Heroes and Villains Research Project Assignment

My topic is:________________________
Heroes and Villains:
The Research Project
English Language Arts
Social Studies
History is full of stories of heroes who worked for the greater good
of society and had a profound, positive impact on the time period in
which they lived. However, history is also the story of despicable
villains whose acts of greed and corruption left scars in time that may
still be healing today. Sometimes, the distinction between heroes and
villains is clear. Martin Luther King Jr, for example, is universally
accepted as a force for good because of his brave work to bring
equality to a society plagued by the disease of racism and bigotry.
Adolf Hitler, on the other hand, is readily recognized as the very
embodiment of hatred and evil in its most extreme form. Still other
times, the line between good and evil can be blurry.
This research project asks you to consider the historical figure you
are assigned and develop your own opinion of this person based on
carefully guided research. With history as your guide, you will judge
some of the most famous and infamous figures of the 20th century
and come to the determination: Is this person a hero or a villain?
Your Task:
You will develop a 2-3 page research paper that answers the question:
Should ____(historical figure)___ be considered a hero or villain?
This paper is not meant to be a biography of your assigned historical
figure or a simple list of life accomplishments for this person. This
paper is meant to be a carefully constructed argument that aims to
convince the reader that the figure you explored is a hero or villain
based on a careful examination of actions and events associated with
this figure and the larger impact that these considerations had on the
time period during which this person is commonly associated.
At its core, this research paper is a persuasive essay that must adhere
to all MLA documentation and format requirements. These
requirements will be explored in detail in English class.
The Path to Success:
Our aim is to guide you through this research process as you come to
determinations about your assigned figure. With that goal in mind, you
will be expected to complete your research project in the following
1. Research Topics Assigned
Assigned Due Date
2. Submission of General
(Must include)
-thesis statement
-one source (brought to
-one supporting detail
3.Submission of research notes
4. First draft of works cited page
5. Evaluation of outline
6. First draft of essay
7.First revision of essay
8.Second revision of essay
9. Edited final draft with all
***Each of these important steps will be discussed in English and
Social Studies classes as the due dates approach***
Required Sources:
• ONE encyclopedia entry only
• At least one article from a newspaper or magazine
• Two websites- (Not wikipedia or encyclopedia based sites)
Guiding Questions
Consider these questions below your research road map as you work
to explore your assigned historical figure. Remember your goal is to
find specific supporting evidence for your thesis stating whether you
believe this person is a hero or villain. These guiding questions will
help you maintain that focus.
1. How did this person impact your assigned decade? Provide
specific examples.
2. Explore 3-5 major events, trends or social/political/ economic
movements associated with this decade.
3. Are there any people who count this historical figure as an
4. What has this person accomplished that is clearly "good"?
5. What has this person accomplished that is clearly "evil"? Explain
6. Has this person done anything that people view as wrong or
7. Given your research, what is your personal opinion of this
8. Who does this person consider an influence on their thoughts or
world views?
9. How was this person popularly viewed by people during this time
How has history commonly judged this person?