Academic Planning Worksheet Civil Engineering 2013/2014 NAME:_________________________________________________ Sample Four Year Schedule Fall Quarter MAT 021A ECI 003 UWP 001 (GE Winter Quarter 4 4 4 4) MAT 021B CHE 002A GE or BIO/PHY Elec GE Spring Quarter 4 5 4 4 MAT 021C PHY 009A CHE 002B 4 5 5 Total units MAT 022A PHY 009C ENG 035 GE 17 3 5 4 4 Total units MAT 022B ENG 045 ECI 016 GE Total units Total units ENG 104 Group Option ECI 114 17 4 4 4 4 ENG 104L ENG 106 Math Elec. GE 16 4 1 3 4 4 Total units 16 ENG 105 4 ECI 190 2 Group Option 4 Group Option 4 UD Comp 0-4 Total units Group Option Group Option ECI Elective ECI Elective 16 4 4 4 4 Total units Group Option Group Option ECI Elective GE 16 4 4 4 4 Total units 14-18 Group Option 4 ECI Elective 4 CMN 1 or 3 4 (GE 4) Total units 16 Total units 16 Total units 12-16 ENG 102 or 103 2. Take this completed form with you to your advising appointment. F = Fall W = Winter 14 3 4 2 4 updated 6/20/13 SS = Summer Session F W S SS 20____ F W S SS 20____ F W S SS 20____ F W S SS 20____ Course Course Course Course ex: CHE 002A Units F W S SS 20____ Course Units Units Units 5 Units F W S SS 20____ Course Units F W S SS 20____ Course This is only one example of several possible combinations. Civil Engineering 2045 Ghausi Hall (530) 752-3425 S = Spring Circ le eac h term and write in the c orrec t year Total units 12-16 MAT 021D 4 PHY 009B 5 GE or BIO/PHY Elec 4 ENG 006 4 ENG 102 or 103 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Write down the courses you plan to take for the next full year including summer session and plans BEFORE meeting with your adviser. Include GE and internship plans on reverse side. List questions to ask your adviser (fill in before your appointment)… Units F W S SS 20____ Course Units Describe your summer, co-op, internship, or research plans: ------------------------------------------------------------ For Staff Adviser Use Only ------------------------------------------------------------ Appointment notes: American History & Institutions Entry-Level Writing Candidacy/Commencement Engineering GPA: ________________ Faculty Referral: ____________________________________ Minimum Progress Release Hold Student Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Adviser Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________________