SCRS/2009/070 Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 65(4): 1268-1281 (2010) THE AGE AND GROWTH OF ALBACORE TUNA (THUNNUS ALALUNGA) OF THE NORTH EAST ATLANTIC OCEAN AS INFERRED FROM THE IRISH PELAGIC TRAWL FISHERY OF 2002 John Boyd SUMMARY The age and growth of pelagic trawl caught albacore tuna, Thunnus alalunga was studied by examining growth rings on cross sections of the first dorsal fin spines. A total of 276 spines from albacore of between 47cm and 120cm were used from mid water pair trawlers between July and November of 2002 from the edge of the continental shelf between the Bay of Biscay and the West Coast of Ireland. A significant linear relationship was found between spine radius and albacore fork length (r2=0.935). Spine sections were characterised by alternating opaque and translucent bands and it is proposed that a pair of such bands corresponds to a year’s growth. An age length key was constructed and three different methods were used to establish von Bertalannfy growth parameters. These were: excel solver, Ford Walford and bootstrapping using code written in the R environment. Results from each were similar with a value of around 127cm for L. Values for K and T0 were around 0.18 and -1.75 years respectively. The average length at age 1 was estimated to be 50cm. The range of ages estimated was 10 years. RÉSUMÉ L’âge et la croissance du germon, Thunnus alalunga, capturé par des chalutiers pélagiques, ont été étudiés en examinant les anneaux de croissance des sections transversales des épines de la première nageoire dorsale. Un total de 276 épines de germons, mesurant entre 47 cm et 120 cm, a été utilisé provenant de chalutiers-bœuf pélagiques entre juillet et novembre 2002 du bord du plateau continental entre le Golfe de Gascogne et la côte occidentale de l’Irlande. Une relation linéaire significative a été établie entre le rayon de l’épine et la longueur à la fourche du germon (r2=0,935). Les sections de l’épine se caractérisaient par des bandes alternativement opaques et translucides et il a été proposé qu'une paire de ces bandes corresponde à une année de croissance. Une clé d'identification âge-longueur a été déterminée et trois méthodes différentes ont été utilisées afin d'établir des paramètres de croissance de von Bertalanfy. Ces paramètres étaient les suivants : solveur d’Excel, Ford Walford et bootstrap utilisant un code écrit dans l’environnement de R. Les résultats de chacun d’entre eux étaient semblables à une valeur d’environ 127 cm pour les valeurs L. pour K et pour T0 étaient d’environ 0,18 et -1,75 ans, respectivement. La taille moyenne de l’âge 1 estimée était de 50 cm. La fourchette d’âges estimée était de 10 ans. RESUMEN Se estudiaron la edad y el crecimiento del atún blanco, Thunnus alalunga, capturado por el arrastre pelágico examinando los anillos de crecimiento en secciones transversales de las espinas de la primera aleta dorsal. Se utilizó un total de 276 espinas de atunes blancos de entre 47 cm y 120 cm de arrastreros semipelágicos por parejas, entre julio y noviembre de 2002, del borde de la plataforma continental entre el Golfo de Vizcaya y la costa occidental de Irlanda. Se descubrió una relación lineal significativa entre el radio de la espina y la longitud a la horquilla del atún blanco (r2=0,935). Las secciones de la espina se caracterizaban por bandas opacas y traslúcidas alternas y se propone que un par de dichas bandas corresponde a un año de crecimiento. Se construyó una clave de edad talla y se utilizaron tres métodos diferentes para establecer parámetros de crecimiento de von Bertalanfy. Eran: solucionador de Excel, Ford Walford y bootstrap utilizando un código escrito en el entorno de R. Los resultados de cada uno de ellos eran similares con un valor de aproximadamente 127 cm para los valores de L. para K y para T0 eran de aproximadamente 0,18 y -1,75 años, respectivamente. La talla media en la edad 1 se estimó en 50 cm. El rango de edades estimadas era de 10 años. KEYWORDS Pelagic trawl, Thunnus alalunga, albacore, first dorsal spiny ray, age estimation, bootstrapping, growth marks, North Atlantic, Bay of Biscay 1268 1. Introduction Albacore tuna are widely distributed in temperate and sub-tropical waters around the globe (Fishbase 2006). In the Atlantic Ocean three stocks are recognized for the purposes of stock assessment (Anon. 2003). The albacore studied in this document are a component of the North Atlantic stock, the other two stocks being South Atlantic and Mediterranean. Albacore fisheries have been prosecuted from Irish fishing ports since the late 1980s using a variety of gears but chiefly gill nets and paired mid water trawls. Since 2001 effort has mainly been by paired mid water trawls with some trolling also taking place. Catch data shows that in 2002 Irish fisheries were supported by a wider range of stock components than the troll and bait boat fisheries that took most of the North East Atlantic albacore catch in that year (Ortiz de Zárate et al. 2004). The samples on which the study is based were collected onboard trawlers by observers primarily in 2002 but with supplementary samples taken in 2003 for ageing purposes. Sample collection closely followed the development of the fishery in 2002 in the southwest corner of the Bay of Biscay in July to its conclusion in November off the south west of Ireland. Fin ray analysis is a well-established age estimation method for marine fish and has been used for a range of species for at least 80 years (Cass and Beamish 1983). Scales, vertebrae and otoliths have also been used to determine age of albacore but comparative analysis indicates that spines are the most amenable and reliable ageing tissue (Fernandez 1992). Ages assigned from annuli counts have yet to be validated (Ortiz de Zárate et al. 2005). Mark and recapture experiments using oxytetracycline (OTC) have relied on small numbers of recaptures which to date have shown a high degree of variability in patterns of annuli formulation (Ortiz de Zárate et al. 1996). 2. Materials and Methods 2.1 Sampling Albacore were measured to fork length and dorsal fin spines extracted by the method described by CompeánJiménez and Bard (1983). This took place directly after fish were brought aboard with the date and location of capture also being recorded. A total of 2150 fork lengths and 300 spines were taken. Sampling took place between July and November of 2002 and followed the development of the fishery onboard a single pair of pelagic trawlers. The area covered by the samples extended from the Bay of Biscay to the South West coast of Ireland. 2.2 Spine sectioning and reading Following the method described by Lee and Yeh (1998) spines were boiled in water for two minutes to remove connective tissue and skin and then immersed for up to two hours in 3% KOH. The spines were then cut transversely with a low speed isomet saw into 120mm sections at a point just above the articulating base (condyle). 2.3 Relationship of spine diameter to fork length Regression analysis was used to establish the strength of correlation between increasing fork lengths and spine diameters using the equation: FL = a + b(R) Where FL = fork length a = intercept of the fitted line b = slope of fitted line r = radius of the spine section For the purposes of this analysis spine radius section was defined as the distance between the estimated centre of the spine and the edge (Compeán Jiménez and Bard 1983). 1269 2.4 Reading sections Sections were examined under a microscope connected to a flat screen display monitor using transmitted light. The banding patterns observed consisted of alternating opaque and translucent bands. The pattern most often observed (in the smaller fish) was a narrow single opaque band followed by a wider translucent band. Taken together these were interpreted as representing an annual growth cycle consisting of a period of slow growth in autumn and winter and a faster spring summer growth period. However with increasing size, more complex patterns were observed: most commonly, two or three clustered narrow opaque bands isolated in wider bands of translucent material. Following Compeán-Jiminez and Bard (1983) these patterns were identified as alternative indicators of the annual autumn winter growth phase and therefore as single annuli. Age was estimated by counting the number of such annuli on each section. 2.5 Vascularisation Vascularisation of the core was present in all sections though only in larger fish did it become sufficiently extensive to infer that annuli had been obscured. In such instances bands were inferred by consulting the median radian value for annuli clearly visible and attributable as products of the first years of life to the age of three. Similar methods have been used in the past to account for occluded annuli, Cayre and Dioufe (1983), Compeán Jiminez and Bard (1983), and more recently, Ortiz de Zárate et al. (2005). The number of sections where such substitutions were made was 20. With increasing size the progression of opaque and translucent bands became crowded and this increased the difficulty of distinguishing between opaque and translucent zones and therefore between annuli. This difficulty was addressed by recounting until an agreed value was agreed. 2.6 Von Bertalannfy parameters The Von Bertalannfy equation describing the growth of fish is stated as: Lt=Linf(1-exp[-K(t-t0)]) where Lt= length at age t Linf = asymptotic or theoretical maximum length attainable K = growth rate at which the theoretical maximum siz e is attained A number of methods were used to establish the parameters of the equation and produce growth curves: – From King 1995, a Ford Wolford plot from which the parameters are obtained from the linear equation: (Lt)=m (LT+1) + c where m= slope of the straight line c= intercept on the y axis Growth rate was estimated as: K= –ln(m) Asymptotic length was estimated as Linf =c/(1-m) – Solver optimization function in Microsoft excels which identifies Von Bertalannfy parameters for a minimum sum of squares value. – Bootstrapping using code written in the R environment (R-Development-Core-Team 2005). Individual age-length observations were re-sampled 1000 times and a growth curve was fitted for each bootstrap sample. The 95% confidence limits were obtained from the 2.5% and 97.5% quantiles of the bootstrapped growth curves. 3. Results The age length key obtained from reading 276 dorsal fine spines is shown in Table 1. The bootstrapped ages at length estimated by three methods are shown in Table 2 with comparative estimates in Table 3. Von Bertalanffy parameters for the three methods used are shown in Table 4 while Table 5 shows comparative estimates. 1270 The length frequency distributions for the sampled catch are show in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the spine radius and fork length relationship. Growth curves for the three methods are shown in Figure 3. Figures 4 to 8 show plates of fin spine sections with comments on the banding seen. Figure 9 shows the areas where catches and samples were taken in 2002. 4. Discussion 4.1 Ageing This study proposes that a year of life results in the formation of a narrow band of opaque appearance. When two or three opaque bands were observed in a cluster it was most often the case that one of these bands was dominant with the others appearing less strongly and fading out before becoming fully concentric. These single or double bands were separated from each other by wider opaque zones. This is in approximate agreement with what has been described by other workers: González-Garcéz and Fariňa-Perez (1983); Bard and Compeán-Jiminez (1980); Lee and Yeh (1998); Fernandez (1992); Zarate et al. (2005), and Santiago and Arrizabalaga (2005). Previous studies suggest that the narrow opaque bands are formed after migration from summer feeding grounds in the Bay of Biscay and adjacent waters to wintering areas in the wider Atlantic: González-Garcéz and Fariňa-Perez (1983); Bard and Compeán-Jiminez (1980) and Santiago and Arrizabalaga (2005). Following from these, incomplete or faint bands were interpreted as checks and evidence of discontinuous transition between slow and fast growth phases in the annual cycle. On the smallest fish it was seen that bands could be indistinct or absent, an observation previously made by González-Garcéz and Fariňa-Perez (1983). In such instances the distance between the edge of the section and the vascularised core was interpreted as a single translucent band and the product of one year of life. This implies that the first opaque band is incorporated into the edge of the spine and indicates a need for elucidation of the physiology and function of fin spines to ensure the correct use and interpretation of this tissue as ageing material. As observed by Beamish (1981), the clustered annuli seen in older fish infer that growth in length slows down with age, an understanding complimented by von Bertalannfy growth curves. There are two distinct understandings of north Atlantic albacore age and growth produced by fin spine ageing studies. In this study it is proposed that the youngest albacore in the sample were 1 year old and between 47cm and 58cm in length. The values for length at age 1 estimated in this study are supported by a group of other studies: Compeán-Jiminez and Bard (1983), Ortiz de Zárate et al. (2005), and Santiago and Arrizabalaga (2005). An alternative fin spine age estimate is age 2 at around 52cm, González-Garcéz and Fariňa-Perez (1983) and Fernandez (1992). Both of these studies had access to smaller fish than were available to this study. The use of mackerel braillers in the trawls from which the samples were taken suggests that there were no smaller fish available from which an alternative understanding might have been synthesized. For assessment purposes age at length is estimated statistically and these corroborate the higher length at age 1 fin spine age estimate, Ortiz de Zárate and Restrepo (2001). 4.2 Von Bertalannfy Growth Parameters The current study utilizes a greater range of sizes than previous studies of north Atlantic albacore though the larger fish were thinly spread over a wide range of lengths (n= 21, <120>90). Three methods were used to plot growth curves and obtain von Bertalannfy parameters chiefly because of uncertainty around the relatively small numbers of large individuals in the sample. The range of L∞ values for all methods is around 6cm with the highest value obtained by the Ford Walford method. Solver and bootstrap analysis produce statistically robust interpretations of the same data with little to choose between the values produced. As growth parameters are established for a whole population and not just the individuals sampled, the bootstrap was thought to be the most amenable and exhaustive method available to estimate the influence of a relatively small number of large individuals on the trajectory of the growth curve and the resultant parameters. The bootstrap estimate of L∞ in the present study is slightly higher than those reported by the 1980 and 1992 studies of North Atlantic albacore though around 13cm lower than the 1983 study, a difference which is reflected in the length at age matrix from that study also. The present study estimates are close to recent spine age estimation results by Santiago and Arrizabalaga (2005) which have sought to corroborate fin spine ageing with length frequency analysis and tagging results. 1271 5. Conclusion The ageing method described here has only been partially validated and to date there have been insufficient returns of OTC tagged fish to account for all variation described as annuli formation in spine sections. OTC tagging to date at least supports the annual formation of single, double and triple opaque bands, described in this and other studies, Ortiz de Zárate et al. (1996). Nonetheless fin spine age estimation would seem to be more amenable to corroboration than conclusive validation. Even with large-scale tag and recapture programs this is likely to remain the case because of the low incidence of adult fish in major commercial fisheries, Ortiz de Zárate et al. (2004). Crowding and obscuring of bands through vascularisation sets a limit on the certainty with which annuli can be inferred in the very largest fish, making absolute age estimation highly uncertain. The use of fin spines is based on the ease with which they can be obtained comparative to other tissues such as otoliths or vertebrae. The results obtained are in close agreement with recent studies and the ICCAT accepted growth parameters. They arise from spatially and biologically distinct catches which reflected the seasonal development of the fishery in 2002: juveniles in the Bay of Biscay in July and August and spent adults on the shelf edge west of Brittany and Ireland in September and October. This probably simplified the age estimation as it gave rise to two distinct data sets without the added subtleties of inter-seasonal effects. Acknowledgements I would like to thank Maurice Clarke and Paul Connolly and Hans Gerritsen of the Marine Institute for facilitating me in this work. Free R software was used for this work and I thank the R Development Core Team and all contributors to the R project ( I am especially grateful to the owners and crews of the pelagic trawlers that gave me berths in the 2002 tuna season. References Anon. 1996, Report of the Final Meeting of the ICCAT Albacore Research Program (Sukarrieta, Vizcaya, Spain, June 1 to 8, 1994). Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 43: 1-140. Anon. 2003, ICCAT Albacore Stock Assessment Session (Madrid, Spain, 15-20 September 2003). Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 56(4): 1223-1311. Beamish, R.J., 1981, Use of fin-ray sections to age walleye pollock, Pacific cod, and albacore, and the importance of this method. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 110:287-299. Cass, Alan J. and Beamish, Richard J. 1983, The first evidence of validity of the fin ray method of age determination for marine fishes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 3: 182-188. Bard ,F.X. and Compeán-Jiminez, G. 1980, Consequences pour l’évaluation du taux d’exploitation du germon (Thunnus alalunga) Nord Atlantique d’une courbe de croissance déduite de la lecture des sections de rayons épinaux. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 9: 365-375. Cayre, P.M. and Diouf, T., 1983, Estimating age and growth of little tunny, Euthynnus alleratus, off the coast of Senegal using dorsal fin spine sections. US Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Report, NMFS 8, 105-110. Compeán-Jiminez, G and Bard, F.X. 1983, Growth increments on the the dorsal spines of eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna and their possible relation to migration patterns. U.S. Dep. Commwe., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 8:77-86. 1272 Fernandez, M. 1992, Revision des methodés d’âgeage du germon (Thunnus alalunga, Bonn. 1788) nord-est Atlantique par l’étude des piecés anatomiqués calcifieés. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 39: 225-240. FISHBASE: me=alalunga Gonzalez-Garcez, A. and Farina-Perez, A.C. 1983, Determining the age of young albacore, Thunnus alalunga, using the dorsal spines. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 8:117-122. King, M., 1995.,Fisheries Biology, Assessment and Management. Fishing News Books, Oxford. 121-124. Lee, L.K. and Yeh, S.Y. 1998, Studies on the age growth of south Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga) specimens collected from Taiwanese longliners. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap., ICCAT, 40(2): 354-360. Ortiz de Zarate, V., Landa, J., Ruiz, M. and Rodriguez-Cabello, C. 2005, Ageing based on spine sections reading of North Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga): Precision, accuracy and agreement. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 58(4):1235-1248. Ortiz de Zarate, V., Megalofonou, P., De Metrio, G. and Rodriguez-Cabello, C. 1996, Preliminary age validation results from tagged-recaptured fluorochrome label albacore in the north east Atlantic. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 43: 331-338. Ortiz de Zarate, V., Parrack, P. and N.C., 1996. Note on updated tag-recapture growth analyses for north Atlantic albacore tuna. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 43: 247-253. Ortiz de Zárate, V., and Restrepo, V. 2001, Analysis of tagging data from North Atlantic albacore: von Bertalanffy growth estimates and catch-at-age. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 52,(4): 1435-1446. Ortiz de Zárate, V., Rodríguez-Cabello, C., and Arrizabalaga, H. 2004, Statistics of the Spanish albacore (Thunnus alalunga) surface fisheries in the north eastern Atlantic in 2002. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 56(4): 1442-1449. Santiago, J. and Arrizabalaga, H. 2001, North Atlantic albacore catch-at-age estimates for the period 1975-1999 (updated). Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 52(4): 1475-1480. Santiago, J. and Arrizabalaga, H. 2005, An integrated growth study for North Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga Bonn. 1788). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 62:740-749(2005). 1273 Table 1. Age length key for trawled albacore 2002. A birthday of the June 1st is assumed (Zaráte et al. 2005). Age FL cm 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 total 1 1 2 14 12 10 11 7 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 5 1 4 3 7 4 6 7 5 4 7 1 9 13 1 2 6 2 2 1 3 4 5 Nos. at Length 6 7 8 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 2 2 3 4 3 5 8 2 5 1 4 3 4 5 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 41 23 16 17 1274 1 1 4 4 6 4 5 3 3 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 92 10 2 15 13 15 12 11 6 8 6 7 7 5 4 7 1 11 14 1 4 8 2 4 1 4 3 1 1 3 4 7 2 3 64 9 1 1 9 9 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 276 1 Table 2. Bootstrapped age at length estimates for trawled albacore. Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lower 95% 49 63 74 83 90 97 102 105 108 111 Mean 50 64 75 84 91 98 103 107 111 114 upper 95% 51 64 76 85 92 99 104 109 113 116 Table 3. Age at length estimates from different studies. GonzálezCompeánGarcéz and Santiago and Jiminez Fernandez( Zárate et al FariňaArrizabalaga and Bard 1992) (2005) Perez. (2005) (1980) (1983) Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 length length 50 39 63 74 84 94 52 62 72 81 89 94 length length 52 64 73 82 90 96 101 104 108 length 49 48 50 63 76 85 98 102 105 111 111 61 72 82 89 95 101 105 109 112 64 75 84 91 98 103 107 111 114 Table 4. Von Bertalanffy estimates from three methods for trawled albacore. Growth Parameters Linf K T0 Present study bootstrap BootstrapMean Estimate Bootstrap lower 95% Bootstrap upper 95% EXCEL solver estimate Ford Walford Estimate 127.42 0.190083 -1.6352422 121.17 0.16 -1.86 135.52 0.22 -1.41 127.81 0.19 -1.67 129.07 0.18 -1.86 1275 Table 5. Von Bertalanffy growth estimates and parameters from different studies. Growth Parameters Author Bard (1981) González-Garcéz and Fariňa-Perez (1983) Santiago and Arrizabalage (2005) Present study Fernandez (1992) Linf 124.74 140.08 127.07 127.42 128.53 Ortiz de Zarate and Parrack (1996) 108.21 K 0.23 0.13 0.18 0.19 0.17 T0 -0.98 -1.57 -1.62 -1.64 -1.12 Method Spines Spines Spines Spines Vertebrae 0.265 1.25 Tagging 200 180 160 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 101 105 109 113 117 cm July to August n=1566 September to November n=584 spines n=276 Figure 1. Frequency distributions of length and spine sampled albacore. Fork length cm number 140 140 y = 2.8444x + 19.575 120 R = 0.935 2 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 Spine radius mm 10^-1 Figure 2. Relationship of fin spine radius to fork length. 1276 Van Bertalanffy Bootstrapped Growth Curves 140 120 100 cm 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Years lower 95% mean upper 95% Log. (mean) cm Von Bertalanffy Solver Plot 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Years cm Ford Wolford von Bertalanffy plot 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Years Figure 3. Von Bertalanffy growth curves with three methods for trawled albacore. 1277 10 11 Figure 4. Section from a 49 cm albacore caught on the 17/8/2002 with very faint banding estimated at 1 year; section from a 50 cm albacore caught on the same date with distinct double opaque banding also estimated at year 1. Figure 5. Two cross sections: the left is from a 65cm from the 14/8/2002 with two opaque autumn winter bands and corresponding spring summer translucent bands, estimated at 2 years. The right comes from an 81cm albacore caught on the 20/8/02 estimated to be 3 years with three zones of banding. 1278 Figure 6. The left section is from an 88cm albacore caught on 19/9/02 showing four distinct opaque autumnwinter bands estimated to be four years old. Year 1 is partially vascularised and appears as a single opaque band. Year 2 has checks on either side and has the appearance of a triple band; year 3 appears as a double band while year 4 appears as a single band at the edge of the section. The right section is from a 90cm albacore caught on the 12/9/02 and shows 5 single opaque bands. Figure 7. On the left a 100 cm albacore caught on the 23/9/2002 and estimated at 6 years old. The right section is estimated at 7 years from a 97cm albacore caught on the 16/9/02. In both cases the first and second annuli are partially obscured by vascularisation. 1279 Figure 8. The left section is estimated at 8 years from a 104cm albacore caught on the 12/9/02. The right section is from a 119cm albacore caught on the 20/9/2002 estimated at 10 years and showing single double and triple opaque bands. 1280 -10° -5° 0° 54° Albacore catch and sample locations 2002 54° Albacore numbers 1 - 100 101 - 500 52° 52° 501 - 1500 1501 - 3000 200m_1000m_contours Depth 50° 50° -1000 - -900 -899 - -700 -699 - -600 -599 - -400 -399 - -200 48° 48° 46° 46° 44° 44° 42° 42° -10° -5° Figure 9. Sampling and catch locations for albacore in 2002 for pair trawlers. 1281