cables and arches


Basis of Structural Design

Course 2

Structural action: cables and arches

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Structural action

Structural action: the way in which a structure of a given type and configuration resists the loads acting on it

Types of structures:

– Cables

– Arches

– Trusses

– Beams

– Plates and shells

– Frames


Cable / chain structures

Cable and chains:

– excellent tensile strength

– no strength/stiffness in compression

– no strength/stiffness in bending

Cable and chain structures exploit the benefits of high tensile strength of natural fibres and steel

Especially useful in large-span structures

Cable / chain structures

The form of a chain under its own weight?

The form of a chain under equal loads applied in the pins?


A chain subjected to a single force

The simplest chain structure:

– links connected by pins

– load W acts on the central pin

Solution (equilibrium of node C):

– the pin C is acted by three forces: load W, and two tensile internal forces T

– the vectors representing the three forces can be represented as a a triangle of forces 012 (W=12, T=20, T=01)

– length of lines 20 and 01 gives the tensions in the chain

A chain carrying two vertical forces

Weights W

1 and W

2 attached to pins D and E

Tensions T


, T

2 chain and T

3 will be set up in three parts of the

Problem: determine magnitudes of T

1 deformed shape is known

, T

2 and T

3 if

Solution (equilibrium of nodes D and E)

Node D

– node D is acted by three forces: load W


, and to tensile internal forces T

1 and T


– the vectors representing the three forces can be represented as a a triangle of forces 012



=12, T


=20, T



– length of lines 20 and 01 gives the tensions in the chain


A chain carrying two vertical forces

Node E

– node E is acted by three forces: load W


, and to tensile internal forces T

2 and T


– the vectors representing the three forces can be represented as a a triangle of forces 023



=23, T


=02, T



– length of lines 02 and 30 gives the tensions in the chain

The two triangles can be combined to get a force diagram

A chain carrying four vertical forces


A chain carrying equal weight at each pin

The chain hangs symmetrically about point C

Each inclined line in the force diagram gives the magnitude and inclination of the force in the corresponding link

Starting from the midspan, the slope of the links increases in proportion to the horizontal distance from the midspan

⇒ parabola

A chain carrying equal weight at each pin

The slope at the sides: twice the average slope ⇒ tangents at the ends A and B will intersect at point F


Considering the equilibrium of the chain as a whole, the chain is acted by the tensions T



, T

16 and the total weight

Provided the chain sag is known (GC), end tensions can be determined from triangle of forces 120


Deformed shape of a cable / chain

Actual deformed shape of a cable or chain hanging under its own weight: catenary (slightly

≠ from parabola)

Parabola: the shape of a chain carrying uniform loads for each horizontal span


– the shape of a chain hanging under its own weight

– weight of the chain per unit horizontal span increases toward the sides due to increasing slope of the chain


– easier to calculate

– differences between parabola and catenary negligible for small spans


The simplest chain structure

(material working in tension):

If the load direction is reversed

(material working in compression)

⇒ an arch is obtained

Internal forces are the same in the two structures, but are compressive in the arch


Three-bar linear arch

Three-bar chain Three-bar arch

Internal forces are the same in the two structures, but are compressive in the arch

Linear arch (funicular shape) - the shape for which under loads acting on it (including its own weight), the thrust in the arch acts along the axis of members at all points

Three-bar linear arch

The forces in an arch can be deduced from those in a chain of the same shape (first to be realised by Robert


An essential difference between a chain and an arch:

– a change in the relative values of loads W

1 to a new position of equilibrium and W

2 in a chain leads

– a change in the relative values of loads W

1 arch leads to collapse of the structure and W

2 in a hinged

Collapse of the arch due to small changes of loading can be avoided by connecting the bars rigidly together


Arches: line of thrust

Linear arch gives the smallest stresses

Shape of the arch is not important for small arches: own weight has a small contribution to stresses in comparison with imposed (traffic) loads

Shape of the arch is very important for large arches: own weight has a major contribution to stresses

Arches: forms

Perfect arch: shape of catenary (example: Taq-e Kisra

Palace, Ctesiphon, Iraq - built 220 B.C.)


Arches: forms

The first civilisation to make extensive use of arches: Romans

Shape of Roman arches: semicircular why?

Circle - the easiest way to set out

A cable takes a circular form when subjected to a uniform radial load

A linear semicircular arch: loaded by uniform radial pressure

Loading in bridges and buildings quite different from the condition above

Semicircular arch


Romanesque semi-circular arches and vaults

Semi-circular arch used extensively in the

Romanesque period

Severe architectural restrictions:

– Romanesque barrel vault requires continuous support and makes the interior dark when used for roofs

– groined arch: enables light to enter from all sides but allows only square bays to be covered

Gothic arches

Gothic period - pointed arches

Rectangular spans can be covered by varying the ratio of rise to span


Gothic arches

A kink in an weightless cable implies a concentrated force at the kink, as well as a distributed load along the two sides ⇒ corresponding shape of linear Gothic arch

This condition is not present in almost all Gothic arches, which requires support from the adjoining masonry

Gothic arches

Correct use of pointed arch: Font Pedrouse viaduct in



A stone arch

(no strength in tension) will fail when the thrust line reaches the extrados and intrados in four points, becoming a mechanism

Arches: design

Arches: design

19th century approach - avoid cracking (tensile stresses) under service loads - keep the thrust line within the middle third of the arch cross-section


Arches: design

Thrusts at springings

(reactions at supports) are inclined:

– vertical component

– horizontal component

Horizontal reactions tend to spread the supports apart

⇒ buttresses can be used, especially for arches/vaults on high walls

Arches: buttresses

