Wordly Wise 3000 Word Lists K-12

Books K–12
Word Lists
(by level)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book K:
Oral Vocabulary Development
Word List
(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.)
able (4)
balance (8)
beak (10)
bird (12)
blame (4)
blossoms (10)
bounce (8)
brave (10)
broad (11)
burst (3)
capture (12)
chilly (7)
claws (12)
collect (3)
comfort (9)
community (2)
cradle (3)
creep (2)
crowd (5)
cushion (9)
dangle (7)
dawn (12)
decorate (6)
delighted (5)
demonstrate (12)
den (7)
destroy (2)
dew (1)
direction (11)
drain (8)
dusty (8)
edge (4)
empty (3)
fear (10)
fit (5)
flat (3)
float (3)
fluffy (1)
flutter (11)
fresh (7)
frown (6)
full (8)
gentle (9)
giggle (6)
glance (3)
glossy (4)
muddy (1)
hard (9)
healthy (2)
hoof (11)
office (5)
include (9)
insects (2)
instruments (7)
invitation (4)
join (1)
leak (3)
lump (6)
measure (12)
melt (8)
metal (9)
miserable (10)
ring (1)
rope (4)
rotten (4)
row (1)
rub (5)
ruined (11)
stream (11)
stretch (5)
stroke (9)
strong (1)
stumble (4)
surprise (6)
tangled (12)
tiny (2)
tools (5)
top (8)
touch (9)
tracks (11)
trade (8)
tube (12)
record (11)
relax (6)
release (12)
shady (8)
sight (5)
signs (2)
silky (9)
sink (11)
slip (1)
smooth (9)
sniff (7)
soil (1)
sparkle (8)
split (3)
stare (1)
sting (10)
store (10)
straight (6)
straw (7)
mood (11)
nervous (5)
rhythm (7)
rustle (11)
treasure (2)
twinkling (6)
ooze (3)
scampered (9)
several (12)
snoozing (4)
snug (10)
stroll (2)
struggle (5)
suggest (8)
unpack (1)
narrow (12)
naughty (4)
pair (10)
patch (3)
patient (5)
peaceful (2)
plenty (6)
poke (7)
polite (4)
practice (7)
prepare (11)
present (6)
protect (10)
proud (5)
wave (2)
whisper (6)
whistle (7)
wiggle (2)
wing (10)
Extend and Challenge Words
accidentally (7)
adventure (3)
aide (3)
amazed (6)
announce (9)
arrived (3)
assure (12)
attention (6)
clue (12)
complain (9)
curious (1)
gather (6)
glisten (1)
gorgeous (1)
discouraged (7)
handle (12)
eagerly (2)
evening (2)
exhausted (11)
inched (8)
figure (11)
moment (5)
lead (5)
brilliant (8)
plead (4)
pucker (7)
relieved (10)
remaining (4)
remind (9)
wail (4)
wither (10)
yelp (10)
zoomed (8)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book 1:
Oral Vocabulary Development
Word List
(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.)
action (8)
adjust (11)
alone (11)
ancient (8)
applause (15)
arrange (5)
artistic (15)
astronaut (12)
atmosphere (14)
attach (5)
awkward (13)
bashful (8)
batteries (5)
bend (3)
boil (4)
bold (13)
brakes (10)
button (12)
capital (1)
caution (11)
chart (12)
chore (7)
clear (2)
clever (14)
close (4)
coast (1)
compass (2)
complete (11)
construct (13)
costume (8)
cranky (6)
crash (14)
cross (7)
damaged (14)
decay (3)
desert (3)
design (5)
dim (12)
dip (2)
divide (13)
drop (13)
dusk (3)
eager (11)
entire (8)
enormous (3)
entrance (10)
equal (13)
exercise (11)
exhibit (6)
fair (9)
fancy (7)
fan (8)
filthy (10)
flaky (4)
flash (2)
funnel (9)
imitate (15)
injured (6)
land (12)
lean (9)
leap (1)
length (13)
level (9)
liquid (2)
lively (7)
load (1)
mature (15)
meadow (14)
meet (6)
memory (15)
misty (6)
modern (8)
month (15)
monument (1)
motion (10)
mural (15)
nation (1)
object (9)
gleaming (11)
globe (1)
grow (15)
hang (10)
hatch (6)
headlight (11)
hollow (7)
paddle (2)
pattern (11)
peak (2)
perform (8)
photograph (15)
pile (7)
prehistoric (3)
property (5)
raise (5)
rapid (9)
receive (13)
reflect (9)
remain (9)
remove (10)
reverse (6)
ripe (7)
rise (15)
rude (14)
rusty (5)
scale (12)
scratch (10)
search (14)
section (5)
separate (4)
shallow (2)
shape (4)
simple (14)
skeleton (3)
sob (14)
solid (4)
splendid (9)
spray (10)
sprinkle (4)
stake (9)
steady (11)
steep (1)
stormy (5)
stump (3)
surface (6)
swamp (1)
sway (5)
swift (2)
switch (8)
tame (7)
tank (10)
tearful (12)
temperature (3)
thick (4)
tide (13)
tilt (12)
tower (13)
train (6)
tropical (6)
trunk (1)
uneven (4)
utensils (4)
vehicle (10)
view (12)
volcano (3)
wagon (7)
weave (7)
whirl (8)
whole (12)
wild (2)
wind (14)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book 1:
Oral Vocabulary Development
Extend and Challenge Words
admire (8)
aisle (12)
attack (10)
independent (7)
ingredients (4)
involved (15)
badge (3)
board (12)
boasted (13)
jungle (6)
captain (12)
chuckled (9)
college (6)
creative (14)
cymbals (8)
delicate (9)
describe (7)
dull (8)
knight (13)
leftovers (4)
legend (8)
lightweight (14)
message (14)
midday (2)
moat (13)
nozzle (10)
observe (9)
errands (4)
flight attendant (12)
future (3)
gears (5)
glum (1)
grateful (13)
petrified (3,10)
power drill (5)
recall (15)
repair (14)
repeated (7)
return (15)
settled (7)
shaky (11)
signal (11)
skid (11)
soothing (6)
splatter (10)
spoilsport (1)
sprouts (9)
sprung (15)
statue (1)
stroller (6)
supplies (5)
surrounded (2)
traffic (11)
triple (4)
uniform (3)
unload (2)
useless (5)
wade (2)
warned (1)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book 2
Word List
(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.)
aboard (9)
cavern (4)
fierce (11)
mallet (15)
spear (4)
absorb (5)
accident (2)
center (5)
channel (13)
faucet (8)
fern (6)
mention (13)
miner (6)
stalk (14)
story (9)
acrobat (2)
chimney (4)
flame (4)
motor (3)
strand (9)
adult (14)
claw (1)
flap (1)
muscle (3)
support (2)
alarm (2)
cliff (3)
flood (8)
anchor (5)
antenna (3)
club (8)
clump (14)
fold (7)
fuel (6)
net (4)
newcomer (14)
tangle (2)
telescope (10)
ape (4)
aquarium (8)
collapse (12)
cone (6)
gallon (15)
outline (12)
torch (4)
tower (9)
arch (12)
connect (13)
gap (2)
astronomy (10)
atlas (11)
core (5)
corner (7)
gaze (10)
gift (8)
parade (7)
peak (13)
attention (12)
couple (1)
girder (9)
pearl (8)
award (12)
aware (11)
crater (10)
cube (6)
grain (6)
gratitude (14)
plain (14)
planet (3)
curious (14)
gravity (10)
present (6)
cushion (1)
groom (1)
badge (7)
balance (3)
banner (7)
degree (10)
base (15)
besides (10)
demolish (12)
design (7)
blast (9)
diameter (10)
boar (11)
tread (7)
trunk (5)
tusk (14)
universe (10)
utensil (12)
valley (8)
vehicle (13)
herd (14)
rare (11)
rectangle (7)
hive (5)
hoof (11)
reflect (10)
rotate (9)
wealthy (14)
weigh (2)
din (15)
icicle (8)
salute (7)
yard (1)
boulder (3)
bounce (2)
discard (15)
display (7)
imitate (8)
instrument (15)
sapling (5)
scholar (13)
zero (1)
brain (4)
dome (15)
invent (9)
scoop (2)
zigzag (13)
branch (4)
dozen (4)
brush (5)
bud (5)
earth (6)
empire (13)
bustle (3)
enormous (2)
cage (8)
equator (11)
excess (12)
calf (1)
career (9)
cautious (9)
factory (5)
fang (11)
sculpture (12)
joint (3)
journey (11)
seam (6)
settle (13)
share (1)
lizard (6)
local (11)
shelter (1)
skill (15)
luxury (15)
slight (15)
machine (3)
slope (3)
spade (12)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book 3
Word List
(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.)
act (7)
additional (7)
adopt (12)
advice (7)
amaze (5)
ambition (3)
arctic (5)
arouse (12)
arrange (12)
attitude (9)
attract (2)
auction (3)
average (4)
bold (14)
border (4)
cable (10)
calendar (13)
carnival (13)
cathedral (10)
cell (12)
chasm (6)
coast (3)
cocoon (4)
confess (9)
contain (8)
continent (6)
convey (10)
court (5)
credit (6)
crew (2)
crumple (7)
cunning (14)
current (3)
cylinder (1)
dangle (2)
deed (14)
defend (9)
device (10)
diagram (11)
digest (8)
division (15)
doze (14)
drift (2)
elect (5)
enable (6)
event (2)
examine (1)
experience (13)
fan (7)
fatal (1)
feature (1)
finicky (8)
flutter (4)
foul (6)
frail (3)
freight (10)
frustrate (11)
govern (13)
gradual (9)
graduate (11)
grasp (1)
gulf (13)
gust (6)
habit (8)
haste (13)
hinge (8)
hint (9)
individual (9)
infection (12)
influence (12)
injure (12)
intelligent (3)
interval (5)
jagged (14)
jet (1)
landmark (10)
launch (2)
league (5)
limit (5)
malice (9)
marine (1)
marsh (8)
memorize (7)
mental (15)
method (10)
milestone (5)
misery (9)
moisture (4)
mystify (7)
nation (13)
nectar (4)
novel (3)
nursery (8)
opposite (2)
ordeal (6)
outcome (15)
pastime (15)
pattern (12)
pause (7)
plateau (6)
positive (14)
prank (11)
primary (11)
process (4)
promote (15)
rate (15)
recreation (5)
regret (15)
rely (8)
resident (3)
respect (14)
responsible (14)
reverse (2)
rig (6)
risk (11)
rod (10)
scar (1)
schedule (6)
scatter (13)
series (12)
shaft (10)
signal (2)
smuggle (14)
solution (9)
span (4)
spine (8)
starve (3)
steer (2)
stress (11)
structure (10)
suitable (4)
surrender (13)
survey (9)
tackle (5)
talent (15)
tentacle (1)
theory (15)
thrill (13)
thrive (8)
timber (4)
tournament (15)
transparent (7)
urge (11)
vacant (11)
vanish (7)
version (14)
vessel (1)
vigorous (11)
vision (12)
volunteer (3)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book 4
Word List
(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.)
ability (12)
abreast (18)
abrupt (5)
achieve (5)
active (4)
address (17)
advantage (9)
affect (2)
ail (10)
afford (14)
alter (7)
amiable (12)
ancient (8)
annual (11)
appall (13)
apparent (15)
applaud (6)
approach (3)
approve (17)
apt (16)
arrest (20)
artificial (11)
astonish (9)
astound (4)
attempt (5)
attend (4)
audition (19)
ban (15)
banish (10)
barrier (18)
benefit (1)
blend (11)
bliss (12)
blossom (16)
boast (14)
bore (11)
bough (16)
breadth (18)
burrow (3)
calculate (2)
capable (20)
capital (18)
caress (12)
cease (3)
century (8)
chamber (8)
cherish (4)
chord (14)
climate (2)
clutch (12)
coax (12)
column (2)
communicate (10)
complete (1)
concentrate (15)
concern (15)
conclude (17)
confirm (9)
confuse (7)
congratulate (20)
consider (15)
considerable (11)
console (10)
contempt (5)
content (16)
contract (4)
contrast (15)
cower (10)
crafty (6)
create (19)
crude (11)
decay (2)
dejected (13)
deliberate (10)
depend (13)
deprive (17)
depth (10)
descend (8)
desire (10)
despise (20)
destructive (3)
detest (16)
develop (1)
disclose (6)
dismay (1)
dispute (20)
distant (9)
distribute (7)
drab (6)
dreary (13)
drowsy (3)
dusk (16)
eager (4)
ease (1)
eject (7)
elder (17)
elevate (19)
eliminate (19)
embrace (7)
engage (19)
ensure (18)
entertain (5)
entire (6)
entrance (19)
entry (8)
equip (7)
escort (17)
essential (19)
evaporate (11)
eventual (20)
exceed (2)
exceptional (14)
exclaim (6)
expose (4)
exquisite (6)
external (18)
extinguish (16)
increase (11)
inhale (17)
insert (20)
instant (7)
intend (6)
interior (8)
intrude (8)
invade (13)
isolate (13)
familiar (16)
famished (3)
fanatic (13)
fare (17)
feud (18)
flexible (7)
foliage (11)
forbid (2)
forecast (3)
foremost (19)
forlorn (17)
forsake (19)
fortress (18)
fortunate (14)
founder (9)
fragile (15)
frequent (18)
fringe (14)
frontier (18)
furious (12)
lack (1)
limb (2)
limp (7)
livelihood (10)
locate (8)
gash (11)
gesture (12)
glimpse (5)
grace (4)
grove (2)
hail (1)
hamlet (9)
hearty (17)
helm (20)
hibernate (3)
host (9)
hue (11)
humble (14)
humiliate (20)
impact (13)
implore (20)
impose (4)
jeer (6)
keen (7)
mammoth (2)
master (1)
mature (2)
meadow (14)
melancholy (14)
menace (15)
merit (17)
migrate (3)
misfortune (10)
misgiving (9)
mock (5)
modest (4)
mope (12)
nestle (3)
nourish (11)
observe (3)
obstinate (14)
obtain (16)
occupy (13)
orchard (16)
orphan (10)
outrage (20)
parallel (4)
paralyze (4)
parch (9)
passage (8)
patriot (1)
peasant (18)
peer (6)
permit (2)
persist (5)
persuade (5)
pessimist (4)
petty (18)
phase (5)
pierce (20)
plead (14)
plunge (14)
portion (8)
pounce (15)
practice (16)
precious (8)
precipice (10)
prefer (12)
prepare (3)
progress (6)
project (1)
prompt (15)
prospect (9)
prune (16)
quaint (5)
quarry (8)
quiver (20)
ramp (8)
recall (5)
recent (15)
recite (4)
recognize (19)
recommend (1)
recover (12)
reduce (3)
refine (6)
regain (10)
reject (5)
release (20)
relent (14)
remark (1)
replace (12)
represent (1)
request (12)
resist (2)
respond (4)
reveal (13)
revise (5)
rout (13)
scarce (9)
scorch (2)
scoundrel (6)
scurry (7)
seize (7)
sensitive (5)
sentimental (19)
separate (12)
severe (3)
shallow (7)
shrewd (9)
shun (12)
slay (10)
sole (9)
source (19)
spacious (8)
stingy (17)
stout (16)
submit (14)
sufficient (1)
sullen (20)
summon (17)
surface (8)
surround (7)
suspect (13)
symbol (15)
symptom (10)
talon (15)
temporary (13)
terror (13)
threadbare (16)
threat (18)
torment (9)
tour (19)
tower (2)
tradition (19)
tragic (13)
trio (19)
trophy (15)
trudge (14)
typical (9)
uneasy (6)
utilize (18)
utter (1)
vain (6)
valiant (17)
vary (11)
vast (18)
venture (3)
victim (7)
vision (11)
waft (17)
wander (16)
widespread (15)
yield (11)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book 5
Word List
(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.)
abdicate (16)
abolish (6)
absurd (9)
accelerate (11)
access (14)
accommodate (13)
accomplish (9)
accurate (4)
accustom (1)
afflict (17)
aggressive (13)
agony (6)
alert (1)
altitude (11)
ample (20)
ancestor (3)
animated (18)
anxious (11)
approximate (4)
aroma (2)
ascend (9)
assemble (8)
assign (1)
associate (14)
assume (16)
available (10)
avalanche (5)
banquet (8)
barren (17)
bask (13)
betray (18)
beverage (2)
bland (2)
blizzard (5)
boisterous (14)
bondage (10)
brace (11)
brilliant (14)
brittle (2)
budge (1)
bungle (16)
burden (20)
burly (1)
carcass (13)
cargo (8)
carnivore (3)
cask (8)
catapult (6)
celebrate (8)
challenge (5)
character (6)
cluster (2)
colony (7)
combine (2)
companion (1)
compatible (1)
compassion (20)
compensate (7)
comply (20)
comprehend (3)
conceal (13)
concept (1)
confident (11)
conquer (5)
consist (17)
consume (2)
contact (11)
convalesce (12)
convince (18)
course (4)
crave (2)
crevice (5)
cultivate (2)
cumbersome (20)
decade (14)
decline (18)
decrease (8)
dedicate (12)
delicate (14)
denounce (6)
dense (9)
depart (4)
deposit (7)
despair (4)
desperate (8)
destination (4)
deteriorate (4)
dictate (12)
disaster (15)
distract (1)
distress (20)
dominate (16)
donate (10)
dormant (19)
drought (17)
duration (3)
edible (8)
elegant (19)
employ (14)
encounter (20)
equivalent (2)
erode (17)
erupt (19)
escalate (6)
establish (10)
evade (10)
evident (3)
exasperate (12)
excavate (19)
exert (20)
expand (17)
expel (19)
experiment (9)
export (2)
extinct (3)
extract (2)
exult (11)
famine (17)
fascinate (7)
feeble (7)
ferocious (3)
fertile (17)
flail (13)
flee (15)
flimsy (9)
foolhardy (5)
formal (7)
former (16)
fracture (15)
frigid (7)
frivolous (8)
fume (19)
gale (4)
gigantic (3)
gorge (13)
grim (6)
guardian (16)
hangar (11)
harbor (6)
harsh (7)
harvest (8)
heroic (9)
hew (8)
hilarious (18)
hoist (16)
horizon (4)
hostile (8)
huddle (7)
idle (14)
illuminate (14)
immense (15)
indignant (20)
inflict (6)
intense (15)
intercept (16)
introduce (2)
investigate (15)
jest (20)
jostle (1)
jubilation (4)
jubilee (16)
kin (16)
liberate (10)
likeness (18)
loathe (6)
lumber (9)
lurch (15)
lure (5)
major (15)
makeshift (5)
maximum (11)
meager (18)
meddle (6)
methodical (11)
mimic (9)
minor (15)
mirth (20)
mischief (18)
molten (19)
monstrous (6)
moral (20)
morsel (13)
navigate (4)
negotiate (18)
nonchalant (11)
nostalgia (4)
notable (12)
numerous (10)
oasis (17)
obedient (1)
obscure (3)
obsolete (18)
obstacle (1)
occasion (10)
oppose (10)
optimist (5)
option (3)
outskirts (20)
overdue (12)
overthrow (12)
painstaking (19)
pardon (16)
pasture (17)
patient (1)
pedestrian (1)
penetrate (12)
perish (19)
petrify (15)
pledge (8)
population (19)
portrait (12)
predict (15)
prelude (19)
premature (3)
preserve (3)
previous (5)
prey (3)
primitive (17)
proceed (11)
proclaim (16)
prohibit (10)
prone (15)
prosper (8)
protrude (13)
provide (14)
provoke (16)
puny (3)
purchase (2)
pursue (10)
reassure (10)
rebel (12)
refuge (17)
reign (16)
reluctant (10)
remote (7)
require (14)
resemble (7)
restrict (12)
resume (20)
retain (18)
retire (1)
revert (17)
revive (4)
ridicule (20)
rigid (7)
riot (16)
ripple (13)
rouse (6)
route (5)
saunter (11)
scald (19)
seldom (12)
sensation (18)
sever (4)
significant (9)
slither (13)
sluggish (13)
snout (13)
soar (9)
solitary (7)
solo (11)
somber (18)
sparse (15)
spectator (9)
stall (11)
steadfast (6)
stimulate (12)
stupendous (19)
subsequent (18)
substantial (7)
suffocate (19)
summit (5)
superior (10)
survive (3)
suspend (9)
taper (13)
task (8)
taunt (14)
teem (17)
tempest (12)
terminate (9)
terse (5)
thwart (5)
tolerant (14)
topple (15)
transform (14)
translate (6)
tremor (19)
tropical (2)
unwieldy (9)
upbringing (12)
urban (15)
vertical (5)
visible (13)
vow (18)
voyage (4)
waddle (7)
wilderness (14)
wither (17)
yearn (10)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book 6
Word List
(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.)
abandon (12)
abbreviate (11)
abroad (18)
abundant (3)
accompany (8)
accumulate (9)
adapt (13)
adversary (12)
affection (1)
aggravate (9)
aloft (4)
analyze (15)
anguish (18)
antic (5)
anticipate (10)
apparel (6)
appeal (1)
appreciate (6)
apprehensive (15)
appropriate (11)
arid (3)
arrogant (2)
attain (4)
attire (5)
awe (16)
baffle (12)
bankrupt (10)
beneficial (8)
benevolent (14)
blunder (12)
bluster (20)
boycott (2)
brawl (7)
breach (19)
brief (10)
brisk (10)
budget (10)
buffet (4)
campaign (2)
captivate (5)
captive (8)
casual (7)
catastrophe (16)
ceremony (2)
clammy (19)
clasp (1)
coincide (15)
collide (16)
colossal (12)
commence (18)
commend (18)
compete (10)
complicate (10)
compose (15)
consent (14)
consequence (16)
conserve (9)
conspicuous (1)
constant (7)
construct (19)
contaminate (9)
continuous (6)
contribute (1)
controversy (18)
convenient (8)
cordial (18)
corrode (17)
council (20)
custody (2)
debris (17)
deceive (16)
declare (1)
deft (5)
degrade (2)
deplete (13)
detain (2)
detect (12)
diligent (5)
diminish (9)
discreet (14)
disk (15)
dissent (18)
dissolve (6)
distinct (3)
domesticate (6)
drastic (9)
dwell (20)
earnest (18)
eclipse (5)
ecstasy (8)
effect (10)
efficient (13)
elaborate (19)
elated (17)
elicit (18)
eloquent (1)
elude (4)
emerge (6)
engross (14)
envelop (15)
err (10)
esteem (14)
evolve (5)
exaggerate (14)
excel (7)
exclude (11)
exhaust (7)
exhibit (1)
exhilaration (18)
exist (15)
expanse (8)
expedition (8)
exploit (17)
extend (2)
extensive (14)
exterminate (20)
extraordinary (15)
extravagant (9)
factor (10)
fad (10)
fanciful (11)
fantastic (14)
fatality (16)
fatigue (13)
fee (20)
ferry (1)
fiber (6)
flammable (4)
fragrant (19)
frugal (9)
function (6)
furnish (19)
fuse (15)
futile (11)
gait (13)
garment (20)
genuine (18)
glare (13)
graze (3)
gripe (10)
grudge (11)
habitat (13)
hardy (7)
hatch (6)
haul (12)
haven (19)
hectic (3)
hoax (18)
horde (3)
hover (4)
humid (3)
immigrant (1)
improvise (16)
impurity (9)
incredible (3)
inept (8)
infest (20)
inflate (4)
inhabit (3)
inhibit (6)
innate (5)
inscribe (5)
insist (20)
inspire (11)
install (19)
integrate (2)
interpret (8)
intrigue (14)
invaluable (8)
jeopardy (4)
knack (10)
leeway (17)
leisure (10)
linger (8)
lofty (1)
loom (16)
lull (16)
majority (11)
manipulate (18)
marvel (14)
massive (19)
mediocre (7)
mere (15)
miniature (17)
minute (6)
mission (14)
mobile (17)
monotonous (7)
moor (4)
motion (6)
oblivious (13)
onset (17)
ooze (17)
opportunity (14)
originate (7)
outmoded (13)
overpower (12)
paltry (20)
pathetic (17)
peculiar (20)
pedestal (1)
peninsula (3)
peril (9)
perpetual (9)
persecute (1)
persevere (11)
placid (16)
plummet (4)
pollute (4)
possess (11)
posture (5)
poverty (1)
predicament (16)
prejudice (11)
preliminary (17)
priority (16)
prominent (13)
propel (4)
punctuate (7)
quench (13)
quest (17)
rash (20)
ravenous (7)
realistic (7)
recount (18)
reinforce (16)
rejoice (12)
relinquish (14)
repel (19)
resolute (11)
resource (9)
restore (19)
restrain (17)
retaliate (19)
retrieve (8)
revenge (20)
revolve (15)
rigor (13)
rodent (20)
rural (3)
salvage (17)
sanctuary (3)
scale (15)
scoff (12)
scour (17)
sear (13)
segregate (2)
sentinel (12)
sheathe (6)
shed (6)
shroud (5)
siege (12)
sinister (12)
skeptic (18)
skirmish (8)
sneer (11)
solar (15)
soothe (7)
splendor (3)
squalor (3)
stampede (7)
stationary (4)
stench (19)
stern (16)
stifle (5)
strew (19)
substitute (9)
superb (4)
supplement (8)
supreme (2)
sustain (9)
swarm (20)
swivel (4)
tentative (5)
terrain (3)
territory (8)
trace (15)
tranquil (5)
transfer (6)
transport (13)
treacherous (16)
triumph (2)
tyrant (14)
unanimous (11)
unique (10)
unruly (11)
unveil (1)
vacate (2)
vanquish (14)
vat (20)
velocity (15)
verdict (2)
versatile (5)
veteran (7)
vicinity (19)
victor (12)
violate (2)
vital (9)
wend (13)
woe (12)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book 7
Word List
(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.)
abate (1)
abduct (12)
abode (12)
abyss (12)
acclaim (18)
acknowledge (1)
acquire (4)
acrid (8)
addict (6)
adequate (5)
administer (5)
admonish (3)
adverse (19)
agent (1)
aghast (3)
agitate (5)
allege (14)
aloof (19)
alternative (19)
annihilate (3)
antagonize (4)
apathy (20)
appoint (17)
aquatic (10)
arbitrate (12)
arduous (13)
aspire (6)
assent (17)
assert (10)
astute (2)
attribute (12)
authentic (2)
authority (1)
avert (10)
badger (20)
ballast (11)
benefactor (3)
beseech (7)
bestow (3)
bias (6)
bigot (18)
blatant (6)
bleak (10)
blithe (10)
bounty (16)
buoyant (11)
camouflage (16)
candid (6)
canine (19)
canny (13)
capitulate (5)
capricious (12)
casualty (8)
citrus (5)
clamber (11)
climax (13)
compel (20)
competent (4)
complement (15)
component (15)
comprise (4)
compromise (12)
compulsory (19)
conclusive (14)
concur (17)
confront (6)
congested (8)
conjure (15)
consecutive (19)
consternation (7)
consult (17)
cope (8)
correspond (4)
counterpart (14)
covet (18)
debut (6)
deceased (18)
delectable (7)
delicacy (2)
delude (20)
deplore (20)
derelict (20)
derogatory (2)
desolate (19)
detach (11)
detriment (20)
devastate (1)
devious (3)
devoid (3)
devour (2)
devout (12)
dilapidated (4)
dismal (14)
dispatch (19)
disrupt (5)
dissuade (17)
distinction (19)
distraught (12)
diversity (20)
docile (10)
dumbfound (9)
dwindle (10)
ebb (16)
eerie (11)
emit (20)
emphasize (15)
endorse (13)
endure (19)
enlighten (12)
enroll (6)
ensue (9)
enthrall (14)
epidemic (1)
era (9)
estimate (1)
evict (1)
exotic (14)
exuberant (13)
fathom (11)
figment (2)
flabbergast (17)
flourish (9)
fluctuate (19)
fluster (6)
forage (16)
foster (20)
formidable (18)
garland (7)
garrison (9)
ghetto (18)
gratify (7)
grievous (9)
grueling (19)
haggle (17)
harass (16)
haughty (7)
headlong (8)
heed (3)
hoard (9)
homage (15)
hovel (5)
hurtle (8)
illiterate (5)
illustrious (4)
impartial (1)
impede (8)
impetuous (7)
impromptu (15)
impunity (6)
inanimate (20)
incentive (20)
incident (4)
incline (12)
incredulous (14)
indifferent (5)
industrious (1)
inevitable (8)
infuriate (1)
inherit (4)
initiate (8)
insulate (16)
intensify (6)
intervene (12)
intimidate (6)
intrepid (13)
inundate (9)
invincible (9)
irate (8)
irrelevant (1)
kindle (13)
latitude (4)
lavish (7)
lax (8)
legendary (14)
lethal (10)
lethargic (16)
loath (4)
lucrative (13)
lurk (14)
lush (15)
maintain (4)
maneuver (16)
maul (19)
medley (15)
menagerie (14)
menial (5)
mentor (13)
momentous (18)
monitor (10)
mortal (3)
mottled (16)
murky (16)
muse (3)
mutilate (10)
mythical (2)
naive (14)
necessity (12)
negligent (8)
nimble (10)
nomad (9)
oblige (15)
obnoxious (6)
obsession (13)
omen (20)
oppress (18)
orbit (12)
overwhelm (18)
pander (14)
participate (19)
perceive (18)
permanent (5)
personable (13)
perturb (17)
pioneer (3)
pique (11)
placate (9)
plague (3)
plausible (14)
plight (10)
pluck (7)
plumage (2)
ponder (7)
ponderous (10)
precise (1)
predatory (2)
premiere (18)
preposterous (14)
pretentious (15)
principal (9)
prior (2)
privilege (7)
probe (11)
procure (17)
proficient (13)
prospective (18)
prostrate (7)
prowess (15)
proximity (16)
rapture (7)
realize (11)
recede (9)
receptive (17)
renovate (4)
replenish (16)
reprimand (4)
repudiate (17)
resolve (17)
respite (5)
retort (6)
revelry (7)
robust (19)
rupture (11)
rustic (15)
ruthless (9)
sacred (12)
sacrifice (9)
scanty (13)
scavenge (2)
scrupulous (14)
sham (1)
signify (17)
slaughter (2)
sleek (16)
smolder (8)
solitude (2)
sovereign (17)
species (20)
sphere (11)
spurn (18)
staunch (18)
stint (6)
strait (13)
strenuous (5)
stringent (8)
submerge (11)
subside (3)
subtle (15)
supervise (4)
tedious (11)
theme (18)
throng (8)
toil (5)
toxic (20)
trek (1)
trifling (17)
ultimate (11)
ungainly (2)
unscathed (11)
unwitting (3)
urgent (5)
verge (10)
vigilant (10)
vocation (15)
vulnerable (2)
warble (15)
wary (16)
wean (16)
whim (7)
wrath (3)
zest (13)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book 8
Word List
(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.)
abet (9)
abhor (4)
abject (10)
abrasion (2)
accede (12)
accord (17)
adept (8)
advocate (10)
affable (4)
affirm (17)
affluent (12)
agile (9)
alienate (20)
alleviate (16)
amiss (4)
anarchy (6)
anonymous (3)
anthology (3)
antidote (16)
aperture (18)
apprehend (6)
arbitrary (12)
ardent (13)
arraign (6)
artisan (12)
ascertain (15)
assimilate (6)
assail (13)
asset (13)
atrocity (10)
audacious (5)
audible (8)
augment (11)
avid (1)
azure (8)
balmy (9)
banter (8)
barter (13)
bedlam (16)
benign (11)
bequeath (17)
bizarre (6)
bonanza (13)
brusque (1)
bulwark (19)
cache (18)
cajole (16)
calamity (6)
capacious (8)
chastise (15)
citadel (17)
clad (2)
claustrophobia (7)
colleague (7)
combustible (18)
commemorate (10)
concise (1)
condescend (7)
confer (17)
confiscate (5)
congenial (14)
congregate (9)
conjecture (3)
connoisseur (11)
conscientious (5)
conspire (6)
contagious (13)
contemplate (13)
contingent (7)
copious (8)
corroborate (2)
coup (17)
crucial (8)
cull (15)
culminate (19)
cursory (2)
daunt (7)
decelerate (8)
decipher (14)
defer (15)
dehydrate (2)
delegate (18)
deluge (7)
demean (1)
depict (5)
deploy (8)
derive (2)
desist (15)
despicable (1)
despondent (4)
deter (13)
dialect (10)
dignitary (17)
dire (10)
discern (11)
discredit (15)
dismantle (12)
dispel (7)
disposition (3)
dissect (14)
dissension (6)
divert (9)
dub (7)
elapse (6)
electrify (2)
elite (10)
embark (5)
embellish (11)
embroil (17)
emulate (1)
encompass (3)
encroach (15)
endeavor (2)
engulf (19)
enhance (10)
enigma (14)
entreat (4)
epoch (17)
evoke (1)
excruciating (1)
execute (11)
exemplify (11)
extricate (3)
facilitate (8)
fanfare (7)
fastidious (8)
feasible (19)
fervent (20)
fitful (8)
flagrant (10)
flair (13)
fledgling (7)
forbearance (20)
foreboding (15)
forfeit (13)
generation (3)
gingerly (2)
glib (16)
glut (19)
grapple (8)
grimace (2)
grotesque (11)
gruesome (2)
guile (3)
gullible (20)
haggard (16)
hallowed (11)
haunt (4)
havoc (19)
hindrance (20)
humane (15)
humdrum (9)
immaculate (16)
immerse (12)
imminent (6)
impeccable (17)
impel (4)
imperative (3)
impersonate (11)
impregnable (19)
inane (7)
inaugurate (1)
incessant (16)
inclement (18)
indefatigable (19)
indelible (18)
indulgent (16)
ineffectual (14)
infallible (14)
inflammatory (20)
influx (9)
inkling (5)
innovation (13)
instill (3)
institute (17)
interminable (4)
interrogate (6)
intricate (9)
inventory (2)
irascible (4)
irksome (12)
irrational (15)
irrepressible (14)
lackadaisical (5)
languish (10)
legacy (12)
lionize (6)
loll (16)
luminous (14)
lurid (15)
malady (18)
mania (13)
malevolent (11)
memento (9)
memoir (18)
meticulous (6)
mettle (7)
millennium (14)
mire (14)
modify (3)
mute (10)
mutiny (5)
negligible (7)
onslaught (19)
ordain (20)
ornate (11)
ostentatious (12)
ovation (20)
overt (20)
pang (8)
panorama (12)
paramount (18)
pastoral (11)
patriarch (17)
perpetuate (15)
pervade (1)
pestilence (14)
phenomenon (19)
philanthropy (12)
picturesque (19)
pilfer (5)
pittance (16)
pivot (3)
precarious (11)
precede (8)
prestige (12)
prevalent (3)
profound (4)
profusion (5)
prolific (12)
proprietor (1)
protract (7)
prudent (5)
pseudonym (1)
pungent (16)
query (9)
rankle (5)
rapport (17)
raze (10)
rebuff (1)
rebuke (5)
recant (20)
recluse (4)
rectify (18)
recur (3)
rejoinder (20)
renounce (17)
renown (11)
replica (7)
reprisal (10)
reproach (20)
requisite (18)
resilient (1)
restive (15)
reticent (12)
reverberate (4)
rhetoric (17)
rue (16)
sage (4)
serene (5)
servile (20)
shackle (6)
simulate (2)
simultaneous (19)
slovenly (5)
spontaneous (3)
sporadic (9)
squeamish (18)
stagnate (14)
stamina (15)
staple (9)
stipulate (19)
strident (16)
stymie (13)
sublime (14)
succumb (2)
surmise (2)
surpass (20)
surveillance (15)
susceptible (19)
swelter (6)
synonymous (13)
tirade (4)
tract (18)
tremulous (4)
tribulation (18)
tumult (9)
turbulent (1)
turmoil (10)
tycoon (12)
unseemly (9)
vehement (16)
vie (14)
vignette (18)
vilify (20)
voluminous (14)
wrangle (13)
wreak (10)
wrest (19)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book 9
Word List
(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.)
accentuate (15)
adage (4)
adhere (18)
adroit (8)
adversity (12)
affront (8)
aficionado (15)
alacrity (2)
allude (3)
allure (9)
amass (14)
amenity (11)
amorous (7)
amputate (10)
antecedent (15)
antiquity (9)
apex (19)
aplomb (18)
appraise (9)
apropos (6)
aptitude (10)
array (2)
articulate (14)
ascendancy (6)
assess (6)
aver (6)
averse (11)
avocation (8)
belated (16)
belittle (7)
beneficiary (10)
bewail (1)
blandishment (13)
blight (17)
bogus (20)
boon (10)
brandish (18)
broach (18)
caliber (16)
callow (5)
camaraderie (4)
cardinal (12)
censure (7)
centrifugal (15)
chagrin (16)
cite (17)
cleave (9)
clemency (17)
collusion (19)
commiserate (10)
complacent (11)
concede (6)
consecrate (3)
contemporary (5)
contend (4)
contravene (16)
convoluted (15)
credible (12)
crusade (8)
cynical (5)
decapitate (15)
decimate (14)
decompose (11)
deduce (2)
deem (7)
default (16)
deficient (6)
definitive (8)
defray (11)
demeanor (8)
demise (20)
deprecate (13)
depreciate (9)
despot (5)
destitute (1)
detract (1)
devise (20)
devotee (18)
dexterity (14)
diffident (18)
discomfit (13)
disingenuous (15)
disseminate (3)
divulge (7)
dogma (6)
doldrums (16)
dote (3)
eccentric (17)
emanate (11)
emancipate (1)
emblazon (16)
embody (6)
eminent (16)
empathize (12)
encumber (2)
enshrine (20)
enunciate (5)
envisage (11)
erudite (8)
evince (20)
exhort (3)
exorbitant (7)
expend (16)
expire (16)
exponent (16)
expostulate (7)
extol (1)
extraneous (4)
extravaganza (18)
facet (19)
facetious (11)
facsimile (9)
faculty (12)
fallacy (11)
farce (17)
fateful (7)
feckless (3)
flamboyant (1)
foray (17)
fraught (2)
furor (11)
garb (14)
garner (10)
glean (17)
gratis (10)
gregarious (14)
haphazard (2)
harrowing (12)
hubbub (4)
idyll (11)
impair (12)
impart (6)
impediment (5)
impervious (9)
impetus (1)
implicate (3)
impoverish (5)
incapacitate (10)
inception (10)
incinerate (19)
incontrovertible (2)
indict (19)
indolent (5)
indubitable (15)
induct (8)
inexplicable (2)
infer (12)
ingenious (2)
ingrate (7)
inherent (14)
injunction (7)
insuperable (1)
integrity (18)
intermittent (1)
intuition (12)
irrevocable (20)
jaded (15)
judicial (19)
laggard (2)
lament (3)
lapse (8)
magnanimous (10)
manifest (12)
martial (20)
martyr (19)
masochistic (15)
maternal (14)
maxim (1)
meander (4)
memorabilia (20)
meteoric (13)
militant (8)
momentum (15)
monetary (3)
moribund (7)
motif (7)
multitude (19)
mundane (20)
myriad (10)
nominal (17)
nondescript (9)
novice (16)
nuance (12)
nurture (14)
obligatory (1)
obsolescent (15)
obtrusive (14)
odoriferous (4)
oratory (6)
ostracize (17)
overbearing (13)
paraphernalia (4)
pariah (8)
parody (14)
patronize (20)
paucity (11)
pensive (3)
pernicious (12)
plaintive (18)
plaudit (18)
plumb (1)
pomp (3)
porous (11)
posthumous (17)
potential (15)
practicable (10)
precocious (13)
prodigy (8)
proffer (13)
propagate (6)
proponent (6)
protégé (8)
pugnacious (14)
punctilious (4)
quandary (9)
quash (17)
querulous (20)
quirk (20)
raucous (8)
recipient (17)
recuperate (4)
refute (20)
regale (4)
regalia (18)
remonstrate (13)
remunerate (10)
repose (9)
reprehensible (14)
rescind (19)
resplendent (18)
revere (19)
ribald (17)
rift (13)
rudimentary (6)
sagacious (5)
sanction (20)
scintillate (9)
scion (19)
scrutinize (9)
secular (5)
sedentary (4)
sojourn (6)
solace (12)
solicit (10)
solicitous (13)
sordid (19)
Spartan (4)
speculate (5)
spry (16)
stilted (3)
strife (5)
suave (19)
subjugate (3)
subordinate (18)
subsidize (7)
succinct (13)
suffrage (17)
sumptuous (7)
supersede (11)
surmount (18)
sustenance (2)
sylvan (13)
synthetic (9)
tacit (8)
tangible (11)
temporal (4)
tenable (18)
tenuous (16)
tome (20)
torrid (2)
tractable (14)
transmute (9)
trauma (3)
traverse (2)
travesty (19)
treatise (12)
trepidation (13)
trite (10)
truism (16)
ubiquitous (2)
untoward (13)
vagabond (1)
venerate (5)
verve (17)
vindicate (19)
virtuoso (13)
visage (1)
viscera (15)
vitriolic (19)
vociferous (6)
vogue (12)
volition (15)
voluble (7)
voracious (5)
wane (5)
wanton (3)
wheedle (1)
wry (4)
zany (14)
zenith (2)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book 10
Word List
(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.)
aberration (14)
abominate (15)
abridge (15)
accolade (4)
accost (20)
acoustic (18)
acrimony (5)
adamant (4)
adjacent (8)
adjudicate (2)
adjunct (13)
adulate (4)
affinity (5)
aftermath (12)
aggregate (17)
agrarian (11)
allocate (17)
altercation (4)
ambivalent (5)
ameliorate (6)
amenable (19)
animosity (15)
annals (4)
antiquated (14)
aphorism (12)
ascribe (19)
asperity (1)
assemblage (18)
assiduous (4)
attest (10)
augur (17)
august (18)
aura (16)
auspices (18)
auspicious (15)
avarice (20)
axiom (10)
baleful (6)
banal (16)
bane (1)
bastion (17)
beleaguer (15)
belie (13)
bemuse (16)
berate (6)
beset (8)
bilk (20)
buffoon (1)
burgeon (11)
carnage (13)
castigate (7)
cataclysm (11)
catharsis (12)
cautionary (9)
cavil (18)
cede (8)
celestial (14)
centennial (2)
certitude (14)
cessation (5)
charisma (19)
chary (4)
churlish (10)
circuitous (8)
circumvent (6)
clique (4)
cognizant (16)
cohort (12)
colloquial (7)
compunction (6)
concoct (10)
condone (6)
confidant (15)
constituent (15)
constrain (9)
consummate (20)
conundrum (16)
conversant (20)
countenance (2)
credulous (20)
culinary (11)
culpable (12)
curator (18)
curtail (3)
dearth (19)
decorum (17)
decrepit (4)
defunct (17)
demoralize (19)
denigrate (11)
derivative (10)
desultory (8)
diabolical (12)
differentiate (10)
dilemma (13)
diminutive (6)
disarray (17)
disburse (14)
discriminate (3)
disgruntle (2)
disparage (10)
dissipate (10)
diverse (13)
doleful (1)
ebullient (19)
emaciated (5)
enclave (5)
endow (4)
engender (5)
enormity (12)
entrepreneur (19)
ephemeral (4)
epitaph (7)
equilibrium (2)
eradicate (13)
esoteric (10)
espionage (3)
euphemism (6)
euphoria (20)
evanescent (16)
exacerbate (5)
exodus (7)
expedite (2)
expendable (6)
extant (18)
extrovert (1)
factotum (16)
fatuous (19)
flotilla (9)
flout (13)
foment (13)
fortuitous (20)
galaxy (14)
galvanize (8)
gamut (18)
garish (1)
gibe (12)
gird (2)
gossamer (9)
gourmet (11)
grandiloquent (11)
grandiose (16)
gratuitous (2)
halcyon (17)
harbinger (19)
heresy (6)
hierarchy (1)
homily (17)
homogenous (19)
hybrid (11)
hyperbole (17)
hypothetical (20)
ignominious (9)
illicit (5)
illusory (2)
imbue (1)
implacable (2)
implement (8)
importune (17)
inalienable (3)
incarcerate (3)
incoherent (20)
inconsequential (8)
incumbent (19)
incur (9)
indigenous (5)
indignity (3)
indiscriminate (3)
induce (16)
ineffable (18)
inexorable (5)
infamous (3)
infatuated (5)
infirmity (6)
ingratiate (4)
iniquitous (15)
innocuous (12)
insatiable (5)
instigate (1)
insurrection (13)
inter (7)
intercede (3)
intractable (14)
intransigent (16)
inure (15)
inveigh (15)
juncture (14)
jurisdiction (17)
juxtapose (14)
lacerate (7)
largesse (7)
laudatory (16)
liquidate (9)
luminary (2)
maelstrom (14)
magnate (9)
magnitude (8)
malign (3)
mandatory (13)
manifesto (2)
manifold (11)
materialize (8)
matriarchy (19)
mellifluous (18)
mesmerize (2)
mien (18)
miniscule (20)
misnomer (9)
mitigate (13)
muster (8)
necessitate (12)
neophyte (19)
nonpareil (18)
obituary (7)
odyssey (12)
olfactory (10)
omnivorous (7)
onerous (9)
optimum (14)
palatable (11)
panacea (11)
panache (16)
pandemonium (9)
pantheon (4)
partisan (12)
patina (18)
penchant (1)
permeate (7)
perpetrate (3)
perverse (4)
picayune (16)
pillory (14)
pleasantry (20)
plebeian (11)
plethora (10)
poignant (5)
posterity (12)
precedent (2)
predecessor (15)
predilection (16)
premeditated (12)
prerogative (19)
pretext (13)
procrastinate (20)
profane (6)
prohibitive (8)
proliferate (14)
promontory (16)
proselytize (5)
qualm (20)
quixotic (9)
rambunctious (1)
rampant (3)
rancor (3)
rapt (18)
recompense (6)
refurbish (10)
reminisce (8)
remiss (14)
rendition (7)
reparation (3)
repast (6)
repertoire (1)
resurgence (7)
resuscitate (18)
rudiment (1)
ruminate (17)
sabotage (15)
sadistic (15)
scathing (15)
scourge (11)
scurrilous (12)
secrete (10)
servitude (6)
sibling (19)
singular (13)
smattering (3)
somnolent (13 )
spurious (2)
stalemate (11)
stalwart (13)
stereotype (7)
stigma (20)
stipend (7)
subservient (7)
temerity (17)
temperate (11)
tenacious (9)
titanic (14)
transpire (15)
tutelage (4)
undermine (1)
unremitting (1)
vagary (10)
vanguard (8)
vestige (9)
visionary (8)
volatile (10)
winnow (17)
zephyr (9)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book 11
Word List
(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.)
abeyance (14)
abstruse (5)
accoutrement (2)
accrue (5)
acquiesce (5)
advent (9)
aegis (19)
aggrieved (2)
altruism (13)
ambidextrous (20)
amity (12)
amnesia (10)
anathema (6)
animadversion (12)
antipathy (20)
antithetical (12)
apocryphal (1)
appease (10)
arbiter (15)
arcane (1)
archipelago (7)
archives (16)
assuage (6)
atrophy (3)
attenuate (11)
attrition (10)
autocratic (17)
autonomy (4)
avuncular (6)
bauble (19)
behemoth (11)
bellicose (12)
bereft (18)
besmirch (5)
betrothed (8)
blasé (9)
blasphemy (8)
bravado (9)
bucolic (12)
buttress (14)
cadence (8)
canon (8)
careen (7)
caustic (17)
cavalier (7)
chattel (16)
choleric (2)
circumspect (4)
commensurate (14)
commodious (16)
complaisant (19)
comport (2)
composure (4)
conclave (15)
concomitant (15)
concurrent (13)
conflagration (16)
consolidate (19)
context (13)
contiguous (7)
convene (1)
convivial (6)
correlate (7)
coterie (15)
crass (13)
craven (12)
criterion (18)
cuisine (13)
debacle (10)
debase (13)
debilitate (17)
defoliate (10)
deleterious (20)
demur (15)
denouement (8)
depredation (19)
deride (18)
dilatory (14)
disconcert (2)
disinter (11)
disparate (9)
domicile (9)
duplicitous (17)
eclectic (6)
ecumenical (14)
edict (8)
edifice (4)
efficacy (3)
effrontery (18)
emissary (17)
emolument (3)
enamor (8)
enjoin (13)
ensconce (4)
entice (15)
environs (4)
epigram (6)
epiphany (19)
equestrian (10)
espouse (18)
etymology (7)
exalt (12)
excoriate (20)
expedient (1)
explicit (5)
expound (6)
expunge (10)
extrapolate (20)
exude (1)
fabricate (9)
facade (14)
fauna (2)
felicitous (17)
flaunt (15)
forthright (17)
frenetic (7)
gargoyle (14)
genesis (13)
genteel (15)
gesticulate (1)
graphic (15)
grisly (20)
hackneyed (10)
hapless (4)
heinous (4)
histrionic (5)
hypocrisy (18)
icon (3)
idiosyncrasy (20)
impecunious (17)
impending (18)
imperturbable (1)
impinge (11)
impropriety (5)
impugn (12)
impute (20)
incensed (18)
incipient (3)
incognito (4)
increment (1)
inculcate (3)
indoctrinate (4)
inestimable (3)
inimical (15)
inordinate (15)
insensate (8)
interim (4)
interpose (2)
intrinsic (6)
introspective (12)
inveigle (5)
inveterate (6)
itinerant (9)
jaundiced (17)
kinetic (7)
lackluster (3)
levity (1)
libation (13)
lilliputian (9)
limbo (16)
lineage (16)
listless (16)
ludicrous (15)
maladroit (20)
malaise (13)
maraud (2)
martinet (3)
mausoleum (4)
mercenary (17)
metier (12)
metropolis (16)
modicum (2)
mogul (6)
moot (14)
moratorium (19)
mortify (1)
multifarious (11)
munificent (6)
nascent (6)
negate (20)
notorious (17)
oligarchy (15)
opprobrium (10)
opulent (2)
oust (17)
oxymoron (11)
parsimonious (17)
passé (20)
patrician (2)
pedagogue (20)
pejorative (17)
pendulous (19)
penitent (5)
penurious (12)
perfunctory (16)
periphery (1)
perspicacious (6)
pertinent (18)
philistine (6)
phlegmatic (2)
phobia (9)
pillage (4)
pinnacle (14)
platitude (13)
plenitude (11)
portend (19)
postulate (11)
pragmatic (19)
precept (17)
preponderance (20)
presage (7)
prevail (11)
pristine (16)
privation (12)
probity (5)
proclivity (9)
prodigious (3)
projectile (9)
promulgate (18)
propensity (2)
propitious (6)
propound (20)
proscribe (18)
proviso (10)
pulverize (7)
purport (5)
putrefy (11)
queasy (9)
seismic (7)
sensuous (14)
sequester (16)
sobriquet (12)
soliloquy (8)
stance (20)
stellar (3)
stentorian (19)
stoic (3)
strictures (8)
substantiate (18)
subterfuge (1)
subversive (16)
succulent (11)
sully (10)
sunder (13)
surfeit (5)
tactile (10)
tantamount (12)
tenet (14)
tenure (19)
terminus (16)
therapeutic (2)
thrall (4)
throes (12)
transcend (14)
travail (13)
triumvirate (8)
tundra (11)
raconteur (1)
ramshackle (16)
reciprocate (9)
reconcile (13)
recondite (7)
redoubtable (15)
redress (18)
regime (18)
regimen (3)
reiterate (1)
relegate (9)
renegade (8)
repercussion (5)
reprieve (19)
repugnant (15)
repulse (7)
requiem (14)
retribution (18)
revelation (5)
reverie (4)
undulate (7)
unequivocal (11)
unilateral (19)
unsavory (5)
upbraid (10)
upheaval (7)
usurp (8)
utilitarian (2)
sacrosanct (14)
salubrious (11)
zealous (3)
vacillate (1)
venue (14)
verdant (10)
vertex (10)
vestment (8)
vertigo (9)
viable (19)
vibrant (3)
vicissitudes (11)
virulent (16)
votary (8)
2nd Edition • Books K–12 Word Lists
Book 12
Word List
(Numbers in parentheses refer to the lesson in which the word appears.)
abjure (7)
abnegate (17)
absolve (2)
abut (13)
abortive (18)
aborigine (8)
abrogate (8)
acerbic (14)
acolyte (1)
actuate (6)
acumen (10)
adjure (13)
adumbrate (2)
amalgam (3)
amorphous (7)
anachronism (15)
ancillary (17)
animus (7)
antediluvian (3)
apiary (15)
apocalyptic (16)
apothecary (3)
apothegm (2)
apotheosis (10)
appellation (19)
apposite (9)
apprise (12)
approbation (4)
appurtenance (8)
archaic (5)
archetype (15)
arrogate (18)
ascetic (3)
askew (10)
aspersion (2)
badinage (17)
beatific (12)
bedizen (17)
beneficent (3)
benighted (4)
bibulous (1)
bivouac (8)
bourgeois (4)
brackish (6)
cacophony (11)
cadaver (18)
calumny (9)
canard (14)
carcinogen (15)
carouse (5)
celerity (17)
cerebral (18)
cetacean (8)
charlatan (3)
chasten (10)
checkered (15)
chicanery (5)
coadjutor (2)
coalesce (1)
cogent (12)
cognitive (6)
colloquy (12)
coma (18)
concatenation (16)
confrere (11)
congenital (2)
conjugal (19)
consanguinity (18)
contentious (5)
convoke (11)
convulse (16)
cornucopia (15)
covert (1)
credo (4)
cynosure (17)
debonair (14)
declaim (1)
decree (16)
decry (8)
deign (14)
delineate (1)
demagogue (1)
demarcation (10)
denizen (3)
deprave (12)
descry (13)
desecrate (13)
despoil (20)
desuetude (8)
devolve (15)
dichotomy (7)
dictum (10)
didactic (19)
dilettante (13)
discrete (12)
dissemble (5)
dissertation (6)
dolorous (6)
domain (9)
dorsal (9)
dotage (14)
doyen (3)
educe (20)
efface (12)
efflorescence (19)
effulgence (19)
egregious (5)
élan (2)
elucidate (12)
empirical (4)
encomium (1)
endemic (6)
enervate (9)
epicure (9)
equable (20)
equitable (15)
equivocal (13)
erstwhile (10)
eschew (4)
exculpate (9)
execrate (5)
exegesis (19)
exemplar (7)
exhume (13)
exigencies (15)
expatiate (4)
expatriate (16)
extirpate (13)
fatalism (15)
fealty (5)
fecund (6)
fetid (16)
filial (11)
flora (3)
foible (13)
foist (14)
forte (10)
fractious (11)
fulminate (11)
genealogy (6)
genre (19)
germane (2)
ghoul (18)
gustatory (15)
habitué (10)
happenstance (20)
herculean (7)
heterogeneous (9)
hiatus (2)
holocaust (16)
iconoclast (4)
imbibe (3)
immure (2)
inchoate (7)
indigent (4)
inebriated (6)
ineluctable (2)
inferno (12)
infinitesimal (9)
infraction (16)
infringe (18)
insidious (6)
insipid (14)
insolvent (13)
insouciance (16)
insular (20)
interloper (6)
internecine (2)
invidious (7)
invoke (2)
itinerary (17)
jocose (13)
jocular (11)
lachrymose (12)
lassitude (18)
lateral (9)
laudable (4)
leviathan (8)
limn (19)
lissome (17)
mandate (4)
mawkish (8)
mayhem (20)
mélange (7)
microcosm (5)
milieu (17)
minion (16)
minutiae (15)
misapprehend (8)
misconstrue (14)
miscreant (19)
morbid (12)
mordant (19)
mores (19)
motley (15)
nadir (18)
narcissism (14)
nefarious (7)
nemesis (19)
nihilism (7)
nonplus (10)
nostrum (3)
nugatory (11)
nuptials (18)
obdurate (1)
obloquy (11)
obstreperous (17)
obviate (3)
omniscient (12)
onus (18)
ostensible (4)
overweening (14)
paean (14)
palliative (12)
palpable (11)
paragon (17)
parity (11)
parlous (20)
parochial (8)
paroxysm (5)
peccadillo (19)
pecuniary (5)
pellucid (20)
perennial (3)
peripatetic (10)
perquisite (17)
peruse (11)
polemic (11)
portal (13)
preclude (20)
precursor (6)
prescience (1)
presentiment (6)
preternatural (12)
primeval (9)
prodigal (10)
progenitor (13)
prolix (19)
propinquity (20)
propitiate (13)
prospectus (15)
protagonist (1)
protocol (18)
prototype (2)
purvey (8)
putative (3)
quadrennial (2)
quintessence (9)
ramification (6)
rapacious (20)
ratify (7)
recalcitrant (4)
recourse (8)
rectitude (5)
refractory (18)
regurgitate (4)
repartee (14)
repine (14)
replete (8)
restitution (13)
risible (4)
salutary (12)
sanguinary (16)
sanguine (18)
sartorial (14)
savant (3)
schism (20)
sedulous (1)
serrated (9)
staccato (16)
staid (17)
stratagem (5)
stultify (5)
sublimate (20)
subsume (7)
supplicate (11)
svelte (14)
sybaritic (16)
sycophant (10)
symbiotic (17)
taciturn (19)
talisman (20)
temporize (11)
terrestrial (20)
thespian (16)
torpor (6)
trenchant (1)
tyro (17)
utopian (1)
vacuous (10)
valedictory (1)
variegated (7)
vendetta (5)
verisimilitude (16)
veritable (9)
vernal (15)
viviparous (9)
vitiate (7)
waive (8)
wraith (10)