Efficient Use of Your fx-50FH Memory There are 7 memories in a calculator, namely A, B, C, D, X, Y and M. Actually, there are hidden memories but we mainly talk about these 7 memories in this notes. Memory Recall To recall any of the 7 memories, say A, press RCL A Memory Store 1. To store a number to a memory, e.g. to store 2 to B, press 2 SHIFT STO B The screen displays “2→B” on the 1st line and “2” on the 2nd line. 2. To store the answer of a calculation to a memory, e.g. to store 4 5 to C, press √( 4 + 5 SHIFT STO C The screen displays “√(4+5→C” on the 1st line and the answer “3” on the 2nd line. Memory Clear To clear all the memories, press SHIFT 9 1 EXE Calculations using the memories directly To proceed, check whether the cursor is “_”. Press SHIFT DEL to change if the cursor is “|”. e.g. To solve the quadratic equation 2x2 + 3x + 1 = 0, 1. Store 2, 3, 1 to A, B, C respectively 2. To calculate the discriminant and store it to D, press ALPHA B x2 – 4 ALPHA A ALPHA C SHIFT STO D The screen displays “B2–4AC→D” on the 1st line and the discriminant “1” on the 2nd line. 3. To get the 1st root, press ( (-) ALPHA B + √( ALPHA D ) ) a b/c ( 2 ALPHA A EXE The screen displays “(-B+√(D))┘(2A” on the 1st line and the 1st root “–1┘2” on the 2nd line. 4. To get the 2nd root, press ► ► ► ► – EXE The screen displays “(-B–√(D))┘(2A” on the 1st line and the 2nd root “–1” on the 2nd line. P. 1 Special functions for the memory M There are 2 special functions for the memory M, namely M+ and M–. When there is a value other than 0 in M, a small “M” will appear on the top of the screen. It’s recommended to clear the memory M before performing any of the following calculations. 1. Pressing M+ after an expression will add the value of the expression to M. e.g. To calculate 12 + 32 + 52 + 72 + 92, press 1 x2 M+ 3 x2 M+ 5 x2 M+ 7 x2 M+ 9 x2 M+ RCL M 2. Pressing SHIFT M–, after an expression will subtract the value of the expression from M. e.g. If a student got 3, 4 and 5 marks deducted in an exam, to calculate his/her score, press 100 M+ 3 SHIFT M– 4 SHIFT M– 5 SHIFT M– RCL M Function evaluation & Table construction x 1 2 3 2 x + 3x + 2 To fill in the above table, press 1 SHIFT STO X ALPHA X x2 + 3 ALPHA X + 2 EXE 2 SHIFT STO X ▲ EXE 3 SHIFT STO X ▲ EXE 4 5 Application to Definite Integration During definite integration, we always come across expressions like f ( x)ba . Its value equals f (b) – f (a). 2 x3 x2 e.g. To calculate , i.e. 2 1 3 2 3 2 2 13 12 , press 2 3 2 3 2 SHIFT STO X ALPHA X x3 a b/c 3 + ALPHA X x2 a b/c 2 SHIFT STO M 1 SHIFT STO X ▲ ◄ DEL SHIFT M– RCL M The unstable memory Ans Ans is said to be unstable because after every calculation, its value will be updated to the current answer. After a calculation, if you want to store the answer to a stable memory, say Y, press Ans SHIFT STO Y. P. 2