FI H N 20 AL AN 15 F-Y CI EA AL R R EP O R T PROPERTIZE PICKS UP SPEED WITH WIND-DOWN IN DYNAMIC MARKET Interim financial report, 21 August 2015 Highlights > Wind-down achieved in first half of 2015: € 635 million (1st half of 2014: € 266 million) > Total net exposure down to € 4,283 million (year-end 2014: € 4,918 million) > Addition to the provision for impairments falls to € 16 million (1st half of 2014: € 71 million) > Improvement of operating result compared to 1st half of 2014 to € 21 million > Free available equity of € 549 million; € 49 million higher than initial equity contribution by the Dutch state On course with a professional and committed team “The results for the first half of 2015 show that Propertize makes momentum with the reduction of its portfolio. The net exposure decreased by € 635 million to € 4.3 billion and net operating result for the first half amounted to € 21 million, compared to € 11 million for the same period in 2014. This performance has been achieved partially as a result of the quality of the organisation, in particular the added value of our specific competencies in the field of Restructuring & Recovery and (non-) performing loans. In combination with the intrinsic motivation of our employees, as well as their knowledge and skills, Propertize could make full use of the dynamics in the property market. In addition, there were favourable trends in the interest rates.The ambition of Propertize is to repay at least the capital that the Dutch government has made available to the privatization of Propertize, at the end of its mission, without making use of additional capital or guarantees from the State. With a free equity capital of € 549 million, € 49 million above the initial deposit of the Dutch State and further flattening of the level of impairments to € 16 million in the first half of 2015, Propertize is also on track. The Board therefore looks back with satisfaction at the results achieved in the first half of 2015”, says Hans Copier, chairman of the Executive Board. Progress of wind-down in the three portfolio buckets > The progress of the wind-down of the net exposure is visible in all the buckets: - Bucket ‘Healthy’ from € 1,168 million at year-end 2014 to € 1,102 million: a decrease of € 66 million - Bucket ‘Value Retention’ from € 3,268 million at year-end 2014 to € 2,879 million: a decrease of € 389 million - Bucket ‘Stop-Loss‘ from € 482 million at year-end 2014 to € 302 million: a decrease of € 180 million > The total volume of credit provisions rose by 2% (by € 40 million), to € 1,665 million (year-end 2014: € 1,625 million) Net profit: € 15 million (1st half 2014: loss of € 47 million) > Further improvement of operating result to € 21 million > Lower interest result on loan portfolio due to wind-down > Strong improvement result property projects by € 6 million, to a loss of € 3 million > Further decrease in operating expenses 2 PROPERTIZE FINANCIAL HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015 Equity position remains strong > Total equity rose to € 1,193 million > Free available equity of € 549 million; € 49 million higher than the initial equity provided by the Dutch state > Earmarked equity for possible future impairments practically unchanged at € 644 million > Core Tier 1 ratio: 11.6% (year-end 2014: 9.6%) Wind-down of funding in line with wind-down of portfolio > Total funding through MTNs and ECPs reduced from € 3,501 to € 3,012 > Debts to foreign banks fully redeemed Key figures (in € millions) Results 1st half year 2015 1st half year 2014 2nd half year 2014 Interest result loan portfolio 49 60 59 Operating expenses 20 28 26 Net operating result 21 11 25 Impairments 16 71 30 Total net result 15 (47) (2) Exposure 30 June 2015 30 June 2014 31 December 2014 Wind-down in deals and regular redemptions 619 195 707 Impairments 16 71 101 Decrease net exposure 635 266 808 Net exposure 4,283 5,460 4,918 Loan to Value (LtV) 108% 116% 104% Funding 3,012 3,805 3,501 Medium Term Notes 2,596 2,594 2,595 Euro Commercial Paper 416 1.211 906 Equity 1,193 1,179 1,177 Earmarked equity for future impairments (644) (672) (650) Free available equity 549 507 527 Core Tier-1 ratio 11.6% 8.6% 9.6% Number of Fte’s 190 203 198 Internal 176 166 183 External 14 37 15 3 PROPERTIZE FINANCIAL HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015 STRATEGY OF PROPERTIZE TO BE CONTINUED Propertize will wind-down its portfolio in an ethical, controlled, transparent and professional manner until 2023. The aim is to achieve the highest possible proceeds with the lowest possible risks and costs, without the need for the Dutch state to provide additional capital or guarantees. Propertize expects that it will be able to repay the € 500 million provided by the Dutch state as equity at the end of the wind-down period. The most important pre-conditions for the realisation of this strategy are the recovery of the property and property financing markets; the development of the interest rate level and the set-up and continuation of a high-quality organisation. This strategy was introduced at the end of 2013. Considering the results achieved in 2014 and the 1st half of 2015, Propertize will continue this strategy unchanged. The wind-down of the portfolio is on course, even though there has been no fundamental recovery of the property markets yet – with the exception of the residential property market. Net exposure at the end of June 2015 The level of the additions to the provision for impairments showed a strong downward trend. The operating expenses are well under control and also clearly show a declining trend. The wind-down of the funding developed in line with the wind-down of the portfolio. The free available equity of € 549 million is € 49 million higher than the initial equity contributed by the Dutch State. The break-down of the portfolio into various buckets is as follows: Net exposure end of June 2015 7% 26% HEALTHY 67% VALUE CREATION AND RETENTION STOP-LOSS > Bucket ‘Healthy’ (26% of the net exposure (2014: 24%)) The bucket ‘Healthy’ consists of assets for which customers pay interest and make redemptions and for which no loss on the outstanding balance is expected in the medium term. The interest income is used to cover our operating expenses. 4 PROPERTIZE FINANCIAL HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015 > Bucket ‘Value retention and creation’ (67% of the net exposure (2014: 66%)) This bucket mainly consists of Dutch loans and property assets which offer opportunity for optimising or creating value in the short or medium term, albeit that the cash flow and potential value must obviously be higher than the costs of keeping the asset (or the loan). Active asset management is therefore essential in this bucket. > Bucket ‘Stop-Loss’ (7% of the net exposure (2014: 10%)) For some assets one cannot but acknowledge that they offer no scope for value creation and their prolonged retention would have negative financial effects. In that case the quickest possible exit is the best choice in order to minimise losses and risks. 5 PROPERTIZE FINANCIAL HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015 GOOD PROGRESS WITH STRATEGIC THEMES Good progress was made with the strategic themes adopted by Propertize for 2015. A new valuation process and a new property information system were, for instance, implemented within the scope of ‘Propertize in Control’. Of the approximately 16,000 properties serving as collateral for our portfolio, all the relevant property information has now been recorded and unlocked digitally. As for the theme ‘Reinforcing and maintaining Human Capital‘, career talks were held with all the employees in order to prepare them for their future, both within and outside of Propertize. In addition, our key values (‘together’, ‘responsibility’, ‘professionalism’ and ‘respectful’) have been integrated in the assessment cycle as part of Propertize’s culture development. The theme of ‘Creating value through a smart wind-down’ has been fleshed out in particular by using the widely available liquidity in the current market in an effective and pro-active way in the wind-down. Together with our customers and partners several major deals were closed in the first half of 2015. In addition, a major restructuring operation in Spain was finalised in full and the sale of a large property project in Germany and a residential property portfolio in the Netherlands were completed. The latter two had been presented in the balance sheet at year-end 2014 as ‘assets held for sale’. Market developments The economic recovery that is expected for 2015 has cautiously begun, but it is still fragile and vulnerable. The developments with regard to Greece, for instance, and their possible effects on the interest rate are an important factor in our wind-down assignment. Propertize does not expect the Dutch office and retail property markets to pick up substantially in the second half of 2015. Although the residential property market in the Randstad conurbation is showing signs of improvement, there is not much evidence of recovery in other areas. The part of our portfolio which is comprised of office financing in the Netherlands continues to be a point that requires attention, given the development of the vacancy rate. Progress of wind-down and portfolio developments The graph below shows the wind-down of the total portfolio on the net exposure level. Redemptions and transactions 4,918 -619 Total Net exposure end of 2014 6 PROPERTIZE FINANCIAL HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015 Impairments Net exposure end of Q2 2015 -16 4,283 Healthy The wind-down of the portfolio per bucket will be explained in more detail below. > Bucket ‘Healthy’ Net exposure end of 2014 Redemptions and transactions 1,168 -65 Impairments Net exposure end of Q2 2015 -1 1,102 The net exposure up to and including June 2015 (€ 1,102 million) has decreased by € 66 million (6%) compared to the end of 2014 (€ 1,168 million). Of this amount € 65 million was realised through redemptions and transactions and only € 1 million through an addition to the credit provisions. Value retention > Bucket ‘Value retention’ Net exposure end of 2014 Redemptions and transactions 3,268 -395 Impairments Net exposure end of Q2 2015 6 2,879 The net exposure at the end of June 2015 (€ 2,879 million) is € 389 million (12%) lower than at the end of 2014 (€ 3,268 million) as a result of € 395 million in redemptions and transactions and € 6 million in reversals of impairments. The completion of the sale of a project in Germany (ÜSQ-North) had an impact of € 224 million on the net exposure. 7 PROPERTIZE FINANCIAL HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015 Stop-loss > Bucket ‘Stop-loss’ Net exposure end of 2014 Redemptions and transactions 482 -159 Impairments Net exposure end of Q2 2015 -21 302 The net exposure at the end of June 2015 (€ 302 million) is € 180 million (37%) lower than at the end of 2014 (€ 482 million) as a result of redemptions, for an amount of € 159 million, and impairments, for an amount of € 21 million. The completion of the sale of Woning-portefeuille Nederland (Dutch Residential Property Portfolio) had an impact of € 85 million on the net exposure. 8 PROPERTIZE FINANCIAL HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Profit and loss account, management view (in € millions) 1st half year 2015 1st half year Interest result loan portfolio 49 Operating result property (2) (8) Release impairments on property 0 7 Interest expenses property (2) (8) Result property projects (3) Other income 4 Total income 51 Operating expenses 20 Operating result (pre-tax) 31 Taxation on operating result (9) Net operating result 21 Impairments 16 71 Impairments attributed to property 0 7 Total impairments and discounts 16 Taxation on impairments and discounts (11) Net result impairments and discounts 5 Total net result 15 2014 60 (9) (0) 51 28 23 (12) 11 78 (20) 58 (47) Net operating result Net operating result up to and including June 2015 amounted to € 21 million, which is € 10 million (91%) better than in the 1st half of 2014. The interest result on the loan portfolio was € 11 million lower than last year due to the wind-down of the portfolio. Interest income fell by € 17 million. Interest expenses (funding) also decreased, by € 6 million. Taking into account the decrease in interest expense on the property portfolio of € 6 million, the net impact of the reduction in net interest income amounts to € 5 million. The result of the property projects portfolio until June 2015 was € 6 million better than last year, which is mainly due to the lower interest expenses. Important drivers for this are the finalisation of a restructuring operation in Spain, resulting in the deconsolidation of our participation in PDU (impact on the line ‘release of impairments on property’), and the sale of ÜSQ-North (impact on the line ‘interest expenses property’). The other income was € 4 million higher due to the results from assets and liabilities held for sale (€ 5 million). The main reason for this was the realised sales result for the WNL portfolio, which sale was completed on 30 January 2015. Operating expenses fell significantly and were € 8 million (29%) lower compared to last year, due to a € 3 million decrease in staff costs and a € 5 million decrease in other costs. Staff costs were lower due to the lower average staffing level, both for internal and external staff. It is our policy to carry out our activities as much as possible with internal staff, who can work in a challenging environment at Propertize. The number of external employees hired by Propertize decreased by 62% compared to June 2014. Total other expenses decreased mainly due to a € 3 million decrease in the costs of (legal) advice and a € 1 million decrease in the cost contribution to be paid to NLFI. The first decrease is in line with the downward trend of the expenses of legal advice that started in 2014, caused by the fact that we try to have our in-house lawyers handle as much cases as possible. 9 PROPERTIZE FINANCIAL HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015 Operating result The pre-tax operating result consists of taxable results of € 7 million at entities belonging to Propertize’s fiscal unity, and of tax-exempt (mainly foreign) results of € 20 million. The taxes are allocated to the operating result and impairments and discounts based on their economic nature. This, on balance, results in a negative effective tax charge of € 1 million, leading to a total net result for the first half of 2015 of € 15 million. The impairments in the first half of 2015 were much lower than in the first half of 2014 (€ 62 million) and include an amount of approximately € 30 million in reversals of impairments for two properties. These reversals were caused by, on the one hand, a sales transaction and, on the other, a positive adjustment of the expected realisable exit value. Overall, the coverage ratio of the credit provisions in relation to the non-performing loans showed a slight increase, viz. from 49% to 52%. The net result up to and including June 2015 amounted to € 15 million, a € 62 million improvement compared to the first half of 2014. In addition to the improved net operating result, this was mainly caused by significantly lower impairments. The figures stated in this interim financial report have not been audited. Outlook The Board of Directors refrains from issuing a formal forecast. However, based on the expected market developments and the potential impact on the valuation of our portfolio, the Board expects to close the year 2015 with a (limited) loss. 10 PROPERTIZE FINANCIAL HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015 CAPITAL MANAGEMENT AND FUNDING Capital management Equity In € millions 30 June 2015 31 December 2014 Total Tier 1 capital 1,193 1,177 Dutch Central Bank prudential filter (644) (650) Total own funds for Solvency purposes 549 527 Total Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) 4,750 5,487 Solvency ratio (%) 11.6% 9.6% Due to the addition of the positive result for the first half of 2015 to the equity, the free available equity increased by € 22 million. This means that the own funds for solvency purposes is now € 49 million higher than the equity originally provided by the Dutch state. Due to the low level of impairments in the first half of 2015, the level of equity earmarked for future impairments decreased by only € 6 million. These developments resulted in an increase in the Core Tier 1 ratio from 9.6% at the end of 2014 to 11.6% as at 30 June 2015. Funding In the first half of 2015 the external funding attracted in 2014 was further reduced in conformity with the wind-down of the property and property finance portfolio. On aggregate the funding attracted externally was € 3,012 million as at 30 June 2015 (2014: € 3,501 million): a decrease of € 489 million. As at 30 June 2015 the percentage of MTNs in the funding was 86% (short-term ECPs: 14%). The remainder of the funding can be specified as follows: Funding (In € millions) Coupon Nominal Maturity Contractual rate amount Bookvalue (years) expiration 30-06-2015 31-12-2014 XS10524028 Floating 250 250 250 0.8 4 April 2016 XS10434997 Floating 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.8 10 March 2017 XS10392812 0.5% 750 749 748 1.8 27 February 2017 XS10330237 1% 600 597 597 3.8 18 February 2019 Total 2,600 2,596 2,595 Outstanding ECP’s 416 906 Total funding 3,012 3,501 11 PROPERTIZE FINANCIAL HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015 RISK MANAGEMENT Non performing and performing gross loans NPL and PL Gross loans by bucket 26 1,009 NPL - 58% PL - 42% Gross loans R Jun 2015 € 5,628 mln VALUE RETENTION NPL R Jun 2015 € 3,232 mln STOP-LOSS HEALTHY 2,197 Quality of the portfolio The credit quality, for example expressed as Loan to Value (LtV) and the volume of non-performing loans of the Propertize property finance portfolio, deteriorated slightly in the first half of 2015 compared with 2014. The levelling of the pace of the rate of deterioration found in 2014 has continued in 2015. The still lasting poor market conditions continue to cause customers to have insufficient means in their own reserves to comply with the interest and redemption obligations not covered by the property’s operating cash flow. The level of the non-performing loans increased slightly (58% of the portfolio as at 30 June 2015 against 57% at the end of 2014). The absolute increase is less than expected, which means that the level of impairment charges was lower than in 2014. Of the non-performing loans an amount of € 1,665 million (year-end 2014: € 1,625 million) had been provisioned, resulting in a coverage ratio of 52% (year-end 2014: 49%). The bucket ‘Healthy’ consists almost fully of performing loans; the bucket ‘Stop-Loss’ almost fully of non-performing loans. The bucket ‘Value retention’ consists for 40% into performing loans and for 60% into non-performing loans. Liquidity In the first half of 2015 Propertize’s liquidity position was more than sufficient and within the agreements made. Propertize’s goal is to maintain a minimum cash position of € 100 million at any moment, a goal that was also realised during the first half of 2015. Every month a liquidity prognosis is prepared, which is used to determine the liquidity needs. This prognosis is discussed within the ALM Committee. Developments in the area of operational risk management No new significant operational risks were identified in the first half of 2015. In order to recognise and monitor risks, use was mainly made of Risk Monitoring & Reporting, an Operational Loss Database and In-control Statements. The management of strategic risks has further improved. 12 PROPERTIZE FINANCIAL HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015 Other information: consolidated balance sheet Consolidated balance sheet Start Propertize (In € millions) 30-06-2015 31-12-2014 31-12-2013 Assets Tangible fixed assets 4 2 2 Investments in associates and joint ventures 1 2 2 Property projects 305 387 810 Outstanding loans (gross) 5,643 5,847 6,702 Provisions (1,665) (1,625) (1,786) Loans to customers (net) 3,978 4,222 4,916 Assets held for sale - 309 Net exposure 4,283 4,918 5,725 Deferred tax assets 9 9 9 Other receivables 51 44 45 Other assets 37 62 67 Cash and cash equivalents 133 299 244 Total assets 4,518 5,336 6,094 Equity and liabilities Share capital and share premium reserve 3,117 3,117 3,117 Other reserves (1,940) (1,891) (1,068) Retained earnings 15 (49) (823) Equity attributable to the owner of the parent company 1,193 1,177 1,226 Debt certificates 3,012 3,501 Other provisions 19 19 14 Amounts due to banks 2 262 4.446 Deferred tax liabilities 199 207 249 Current tax liabilities 8 17 8 Other liabilities 85 152 151 Total equity and liabilities 4,518 5,336 6,094 13 PROPERTIZE FINANCIAL HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015 General information This interim financial report was released for publication by the Executive Board on 21 August 2015. Disclaimer This interim financial report only includes factual data and information. The data and information are based on internal management reports of Propertize B.V. The data and information should not be interpreted as an opinion or a recommendation with regard to the purchase of the securities issued by Propertize B.V. This interim financial report contains no opinion on the financial results of Propertize B.V. or any recommendation to act or refrain from acting in any way. Propertize B.V. accepts no responsibility for reviewing or updating, or any obligation to review or update, any information on account of new information or changes in policies, developments, expectations and suchlike. About Propertize Propertize gives loan management, restructuring & recovery and asset management new meaning with a name in which property, maximize and monetize come together. With the right people and an efficient organisation, Propertize will wind down its loan portfolio and property projects in the coming years. We are aware of the extraordinary context within which we operate. In our organisation, commercial real estate and the public dimension come together. Propertize is located in Utrecht and employs almost one hundred and eighty people. NLFI is the sole shareholder of Propertize. Utrecht, 21 August 2015 Executive Board Hans Copier, CEO Jack Mondt, CFRO Reinout van Riel, CPO 14 PROPERTIZE FINANCIAL HALF-YEAR REPORT 2015 COLOFON Concept and design Ambitions, ’s-Hertogenbosch Text Propertize, Utrecht PROPERTIZE DAALSEPLEIN 101 - 3511 SX UTRECHT - POSTBUS 71 - 3500 AB UTRECHT T +31 (0)30 - 702 28 00 I PROPERTIZE.NL