Wordly Wise 3000® Online Program Overview






Program overview



Aligned to the ommon Core


Direct Academic

Vocabulary Instruction


AvAilAble fOr iPad ®



Student LeSSonS

What is





Wordly Wise 3000 ® Online: Direct academic vocabulary instruction— developing the critical link between vocabulary and reading comprehension

Vocabulary is key to comprehension, and comprehension is key to:

u Success in content-area reading u Success on tests u Success in school and beyond

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• Common Core State Standards

• Research Paper

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Where do the words come from?

Every word in Wordly Wise 3000 Online was selected to expand critical grade-level vocabulary and improve reading comprehension.

They are the words commonly encountered in grade-level literature, textbooks, standardized tests, including the SAT and ACT. Word selection was based on importance, usefulness, and/or difficulty. Knowledge of the selected words can greatly improve students’ reading comprehension as well as standardized test results.

Wordly Wise 3000 Online provides the same robust content as the Wordly Wise 3000 ® print edition, with a number of enhancements that make it ideal for a wider variety of students, including those who struggle or those who are learning English.

Wordly Wise


Online features:

Full audio support for the complete program

Immediate corrective feedback for all activities

Full complement of reviews and tests

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Student LeSSonS



Lessons begin with a pre-test covering all word meanings taught in the lesson. The pre-test measures prior knowledge and provides data that can be compared to post-test results.


exercise seLection

Students complete three to four engaging activities to master words. Full audio support models correct pronunciation and fluency.

Corrective feedback for all activities points students toward the right answer or confirms a correct answer.

A pop-up word list is available for all activities.

Level 4, Lesson 1


Word List

Students study the lesson words from virtual word cards. In Levels

2 and 3, colorful images illustrate selected words.

Level 4, Lesson 1

Level 4, Lesson 1

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Applying Meanings

Students answer a set of multipleselect questions to demonstrate their understanding of the words in context.

Each question has between one and four correct answers. As students answer each question correctly, a part of a puzzle fills in, providing motivation and illustrating one of the lesson words.

Level 4, Lesson 1

Just the right Word

Students replace an awkward phrase in a sentence with the lesson word that defines it.

Level 4, Lesson 1

Finding Meanings

Students combine two fragments to form a sentence that correctly uses a word from the Word List.

Level 4, Lesson 1

Level 4, Lesson 7

Word study

Word Study activities provide more in-depth work with roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms to help students understand meaning.

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Student LeSSonS



Students read and hear a nonfiction passage that uses all lesson words in context.

Level 4, Lesson 1

Students then type in lesson words to answer a series of questions about the passage.

Level 4, Lesson 1



A post-test follows the lesson and assesses mastery of the lesson words. Reports show data from both pre- and post-tests to demonstrate growth.

Level 4, Lesson 1

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AssessMent resuLts

This screen shows students how they did on the post-test, including which words they need to practice.

Level 4, Lesson 1


MAster MeAnings

Additional exercises are assigned for any word or meaning of a word students have not yet mastered.

Level 4, Lesson 1

Level 4, Lesson 1

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student Lessons


certiFicAte oF coMPLetion

After completing the Master Meanings exercises, students receive a printable Certificate listing the words they have learned in the lesson.



Students complete a review crossword puzzle after a group of four lessons—a fun way to review a selection of words from preceding lessons.

Level 4, Lesson 1–4



Cumulative, midterm, and final tests help build long-term retention for student success.

Level 4, Lesson 1–10

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student resources For indePendent LeArning





makes working independently easy!

IT’S IdeAl FoR:

u after-school programs u summer school u tutoring sites u homework and enrichment

Students can use Wordly Wise 3000 Online anywhere an internet connection is available. Online Help provides all they need to progress through the program.

In addition, teachers can download graphic organizers, word lists, and passages to help students extend their word knowledge offline. (See Teacher Resources.)

“The vocabulary standards focus on understanding words and phrases, their relationships, and their nuances and on acquiring new vocabulary, particularly general academic and domain-specific words and phrases.”

Aligned to the ommon Core


–Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts &

Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

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MAnAgeMent & rePorting

Browser-based delivery and convenient dashboard access provide administrators, teachers, and IT staff with powerful tools to manage implementation.

• Easy-to-use management of assignments and reports

• Reports available at both Student and Class level

• Reports track progress from pre-test to post-test and throughout the program

Real-time data helps educators target and differentiate instruction.

Color-coded icons alert teachers when students need additional help.

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teAcher resources resources

Materials in the online Resource Area include a

Teacher’s Guide with strategies for vocabulary instruction and several downloadable PDFs for teachers to use with students.

• Teacher’s Guide

• Information on reports for easy reference

• Word Lists

• Passages and open-ended questions

• Graphic Organizers

• Level Completion Certificate

Graphic Organizer ban (15) banish (10) barrier (18) benefit (1) blend (11) bliss (12) blossom (16) boast (14) bore (11) bough (16) breadth (18) burrow (3) calculate (2) capable (20) capital (18) caress (12) cease (3) century (8) chamber (8) cherish (4) chord (14) climate (2) clutch (12) coax (12) column (2) ability (12) abreast (18) abrupt (5) achieve (5) active (4) address (17) advantage (9) affect (2) afford (14) ail (10) alter (7) amiable (12) ancient (8) annual (11) appall (13) apparent (15) applaud (6) approach (3) approve (17) apt (16) arrest (20) artificial (11) astonish (9) astound (4) attempt (5) attend (4) audition (19)



ONLINE entry (8) equip (7) escort (17) essential (19) evaporate (11) eventual (20) exceed (2) exceptional (14) exclaim (6) expose (4) exquisite (6) external (18) extinguish (16) familiar (16) famished (3) fanatic (13) fare (17) feud (18) flexible (7) foliage (11) forbid (2) forecast (3) foremost (19) forlorn (17) forsake (19) fortress (18) fortunate (14) founder (9) fragile (15) frequent (18) fringe (14) frontier (18) furious (12) gash (11) gesture (12) glimpse (5) grace (4) grove (2) hail (1) hamlet (9) hearty (17) helm (20) hibernate (3) host (9) hue (11) humble (14) humiliate (20) impact (13) implore (20) impose (4)

Level 4 Word List

(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.) decay (2) dejected (13) deliberate (10) depend (13) deprive (17) depth (10) descend (8) desire (10) despise (20) destructive (3) detest (16) develop (1) disclose (6) dismay (1) dispute (20) distant (9) distribute (7) drab (6) dreary (13) drowsy (3) dusk (16) communicate (10) complete (1) concentrate (15) concern (15) conclude (17) confirm (9) confuse (7) congratulate (20) consider (15) considerable (11) console (10) contempt (5) content (16) contract (4) contrast (15) cower (10) crafty (6) create (19) crude (11) eager (4) ease (1) eject (7) elder (17) elevate (19) eliminate (19) embrace (7) engage (19) ensure (18) entertain (5) entire (6) entrance (19) ramp (8) recall (5) recent (15) recite (4) recognize (19) recommend (1) recover (12) reduce (3) refine (6) regain (10) reject (5) release (20) relent (14) remark (1) replace (12) represent (1) request (12) resist (2) respond (4) reveal (13) revise (5) rout (13) scarce (9) scorch (2) scoundrel (6) scurry (7) seize (7) sensitive (5) sentimental (19) persuade (5) pessimist (4) petty (18) phase (5) pierce (20) plead (14) plunge (14) portion (8) pounce (15) practice (16) precious (8) precipice (10) prefer (12) prepare (3) progress (6) project (1) prompt (15) prospect (9) prune (16) quaint (5) quarry (8) quiver (20) increase (11) inhale (17) insert (20) instant (7) intend (6) interior (8) intrude (8) invade (13) isolate (13) jeer (6) keen (7) lack (1) limb (2) limp (7) livelihood (10) locate (8) mammoth (2) master (1) mature (2) meadow (14) melancholy (14) menace (15) merit (17) migrate (3) misfortune (10) misgiving (9) mock (5) modest (4) mope (12) nestle (3) nourish (11) observe (3) obstinate (14) obtain (16) occupy (13) orchard (16) orphan (10) outrage (20) parallel (4) paralyze (4) parch (9) passage (8) patriot (1) peasant (18) peer (6) permit (2) persist (5)

Wordly Wise 3000® Online © SSI separate (12) severe (3) shallow (7) shrewd (9) shun (12) slay (10) sole (9) source (19) spacious (8) stingy (17) stout (16) submit (14) sufficient (1) sullen (20) summon (17) surface (8) surround (7) suspect (13) symbol (15) symptom (10) talon (15) temporary (13) terror (13) threadbare (16) threat (18) torment (9) tour (19) tower (2) tradition (19) tragic (13) trio (19) trophy (15) trudge (14) typical (9) uneasy (6) utilize (18) utter (1) vain (6) valiant (17) vary (11) vast (18) venture (3) victim (7) vision (11) waft (17) wander (16) widespread (15) yield (11)




Lesson Flowchart — Levels 2–12


Multiple-Choice questions testing every meaning of every word

Word List (Flashcards)

Definitions, sample sentences, and images (Levels 2–3 only) on the front of the card, and a “Quick Check” question on the back of the card

Exercise Selection Screen

Levels 2–3

Words and Their Meanings

Multiple-choice activity with puzzle image

Exercise Selection Screen

Levels 4–6

Words and Their Meanings

Multiple-choice activity with puzzle image

Seeing Connections

Chart Activity

Applying Meanings

Multiple-choice activity with puzzle image

Just the Right Word

Drag & Drop activity, replacing definition with vocabulary word

Applying Meanings

Multiple-choice activity with puzzle image

Exercise Selection Screen

Levels 7–8

Finding Meanings

Drag & Drop activity, putting sentence phrases together

Just the Right Word

Drag & Drop activity, replacing definition with vocabulary word

Applying Meanings

Chart activity with puzzle image

Word Study (varies)

(Circling, Matching,

Dropdown, Analogies, etc.)

Word Study (varies)

(Circling, Matching,

Dropdown, Analogies, etc.)

Exercise Selection Screen

Levels 9–12

Understanding Meanings

Chart activity with student response boxes

Using Words

Dropdown activity with student response boxes

Images of Words

Chart activity with puzzle image

Word Study (varies)

(Circling, Matching,

Dropdown, Analogies, etc.)


Multiple-Choice questions testing every meaning of every word

Assessment Reporting Screen

Shows students questions they got right/wrong on Post-Test.

Students must complete Master

Meanings remediation on words they got wrong.


Passage using all words in lesson, followed by dropdown questions (Levels 2–3) or type-in questions (Levels 4–12)

Master Meanings (Flashcard remediation)

Definitions and sample sentences on front,

“Quick Check” questions on back

Certificate Screen

Shows students the words in the lesson; printable. End of lesson


• Crossword Puzzles

Cumulative review

puzzles every 3–4 lessons

• Cumulative/Midterm/

Final Tests

Passage using words from

previous 5–10 lessons,

followed by multiple-

choice questions

Wordly Wise 3000® Online © SSI

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3 rd edition

DirEct AcADEmic VocAbuLAry inStruction

Aligned to the ommon Core




• New design makes it easier to read and navigate.

• All passages have now been assigned measures from The Lexile ®

Framework for Reading.

• More write-on lines are provided for students.

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Aligned to the ommon Core



DynAmic onLinE inStruction to buiLD contEnt-ArEA VocAbuLAry

GrADES 4–8

Wordly Wise Science & Social


used in conjunction with Wordly Wise 3000 ® provides a total vocabulary solution for Levels 4–8 tel 800.225.5750 fax 888.440.2665


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