The Great One - To be modelled by the teacher ANSWER KEY for

The Great One - To be modelled by the teacher
(See story pages 1 and 2.)
ANSWER KEY for the graphic organizer
Some secrets to Wayne Gretzky’s success:
he started to skate when he was two years old (started
his father was his first coach (coach, person)
he had a skating rink in his backyard (practice)
he practised his hockey skills (practice)
his father gave him good advice (father, person)
he listened to his father (father, person)
he loved to skate (passion, interest)
he skated before school, after school, after supper (practice)
he thought skating was fun, not hard work (passion, interest)
by the age of 13, he had already scored 1000 goals (talent)
References used for “The Great One”
The Greatest Canadian–Top Ten Greatest Canadians–Wayne Gretzky
Prodigy on Ice–The Great Wayne Gretzky–CBC Archives
Parents Source of Greatness–Mark Miller, Calgary Sun, April 17, 1999
What Are the Secrets to Success?
Cycle Three
Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport
English as a Second Language
The Creation of Harry
(See story pages 3 and 4.)
ANSWER KEY for the graphic organizer
Some secrets to J.K. Rowling’s success:
she loved to do plays with her sister (imagination)
she told her sister and her friends stories (practice,
she liked to use her imagination (imagination, talent)
she was terrible at all sports; she worked at what she was
good at (talent)
she liked drawing and writing stories at school (interest)
she worked and worked on her new book (hard work)
she wrote like crazy (hard work)
she asked many companies to publish her book; she was
determined to have her book published (determination,
perseverance, goal)
she also thinks that she was very lucky (luck)
she was frustrated but didn’t give up (determination)
she loved creating Harry (passion, interest)
she used ideas from her life (Potter name, parent’s death)
References used for “The Creation of Harry”
J.K. Rowling official Web site
Transcript of October 16, 2000 live interview on <>
What Are the Secrets to Success?
Cycle Three
Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport
English as a Second Language
The Golden Girl
(See story pages 5 and 6.)
ANSWER KEY for the graphic organizer
Some secrets to Sylvie Fréchette’s success:
she started synchronized swimming at eight years old (started
she loved to move to music in the water (passion, interest)
she worked very hard at her sport for many years (hard work)
she wanted to win the gold medal (goal)
she did her best; she gave the best performance of her life
(effort, talent)
she tried to understand, to be positive, to look at the good side
of things (good attitude)
she was patient (patience)
she loves water or continues to work around something she loves:
water (passion, interest)
References used for “The Golden Girl”
Fréchette CBC radio interview, in English, with Ann Medina
Fréchette Radio-Canada television interview, in French, with
Michaëlle Jean
Article on Sylvie Fréchette
What Are the Secrets to Success?
Cycle Three
Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport
English as a Second Language
Children Helping Children
(See story pages 7 and 8.)
ANSWER KEY for the graphic organizer
Some secrets to Craig Kielburger’s success:
he knew he had to so something to help children (goal)
he took action (action)
he started FTC with the help of 11 school friends (help,
teamwork, cooperation)
he had a dream (goal)
he did something to make his dream come true (action)
he has lots of help from many people who think young
people can make a difference (help, teamwork, cooperation, believe in something)
students may suggest that it’s not really Craig’s success
but the success of FreeThe Children
References used for “Children Helping Children”
The official FreeThe Children Web site
The official Me to We Web site
What Are the Secrets to Success?
Cycle Three
Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport
English as a Second Language
The Next One?
(See story pages 9 and 10.)
ANSWER KEY for the graphic organizer
Some secrets to Sidney Crosby’s success:
he started to play hockey when he was very young–at
2 ½ years old–on ice at 3 (started young)
he had a basement rink (practice)
he played lots of road hockey with his friends (practice)
he scored 72 goals in 57 games (talent)
he thinks he can still improve; he tries to improve his
game (desire to improve, goal)
he works hard on everything (hard work)
he tries to help his teammates play better too (help,
teamwork, cooperation)
his number is 87 and so is the year of his birth (luck)
References used for “The Next One?”
The official Sidney Crosby Web site
League Sees a New Hero in Teen Idol Crosby–Nov. 14, 2005–Jason Szep
“Q & A with Sidney”–Feb. 14, 2006.
What Are the Secrets to Success?
Cycle Three
Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport
English as a Second Language