Curriculum Vitae: Caleb D. Lloyd CURRICULUM VITAE Caleb D. Lloyd CONTACT University of Texas El Paso Department of Psychology 500 W. University Ave. El Paso, TX 79902 United States (915) 747-­‐8485 EMPLOYMENT 2014-­‐ Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Texas El Paso EDUCATION 2007-­2014 Ph.D. Psychology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada Dissertation Title: Protective factors and turning point events among re-­‐entering offenders: Change measurement and change mechanisms from the risk and strength perspectives Dissertation Supervisor: Dr. Ralph Serin Dissertation Committee: Dr. R. Karl Hanson, Dr. Adelle Forth 2005-­‐2007 M.A. Psychology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada Thesis Title: Perceptions of the self and desistance: Investigating positive attributes associated with exiting crime Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Ralph Serin Thesis Committee: Dr. Don Andrews, Dr. Shelley Brown 2003-­‐2005 B.A. Highest Honors Psychology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada 1999-­‐2002 Courses, Glendale Community College, Glendale, California, USA REFEREED GRANT Lloyd, C.D., & Serin, R.C. (2014, April). Research on offender decision-­making and desistance from crime: A multi-­theory assessment of offender cognition change. Proposal submitted to National Institute of Justice (NIJ-­‐2014-­‐3752). $363,848. Curriculum Vitae: Caleb D. Lloyd REFEREED CONTRACT Lloyd, C.D., Serin, R.C., & Carter, M.M. (2010, December). National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Proposed demonstration field experiment in reentry. Contract awarded by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). $50,000 REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Lloyd, C.D., Chadwick, N., & Serin, R.C. (2014). Associations between gambling, substance misuse, and recidivism among Canadian offenders: A multi-­‐faceted exploration of poor impulse control traits and behaviors. International Gambling Studies, 14, 279-­‐300. doi:10.1080/14459795.2014.913301 Lloyd, C.D., Hanby, L.J., & Serin, R.C. (2014). Rehabilitation group co-­‐participants’ risk levels are associated with offenders’ treatment performance, treatment change, and recidivism. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82, 298-­‐ 311. doi:10.1037/a0035360 Serin, R.C., Lloyd, C.D., Helmus, L., Derkzen, D., & Luong, D. (2013). Does intra-­‐ individual change predict offender recidivism? Searching for the Holy Grail in assessing offender change. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18, 32-­‐53. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2012.09.002 Hanson, R.K., Lloyd, C.D., Helmus, L., & Thornton, D. (2012). Developing non-­‐ arbitrary metrics for risk communication: Percentile ranks for the Static-­‐ 99/R and Static-­‐2002/R sexual offender risk tools. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 11, 9-­‐23. doi:10.1080/14999013.2012.667511 Lloyd, C.D., & Serin, R.C. (2012). Agency and outcome expectancies for crime desistance: Measuring offenders’ personal beliefs about change. Psychology, Crime, and Law, 6, 543-­‐565. doi:10.1080/1068316X.2010.511221 Serin, R.C., Lloyd, C.D., & Hanby, L.J. (2010). Enhancing offender re-­‐entry: An integrated model for enhancing offender re-­‐entry. European Journal of Probation, 2, 53-­‐75. Lloyd, C.D., Clark, H.J., & Forth, A.E. (2010). Psychopathy, expert testimony and indeterminate sentences: Exploring the relationship between Psychopathy Checklist Revised testimony and trial outcome in Canada. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 15, 323-­‐339. doi:10.1348/135532509X468432 Serin, R.C., & Lloyd, C.D. (2009). Examining the process of offender change: The transition to crime desistance. Psychology, Crime and Law, 15, 347-­‐364. doi:10.1080/10683160802261078 Curriculum Vitae: Caleb D. Lloyd NON-­REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Lloyd, C.D., & Serin, R.C. (2014). Offender change in treatment. In G. Bruinsma, & D. Weisburd (Eds.), Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice (pp. 3301-­‐ 3311). New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-­‐1-­‐4614-­‐5690-­‐2 Serin, R.C., Lloyd, C.D., Hanby, L.J., & Shturman, M. (2013). What and who might enhance offender compliance: Situating responsibilities. In P. Ugwudike, & P. Raynor (Eds.), What works in offender compliance: International perspectives and evidence-­based practice (pp. 90-­‐106). Houndmills, UK: Palgrave MacMillan. Serin, R.C., Gobeil, R., Hanby, L.J., & Lloyd, C.D. (2012, February/March). Evidence-­‐ based practice in corrections: Entry points for improvement in case-­‐based decisions. Corrections Today, 81-­‐86. Serin, R.C., Lloyd, C.D., Helmus, L., Derkzen, D.M., & Luong, D. (2010). Assessment and conceptual issues in understanding offender change. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Corrections Research Report. Serin, R.C., Lloyd, C.D., & Hanby, L.J. (2009). Transition from crime: Understanding offender success. Psychology Aotearoa, 1, 29-­‐35. Lloyd, C.D., & Serin, R.C. (2008). Male offenders’ perceptions of self and desistance: Exploring predictive validity. Crime Scene, 15, 34-­‐36. PRESENTATIONS Serin, R.C., Lloyd, C.D., Hanby, L.J., Chadwick, N., & Prell, L. (2014, September). Using dynamic risk assessment to understand case planning and risk management in community supervision. Paper presented to the International Community Corrections Association Annual Research Conference, Cleveland, OH. Taxman, F., Ainsworth, S., Crits, E., Serin, R., & Lloyd, C.D. (2013, September). SOARING2: Innovation in probation officer training. Paper presented to the International Community Corrections Association Annual Research Conference, Reno, NV. Wardrop, K., Lloyd, C.D., & Serin, R.C. (2013, June). Which treatment and measurement variables are associated with intra-­individual cognition change? A review of the correctional treatment literature. Poster presented to the Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, Quebec City, QC. Lloyd, C.D. (2012, November). Volunteers as agents of change. Roundtable paper presented to the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Curriculum Vitae: Caleb D. Lloyd O’Connor, T., Lazzari, S., Duncan, J., Cayton, T., Lloyd, C.D., & Meeks, R., Johnson, B., (2012, September). Volunteers and desistance: A hidden resource. Poster presented to the Oregon Criminal Justice Conference, Salem, OR. Chadwick, N., Lloyd, C.D., & Serin, R.C. (2012, June). Associations between gambling, substance abuse, impulsivity, and recidivism among Canadian offenders: A multi-­faceted exploration of poor impulse control. Poster presented to the Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, Halifax, NS. Latter, K., Lloyd, C.D., & Serin, R.C. (2012, June). Revisiting “what works”: A systematic review of Correctional Service of Canada offender treatment programs across time. Poster presented to the Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, Halifax, NS. Smeth, A., Lloyd, C.D., & Serin, R.C. (2012, June). Examining heterogeneity among violent offenders: Are offender characteristics relevant for setting treatment targets? Poster presented to the Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, Halifax, NS. Lloyd, C.D., Hanby, L.J., & Serin, R.C. (2012, March). Interactions between risk, offender competencies, and intervention type in predicting correctional program performance. Poster presented at the American Psychology-­‐Law Society Annual Convention, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Lloyd, C.D., & Serin, R.C. (2010, November). Who is choosing to desist from crime? Further exploration of desistance beliefs and outcome data. Paper presented at the Forensic Psychology Research Conference, Ottawa, ON. Lloyd, C.D. (2010, January). How offenders give up crime: Learning to identify an at-­ risk offenders’ strengths. Paper presented at the National Parole Board’s Annual Training on Risk Assessment Conference, Ottawa, ON. Lloyd, C.D., Clark, H.J., & Forth, A.E. (2009, August). Controversy in the court: Examining expert witnesses’ exaggerations of psychopathy. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, ON. Serin, R.C., & Lloyd, C.D. (2009, March). Parole officers as agents of change. Paper presented at the Correctional Service of Canada National Conference, Ottawa, ON. Lloyd, C.D., & Serin, R.C. (2008, June). Male offenders’ perceptions of self and desistance: Exploring predictive validity. Poster session presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, Halifax, NS. Curriculum Vitae: Caleb D. Lloyd Serin, R.C., & Lloyd, C.D. (2007, October). Using an understanding of offender change to enhance offender re-­entry. Paper presented at the International Community Corrections Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. Lloyd, C.D., Serin, R.C., Kroner, D., & Storey, J. (2007, June). Crime desistance and the process of change in male offenders. Poster session presented at the North American Correctional and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference, Ottawa, ON. Lloyd, C.D., Shackleton, P., Serin, R.C., & Brown, S. (2005, June). The influence of heuristics and type of offence in release decision making. Poster session presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, Montreal, QC. INVITED LECTURES 2011 Lloyd, C.D., & Serin, R.C. (2011, November). Building a theory of offender change: Implications for enhancing correctional practice. Paper presented at Université de Montréal Centre International de Criminologie Comparée conference, entitled Recherche correctionnelle: Accent sur les prisons. 2008 Lloyd, C.D., & Serin, R.C. (2008, October). Crime desistance. Paper presented at Carleton University Psychology Department Research Colloquium Series. RESEARCH ACTIVITY 2011-­‐2013 Curriculum developer for Skills for Offender Assessment and Responsivity in New Goals II (SOARING-­‐2) training program, contracted work for through Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Grant # 2011-­‐DG-­‐BX-­‐K077 REFEREED SCHOLARSHIPS 2013 Wylda Blanche McDermid Holbein Memorial Scholarship; $1800 (Carleton) 2013 CUASA Scholarship; $1500 (Carleton) 2012 Bill Jones Memorial Scholarship; $1000 (Carleton) 2009 Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Foreign Study Supplement; $6000 Curriculum Vitae: Caleb D. Lloyd 2007-­‐2010 2007-­‐2008 2007-­‐2008 2006-­‐2007 2006-­‐2007 2005-­‐2006 2005-­‐2006 2005-­‐2006 2004-­‐2005 AWARDS 2008 2007-­‐2008 2005 TEACHING 2014-­‐2015 2012-­‐2013 2011-­‐2012 Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada’s (SSHRC) CGS Doctoral Scholarship; $105,000 Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) First Year Doctoral Scholarship; $15,000 P.D. McCormack Scholarship; $3000 (Carleton) Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Second Year Master’s Scholarship; $15,000 Nicholas Spanos Scholarship; $1000 (Carleton) Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Master’s Scholarship; $17,500 Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) First Year Master’s Scholarship; $15,000 Claude Bissell Scholarship; $1000 (Carleton) A. D. Dunton Scholarship; $1000 (Carleton) Criminal Justice Psychology Section (CJPS) of Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Graduate Level Poster Award (CPA Conference, Halifax) Canadian Psychology Association (CPA) & Carleton Psychology T.A. Excellence Award, nominated by students and faculty University Medal in Arts (Carleton) INSTRUCTOR Behavior Modification (PSYC 3347) Introduction to Psychology with a focus on Criminal Matters (PSYC 1001 & 1002) Introduction to Psychology with a focus on Criminal Matters (PSYC 1001 & 1002) Curriculum Vitae: Caleb D. Lloyd 2011 2009 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007 2006 2012 2010-­‐2011 2008-­‐2009 Honours Essay for Psychology (PSYC 4905) Criminal Behaviour (PSYC 3402) GUEST LECTURER Criminal Behaviour (PSYC 3402) Introduction to Forensic Psychology (PSYC 2400) Introduction to Forensic Psychology (PSYC 2400) Criminal Behaviour (PSYC 3402) Introduction to Forensic Psychology (PSYC 2400) Introduction to Forensic Psychology (PSYC 2400) Introduction to Forensic Psychology (PSYC 2400) Introduction to Forensic Psychology (PSYC 2400) Introduction to Statistics (PSYC 2002) Introduction to Forensic Psychology (PSYC 2400) Criminal Behaviour (PSYC 3402) Criminal Behaviour (PSYC 3402) Introduction to Statistics (PSYC 2002) Special Topics Seminar, Crime Desistance Introduction to Statistics (PSYC 2002) TEACHING ASSISTANT (SELECTED APPOINTMENTS) Advanced Topics in Statistics: Hierarchical Linear Modeling Tutorial instructor, Honours Seminar in Forensic Psychology (PSYC 3400) Tutorial instructor, Introduction to Psychology & Criminal Matters (PSYC 1001 & 1002) Curriculum Vitae: Caleb D. Lloyd 2007-­‐2008 Tutorial instructor, Introduction to Psychology & Criminal Matters (PSYC 1001 & 1002) CO-­SUPERVISION OF UNDERGRADUATE THESES Wardrop, K. (2013). Which treatment and measurement variables are associated with intra-­individual cognition change? A review of the correctional treatment literature. Undergraduate thesis. Chadwick, N. (2012). Associations between gambling, substance abuse, impulsivity, and recidivism among Canadian offenders: A multi-­faceted exploration of poor impulse control. Undergraduate thesis. Latter, K. (2012). Revisiting “what works”: A systematic review of Correctional Service of Canada offender treatment programs across time. Undergraduate thesis. MacDonald, K. (2012). A review of change measures in Correctional Programming: What programs cause what changes? Undergraduate thesis. McClintock, J. (2009). Investigating the link between inhibitory control deficits, substance abuse, and recidivism among Canadian offenders. Undergraduate thesis. Gamwell, L. (2009). Internal cognitions and offender desistance: Investigating the role of agency, change beliefs, associates and outcome expectancies in the desistance process. Undergraduate thesis. Veld, D. N. (2006). The influence of cognitive style measures in parole release decision-­making. Undergraduate thesis. Haeck, K. (2006). The influences of prior case knowledge and instructional set on release decision making. Undergraduate thesis. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING 2009 Psychopathy Checklist-­‐Revised (PCL-­‐R) Training (Adelle Forth, Carleton University) 2007 Psychopathy Checklist-­‐Youth Version (PCL:YV) Training (Adelle Forth, Carleton University) 2006 Certificate in Teaching Skills (Education Development Centre, Carleton University) Curriculum Vitae: Caleb D. Lloyd SERVICE 2013 2012 2009 Manuscript reviewer, Research in Developmental Disabilities Manuscript reviewer, Psychology, Crime and Law Manuscript reviewer, Psychology, Crime and Law