DELHI FINANCIAL CORPORATION (A Delhi Government Undertaking) 37 & 38, PANKHA ROAD INSTITUTIONAL AREA,JANAKPURI,NEW DELHI – 110058. Phone: 28525035, 28525036, 28525037, 28525038 & 39.Fax. 011-28525041 Affix Passport size photograph(s) duly signed & attested by Gazeted Office FORM NO. 3 For Equipment Finance Scheme (EFS) 1. Name of the Industrial concern: 2. Name of the Promoter(s): 3. Category (OBC, SC/ST, Minority Community 4. Present Address 5. Telephone No. 6. Product / Activity 7. Term Loan applied for : 8. Whether any of your relative is working in the Corporation? If so, please specify the name and relationship. 9. Whether, any of the Director of the Corporation is interested in the proposal? If so, please specify the name and relationship. Rs. Signature of the applicant with stamp (All the partners/Directors to Sign) Date : (For Official use only) 1. 2. 3. 4. Date of Receipt of application: No. & date of entry in Register: Whether processing fee has been received if so, amount Signature and name of official IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION 7. A PROCESSING FEE OF Rs. by way of a demand draft should be deposited at D.F.C. office with the application form. This fee is non-refundable irrespective of the fact whether the loan application is eventually sanctioned, declined or filed. 8. Each column of the application form along with the attached annexure should be properly filled up giving appropriate information/suitable remarks. No column should be left blank. 9. The sole-proprietor in the case of sole-proprietary concern; all the partners in respect of partnership firm; two of the directors (authorized in this behalf) in the case of company; two office bearers (authorized in this behalf) in respect of co-operative society should append their signatures against their names which should be given in block letters in the application form. They should also sign and certify all other papers to be submitted along with the forms or subsequently. 10. The application should be submitted along with all the papers, as may be applicable, details of which at the back cover of this form. 11. Partnership concerns where minors have been admitted to its benefits permission of court will be required. 12. Submission of this application, its receipt by DFC and subsequent correspondence in this connection does not in any manner mean any commitment on the part of the DFC to sanction the loan applied for. The DFC has the right to file or reject the application for loan without assigning any reason. I. GENERAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. II. Name of the unit Whether promoter belongs to Sikh, Muslim, Christian, Neo Budhist, Zorostrians or SC/ST category Constitution Date of - Incorporation - SSI Registration - Commencement of operation Location of Registered Office/Factory Line of production Pollution aspect Background of the unit MANAGEMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Constitution (Detailed note) Bio-Data of the promoters and Chief Executives Details of personal assets and liabilities of the promoters Income tax details of the concern and promoters Details of the associated/Sister concerns. Existing Credit facilities Name of Facilities Name of Bank/F.I. Amount Outstanding Security Repayment Period (Please disclose name and address of bankers of the concern and its sister concern and certify there is no default to Bank/Financial Institution as per performa enclosed as Annexure-11). PART PERFORMANCE OF APPLICANT CONCERN (For 3 Years) 1. Financial Position 1998-99 A. Fixed Assets Land Building Plant and Machinery Furniture and fixture Others Total (A) B. Current Assets Sundry Debtors Stock. Cash and Bank Balance Loans and Advances Securities & deposits Other Current Assets Total (B) C. Current Liabilities Sundry Creditors Provision of Taxes Other Current Liabilities Total (C) D. E. F. G. Current assets over Current liabilities (B-C) Bank Borrowing W/C Margin for W/C (D-E) Total Assets (A+F) H. Net Worth Capital Reserves and surplus Others Interest Free Loan Total (H) I. Secured Loans/Deposits Term loan (Bank / F.I.) Loans others Debentures Others Total (H + I) 1999-2000 2000-2001 1. WORKING RESULTS Net sales Raw material and consumables Salary and wages Power and fuel Repair and Maintenance Administrative Expn. Marketing Expenses Rent Gross Profit (before int. & Depri.) Interest Depreciation Operating Profit Tax Net Profit Dividend (%) Net Surplus (The past performance of the sister concern should be also highlighted on above proforma) III. PROPOSED SCHEME: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Product Manufacturing Process List of existing Plant and machinery (Annexure - 1) List of Proposed Plant and Machinery (Annexure - 2) Breakup of Installed Capacity (Existing & Proposed) at Annexure - 3 Expansion/Diversification/Modernisation and its justification Breakup of Raw material (Annexure - 4) Manpower (Annexure - 5) Power Load (Annexure - 6) Incremental benefits expected from installation of new Equipment (detail Note and calculations). Plan of implementation 12. Cost of Project (overall) (Rupees in lacs) Total Already To be Arranged arranged As on ------------------------------------------------------ Land Building Machinery Other Misc. Assets Preliminary and pre-ops. Margin for Working Capital Total: 13. Means of Finance (Overall) (Rupees in lacs) Total Already To be Arranged arranged As on ------------------------------------------------------(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) Capital Reserve and Surplus Intenal cash accruals Interest free Loan Interest bearing loan Term loan from DFC Term loan from Bank Others Total: 14. Cost of Project (Expansion) (Rupees in lacs) Already To be Total Arranged arranged As on --------------------------------------------------- Land Building Machinery Other Misc. Assets Preliminary and pre-ops. Margin for Working Capital Total: 15. Means of Finance (Expansion) (Rupees in lacs) Total Already To be Arranged arranged As on --------------------------------------------------(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Capital Reserve & Surplus Internal Cash Accruals Interest free loan Interest bearing loan. Term loan from Bank Term loan from DFC Total: 16. Break up of working capital requirement and its arrangement after Expansion Project. 17. Profitability, DSCR, IRR, BEP and Cash flow for a period of 5 years On completion of the scheme (Enclosed: Statements as in Enclosures) 18. Details of Collateral Securities (please see the Norms) DECLARATION We hereby declare that the information given above the statements and other Papers enclosed are, to the best of our knowledge and belief and correct in all Particulars. Signature Name and Designation Place : Date : (Please submit the application on above performa along with documents/information as per the check list (Annexure - 12 to the Nodal Officer of the Corporation at H.O. for NCT Delhi case and at B.O. for the Chandigarh). ANNEXURE - 1 M/s LIST OF EXISTING PLANT AND MACHINERY (Rs. lacs) S. No. Particulars Purchase YearNos. Purchase Value Power Load In HP Total: Total Purchase value: Depriciated value as on 31.03.200 Signature Name and designation ANNEXURE - 2 M/s LIST OF EXISTING PLANT AND MACHINERY (Rs. lacs) S. No. Description Name of Manufacturer Quoted Price Preferred No. Amount in Rs. Price 1) 2) Signature Name and designation ANNEXURE - 3 M/s Detail of Installed Capacity No. of days per annum = 300 No. of shifts per day = One/Two (8 Hr. each) Existing Sales Revenue at Installed Capacity (Existing): Rs. Utilization during last 3 years = Proposed I. Capacity ---------------------------Sales revenue at Installed Capacity (Proposed) Rs. Sales Revenue/Job work at Installed Capacity (Existing + Proposed) = Rs. Sales/Job work Revenue During 1st year at % installed capacity Rs. Sales/Job work revenue During 2nd year at % installed capacity Rs. Sales/Job work revenue During 3rd year at % installed capacity Rs. Signature Prop./Partner/Director/Authorised Signatory(s) ANNEXURE - 4 M/s Detail of Raw Materials Consumption Per Year S. No. Items Quantity Rate Amount Cost of raw material during 1st year Rs. Cost of raw material during 2nd year Rs. Cost of raw material during 3rd year Rs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Average raw material to sales ratio works out to be Profit and Loss Account of previous years. based on For M/s Signature Prop./Partner/Dir./Authorised Signatory ANNEXURE - 5 M/s BREAK UP OF THE MAN POWER S. No. Description 1. Supervisory 2. Skilled 3. Semi skilled 4. Others Salary/wages P.M. Nos. Existing Total Proposed GRAND TOTAL: Manpower expenses during 1st year Rs. Manpower expenses during 2nd year Rs. Manpower expenses during 3rd year Rs. Signature of applicant ANNEXURE - 6 M/s BREAK UP OF THE POWER LOAD S. No. Description No. of KW Nos Total Power load KW/HP ANNEXURE - 7 M/s PROJECTION OF PERFORMANCE OR PROFITABILITY 1st Yr 2nd Yr PARTICULARS SALES/Revenue from Professional Services COST OF PRODUCTION (A) RAW MATERIAL & CONSUMABLES POWER & FUEL SUB-CONTRACT CHARGES SALARIES & WAGES DIRECTOR’S REMUNERATION REPAIR MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATIVE & OVERHEADS RENT TOTAL (A) (B) INTEREST ON TERM LOAN - DFC LOAN (C) INTEREST ON WORKING CAPITAL LOAN (BANK LOAN) (D) DEPRICIATION GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C+D) (E) NET PROFIT BEFORE TAX (F) LESS: INCOME TAX PROVISION (G) NET PROFIT AFTER TAX (H) AVAILABLE SURPLUS D.S.C.R. 3rd Yr 4th Yr 5th Yr ANNEXURE - 8 COMPUTATION IOF D.S.C.R. (Rs. Lacs) PARTICULARS 1st Yr. NET PROFIT AFTER TAX DEPRECIATION INTEREST ON TERM LOAN LEASE RENTALS TOTAL (A) INSTALMENT TERM LOAN INTEREST ON TERM LOAN TOTAL (B) D.S.C.R. AVERAGE D.S.C.R. 2nd Yr. 3rd Yr. 4th Yr. 5th Yr ANNEXURE - 9 M/s CASH FLOW STATEMENT (A) SOURCES OF FUND YearConst. Period 1st Yr. NET PROFIT AFTER DEPRECIATION BUT BEFORE TAX AND INTEREST AND LEASE RENTALS INCREASE IN CAPITAL RESERVES LONG TERM DEPOSIT - Intt. Free) DEPOSITS/LOAN (Intt. Bearing) TERM LOANS INTERNAL CASH ACCURALS OTHERS DEPRECIATION INCREASE IN W/Cap. Bank Loan : INCREASE IN W/Cap. DFC Loan : TRADE CREDIT TOTAL (A) (B) DISPOSITON OF FUND LAND BUILDIN G PLANT AND MACHINERY INVESTMENT/SECURITY OTHER ASSETS PRELIMINARY AND PRE-OPS. MARGING FOR W/CAPITAL INCREASE IN CURRENT ASSETS OTHER PROVISION OF TAXES REPAYMENT/DECREASE IN Term Loan INTEREST ON TERM LOAN LEASE RENTALS DIVIDEND TOTAL 9B) OPENING BALANCE SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR CLOSING BALANCE 2nd Yr. 3rd Yr. 4th Yr. 5th Yr. ANNEXURE - 10 COMPUTATION OF BREAK EVEN POINT (Based on 3rd year working) (A) SALES (B) VARIABLE COST RAW MATERIAL AND CONSUMABLES DIRECT WAGES POWER & FUELS INTEREST ON WORKING CAPITAL SELLING EXPN. TOTAL (B) (C) CONTRIBUTION (A - B) (D) FIXED EXPENSES Add SALARY & WAGES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE RENT & TAXES LEASE RENT ADMINISTRATIVE EXPN. INTEREST ON TERM LOAN INTERST ON OTHER LOAN DEPRECIATION TOTAL (D) (E) BREAKEVEN POINT (F) SALES AT BREAK EVEN POINT (Rs. in lacs) ANNEXURE - 11 M/s PARTICULARS OF THE PROMOTERS OF APPLICANT AND ITS SISTER CONCERN ABOUT APPLICANT UNIT A. BANKERS OF THE APPLICANT UNIT SINCE INCEPTION Name & Address of bankers Limit/Loan Assistance Since when Account Whether any is in operation with default/overdue Number. ABOUT SISTER/ASSOCIATE CONCERN B. DETAILS OF SISTER CONCERN Name of Promoter of Name & Address of the concern Line of Activity Nature of Association Since when Associated C. BANKERS OF THE SISTER/ASSOCIATE CONCERN Name & Address of bankers D. Limit/Loan Assistance Since when Account Whether any is in operation with default/overdue Number. Operational performance of the Unit# For the last three years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Sales Job Receipts Gross Profit Net Profit Depreciation Income Tax Paid # Attached copies of Balance Sheet, P & L A/c, I.T. Returns and assessment order for the last 3 years duly certified by CA. I/WE UNDERTAKE THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS CORRECT AND NOTHING HAS BEEN CONCEALED. THERE IS NO DEFAULT WITH ANY BANK/FINANCIAL INSTITUTION/GOVT. AGENCIES. Promoter/Partners/Directors Seal and signature Note: Please Add Authority letter to Bank. Please indicate separately the details about the unit/sister concern indication the changes taken place in constitution since the inception and its activities. ANNEXURE - 12 DELHI FINANCIAL CORPORATION NEW DELHI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. List of outstanding information/documents to be submitted Along with loan Application Form for Rs. 10.00 lacs and above Copy of allotment letter/lease deed of the land. Rented premises a) Location b) Covered area c) Rent amount payable Sketch plan layout indicating are under plant & machinery, storage and other usages. A brief note on the manufacturing process. List of existing plant & machinery alongwith its purchase value, year of purchase & suppliers/ Manufacturers detail. Purchase value of the plant and machinery of sister concern/company. Comparative statement of P & M/c in the attached proforma along with at least two quotations of each machine along with catalogues. Customer’s list of preferred indigenous plant and machinery’s suppliers. Details of the OGL - Appendix No., item no. in respect of imported machinery. Copy of the import licence, if required. Tariff rate of custom duty of proposed imported machinery with proof thereof. Break up and basis of the installed capacity (existing and proposed). Copies of the various sales bills of the product being manufactured in the case of existing units. 2/3 assurance letters in respect of Sales/job rae to be charged and marketing tie-up letter from the prospective customers giving quantity of the product to be lifted. Norms of the applicable excise duty with proof thereof. Breakup and basis of the cost and quantity of the required raw material Consumables along with quotations/purchase bills. Details of salaries/wages of existing/proposed manpower. Power load breakup machine wise (existing/proposed) A detailed note on the inspection/tests required for quality for quality control arrangements. A detailed note on demand, scope and marketability aspects. FINANCIAL Sources of raising capital. Details of assets and liabilities of the proprietor/partners/directors. Copies of the I. Tax/Wealth Tax returns/assessment orders of all the Directors/partner/Proprietor for the last three years and details of their PAN No. Balance Sheets of the company/concern for the last three years in case of existing units duly audited by C.A. Bank reports of applicant/sister concern/company. Balance Sheets of sister concern/company for the last three years duly certified by C.A. Details of collateral security alongwith photocopy of title deed and valuation report (if any). Copy of resolution of the company authorizing the Directors for signing the documents. Copy of form “A” and “B” and partnership deed in case of partnership concern. Assurance letter from Bank for working capital tie-up. Copy of the memorandum and Articles of Association and list of share holders with shareholding and paid up amount. Photocopy of the title deeds of the immovable property of Directors/partners/proprietor/ guarantors. Permanent address of the Directors/partners/proprietor/guarantors. INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE GUARANTOR WHO IS STANDING GURANTEE FOR THE REPAYMENT OF LOAN TO DELHI FINANCIAL CORPORATION IN RESPECT OF INDUSTRIAL CONCERN M/S Address For a loan of Rs. 1. Name of the Guarantor with parentage Sh./Smt. S/o., W/o Sh. 2. Age : 3. Permanent Address : 4. Present Address : 5. (c) OCCUPATION If in service following information to be Given duly supported with certificate From the employer (i) Name of the employer (ii) Address : (iii) (iv) (d) Designation Length of service If he/she is an Income Tax Assessee the Details of taxable Income and Tax paid During last three years be given (i) Name of Firm/Company (ii) Address(s) Years (iii) (10) (11) (12) Constitute Proprietorship/Partn./Pvt. Ltd./Public Ltd. Co. (iv) Date of establishment (v) Sales during last 3 years & Net Profit Years Sales N.P. (Rs. in lacs) during the last 3 years (vi) Income Tax Assessment orders to be furnished If Wealth Tax Assessee, then two years statement And Wealth Tax paid be furnished Relationship, if any, with the persons for Whom guarantee stands Particulars of the Immovable property held By the guarantor (i) Plot of land/House No. and its complete address (ii) Whether owned in own name or joint name if any, supporting copies of Title Deed to be submitted Market value of the property held by guarantor alongwith valuation report Whether the property is free from encumbrance if mortgaged (attach Affidavit as per proforma of DFC) (iii) (iv) (v) (13) Particulars of other moveable assets: (e) L.I.C. Policy (face value & Paid up value (f) U.T.I. & N.S.C.’s value (g) Shares with their value and Name of company (h) Bank balance with bank’s name Partuculars of other guarantee/Surety previously Given for repayment of loan etc./if any, to other Office or Bank etc. I solemnly affirm and declare that the particulars given above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. I also agree to execute Bond of Guarantee and to provide supporting papers, if any, concerning my networth as declared above. Signature of Guarantor