Education Plan for Accounting Degree (AAS) (001) 2010-2011 Course ENG ENG ENG RDG RDG MAT MAT MAT Code Course Title 80 81 82 80 81 80 81 82 Developmental Courses Intensive Program, Writing Composition Skills I Composition Skills II Intensive Program, Reading Reading Skills I Arithmetic Elementary Algebra Intermediate Algebra Credits Total Prerequisites Semester 4 hrs 4 hrs 4 hrs 4 hrs 4 hrs 3 hrs 5 hrs 4 hrs 0 - 32 Placement test Placement test or ENG 80 Placement test or ENG 81 Placement test Placement test or RDG 80 Placement test Placement test or MAT 80 Placement test or MAT 81 1st Semester PRE ACCT BUAD ENG HLF MAT 100 201 100 101 Elective 125 SBS Elective Preparation for Academic Achievement Accounting Principles I Introduction to Business English Writing Health and Life Fitness Finite Mathematics General Education Requirement: Social & Behavorial Science Total 1 4 3 3 1 3 None MAT 81 ENG 82 ENG 82, Depends on course chosen MAT 82, ENG 82 3-4 18-19 Depends on course chosen Accounting Principles ii Computers for Business Management Health and Life Fitness Personal Financial Management Modern Elementary Statistics Fundamentals of Speech Communication Total 4 3 1 3 3 3 17 ACCT 201 ENG 82 None MAT 82 MAT 82, ENG 82 ENG 82, RDG 81 Intermediate Accounting I Cost Accounting The American Economy I: Macroeconomic Theory General Education Reauirement: Arts and Humanities 3 3 3 ACCT 202 ACCT 202 ENG 82 3 Depends on course chosen Depends on course chosen 2nd Semester ACCT BUAD HLF MGMT MAT SP 202 112 Elective 180 107 101 3rd Semester ACCT 230 ACCT 235 ECO 201 AH *BPS Elective Elective* General Education Requirement: Biological & Physical Science Course Total 4th Semester ACCT 231 261* 265 Intermediate Accounting II Accounting Applications on the Microcomputer II Income Tax Accounting ACCT COP 241 OR 200 Auditing Concepts OR Cooperative Education BUAD 207 ECO 202 Business Law I The American Economy II: Micro Theory *ACCT ACCT 3-4 15-16 3 ACCT 230 3 3 ACCT 202 ACCT 201 ACCT 230 OR COP requirements: : 2.0 GPA; completion of 15 credits; completion of specific courses in the student’s program; permission of the student’s program head and the Co-Op Coordinator ENG 101 and Sophomore standing (30 credits or more) 3 Total Program Total 3 3 18 68-70 ENG 82 O:\Public\Counseling Center\Educational Plan Templates\2010-2011\Accounting Degree (001) 2010-11.doc W.Hug Nov2006 Grade Education Plan for Accounting Degree (AAS) (001) 2010-2011 *TRANSFER ADAPTATIONS: MAT 126 for ACCT 261 Recommended Elective: Biological or Physical Sciences with a lab Revised by (Printed Name) Initials Date Advisor Signature Date Student Signature Date Please refer to the BCCC Catalog 2010-2011, pp. 23-32, for other important Academic Information, including graduation requirements such as the Computer Literacy requirement. O:\Public\Counseling Center\Educational Plan Templates\2010-2011\Accounting Degree (001) 2010-11.doc W.Hug Nov2006