data notebooks to address student needs.
Target Date:
1. Data notebooks will be utilized to monitor student achievement and to reflect on data from
ARM, dataction, and SOLO.
Assigned to:
Team leaders
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
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1/9/13-Data/Questions will be answered within 3 days of test
completion and submitted to administration for second nine
weeks tests.
1/24/13- Data questions were sent out to staff on 1/9/13 to
complete for benchmark testing. Questions contained info on
each benchmark assessed, students remediated, SOLs that
need remediation and a plan of action.
2/7/13-Teachers completed data questions related to second
nine weeks tests and are updating data notebooks regularly.
Plans of action for remediation have been developed,
discussed with administration, and implemented.
3/7/13-3rd-5th grade teachers are using data and meeting
with administration on Mondays to discuss math plans and
reassessments. Data notebooks continue to be updated
following benchmark tests.
4/11/13- data notebooks have been updated and posted. New
data will be updated as testing occurs.
Task Completed:
2. Teachers will address students needs within lesson plans by creating learning groups based on
Assigned to:
Chris Phillips
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
1/9/13-Student groups are created and switched based on
data and are indicated in lesson plans. Lesson plans reflect
student needs.
1/24/13- Guided math is to be used in 5th grade starting
Tuesday 1/29/13. Sims and Stringfield are creating centers
and math strategies for all 5th grade classes.
2/7/13-Guided math is being utilized across grade levels.
Second nine weeks test results have been analyzed to create
student groups in reading and math.
3/7/13-First, second, and third grade teachers are using data
to create flexible groups across classrooms. Second block fifth
grade has been divided into 2 groups based on assessment
data. Fourth grade is using flexible grouping in guided math
plans to remediate specific objectives. Tier 3 is receiving
intensive remediation. Teachers will push-in to third, fourth,
and fifth grade classes beginning March 11 to provide
4/11/13- Remediation and tutoring has begun. Students are
identified based on data from benchmark and teacher
Task Completed:
3. All data from benchmarks, STAR reading and math, and PALS will be maintained in teacher
and principal data notebooks. Data will be communicated during grade level meetings, data
team meetings and leadership team meetings.
Assigned to:
Chris Phillips
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
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12/19/12 -Today the data team focused on the recent Math
Midpoint given. We compared last years 1st nine weeks pass
rate to this year. The scores were similar in 3rd grade, 4th
grade went down this nine weeks, and 5th grade went up this
nine weeks compared to last year at this time. The team then
looked at the 1st nine weeks midpoint, 1st nine weeks test
and the 2nd nine weeks midpoint. Overall, 1st grade looked
great with 98.5 % mastery rate, up from 1st nine weeks, 2nd
grade went from 70% to 90% mastery rate, 3rd grade
dropped this nine weeks, 4th grade was up, and 5th grade
was down. Oakland seems to be trending the same. We need
to ask the question, is this where we want to be? Also, what
can we do differently? Our biggest issue is special education.
Right now they are at a 20% pass rate. We also have a deficit
with economically disadvantaged kids. What can we do to
help them? A big problem for teachers are time constraints,
however, that cannot be fixed. We do not have the money for
after school tutoring. The data team suggestions include:
remediating (pull specific kids for specific SOL¶s), students visit
a specific teacher for specific SOL¶s that the teacher excels at
teaching, flexible scheduling, teachers pushing down to help
lower grade teachers see what they are missing (vertical
planning and observations of upper grade teachers), track
PALS and STAR testing of specific students through the years
to see what particular teachers need to do to fill in the gaps.
Even with 100% pass rate, teachers need to look at specific
questions, not the class as a whole. Ask yourself, what does
each individual student need? Oakland will have in school
remediation using teachers and in school tutors on a limited
basis this year. We will be reinstating two minute drills for
number facts. We will announce this in the Parent Newsletter
and on the Oakland website to encourage parents to practice
with their students at home. The Data Team also suggest
getting the whole school involved. All staff will be quizzing
students in the hallways during transitions and at lunch time.
If the student gets the number fact correct, they will receive a
ticket to put in a jar in their classroom. At the end of the
week, the class with the most tickets will receive a prize and
special recognition on OES TV and in the lunchroom. The
Data Team also recognizes that students are technology
bound and teachers have to think out of the box to reach
these students. At the next meeting, we will try to address
how to use the technology in our building more effectively to
reach these students.
1/9/13-Data notebooks will be updated by 3rd day after test.
2/7/13-Data notebooks were updated.
3/7/13-Data continues to be monitored and discussed.
4/11/13- Data notebooks have been updated with current
data. Data was discussed with each teacher to identify areas
of need.
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Task Completed:
Percent Task Complete:
Objective Met:
Teachers used data questions ad reflection to drive instruction.
On-going data use, creation of new data questions
Updated data notebooks, teachers involvement in data
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IID11 - Instructional Teams review the results of unit pre-/post-tests to make decisions
about the curriculum and instructional plans and to "red flag" students in need of
intervention (both students in need of tutoring or extra help and students needing
enhanced learning opportunities because of their early mastery of objectives).(109)
Tasks completed: 0 of 2 (0%)
Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 09/26/2012
Objective Met - 12/07/2012
(Priority Score x Opportunity Score)
Priority Score:
(3 - highest, 2 - medium, 1 - lowest)
Opportunity Score:
(3 - relatively easy to address, 2 - accomplished
within current policy and budget conditions, 1 requires changes in current policy and budget
Describe current level of
The use of teacher and principal data notebooks is ongoing.
Tiering of students is based on pre-/post-test assessment
results. Reteaching/enrichment opportunities are provided to
students based on pre-/post-assessment data.
Assigned to:
Temesha Dabney
How it will look when fully met:
Instructional teams from grade levels will monitor and discuss
multiple assessments to make informed data driven decisions
to address the academic and curriculum needs of the students
within each grade level. The data team will monitor and
generate ideas for teachers on remediating students in need.
Data will be monitored and communicated via teacher and
principal data notebooks to address student needs. Annual
measurable objectives will be used to identify achievement
gaps of 10% or greater.
Target Date:
5. All data from SOL tests, MAP assessments, PALS, and local benchmarks will be maintained in
teacher and principal data notebooks. Data will be communicated during grade level meetings,
data team meetings and leadership team meetings.
Assigned to:
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
10-2-13--10-3-13--Principal shared revised data notebook with
teachers during grade level meetings. Teachers will bring data
notebooks to grade level meetings to discuss reflections and
plans to address Tier 2 and Tier 3 students. ARM will be used
to focus on progress of each gap group and interventions.
2-18-14--Teachers will complete 2nd nine weeks data by this
date. Principal will check data notebooks and give feedback.
7. Data notebooks will be utilized to monitor student achievement and to reflect on data from
ARM, dataction, MAP, and SOLO.
Assigned to:
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
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10-2-13--10-3-13--The principal shared the revised data
notebook with teachers. Teachers were informed to complete
the following sections: SPBQ, MAP (reading & math), PALS (K3), and 1NW Math Midpoint. Specific stratgies/interventions
should be listed for Tier 2 and Tier 3 students not "small
group" or "work with TA." Reflection should also be given to
Tier 1 students--what are your next steps for these students?
Data notebooks should be posted on the Data Notebook Blog.
Unannounced checks will occur throughout the school year.
11-15-13--All teachers completed and posted data notebooks
to OES blog.
Percent Task Complete:
Objective Met:
Closed due to Academic review
Closed due to Academic review
Closed due to Academic review
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Classroom Instruction
Expecting and monitoring sound instruction in a variety of modes
IIIA07 - All teachers differentiate assignments (individualize instruction) in response to
individual student performance on pre-tests and other methods of assessment.(116)
Tasks completed: 0 of 2 (0%)
Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 09/26/2012
Objective Met - 07/22/2013
(Priority Score x Opportunity Score)
Priority Score:
(3 - highest, 2 - medium, 1 - lowest)
Opportunity Score:
(3 - relatively easy to address, 2 - accomplished
within current policy and budget conditions, 1 requires changes in current policy and budget
Describe current level of
Teachers utilize pre-/post-tests on a limited basis when
making curriculum decisions and planning instruction. Lesson
plan formats have been designed to incorporate a
differentiated balanced literacy program and differentiated
math as needed. Response to Intervention (RtI) is ongoing
within the building.
Assigned to:
Sara Sims
How it will look when fully met:
School wide lesson plans will be uniform providing for DI
(including guided reading and guided math) and balanced
literacy based on data. This will be an ongoing process
throughout the school year. A classroom in motion team has
been created and will share ideas between grade levels on a
monthly basis to assist in differentiating lessons. Small group
learning will take place as needed based on student learning
and data.
Target Date:
6. Teachers will utilize guided reading and guided math instruction to form groups based on MAP
assessments, local benchmarks, and teacher made assessments to meet the needs of students
identified as as tier 2 and tier 3 and to enrich students identified as tier 1.
Assigned to:
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
twice weekly
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9-25-13--DI is required in all lesson plans. Guided math and
reading are utilized on a daily basis. Groups will be identified
in lesson plans. Teachers will show progress of Tier 1, Tier 2
and Tier 3 students using an excel file in Google Drive.
Students will be placed in tiers based on the results of district
assessments, teacher made assessments and teacher
10-7-13--The principal will create student groups for reading
and math of students (4th & 5th grade) who scored 375-400
to track progress throughout the year. The principal will also
keep an electronic data file consisting of grade level tiers to
track progess after each district assessment in reading and
math and share with teachers.
12-13-13--Updated principal's notebook to include midpoint
data. Discussed during grade level meetings.
2-12-14 & 2-20-14--Principal's data notebook updated to
include 2nd 9wk data. History and Science were also added as
suggested in the Academic Review. Data was shared and
discussed with teachers during grade level meetings. Took
note and discussed progress of all Tiers. Noted students who
improved or showed no improvement when compared to 1st
7. Include differentiated instructional strategies in lesson plans. DI plans will include groups,
activities, and other resources needed.
Assigned to:
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
10-16-13--Lesson plans are available on the lesson plan blog.
Lesson plan checks are done Monday mornings to ensure all
plans are posted. Lesson plan checks are done throughout the
month and viewed upon classroom observations.
12-9-13--Administrator will begin to use lesson plan rubric
(VDOE) when checking lesson plans. Feedback will also be
provided to teachers.
Percent Task Complete:
Objective Met:
DI implemented in the building. Some set backs but overall
involvement from staff.
On going DI OD and sharing ideas.
DI in lesson plans. Groups designed around data.
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Classroom Instruction
Expecting and monitoring sound homework practices and communication with parents
IIIB01 - All teachers maintain a file of communication with parents.(150)
Tasks completed: 0 of 6 (0%)
Level of Development:
Initial: Limited Development 09/26/2012
Objective Met - 07/22/2013
(Priority Score x Opportunity Score)
Priority Score:
(3 - highest, 2 - medium, 1 - lowest)
Opportunity Score:
(3 - relatively easy to address, 2 - accomplished
within current policy and budget conditions, 1 requires changes in current policy and budget
Describe current level of
Teachers maintain a universal communication log and submit
to principal on a monthly basis for review.
Assigned to:
Temesha Dabney
How it will look when fully met:
Teachers will maintain an electronic communication file,
monthly newsletters will be sent home electronically and in
paper form for parents without Internet. Progress reports and
report cards will contain thoughtful progress notes. Weekly
homework sheets will emailed or sent home in paper form
each week to communicate with parents.
Target Date:
8. Contact logs will continue to be emailed to Mrs. Dabney on a monthly basis.
Assigned to:
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
All teachers are required to submit monthly parent contact
logs to Mrs. Dabney by the 1st day of the following month.
The principal also keeps log of all parents contacted.
9-30-13--Parent contact logs were collected from all teachers.
Teachers communicated via email, conferences and phone
calls. Teachers also noted parents that attended Orientation
and Open House.
10-5-13--All teachers submitted parent contact logs for the
month of September.
11-4-13--All teachers submitted parent contact logs for
12-6-13--December parent contact logs submitted to principal.
2-5-14--Parent contact logs were submitted from teachers for
January. Teachers also completed possible retention letters
for all students in danger of being retained. Teachers were
also required to call or schedule a conference with all parents
of students in danger of being retained prior to report card
and possible retention letter going home.
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9. Monthly newsletter will be created and sent electronically to parents each month.
Assigned to:
Angela King
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
9-9-13--September newsletter was emailed to parents and
paper copies were available at the kiosk. The newsletter
contained school announcements, procedures, important dates
and a message from the principal.
10-1-13--October newsletter was emailed to parents. Paper
copies were available at the kiosk. The newsletter contained
school announcements, procedures, important dates and a
message from the principal. This newsletter also included a
section for PTA news and highlighted two classes (1st & 4th)
as they completed a science experiment.
11-1-13--November newsletter emailed to parents and
business partners.
12-2-13--December newsletter emailed/sent home to parents
and business partners.
1-7-14--January and February's newsletter emailed/sent to
parents and business partners.
10. The OES blog will be updated on a monthly or as needed basis to share with parents.
Parents will be notified to sign up for the RSS feed to receive updates.
Assigned to:
Anne McCoy
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
8-1-13--Mrs. McCoy updated website to include new staff
members, new school hours, orientation and other
9-6-13--Mrs. McCoy updated website to include new bus
routes and open house.
10-4-13--Mrs. McCoy updated the website with upcoming
events and shared pictures of school activities. Podcasts are
also available for students and parents to see. Teachers from
each grade level share strategies used in class.
12-4-13--Website updated to include upcoming school events
and activities.
2-5-14--Website continues to be updated with upcoming
school events and activities.
11. Written communication will be sent home to parents/guardians without email access on a
weekly basis. Partners in education, community leaders will be notified of OES events and
concerns via email, newsletter, written correspondence and in person as needed.
Assigned to:
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
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9-9-13--September newsletter was emailed to parents and
paper copies were avaialble at the kiosk. The newsletter
contained school announcements, procedures, imporant dates
and a message from the principal.
10-1-13--October newsletter was emailed to parents. Paper
copies were available at the kiosk. The newsletter contained
school announcements, procedures, imporant dates and a
message from the principal. This newletter also included a
section for PTA news and highlighted two classes (1st & 4th)
as they completed a science experiment.
10-2-13--Interim reports were emailed to parents. Paper
copies were given to parents without access to the internet.
11-1-13--OES newsletter emailed to parents. Paper copies
were given to parents without internet access.
11-4-13--Parent teacher conference notices were sent home to
12-10-13--Interim reports emailed/sent home with students.
1-27-14--Mad Science After school club information
emailed/sent home.
2-5-14--Health and Nutrition Day information sent home to
parents--volunteers needed.
2-13-14--African American Celebration information sent home.
The event will occur on 2-28-14.
12. Each grade level will submit a possible news release to the media liason team once a month.
Assigned to:
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
10-1-13--A teacher from each grade level submitted photos
and lesson summary to Mrs. McCoy, media liasion. Mrs.
McCoy forwards the news tips to Bethanne Bradshaw. This
month a first grade and second grade class was shown in
news releases.
11-26-13--Mrs. McCoy submitted photos of "Chief's Feast" to
Bethanne Bradshaw.
12-13-13--Mrs. McCoy submitted information and photos of
our student led Dinner Theatre "Buckets of Nuggets."
2-10-14--The day began with students arriving at school with
awesome capes they made with their families to explore just
how many was 100! The fantastic parents of these heroes
worked with their children to place 100 items of any kind on
their capes. Instructions provided by the teachers said they
were limited only by the durability and size of the cape. Safety
and their own imaginations! Having 36 students meant that
there were 36 uniquely designed capes on these powerful
pint-sized mathematicians. The objective of the activity was to
involve parents in a creative counting activity with their kids
and for the students to have a visual representation of what a
number of 100 items looks like. Students then donned their
Super Hero Masks and set out to inform the school of their
newfound knowledge!
2-28-14--In honor of African American History Month, students
at Oakland Elementary will be taken back to the Harlem
Renaissance. Students in grade 3-5 will participate in station
activities such as a Harlem Globetrotters station and a Jazz
Music Station, while also learning about the art of Jacob
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Lawrence, Romare Bearden, Aaron Douglas, and William H.
Johnson at an Art station. In the afternoon, K-2 students will
participate in a special music activity. This percussion based
activity is a hands-on event for students using shakers and
drums that students can make and bring in from home.
Students will also have the opportunity to participate in a
coloring contest using the works of Artist of the Harlem
Renaissance. This will culminate in the gym with students
creating music that follows a timeline of African American
3-14-14--Fine Arts Day in Connection with Music in Our
Schools Month and Youth Art Month. All morning stations will
be conducted by Oakland parents and teachers who have
hidden talents in Fine Arts. There will be scrapbooking with
Principal Dabney¶s Family, a drama station, an area to learn
about ONN News Networking, the enjoyment of playing piano
as a lifetime activity, a bead making area, The Nan Tucker
Ringers Bell Choir, and more. The afternoon will showcase a
dramatic performance by several 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade
students directed by Rena Long and sets by Jodie Linkous.
3-17-14--Patriotic Day-- This is an SOL based event that gives
the 1st Grade students a chance to explore Patriotic Symbols
through art, movement, music, and stories. Students will try
activities such as: creating patriotic picture frames and guess
that symbol.
4-11-14-- "March Madness"-5th grade students who have
maintained a ³C´average in all subjects and shown good
citizenship for the third nine weeks are invited to play March
Madness at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, April 11, 2014. 5th Grade
students can choose to be on a basketball team with the
guidance of Anne McCoy the physical education teacher or
cheering squad led by Jodie Linkous the art teacher. All
students meet after school for 4 days of instruction prior to
event day. 5th grade basketball players work with 2 varsity
basketball players ³coaches´from King¶s Fork High School.
13. Podcasts will be created and posted to OES blog for students, parents, and staff to share
insructional ideas and methods.
Assigned to:
Angela King
Added date:
Target Completion Date:
10/9/13 Podcasts were created and implemented for parents
to assist children in their academic areas in which they were
struggling. It considered successful due to the positive
comments made after they were viewed on Youtube. Due to
the previous years success, we will be expanding the concept
of podcasts by including an additional podcast that shows the
curriculum connection between grade levels by content. We
will be targeting specific skills taught across grade levels. For
example, writing across grade levels will utilize the Stop Light
Method across all grade levels. These will be developed once
a month. The first one will be created mid to late October and
we will be focusing on writing.
Percent Task Complete:
Objective Met:
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Communication logs emailed each month.
Continue to email communication logs.
updated communication logs.
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