DEVELOPMENT OF EFFICIENT ALGORITHMS FOR BIOFEEDBACK SIGNAL PROCESSING USING EMBEDDED SYSTEM THESIS Submitted In fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY By TANU SHARMA PHDENG10021 Supervised by DR. BHANU KAPOOR Department of Computer Science and Engineering CHITKARA UNIVERSITY HIMACHAL PRADESH, INDIA i CHITKRA UNIVERSITY, HIMACHAL PRADESH DECLARATION FORM BY THE STUDENT I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in this thesis entitled “Development of efficient algorithms for biofeedback signal processing using embedded system” is for fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree of Doctor of Philosophy submitted in Chitkara University, Barotiwala ,Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India is an authentic record of my work carried out under the supervision of Dr. Bhanu Kapoor, Professor, Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh,India. The work has not formed the basis for the award of any other degree or diploma, in this or any other institute or university. In keeping with the ethical practice in reporting scientific information, due acknowledgements have been made wherever the findings of others have cited. (Signature) (Tanu Sharma) ii CHITKRA UNIVERSITY, HIMACHAL PRADESH CERTIFICATE FROM SUPERVISOR I hereby certify that the thesis entitled “Development of efficient algorithms for biofeedback signal processing using embedded system” submitted by TanuSharma,Regd.No.PHDENG10021 to Chitkara University, Barotiwala , Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India in fulfilment for the award of degree of Doctor of Philosophy is a bona fide record of research work carried out by her under my supervision .The content of this thesis ,in full or in parts,have not been submitted to any other Institution or University for the award of any degree or diploma. (Signature) Dr.Bhanu Kapoor iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To discover, analyze and to present something new is to venture on an unknown path towards an unexplored destination is an arduous adventure unless one gets a true torchbearer to show the way. This research work, being an illuminative research would not have been possible without the guidance my guide, Dr.Bhanu kapoor, Professor, Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh,India for his constant help and motivation which helped me a lot in handling this thesis and completing it in due time. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Honourable Chancellor Dr.Ashok Chitkara, Pro-Chancellor Dr. Madhu Chitkara for giving opportunity to contribute in area of research. I am very much thankful to Vice Chancellor Brig(Dr)RS Grewal. A special thanks to Dr. Varinder Kanwar and Dr. Rajneesh Sharma, who always motivated and encouraged to achieve goals. I must acknowledge Dr. Sudhir Mahajan, it was under his tutelage that I developed a focus and became interested in vision. A thanks also goes to those who provided me with statistical advice at times of critical need :Ms.SapnaSaxena, Ms Disha,Ms.Neha Kishore and Mr.Ashok Kumar. My family who encouraged me and prayed for me throughout the time of my research, I would also like to thank my family for the support they provided me in my life.This thesis is heartily dedicated to my daughter “Anaaya” who gave me time to do research by giving her precious mother-daughter time. Last but not the least; I would like to thank God for not letting me down and showing me the silver lining in the dark clouds. Tanu Sharma iv LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Published/Presented • SHARMA, T. & KAPOOR, B.2014 Data analysis by using machine learning algorithm on controller for estimating emotions.,"International Journal on Computational Science & Applications(IJCSA), Published volume 4,number 6. ), vol. 4, pp. 19-31, DOI:10.5121/ijcsa.2014.4602 • SHARMA, T. & KAPOOR,B.2014, Emotion prediction by using intelligent machine learning algorithms . “International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)(In process of publication) • SHARMA, T. & KAPOOR, B. Emotion estimation of physiological signals by using low power embedded system. Proceedings of the Conference on Advances in Communication and Control Systems-2013, 2013. Atlantis Press. • SHARMA, T. & KAPOOR, B. Intelligent data analysis algorithms on biofeedback signals for estimating emotions. Optimization, Reliabilty, and Information Technology (ICROIT), 2014 International Conference on, 2014. IEEE, 335-340. Paper Accepted • SHARMA, T. & KAPOOR, B.2014,“Estimation of emotion through biosignals by using portable and low power embedded system”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (ISSN 2229-5518) • SHARMA, T. & KAPOOR, B .2014 "Energy Efficient Emotion Prediction by Using Intelligent Machine Learning Algorithms on Controller" v International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)(ISSN: 2088-8708) • SHARMA, T. & KAPOOR, B.2014,” Machine learning algorithm on controller to predict emotions” Proceedings of the Conference IEEEICCIC 978-1-47 99-3974-9,2014 • SHARMA, T. & KAPOOR, B.2014."Detection and Prediction of emotions by using hybrid Machine learning algorithms in embedded System" International Conference on Recent cognizance in wireless communication & image processing-ICRCWIP-2014. Paper communicated • SHARMA, T. & KAPOOR, B.2015," Cost efficient emotion prediction system by using intelligent machine learning algorithms on embedded system" International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology.( ISSN: 1752-6426) • SHARMA, T. & KAPOOR, B.2015, " Energy efficient emotion prediction system by using intelligent machine learning algorithms on embedded system" Indian Journal of Science and Technology(ISSN: 0974-6846) IC Value : 5.02 • SHARMA, T. & KAPOOR, B.2015, Intelligent system Predicting emotion" Journal of Information Science and Engineering (ISSN: 10162364) vi ABBREVIATIONS GSR Galvanic Skin Response BVP Blood Volume Pulse ANS Autonomous Nervous System (ANS) R Resistance V Voltage EEG Electroencephalograph EMG Electromyography EDR Electrodermal response PGR Psychogalvanicreflex SCR Skin conductance response I Current K Kilo A/D Analog to digital converter LCD Liquid Crystal Display µc Microcontroller PEROM Programmable and erasable read only memory I/O Input output RAM Random Access Memory CPU Central process unit VCC Supply voltage GND Ground ALE Address Latch Enable PROG program pulse input vii PSEN Program Store Enable EA External Access Enable VPP Programming enable voltage SFR Special Function Register LED Light Emitting Diode DC Direct Current viii LIST OF TABLE Table 2.1 External Components…………………………………. 46 Table 2.2 Age-related ranges of heart beat.................................... 53 Table 2.3 Different Types of Plethysmographs…………………. 54 Table 2.4 Details of each Pin……………………………………. 68 Table 2.5 Voltage Reference Generator Bit................................... 73 Table 3.1 Maximum a Posteriori” (MAP) Decision Rule……….. 96 Table 3.2 Different ranges of the psychophysiological signal…... 97 Table 3.3 Calculations…………………………………………… 98 Table3.4 Comparative study……………………………………. 104 Table 4.1 Change in Autonomic Activity……………………….. 109 Table 4.2 Questions with Emotional Content…………………... 113 Table 4.3 Questions with Neutral Content……………………… 114 Table 5.1 Budget for the Project………………………………… 137 Table 5.2 Comparison of the Existing Machines and Proposed Work…………………………………………………. ix 150 LIST OF FIGURES Page No. Fig.1.1 Nervous System…………………………………………….. Fig.1.2 Diagrammatical view if ANS with biofeedback……………. 4 Fig.1.3 Branches of the Biofeedback technology…………………... 6 Fig.1.4 Emotional Intelligence Branches…………………………… 9 Fig.1.5 Non-adaptive method Source………………………………. 12 Fig.1.6 Adaptive method Source……………………………………. 13 Fig.1.7 Intelligent method…………………………………………... 15 Fig.1.8 State Transitions……………………………………………. 16 Fig 1.9 Significant moments in the history of biofeedback................ 20 Fig. 2.1 Block Diagram of Conventional Biomedical Instrumentation System.......................................................... 4 35 Fig. 2.2 System Design Process........................................................... 39 Fig. 2.3 Product Design of the Biofeedback system............................ 40 Fig. 2.4 Proposed acquisition system of physiological data and detect emotions....................................................................... 41 Fig. 2.5 Wire Protocol.......................................................................... 44 Fig. 2.6 Circuit Diagram...................................................................... 45 Fig. 2.7 Skin Anatomy......................................................................... 47 Fig. 2.8 Skin conductance measured through the sweat glands of finger tips................................................................................ 49 Fig. 2.9 Voltage Divider....................................................................... 51 Fig. 2.10 Structure of the heart............................................................... 52 Fig. 2.11 Arrangement of a plethysmograph......................................... x 56 Fig. 2.12 Relative absorption levels of infrared light of skin................. 57 Fig. 2.13 Representation of the Photoplethysmograph waveform......... 57 Fig. 2.14 Arrangement of light source and light sensitive detector: Transmittance method ............................................................ 58 Fig. 2.15 Arrangement of light source and light sensitive detector: Reflectance method ................................................................ 59 Fig. 2.16 Temperature Sensor................................................................ 62 Fig. 2.17 EZ430-F2013 - MSP430 16-bit microcontroller USB Stick.. 64 Fig. 2.18 Architectural view of MSPF2013........................................... 65 Fig. 2.19 PCB diagram........................................................................... 66 Fig. 2.20 Pin Diagram of MSP430F2013(Mainoddin and Usha, 2014) 68 Fig. 2.21 Analog-To-Digital Conversion.............................................. 71 Fig 3.1 Sequence of emotion………………………………………... 82 Fig 3.2 Plutchik’s Model ………………………………………….. 86 Fig 3.3 Russell’s Model …………………………………………… 86 Fig 3.4 Generic process of emotion identification………………… 88 Fig 3.5 Machine learning approach……………………………….. 90 Fig.3.6 Classification Methods……………………………………. 91 Fig 3.7 Two Conditional Events ………………………………….. 95 Fig 3.8 Emotion States diagram with transition probability.............. 101 Fig. 4.1 Two-dimensional emotion models with four quadrants…… 110 Fig. 4.2 Data analysis and subject assessment for emotion estimation 117 Fig. 4.3 Variation in GSR…………………………………………… 122 Fig. 4.4 Variation in Blood volume Pulse (BVP)…………………… 123 Fig. 4.5 Variation in Temperature…………………………………… 123 xi Fig. 5.1 ProComp5 Infiniti System T7525M……………………….. 131 Fig. 5.2 GSR/Temp 2x……………………………………………… 132 Fig.5.3 Holter Monitor……………………………………………… 133 Fig. 5.4 The Digital HRM…………………………………………… 134 Fig. 5.5 Bedside Monitor MPM 5533………………………………. 135 Fig. 5.6 Cardiomon CCM900………………………………………. 136 Fig. 5.7 Bioview HRV monitor…………………………………….. 136 Fig. 6.1 The electrode placement ………………………………….. 142 Fig. 7.1 Basic Biofeedback System………………………………… 149 Fig. 7.2 Work flow of implemented Algorithms……………………. 151 xii LIST OF ALGORITHMS Algorithms2.1 Efficient Algorithm for A-D conversions......................... 72 Algorithm 3.1 Best first search algorithm……………………………… 89 Algorithm 3.2 HYBRID-NAV-MAR………………………………….. 101 Algorithm 5.1 Purposed and applied Sleep/awake algorithm…………... 128 xiii CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction to the research work…………………... 1 1.2 Autonomic nervous system…………………………. 3 1.3 Biofeedback 5 1.3.1 Biofeedback Modalities………………………. 6 1.4 Psychophysiology…………………………………… 8 1.5 Psychophysiology and Emotions…………………… 8 1.6 Biofeedback Embedded System……………………. 10 1.7 Issues of biofeedback devices……………………… 10 1.7.1 Multiple Interventions.................................... 11 1.7.2 Smart/Intelligent Devices............................... 11 Chapter - 1 1.8 1.7.3 Cost……………………………………………. 14 Solutions to the Problem……………………………. 14 1.8.1 Biofeedback modalities intervention............... 14 1.8.2 Research Contribution by Integrating ……… 15 Intelligent Methods for Data Analysis and Decision Making 1.8.3 Contributions of the work to make the design cost- 1.9 17 effective and power- efficient Need of the work……………………………………. xiv 17 1.10 Objective of the work……………………………….. 19 1.11 Literature Survey …………………………………… 19 1.12 Organization of thesis………………………………. 31 Chapter – 2 EMOTION DETECTION ARCHITECTURE & 33 SYSTEM 2.1 Introduction…………………………………………. 33 2.2 Architectural View of Conventional Model………… 34 2.2.1 Subject………………………………………. 35 2.2.2 Transducer/Sensor…………………………... 35 2.2.3 Signal Conditioner………………………….. 36 2.2.4 Display System……………………………… 36 2.2.5 Control System……………………………… 36 2.2.6 Working of conventional model……………. 37 2.3 Problems in Conventional Architecture…………….. 38 2.4 Proposed Model (Emotion Detection Model)………. 38 2.4.1 System Design Process……………………… 38 2.4.2 Steps for Designing the Emotion Detection 40 System 2.5 Proposed Design and How It Works……………… 41 2.6 Circuit Diagram of the Proposed System …………. 44 2.7 SIGNAL PROCESSING……………………………. 46 2.7.1 46 Connectivity of input signal with sensors 2.7.1.B Blood Volume Pulse (BVP)……………….. xv 55 2.8 2.9 Chapter – 3 2.7.1. C Skin Temperature………………………… 60 Microcontroller Overview 63 2.8.1 MSP430F2013 Architecture………………… 65 2.8.2 Modular design …………………………….. 66 2.8.3 The SD16 A Sigma-Delta ADC…………….. 70 Conclusion…………………………………………… 77 EMOTION INTELLIGENCE METHODOLOGY 78 AND ANALYSIS 3.1 Introduction…………………………………………. 78 3.2 Background and Related Works……………………. 78 3.3 Emotions and Emotional intelligence………………. 79 3.4 Methods for Recognizing Emotions………………… 82 3.5 Emotion Model……………………………………… 84 3.6 Emotion Estimation Methodology 87 3.6.1 Generic process of emotion identification 87 3.6.2 Machine learning algorithms for emotion 90 prediction 3.6.2.A Naïve Bayes………………………………… 91 3.6.3 100 HYBRID-NAV-MAR……………………….. 3.6.4. Implementation of HYBRID-NAV-MAR 100 3.6.5 Markov Model………………………………. 102 Comparative study………………………………….. 105 EMPIRICAL STUDY AND ANALYSIS 107 4.1 Generalities………………………………………….. 107 4.2 Benchmark construction of experimentation ………. 110 4.2.1 Experimental Study_ S0_1………………….. 110 4.2.2 Experiment_ S0_2…………………………… 113 4.2.3 Experiment_ S0_3…………………………… 115 3.7 Chapter – 4 xvi 4.3 4.4 Chapter – 5 5.3 5.4 Chapter – 6 DATA ANALYSIS …………………………………. 116 4.3.1 Data Acquisition…………………………….. 117 4.3.2 Normalization and feature extraction……… 118 4.3.3 Classification Methods…………………….. 119 4.3.4 Observations 121 CONCLUSIONS 123 POWER EFFICIENCY AND SYSTEM COST 125 5.1 Introduction 125 5.2 Energy efficiency 126 5.2.1 Proposed Low-Power model 127 5.2.2 Power Analysis 129 Expenditure Effectiveness 130 5.3.1 Biofeedback Machines 130 5.3.2 GSR2/Temp Biofeedback System 131 5.3.3 ECG MACHINES 132 5.3.4 134 5.3.5 Multiparameter Bedside Monitor (MPM 5533) Cardiomon CCM900 5.3.6 BioView HRV Monitor 136 5.3.7 Resources of Proposed work 137 135 Conclusion 138 EMOTION RECOGNITION DEVICE USER 139 GUIDE 6.1 General guidelines 139 6.2 Technical background 140 6.3 Using the skin response in the biofeedback training 141 6.4 Hardware/Software Set-up 142 6.4.1 143 Biofeedback training by using the proposed xvii device 6.4.2 Standard Controls 144 6.4.3 Sensor features: 144 6.4.4 Precautions and safety 145 CONCLUSION 146 7.1 Introduction 146 7.2 Conclusions of the study 147 7.3 Limitations of the Study 149 7.4 Future scope 150 REFERENCES 153 Appendix – I 166 Chapter - 7 168 Appendix - II 174 Appendix – III xviii ABSTRACT The most unstoppable and uncontrollable aspect of the mental state of humans is emotion. The emotions cannot be changed by a device but an effort can be made to predict or estimate emotion. The estimating of emotions is likely to be helpful because emotion is regarded as one of the profound factors, which influence the everyday life activities that can help us judge or choose between the available choices; and can alert us to avoid danger. The estimation of emotions can be done by using different methodologies, such as detecting facial expressions, voice estimation in stress, and measuring the changes in the physiological signals (temperature, heart rate, and GSR). This research focuses on the physiological parameters, which are measured using the sensors to decide the emotive status of a human being. The signals obtained using these measurements are authentic; though not alterable, these cannot be concealed during the measurement process, as these are generated due to the activation of the sympathetic nerves of Autonomous Nervous System (ANS).The bio-sensors have the advantage of monitoring the physiological parameters of the body (the physiological parameters are directly controlled by the autonomous nervous system and are affected by emotions). When different emotions are experienced by a human body then physiological changes are observed in terms of the skin conductance(GSR), blood volume pulse (BVP), and temperature. The proposed system design is a low power, portable, and cost effective embedded system for estimating the emotions based on collected data. It senses different emotions by using the machine learning algorithms embedded within a microcontroller (MSP430F2013).The Naïve Bayes classifier is one of the probability models that incorporates the class conditional assumptions and gives an output in the form of predicted emotion based on the data collected in the past. The algorithm’s accuracy xix improves as more the system collects more data. This predicted emotion by the Bayesian method becomes the input for the next machine learning algorithm, the Markov model. The Markov model is also implemented in microcontroller for predicting the emotion based on collected data. That means that both the algorithms are fused together to make them work in a hybrid form. For a proper fusion, a new algorithm called HYB-NAVMAR was designed to support the hybrid form. Our experimental results with the implementations of these algorithms on a TI MSP430 shows that the emotion can be predicted reasonably accurately as based on the collected data and the accuracy of prediction improves as the system collects more xx data. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION A foundation and the body of knowledge on which this research work stands are discussed in this psychophysiology, chapter. the It relation introduces of the basics psychophysiology of biofeedback, with emotion, psychophysiological signals using biofeedback technique, and biofeedback embedded systems which detect the emotions of humans. This chapter also gives an overview of research and literature survey. 1.1 Introduction to the research work Emotion is regarded as one of the key factors and it influences everyday life activities that can help us judge or choose between the available choices; and can alert us to avoid danger etc. Most of the time emotion is acquired unwittingly in human beings depending upon the situation and circumstances. The recognition of emotion is therefore necessary to know more about the human behaviour(Elfenbein, 2002). As a result, emotion recognition has become popular in the field of human computer interface community, which can play an important role in the improvement of the interaction between humans and computers. If the emotion recognition and elicitation is done in an effective way, it is possible to make humans interact with computers the same way the humans interact with each other. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Human Robotic Interaction (HRI) are the major areas where emotional intelligence can be implemented(Cowie et al., 2008). Emotion recognition by device can be done in various ways, such as affective computing techniques and psychophysiological measurement. Affective computing is applicable in the recognition and synthesis of facial expression, voice inflection, gestures, and postures(Sauter et al., 2010).However, this method is not reliable, as the individuals can hide their emotions and their affective states of mind. In order to overcome this 2 problem, the use of psychophysiological measurement was introduced. This technique is now being used actively to acquire such emotional states using different biosensors, that is, Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), Blood Volume Pulse (BVP), Electromyography (EMG), Electrocardiography (ECG), temperature, and few others. The signals obtained using these measurements are authentic, thus not alterable and cannot be concealed while measuring them, as they are generated due to the activation of sympathetic nerves of Autonomous Nervous System (ANS)(Hagemann et al., 2003). Signals from the biosensors are then processed using different signal processing techniques and methods to convert these into a feasible data (commonly stated as psychophysiological data). The psychophysiological data are obtained by recording signals from the human participants. This research proposes machine intelligence that includes emotional intelligence and expresses outcomes toward this goal: “developing a machine's ability to recognize human emotional state from physiological signals.” To make it work as machine, intelligent popular machine learning algorithms are employed including the Naïve Bayes Classifier and the Markov model. Both of these algorithms were implemented and also in a hybrid form. The Naïve Bayesian used here include class conditional independence assumptions that are based on probability models. As such, the predictions about emotion is based on data collected by the system in the past and should improve with increase in collected data. The output of Naïve Bayes comes in the form of emotion. For the future prediction of next emotion is handled by the Markov model. It depends upon the accuracy of the prediction by the Bayesian method. In order to combine both algorithms, a new algorithm has been designed called the HYB-NAV-MAR. Some of the psychophysiological signals (bio-signals) like GSR and BVP have been used inputs for the designed embedded system. The extraction of psychophysiological data was done by using bio-sensors. As part of the designed embedded system, a portable and a 3 cost-effective microcontroller from Texas Instruments, MSP430F2013,(Davies, 2008) was used in this research. The designed system has capability and intelligence to monitor patient (subject) different level of emotions automatically and simulation of these emotions can be seen through a computer. 1.2 Autonomic nervous system The nervous system is originally split into two divisions: : the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system (Loewy and Spyer, 1990).The central nervous system consists of all of the neurons and this receives information from each organ and tissue within the body. It also analyzes the information and sends appropriate responses back to the organs. ANS(Autonomic Nervous System) acts as a control system within the body, maintaining and carrying out all tasks that fall below the level of consciousness. This involves tasks such as the process of digestion, the beating of the heart, and the respiratory rate.Although this can be consciously controlled, under most circumstances it is an automated and non-conscious process. In order to maintain the balance there are two divisions of the autonomic nervous system: the parasympathetic division and the sympathetic division. The sympathetic nervous system kicks into gear when energy expenditure is necessary (ex: during times of excitement or stress). Because of this, it has earned the nickname the “fight or flight response.” This system can do several things such as increasing blood pressure and heart rate, stimulating the secretion of adrenaline, and increasing the blood flow to the skeletal muscles(Gabella, 2001). The parasympathetic nervous system (shown in Fig.1) returns our body back to homeostasis. It kicks in when energy reserves can be conserved and saved for later use. This system is capable of increasing salivation, digestion, and storage of glucose and it can slow down heart rate, as well as decrease respiration. 4 Fig 1.1 Nervous System(Brodal, 2004) The autonomic nervous system is the subsection of the peripheral nervous system that regulates body activities that are usually not under conscious control. Biofeedback method completes the loop among autonomic autonom functions and conscious awareness. Spinal Cord Brain Effectors Human Senses and/or Assistive Biofeedback providesprovides “Close Loop” Fig1.2 Diagrammatical view if ANS with biofeedback(Corwin biofeedback(Corwin and Williams, 2008) The primary emotions of fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, joy, etc., can be mixed to produce more complex emotional experiences. The left hemisphere of the brain primarily processes positive emotions. Negative emotions are processed in the right hemisphere. hemisphere. The amygdale provides a "quick and dirty" pathway for the arousal of fear that bypasses the cerebral 5 cortex. Body changes that occur during emotion are caused by hormone adrenaline and activity in the ANS. The sympathetic branch of the ANS is primarily responsible for arousing the body; the parasympathetic branch for quieting it. Emotional arousal involves changes in heart rate, blood pressure, GSR, etc(Westerink et al., 2008). Recognizing emotions is not just dependent upon facial expressions. Rather, there are many more kinds of signs or cues, such as: biofeedback modalities, voice, gestures, and actions. Numerous biofeedback modalities which exist are; temperature change retrieved via fingertip thermometers; electromyography (EMG) in which muscle contraction is calculated; resistance of skin influenced by sweat is evaluated (GSR); cardiovascular activity is measured via heart rate. Emotion depends upon the activities in the ANS of the individual. As emotion varies, it brings variations in sympathetic nerves of ANS in excited condition. The sweat is secreted from the sweat glands and with this a change in GSR is observed. The heart rate is also under constant control of autonomic nervous system, which also affects heart rate(Zald, 2003). 1.3 Biofeedback Biofeedback(Schwartz and Andrasik, 2003) is a treatment technique in which people are trained to improve their health by using signals from their own bodies. It works on the principle that we have the innate ability and potential to influence the automation functions of our body through the exertion of will and mind. By using the biofeedback, a person can learn to change their body’s reaction, in a way that improves strength of body, and this can be done by using an electronic device that measures and indicates diverse things that are happening inside the body. Two branches of the biofeedback area can be defined: Ubiquitous-biofeedback and Clinical-biofeedback. 6 Biofeedback Clinical Biofeedback Ubiquitous Biofeedback Fig. 1.3: Branches of the Biofeedback technology(Kim et al., 2006) Clinical biofeedback is performed under the direction of a health practitioner, usually in a clinical setting. The subject is guided during exercises where she or he is made responsive to key physiological parameters and assisted through different procedures to control them. These sessions are normally bound by time and the setting in which they are performed (typically a clinic). Ubiquitous biofeedback, on the other hand, is a continuous process that is neither bound by time nor setting. For instance, a system designed to monitor mental stress can be activated almost anytime and anywhere the individual feels that her or his mental stress level tends to increase (e.g. work, classroom, and car)(Kim et al., 2006). 1.3.1 Biofeedback Modalities Several physiological processes can be observed by biofeedback applications. By using various sensors for different parameters and the possibility of recording every parameter at a time can be achieved.While designing the biofeedback device one should take care that each biofeedback modality has different displays that are clearly specified, so that one doesn’t get puzzled.(Schwartz and Andrasik, 2003) Some of the more common modalities are given below: GSR (Galvanic Skin Response): Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) (Bitterman and Holtzman, 1952, Westeyn et al., 2006)is a measure of 7 sweat gland activity. Most people are familiar with having cold, clammy hands under stressful circumstances, such as meeting new people or having to perform before an audience. The coldness comes from constriction of the smooth muscles surrounding the blood vessels (measured by hand temperature), while the dampness is caused by eccrine gland activity. The eccrine glands secrete a salty solution in response (Shi et al., 2007)to emotions and stress. BVP (Blood Volume Pulse): Blood Volume Pulse is measured with the phasic change in blood volume which varies with each heartbeat, heart rate, and heart rate variability (HRV).It consists of beat-to-beat differences in intervals between successive heartbeats. It is captured by technique called Photoelectric Plethysmography, also known as photoplethysmography (PPG).It is a non-invasive method used to measure the heart rate by determining the blood volume changes in the skin’s periphery (finger-tip, ear-lobe) by the photo-electric method(Poh et al., 2011). Temperature: It is measured by sensors attached on the ring fingers. The temperature modality indicates the contraction of the smooth muscles around the blood vessels and determines that how much blood reaches the fingertips. Few sensors of measuring temperature are: Thermistors, Thermocouple, Resistance temperature detectors, etc. The sensor is selected depends upon the requirements(Lakin, 1998). Neurofeedback: Brain waves are calculated by the electroencephalograph (EEG). EEG is comprised of various bandwidths: Theta (4-7 Hz), Alpha (8-12 Hz), Beta (13-20 Hz), and Gamma (21+). In general EEG training is to implement range of motion among bandwidths, so that the client knows what every bandwidth feels like and how to use every state for its characteristic benefits. Normally, beta and gamma are useful for directed movement and getting things done; alpha is useful in situations where 8 relaxed vigilance (such as meditation); and theta is useful for creative, day dreamy generation of imagery (theta is sometimes called start of unconscious)(Evans and Abarbanel, 1999). EMG (electromyography): Muscle activity is exacted by the EMG, which detects the electrical activity occurring within certain muscles, specifically the trapezius (shoulder) and temporalis (jaw and scalp) muscles. Muscle tension indicates stress. For example, it is common for people to react to the anxiety of anger by clenching their teeth. To measure EMG, the skin is cleaned and adhesive sensors with a gel are attached to the shoulder muscles(Lucovnik et al., 2011). 1.4 Psychophysiology Psychophysiology is the branch of psychology which is concerned mainly with the physiological response to mental processes. Psychophysiology has been defined as the interaction of mind and body and is the study of different physiological manifestations (e.g. facial expression, heart beat etc.) of emotional states.(Andreassi, 2000) Physiological psychology (i.e. psychophysiology) studies how physiological variables such as brain stimulation (independent variables) that can affect other (dependent) variables. The independent variable can be considered as a stimulus (e.g., an image of bleeding man) and the dependent variable can be physiological measures (e.g., heart rate, skin conductance(Hubbard et al., 2002).. This research here focuses on dependent variables such as the GSR, the BVP, and the body temperature. 1.5 Psychophysiology and Emotions Emotions are generated implicitly when any stimulus elicits some feeling, which strikes on the brain (psychology) and makes alterations on physical response. The interpretation of psychophysiological signals along with emotion has strong correlation. Moreover, in psychophysiology, it has been found that emotions and physiology (skin conductance, muscle 9 contraction and relaxation, heartbeat, blood pressure etc.) are closely c related and influence each other(Laparra-Hernández other Hernández et al., 2009). 2009) Emotion recognition from psychophysiological measurement and classification of these emotions can be used as input for robotic behaviour. The use of psychophysiological data on humans interacting interacting with robots is a more recentand emerging method(Larsen method et al., 2008),, however, there is only limited research conducted on the use of psychophysiological measures. Emotions ons can be defined as a mental state that occurs impulsively without any effort and is complemented by physiological variations. It is precisely produced by cognitive procedure, subjective feelings, physiological arousal, motivational trends, and developmental developmental reactions. Humans can go through different emotions on a higher scale that can regulate through various emotional experiences; such types of feature are named as Emotional Intelligence (EI). (Mayer et al., 2001)Emotional Emotional intelligence has four features that are also known as branches (Ciarrochi et al., 2000) These branches are: Fig.1.4: Emotional Intelligence Branches • Perceiving (observing) emotion • Usage of emotions to facilitate thought • Managing emotions • Understanding emotions This work explains an application based upon perceiving emotions, as perceiving emotion has the capability to identify emotion in oneself and others. It can also identify the difference between honest and dishonest 10 emotions. An emotion consists of physiological changes, adaptive behaviour, emotional expressions and emotional feelings. Emotions can be disruptive, but overall they help us to adapt and survive. 1.6 Biofeedback Embedded System Embedded systems (Noergaard, 2012)have witnessed an incredible growth in the last few decades.. Almost all of the fast developing sectors like automobile, aeronautics, space, rail, mobile communication, and electronic payment solutions have witnessed increased use of embedded technologies. Embedded systems have greatly influenced the growth of medical devices, making mechanization and miniaturization possible. The use of embedded systems in these devices has metamorphosed these instruments into portable, smarter and network-enabled devices with sophisticated analytical capabilities, delivering high precision and accuracy. (Hock, 2000a) In this research hardware and software instrumentation development and signal processing approach was used to detect the emotion level of a subject (human). To check the device's performance, a certain set of experiments were done. 1.7 Issues of biofeedback devices Over the last decade, many researchers have carried out studies addressing this affective sensing challenge, such as the attempts at emotion identification through facial expression (Allen et al., 2001), body gesture (Hock, 2000b), and speech processing (Ron, 1997) in isolation or in combinations(Wheeler and Jorgensen, 2003). Among the diverse affective sensing approaches, the monitoring and analysis of physiological signals is measured as a particularly promising technique for affective assessment, since these signals are inherently controlled by the subject’s ANS, which means they are less susceptible to environmental interference or voluntary masking . 11 Biofeedback devices are generally used exclusively in therapeutic settings. This can be a disadvantage, as they are not available for patients (Wong et al., 2001)for more than a few hours a day. We will next describe some similar issues which were analysed by the researchers. 1.7.1 Multiple Interventions The paucity of information concerning multiple biofeedback modalities intervention(Koh et al., 2008) has provided an area for research. Issues of existing multiple biofeedback modalities are their size (bulky), complex circuit and complex design, which leads to high power consumption. In personal cases, a patient can’t even think to buy such a device for personal use at home. An example for such cases can be if any patient is paralyzed and their caretaker wants to know emotion or any biofeedback, then they have to take that patient to a hospital or they have to buy an expensive device.(Kopka and Crawford, 2004) 1.7.2 Smart/Intelligent Devices The problem of the control and correction of the human functional state is of essential today. The rise of human interaction with sophisticated equipment leads to the growth of nervous emotional load and formation of steady stressful status, development of neurosis, and psychosomatic diseases. The elimination of such distresses that are wholly pharmacological is often unapproachable because of contra-indications. As a result, psychophysiological methods of the person’s emotional state correction have been widely developed. One of the largest groups of such methods is indirect biofeedback treatment (Drechsler et al., 2007)(biofeedback training). It is possible to split methods of emotional state correction and, in particular, biofeedback training, into three category: non-adaptive, adaptive and intelligent(Unakafov, 2009). Non-adaptive methods: In such techniques, there is no mechanism of a procedure’s correction depending on results of influence on the patient. 12 The composition of non-adaptive non method is presented in Fig.1.5, where TCA is Training Control Algorithm, the basis of the technique.(Shenoy technique. et al., 2006) Fig.1.5: Non-adaptive method Source:(Unakafov, (Unakafov, 2009) Influence alteration is made by the expert (the psychologist, the psychophysiologist chophysiologist or the psychotherapist) based on an objective (the control of a patient state) and/or a subjective advice (interrogation of the patient). Common drawback of non-adaptive non adaptive methods is their selective efficiency in case of simple methods, such as a high load on the specialist who is carrying out the practice in case of sophisticated methods(Clancy methods et al., 2002).Essential .Essential increase of biofeedback training efficiency is probable at the expense of approach personalization: maintenance of the highest patient’s sensitivity to perception of internal sensations, use of individually selected modes of the biofeedback biofeedback training to resolve these problems, adaptive methods are use.(Lehrer use. et al., 2000).. They include mechanisms 13 of automatic modification of influence on the patient, depending on his/her state. Adaptive methods provide a very high effectiveness of training. In tough cases flexibility of the technique appears deficient and the result depends on the experience and professional skills of the specialist carrying out the process.(Shenoy (Shenoy et al., 2006)The 2006)The structure of an adaptive technique is shown in Fig.1.6 below. Now, the requirement for highly skilled psychophysiologists gists is growing and it is not completely satisfied. Fig. 1.6: Adaptive A method Source: (Unakafov, 2009) Intellectual method: method To compensate for the need of specialists, to facilitate their work and raise its effectiveness, intellectual methods (Unakafov, 2009)can 2009)can be used. The intellectual method includes the method of training conditions specialist estimate (an artificial intellect, AI/Machine learning algorithms).The formulation and understanding of intellectual methods is a latest problem, which is weakly resolved at present. There are some general ideas ideas regarding formulation of intellectual methods in a amount of sources (for example,(Ron, example, 1997)), ), however, this 14 problem is not completely solved yet(Ron, 1997).In this research work, an intelligent hardware-software biofeedback system is the focus and it uses psychophysiological signals. 1.7.3 Cost The use of biofeedback devices in therapeutic setting is expensive. As a result of high cost, it becomes doubtful whether it is more effective than the learning of relaxation techniques. Due to its therapeutic settings, one to one sessions are conducted which can again make this method expensive. In personal biofeedback devices, some of the costs for the technical equipment are also high.(Brunelli et al., 2006) 1.8 Solutions to the Problem A technical device might be a good solution for the issues described above. The idea for an application would help create awareness about emotions to find solutions. To automate the proposed method, it is necessary to develop the mechanism that can estimate different psychophysiological signals and detect the emotions of humans based on the data it has collected in the past. 1.8.1 Biofeedback modalities intervention This research has proposed a design and developed a low power consuming, cost-effective embedded system through which humans can measure and analyze different parameters of ANS (GSR, Temperature, and Heart rate) of a person and display it on any of the output devices. Multiple parameters of ANS are applied and implemented on the model, like the GSR, heart rate, and temperature. MSP430F2013 is the microcontroller that uses a lowpower architecture and improves the power efficiency of system. The algorithm designed by researchers, the sleep/awake algorithm, is also implemented for enhancing power efficiency of the system. The device is intended for portable and energy- 15 efficiency will be of key importance for its usage over long periods of time without a need to recharge or replace the battery. 1.8.2 Research Contribution by Integrating Intelligent Methods for Data Analysis and Decision Making Implementation of intelligent methods provides automatic development of influence strategy and, if necessary, delivery of recommendations to the specialist list who is carrying out the process. Their structure is presented in the Fig 1.7. The training process can be carried out in both modes: manual (control under doctor) and automatic (with machine learning algorithms). Thus, unlike the adaptive methods, which which are only a convenient tool for the specialist, intellectual methods will not only simplify his/her work, but also replace the specialist. Fig.1.7: Intelligent method For data analysis part, we have implemented different machine learning algorithm that run on the MSP430 microcontroller. These are: 1. Naïve Bayesian 2. Markov Model 3. HYB-NAV NAV-MAR 16 Naïve Bayesian: This algorithm is applied to predict the emotional state based on the data collected in the past. Bayesian is responsible for decision-making and inferential statistics by using probabilities of various emotions as seen over the past under certain circumstances. The number of possibilities for the ANS data is extremely large so as the system trains more the predictions are likely to get better. Markov Model: Markov model is based on the Markov chain. It models the state of a system with a random variable changing over time. The Markov property suggests that the distribution for a variable depends only on the distribution of the previous (past) state. In Markov, when changes in states are observed those occurrences are called transitions. The probability is associated with each state change and those changes are called transition probabilities. The process starts in one of the above shown states and moves successively from state to state(S-Stress, JJoyful, and C-Calm).This helped to predict future, based on current emotion. Fig.1.8: State Transitions HYBRID-NAV-MAR: The output of the Bayesian algorithm acts as input to the Markov model. The input for the algorithm was the different possible events and the different state to have transition between events (GSR/BVP/Temperature) and states (Stress/Joy/Calm). This is a new 17 algorithm which has helped to create linking between Bayesian and the Markov model. 1.8.3 Contributions of the work to make the design cost-effective and power-efficient: This research proposes a biofeedback based system “emotion detection,” which is a high quality, low-cost system answering the advanced needs of the clinical systems. The pursuit of this research is also to explore the techniques which may lead to the development of computer systems enriched with affective awareness. In order to make it cost effective, a circuit was designed accordingly and total hardware/software to keep costs low. In order to improve the energyefficiency of the system, data processing algorithm using TI MSP430 have been implemented and has also given a cost-effective and highly portable solution. 1.9 Need of the work When person confront with various demanding situations - our bodies respond in much the same way as the "fight or flight response"(Jansen et al., 1995).A person automatically prepares also to fight the stress or to run from it. Sometimes, one needs to control different emotional situations which can lead the person suffering them to dangerous situations, in both the medium and short term. During our life, as person confront the various stressors(Eckenrode, 1984) that occur each day, we respond by constantly tensing and relaxing(Kahneman et al., 2004). Ultimately, after each instance of tensing, we cease to return to our actual level of physiological relaxation. Consequently, through the years we establish a stair-step pattern. We adjust to rising levels of physiological action(Nagai et al., 2004). In so doing, we drop familiarity with deeper levels of relaxation and get used to greater levels of stress as the norm. This habituation to needless 18 physiological activity has a wearing consequence and can cause such conditions as high blood pressure, headaches, digestive problems, and other diseases(Chrousos, 2009). This method is used in analyzing variables like heart rate, GSR, blood pressure and the occurrence of certain patterns in electroencephalogram(Greenhalgh et al., 2010, Lin et al., 2012, Chanel et al., 2009). Classically, biofeedback exercises take place in a clinic under the supervision of a doctor or therapist(Piepoli et al., 2011). Nonetheless, in recent years, many works have challenged this classical notion by enabling such exercises from various non-clinical settings (e.g. home, work, car)(Meule et al., 2012). These systems are therefore aimed at achieving geographical biofeedback ubiquity. However, to the best of our awareness, no attempts have been made to celebrate the concept of non-clinical biofeedback into a reference model. Such a model should provide an abstract structural representation of the various components at play in a typical non-clinical biofeedback application. Note that these applications operate mostly independently from a clinician and interface directly with the user. Therefore, specific adjustments and additions are required to accommodate direct interface with the user. Consequently, the formalization of the reference model provides a standardization of the various components involved and the goal and scope of such systems. One of the principle objectives of this thesis is to present this reference model. Also, this model focuses on the concept of temporal biofeedback ubiquity. To the best of our knowledge, biofeedback exercises in most existing works are performed during time-bound sessions. A user of such systems commits her or his entire concentration to the exercise. Nonetheless, we advocate the principle of continuous monitoring of physiological data. The users go about their day while the system operates in the background. 19 1.10 Objective of the work The main objective of this work is to design and develop an embedded system which can be used for analysis of emotions and other physical activity parameters: 1. To design and develop a low-power consuming, cost-effective embedded system through which we can measure and analyze different parameters of a person's ANS (GSR/ temperature/heart rate/EEG) and display it on any of the output devices. 2. Put together an accurate analog-to-digital domain conversion. 3. Implement intelligent data analysis algorithms on embedded processor such as TI MSP430. 4. Implement energy-efficient data processing algorithm using TI MSP430 in creating a cost-effective and highly portable solution 1.11 Literature Survey The word ‘biofeedback’ was not coined until 1969, but the idea has been known for thousands of years in the form of meditation and a variety of yoga techniques(Yucha and Montgomery, 2008). Biofeedback was first introduced in rehabilitation and physical therapy more than 35 years ago. It appeared to be the effective support of the therapy, demonstrating positive changes in function of patients in a lot of clinical conditions. For example, yogis have been deliberately controlling their ANS (such as slowing their heart rate or rising their body temperature) by analysing their body’s performance. It is believed that the foundation of biofeedback research was recognized in the 1930s when progressive relaxation methods (Martin and Johnson, 2006) and autogenic training (Miu et al., 2009) were established. These techniques involve a roitine practice that lasts for a certain time gap (for example, 15 minutes) during which the practitioner replicates a set of visualizations and releases tension in the muscles to induce a state of relaxation. Such practices, supplemented with information relating to the mind and body (collected by electronic 20 sensors), would later form the foundation for biofeedback(Morone and Greco, 2007). C. Jung Relationship between psychology and physiology H.S Black Negative feedback in electronics J. Basmanjian EMG biofeedback A. Rosenblueth N. Wiener Feedback in cybernetics N.E. Miller Operant conditioning of the autonomic nervous system functioning J. Kamiya Subjects can increase amplitude of alpha waves R.Caton Bioelectrical brain activity as result of stimuli H. Berger Electrical correlates of brain activity in human, EEG (Caton, 1875) 1920s 1930s 1960s 1970s B. Sterman Sensorimotorrhythmprotocol in epilepsy Fig 1.9: Significant moments in the history of biofeedback (Healey and Picard, 2005) : This paper provides the basis of designing of an intelligent driving system that adjusts the driving condition by taking stress levels of a driver into account. It provides various techniques for collecting and analysing physiological data during real-world driving tasks to determine a driver’s relative stress level. Following physiological signals, electromyogram, electrocardiogram skin resistance, and respiration were estimated continuously while drivers followed a set route through open roads in the greater Boston area. Data from 24 drives of at least 50-minute durations were collected for analysis. The data were analysed in two ways. The analysis used features from 5-min intervals of data during the rest, highway, and city driving conditions to discriminate three levels of driver anxiety with an precision of over 97% across multiple drivers and driving days. 21 (Westland, 2011): This work reviews the olden times of designs for a fussy branch of affective technologies that get electrodermal response readings from person subjects. Electrodermal response equipment have gone through frequent improvements to improved measure these nervous responses, however still fall short of the capabilities of today’s skill. This author has analysed diverse issues from which current avatar of electrodermal reaction measurement suffers, from five that tend to confound the mining of meaningful affective data streams from the calibrations. Electrodermal reactions unadventurously have been labourintensive. Protocols and record of subject reactions were recorded on separate documents, forcing stable shifts of attention among scripts, electrodermal measuring devices and of observations and subject reactions. These troubles can be solved by collecting supplementary data and connecting it in a computer interface. That is, by adding associated sensors to the basic electrodermal resistance reading to disentangle: (1) body resistance; (2) skin conductance; (3) grip actions; other (4) factors affecting the neural dispensation for instructing the body. The current paper has analyzed, in depth, the mainly widely used low-cost technology for measuring nervousness and emotional state: the electrodermal response. It has been argued that, with a high-quality understanding of the method behind electrodermal response, it is doable to precisely monitor a number of inner emotional activities, and with the right set of sensors, to split the differing sources of change and nervousness over time. Since the accurate capture modulation of emotional state is a promising element in explore of wealthier more immersive gaming, it is argued that such measurements can considerably adjoin to the brilliance and the magnetism of gaming innovations in software. (Wagner et al., 2005): This paper gives the possible of physiological signals as consistent channels for emotion detection to which only a little amount of attentiveness has been paid up to this aim, as compared to audio-visual emotion channels such as words or facial expressions. All vital stages of an mechanical recognition system are talked about, from the 22 recordings of a physiological statistics set for a feature-based multiclass classification. In order to gather a physiological statistics set from numerous subjects over many weeks, the author employed a musical introduction method that extemporaneously guides subjects to actual emotional states, without using a deliberate laboratory setting. Fourchannel biosensors were occupied to calculate electromyogram, electrocardiogram, skin conductivity, and respiration variations. A vast range of physiological features was occupied from miscellaneous analysis domains, including time/frequency, sub-band spectra, entropy, geometric analysis, etc., which are proposed so as to discover the top emotion-relevant features and to attach them with emotional states. The top features taken are exposed in detail and their efficiency was confirmed by the classification results. Classification of four melodic emotions (positive/high arousal, negative/low arousal, negative/high arousal, and positive/low arousal) is finished by using an complete, probabilistic linear discriminator analysis (pLDA). Moreover, by exploiting a dichotomic property of a2D emotion model, the writer created a newest EMDC scheme so as to intensely improve the accuracy of the four emotion classes. Using this technique, he actually obtained a maximum of 13 percent improved correctness for all subjects. However, the recognition accuracy of subject-independent classification (70 percent for four classes) was not equivalent to the subject-dependent cases (95 percent for four classes). The major reason can probably be ascribed to the intricate dissimilarity of non-emotional entity contexts between the subjects rather than to any contradiction of ANS differences between emotions. (Plotnikov et al., 2012), The preparation of this work was to observe the use of EEG for user position monitoring in games, attempting to support dependability with consumer deployment and thus exploit a tool alike to the ones that are soon likely to emerge in the game control market. Passive brain–computer interaction (BCI) can give useful information to identify a 23 user’s state and anticipate intentions, which is necessary to keep adaptively and personalization. Specified the vast variety of viewers, a game’s capability of adapting to dissimilar user profiles—in exacting to keep the play in flow—is critical to make it ever more enjoyable and satisfying. They have performed a user testing exploiting a four electrode electroencephalogram (EEG) tool alike to the ones that are soon likely to demonstrate on the market for game control. They have performed a spectral description of the video-gaming experience, also in contrast with other responsibilities. The results presented in this work give to advancing the state of the art of information in many aspects. Author has performed a spectral classification of the video-gaming experience, in grouping with other tasks, with exacting attention to flow, which is a key factor of the gaming practice. Results authenticate that subdivision of brain frequencies in bands (and the consideration of coherences as well) is an important feature-definition principle based on area facts (while band combinations, such as the “attention ratio,” do not add to performance), and that the most informative bands are those around low beta for discriminating with gaming conditions (mid beta for discriminating gaming from other tasks). One of the key actions for the BCI, further than medical applications agenda, is require holding the integration of BCIs with existing gaming hardware and software. This research suggests that a real-time user flow monitoring system—including standard hardware for signal accomplishment and a processing software module as a component of the game engine architecture—could become a common feature of novel production adaptive computing systems. (Nourbakhsh et al., 2012), In this paper, writer aims to perform a comprehensive study on Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) which has lately attracted researchers’ consciousness as a prospective physiological pointer of cognitive load and emotions. It has usually been investigated through a single or a few measures and in one investigational situation. The author has assessed GSR data captured from two experimentations, one including text reading tasks and the other using arithmetic tasks, each imposing 24 several cognitive load levels. In this study, they investigated different time and frequency-domain features of GSR in multiple difficulty levels of arithmetic and reading experiments. A normalisation was functional to omit the subject-dependency of GSR information. The results show that normalization efficiently improves the significance of distinction between the cognitive load levels for mean and accumulative GSR and the spectral features. They have examined temporal and spectral features of GSR against diverse task difficulty levels. ANOVA test was applied for the statistical evaluation. Obtained results show the strong outcome of the explored features, especially the spectral ones, in cognitive workload measurement in the both studied experiments. They have said that their future work will include applying machine learning techniques and assessing the arrangement of other physiological features in cognitive load detection. (de Santos Sierra et al., 2011), this paper proposes a stress-detection method based on physiological signals. Concretely, galvanic skin response (GSR) and heart rate (HR) are proposed to give in sequence on the state of mind of a person, due to their non-intrusiveness and non-invasiveness. Besides, specific psychological experiments were designed to induce tension properly onto individuals in order to acquire a database for training, validating, and testing the planned system. Such a system is based on fuzzy logic, and it described the behaviour of a person under stressing stimuli in terms of HR and GSR. The stress-detection accuracy obtained is 99.5% by acquiring HR and GSR during a period of 10s, and what is more, rates over 90% of success are achieved by decreasing that attainment period to 3–5 s. This paper also comes up with a proposal that accurate stress detection only requires two physiological signals, namely, HR and GSR, and the fact that the proposed tension-detection method is suitable for real-time applications. Finally, this system may be applicable in scenarios related to aliveness discovery (e.g., detecting if an individual is accessing a biometric system with an amputated finger), civil systems (e.g., driver 25 control), withdrawing money from a cash dispenser, electronic voting (e.g., someone is forced to commit a certain vote), and so forth. A wide variety of scenarios can advantage from this approach due to its non-invasiveness, the likelihood of it being embedded on present security systems, and its possibility in detecting stress in real time, jointly with the capability of being mutual into other stress-detection methods based on computer-vision algorithms. It has discussed future work which focuses on incorporation with mobile devices. (Tronstad et al., 2010), in this paper four electrode gels were checked with regards to sorption characteristics and electrical properties. Skin resistance time series were gathered from 18 test subjects during relaxation, exercise and recovery, wearing various pairs of electrodes contra laterally on the hyposthenia and the T9 dermatome. A little pressure test was applied on the T9 electrodes. Impedance frequency sweeps were taken on the T9 electrodes the same day and the next, parameterized to the Cole model. ANOVA on the first skin conductance level change, show response amplitude, recovery offset and pressure-induced varies revealed considerable differences among gel types. The wetter gels caused a higher positive level vary, a better response amplitude, larger recovery offset and greater pressure induced artifacts compared to the solid gels. Sweating on the T9 site led to negative skin resistance responses for the wetter gels. Correlations were found among the desorption measurements and the initial skin conductance level change (hypothenar: R = 0.988 T9: R =0.901) RMANOVA on the Cole parameters revealed a significant decrease in Rs of the most resistive gel. Clinical implications are discussed such as the pressure artifacts which are more applicable in situations where the patient is moving or physically active during the recordings than for controlled setups in the laboratory. Pressure on the electrodes is also likely to occur through sleep monitoring.Pushing or pulling on the electrodes may give transient 26 artifacts which could be detected as particular responses, but the greatest source of error comes from the electrodes which cause changes that stay after the pressure is no longer applied. (Edelberg and Wright, 1964), this study tested the theory that the palmer galvanic skin response (GSR) involves the sweat gland and an epidermal component each responding preferentially according to the demands of the behavioural circumstances. Their relative donations were determined by comparison of simultaneous GSR's from areas with high vs. low concentrations of sweat glands and with direct measurement vapour production as well. Stimuli were tones and lights which were either alerting signals or execution signals for a perceptual or a motor (reaction time) task. The population unexpectedly showed greater relative sweat response to the alerting signal for the reaction time task than to the associated execution signal (71 out of 94 S's). Individual subjects, but not the population as a whole, differentiated significantly between alerting and execution signals for the perceptual task. Results supported the hypothesis that two components are present in the palmer GSR and that these manifest stimulus response specificity, but they were inconclusive regarding the nature of the class of stimuli to which each responds. The difference cannot be one of a preparation for motor as opposed to nonmotor activity. (Zhai and Barreto, 2006), in this paper a stress discovery system is developed based on the physiological signals monitored by non-invasive and non-intrusive sensors. The development of this emotion detection system involved three stages: experiment setup for physiological sensing, signal pre-processing for the extraction of affective features and affective recognition using a learning system. Four signals: Blood Volume Pulse (BVP), Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), Pupil Diameter (PD) and Skin Temperature (ST) are monitored and analyzed to differentiate affective states in a processor user. 27 A Support Vector Machine is used to perform the supervised classification of affective states between “stress” and “relaxed.” Outcomes show that the physiological signals monitored do, in fact, have a strong correlation with the changes in emotional state of our experimental subjects when tension stimuli are applied to the interaction situation. It was also found that the pupil diameter was the most significant affective state indicator, compared to the other three physiological signals recorded. (Shi et al., 2007), In this paper, they attempted to describe the use of physiological measure, namely Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), for objectively evaluate users’ stress and arousal levels while using unimodal and multimodal versions of the same interface. It has investigated the relevance of GSR as an objective indicator of user’s cognitive load and proposes a number of GSR features that can provide further insights into the experienced level of cognitive load. Preliminary and partial analysis of GSR data from user experiments has shown that mean GSR across users increases as cognitive load increases. In addition, it suggests users experienced lower cognitive load levels when using a multimodal interface instead of a unimodal interface (such as speech-only interface or gesture-only interface). Cross-examination of GSR data with multimodal data annotation showed promising results in explaining the peaks in the GSR data, which are found to correlate with sub-task user events. This interesting result verifies that GSR can be used to serve as an objective indicator of user cognitive load level in real time, with a very fine granularity. For future work, they firstly would like to complete the GSR analysis for all eleven subjects who participated in the experimentation, and perform further significance tests on the mean and accumulated GSR data. They also desired to explore in a more rigorous way the correlation between user’s GSR variation and interactive behaviour, especially when using multimodal interfaces. 28 (Haapalainen et al., 2010), in this paper, they collected data from multiple sensors and compared their ability to assess cognitive load. Their focus was on visual perception and cognitive speed-focused tasks that influence cognitive abilities general in ubicomp applications. They evaluated the usefulness of a wide range of psychophysiological signals in processing cognitive load in six different elementary cognitive activities. Four of the tests were chosen to address the PS factor while each of the other two tests targeted one of the other factors, SC and FC. Results demonstrated that, for each participant, a psychophysiological signal was found that can be used to precisely discriminate (74%) tasks of low and high level of difficulty, and following that, levels of low and high cognitive consignment in participants. They initiate that across all participants, the electrocardiogram median absolute variation and median heat flux computations were the most precise at distinguishing between low and high levels of cognitive load, providing a classification correctness of over 80% when used mutually. Their contribution is a real-time, aim, and generalizable technique for assessing cognitive load in cognitive tasks usually found in ubicomp systems and situations of divided notice level of difficulty, and following that, levels of low and high cognitive load in contributors. They found that across all participants, the electrocardiogram median absolute deviation and median heat flux measurements were the most accurate at distinguishing between low and high levels of cognitive load, providing a classification accuracy of over 80% when used together. Their contribution is a real-time, objective, and generalizable method for assessing cognitive load in cognitive tasks commonly found in ubicomp systems and situations of divided attention. (Tarvainen et al., 2001), in this paper principal module analysis is used for the analysis of the inducing GSR, which is a simple technique of capturing the autonomic nerve reaction as a parameter of the sweat gland role. Any stimulus able of an arousal consequence can evoke the response and the 29 amplitude of the response is more dependent on the surprise consequence of the stimulus than on the physical stimulus strength. Basis functions are observed from the Eigen decomposition of the information correlation matrix. As PCA is the best mean square fit of a set of orthogonal functions to the set of measurements, the explanation will depend upon the nature of calibrations. The dimensionality of measurements can be estimated by the number of basic functions required to estimate measurements in certain correctness. Hence the Eigen values, corresponding to used functions, are a measure of similarity. The method was tested using 20 healthy subjects and 13 psychotic patients. Eleven surprising auditory stimuli were delivered at asymmetrical intervals and evoked GSRs were recorded from the hand. Observed similarities between adjacent waveforms were more remarkable within healthy subjects. Response waveforms were usually unaltered for healthy subjects, but there was a tendency of habituation. Observed reduce in amplitudes was 67-99% within healthy subjects. For psychotic patients wave shapes were random and amplitudes were usually smaller. (Mahdis et al.,2012),This paper is an study on negative emotions states identification by employing of Fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory (FuzzyART) considering the changes in actions of autonomic nervous system (ANS). Specific psychological experiments were designed to provoke suitable physiological responses on human in order to acquire a suitable database for training, validating and testing the proposed process. In this research, the three physiological applied signals are Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), Heart Rate (HR) and Respiration Rate (RR). The initial experiment which is named Shock was designed to resolve a criterion for the change of physiological signals of each individual. In the next one, a arrangement of two sets of questions has been asked from the subjects to provoke their emotions. Ultimately, Physiological responses were analyzed by Fuzzy-ART to recognize which question excites the negative 30 emotions. Detecting negative emotions from neutral is obtained with total accuracy of 94%. (Natascha Esau et al.,2005)Existing emotion recognition applications usually differentiate between a small number of emotions. However this set of so called basic emotions varies from one application to another depending on their according needs. In order to support such differing application needs an adaptable emotion model based on the fuzzy hypercube is presented. In addition to existing models it supports also the recognition of derived emotions which are combinations of basic emotions. We show the application of this model by a prosody based fuzzy emotion recognition system. (Ryu et al., 2008), in this paper, they evaluated the results of the conductive rubber electrode to utilize the electrode of wearable health monitoring machine. These electrodes were made the rubber electrode integrated a good conductive metal compound and had several viscosity. In addition, conductive yarn was validated to replace connecting wire among electrode and measurement machine. For the continuous health measurements, physiological signal must be able to calculate for a long time in daily life. Consequently, the health monitoring machine was made as small as possible, and sensors must have a little effect by motion artifact. To decrease impedance among the user skin and the electrode, a conductive gel was applied to the metallic electrode, thus facilitating converting ion current flowing in a living organ into an electric current. Though, for profit disposable electrode using the conductive gel incurred a skin problem such as a reddish skin and stinging pain, when used to compute electrocardiogram (ECG) for a long time. The ECG signal measured by the conductive yarn rubber electrode cable was a superior quality. However, conductive yarn must be isolated to be used in clothing. 31 1.12 Organization of thesis The research presented in this thesis aims to uncover the problems of an embedded system in biofeedback by using intelligent machine learning algorithms and making them work in hybrid form. An embedded system is developed which can measure different psychophysiological signals(GSR/BVP/Temperature) and intelligently analyse these signals and give output in form of emotions(JOY/STRESS/CALM) based on the data collected by system in the past.Based upon these emotions, future emotion of that subject is also analyzed through data analysis algorithms. This system is cost-effective, portable, and consumes low power. This introductory chapter explains the general perspective in which computing of emotion takes place. It illustrates some of the problems of definitions in this area and also general needs of work. The remainder of this thesis is organised as follows: Chapter 2 introduces the method which was devised to enable the monitoring of emotion. This chapter gives architectural view on the proposed automated affective detection process based on data collected by the system. It also presents details of hardware and software aspects. It covers the first two objective of research, which reflects how a system can be designed using multiple parameters and analog-to-digital conversion algorithms. Chapter 3 presents emotion extraction methods classifiers used in machine learning algorithms. This chapter describes an implementation of intelligent data analysis algorithms on embedded systems such as TI MSP430. It also represents a novel algorithm used to make machine learning algorithm work in hybrid form. This wraps up the third object of the research. Chapter 4 provides detailed information regarding minimizing cost function. This chapter gives a comparative study with existing devices and biofeedback solutions to fulfil the requirements of portability and low cost 32 efficiency. For power efficiency, an additional algorithm (Sleep/awake algorithm) has beendesigned along with the overall implementation of the system using energy-efficient TI MSP430 microcontroller. This describes the fourth objective of research. Chapter 5 explains exploratory experiments because it is next used to address questions of technological feasibility. In this research four different experiments were conducted and case studies of same are described in this chapter. It reports groups of users and find significant performance and also satisfaction for users of affective system. The chapter discusses the findings and implications of the experimental work. Chapter 6 provides user guidelines and safety measures of the final product, as it is intended to give assistance to people using a particular system. The chapter contains essential instructions on the use of the system. Such system can be used by a at home user. Chapter 7 describes my conclusions and contribution. It presents a summary of the benefits and limitations of my work, and the issues and opportunities arising from it for future work. 33 CHAPTER 2 EMOTION DETECTION ARCHITECTURE AND SYSTEM 34 Chapter 2 EMOTION DETECTION ARCHITECTURE & SYSTEM This key chapter reflects the first two objectives of this research, which covers design and development of a system for the computer/non-computer users to detect emotion though the psychophysiological signals (GSR/BVP/Temperature). This is done to fulfil the affective sensing requirements of a prospective affective computing system. This work deals with the instrument/system, the methodology used for the acquisition of the signals from the subjects, and the procedure that how this information is sent to the microcontroller (MSP430F2013). In this chapter, research also reflects the implementation of a new proposed model, which is one solution to the conventional models and gives an accurate analogue to digital domain conversions. This chapter discusses hardware and software aspects of the proposed model 2.1 Introduction Although the action of the autonomic nervous system cannot be controlled directly, it can be inclined in an indirect way by two mechanisms called conditioning and biofeedback.(Kandel, 2014, Lang, 2014, Grossman et al., 2013) Biofeedback is a therapeutic method in which people are trained to improve their health by using the signals from their own bodies. Physical therapists use the biofeedback method to help the stroke victims regain movement in the paralyzed muscles.(Tate and Milner, 2010) Psychologists use it to help the tense and anxious clients learn to relax. Specialists in many different fields use the biofeedback method to help their patients cope with the pain. Biofeedback is a means for relieving the ache, gaining control of our body procedures to augment relaxation, and developing a good health and more comfortable life patterns. Clinical biofeedback follows the same principle, using specialized instruments to monitor 35 diverse physiological processes as they occur. The patterns on a computer screen and the audio tones that go up and down imitate the changes as and when they happen in the body system being monitored. (Morris and Guilak, 2009) Example: Biofeedback provides us the data about ourselves by the means of peripheral instruments. Using a thermometer to measure our temperature is a common example of biofeedback.(Smalls et al., 2009)The biofeedback training publicizes us with the activity in our diverse systems in a body so we may discover to control this activity to relieve stress and improve health. Many stress-related illnesses (such as headaches and low back pain) occur due to the over activation of the physiological systems in a response to the stressful events.(Ulrich-Lai and Herman, 2009) The biofeedback training is an educational procedure for knowledge the particular mind/body skills. Learning to identify the physiological reactions and varying them is not unlike knowledge how to play the piano or tennis – it requires practice. Through practice, we become familiar with our own exclusive psychophysiological prototypes(Kreibig et al., 2007) and responses to stress, and learn to control them rather than having them controls us. A microcontroller-based system is designed to pick up the electrical signals, such as pulse, GSR, and temperature, froma human body to condition it according to the requirement and then to display the patient’s condition. 2.2 Architectural View of Conventional Model The primary purpose of any medical instrumentation system is to measure or determine the presence of some physical quantity that may, in some way assist the medical personnel to make better diagnosis and treatment. Any conventional medical device would comprise the subsequent model.(Yamashita et al., 2007) 36 Fig. 2.21: Block Diagram of Conventional Biomedical Instrumentation System(LI et al., 2013) 2.2.1 Subject The Subject is the individual body, which generates a range of signals. Research/investigation on the human body can either be interventional (trial) or observational (test article). It incorporates both the collection and analysis of data in order to answer the specific questions. Human subject research often involves surveys, questionnaires, and interviews(Sawday, 2013). 2.2.2 Transducer/Sensor A transducer converts one form of energy to another form. The main function of the transducer is to provide a usable output in response to the subject, which may be a precise physical quantity, property, or condition. Essentially, the sensor converts a physical signal to an electrical signal. Depending on the transducer, the production produced can be in the appearance of voltage, current, resistance, or capacitance. The sensor should be minimally invasive and interfere with the living system with minimum extraction of energy. The most important function of the transducer is to provide a usable output signal(Wang et al., 2005). 2.2.3 Signal Conditioner For interfacing analog signals to the microprocessor/microcontroller, a data acquisition system is used. The function of the system is to obtain and digitize the information, often from the hostile clinical environments, 37 without any degradation in the resolution or correctness of the signal. The signal conditioner converts the output of the transducer into an electrical quantity suitable for the operation of the display or recording system. Signal conditioning typically includes functions, such as amplification, alteration from analog to digital, or signal transmission circuitry. The buffer amplifier helps in increasing the sensitivity of the instruments by amplifying the original signal or its transuded form. The A/D converter carries out the procedure of the analog to digital; the higher the digit of bits, the higher the accuracy of conversion. Since software expenses generally far exceed the hardware costs, the analog/digital interface structure must permit software efficient transfers of data and command the status signals to avail the full capability of the microcontroller(Cao et al., 2006). 2.2.4 Display System The display system provides a noticeable demonstration of the quantity. It may be on the chart recorder, on the screen of a cathode tube, in a numeric form, or an LCD display(Anttonen and Surakka, 2005). 2.2.5 Control System This system controls all operations of the device. It consists of microprocessor/microcontroller and embedded software to provide the necessary controls. The control logic provides the necessary interface among the microprocessor system and the elements of the attainment unit to provide the essential timing control. It has to sample the data at correct time, make sure that the correct analog signal is selected, initiate the A/D conversion procedure, and signal to the microcontroller or microprocessors on completion of the conversion(Schima et al., 2006). 2.2.6 Working of conventional model Each time you scratch an itch, clutch a snack when you are hungry, or use the bathroom when you feel the need, you are responding to the 38 biofeedback cues from your body about your physiologic state. With the biofeedback training, however, you are cued by the sensors that are attached to your body. This data is conveyed by the visual displays or sounds. Using imagery and mental exercises, subject (human) learn to use the feedback provided by the sensors as a measure of success and then you study to control these functions. With practice, subject can learn to "tune in" without instrumentation and you can control these purpose. For example, in a biofeedback training session for annoyance, temperature sensors are first attached to subject hands, then to his/her feet and ultimately to forehead, if needed. The subject goal would be to increase blood flow away from the brain by raising the temperature in his/her hands or feet. Other sensors strength monitor electro-dermal or galvanic skin response to determine how simply person sweat or get "goose bumps" because this affects subject ability to alter his/her skin temperature. To warm up hands and feet, subject might imagine basking in the sun on a beach while listening to a script like "I feel warm, my hands are growing warm and heavy" or any external stimuli can be used e.g watch movie etc. After training session, subject would be sent home with this script on an audiotape and small thermometers to use for your everyday practice(Martin et al., 2007). 2.3 Problems in Conventional Architecture Although instruments based on medial has shown to do tremendous good for the mankind, still there are some uncovered issues to be solved. The following are the common architectural issues: (Darwish and Hassanien, 2011) • Complexity • Signal parameter support (e.g. only temperature) • High power consumption • Bulkiness 39 2.4 Proposed Model (Emotion Detection Model) The architecture of this emotion detection monitoring system is a novel model and with more portability, less complexity, low price and, more power efficiency it is a solution to many problems with the earlier conventional models. This system includes the mechanism of stimulation, the readings, the measurements, and finally the estimation of the emotional state (anger, happiness, etc.) of a person. This system takes multiple inputs from the body and can intelligently analyse those inputs for predicting the emotions. 2.4.1 System Design Process Design and excellence are an essential part of any biofeedback product. Taking for example the microcontroller-based system: ergonomics, aesthetics, and engineering have been considered concurrently as part of the design process as shown in the Fig. 2.2 of the System Design Process. Ergono mics Design Aesthetic Design Product Engineer ing Design Fig. 2.22: System Design Process The product must be intended with a user-friendly control panel. Its display should seem natural and easy to recognize. This feature can be addressed by using only a single input connector for each of the parameters' methodically programmed and developed user-interface with the peripherals. During the product design the subsequent design parameters were considered: 40 Aesthetics: This is the outward look of a product; attention must be paid to the aesthetics both in the form design and control panel.(Green, 2007) Reliability: The functional reliability of the system and the electronic control can be increased substantially by the use of an intelligent µc, well calibrated and standardized sensors and conditioning processes.(Narayanan and Xie, 2006) Maintainability: To ensure an easy maintenance of the system, the design must incorporate the easy removability of different parts so that the various parts can be re-assembled quickly for carrying the routine repairs. For an easy maintainability, the system cards must be designed in a modular form with the standard reliable connectors.(Kopetz, 2008) 2.4.2 Steps for Designing the Emotion Detection System The design steps for the design of a standalone biofeedback device are shown in the Fig. 2.3. System identification explains the process and discovers the relationship between input and output. Requirements determine the needs or conditions to be met for a new or altered product, taking into account the possibly conflicting requirements of various stakeholders, such as beneficiaries or users. Functional design specifies the sub-processes that are required in the system. User Requirement of Biofeedback System Requirement Analysis Abstract Design microcontroller based Design Indent of Biofeedback System Design Transformation for forming design, control panel design, and electronicdesign Final 41Product Fig. 2.23: Product Design of the Biofeedback system 2.5 Proposed Design and How It Works The architecture of the emotion estimation monitoring system, shown below in the Fig 2.4, has a mechanism to measure the different biomodalities or bio-signals (BVP/GSR/Temperature). In the designed product, the validation of subject is done at priority. It fetch the bio-signals from the subject and then sends it to the MCU (MSP430F2013).(Sharma and Kapoor, 2013) Fig. 2.24: Proposed acquisition system of physiological data and detect emotions. 42 As shown in this figure, the proposed design of the system covers different requirements: • Portability • Less Cost • Energy Efficiency • Intelligent Analysis • Multi-parameter Support • User Friendly • Home Product • Analysis of Simulations by Doctors As shown in the Figure 2.4, the system is divided into Part A (below the red bar) and Part B (above the red bar). PART A: Covers all the research objectives. This part has the capability to sense different bio-signals, convert analog signal to digital, data processing, and do intelligent data analysis (explained in the chapter 3). Final output is shown by using different coloured LEDs. The RED LED reflects Stress, YELLOW LED reflects Calmness, and GREEN LED reflects Joy. The PART A fulfils the research purpose. This part is not complex and is easy to use. Any user can use the proposed device at home by following a few simple instructions. Signal processing and control is explained in the next sections of this chapter. PART B: This is designed and developed for an extra functionality. This second part, which is above the red bar, is specially designed for the doctors. By adding this part, the doctors can check simulations on a monitor and have the detailed readings of a patient for the records. In GSR, variable voltage according to the body resistance is fed into the MCU MSP430 for an analog processing. The output is sent to the 8051 microcontroller through a 2 wire designed protocol, and the final result is further sent to the PC from a serial port using the UART Communication. Equally,the BVP Sensor that measuresthe Blood Volume Pulse Rate is 43 integratedin the circuit and gives the high pulse in synchronization with the heart rate. A light is passed into the human finger with an LED, which reflects back from the amount of blood. The phototransistor receives the amount of light and gives the output voltage that is fed into the MSP430 microcontroller for the analog processing. The output is sent to the 8051 microcontroller through a 2 wire designed protocol, andthe final result is sent to the PC from a serial port using the UART Communication. In the Temp Sensor (LM-35), MSP microcontroller has a built-in temperature sensor with which the temperature is measured directly using the internal SD16 of MSP. The output,as a digital value, is sent to the 8051 microcontroller via a 2 wire self-designed protocol; and the final result is further sent to the PC from a serial port using the UART Communication. To interface the two MCUs, an isolator circuit was formed because these MCUs work on different voltages and direct interfacing was not possible;due to this, the opto-couplers were used to send or receive the data from either side. Another MCU(8051)(Mazidi et al., 2006) was required to finally send the data to PC, as there was no UART Communication Protocol present in the MSP Microcontroller. 2 Wire Communication Protocol: 14 pin Microcontroller MSP430F2013 is portable but has limitations. It has limited pins.So, to solve this, a protocol was designed,that is, two wires Communication Protocol. This protocol can send 16-bit data in one transmission. The communication is one way only, that is, it can send data only from MSP to 8051, not vice versa. The data is sent using two pins named DATA and CLOCK. The data that is to be sent is broken into 16 bits. Then one by one the bit starting from LSB is placed on the DATA bit .A total of 16 times the clock will go low for sensing the full 16-bit ADC sample. From the receiver end, as soon as the clock is received, the interrupt mode stores the present bit from the DATA pin. So it keeps on storing the bits as received and makes a full value when 16 clocks are received and then it clears all other variables. This way, a complete sample of 16 bits could be sent from MSP to 8051 using only two PINS. 44 Fig. 2.25: Wire Protocol Optocoupler: It is used to provide the isolation between MSP and 8051, as MSP works on 3V and 8051 works on 5V. Due to this, they need isolation. The general purpose of the optocouplers consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode driving a silicon phototransistor in a 6-pin 6 dual inline package(Quinones (Quinones and Joshi, 2007). 2007) The Part B is good for analysing only the simulation. This part makes the system more complicated and disturbs its portability. It also consumes more power and requiresthe involvement of a doctor. So, after testing this module, the researcher has kept this part as optional and maintained the full focus on the Part A only. 2.6 Circuit Diagram of the Proposed System The initial move of the hardware design is to place the hierarchy hierarch of the elements. It is rational to follow the hierarchical order when looking for the way to connect them collectively. Once all the components are picked and the respective footprints are found in the software, the component placement and wiring can commence. commence. This is an intuitive part of the design, and certainly takes a few iterations before the “close-to-optimal” “close solution is found. 45 Fig. 2.26: Circuit Diagram The pin configuration typically can be achieved by adding several external components. The parallel I/O ability of the MSP430 allows the configuration to control the outside world by connecting to the external hardware. As explained previously, the PART A fulfils the research purpose and the PART B is designed designed and developed for an extra functionality. So, the circuit diagram above explains the PART A alone. The functions of the components to the microcontroller MSP430F2013 are listed in the Table below. Table 2.4: External Components Pin No 2,3,5 External Components Description LED Three LEDs are attached to display the output of the system in the form of three different emotions: Green = Joyful Yellow = Calm Red = Stress 46 1 4 6 Vcc Thermistor Electrodes 1.8 V-3.6 V Supply voltage during the program execution Temperature Sensor GSR Sensor 9 Light source (LED) and light detector (photo diode) BVP Sensor 2.7 SIGNAL PROCESSING Signal acquisition is carried out within the input voltage range of the analog-digital converter (ADC). The task of the ADC is to digitise the analog voltage with a resolution high enough to represent the original signal. In other words, the quantisation is a process of mapping a continuous range of values by a finite set of integer values.(Luecke, 2005) Following are the various steps for acquiring the data from a human body: 2.7.1 Connectivity of input signal with sensors A biofeedback system needs to deliver and receive information from the user. In order to receive the data derived from the user's physiological signals, we must use a variety of sensors. Each of these sensors will account for a particular physiological signal. This system supports different parameters, and every parameter has its own sensor with a specific sensing technique.(Ahmed et al., 2011) Galvanic skin response (GSR) Galvanic skin response (GSR), also known as electrodermal response (EDR), psychogalvanic reflex (PGR), or skin conductance response (SCR), is a technique of measuring the electrical resistance of the skin.(Villarejo et al., 2012) EDRs are the changes in the electrical properties of a person’s skin caused by an interaction between the environmental events and the individual’s psychological state. Various electrical properties like conductance (SC), resistance (SR), potentials 47 (SP), impedance (SZ), and admittance (SY) are observed. These variations can be sensed in the different parts of the body (the palm of the hands is of utmost interest). Variations in the ionic content of the various skin layers, depending upon the amount of sweat and hence upon the sweat glands' activity, are accountable for these changes. The electrical conductance of the skin is measured by the silver electrodes (GSR sensor), which derives the variation from skin’s moisture level. The sympathetic nervous system controls the sweat glands, thus making the skin’s conductance a good indicator of physiological arousal. Structure and Galvanic Skin Function The skin is a selective barrier that serves the function of preventing the entry of any foreign matter into the body and selectively facilitating a passage for materials from the bloodstream to the exterior of the body. There are two forms of sweat glands present in the human body: the apocrine and the eccrine. The latter is of primary interest to the psychophysiologists. The primary function of the eccrine sweat glands is thermoregulation. However, according to Edelberg(Nagai and Critchley, 2008), the sweat glands on the palm and plantar surfaces are more responsive to the psychological sweating than other areas. Figure 2.7 below shows the anatomy of the eccrine gland and various layers of skin.(Milad et al., 2007) 48 . Fig. 2.27: Skin Anatomy(Amirlak et al., 2011) The skin has electric properties that can change relatively quickly and are closely related to the psychological process.(Carlson and Carlson, 2012) These changes in the skin’s conductance and electrodermal activity (EDA) (Boucsein, 2012)are related to the variations in the eccrine sweating. Sweat act like an electrolyte. As the sweating increases, the skin pores start filling with the sweat making the skin more conductive. Autonomic nervous system (ANS) has the sympathetic branch that controls the eccrine sweating; therefore, the skin conductance reflects the rise of the sympathetic ANS, which accompanies different psychological processes. Skin conductance and EDA have been applied in a wide array of research, serving as indicators of such processes as awareness, habituation, arousal, and cognitive effort in the different sub-domains of psychology and interrelated disciplines. In judgment and decision making study, the skin conductance is often used as an indicator of emotional arousal and affective processes. GSR Measurement Galvanic skin response is a non-intrusive and easy to apprehend physiological signal, which is being explored for the emotion sensing. Human skin is a good conductor of electricity and when a weak electrical 49 current is delivered to the skin, changes in the skin’s conduction of that signal can be measured. GSR is a method of regulating the internal physical process by giving a biofeedback, which is effective in the treatment of phobias, anxiety, and to increase the relaxation process of the subject during the hypnosis.(Pradeep et al., 2008) Fig. 2.28: Skin conductance measured through the sweat glands of finger tips(Mandryk et al., 2006) The variable that is measured is either skin resistance or its reciprocal, that is, skin conductance. GSR is measured in milli volts (mV). According to Ohm’s Law, skin resistance (R) is equal to voltage (V) applied between the two electrodes on the skin divided by current passed through the skin (I). The Law can be expressed as R=V/I.(Rudenko et al., 2013) The GSR is extremely sensitive to the emotions in some persons;anger, startle response, fear orienting response, and feelings are all among the emotions that may produce some kind of similar GSR responses. GSR measurement is also becoming common method in the hypnotherapy and psychotherapy practices.It can be implemented as a method of extracting depth of hypnotic trance prior to the commencement of the suggestion therapy. When a traumatic situation is experienced by the client (for example, during hypnoanalysis), immediate changes in galvanic skin response can show that the client is experiencing an emotional arousal. It is also applied in the behaviour therapy to measure the physiological reactions, such as fear. Range of GSR<5 Kohms indicates a high level of brain arousal and >25 Kohms indicates a low arousal and withdrawal from mind (calm level). The GSR is measured most conveniently at the palms of the hand, where 50 body has the highest concentration of sweat glands. The measurement is made using a DC current source. The Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) is a measure of the skin's conductance between the two electrodes. The electrodes are typically attached to the subject's fingers or toes using the electrode cuffs, or to any other part of the body using a Silver-Chloride electrode patch. To measure the resistance, a small voltage is applied to the skin and the skin's current conduction is measured.(Sharma and Kapoor, 2013, Jeon et al., 2007) The skin conductance is considered to be a function of the sweat gland activity and the skin's pore size. An individual's baseline skin conductance will vary for many reasons, including the gender, diet, skin type, and situation. The sweat gland activity is partly controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. When a subject is startled or experiences anxiety, there will be a fast increase in the skin's conductance (a period of seconds) due to the increased activity in the sweat glands (unless the glands are saturated with sweat). GSR Sensor Extremely pure silver electrodes (having silver with purity of 99.999%) are used to measure the GSR. Electrodes are small plates that apply a safe and imperceptibly tiny voltage across the skin. There is saturation effect: when the duct of the sweat gland fills, there is no longer a possibility of further increase in the skin conductance. The excess sweat pours out of the duct andthe sweat gland activity increases the skin's capacity to conduct the current passing through it. The changes in the skin conductance reflect the changes in the level of arousal in the sympathetic nervous system. It was observed that the Analogic Digital Converser saturates at 2.35 V. The microcontroller has a built-in ADC of 16 bits with a resolution of: 2.35/65535=3.5v (1) The Galvanic Skin Response oscillates between 10 kΩ and 10 MΩ (Sharma and Kapoor, Villarejo et al., 2012), as can be seen in the existing 51 studies about the skin conductance obtained from the different applied voltages .As ADC has a resolution of 3.5 V and the minimum tension is 136 mV, an operational amplifier does not have to be included. This concept helped in achievingthe third objective, that is, energy efficiency. A person’s skin acts as a resistance to the passage of electrical current. By placing two electrodes on the fingers, we can calculate the GSR. To find out the value, one resistance was used, as it can be seen in the fig 2.9, in series with the skin resistance to form a voltage divider. Fig. 2.29: Voltage Divider. VO = R2 RS + R2 (2) Where, Rs is the resistance of the skin. It can be observed that the Vo output tension is inversely proportional to the value of the skin resistance. The more stressed the person is, the more his/her hands will sweat, so his/her resistance will decrease. Therefore, we can conclude that the more stress the person is under, the higher output voltage will be. Volume Pulse (BVP) Blood Volume Pulse is the phasic variation in the blood volume with each heart rate, heartbeat, and heart rate variability (HRV). (Chambers et al., 2005)It consists of beat-to-beat differences in the intervals between successive heartbeats. During the systole stage, the muscles of the ventricles contract and force the blood to flow from the ventricles into the arteries. The rate of heart contractions over a given time period is 52 defined as the Heart Rate. It is usually expressed in beats per minute (bpm).(Fox (Fox et al., 2007) Heart rate is one of the human body’s vital sign that tells the medical personnel about the extremity of the casualties’ physiological conditions. It is one of the simplest and the most informative cardiovascular parameters. With the observation that heart rate fluctuation is related to various cardiovascular disorders, the analysis of the heart rate has become a widely used tool in the assessment of the behaviour of the heart. Fig. 2.30:: Structure of the heart(Borazjani heart et al., 2010) Blood passes through the heart in two phases. The phase where the ventricles are filled with blood is referred to as the "diastole" stage.(Veress stage. et al., 2005) The pumping of the blood out of the ventricles is referred to as the "systole" stage.(Kazui stage. et al., 2006) During the systole stage, the blood flows from the ventricles of the heart into the small arteries. The difference in the size of the opening of the ventricles and the arteries 53 causes a burst of pressure. This pressure wave expands the arterial walls as it travels and is felt as the "pulse".(Sutton-Tyrrell et al., 2005) BVP Measurement The heart rate varies between individuals. The normal human heart rate at rest is 60 to 80 bpm. At rest, an adult has an average heart rate of 72 bpm. The athletes normally have a lower heart rate than less active people.(Poh et al., 2010)The heart rate also varies with age. Children normally have a higher heart rate of approximately 90 bpm. Table 2.5: Age-related ranges of heart beat(Fink et al., 2009) Age Beats per minute Newborn 90-100 10 years 80-90 10+ and adults 60-80 Bhattacharya, Kanjilal(Shi et al., 2009, Bhattacharya et al., 2001) stated that non-invasive techniques can be used to determine the human body's cardiovascular condition. It was addressed that the qualitative assessment of the overall clinical status of the cardiovascular dysfunctions can be determined non-invasively. Various techniques and devices have been used to measure the heart rate in humans. The pressure sensors measure the changes in the pressure level near the heart or the vibrations produced by the heart. The sound sensor measures the changes in the sounds near the heart, and light sensors detect the changes in the optical property of the blood. There are various methods to measure the heart rate, such as Mechanical method, Electrical Signal Detection, Optical method, and Plethysmograph. The most common and accurate technique, which is used these days is Plethysmograph. PLETHYSMOGRAPH (Allen, 2007)is a combination of the Greek word "plethysmos," meaning increase and "graph," meaning to write. Plethysmograph was developed in the 1960’s and 1970’s by the psychophysiology researches.(Fleming, 1980) It is an instrument that is used to 54 determine the variations in the blood volume or the blood flow in the body. These transient changes occur with each heart beat. (Lacey and Lacey, 1978) There are several different types of plethysmograph, which vary according to the type of transducers that is being used. The common types include: air, impedance, photoelectric, and strain gauge plethysmograph. Each type of plethysmograph measures the change in the blood volume in a different manner.(Shimazu et al., 1989, Cheang and Smith, 2003) Various plethysmographs are explained in the table below: Table 2.6:Different Types of Plethysmographs.(Terry, 2005) Types Methodology Air Uses an air-filled cuff. Measures the rate of change of forearm volume, which correlates with the change in the blood volume. Impedance Uses low frequency alternating current applied through the electrodes. Measures the change in the electrical impedance, which corresponds to the change in the blood volume. Uses photodetectors. Measures the intensity of the transmitted and reflected light, which demonstrates the volume change in the blood perfusion. Uses a rubber tube filled with mercury. Measures the changes in limb circumference, which relates to the changes in the blood volume. Photoelectric Strain gauge BVP Sensor The heart rate sensor used in this research is based on the principle of the Photoelectric plethysmography method. This methodis also known as photoplethysmography (PPG) and is an optical measurement technique used for detecting the blood volume changes in the micro vascular bed of tissues. This method uses a light source (LED) to illuminate the skin and a light detector (photo diode) to detect the changes in the optical properties due to the change in the blood volume. This method has become very 55 popular in the medical field, especially, in the pulse oximetry due its simple, non-invasive, and unobtrusive monitoring.(Barreto et al., 1995) It measures the heart rate by determining the blood volume changes in the skin periphery (finger-tip and ear-lobe) by the photo-electric method. Compared to the other types of plethysmograph methods mentioned in the Table 2.3, PPG technique is simple to use, easy to set up, and low in cost.(Allen, 2007) Dr. Nolan (Wallace et al., 2011) proposed that photoplethysmography is a non-invasive technique that can be used to measure the variations in the heart rate. “A PPG can prove to be quite helpful in measuring the HRV. There is some exciting research going on in determining HRV using PPG. The analysis of signal from PPG has great potential for enriching the interpretation of HRV.” A plethysmograph consists of: i. A light source, which illuminates the tissue. ii. A light sensitive detector, which detects the amount of light transmitted from the tissue. 56 Fig. 2.31: Arrangement of a plethysmograph(Stojanovic and Karadaglic, 2007) Photoplethysmography (PPG) works by placing an individual’s finger tip or ear-lobe between two parts of a transducer consisting of a light source and a light sensitive detector. A beam of infrared light is projected towards the detector. The blood in the finger or ear-lobe scatters the light in the infrared range, and the amount of light reaching the detector is inversely related to the volume of blood in the skin periphery.(Kamal et al., 1989, Elgendi, 2012) PPG is based upon the premise that all living tissues and blood have different light absorbing properties. The infrared light is absorbed well in blood whereas, weakly in the tissues.(Sundararajan, 2010) The Figure 2.12 shows the absorption level of the infrared light in the living tissues and blood. When the blood vessels in the finger dilate, the increased blood flow allows less light to reach the photo-detector and when the blood vessels contract, the blood flow is decreased and increased light reaches the photo-detector. 57 Fig. 2.32: Relative absorption levels of infrared light of skin The photoplethysmograph waveform: The photoplethysmograph waveform does not resemble the pulse seen in an electrocardiogram (which is used to record the electrical activity of the heart). However, the periodicity of the signal is unchanged and the photoplethysmographic waveform can be effectively used to detect the changes in the heart rate.(Peper et al., 2010) Dicrotic Notch Anacrotic Limb Time Waveform (mV) Fig. 2.33: Representation of the Photoplethysmograph waveform(Peper et al., 2010) The upstroke, called the anacrotic limb, is abrupt due to the contraction of the ventricle (systole). The downstroke is more gradual and corresponds to the elastic recoil of the arterial walls. The downstroke regularly shows a fluctuation that is known as the dicrotic notch. This is due to the vibrations 58 set up when the aortic valves shuts. (Maffei, 2012)Each time the heart muscle contracts, blood is ejected from the ventricles and a pulse of pressure is transmitted through the circulatory system. This pressure pulse while travelling through the vessels causes the vessel-wall displacement, which is measurable at various points of the periphery circulatory system. Two methods are commonly used to measure the heart rate by the optical method. These are: 1. Transmittance method 2. Reflectance method Transmittance method: In the transmittance method, the light source and the light sensitive detector are mounted in an enclosure that fits over the patient’s fingertip or ear-lobe.(Algorri et al., 2013) Fig. 2.34: Arrangement of light source and light sensitive detector: Transmittance method Light is transmitted through the finger tip of the patient’s finger and the output of the light sensitive detector is determined by the amount of light reaching the detector. With each contraction of the heart muscles, blood is forced to the extremities and the amount of blood in the finger increases. This alters the optical density with the result that the light transmission through the finger reduces and the resistance of the light sensitive detector increases accordingly. 59 Reflectance method: This method is used in this research. The arrangement used in the reflectance method of photoelectric plethysmography is shown in the Fig 2.15. In the reflectance method, the light sensitive detector is placed adjacent to the light source. Part of the light rays emitted by the light source is reflected and scattered from the skin tissues and falls on the photodetector.(Park et al., 2013) Fig. 2.35: Arrangement of light source and light sensitive detector: Reflectance method (Park et al., 2013) The quantity of light that is reflected is determined by the tissue backscattered or the absorbed optical radiation. The output of the photodetector varies in proportion to the volume changes of the blood vessels. The signal from the heart rate sensor is then sent to a part of the microcontroller where all the processing takes place for the beats per minute (BPM) value calculation. The timer is programmed in an autoreload mode, so that it overflows at a regular interval and generates an interrupt at 10µsec intervals. In order to generate the interrupts at 10µsec interval, the reload value for the timer had to be calculated for a system clock of 22.118 MHz. The timer low byte (TL0) operates as a 16-bit timer while the timer high byte (TH0) holds the reload value. When the count in TL0 overflows, the timer flag is set and the value in TH0 is loaded into TL0. The TH0 value was calculatedusingthe following equation: (3) Tsysclk = 60 Fsysclk is a system clock frequency of 22.118 MHz i.e. Tsysclk = . =0.045µsec (4) 2.7.1. C Skin Temperature The human skin is an organ made up of a layer of tissues that protect the underlying muscles and organs. As skin comes in a direct contact with the surroundings, it plays a vital role in protecting the inner body from the external threats. The skin is the largest organ of the human body, as it covers the whole body and has the largest surface area. It weighs more than any single organ of the body. (Kenefick et al., 2010)The skin has two major layers: the epidermis and the dermis. These layers are made of the different types of tissues and have different functions. The epidermis is the outer-most layer and the dermis lies below the epidermis and contains a number of structures that are responsible for lubrication, water-proofing, softening, and anti-bactericidal actions. The skin temperature is an effective indicator when it comes to evaluate the human sensations. Kataoka et al. (Shuto et al., 2011) investigated the relationship between the stressful tasks and the skin temperature. It was found that the skin temperature falls when stress, tension, or other sensations occur; because the blood flow decreases due to the factors lie blood vessel constriction. This was most noticeable at the extremities, such as fingertips and nose. Similarly, according to Blessing(Ootsuka et al., 2011), the net heat transfer between the individual and the external environment varies according to the amount of the blood flowing through the skin, which is regulated as an intrinsic component of the body temperature control. The non-metabolic factor influencing the cutaneous blood flow is a sympathetically mediated vigorous vasoconstriction initiated when the individual perceives a potentially dangerous environmental event. Yamakoshi et al.(Yamakoshi, 2013) studied driver’s awareness level using the skin temperature. The researchers measured the facial skin temperature, including the truncal and peripheral site, of 61 healthy volunteers during simulated monotonous driving. They found that the sympathetic activity, that is, peripheral vasoconstriction vasoconstriction was increased during the monotonous driving situation, which resulted in a significant gradual drop in the peripheral skin temperature. Temperature Sensor and Measurement Various equipments and instruments have been used in the past for the body temperature mperature measurement. The most common device to measure the body temperature is a thermometer. Thermometer is a combinationof two Greek words; "thermo," which means heat and "meter," which means measure. Therefore, a thermometer is a device that detects the t change in the heat level and converts it into a temperature value.(Boano value.(Boano et al., 2011) 2011 There are different types of thermometers. The most common ones include mercury-in-glass, glass, infrared, gas, plastic strip, and liquid crystal thermometers. However, the mercury-in-glass mercury glass thermometers have widely been used for the clinical purposes. The other other devices that are used for measuring the temperature include thermocouples, thermistors, resistance temperature detectors (RTD), and silicon band gap temperature sensors. All these temperature measuring devices are designed to measure the temperature forr specific objects or environments. The temperature can be measured using different scales. The most common temperature scales used and accepted internationally are the Kelvin or Absolute, Centigrade or Celsius, and Fahrenheit scale. (Yin et al., 2010) Fig. 2.36: 2. Temperature Sensor(Yu et al., 2010) 62 Choose R1 = –VS / 50 µA VOUT = 1500 mV at 150°C VOUT = 250 mV at 25°C VOUT = –550 mV at –55°C In this research LM35 is used as a temperature sensor. The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature sensors with an output voltage that is linearly proportional to the Centigrade temperature. Thus the LM35 has an advantage over the linear temperature sensors that are calibrated in Kelvin, as the user is not required to subtract a large constant voltage from the output to obtain a convenient Centigrade scaling. LM35 does not require any external calibration or trimming to provide the typical accuracies of ±¼°C at the room temperature and ±¾°C over a full −55°C to +150°C temperature range. A low cost is assured by trimming and calibration at the wafer level. The low output impedance, linear output, and precise inherent calibration of the LM35 sensor make interfacing to readout or control circuitry especially easy. The device is used with single power supplies, or with plus and minus supplies. As the LM35 sensor draws only 60 µA from the supply, it has very low self-heating of less than 0.1°C in the still air. The LM35 is rated to operate over a −55°C to +150°C temperature range, while the LM35C is rated for a −40°C to +110°C range (−10° with improved accuracy). The LM35 series is available in the hermetic TO transistor packages, while the LM35C, LM35CA, and LM35D are also available in the plastic TO-92 transistor package. The LM35D is also available in an 8-lead surfacemount small outline package and a plastic TO-220 package. There are a number of devices available for monitoring or observing the human temperature. In this research, the aim was to go for a low-cost, compact, reliable, and accurate temperature sensor that is capable of monitoring the skin temperature with ease and comfort. As stated earlier, the output from the temperature sensor is an analog voltage. This output signal from the sensor is used as the input for the smicrocontrollerthrough the analog port pin. The microcontroller is 63 programmed to perform the required processing and conversion from a voltage value into a temperature value. The relationship between the voltage value and the temperature value is calculated by the following equation: T(°C) = (5) ∆/∆ Where Vos=Ds offset, 509mv ∆V/∆T=Typical output gain,+6.45 mV/°C 2.8 Microcontroller Overview The popular of all the electrical systems today employ some sort of microcontroller technology. A microcontroller’s inexpensive, flexible, and self-sufficient design permits it to command almost any modern task that employs some form of embedded systems. From cars to refrigerators to handheld devices, microcontrollers play a dominant role in the development of many different products for many different companies. In this research, the Microcontroller used is MSP430F2013.The MSP430F2013 includes a 16bit CPU, 16-bit timer,16-bit Sigma Delta Analog-to-Digital converter, brownout detector,Watchdog timer, USI module supporting SPI and I2C serial communication standards, and five low power modes drawing as little as 0.1µA standby current. TI’s UltraLow Power microcontroller, MSP430, uses EZ430, a USB stick implementation of a full development kit that includes power supply, I/O access, additional debugging hardware, and few extra peripherals. 64 Fig. 2.37:: EZ430-F2013 EZ430 - MSP430 16-bit bit microcontroller USB Stick The MSP430 (the controller for the EZ430) employs a Reduced Instruction Set Computer architecture (RISC) CPU. The eZ430-F2013 eZ430 is a complete MSP430 development tool including all the hardware and software to assess the 16-bit 16 bit mixed signal microcontroller MSP430F2013 MS and to develop a complete solution that works in a suitable USB stick form factor. The eZ430-F2013 eZ430 F2013 supports the Code Composer Studio and IAR Embedded Workbench Integrated Development Environments to provide a full emulation with the option of designing des using a stand-alone alone system or detaching the removable target board to integrate into an existing design. The USB port provides enough power to operate the ultra-low-power ultra MSP430, so no external power supply is required. 2.8.1 MSP430F2013 Architecture Architectu The MSP430CPU has a 16-bit 16 bit RISC architecture that is highly clear to the application. All operations, other than the program-flow program flow instructions, are performed as registered operations in conjunction with seven addressing modes for source operand and four addressing modes for destination operand. The CPU is integrated among 16 registers that provide a reduced instruction execution time. The register-to-register register register operation execution time is one cycle of the CPU clock. Four of the registers, R0 to R3, are respectively pectively designated as the stack pointer, constant generator, program 65 counter, and status register. The remaining registers are called the generalgeneral purpose registers. The peripherals are connected to the CPU using the address, data, and control buses. It can can be handled with all instructions.(Frederic (Frederic et al., 2013) Fig. 2.38:: Architectural view of MSPF2013(Megalingam MSPF2013(Megalingam et al., 2011) The MSP430 von-Neumann von Neumann architecture has one address space shared with the special function registers (SFRs), peripherals, RAM, and Flash/ROM memory. The device-specific device specific data sheets are available for the specific memory maps. The code accesses are always performed on the even addresses. The data can be accessed as bytes or words. The addressable memory space currently is 128 KB. The he CPU incorporates sixteen 16-bit 16 bit registers. R0, R1, R2, and R3 have dedicated functions. The 16-bit 16 program-counter counter (PC/R0) points to the next instruction to be executed. The stack pointer (SP/R1) is used by the CPU to store the return addresses of the subroutine subroutine calls and interrupts. The status register (SR/R2), used as a source or destination register, can be used in the register mode only addressed with word instructions. The RISC instruction set of the MSP430 has only 27 instructions. The constant generator erator allows the MSP430 assembler to support 24 additional and 66 emulated instructions. The twelve registers, R4 to R15, are generalgeneral purpose registers. All of these registers can be used as data registers, address pointers, or index values; and can be accessed accessed with byte or word instructions. Seven addressing modes for the source operand and four addressing modes for the destination operand can address the complete address space with no exceptions. 2.8.2 Modular design The following PCB diagram shows the arrangement arrangement of the hardware on the EZ430. Notice how the actual MSP430 attaches to the debugging and USB interfacing hardware through a 4-pin, 4 JTAG port. Fig. 2.39: 2. PCB diagram(Zantis, 2012) Dedicated embedded emulation logic resides on the device itself and is accessed via JTAG using no additional system resources. The benefits of embedded emulation include: • Unobtrusive development and debugging with full-speed speed execution, breakpoints, and single-steps single steps in an application are supported. • Development is in-system in system subject to the same characteristics as the final application. • Mixed-signal signal integrity is preserved and not subject to to the cabling interference The eZ430-F2013 F2013 can be used as a stand-alone stand alone development board. Additionally, the MSP-EZ430D MSP EZ430D target board may also be detached from the debugging interface and integrated into another design. The plastic enclosure can be removed remove to expose the MSP-EZ430U EZ430U debugging 67 interface and the MSP-EZ430D MSP EZ430D target board. The MSPEZ430D target board can be disconnected from the debugging interface by gently pulling the two boards apart. The target board can be used in a stand-alone stand design by interfacing erfacing to the 14-pins 14 pins of the MSP430F2013. The holes in the MSPMSP EZ430D target board provide a direct access to each pin of the MSP430F2013. The MSP-EZ430U MSP EZ430U debugging interface may also be used as a standard Flash Emulation Tool for all devices in the MSP430F20xx MSP43 family of the microcontrollers. The target boards can be designed and flashed using the MSP-EZ430U MSP EZ430U debugging interface and other supported MSP430F20xx devices.(Gaspar devices. et al., 2010) Fig. 2.40: Pin Diagram of MSP430F2013(Mainoddin MSP430F2013(Mainoddin and Usha, 2014) There is one 8-bit bit I/O port implemented—port implemented P1—and and two bits of I/O port P2. All individual I/O bits are independently programmable. Any combination of input, output, and interrupt condition is possible. The edge-selectable selectable interrupt input capability is available for all the eight bits of port P1 and the two bits of port P2. The read/write access to the portport control registers is supported by all instructions. Each I/O has an individually programmable programm pull-up/pull-down resistor.(Mainoddin (Mainoddin and Usha, 2014) Following is the table that describes describes the details of each pin of the microcontroller that is used here: 68 Table 2.4: Details of each Pin Pins P1.0/TACLK/ACLK/C A0 Details General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer_A, clock signal TACLK input ACLK signal output Comparator_A+, CA0 input General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer_A, capture: P1.1/TA0/CA1 CCI0A input, compare: Out0 output Comparator_A+, CA1 input General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer_A, capture: P1.2/TA1/CA2 CCI1A input, compare: Out1 output Comparator_A+, CA2 input P1.3/CAOUT/CA3 General-purpose digital I/O pin Comparator_A+, output / CA3 input General-purpose digital I/O pin SMCLK signal output P1.4/SMCLK/C4/TCK Comparator_A+, CA4 input JTAG test clock, input terminal for device programming and test General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer_A, compare: Out0 output ADC10 analog input A5 USI: external P1.5/TA0/CA5/TMS clock input in SPI or I2C mode; clock output in SPI mode JTAG test mode select, input terminal for device programming and test General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer_A, capture: P1.6/TA1/A6/SDO/SCL /TDI/TCLK CCI1B input, compare: Out1 output ADC10 analog input A6 USI: Data output in SPI mode; I2C clock in I2C mode JTAG test data input or test clock input during programming and test General-purpose digital I/O pin ADC10 analog input P1.7/A7/SDI/SDA/TDO A7 USI: Data input in SPI mode; I2C data in I2C mode /TDI+ JTAG test data output terminal or test data input during programming and test XIN/P2.6/TA1 XOUT/P2.7 Input terminal of crystal oscillator General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer_A, compare: Out1 output Output terminal of crystal oscillator General-purpose digital I/O pin 69 RST/NMI/SBWTDIO Reset or non maskable interrupt input Spy-Bi-Wire test data input/output during programming and test Selects test mode for JTAG pins on Port1.The device TEST/SBWTCK protection fuse is connected to TEST. Spy-Bi-Wire test clock input during programming and test VCC Supply voltage VSS Ground reference 2.8.3 The SD16 A Sigma-Delta ADC An ADC takes an analog signal as an input and then converts that analog signal into a digital stream of bits depending on its reference voltage, precision, and resolution. An n-bit ADC (A/D converter) provides 2n discrete quantization levels corresponding to various specified analog input signal amplitude range. There exist a number of A/D conversion techniques varying in complexity and speed. The outputs from each sensor are analog in nature. The output signal from the sensor is used as an input into the analog port pin of the microcontroller. The MPS430F2013 is equipped with an analog-to-digital (ATD) conversion system that samples an analog (continuous) signal at regular intervals and then converts each of these analog samples into its corresponding binary value using a sigmadelta modulation technique. As MSP430F2013 is having an in-built ADC (SD16 A Sigma-Delta), so the microcontroller is programmed to perform the required processing and conversions. The SD16 A is a single-converter 16-bit, analog-to-digital conversion module implemented in the MSP430x20x3 series. It is made up of one sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter and an internal voltage reference. It has eight fully differential multiplexed analog input channels, of which three are internal. The operation of the sigma-delta converters is totally different from the successive-approximation ADCs. The idea behind them is to reduce the analog-to-digital conversion to 1 bit 1 and to take the samples a few orders faster than the desired sample rate to compensate for its very poor resolution. The magnitude of the analog input is then 70 represented by the mean value of the produced fast bit-stream. The average is then digitally processed to output the samples at the specified rate. The Fig 2.20 shows the architecture of a sigma-delta converter. It can be broken down into two parts: the first, with the feedback loop, is responsible for the analog-digital conversion, whereas, the second converts the fast bit-stream to the desired sample rate.(Zantis, 2012) . Subtrator Integrator + ADC Analogue Input fs fm fm Low-Pass Filter Decimator Digital Input DCA Fig. 2.41: Block diagram of a sigma-delta A/D converter Modulator Decimation Filter Fig. 2.21:Analog-To-Digital Conversion The analog-to-digital conversion is done by a 1-bit second-order sigmadelta modulator. A single-bit comparator within the modulator quantizes the input signal among the modulator frequency fM. The resulting 1-bit data stream is averaged by the digital filter for the conversion outcome. The bit-rate of the first part is called the modulator or oversampling frequency (fm). This is typically much faster than the sample rate (fs) at the digital output. The decimation filter is a comb type digital filter with selectable oversampling ratios (OSR = fm/fs) of up to 1024. The filter is also called sinc filter because its frequency response is alike the sinc(x) = sin(x)/x function. The comb filter is the sigma-delta converter’s characteristic feature, which has to be taken into account through the design stage. One may think that it is a downside, however, when it comes to anti-aliasing or notch filtering, it can be utilised by a sensible software design. The ADC converts the ∆V = V+ − V− voltage difference among a pair of inputs, rather than the voltage between a single input and the ground. If this feature is not required, the V− should be tied to the ground. The sigma-delta converters often give a programmable gain amplifier 71 (PGA) on their inputs, which may eliminate the need for an additional external operational-amplifier. These are the plain op-amps with the feedback resistors, and they do not provide high input impedance. Their analog input voltage range is dependent on the actual gain setting, which can be increased up to 32 in the SD16 A. The maximum full-scale range for Vref = 1.2V and GAINPGA = 1 is ±VF SR, where VF SR is defined by: VFSR = / !"# = ./ = ±0.6V (7) A side effect of the averaging applied in the digital sinc3 filter is that the output does not react promptly to the change of the input. It needs 4 periods of Ts to elapse until the reliable value appears. This is called latency, and probably sets the most severe limitation of sampling frequency when more than one channel is used. The F2013 SD16_A conversion system consists of an 8-channel multiplexed input anda 16-bit output sigma delta analog-to-digital converter block. Its features include a software selectable internal/external voltage, up to a 1.1 MHz modulator input frequency, and a selectable lowpower conversion mode. The converter block is software programmable to perform either single or continuous conversions into a 16-bit output register that is called the SD16MEM0 register. The SD16_A module must be initialized using its two control registers, the SD16 control and channel control (SD16CTL & SD16CCTL0) registers. When the SD16_A module is not actively converting, it automatically shuts down to preserve the power while putting together an accurate analog to digital domain conversion. The following algorithm was used in this research for converting the analog signal to a digital one. 72 Algorithm 2.1: Efficient Algorithm for A-D conversions STEP 1: SD16CTL = SD16REFON + SD16SSEL_1; // Internal Voltage Ref ON and Clock Division STEP 2:SD16CCTL0 = SD16UNI; // Changing SD16 to Unipolar Mode STEP 3:SD16INCTL0 = SD16INCH_1; // Selecting Input channel STEP 4:SD16CTL = SD16REFON + SD16SSEL_1; // Internal Voltage Ref ON and Clock Division STEP 5:SD16CCTL0 = SD16UNI; // Changing SD16 to Unipolar Mode STEP 6:SD16INCTL0 = SD16INCH_N; // Selecting Input channel The SD16CTL register: The SD16_A Control Register is mainly responsible for the selection of the clock source, the division of the clock into the sigma delta modulator, and the enablement of the internal voltage reference. The SD16 Clock Source Select (SD16SSELx) (Bits 5 – 4): The clock source to be divided is selected using the clock source select bits, much like the timer module. The SD16 Reference Generator ON (SD16REFON) (Bit 2): The SD16_A module can use an internally provided reference voltage for the modulation or it can be provided as a user-specified voltage reference through the specified ports. The internally provided reference voltage has a value of 1.2 V and is used when the SD16REFON bit in the SD16CTL register is set to 1. 73 Table 2.5: Voltage Reference Generator Bit SD16REFON Bit Internal Voltage Reference 0 Reference OFF 1 Reference ON The SD16CCTL0 register: The Channel Control 0 Register is responsible for the conversion mode, the data output settings, the oversampling ratio, and all interrupt settings. There are two modes – Bipolar and Unipolar. In this research,only the Unipolar mode was required. The mode is selected as follows: Bipolar Mode, SD16UNI = 0 Unipolar Mode, SD16UNI = 1 SD16INCTL0: The analog input into the machine is configured using the Input Control (SD16INCTL0) and Analog Input Enable (SD16AE) registers. Setting the SD16AE bits, enable the analog circuitry for the particular differential pair of input pins and disable any digital circuitry that might be linked to that pin. SD16INCHx: The SD16INCTL0 Register is dependable for setting the selected input channel and the SD16INCHx Bits (0 – 2) are responsible for selecting the analog input to be modulated. Key Features of MSP430F2013 Microcontroller: eZ430-F2013 development tool including a USB debugging interface and detachable MSP430F2013 target board has the features below: • LED indicator • 14 user-accessible pins • eZ430 debugging and programming interface • Supports development with all 2xx Spy Bi-Wire devices (MSP430F20xx, F21x2, F22xx) 74 • Supports eZ430-T2012 and eZ430-RF2500T target boards • Removable USB stick enclosure • Low Supply Voltage Range 1.8 V to 3.6 V • Ultra-Low Power Consumption • Active Mode: 220 µA at 1 MHz, 2.2 V • Standby Mode: 0.5 µA • Off Mode (RAM Retention): 0.1 µA • Five Power-Saving Modes • Ultrafast Wake-Up from the Standby Mode in less than 1 µs • 16-Bit RISC Architecture with 62.5 ns Instruction Cycle Time • 16-Bit Timer_Awith Two Capture/Compare Registers • On-Chip Comparator for Analog Signal Compare Function or Slope A/D • 16-Bit Sigma-Delta A/D Converter With Differential PGA Inputs and Internal Reference Kit Contents The evaluation kit contains everything that is needed to develop and run applications for the MSP430 microcontrollers. It includes: One eZ430-F2013hardware set, which is housed inside a plastic enclosure that may be opened in order to separate the MSP-EZ430D target board from the MSP-EZ430U debugging interface One MSP430 Development Tool CD-ROM, which contains several documents including the following related to the eZ430-F2013: • MSP430x2xx Family User's Guide • MSP-FET430 FLASH Emulation Tool User's Guide 75 • MSP-FET430 FLASH Emulation Tool User's Guide Errata • eZ430-F2013 User's Guide • IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart Version • Code Composer Studio MCU Edition Software Design To develop the application software for the data storage tag, the IAR Embedded Workbench is used. The IAR Embedded Workbench is a set of development tools for building and debugging the embedded applications using assembler, C, and C++. The 16 bit MSP430 devices from Texas Instrument are supported by the IAR tool. The IAR development tool can generate a binary file that can be downloaded on the microcontroller. The status of all the interval registers related to the microcontroller’s peripherals has already been discussed in the MCU architecture.There are two drivers available to continue with the software development process. The IAR tools provide the facility to simulate the device operation without any hardware. This feature allows the designer to start developing the software for the application even before any hardware is built. The second option is to debug the hardware with the emulator, that is, the USB shaped device. The emulator is a complete set of developing tools that provide all the hardware and software to evaluate the MSP430-F2013 microcontroller. This USB stick shaped device is compatible with the IAR embedded workbench integrated development environment (IDE). The IAR tool is used to compile the application software for the prototype board. The debugging interface contains a USB port and a Spi-By Wire Interface that is incorporated to download the binary version of the software on the microcontroller. The primary function of the watchdog timer (WDT+) module is to perform a controlled system restart after the software problem occurs. 76 Software Tools The software for the EZ430, IAR Embedded Workbench, comes free with the purchase of the tool. Though it is a “kickstart” version, (which meansit has a 4kB limit of code), the standard microcontroller with which it comes is limited to 2KB of memory. The IAR carries both a C compiler and an assembler. The code size limitations would be an issue if the microcontroller class was taught for the development in the C programming language, but the fact that the EZ430 is used for an introductory course in the assembly language makes the limitations nonrestrictive. To create a new project, select Project>Create New Project. In the dialog box that appears, choose "MSP430" in the Tool chain and "Empty project" in the Project templates. The empty project appears in the Workspace window on the left-hand side. Before adding any files to the project, the workspace should be saved by File>SaveWorkspace;provide a valid file name. Choose File>Add Files to open a dialog box in which the files can be selected; click open to add the files to the project. After the programming, the application needs to be downloaded. However, you must first choose Project>Rebuild All to finish the compiling and linking. 2.9 Conclusion In this chapter, a comprehensive work on the design and development creativity was conducted. This chapter demonstrated a research through hardware implementation. GSR, BVP, and Temperature displayed the capable results for use in identifying and differentiating the physiological arousal. This chapter also discussed the proposed architecture and the design implementation in detail. This proposed architecture was designed for making the system portable, easy to use, and intelligent. This chapter has provided a detailed explanation of the first two objectives. 77 Chapter 3 EMOTION DETECTION METHODOLOGY AND ANALYSIS This chapter talks about investigations made on emotion-specific ANS responses and recognition using classification algorithms. Chapter describes methodology by implementing two different types of machine learning algorithms for data classification. These are Naïve Bayesian and Markov model-based algorithms implemented on a Texas Instruments MSP430 microcontroller. Beside these algorithms, HYBRIB-NAV-MAR, a hybrid of the two basic algorithms, is also implemented on the microcontroller. 3.1 Introduction The main focus of this research is developing an intelligent system that can identify its users’ emotional states(Craig et al., 2004). Despite the importance of emotions in our lives, many Human-Machine-Interfaces (HMI) completely lack the “emotional intelligence”(Goleman, 2006). Emotional intelligence helps us to understand and manage our own emotions as well as other people’s emotions towards us. Emotion recognition is one of the important steps towards the emotional intelligence in an advanced human-machine interaction(Shibata et al., 1997). Recently, emotion recognition using the physiological signals(Kim et al., 2004) has been performed by various machine learning algorithms, as physiological signals are important for the emotion recognition abilities of the human-computer systems(Picard et al., 2001). The purpose of this research study is to classify three different emotional states (joyful, calm, and stress) with respect to the physiological signals using several machine learning algorithms, which will further enable us to predict the future emotion based on data collected by the system so far. 78 3.2 Background and Related Works To understand an emotion recognition system, there are some important concepts that have been discussed in this section. Emotion(Lazarus, 1991) is a complicated state of feeling for the mankind, for example, sorrow, fear, joy, and hate. In physiology, emotion is often related with the arousal of the nervous system and may be accompanied by the physiological changes, such as bigger respiration or heartbeat(Bonnet and Arand, 1997). The major difference between mood and emotion is the duration of the feeling. A fine or terrible mood may last for one or two days, but an emotion may last just for a few seconds or maybe minutes. In 1983, Gardner gave a widely held notion that intelligence is a unitary capacity for the logical reasoning possessed by every individual to a greater or lesser extent; the concept of multiple intelligences has strongly affected psychology, educational theories, and neuroscience.(White and Gardner, 1983) This idea has also entered the computer science, where it has been used to support the establishment of the affective computing, or the computing that arises from and deliberately influences emotions (Picard, 1997). Affective computing lies on the border of artificial intelligence and anthropomorphic interface design. It aims at enriching the rule-based systems of artificial intelligence with emotional modules to recognize the user emotions and to give machines emotions. Emotional intelligence (Salovey et al., 2000) is regarded as the ability to perceive and express emotions, to understandably manage and use them, and to foster the personal well-being. The concept subsumes Gardner’s interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences in a unique emotional space, so as to differentiate the specific emotional competencies from the social ones. Machines do not have emotions; these cannot feel happy on seeing us, sad when we go, or bored when we don’t give them enough interesting input. But “Emotional Intelligence” could address several problems that exist today, while enabling the invention of better technologies for the future. In 79 some contexts, for example, medical monitoring or use of other wearable systems with physiological sensors can be natural and comfortable to work with. These can help in sensing information, such as changes in the heart rate, muscle tension, temperature, skin conductance, and more. For example, if a patient is wearing a heart monitor for health monitoring or for fitness tracking then the technology can potentially measure the heartrate variability changes associated with the cognitive and emotional stress. Physiological information has been shown to carry the information that changes with different emotions (Ekman, Levenson et al. 1983) and such information can be used to build classifiers for an individual’s affective state. 3.3 Emotions and Emotional intelligence Emotions are a complex state of feeling that affect/bring about the physical and psychological changes that control our behaviour. The physiology of emotion is directly linked to the arousal of the nervous system due to various states apparently, to particular emotions. Emotional Intelligence (EI)(Mayer et al., 2000) is the ability to monitor emotions of one's own and other people's that classify between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use the emotional information to guide thinking and behaviour. Emotional intelligence encompasses several abilities that can hierarchically be ordered in four branches composed of several sub-skills organized according to their complexity.(Mayer et al., 2003) 1 Identifying / perceiving emotions 2 Using emotions 3 Understanding emotions 4 Managing emotions. 80 This research explains the contribution in the field of perceiving emotions. Perceiving emotion has the ability to identify the emotion in oneself and in others; it also has the ability to tell the difference between the honest and dishonest emotions. At the basic level, there is the ability to perceive, appraise, and express the emotions accurately. These are the basic information-processing skills in which the relevant information consists of feeling and mood states. The emotions can be identified in one’s own physical and psychological states as well as in other people and objects. Basic skills also include the ability to express emotions and needs related to these feelings; and evaluating accuracy and honesty in the expression of the feelings. The second branch, using emotion, refers to the use of emotions as thinking facilitation. Different emotions induce different information-processing styles; hence, emotional states can be harnessed by an individual towards a number of ends, such as stimulating creativity and problem solving. The third element, understanding emotion, concerns essential knowledge about the emotional system. The most fundamental competencies at this level, concern the ability to label the emotions with words, perceive the causes and consequences of emotions, understand how different emotions are related, and interpret the complex feelings. This knowledge contributes to the fourth branch, mood maintenance, which is regarding the regulation of emotion and mood repair strategies. In order to put the knowledge into action, people must develop further competencies. They must be open to feelings - pleasant as well as unpleasant. Then, they need to practice and become adept at engaging in behaviours that bring about the desired feelings in themselves and in others. Design explains a real-time monitoring system that is capable of estimating different emotions from different biofeedback signals, especially for the people who cannot express their emotions, for example, the paralysis stricken patients. This system will be user–friendly as shown in the following diagram. 81 Fig 3.1: Sequence of emotion Although people perceive that stress can have negative impact on health and well-being, being, they normally do not take any action to prevent stress or to manage it. Effectively detecting the stress well in-time in time not only provides a way for the people to understand their stress condition better but also provides the physicians with more reliable data for intervention and stress control. Identifying the stress level using the psychological sensors has been a hot research topic in the recent years. The existing studies have shown that psychosocial stress can be recognized by the physiological information of human being. The physiological information can be acquired by using the biological or physiological sensors(Healey sensors and Picard, 2005),, such as Elecardiagram (ECG), Galvanic Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), Electromyogram (EMG), and Respiration (RESP). 3.4 Methods for Recognizing Emotions Monitoring the emotions is significant, as it contains the information that can assist in improving human well-being. well being. It is also important to observe observ the emotions as these are the perceptions of bodily changes and can assist in identifying any medical condition at an early stage, that is, before it becomes serious. Emotion regulation is an important skill for coping with social and personal troubles(Gross troubles(Gross and Thompson, 2007). 2007) Emotion recognition has also become an important subject in the human-machine human interaction scenario in the present times. times. Various methods have been used in the past to detect human emotions. The most commonly used techniques are explained below: 82 Emotion Recognition Using Text(Wu et al., 2006):Emotion recognition using text has become a popular method these days, especially when it comes to human-machine interaction. Textual information is not only an important communication medium that exists in books, newspapers, websites, emails etc, but also a rich source of emotion. Different approaches have been used to recognize and evaluate these emotions. The most common approach uses the natural language processing techniques, which in-turn extract emotions and sentiments by analyzing the text input. Zhang et al developed a semi-automatic acquisition technique to obtain the emotion information using a sentence or text.(Chuang and Wu, 2004) Emotion Recognition Using Facial Expressions(Busso et al., 2004, Zhao and Pietikainen, 2007):The basic idea of emotion recognition using facial expression is to segment facial images into various regions of interest. The common regions taken into account include movements of cheek, chin, wrinkles, eyes, eyebrows, and mouth. Different classification techniques are then applied to differentiate between different types of emotions.(Cowie et al., 2001) developed an intelligent emotion recognition system, interweaving psychological findings about the emotion representation with analysis and evaluation of the facial expressions. Emotion Recognition Using Speech(Cowie and Cornelius, 2003):Emotion recognition from speech has become increasingly popular, as it has become an important part of the affective computing and can help in improving the human-machine interaction. It can also be used in various applications, such as call centre conversation analysis, entertainment, indexing of audio files based on emotions, and many more. Emotion Recognition Using Body Movements and Gestures(Gunes and Piccardi, 2007): Ginevra et al. proposed an approach for the detection of four emotional states (anger, joy, pleasure, and sadness) based on the analysis of body movement and gesture expressivity . They used nonpropositional movement qualities (amplitude, speediness, and variability 83 of movement) to infer emotions and investigate the role of movement expressivity versus the shape in gesturing. Their proposed method analyzed the emotional behaviour based on the direct classification of time series and on a model that provides indicators explaining the dynamics of significant motion cues. Emotion Recognition Using a Data-Driven Fuzzy Inference System(Chul M et al.,2003) This paper explores the detection of domain-specific emotions using a fuzzy inference system to sense two emotion categories, negative and nonnegative emotions. The input features are a mixture of segmental and suprasegmental acoustic information; feature sets are selected from a 21-dimensional feature set and implemented to the fuzzy classifier. Such kind of model are mostly implemented with factors which not predictable like voice, body gestures etc. Emotion Recognition Using Physiological Signals(Horlings et al., 2008): Emotion recognition using biosensors has recently become popular not only for the interaction between humans but also in the human-machine interactions. Biosensors have the advantage of monitoring the physiological parameters of the body; these physiological parameters are directly controlled by the autonomous nervous system and are affected by the emotions. These sensors can collect various signals including heart rate, skin conductance, electrocardiogram, blood volume, and temperature; and then can evaluate the emotions based on the changes taking place. This research has evaluated the emotion recognition using the physiological signals, as this method gives true readings where the subject cannot manipulate the data. The machine was developed with a motive to extract the emotions from the paralyzed people who cannot express their emotions. 3.5 Emotion Model There are different emotion perspectives. The first perspective describes that some emotions are present in humans from infancy, in the sense that 84 those emotions can be adapted later on to a specific value, without crossing a particular threshold; this is the discrete emotion theory and is also named as Ekman’s basic emotions. The second perspective is the dimensional theory that categorizes all kinds of emotions in a 2dimensional space, postulating that every emotion has two aspects: a cognitive (Valence) and a physiological (Arousal) component. Many theorists define the emotional models according to various dimensions. Paul Ekman’s theory has six basic emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear, and surprise (Ekman, 1992). He explains that the basic emotions allow particular characteristics to be expressed in various degrees. Fig 3.2: Plutchik’s Model (Plutchik et al., 1997) Pulkkinen’s model of emotional regulation presents a map of emotions that are divided into two dimensions: (a) high self-control vs. low self control and (b) inhibition vs. expression. The model identifies 11 emotions: reserved, passive labile, aggressive, active, responsive, constructive, stable, thoughtful, compliant, anxious, and impulsive. Pulkkinen also divides the emotions into four behavioral clusters: A, B, C, 85 and D. These prototypes are used for behavioral regulation. In his study, he defines the eight primary emotions as: surprise, anticipation, sadness, joy, trust, fear, disgust, and anger. The eight primary emotions are arranged as four pairs of opposites: trust-distrust, joy-sadness, fear-anger, and surprise-anticipation. Fig 3.3: Russell’s Model (Russell and Feldman Barrett, 1999) In the Russell’s model, shown in the above fig 3.3 it can be seen that the emotions are divided by arousal and valence dimensions. The vertical axis signifies arousal and the horizontal axis represents valence. In this model, each emotion can be recognized by its varying degree of arousal and valence. The eight primary emotions are defined as: active/arousal, peppy/enthusiastic, happy/pleased, consent/calm, quiet/passive, sluggish/tired, sad/gloomy, and jittery/nervous (Russell and Feldman Barrett, 1999). The centre of the circle means a neutral state. This model has been widely used by various emotion classification tests and emotional facial expression recognition (Remington et al., 2000). 86 3.6 Emotion Estimation Methodology Emotion estimation or prediction can be done with data analysis by using machine learning.(Preisach et al., 2008).In this research, data is analyzed by machine learning algorithms embedded in microcontroller. The process of data analysis is done in two phases; first phase is that when sensed data is computed by algorithms for predicting emotion and second when final predicted data output is collected to form training data. This chapter explains first phase in the following sections. 3.6.1 Generic process of emotion identification The process of detecting emotion using the physiological sensors normally consists of three major phases. First, features are extracted from the raw physiological sensor data using feature extraction algorithms. In order to effectively identify the stress level or patterns, many features are to be extracted from a variety of physiological sensors. Second, the most relevant features are selected by using some feature selection heuristics. More features extracted does not necessarily mean better performance of stress identification. On the other hand, more features may bring-in the useless information or even the misleading information. Selecting fewer features and predicting emotion patterns as accurately as possible is a challenging research work to do. Third and final, based on the selected features, an information fusion procedure is applied to identify the stress level or patterns. The fusion of methods used is Naïve Bayes (NB) and Markov model (MM). 87 Raw Data GSR/BVP/Temperature Number of orienting responses Extraction Normalized mean Correlation-based Selection Feature Selection Naïve Bayes Combining algorithms Hybrid-Nav-Mar Markov Model Emotional State Stress/Calm/Joyful Fig 3.4: Generic process of emotion identification Numerous factors affect the success of machine-learning algorithms on a given task. The demonstration and quality of the example data is the first and prime. The feature subset selection is the process of identifying and removing as much irrelevant and redundant information as possible. Machine learning has taken inspiration from both the pattern recognition and statistics. The feature selection algorithms perform a search through the space of feature subsets. Selecting a point in the feature subset space, from where to begin the search, can affect the direction of the search. One 88 option is to begin with no features and successively add attributes. An exhaustive search of the feature subspace is prohibitive for all but a small initial number of features. With N initial features, there exist 2N possible subsets. The heuristic search strategies are more feasible than exhaustive ones and can give good results, however, these do not guarantee finding the optimal subset. The heuristic search strategies are the ones that have been used for the feature selection. The feature subsets evaluation is the single biggest differentiating factor among the feature selection algorithms for machine-learning. These algorithms use heuristics based on the general characteristics of the data to evaluate the merit of the feature subsets. This method, called the wrapper(Karegowda et al., 2010) uses an initiation algorithm along with a arithmetical re-sampling technique, for example, cross-validation to estimate the final correctness of the feature subsets. A local change is simply the addition or deletion of a single feature from the subset. When the algorithm considers only additions to the feature subset, it is known as forward selection. The best first search(Yang and Honavar, 1998) can back-track to a more promising previous subset and continue the investigate from there. Given enough time, a best first search will explore the entire search space. Algorithm 3.1: Best first search algorithm 1 Initiate with the OPEN list having the start state, the CLOSED list empty, and BEST←start state. 2 Let s = arg max e(x) (get the state from OPEN with the highest evaluation). 3 Remove s from OPEN and add to CLOSED. 4 If e(s) ≥ e(BEST), then BEST ← s. 5 For each child t of s that is not in the OPEN or CLOSED list, evaluate and add to OPEN. 6 If BEST changed in the last set of expansions, go to 2. 7 Return BEST 89 3.6.2 Machine learning algorithms for emotion prediction Machine learning (Baldi and Brunak, 2001)is closely related to and often overlaps the statistics which are computational; a discipline, which also focuses on prediction-making. It dynamically learns to make accurate predictions based on the past observations. The effectiveness of these heuristics is then investigated by using the fusion computational probabilistic algorithms for the final prediction within a microcontroller. Input /Training Data Machine Learning Algorithm Classification Rule Predicted Classification Fig 3.5: Machine learning approach(Baldi and Brunak, 2001) Three broad categories of machine learning classification approaches involve (a) unsupervised (b) supervised and (c) reinforcement learning of the datasets in one of the possible classification states as shown in Fig.3.6. In the present problem supervised learning approaches have been used. The supervised learning is adopted because of its compatibility in modelling and controlling dynamic systems. In general, the classifiers are ranged from the linear classifiers (Logistic regression, LBNC, Linear SVM) to the non-linear classifiers (K-NN, SVM with poly kernel of degree 2, Decision Trees); and there is another called probabilistic classifier (Naïve Bayes). 90 Classification Methods Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning Reinforcement Learning • Input (training data) and output (target data) both labeled • Classifier function for discrete output • Regression function for continuous output • Finds hidden structures in unlabeled data • Forms natural clusters based on similarity • No error or reward signal • Trial-and-error based approach • Involve a sequence of steps • Decisions at each stage affect the decisions taken at next steps Fig.3.6: Classification Methods In this research, emotion recognition using the physiological signals has been performed by various machine learning algorithms, such as Naive Bayesian, HYB-NAV-MAR, and Markov Model; and implemented within a microcontroller. In the proposed model, to fulfil the need of probabilities, the Naïve Bayes probabilistic classifier was used. For the future predictions, the Markov model was implemented within the microcontroller. By combining both the algorithms, a new algorithm, HYBID-NAV-MAR, was designed and developed by the researchers. Details of the different classification methods are given below: 91 3.6.2.A Naïve Bayes Naïve Bayes is a classification method, which relies on the Bayes rule for making the predictions, and it assigns the example x to the class label ωi with the largest posterior probability P(ωi | x). Naïve Bayes relies on a simplifying assumption that the predictive attributes are conditionally independent given the class. This assumption specifically simplifies the computational complexity that is associated with the estimating class conditional probabilities, which are estimated for each attribute separately (Theodoridis&Koutroumbas, 2006). Naïve Bayes has shown to offer a competitive performance against other widely used and more sophisticated classification methods, such as decision trees and neural networks (George & Pat, 1995; Theodoridis&Koutroumbas, 2006). It is also a useful classifier that can easily deal with the high dimensional data because of its short training time (Hand et al., 2001). The Bayesian Classification represents a supervised learning method as well as a statistical method for classification. It assumes an underlying probabilistic model and allows us to capture the uncertainty about the model in a principled way by determining the probabilities of the outcomes. It can solve various diagnostic and predictive problems. Following are the uses of Naïve Bayes classification: Naïve Bayes text classification(Zhang and Li, 2007), The Bayesian classification is used as a probabilistic learning method (Naive Bayes text classification). Naive Bayes classifiers are among the most successful known algorithms for learning to classify text documents. Spam filtering(Androutsopoulos et al., 2000) is the best known use of Naive Bayesian text classification. It makes the use of a naive Bayes classifier to identify the spam e-mails. Hybrid Recommender System(Burke, 2002), Naive Bayes Classifier and Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems are used to apply the 92 machine learning and data mining techniques for filtering the unseen information and to predict whether a user would like a given resource. Online applications(Haffner et al., 2005), This online application has been set up as a simple example of supervised machine learning and affective computing. Using a training set of examples, which reflect nice, nasty, or neutral sentiments, we are training Ditto to distinguish between them. Naïve Bayes is further divided into three types classification(Lewis, 1998) • Independence: Example: Suppose there are two events: T: Manju teaches the class (otherwise it’s Anand’s) R: It is rainy “The rain levels do not depend on and do not influence who is teaching.” Theory: From P(R | T) = P(R), the rules of probability imply: _ P(~R | T) = P(~R) _ P(T | R) = P(T) _ P(T ^ R) = P(T) P(R) _ P(~T ^ R) = P(~T) P(R) _ P(T^~R) = P(T)P(~R) _ P(~T^~R) = P(~T)P(~R) • Conditional Independence Example: 93 Suppose we have these three events: _ T: Lecture taught by Manju _ A: Lecturer arrives late _ R: Lecture concerns circuits Suppose: Anand has a higher chance of being late than Manju. Anand has a higher chance of giving circuits lectures. Theory: R and A are conditionally independent given T is for all x, y, z in (Allen et al., 2001): P(R=x ½ T=y ^ A=z) = P(R=x ½ T=y) (1) More generally: Let S-1 and S-2 and S-3 be sets of variables. Set-ofvariables S-1 and set-of-variables S-2 are conditionally independent given S-3 is for all assignments of values to the variables in the sets; P(S-1’s assignments ½ S-2’s assignments & S-3’s assignments)= P(S-1’s assignments ½ S-3’s assignments). Input is sent to Bayesian for the Bayesian reasoning and predicting emotion. This algorithm was applied to predict the emotional state. Bayesian is responsible for decision making and inferential statistics by using the probabilities techniques(Gelman et al., 2014, Sivia and Skilling, 1996). Bayes Theorem: P(h | D) = • P( D | h) P(h) P( D) (2) Conditional Probability: The probability of an event occurring due to the reality that a diverse event has already occurred is known as conditional probability. Let’s say if 94 the conditional probability of an event H is the probability that the event will occur given the information that an event F has already occurred. If events H and F are dependent, then the probability of the intersection of F and H (the probability that two events occur) is defined by P(F and H) = P(F)P(H|F). (3) From this explanation, the conditional probability P(H|F) can easily be obtained by dividing P (F and H) by P(F): P( h | F ) = P( F and H ) P( F ) (4) F H Fig 3.7: Two Conditional Events (Reflecting headache with Flu) H = “Have a headache” F = “Coming down with Flu” P(H) = 1/10 P(F) = 1/40 P(H|F) = ½ “Headaches are rare and flu is rarer, but if you are coming down with flu there’s a 50-50 chance that you will have a headache. P(H|F) = Fraction of flu-inflicted World in which you have a headache = = #World with Flu and headache Area of " H and F" region P( H ^ F ) (5) = = #World with Flu Area of " F" region P( F ) 95 The conditional probability of the diverse classes gives the values of attributes of an unidentified sample. Then the classifier will predict that the sample belongs to the class having the maximum posterior probability in that case. Instance is represented by an n-dimensional feature vector (x1,x2,…,xn). The sample is classified as class from a set of probable classes C. According to the “maximum a posteriori” (MAP) decision rule: Table 3.1: “Maximum a Posteriori” (MAP) Decision Rule Classify(x1,x2,…..xn) = argmax p(C=c)∏,-. pxi|C * c D: Set of tuples Each Tuple is an ‘n’ dimensional attribute vector X : (x1,x2,x3,…. xn) Let there be ‘m’ Classes : C1,C2,C3…Cm Classifier predicts X belongs to Class Ci if P (Ci/X) > P(Cj/X) for 1<= j <= m , j <>i Maximum Posteriori Hypothesis P(Ci/X) = P(X/Ci) P(Ci) / P(X) Maximize P(X/Ci) P(Ci) as P(X) is constant With many attributes, computing of this is expensive to evaluate P(X/Ci). Naïve Assumption of “class conditional independence” P (X |Ci)=∏,. px |Ci P(X/Ci) = P(x1/Ci) * P(x2/Ci) *…* P(xn/ Ci) The conditional probability in the above method is obtained by the estimate of the probability mass function using the training data of that situation. Moreover, the independent assumption may not be a realistic model of the probabilities concerned(Rish, 2001). In this research, the Conditional Probability is preferred. In the designed logic, different conditions (Very High, High, Normal, Low, and Very Low) are considered. These conditions are associated with various 96 parameters (GSR, BVP, and Temperature) for extracting the emotions of human. Various parameters with the different conditions were considered EVENT 1(A) and Different Emotions (JOY, CALM, and STRESS) were EVENT 2(B). Naïve Bayes calculations: To apply the Naïve Bayes algorithm, different ranges have been considered for each psychophysiological signal (GSR/BVP/Temperature). Each signal has been further categorized by various health conditions. These ranges have been confirmed and verified by national and international doctors. Details of each doctor are given in the appendix 1. Table 3.2: Different ranges of the psychophysiological signal Conditions GSR BVP Temperature Critical High >=70 Kohms >=120BPM >=103°C High >=35 to < 70 Kohms >=90 to <120BPM >=99 to <103 °C Normal >=25 to < 35 Kohms >=70 to < 90 BPM >=98 to < 99 °C Low >=15 to < 25 Kohms >=50 to < 70 BPM >=96 to <98 °C Critical Low <15 kohms < 50 BPM < 96 °C As shown in the above table, there are five conditions applied on three different signals. So, the possibility table has been designed with respect to 53 with the different possibilities as shown in the annexure 2. Total Possibilities expected from the above mentioned table are 53=125. Following is a probability calculation table of each emotion, which is calculated from the data table mentioned in the Annexure 2. In this, each value detected is based on the Conditional Probability Naïve Bayes technique, because the conditional probability of the event A is the probability that the event will occur given the information that an event B has already occurred. 97 Table 3.3: Calculations JOYFULL: P (J) =12/125=0.096 Critical HIGH HIGH NORMAL LOW Critical LOW GSR P (J|GCH) =.5 P (J|GH) =.5 P (J|GN) =0 P (J|GL) =0 P (J|GCL) =0 BVP P (J|BCH) =0 P (J|BH) .33 P (J|BN) .33 P (J|BL) .33 P (J|BCL) =0 TEMPERATURE P (J|TCH) =0 P (J|TH) =0 P (J|TN) =.5 P (J|TL) =.5 P (J|TCL) =0 STRESS : P (S) =6/125=.048 GSR P (S|GCH) =0 P (S|GH)=0 P (S|GN) =0 P (S|GL)=1 P (S|GCL)=0 BVP P (S|BCH) =0 P (S|BH) =.33 P (S|BN) =.33 P (S|BL) =.33 P (S|BCL) =0 TEMPERATURE P (S|TCH) =0 P (S|TH)=0 P (S|TN) =.5 P (S|TL)=.5 P (S|TCL)=0 CALM: P (C) =6 /125=.048 GSR P (C|GCH) =0 P(C|GH)=0 P(C|GN) =1 P (C|GL)=0 P (C|GCL) =0 BVP P (C|BCH)=0 P (C|BH) =.33 P (C|BN) =.33 P (C|BL) =.34 P (C|BCL) =0 TEMPERATURE P (C|TCH) =0 P (C|TH)=0 P (C|TN) =.5 P(C|TL) =.5 P (C|TCL)=0 By taking an example of one case: If, X (GSR=25, BVP=75, TEMP=98) P ( X | J ) = P ( X 1 | J ). P ( X 2 | J ). P ( X 3 | J ) * /0|./ /0|./ /0|1./1 /0 /0 /0 X X P (X | J ) = (1) 0 × .33 ×12 =0 12 P ( X | S ) = P ( X 1 | S ). P ( X 2 | S ). P ( X 3 | S ) 98 * /2|./ /2 /2|./ /2|1./1 X X /2 /2 (2) (0 × .33 × .5) =0 6 P (X | S) = P ( X | C ) = P ( X 1 | C ). P ( X 2 | C ). P ( X 3 | C ) * /3|./ /3|./ /3|1./1 /3 /3 /3 X X P ( X | C) = (3) (1 × .33 × .5) = .16 6 Hence, the maximum value will be considered as detected emotion. So, the answer is CALM in the above mentioned example case. Naïve Bayes predicts an output in the form of the probability of emotion with the maximum possibility. This technique computes the conditional probabilities of the diverse classes given the values of attributes of an unknown sample and then the classifier predicts that the sample belongs to the class having the peak posteriori probability. It should be noted that these probabilities are dependent on the data collected so far and as we collect more data from various experiments then the accuracy of the prediction is likely to improve. The predicted emotion by Naïve Bayes becomes an input for the next implemented algorithm, that is, Markov Model. Markov predicts future emotion based on the current emotional state of a human. For the compatibility and interfacing between both algorithms, a new algorithm, HYBRID-NAV-MAR, has been designed and developed by the researchers. 3.6.3 HYBRID-NAV-MAR This algorithm was developed to combine Naïve Bayes and Markov model algorithms for obtaining the meaningful results. The output of Naïve 99 Bayes, that is, an emotional state, is given to another algorithm (Markov Model) for the future prediction. 3.6.4. Implementation of HYBRID-NAV-MAR Implementing Markov has been a challenge as the algorithm is used to model a random system that changes the states according to a transition rule that only depends on the current state. It undergoes transitions from one state to another on a state space. The probabilities associated with various state changes are transition probabilities. These are the most important aspects of Markov for the future prediction. The transition probabilities rely only on the current position and not on the manner in which the position was reached. For example, the transition probabilities from 10 to 9 and 10 to 11 are both 0.5, and all other transition probabilities from 10 are 0. These probabilities are independent of whether the system was previously in 9 or 11. To have transition probabilities between various states (Stress/Joy/Calm) with respect to each event (GSR/BVP/Temperature) a HYBRID-NAVMAR algorithm has been designed and implemented, within a microcontroller, by the researchers. This has added more intelligence to the system. Following is the designed transition probability algorithm, which has helped the system to work in the hybrid form and has combined both Naïve bayes and Markov model. Algorithm 3.2: HYBRID-NAV-MAR 100 Step 1: Accept data for occurrences of each respective event in metrics GSR[3,5], BVP[3,5] , TEMP[3,5] Step 2: for i= 0 to 2 for j =0 to 4 emot_mat[i][j] = GSR[i,j] +BVP[i,j] + TEMP[i,j] endfor endfor Step 3: Compute the probability transition transition from emot_mat for each state. Fig3.8: Emotion States diagram with transition probability The emotions can be seen as a state of crisis that is preceded by arousal due to an external stimulus. Something that tends to create distractions can be considered as an external stimulus. After the stress factor (the stressor) disappears, the body relaxes, relaxes, gets calm, and returns to a normal condition. The change between the two states can be sudden or incremental; typically, arousal is more rapid and relaxation takes considerably longer. Various emotions are categorized and are based upon the degree of arousal a from low to high and valence, that is, positive to negative emotions. Due to the variation in the emotions, the above mentioned algorithm has three matrices, which have been designed for each event with respect to three different emotional conditions condition (Normal/Low/high). 101 3.6.5 Markov Model Markov model(Schuller et al., 2003) is based on the Markov chain that models the state of a system with a random variable that changes from time to time. The Markov property suggests that the distribution of current variable depends only on the distribution of the previous (past) state. In Markov, the changes in the states are called transitions. The probability is associated with each state that changes and are called transition probabilities. The process starts in one of the above shown Fig3.7 states and moves successively from one state to another. Each move is known as a step. If the chain is presently in the state Si, it moves to the next state Sj with a probability denoted by Pij. This probability does not depend on the previous states of the chain. The probabilities p ij are generally known as transition probabilities. Markov chain collects the random variables Xt, where the index t runs through 0, 1, ...n having the property that gives the present; based on that the future is predicted. In this, the future is conditionally independent of the past. In other words, P (Xt-j|X0=i0, X1=i1……Xt-1) =P (Xt=j|Xt-1=it-1) (7) Example: If person is in stress and have to check for other emotions then: Stress to Calm Probability will be: P (Tn|Tn-1,Tn-2,…..,T1) (1) T=time; =P (T3=calm|T2=Stress,T1=Stress)*P(T2=Stress|T1=Stress) =P (T3=calm|T2=Stress)*P(T2=Stress|T1=Stress) =.14*.18 102 =.0252 =.0252*100 =2.52% Stress to Joy Probability will be: P (Tn|Tn-1,Tn-2,…..,T1) T=time; =P (T3=Joy|T2=Stress,T1=Stress)*P(T2=Stress|T1=Stress) =P (T3=Joy|T2=Stress)*P(T2=Stress|T1=Stress) =.10*.18 =.018 =.018*100 =1.8% Probability of calm is high, which means that the next emotion can be Calm based on the probabilities of the data collected. One can have a threshold value of the probability above which a state is predicted to be highly likely. 3.7 Comparative study Indeed, the Table 3.3 at the end of this section identifies many chronologically ordered studies that measure physiological signals and analyze these signals by the recognition algorithms. There is budding evidence indeed that emotional states have their corresponding specific physiological signals that can be mapped correspondingly. Most of the researches follow the methodology given below: (i) Analyze different body signal(s) (e.g., skin conductance, heart rate) 103 (ii) Use different emotion elicitation method(s) (e.g., mental imagery, movie clips) (iii)Work with varying number of subjects (iv) Classify emotions according to the different method(s) of analysis (v) Show the different results for various emotions. Table3.4: Comparative study Authors Emotion elicitation method Subjects Signals measured Data analysis technique Result (Lisetti and Nasoz, 2004) Difficult task solving 58 undergraduate students of an introductory psychology course Cardiovascular activity (heart rate and blood pressure) ANOVA and ANCOVA Systolic and diastolic blood pressure responses were greater in the difficult standard condition than in the easy standard condition for the subjects who received the highability feedback. (Gläscher and Adolphs, 2003) Difficult problem solving 32 university undergraduates (16 males and 16 females) Skin conductance, objective task performance, self-report MANOVA Skin correlation/ conductance regression amplified at analyses, the start of the ANOVA trial, but decreased by the end of the trial for the hardest condition. (Collet et Neutrally and 30 people (16 females and 14 Skin conductance, 104 Friedman variance Electrodermal responses al., 1997) expressively loaded slides (pictures) and elicited Happiness, surprise, anger, fear, sadness, and disgust males) skin potential, skin resistance, skin temperature, skin blood flow, and instantaneous respiratory frequency analysis distinguished 13 emotion pairs out of 15. Skin resistance and skin conductance perturbation duration indices separated 10 emotion pairs. Though, conductance amplitude could distinguish 7 emotion pairs (Tarvainen, 2004) 11 auditory stimuli mixed with some standard and target sounds elicited with emotion i.e. Surprise 20 healthy controls (as a control group) and 13 psychotic patients GSR Principal component analysis clustered by centroid method 78% for all, but 100% for the patients (Vyzas and Picard, 1998) Personal imagery (Happiness, sadness, irritation, fright, disgust, surprise, neutrality, platonic love, romantic love) A healthy graduate student with two years of acting experience GSR, heart rate, EEG, and respiration Sequential floating forward search (SFFS), Fisher Projection (FP) and hybrid (FP and SFFS) 81% for hybrid SFFS and Fisher method with 40 features and 54% rate with 24 features (Nasoz et al., 2004) A sluggish computer 37 undergraduate Skin resistance and blood HM models prototype recognition 105 game interface (Frustration) and graduate students volume pressure worked significantly better than random guessing while discriminating between regimes of possible frustration from regimes of much less likely frustration. 3.9 Conclusion The development of affective sensing and monitoring system through various machine learning algorithms with their methodology is discussed in this chapter. The processing and feature extraction methods applied to the PD, GSR and BVP signals were outlined in the corresponding sections. 106 Chapter 4 EMPIRICAL STUDY AND ANALYSIS The research describes that the development of an emotion detection approach is based on the automatic monitoring of physiological signals using a microcontroller. There are three main aspects of this study: (a) experimentation setup for the physiological sensing, (b) signal processing to sense the affective state, and (c) affective computing using the machine learning algorithms. This chapter focuses on the empirical study of this research. The physiological signals were concurrently recorded and coordinated by the hardware and software combination throughout the whole experimentation to analyze the potential concurrent changes that occurred due to the sympathetic activation of aroused emotion. The goal of this chapter is to define the experimental setups for the data collection, which will be further used for emotion prediction. There are number of patients exhibiting autonomic disorders. All autonomic tests include their physiological background, indications, contra-indications, the entry conditions that must be fulfilled before the subject is allowed to take the test, the instrumentation, the activities flow performed during the test, and the exceptions which might cause test. 4.1 Generalities A setup and a corresponding protocol were defined and implemented while performing the experiments. Those protocols are: • Provide an appropriate stimulus, capable of eliciting stress in the subjects participating in the experiment. • Provide appropriate variation in each output data. • Provide proper coordination of all the software and hardware components that are involved in the experimental process. 107 • Record the GSR, BVP, and temperature signals with all the necessary time markers. • This design is not suitable for the people having a disease called hyperhidrosis(Ogorevc et al., 2013), which causes excessive sweating. It is a drawback of the system. The complete implementation of the system for experimental with the coordinated software and hardware components are described in the Chapter 2.For validation and data collection, three sets of different experiments were conducted with totally different scenarios by using same strategy and protocol. Scenario _1 (S0_1):- In the first scenario, the experiments were done in a multinational company for an improvement in the daily activities of the staff of the company. The company’s interest was to target the weak performers. After the discussion, permission was granted by the company for the betterment of the employees. This helped the staff to work on their emotional aspect. Scenario _2 (S0_2):- In the second setup, the experiments were done by a doctor on the hundred odd patients (subject) in a hospital; each subject having different age, gender, and medical background. The experiment was also included the paralyzed people to understand that how everybody cannot express the emotions. This helped the doctor to see an exact mind state of a patient for the better treatment. Scenario _3 (S0_3):-In this scenario, a set of audio/video clips was successfully used as stimuli, in the real-time. Different audio or video songs of different languages were played and then even with the choice of the subject. The songs experimentally were found to be triggering-off the specific emotion. Various subjects were asked to listen to the clips and subjectively feedback was measured for detecting the emotion arousal. 108 This work was to design and develop a real-time monitoring system that can be used to estimate different emotions, especially for the people who cannot express their emotions, such as the people suffering from a paralyzed body. The expected values of the different biofeedback modalities are mapping with different ranges of emotion areas mentioned in the Chapter 3. Different emotional expressions produce different changes in the autonomic activity; following are the examples of various activities: Table 4.1: Change in Autonomic Activity(Ekman et al., 1983, Kreibig, 2010) Emotions GSR BVP Temperature Anger Decreases Increased Increases Fear Increases Increased Decreases Happiness No Change Normal No Change Stress can be seen as a state of crisis that is preceded by arousal due to an external stimulus. An external stimulus can be considered something that tends to create distractions. Once the factor causing stress (the stressor) disappears, the body gets relaxed and calm; and then returns to a normal state. This considers a simplified setting by assuming that the person is either in the normal state or in a stressed state. The change between the two states can be sudden or incremental; typically, arousal is more rapid and relaxation takes considerably longer.(Fontaine et al., 2007) We can see that the various emotions are categorized; the emotions are based upon the degree of arousal from low to high and valence i.e. positive to negative of emotions are shown in Fig 4.1(Schmidt and Trainor, 2001). All the features were selected from the training data which was extracted from real-time experimental data set. 109 Arousal Sadness GSR Joyful Stress Neutral Calm Valence BVP Fig. 4.1: Two-dimensional emotion models with four quadrants The record was collected based on the experiments consisting extraction of GSR, BVP, and temperature signals and stored within the microcontroller. According to emotion model(Ohme et al., 2009)following are expected outcomes from various activities of experiments: • When stress will increases then at same time the skin conductivity GSR will decrease and HR/BVP will increase • When joyfulness is decreased then the skin conductivity GSR will increase and HR/BVP will (increase/decrease) • When calmness, there will be then no change The realistic interest of these experiments was to predict the state for statistics collection (samples). This was done to have those samples available for the testing that were never presented to the system during the training phase. This data was collected and analyzed in the controlled settings with the designed hardware and with appropriate algorithms embedded in the microcontroller. Data sets of all experiments are given in the attached Appendix 3. 110 4.2 Benchmark construction of experimentation 4.2.1 Experimental Study_ S0_1 Aim: The experiment was to determine the change in the emotional level of a subject responding to a task given by a company and to a series of questions with emotional content. Participants and stimuli: An experimental setup was established at the sitting place of the subject, where the daily tasks were performed. As mentioned in the procedure, the readings were taken at the time when the subject was performing the assigned task (office work). Both the genders, twenty odd male and female subjects ranging from the age 20 to 55, were considered. Initially, the subjects under neutral conditions were measured; that served as the reference for us to estimate the variance of the values in the different emotional states. Once the state was reached, the subject tended to be in that state for a finite amount of time. The total time of stimulus for each emotion was between 2-3 minutes and with a gap of 2 minutes between different emotions. So, to fulfill the criteria, emotion was estimated thrice. Few sample questions with different emotional content are given below: • How long you have worked as a subordinate? • How do you rank your overall job profile? • Are you satisfied with your pay package? • Does your job profile justify your hard work? • Are you satisfied with the services provided by the company? • Do you think that you deserve more in life? 111 Procedure: 1. Selected subjects, by the company itself, should be asked to go for hand wash with soap and water, and then get the hands dried properly. 2. Subject should be healthy (that is, no fever etc.). 3. Subject should be without any alcohol intake. 4. The GSR,BVP, and temperature sensors should be attached to the distal finger segment of two non-adjacent fingers 5. The subject should sit comfortably without any external stimuli disturbance. 6. During the experiment, subject should not be allowed to have water, as it can change the emotion. 7. Two different measurements should be taken in this experiment: (a) while regular daily task, and (b) while carrier satisfaction interview. 8. Readings should be taken three times: (a) before the task, (b) during the task, and (c) after the task. Average of these three values would be considered as actual value. 9. Different emotions should be detected, as it would also help in professional growth (by building strong emotions) 4.2.2 Experiment_ S0_2 Aim: Skin conductance orienting response (SCOR) in childhood, habituation is absent at age 3 but apparent at age 4 and increases thereafter to peak at age 6 and then levels off.(Gao et al., 2007, Kylliäinen and Hietanen, 2006). 112 This experiment was designed for all age group above 6 and to determine the change in the emotional level of a subject while responding to the doctors for the questions with the emotional content. Participants and stimuli: An experiment setup was established according to the comfort-level of a doctor. Total ten questions, five with neutral content and five of an emotional nature, were asked from the subject. The doctor instructed the subject to sit quietly and answer each question honestly in one word. The subject was instructed not to give explanation on any answer. Questions were asked according to the age factor. Once the state was reached, the subject tended to be in that state for a finite amount of time. The total time of stimulus for each emotion was between 2-3 minutes. Experiment was carried for 15 days on different subjects and sometimes subjects were also intentionally repeated for the better judgment. Table 4.2: Questions with Emotional Content Age 6 to 12 Age 12 to 35 Age above 35 Does being alone at night frighten you? Are you in love? Do you ever cry? Has anyone ever beaten you? Do you ever cry? Do you recall your young days? Are you scared of Ghosts? Do you feel there is someone who understands you? Have you ever seen a tragic accident? Do you feel scared during the exams days? Do you have any best friend? Are you satisfied with your achievements in the life? How do you handle the exam pressure? Are you satisfied with your career? Whom you miss the most in your life and why? Table 4.3: Questions with Neutral Content Age 6 to 12 Age 12 to 35 Age above 35 Do you like burger? Is it Monday today? Do you have a car? Do you like watching TV? Do you like holidays? Do you have a House? Which day is today? What is your hobby? Do you have kids? 113 Which is your favorite Which sport does you like the Are you a foodie? game? most? Do you like coloring? Who is your best friend? Which dish? is your favorite Procedure 1. The subjects coming for the daily checkup should be asked to go for the hand wash with soap and water, and the get the hands dried properly. 2. Subject’s health should not be critical (e.g. fever etc.) 3. Subject should be ready without any alcohol intake. 4. The GSR, BVP, and temperature sensors should be attached to the surface of the distal finger segment of two non-adjacent fingers. 5. The subject should sit comfortably without any external stimuli disturbance. 6. During the experiment, subject should not be allowed to have water, as it can change the emotion. 7. Two different measurements should be performed in this experiment: (a) during the regular daily task, and (b) during the carrier satisfaction interview. 8. Different emotions should be detected, as it would also help doctor for the better understanding. 4.2.3 Experiment_ S0_3 Aim The experiment was performed to determine that how the audio/video clips may result in a high subject agreement in terms of the elicited emotions (that is, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and amusement). Twentyone movies, in three groups, were played for the participants. Each group of seven clips was meant to extract different emotion (Stress, Joyful, and Calmness). 114 Participants and stimuli An experiment was done on 20 undergraduate/graduate students from different streams: electronics & communication, computer science, and civil. The subjects participated in the study all mutually. The subjects were informed that after the experiment they had to fill out a questionnaire where they had to answer the demographic items. Then the subjects were informed that they would be watching various movie clips geared to elicit emotions and during each clip, they would be prompted to answer the questions about the emotions that they experienced while watching the scene. They were also asked to respond according to the emotions they experienced. A slide show played the various clippings and, after each one of the clips, a slide was presented asking the participants to answer the survey items for the previous scene. During the above measurement, the subject was advised to abstain from all physical work, and needed to concentrate on listening to the clips. The total time of stimulus for each emotion was between 4 to 5 minutes, with minimum gap of 1 minute between different stimuli, during which the music was put off and the subject was advised to come to normal, sip water, munch on a snack etc. For each scene, four questions were asked. The questions are: • Which emotion did you experience from this video clip? • How would you rate, on a five point scale, the intensity of the sentiment that you experienced? • Whether you experienced any other emotion at the same intensity or advanced, and if so, specify what that feeling was? • Have you seen that clip before? Procedure 1. The subjects, who volunteered for the experiment, were asked to go for the hand wash with soap and water, and get the hands dried properly. 115 2. Subject should be healthy (that is, no fever etc.). 3. Subject should be ready without any alcohol intake. 4. The GSR, BVP, and temperature sensors should be attached to the surface of the distal finger segment of two non-adjacent fingers. 5. The subject should sit comfortably without any external stimuli disturbance. 6. The readings should be taken three times: (a) before the task, (b) during the task, and (c) after the task. Average of these three values would be considered as actual value. 7. Different emotions should be detected, as it would help in gathering the accurate training data. 4.3 DATA ANALYSIS Data Analysis is the process of reducing/filtering the large amounts of collected data in a way so that the data makes sense. To do this, the hardware was designed and developed with a capability to do the data analysis and data storage within the hardware. The following fig 4.2 represents the general structure of the proposed system. Emotion Induction Measuring physiological variables Emotion Estimation Subject Assessment and Data Analysis Fig. 4.2: Data analysis and subject assessment for emotion estimation 116 4.3.1 Data Acquisition The information was gathered based on the above mentioned experiments. The sensors were attached to the fingers of the individuals to simultaneously acquire the BVP, GSR, and Temperature signals by means of a recording mechanism. The purpose of these experiments was to focus on both main stressing tasks, namely Talk Preparation (TP) and Hyperventilation (HV). Each experiment was divided into four steps, which are described in the subsequent subsections: 1) First step (FS_1) consisted of attaching sensors to the persons, and after a variable period of time when the subject was asked to calm down, an acquirement was performed according to the procedure mentioned above. 2) Hyperventilation (HV): later, the person was required to breathe intensely and speedy for every 2-3 seconds, indicated by the experimenter. This task was performed until the subject evidently perceived the changes in his/her corporal sensations. It was in this moment exactly when GSR/BVP/Temperature was sampled, representing an obvious behaviour of physiological signals under a tensing situation. 3) Talk Preparation (TP): After HV, the subject was asked to take a break and then was asked to prepare the answers to the questions mentioned in the above experiments. The subject was given one or two minutes to prepare for the answers; signals were sampled again during a period of 90 seconds, representing a stressing situation. 4) In the final step (FS_2), the experimentation comes to an end by acquiring the emotions from the subject. It is significant to state that for the sake of independence in the order of the tasks. 4.3.2 Normalization and feature extraction 117 The procedures described above resulted in a set of physiological records (total 160 physiological records). The differences among the number of data sets for each emotion class are due to the data loss for the data of some participants during various segments of the experiment. In order to compute the number of variations in the physiological responses, the data was normalized for every emotion, as the participants went from a calm state to the state of experiencing a specific emotion. Normalization is also important for minimizing the individual differences among participants in terms of their physiological responses while experiencing a specific emotion. The composed data was normalized by using the average value of the corresponding information type gathered during the relaxation period for the same participant. An example of normalization for the GSR values is as follows: Normalized Data = raw_data – raw_relaxation_data Raw_relaxation data (1) After the data signals were normalized, features were extracted from the normalized data. Four features were extracted for each data signal type: maximum, minimum, mean, and variance of the normalized data. The information was stored in a three dimensional array of real numbers: 1 The subjects who participated in the experiment 2 The emotion classes (stress, joyfulness, and calmness) 3 Extracted features of statistics signal types (minimum; maximum; mean; and var iance of GSR, temperature, and BVP). Every slot of the array consists of one exact feature of a precise data signal type, belonging to one exact participant while s/he was experiencing one precise emotion. (e.g., a slot carries the mean of normalized skin temperature assessment of, say, the participant number 1 while s/he was experiencing tension, whereas, another slot, for example, contains the variance of normalized value of the participant number 5 while s/he was experiencing calmness). As mentioned, features were extracted for each 118 data type and then supervised learning algorithm was implemented that took these features as input and interpreted them for final prediction. 4.3.3 Classification Methods Classifiers are compared on the experimental data. The Naïve Bayes classifiers are trained and tested on the individual and multiple subjects. Later than all the features were extracted, these were provided as contribution to the learning systems, which were trained to differentiate the tension state. The training data has been classified into two different sets in order to evaluate that how activity information may influence the results of a stress inference. One set of training data includes only the GSR/BVP/Temperature related features, while the second set also includes the accelerometer information. We also evaluated the classification performance for the between-subjects datasets and within-subject datasets. A cross-validation analysis was applied on the resulting models. The entire dataset was used to generate several types of the physiological response models. These models included the models of changes to all GSR/BVP/Temperature response. For a cross-validation, the original sample is randomly partitioned into k equal size sub-samples; of these k sub-samples, a single sub-sample is retained as the validation data for testing the model, and the remaining (k – 1) sub-samples are used as the training data. (Abu-Nimeh et al., 2007)The cross-validation process is then repeated k times (the folds), with each of the k sub-samples used exactly once as the validation data. The k results from the folds can then be averaged (or otherwise combined) to produce a single estimation. According to the cross validation strategy, the original data is first divided into 10 equal subsets. Sequentially, one subset is tested using the classifier trained on the remaining subsets. This process is repeated until every instance has been used exactly once for testing. The overall success rate for a classifier is then evaluated as the number of correct classifications divided by the total number of feature sets tested: 119 45567859:8;< * 3 =->-=-, = ,?@ = A (2) Considered mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of skin conductance and peak height; the total number; and the cumulative amplitude, rising time, and energy of startle responses in a segment. These features were initiated useful in the earlier studies. The Naïve Bayes classifiers are based on the probability models that integrate class conditional assumptions (Quattoni et al., 2004) We basically estimate the probabilities that an object from each class will fall in every cell of the discrete variables (every probable discrete value of the vector variable X), and then we employ Bayes theorem to create a classification. This technique computes the conditional probabilities of the diverse classes given the values of attributes of an unidentified sample and then the classifier will calculate that the sample belongs to the class having the maximum posterior probability. If an instance is represented by an ndimensional feature vector, (x1, x2,…, xn), a sample is classified to a class c from a set of probable classes C according to the highest posteriori (MAP) decision rule, mentioned in chapter 3. Classify (a1, a2,… = argmax p(C=c)∏,-. pxi|C * c (3) The conditional probability in the above calibration is obtained from the estimates of the possibility mass function using the training data. Even though the self-determination assumption may not be a practical model of the probabilities involved, it may still permit relatively correct classification performance. 4.3.4 Observations In this section, the results from all three experiments are discussed. The situations and emotions where there occurs a great arousal, such as horror and melancholy were easy to identify, whereas the lower arousal emotions, such as joy and sadness were meagerly distinguishable. The present work is an attempt to such an end and hopes to find out the methods and ways to 120 achieve the goal of affective communication. This experiment has a drawback that it is not based on the natural / real emotional states, but the induced emotions are being observed and analyzed. The other factor of importance is the emotional responses that are purely dependent upon the regulation capability of the individual. The signals from the experimental subjects were gathered and diverse features were extracted. The prediction performance was evaluated using 10-fold cross validation: 10 samples were pulled out as the test samples, and the residual samples were used to train the classifiers. The objective was to develop and train a system that accepts the various physiological variables as input and predicts the participant’s affective state. Few examples of the statistics variation are shown below: GSR Variation Fig. 4.3: Variation in GSR 121 BVP Variations Fig. 4.4: Variation in Blood volume Pulse (BVP) Temperature Variation Fig. 4.5: Variation in Temperature 122 4.4 CONCLUSIONS The results from the experiments illustrate a promising correlation among the emotional tension and the monitored physiological signals. The tests performed with the classifiers have recognized the user emotional states on the basis of the features extracted from the physiological signals. These results have exposed that, below the controlled conditions, the simultaneous monitoring and simultaneous processing of three physiological signals: BVP, GSR, and ST are complete success. This work corresponds to the data collected in the controlled laboratory settings. However, the controlled setting in a laboratory is not suitable for mobile emotion monitoring, because the physical activity affects the measured physiological signals. The automated induction of an accurate physiological response was followed by the prediction models. It is interesting to know that for predicting all three parameters the accuracy levels were surprisingly high. The physiological responses follow directly from the changes in affect and thus can be used as the key predictors of an affective state. Although biofeedback devices can be used to obtain actual physiological signals, it may be impractical to require the users to biofeedback equipment and then deploy an additional hardware with the applications. 123 Chapter 5 POWER EFICIENCY AND SYSTEM COST Cost-effectiveness includes the data concerning the reduction in physician visits and/or medication use, decrease in the medical care cost, reduction in the hospital stays, reduction in mortality, and enhanced quality of life. The evidence suggests that the multi component behavioural treatments are cost-effective in all dimensions(Schafer et al., 2011). The hardware and software structural design (communication protocols, power organization policies, and application-level control) has been tuned to optimize the price, battery autonomy, and real-time performance that is required for this function. This chapter talks about the factors that show that how this study has given benefits in terms of cost and power. 5.1 Introduction The most expensive investment to set up a biofeedback system is the equipment (Brunelli et al., 2006, Sugar et al., 2007). The price of the apparatus can dwarf the price of all the training and mentoring you need to go through. The time-commitment needed to essentially get a device working can be overpowering. Most of the people do not enter this field since they see the implausible cost of the multi-channel equipment with tons of whistles and bells and then realize that its use is simply unintelligible. It is important to know how to assess what equipment is suitable for intended use. To have a cost-effective product, one wants to pay very less for software or hardware with other capabilities. To have good physiological systems, person need to record the physiological activities to treat diverse disorders and then to recover the functioning of the healthy clients; this is probable when you take a suitable biofeedback course with very low power consumption and less cost. As before stated, there is no need to buy a very expensive machine capable of recording many more channels than you will ever use – as long as you are certain you won’t enlarge your use of biofeedback techniques and 124 types of patients. In general, if the quality of the hardware and software is kept equal with more channels, the cost and energy effectiveness will be immense. 5.2 Energy efficiency Energy efficiency is an approach of managing and restraining the growth in energy consumption or of working on low power. Something is more energy efficient if it delivers more services for the same energy input, or the same services for the less energy input. Power management has become a very important research area and various approaches have been anticipated. Power efficiency has become a crucial issue in the current computing systems. For the mobiles and other portable devices, battery is one dominant constraint with a fixed energy budget. For the high-performance servers, the ever-increasing power consumption brings in not only the tremendous difficulty with high cost of building and operating the cooling system, but also the reliability concerns. Present work focuses on the performance of the low standby power circuits. The use of the applications with the embedded devices is increasing day by day. The users want more functionality in smaller size and with longer battery life. The developments in the area of technology for batteries could not kept pace with those in the processing power and storage. One of the important factors is power dissipation. It is a compute of the rate at which the power is lost from an electrical method. When an electric current works on a performer, the internal energy of that conductor increases which causes its temperature to increase above the ambient (surrounding) temperature. This additional causes the power to dissipate away from the conductor into the surroundings during the process of heat transfer. The rate of this heat shift (joules per second) is known as 'power dissipation' (in watts). The Microcontroller used in this research work is TI’s MSP430 family of ultra-low-power MCUs that consist of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for the various applications. The architecture, 125 combined with the several low-power modes is optimized to achieve an extended battery life in the portable measurement applications. There are two ways for making the system energy efficient; these ways are discussed next: Static Power Management: This management deals with regulating the power consumption in the inactive periods while preserving the states of OS & applications according to the pre-defined policies. It requires user interaction to reactivate the system, for example, sleep hibernation and suspend. In this research, the concept of the static power management is applied and explained in the section below. Dynamic Power Management: It refers to implementing the power management schemes while programs are running. It manages the power of the peripheral devices through the device drivers and operating system. 5.2.3 Proposed Low-Power model This section discusses few parameters that were taken care to increase the energy-efficiency. Those parameters are: • Using the Sleep/awake algorithm • Using a high resolution ADC After doing certain test, it was observed that the analog to digital conversion saturates at 2.35V.MSP430 is having ADC of 16 bits so the resolution is: 2.35 E * .035HE 65536 ADC in used microcontroller has a resolution of .035mV and the minimum tension is 136mV, with this it can be analyzed that there is no need of operational amplifier. By removing operational amplifier has given an advantage to system by consuming less power. 126 This concept helped in achieving an energy efficient objective. Moreover, algorithm 5.1 (Sleep/awake algorithm) is designed to achieve more power efficiency. The algorithm is described below: Algorithm 5.1: Purposed and applied Sleep/awake algorithm STEP 1: Fetching Input STEP 2: Input for conversion to digital form STEP 3: Waiting for data sample to be converted STEP 4: Data Analysis STEP 5: Calculations of results STEP 6: Send to PC for final data STEP 7: Repeat from the step 1. By default, it will be in low power mode; converts only when demanded or a signal is sent from PC to microcontroller. STEP 8: Wait for a signal from PC to start the process If yes Conventional process will be followed Else Check for signal / Step 1 will be followed. 5.2.4 Power Analysis The power consumption in the current design will start with the memory. The current drawn by the MCU depends on the mode of its operations. The number of peripherals used also effects the current consumption. If we enable more peripherals for our use then the current consumption will increase. For MSP430F2013 microcontroller, the typical current 127 consumption is 220uA at 2.2V in the active mode (by assuming that the MCU peripherals are operating at their maximum limitation). The maximum load current on the reference output voltage buffer of MSP430F2013 is equal to 1mA at 3.6V; that makes the power consumption to 3.6mW.There are some losses in the circuitry of the MSP430F2013 microcontroller as well, that is, the Standby Mode (0.5 µA) with power consumption of .013mW.Static power consumption is the product of the device leakage current and the supply voltage. This static power consumption is defined as quiescent, or PS, and can be calculated by following equation: PS =VCC x ICC Where: VCC = supply voltage ICC = current into a device Icc, Active Current/Operation = 17mA. Vcc, Operating Voltage = 3.6V Power Consumption during programming the memory, (In active Mode) PS = 3.6 x17= 61.2mW (1) (Standby mode) PS = 3.6 x 0.013 = .46 mW (2) Sleep/Awake algorithm is implemented in Standby mode by using 5.3 Expenditure Effectiveness In a normal biofeedback session, electrodes attached to the skin send information to a small monitoring box that translates the data into a tone varying in the pitch, a visual meter varying in the brightness, or a computer screen that shows lines moving across a grid. The sensors are the leads and the signal transformers that attach to the patient are classically specialized for simply a few types of signals. They can increase the price of a machine by several hundreds of dollars – possibly thousands. The 128 same goes for the multiple channels. channels. Few examples of the similar systems are given below: 5.3.1 Biofeedback Machines ProComp5 Infiniti(Andziulis Infiniti et al., 2009) is housed in an ergonomicallyergonomically designed case and requires only a USB port to attach to any IBM compatible PC. ProComp5 Infiniti™ has the identical inputs as ProComp Infiniti, but omits the last 3 channels. The first two sensor channels provide an final signal signal fidelity (2048 samples per second) for presentation the raw EEG, SEMG, EKG, and HR/BVP signals, while the residual 3 channels sample the data at the rate of 256 samples per second for the slower signals, such as respiration, temperature, and force. Not only can ProComp5 Infiniti™ capture information in the real time by connecting straight to the PC via its fiber-optic fiber optic cable, but it can also store the information on a Compact Flash memory card for uploading afterwards to the PC; or it can also use optional optiona long-range range compact flash module telemetry anytime it is desirable. Unlike the competitive equipment, all channels can be used with any grouping of sensors, including EEG, EKG, RMS SEMG, Skin Conductance, Heart Rate, Blood Volume Pulse, Respiration, Goniometer, Goniometer, Force, Inclinometer, and Torsiometer. Fig. 5.1: ProComp5 Infiniti System T7525M ProComp5 Infiniti System: • TT-USB USB interface unit 129 • Fiber-optic cables (1’ and 15’) • Four alkaline “AA” batteries • Sleek fabric storage and carrying case The price of the invention is $2964 (177840/-INR). 5.3.2 GSR2/Temp Biofeedback System The GSR2/Temp(Yazdani et al., 2012) is the same unit as the GSR2. It monitors the Galvanic Skin Response from the finger tips to monitor the changes in the autonomic nervous system that reflect tension or relaxation. In addition to the GSR2 functionality, the GSR2/Temp also includes a Thermistor to monitor the finger temperature and a meter to display the changes in the temperature. The GSR2/Temp actually has two biofeedback units in one with both of these capabilities. It also includes a hands-free GSR finger sensor. Fig. 5.2: GSR/Temp 2x Biofeedback with the GSR2/Temp gives you this unique dual monitoring capability to help you take your relaxation response deeper. Knowing your physical reaction helps you in changing your responses. The GSR2/Temp measures the ups and downs in the autonomic nervous system activity by measuring the subtle changes in the moisture level of your fingers; the 130 often discussed Galvanic Skin Response. The cost of the product is Rs 16,433 /5.3.3 ECG MACHINES A portable ECG machine measures the activity of the heart. The heart rate can be measured by finding the interval between the R-R impulses. Following are the examples of some of the portable ECG machines available in the market. Holter Monitor A Holter monitor(Hanke et al., 2009) is a small portable ECG device named after its inventor, the American biophysicist Norman Holter. The Holter monitor is broadly used to measure the heart rate. The device records the electrical activity of the heart, typically over a 24-hour period, while the patient keeps a diary recording the activities and any symptoms felt. The ECG recording is then analyzed, and irregular heart activity is correlated with the patient’s record of the activities and symptoms. Fig.5.3: Holter Monitor Though widely used, these units have some drawbacks. These units do not have the facility of providing the information about the variations in the heart rate over a span of time. The Holter monitors do not provide any information/feedback to the user when the vital sign preset limits are 131 exceeded. Moreover, these units are expensive, cumbersome, and cannot be used for the long-term monitoring. The cost of the Holter monitors ranges from Rs.50,000 to Rs.2 lakh typically. The Digital Heart Rate Monitor The Digital Heart Rate Monitor (Hanke et al., 2009), manufactured by Electronic Engineering Corporation, is a cost-effective device that uses three ECG electrodes to monitor the cardiac rate. The heart rate is determined by the principle of electrocardiography. The device can measure the heart rate from 20bpm to 300bpm. Figure 5.4: The Digital HRM Features: • Detection Principle: Electrocardiography • Electronic circuitry: Digital Integrated circuit • Heart Rate Range: 20 to 300bpm. • Power: 220V/50Hz mains supply • The Digital Heart Rate Monitor does not indicate the variations in the heart rate The cost is the digital HRM is Rs.14,000/-. 132 5.3.4 Multiparameter Bedside Monitor (MPM 5533) MPM 5533 is a multi-parameter monitor manufactured by BPL(Henneman et al., 2006). The MPM 5533 measures the heart rate by both the electrocardiography and photoplethysmography technique. The measuring range of the device is 30bpm to 250bpm. Features • Detection Principle: Electrocardiography and Photoplethysmography • Adult to Neonatal usage • Large 10.4" colour TFT display • Non-fading solid traces of graphical wave forms on the 320 x 240 graphic LCD screen Fig. 5.5: Bedside Monitor MPM 5533 5.3.5 • Heart rate range: 30bpm to 250bpm • Visual alarm indicator • Graphic & Tabular Trend Information • Network Connection for Central Monitoring • Power Consumption: <18VA • Optional Built-in Strip Chart Recorder • Cost: Rs.5 lakh typically. Cardiomon CCM900 133 Cardiomon CCM900 (NAIDU et al.), is a portable ECG monitor developed by L&T, India. Features • Low cost simple ECG monitor • Uses 3 lead ECG electrodes • Status screen display with auto-set of all alarms • Trending of heart rate • Cost : Rs.87,900 Fig. 5.6: Cardiomon CCM900 5.3.6 BioView HRV Monitor The Bioview model monitor (Heinze et al., 2012) for HRV is designed for use in conjunction with a standard IBM compatible PC to record a patient’s ECG and heart rate variability. Features • Detection Principle: Electrocardiography (ECG) • Records Heart Rate Variations • Displays Graphical Trends of HRV on PC • Connected through RS-232. 134 Fig. 5.7:Bioview HRV monitor Cost: Rs.1.75 lakh (excluding the cost of the PC) The comparison of the portable ECG monitors and HRV equipments available in the market with the proposed work is presented in the next section. 5.3.7 Resources of Proposed work One of the objectives of the work was to reduce the cost. A microcontroller’s inexpensive, flexible, and autonomous design allows it to command almost any contemporary task that employs embedded systems. The complete EZ430 package, including the tool and the software, trades at $20 (approx. Rs.1200). The additional hardware package could total about $25 - $30 (approx. Rs.1500/-). An EZ430 package consists of: • A CD (full copy) of Texas Instruments for the MSP430 including training labs, presentations, and professional material. • Advanced MSP430 development kit (compiler and hardware) Table 5.1: Budget for the Project Necessary Hardware Quantity Price (in Rupees) Remarks EZ430 1 1500/- With complete package, including the compiler Connector 2 100/- Electrodes 2 150/- 135 LED 4 20/- photo diode 1 5/- LM35 1 95/- Hardware Subtotal Software 1870/0/- (included in EZ430 package) Other charges 100/- Total 1970/- round off 2000/- 5.4 Conclusion This chapter discussed the benefits of the implemented research that includes the different aspects of TI’s low cost, fixed-point, and ultra lowpower chips that are often used as smart components. The major influences are in favor of the low-power consumption, small package size and less cost. The integrated analog and processing power of the MSP430F2013 family provides a low cost yet powerful MCU solution that can be used in various applications. The Sleep/Awake algorithm designed and developed in this research has helped in less consumption of power. For more details, see the following conclusion table. Table 5.3: Comparison of the Existing Machines and Proposed Work PARAMETERS Detection Principle HOLTER MONITORS ECG DIGITAL HR MONITOR BEDSIDE MONITOR (MPM5533) ECG CARDIOMON (CCM900) BIOVIEW Alarm on Portable Power Supply Cost Detection of Abnormality No Yes 1.5 volt AA Rs.50,000 to alkaline 2 lakh battery No Yes 2-7 V Rs.20,000 ECG & PPG Yes Yes ECG Yes Yes 100 - 240 VAC, 47-63 Hz, 1.1 – 0.45 A 12 VDC ECG No Yes 230 V / 50 Hz Rs.1.75 lakh 136 Rs.5 lakh Rs.87,900 No Yes excluding the cost of PC 3.6V – 6.5V Rs. 177840/- Yes Yes 9V Battery Rs 16,433 /- Yes Yes 9V Battery Rs 11,524 YES YES 1.8 V Rs 40005000 HRV MONITOR ProComp5 Infiniti™ GSR2/Temp 2X EEG, EKG, SEMG and HR/BVP signals GSR/BVP GSR GSR2 Biofeedback Relaxation System Proposed Work GSR/BVP/Temperature 137 CHAPTER 6 EMOTION RECOGNITION DEVICE USER GUIDE This guide introduces the Blood volume Pulse (BVP), Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and Temperature biofeedback detecting emotion Training System. This device is designed to develop the skills in body awareness and self-regulation practice. The guide has two purposes: first, the explanation of what emotion detection device actually is, and the second, the training on how to use the machine. Specifically, the physiological parameters that are being measured in this are: Skin Conductance (SC),(Zantis, 2012) Volume of blood in each pulse, and Temperature. The Sympathetic Nervous System, which is one of the two branches of the ANS causes quite rapid increases in the physiological parameters. Subjects (Human) measure changes in the skin’s conductivity due to a stimulus, whether it is a picture, smell, sound, or touch. 6.1 General guidelines The Skin Temperature, Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), and Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) feedbacks are measured from the fingers. The fingers are highly sensitive to the emotions, such as Hypertension, Stress, Phobias, and Anxiety in the human body. This equipment can measure the different parameters and based on that it can display the results/emotions on the screen (LCD/LED). The activity of the glands is determined by the autonomic nervous system, which contains two major subunits: (a) the parasympathetic nervous system and (b) the sympathetic nervous system. The glands of the skin are solely controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, making them a good indicator for the inner strain and stress. The sympathetic nervous system reacts to the stress stimuli by activating all the “emergency functions” of the body; bringing it to a state of heightened responsiveness, that is, increased pulse rate and blood pressure. With these changes comes the effect of “wet hands” on which our measurement relies. 138 A scientific theory for this effect assumes that our ancestors needed it to have a firmer grip on things, for example, in a flight or pursuit through a difficult terrain. When the threatening situation is over, the parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant; the pulse rate, blood pressure, and glucose level start falling. The body enters a resting state to allow the recuperation, and the hands become dry again. The skin response is a quite universal tool for the biofeedback training. It is widely used in the therapy of anxiety, panic disorders, and specific phobias. Further fields of use are high blood pressure, tinnitus, and sleep disorders. If you suffer from a serious disorder or medical condition, always consult a professional physician or therapist, and do not attempt a treatment on your own. Measurements are done by placing two electrodes on two fingertips of the same hand. The dark colored lower side of the electrode should be in good skin contact. The goal of the feedback training is twofold: (a) reduction of the permanent, that is, basic level of stress and (b) reduction of the immediate stress response to a particular stimulus.(Ohme et al., 2009) 6.2 Technical background The philosophy of technology is based on each sensor’s ability to store its own data on an internal flash memory chip and micro-controller. The sensor uses an internal voltmeter to detect the micro changes in the skin’s resistance and conductivity. When a stimulus is sensed, the sympathetic nervous system reacts causing many physiological changes including the release of miniscule amounts of sweat from the sweat glands. These small changes in the skin’s moisture level allow for an electrical current to pass through both skin and tissue more easily. In BVP the LED must face the light detector in order to detect the light as it passes through the tissues. The probe emits a light when the machine is switched on. You must check that you can see the light to make sure the probe is working properly. 6.3 Using the skin response in the biofeedback training 139 For a successful training, we need a quiet and comfortably tempered room with convenient seating and clothing; and without the phones and any other sources of distraction. You should avoid all the conditions that can make you sweat out of purely the physical reasons, such as an intense physical activity before the training or an intense sunlight and heat. To obtain the comparable results, you should try to keep the initial and ambient conditions constant throughout all the training sessions. Wrap the two electrodes around the upper or middle phalanges of your index and middle fingers of the same hand. The dark lower side of the electrodes must be in good skin contact. It is recommended to use the nondominant hand (that is, the left hand for right handed people and vice versa), because the skin tends to be a little less callused n the nondominant hand. Attach the cables and wrap the tape around the clips to ensure a firm contact. Similarly, BVP consists of two parts: (a) the light emitting diodes (LEDs) and (b) a light detector (called a photo-detector). The beams of the light pass through the tissues from one side of the probe to the other. The blood and tissues absorb some of the light that is emitted by the probe. The light absorbed by the blood varies with the saturation of hemoglobin. The photo-detector detects the transmitted light as the blood pulses through the tissues and based on this, the MCU calculates a value. The grip of the tape on the sensors should neither be too firm to block the blood circulation nor too loose to let the sensors slip and move around. The subject should keep the hand down onto a comfortable support; in a calm and relaxed resting position.(Nestoriuc et al., 2008) 6.4 Hardware/Software Set-up You can start setting up the device set-up by clicking a small push button. One of the options is 'Simulator'. In the simulator mode, you can learn how to use the software without the encumbrance of sensors and leads etc. The application simply uses the recorded data as a source. The skin of the subject should be clean and free from any oily substances, for example, the suntan lotion. Some subjects have very dry skin that can make it difficult 140 for the sensors to capture a good signal. Users with very dry skin will have to be treated differently. The finger contacts should be snug on two adjacent fingers – usually the index and the second finger – but not too tight to be uncomfortable. Make sure that the two sensor contacts are in good contact with the skin. Once set up, the program starts running and sends the data across to be stored in MCU for the future analysis. On the same time, the simulations can also be observed on the attached PC, if so required. Steps to use the instrument • Plug in the USB port to switch on the device. • Place the fingers on each sensor with a delay of 3 seconds. Fig 6.1 The electrode placement (Marmor et al., 2009) One should keep the sensors at a distance, so that they do not touch each other. The electrodes must be separated first and then fingers placed on them. • Take off the fingers from the sensors. • This part is capable of sensing the different bio-signals, converting the analog signals to the digital ones, processing & analyzing the data, and finally showing the output using LED. The RED LED reflects Stress, the YELLOW LED reflects Calmness, and the GREEN LED reflects Joyfulness. 141 • At this stage, if you remove the fingers from the sensors, the LCD displays “SYSTEM READY TOUCH SENSOR.” • System is again ready and you can ask the next subject for the analysis. 6.4.1 Biofeedback training by using the proposed device First stage: observe, test, and determine the initial status Record your state for the 30 seconds at rest without influencing the measurement. Relax as best as you can and do not watch the measured values, as it can compromise a true measurement. If you find your skin conductance continuously rising without any reason, you may have attached the electrodes too firmly, making you sweat beneath. At this point, the humidity should be directly noticeable. If necessary, dry your hands and reattach the electrodes with a little more slack. Second stage: Targeted Biofeedback training with the skin response The second stage consists of multiple sessions. Start the measurement and watch the values for a while. Then try to bring the values down through an active and conscious intervention. There are many ways to do this, such as breathing in a controlled and calm pattern; and techniques of muscle relaxation or autosuggestion. The exact way is up to you; your knowledge on relaxation and your will to experiment. The device gives you a realtime feedback of even the smallest effects. This can change the emotion, for example, from stress to calmness. Third stage: deliberate provocation, relaxation, and stress coping Actively use the stress stimuli (stressors) to improve your ability to deal with them. Because of its immediate feedback and sensitivity, the skin response is particularly a useful tool to work with direct provocation. It helps in knowing that the amplitude of the skin reaction is proportional to the intensity of the stressor. The training begins with a period of rest, so start the measurement and relax for a couple of minutes. A selective 142 stressor should be applied, such as sound or image with a negative connotation. Almost every person knows about the certain things or situations that can cause distress for him or her. As an example: if you have trouble speaking out loud before a larger group of people, try to imagine the situation and pretend holding a speech before a large group. Under the influence of such a stressor, you are likely to see a surge in the skin response. 6.4.2 Standard Controls Main control is with MCU that acquires the data, does extraction by using a code, analyzes the data, and then displays the output as certain emotion with the help of the 3 LEDs (where the RED is for STRESS, the GREEN is for JOY, and the YELLOW is for CALMNESS). Each factor in the device is self-explanatory. The control sets the time period at which the data is written to the session data file. It is particularly useful for the coaches and the therapists. The events, thus marked are represented in the long term chart by a vertical white line. 6.4.3 Sensor features: • Fully digital data. • Rugged plastic ergonomic case. • Push button switch for Start/Stop experiments in the off-line mode. • LED indicator of experiment status (blinks while collecting the data). • Pre-calibrated sensing equipment. Note: product is intended for the educational and medical use only. 6.4.4 Precautions and safety • Do not allow any liquid substance into either the GSR sensor or probes. 143 • Wash hands prior to using the device for the best results. • After use, gently wipe away any foreign material from the sensor. • Store in a box at the room temperature, keeping out of the direct sunlight. • Do not use or store the device in the dusty or dirty areas; its moving parts and electronic components can be damaged. • Do not store the device in the hot areas. High temperatures can shorten the life of the electronic devices • Power off the device when not in use. • This device is not water-resistant. Keep it dry. • Use only in the normal position as explained in the product documentation. 144 Chapter 7 CONCLUSION In order to ensure that a healthcare service adapts a real-time intelligent system while interacting with the patients, a reliable algorithm is required to classify the emotional states of a patient. This chapter is based upon the overall conclusions drawn from this research work. It also includes the conclusions drawn from the emotion intelligence, by implementing different intelligent methods on the adaptive and non-adaptive systems for estimating the emotion value. Moreover, this chapter also describes the future scope of this research work. 7.1 Introduction In the general engineering terms, feedback is used to control a process. If this concept is applied to the biological processes within the body, it is known as biological feedback or biofeedback. A variable produced by the procedure is measured and compared with the reference value; based on the differences, an action is taken to bring the variable equal to the reference value. The body functions that are controlled by the autonomic nervous system are generally not subject to the voluntary control.(Krassioukov et al., 2012) In fact, most of these body functions are not concisely perceived. However, it has been found that if some suitable methods can be used to measure these functions, and if the information pertaining to the magnitude of these functions can be conveyed to the subject, a certain degree of voluntary control can be exercised over some of these body functions. Biofeedback is not completely understood, but presently, it is being used in the clinical treatments. Many different physiological processes have been evaluated for a possible control by the biofeedback methods including EEG, EMG, heart rate, blood pressure, 145 GSR, BSR, and temperature. (Uchino, 2006)There have been a number of experimentations in the use of biofeedback for the secondary effects. A major shortage of the potable, cost effective, and power efficient intelligent methods has motivated a design for the direct interaction with patients. There is a need to develop a system that is capable of detecting and responding to the emotional states of a patient and facilitating the positive patient experiences in the healthcare sector. Analysis of the effects on the emotional states of the patient has revealed that the physiological signals (GSR, BVP, and Temperature) must have a utility for promoting the positive arousal and valence states. Afterwards, an automatic prediction of the users' emotion-based machine learning algorithms (Naïve Bayes and Markov Model) is made. 7.2 Conclusions of the study The biofeedback device includes a sensor capturing the body variables (bio-signals) that is to be analyzed by the biofeedback process. The magnitude of the measured variable is converted into a appropriate visual or auditory cue to be accessible to the subject. Occasionally, it is necessary to provide an additional signal processing among the measurement and feedback part of the instrumentation. In the system that is being designed here, the changes in the physiological signals (due to the changes in the body conditions) are captured and processed for the data analysis; and then are displayed in a form of emotion. Biofeedback has already been represented by some to be the purest form of “self-control”. The accomplishment of biofeedback depends on the interpretation of the data and training of the subjects, so that they can use the results successfully. Some people believe that they perform better while under stress, but the fact is, that’s the rare case. In fact, research has shown that the stress makes a person more likely to make mistakes. (Kouzes and Posner, 2010) Besides, the stress makes a person forget where he/she has put the keys. 146 Stress can also have a dramatic impact on your health. It can make you sick, ruin your teeth, ruin your heart, make you fat, make you look older, or can also weaken your immune system. Emotions play a pivotal role while dealing with the patients who are going through stress. The main aim of this study is to detect and estimate the emotions. These emotional characterizations can help improve the performance of the recommendation and retrieval systems. The analysis and evaluation directions in this thesis consist of methodology and the results of the emotion recognition methods employed to detect the emotions. The detection of a new emotional state by a classification algorithm may serve as an effective method for the severing patient states and behavior adaptation to promote the positive patient healthcare experiences. This research has developed a new computational algorithm (HYBRID-NAVMAR) for the human emotional state classification to facilitate the doctors/therapist in predicting the emotion. The physiological responses, such as Skin temperature, blood volume pulse (BVP) and galvanic skin response (GSR) have been found to be obvious and valid indicators of valence and arousal. Such physiological signals from the patients were monitored as real-time system in the hospitals. It is possible to extract the physiological measures and to classify the emotional states during the patient interaction with a developed system. 147 Sensor A/D Converter Micro- LCD (display) Controll er Power Supply Fig.7.1 Basic Biofeedback System All experiments were done while treating different subjects. By monitoring the physiological signals, the emotion values were collected for the participants during the experiment trials. The process involved: (1) physiological feature extraction (2) feature selection and (3) a machine learning model of the emotional states. A proposed algorithm was applied to elucidate the relationships among the physiological responses and patient emotional states. Analysis of the patient emotional states revealed individual to detect emotions (Calmness, Stress, and Joyful). 7.3 Limitations of the Study The research findings revealed the classification models for predicting the emotional states to depend upon the user physiological characteristics. However, this research did not examine these factors consistently across various studies, such as facial, vocal, or motion. The responses were not collected from the older participants. The effects of skin moisture and subcutaneous fat thickness on the ability of the skin to dissipate heat in young and old subjects, with and without diabetes, at three different environmental room temperatures were measured.(McLellan et al., 2009) 148 7.4 Future scope This information can provide a basis for the real-time adaptation of the new methodology for the development of some applications, such as robotics behavior to optimize the patient emotional experiences in, for example, medicine delivery tasks. A future research should focus on integrating different technologies. 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Dr.Anil Chopra 167 APPENDIX-II 168 PROBABILITY TABLE Sr.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 GSR BVP Temperature OUTPUT Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low High Critical High EMERGENCY Critical Low EMERGENCY High EMERGENCY Low EMERGENCY Normal EMERGENCY Critical High EMERGENCY Critical Low EMERGENCY High EMERGENCY Low EMERGENCY Normal EMERGENCY Critical High EMERGENCY High Critical Low EMERGENCY High High EMERGENCY Low Critical High EMERGENCY Low Critical Low EMERGENCY Low High EMERGENCY Normal Critical High EMERGENCY Normal Critical Low EMERGENCY Normal High EMERGENCY High Low JOY 169 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low High Normal JOY Low Low JOY Low Normal JOY Normal Low JOY Normal Normal JOY Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low High Critical High EMERGENCY Critical Low EMERGENCY High EMERGENCY Low EMERGENCY Normal EMERGENCY Critical High EMERGENCY Critical Low EMERGENCY High EMERGENCY Low EMERGENCY Normal EMERGENCY Critical High EMERGENCY High Critical Low EMERGENCY High High EMERGENCY High Low EMERGENCY High Normal EMERGENCY Low Critical High EMERGENCY Low Critical Low EMERGENCY 170 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low High 51 High 52 High 53 High 54 High 55 High 56 High 57 High 58 High 59 High 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 High High High High High High High Low High EMERGENCY Low Low EMERGENCY Low Normal EMERGENCY Normal Critical High EMERGENCY Normal Critical Low EMERGENCY Normal High EMERGENCY Normal Low EMERGENCY Normal Normal EMERGENCY Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low High High Low Low Normal Normal High Critical High EMERGENCY Critical Low EMERGENCY High EMERGENCY Low EMERGENCY Normal EMERGENCY Critical High EMERGENCY Critical Low EMERGENCY High EMERGENCY Low EMERGENCY Normal EMERGENCY Critical High Critical Low Critical High Critical Low Critical High Critical Low High EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY ILLNESS 171 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 High High High High High High High High Low 76 Low 77 Low 78 Low 79 Low 80 Low 81 Low 82 Low 83 Low 84 Low 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Normal Low Low High Normal High Normal Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low High High Low Low Normal Normal High Low Normal High High Low 172 ILLNESS ILLNESS JOY JOY JOYFUL JOYFUL JOYFULL JOYFULL High High Low Normal Low Normal Normal Low Critical High EMERGENCY Critical Low EMERGENCY High EMERGENCY Low EMERGENCY Normal EMERGENCY Critical High EMERGENCY Critical Low EMERGENCY High EMERGENCY Low EMERGENCY Normal EMERGENCY Critical High Critical Low Critical High Critical Low Critical High Critical Low High High High Low Normal Low EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY ILLNESS ILLNESS ILLNESS STRESS STRESS STRESS 98 99 100 Low Low Low Normal 101 Normal 102 Normal 103 Normal 104 Normal 105 Normal 106 Normal 107 Normal 108 Normal 109 Normal 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Low Normal Normal Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical High Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low Critical Low High High Low Low Normal Normal High Low Normal High High Low Low Normal Normal 173 Normal Low Normal Critical High STRESS STRESS STRESS EMERGENCY Critical Low EMERGENCY High EMERGENCY Low EMERGENCY Normal EMERGENCY Critical High EMERGENCY Critical Low EMERGENCY High EMERGENCY Low EMERGENCY Normal EMERGENCY Critical High Critical Low Critical High Critical Low Critical High Critical Low High High High Low Normal Low Normal Low Normal EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY ILLNESS ILLNESS ILLNESS RELAX RELAX RELAX RELAX RELAX RELAX APPENDIX-III 174 SAMPLE EXPERIMENTS BVP TEMPERATURE Emotions Subject 1 GSR Low Low Low Anxiety Subject 2 Low High Low Anxiety Subject 3 High Low Low RELAX Subject 4 High High Low JOYFULL Subject 5 Normal High Low RELAX Subject 6 Normal Low Low RELAX Subject 7 High Normal Low JOYPULL Subject 8 Low Normal Low Anxiety Subject 9 High High Normal JOYFULL High Low Normal RELAX Subject 11 Normal Normal Normal RELAX Subject 12 Low Low Low Anxiety Subject 13 Normal Normal Normal RELAX Subject 14 High High Low JOYFULL Subject 15 Low Low Normal Anxiety Subject 16 Low High Normal Anxiety Subject 17 Normal Normal Normal RELAX Subject 18 Low Low Low Anxiety Subject 19 High High Low JOYFULL Subject 20 Normal Normal Normal RELAX Subject 21 Normal Low Low RELAX Subject 22 Low Low Normal Anxiety Subject 23 Low Low Low Anxiety Subject 24 High Low Normal RELAX Subject 25 High Normal Low JOYPULL Subject 26 Low Low Low Anxiety Subject 27 High Low Normal RELAX Subject 28 High Low Normal RELAX Normal Normal Normal RELAX Subject 30 High High Low JOYFULL Subject 31 High Low Normal RELAX Subject 32 High Low Normal RELAX Subject 33 Normal Normal Normal RELAX Subject 34 High Low Normal RELAX Subject 35 Low Low Low Anxiety Subject 36 Low High Low Anxiety Subject 37 Normal Normal Normal RELAX PERSON Subject 10 Subject 29 Gender Female Male 175 Subject 38 High Low Normal RELAX Subject 39 Low High Low Anxiety Subject 40 Normal Normal Normal RELAX 176